How to clean different types of fur at home

The winter season is ending, and the issue of cleaning outerwear becomes urgent. It is possible to clean a fur coat at home on your own, although there is some risk, but if everything is done according to the rules, then it is minimal. It would seem that it would be easier to take it to the dry cleaner and not bother, but not every salon accepts fur products, and those that undertake cleaning often do not give any guarantees. And yet, when there is a stain that is difficult to remove on a fur coat - for example, from wine or chocolate, it is better to entrust its removal to a dry cleaner, however, even there they do not try to deal with some stains: traces of foundation, stains from perfume.

If your product is made not only from fur, but also has inserts from other materials, primarily leather, then the chances of ruining the fur coat in dry cleaning increase. Here, a lot depends on the professionalism of the dry cleaning salon workers, whether they will bother with each item of clothing that requires a different cleaning method than the main material. Often, after cleaning in the salon, it turns out that the fur coat has slightly decreased in size, the fur has begun to come out, so with minor stains, it is better not to take risks, but to try to deal with them yourself at home. In any case, dry cleaning of even the longest-lived natural fur coats is not recommended more than 6 times during the entire period of use. There are some other tricks associated with storing fur coats.

How to clean a white or light fur coat

Starch is most often used to clean white fur coats. Sprinkle it on dirty places, and then comb it out with a brush or beat it out. Instead of starch, you can use semolina.

Remove individual stains with gasoline, but only high-quality aviation gasoline.

Try to bleach yellowness with a peroxide solution; to do this, take peroxide and water in equal proportions. First, make sure on an inconspicuous area that the peroxide will not harm. When bleaching with peroxide, try to only touch the top part of the fur.

Ammonia has a good effect, especially for removing greasy deposits and other stains. In order to clean a white or light fur coat, it must be diluted in a ratio of one to two in water. This consistency allows you to safely bleach yellowed fur. Dip an undyed sponge or cotton pad into the solution and rub the stains.

Cleaning a mink coat at home

Mink fur products do not like frequent cleaning, but if the fur is greasy or the coat has been splashed, then it is worth starting to remove the dirt. Mink prefers dry cleaning. Before cleaning, the fur coat must be dried thoroughly by simply hanging it on a hanger at room temperature. Drafts and heaters can damage fur.

To clean a mink coat, you will need a brush, which can be purchased either at fur stores or at pet supply stores. These brushes consist of dense, short metal bristles that fluff up the bristles. Small stains can be easily removed with this brush.

However, if a mink coat requires thorough cleaning, it must be treated with semolina. The cereal will act as an adsorbent, collecting all the dirt. Lay the fur coat on the surface. Sprinkle dirty places - for example, the edges of sleeves with semolina and rub as if you were washing. Only movements should be light so as not to damage the pile. Then shake the grains out of the fur coat and comb out the rest with a brush.

How to clean a mouton fur coat with home remedies

Usually dirt comes off quite easily from mouton fur. To clean a mouton fur coat from street dust at the end of the season, if there is no stronger contamination, just knock it out with a damp cloth. To do this, take a sheet or thin cotton cloth, moisten it, and cover it with a fur coat hung on a hanger. Now go over the fur coat with any device suitable for knocking out dust, or simply pat your palms over the entire surface.

After this, comb the fur coat with a brush and wipe with a vinegar solution (1 spoon per liter of water) so that the fur shines and does not have an unpleasant odor.

How to clean fur coats made from other natural furs

Each type of fur has its own nuances in care. However, there are also general rules. Natural fur coats are not washed in water or ironed. Do not dry with air flow or directly near heaters. Using a vacuum cleaner when cleaning fur coats is not good for the fur. Finish caring for your fur coat by combing it with a special brush.

The tiger fur coat tolerates wet cleaning well. Hang it on a hanger above the bathtub. In a basin, prepare a rich soap suds from hand washing powder. Now, using a regular clothes brush, apply foam to the surface of the fur coat. You don’t need a lot, it’s important to make sure that the fur doesn’t get too wet. Carefully brush over areas such as the hem, sleeves, and collar. Then change the water in the basin to clean water. Brush again, only this time removing any remaining soap suds; again, try not to wet the fur with water. Run the brush over the surface of the fur coat, rinse the brush in clean water, shake off any drops, and move on to the next area. Leave the damp fur coat to dry naturally.

Rabbit fur is delicate and needs to be handled with care. Fur coats made from this fur are cleaned mainly with bran or potato starch. For a white rabbit, starch is more suitable. Place the fur coat on a suitable surface, sprinkle the fur with a small amount of starch, rub it in lightly, and then shake it out. Comb your fur coat.

The bran for cleaning must first be heated in the oven until hot, then poured onto the fur coat. Next, rub the bran into the fur, as if you were washing it, and then comb it thoroughly along with the absorbed dirt. The work is labor intensive. At the end of cleaning, the fur needs to be given shine. This can be done by rubbing it with glycerin. Or nuts, crushed in a coffee grinder and wrapped in cheesecloth.

To clean a beaver fur coat, you will need regular river sand. To clean the sand, rinse thoroughly, dry and heat. Sprinkle warm sand over the surface of the fur, gently rub it inside, and shake it off. It is advisable to repeat the procedure.

Raccoon fur is also cleaned using adsorbents. Light shades are semolina, and for others they use sawdust from deciduous trees. Pour water into a basin, add a little alcohol, pour out the sawdust to get it wet. Scatter wet sawdust over the surface of the fur coat, rub lightly with your hands, then shake out.

Fox fur coats can also be cleaned with bran or sawdust, or with a soap solution prepared from shampoo. Wrap a cloth soaked in the solution around the brush, rub the surface of the fur coat, trying not to touch the skin, then go over the entire fur coat again with a clean cloth. Dry.

How to clean the lining of a fur coat

If the lining of a fur coat is dirty, you will have to carefully tear it off. After this, washing will not be difficult. Use cool water when washing to prevent the lining fabric from shrinking. Iron the dried lining and sew it back.

For high-quality cleaning, the fur coat should be dry cleaned. But you can handle minor stains yourself. It’s not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right method.

When to clean

There are signs that indicate that a fur coat needs cleaning:

  • severely split ends of hairs;
  • the hairs are tangled into knots;
  • particles of debris are visible between the hairs;
  • the color of the fur coat has become uneven;
  • dust contamination is visible.

Rules of care

Even if you store a fur coat in a special case during the warm season, it can still become dusty. Never use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from your fur coat. Better to gently beat or shake it.

Brush the fur 2-3 times a month using a metal pet hair brush. The hairs on your fur coat will become fluffy and shiny.

  • If the fur becomes wrinkled, rub it with a wet sponge until it becomes wet. Then comb in the direction of hair growth. Dry the fur coat on hangers, and when the fur is dry, lightly beat it out.
  • Old fur can be cleaned using potato peelings. To do this, rinse the remaining potatoes, grind in a meat grinder 2-3 times until a homogeneous mass is formed. Add ammonia (1 tsp) to the pulp and mix. Apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated area of ​​the fur coat and brush it with a brush. After this, wipe with a damp sponge.
  • To restore the softness of rough fur, wipe it with the following solution: add Vaseline (1 tbsp) and egg yolk to warm water (0.5 l). Apply the resulting liquid to the skin of the fur. Knead the product in your hands, pull in different directions. You can also use glycerin diluted with water for these purposes.
  • If the inside of the fur has become rough, moisten it with a solution of vinegar (2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water), knead it, and slightly stretch the fur coat in different directions. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times. The break between procedures is 2-3 hours. Dry the fur coat unfolded. Then lubricate it with emulsion (add 15-20 drops of ammonia and 100 g of castor oil to 1 liter of warm water) and knead again. Next, fold the fur coat skin to skin and leave it like this for 3-4 hours. Hang and dry.

Caring for different types of fur

Arctic fox. Mix table salt (3 tsp), ammonia (1 tsp) and water (0.5 l). Soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution and wipe the contaminated areas with it in the direction of lint growth.

Mink. Mink fur loses its shine over time. To return it, use the following recipe: add soap (10 g), ammonia (12 drops) and fish or pork fat to boiling water (1 liter). Cool the solution to 35 °C. Apply it to the fur using a brush.

Rabbit. First, comb out the fur. Then soak a cotton swab in 5% hydrogen peroxide or 6% acetic acid and wipe the pile in the direction of growth. Go over the pile with a damp sponge.

Astrakhan. If the gray astrakhan fur has turned yellow, wipe it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon of peroxide and 5 drops of ammonia per 200 ml of water).

Otter, mole, beaver. Lay the fur coat on a flat surface, sprinkle with hot dry sand, and wipe with your palm. Shake dirty sand onto the floor. Repeat the procedure until the fur is clean.

Cleaning dark fur

To clean dark fur, purchase bran and heat it to a temperature of 60-70 °C. Gently rub the bran into the fur until it absorbs all the dirt. Then grind the nuts in a coffee grinder or blender, tie the powder in cheesecloth. Using the resulting swab, wipe the pile along the growth line. Walnut oil will add shine to the fur.

Cleaning light fur

Lay the fur coat on a flat surface, sprinkle with semolina, potato flour or starch. Gently rub the powder over the product, remember it. Then shake out the fur coat and comb it. If the grain or starch that spills out of the fur turns gray, repeat the procedure.

To clean heavily soiled chicken or sheepskin, sprinkle the fur with starch. Dilute the washing powder in water until you obtain a homogeneous solution, and spray the product with a spray bottle. Smear the resulting mixture over the fur with your hands. Once the wet starch has dried, go over the fur coat with a pet brush. Then shake out the product thoroughly and comb again.

If the mink coat has lost its shine, creases or various stains have appeared, then it’s time to clean it. Next, you will learn how to carry out dry and wet cleaning, and what products can be used. Instructions for cleaning a white mink coat are provided separately.

Dry cleaning a mink coat

Dry cleaning is considered the most gentle, of course. It is used to remove ordinary dirt, for example, if a car has been splashed or the product has become dusty. To do this, you need to purchase a special brush for fur products with frequent, short and metal teeth.

Cleaning from dirt

A fur coat splashed with mud is dried at room temperature, hanging on a hanger. Once the fur is completely dry, it is carefully combed in the direction of hair growth several times. Now all that remains is to shake off the product well - not a trace will remain of the dirt, and the fur will shine again.

Cleaning to combat the effects of prolonged wear

Talc or semolina will help deal with shiny fur and fur that has lost volume.

Semolina helps get rid of greasy stains as it is a good absorbent. Talcum powder will not only help remove grease, but also remove odor and dust, but it is not used on dark fur, as it can leave white streaks on them.

These same products will restore their former shine:
  • The fur coat is straightened out on a straight surface, the contaminated areas are sprinkled with either talcum powder or dry semolina.
  • Rub the components into the fur with light movements for 30 seconds.
  • Then they shake it off and go through it with a special brush, removing the residue.

How to clean stains from a mink coat?

For more stubborn stains, use wet cleaning. But only the fur hairs are carefully wetted, trying to prevent moisture from getting on the base. For wet cleaning use:

Soap solution

The solution is prepared from a non-aggressive agent. It is better to use hair shampoo, which is mixed with warm, clean water and whisked until foam forms. It is applied with a sponge or soft cloth to the fur in a circular motion. Then the soap solution is removed with a damp cloth and the fur coat is allowed to dry naturally. All that remains is to go over the pile with a brush, and the updated fur coat is ready to wear.


Gasoline is used to tidy up fur coats made only from dark pile. It leaves yellow spots on light-colored fur. When working with flammable material, observe safety precautions - carry out work with an open window and away from the source of fire.

Cleaning can be done in two ways:

  • Moisten a brush in gasoline and comb the fur coat gently without pressing hard on the fur.
  • Buy sawdust from non-resinous trees (linden, oak, maple), soak them in water, adding a little pure gasoline. The fur coat is straightened out on a flat surface and sawdust soaked in a gasoline solution is laid out on it.
Regardless of the method, the final stage is to comb out the fur with a brush and air the fur coat for several hours in the fresh air.


The vinegar solution helps restore shine to fur. Vinegar is diluted with water (the concentration of the solution should not exceed 5%), take a cotton pad, moisten it, squeeze out excess moisture and wipe the pile with it. Long fur is processed according to hair growth, short fur - against it.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it and not to wet the base, otherwise damage will not be avoided.

How to clean a white mink coat

A white mink coat is a luxurious and branded product. If your fur coat is dirty, you can try cleaning it at home.

Dry brushing with talcum powder or tooth powder

The fur product is laid out on a flat surface and completely sprinkled with the chosen product - talc or powder. Leave for several hours, then shake off and brush if necessary.

Cleaning with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or ammonia

They help restore the shine of fur and the attractive appearance of the product, refresh it:
  • For 1 liter of water, take 1 tablespoon of peroxide and clean your fur coat with this solution. The algorithm of actions is the same as when cleaning with vinegar. If yellowness appears on the pile, then the concentration of the solution is increased.
  • Prepare the following solution: add 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of salt to 1–2 liters of water. Soak a cloth in this solution and wipe the fur with it. After this, let the fur coat dry and comb the pile with a brush.

How to clean vomit from a mink coat?

Vomit is a difficult-to-remove contaminant. Therefore, it is better to entrust cleaning to a professional. No opportunity? We clean a fur coat at home ourselves, in 3 stages:
  • Cover fresh stains with potato starch and rub it into the pile in a circular motion.
  • Then prepare a solution - washing powder is dissolved in water. Using a spray bottle, apply it to areas with starch and around it.
  • Carefully remove everything with a sponge and dry the fur coat. When it dries, the remaining starch is carefully combed out with a brush.

When preparing the solution, be careful when choosing the powder. So, if the fur coat is dark in color, the powder should not contain bleach.

Precautionary measures

To avoid unpleasant consequences after cleaning your fur coat, you should remember the following rules:
  • Under no circumstances should you wash your fur coat. This will lead to irreversible deformation of the fur product.
  • Drying a fur coat near heating devices (radiators, heaters, open fires) has a negative effect on it.

If the fur coat gets wet from precipitation, hang it on a hanger and dry it at room temperature indoors.

  • Ironing is strictly contraindicated for fur. It cannot be used to get rid of creases on clothes without negative consequences.
  • You cannot store a fur coat folded. If this happens, the fur coat should be unfolded, hung on a hanger and allowed to hang.

Video: Cleaning a fur coat with purchased products

There are special fur cleaning products on sale, for example, Bio Fur. In the following video you will see how to use this tool:

So, there are several ways to refresh a mink coat and rid it of dirt. Before each cleaning, be sure to test the new product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing to avoid damage to the entire product and unpleasant consequences.

Cleaning a mink coat is a very important task for every owner of this item of clothing, because even without obvious contamination, it loses its attractiveness over time due to the natural wear and tear of the fur.

Is it possible to clean a mink coat?

To restore it to its former beauty, you must use one of several methods:

  • Comb and cotton pads. To use this method, you need to soak cotton pads in water, put them on a comb and use them to comb the fur. This way you can collect all the dust.
  • Soap solution. This method not only removes dust, but also neutralizes the natural smell of fur after long wear and restores the shine of the pile. To use it, just moisten the sponge in a solution of water with shampoo or any other neutral product and then walk it over the product.
  • Dry cleaning. This method involves pouring dry starch onto the surface of the fur coat. Next, you need to rub it deeper into the fur, but carefully so as not to disturb the structure of the pile. The last step is to shake off the starch from the product. If the starch turns grey, the procedure must be repeated.

Should I take my mink coat to the dry cleaner or clean it myself?

The answer to this question depends on what type of dirt is on the fur coat. If you just need to “refresh” it, then you can handle it yourself. You can also clean the product yourself from serious contaminants. To decide on a solution, you need to consider ways to get rid of several types of contaminants yourself.

Video: types of cleaning or how to dry clean fur coats

How to get rid of:

  • Yellowness. To get rid of this type of contamination, you can use dry and wet cleaning. Dry cleaning involves using starch, chalk or semolina for this process. To solve this problem, you need to sprinkle these powders on the fur, wait a few minutes and then comb the pile until these additives completely disappear. As for wet cleaning, hydrogen peroxide is very often used for mink. To achieve a better result, peroxide is dissolved with water and a few drops of ammonia are added. A high-quality cleansing mixture ultimately consists of a glass of water, a spoonful of peroxide and a few drops of alcohol. The finished mixture is applied to the fur using cotton pads or cloth. After treatment, the fur must be dried naturally.
  • Fat. The best way to get rid of such stains is regular school chalk. It needs to be crushed into flour and sprinkled on the area of ​​contamination. Leave it until it has completely absorbed the oil and then comb it out. If not all of the stain has disappeared or it is too voluminous, the procedure can be repeated several times until the stain is completely removed.
  • Vomiting. This type of pollution is organic, so it requires a special approach to removal. There is only one effective way to remove organic matter from fur. To do this, you first need to sprinkle starch on the most contaminated areas and thoroughly rub it into the pile. Next, you should make a soap solution from washing powder and water and apply it with a spray bottle to the areas sprinkled with starch and the areas around them. Then you need to remove everything with a sponge, and after drying, comb out the remains.

Important! It is very advisable to take washing powder that will be as neutral as possible and without the use of bleach. Children's hand washing powders are best suited for these purposes.

If you cannot remove the stain manually, it is better not to repeat the procedure but to have the fur dry-cleaned, because the composition of the vomit can be very different and professional help and appropriate products will be required to completely remove it from the fur. If you are too actively searching for the best method on your own, you can greatly harm your expensive fur.

  • Champagne. Some girls first use starch or chalk to clean fur, which absorbs liquid. Next comes the process of wet cleaning of the residue, which includes treatment with a solution of water and shampoo. Some housewives treat the remnants of champagne stains not with liquid but with foam. This significantly shortens the drying process.

Important! If moisture remains after any type of cleaning, then it is worth leaving the fur coat to dry in natural conditions. If you don’t do this and try to dry the fur with a hairdryer or near a radiator, the quality of the pile will deteriorate greatly.

  • Sweet. If there is contamination from this type of food, then you need to use a cleaning method that is very similar to the previous one, but has some significant differences. To treat the stain, you need to moisten it with plain water, after first laying the product on a flat surface. Next, you need to go over the stain with a sponge soaked in shampoo and try not to leave too much of this product. Next, you need to go through the water again, removing any remaining shampoo. As a result, not a trace will remain of the stain, and the fur coat will have to dry naturally.
  • From foundation. Such stains can be removed with medical alcohol, but you should be careful with this product, so it is best to use its solution. To clean, you need to treat the contaminated area with a cotton pad slightly moistened in the solution.

How to clean a mink coat:

  • White. The main contamination of such a fur coat is yellowness. The method of dealing with it has already been described above.
  • Light. Even if the fur coat is not white, you should still adhere to the principles of working with white fur so as not to cause the unpleasant consequences of fading.
  • Black. For this type of fur, it is very important to use neutral products without bleach.
  • Blue. This type of fur coat is best cleaned with dry products or neutral solutions with shampoo so that the color does not suffer.

How to clean the collar of a mink coat from blush and foundation?

Any area of ​​the mink can be easily cleaned using a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution. It is advisable not to clean dark fur coats in this way.

How to clean fur from dust and dirt at home?

Another interesting way to get rid of this kind of dirt at home is regular knocking. To do this, you need to lay out the fur coat on a horizontal surface and knock it out on both sides onto the fabric that is placed under the product. Naturally, it is better not to overdo it with this method so as not to damage the pile.

How to refresh a knitted mink fur coat?

For this type of product, it is better to use dry cleaning of the pile and wet cleaning along the seams. Moreover, first it is best to use the dry cleaning method and sprinkle chalk or starch on the pile, and then subtract the remainder. Next, you need to treat the seams with soapy water and leave to dry naturally.

How to clean lint: the best products

If you combine all the means described above into one TOP, you will get the following list:

  • a solution of water and shampoo/other neutral detergent;
  • starch;
  • bran;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • alcohol.

You can read more about how to clean natural mink fur.

How to clean the lining of a fur coat?

There are 4 steps for this:

  1. The first step is to wipe the entire contaminated surface of the lining with a damp sponge and soap solution.
  2. The second involves removing the remaining soapy liquid with a damp sponge.
  3. At the penultimate stage, the lining is treated with dry wipes to absorb the maximum amount of moisture.
  4. The last stage consists of drying the lining naturally.

How to properly care for mink fur?

Proper care of this type of fur fits into several recommendations that should be followed:

  • Cleaning once a year. This is quite enough for each product that is not exposed to chemicals. If your fur coat constantly smells of perfume and sometimes gets dirty with cosmetics, then you should clean it twice.
  • You can store a fur coat only in a dry place where there is no access to sunlight, and for storage it is better to use special covers with slots.
  • If the winter weather does not allow you to “walk” your fur coat, then you should hang it on the balcony so that it stays in the cold for at least a day.

How to store a mink coat in summer?

  • Place in the refrigerator. There is a service for storing such fur coats in a special refrigerator, so that it is guaranteed to keep the fur coat in good condition.
  • Clear out the closet and space around the fur coat. This is very important so that the fur does not fog up and deteriorate.

Video: how to clean a natural mink coat yourself at home

A fur coat made from otter or beaver will last you the longest: up to 20 seasons. Mink is slightly less durable: 10 seasons. The shortest service life is for squirrels and rabbits: 2–4 years. But with proper care, fur items can retain their shine much longer.

How to tell if your fur is dirty

Spots and yellowness are immediately visible. A test with a hairdryer will help determine the degree of general dirtiness of the item and find the most greasy areas.

Hang your fur coat on hangers and direct cold air from a hairdryer onto it. Do the fibers fly freely and then easily fall back into place? The fur is clean. If not, you need to clean it.

But first, remember that under no circumstances should you do this with fur products.

Taboo when cleaning fur

  1. Fur cannot be washed! If the fur (the skin that holds the fur) gets wet, it can become rough and cracked. In this case, the product becomes deformed and becomes bald.
  2. Fur should not be dried with a hairdryer, on a radiator or in direct sunlight! Only possible outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Fur is not allowed! Even from the inside out.
  4. Fur cannot be cleaned with household chemicals to remove rust, washing powders with enzymes, or bleaches.

Before using any other product, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the product. For example, under the arms.

How to get rid of dust

Even in a well-closed case, a fur coat or vest can become dusty. Therefore, before storing a fur item for storage, and also before wearing it, freshen it.

Spread a damp white cotton sheet on the floor. Place the fur coat on top and beat it thoroughly, first on one side and then on the other. After that, hang it on a hanger and comb it.

If the fur is tangled and matted, spray the item with warm water from a spray bottle and let it dry. Then comb. The pile will fall into place. For the same purpose, you can carefully walk over the fur with a steamer.

How to restore shine to fur

To make your fur coat or collar sparkle again in the sun, treat them with a solution of lemon juice or table vinegar (not essence!).

Dilute lemon juice or table vinegar in water in a 1:1 ratio. Using a sponge or soft natural cloth, treat the fur. It is important that the sponge or rag is wrung out well. The pile should not be wetted, but rather wiped.

When the product dries, comb it. The effectiveness of this product is especially noticeable on mink.

Another way to restore shine to fur is to use walnuts. Grind the kernels, wrap them in gauze and rub the fur. The released nut oil will refresh the appearance of the product.

In most cases, the measures described - knocking it out and returning the shine - are enough to make a fur coat, hat or vest look like new. But more serious problems can arise with natural fur. It may turn yellow, become greasy, or become stained.

How to get rid of yellowness

Over time, light fur, as well as fur with white hair at the tips (silver fox, chinchilla and others) acquires a yellow tint. The product immediately loses its presentability.

There are several ways to clean fur from yellowness.

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt and ½ tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution using a well-wrung out soft cloth. Dry and comb.
  2. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution to the product, let dry, and comb.
  3. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of pet shampoo in a glass of warm water. Beat the foam and apply it to the pile using a sponge. After 5 minutes, remove the foam with a sponge or cloth soaked in clean water. Dry and comb.

Products with short pile can be wiped both with and against the wool. On long fur, cleaning agents are applied according to its growth, after which the pile can be ruffled.

When removing greasy deposits and stains, the color of natural fur is also important.

How to clean white fur


Starch, talc and semolina help fight grease and greasy stains on white fur. They absorb dirt and unpleasant odors.

Take starch (semolina or talcum powder) and pour it onto the contaminated area. Using a soft brush, distribute the substance between the fibers or gently rub the fur with your hands, as if you were washing. Shake the product well to remove any residue.

The dirtier the fur, the darker the starch, talc or semolina will be. The procedure must be repeated several times until the substance stops getting dirty.

It’s even more effective if you heat starch, talc or cereal before cleaning. This can be done in a dry frying pan or in the microwave.

It is important to remove all remnants of the product, otherwise it will become food for moths. Therefore, the product can not only be shaken well, but also vacuumed with a low-power vacuum cleaner. For example, the kind that is used to clean the keyboard.

How to clean dark fur

To combat stains on dark fur, the same method is used, but with different absorbents.

  1. Rye bran. Suitable for coarse fur (nutria, goat, wolf).
  2. Sawdust. Ideal for muskrat and otter fur. But under no circumstances should you use softwood sawdust: they contain resins.
  3. Sand. Copes well with dirt on the fur of moles and beavers.

How to remove stains from fur

Stains on fur clothing can have different natures and origins. For example, natural suede bags readily give off the color of fur when worn on the shoulder. You can get dirty with sauce when you eat on the run, or make a blot with a stationery pen.

You can remove stains from dark fur using gasoline (white fur will turn yellow). Refined gasoline with a high octane number. Sometimes it is applied in its pure form, but more often it is mixed with starch or washing powder without enzymes to the consistency of sour cream. A couple of minutes after application, the mixture should be removed with a sponge soaked in clean water, and the product should be dried and combed.

Stains from light fur can be removed using acetone or alcohol, also by mixing liquids with starch or baking soda.

The stronger the dye and the older the stain, the more difficult it is to deal with it at home. If the above methods do not work, do not experiment: take the fur coat to.

How to care for the flesh

If you notice that the leather base of the fur product has become rough, perform the following procedure.

Dissolve a little glycerin or Vaseline with egg yolk in a liter of warm water. Wipe the product from the inside out with the resulting mixture. Gently remember and stretch the flesh. Then remove the remaining mixture and lay the item to dry inside out.

How to clean faux fur

With faux fur products, everything is simpler and more complex at the same time.

Easier because they are washable. Preferably by hand, but it can also be done in a machine using delicate mode (up to 40 degrees, up to 600 rpm) using gentle powders and without spinning.

It’s more difficult because it’s difficult to guess with a mechanical cleaning product.

Vinegar and acetone should not be used to clean faux fur.

Otherwise, you can use all the same methods as for natural fur.

Do you know other life hacks for caring for natural and faux fur? Share them in the comments.