How to cheer up a girl: cool and useful tips. Mood swings in women: real causes

Why is it so hard for a man to understand a woman? Why is it often difficult for a woman to understand herself? Why is she not always aware of the reason for herbad mood?

Because a woman “lives” to a greater extentheart(feels, feels, guesses intuitively), and not by reason.

It is more difficult for a woman to manage emotions due to the peculiarities of the structure of the body and soul, and because no one taught her to hide them (fortunately) or control them (unfortunately).

Mood- one of the forms of human emotional life. People are able to regulate the emotional tone and dynamics of their mood.

If a woman wants to be sad, feels the need to plunge into melancholy (sometimes this is even useful), then, consciously or not realizing it, she has accepted suchsolution.

The first thing to do to cheer up a woman is to ask suchpurpose!

This goal is determined by eitherherselfa woman, or someone who loves herman.

Is there any doubt that a man's attempts to cheer up his beloved will already improve it? What if the man succeeds? Status “Best!” provided to him.

5 ways to cheer up a woman

1. Compliment.This is not a feasible task for all men. Women are better at giving compliments. Therefore, advice for women: go to the mirror and tell yourself a bunch of sincere compliments! Advice to a man: approach your beloved and, looking into her eyes, say at least one short, but heartfelt compliment! There are never too many compliments! And if you end your speech with a declaration of love, the mood of a woman will change in an instant.

2. Gift.Today, to make a gift to a woman, you do not need to travel to distant lands. It is enough to go to the nearest store or even easier - use the World Wide Web. The best gift for a woman is any thing that can make her even more beautiful: flowers, dresses, jewelry.Bijou online store offers a wide selection of quality jewelry that can please any girl.

3. Pleasure.The sense organs are given to man so that he can enjoy. It is not difficult to give pleasure, especially if you know the prevailing type of perception. Visuals enjoy visual images, audials “love with their ears”, kinesthetics are thrilled by pleasant tactile sensations. Song, dance, bath, dessert, massage, favorite movie, sex - there are a lot of activities that give pleasure.

4.Help.Flowers, gifts, compliments - it's all good, but the real hero for a woman is the man who helps her! How to instantly cheer up a woman? Take some of the responsibility off her! Do something for her: get rid of routine chores, provide an opportunity to relax a little more, relax, take care of yourself, your development, your favorite thing, or just get enough sleep.

5.Words of support.A heart-to-heart conversation or a simple SMS message with important words can change a woman's mood dramatically. When a woman realizes that she is understood, accepted, supported and loved, she not only begins to glow with happiness herself, but also makes everyone around her happy. For example, knowing that a girl has stress at work, you can send an SMS message that a gift is already waiting for her at home - jewelry Spikes . After such a surprise, nothing can spoil her mood!

Sometimes we are all "out of sorts". Either troubles unsettle us, or the stars are so arranged, or I got up on the wrong foot in the morning ... It's one thing if this happened to you, because you know perfectly well what can cheer you up, and a completely different case when dissatisfaction with life is written on the face of your beloved girl. Who can cheer her up, except you? That is why you need to arm yourself with the advice of psychologists in order to bring your girlfriend into peace of mind.

Girls have a tremendous ability to change moods. One second she's laughing, the next she's crying. And the cause of her disorder can be almost anything. The fact is that your and her view of things can be radically different: what seems to you a trifle, she can perceive as a problem of a universal scale, and vice versa. Therefore, first you need to find out what spoiled the mood of your beloved.

“Young people, why do you think that if a girl is in a bad mood, then she must have critical days? Believe me, the absence of critical days spoils the mood of the girls much more.

How to find out the reason for bad mood?

Sometimes it's not so easy. You are sincerely interested in her mental anguish, and in response you get only silence, or even worse, hysteria. The best thing you can do in this situation is to leave your loved one alone. Get out of her sight and come back when she calms down. Then try again.

If a girl answers your question "what's wrong with you, honey?" says that everything is fine, then you need to kindly and gently find out from her the cause of the disorder. Perhaps she does not tell, because the reason for her discontent is you, and she wants you to guess about your mistake yourself. In this case, you should not ask about her problem in the forehead, but use leading questions.

Him: Are you in a bad mood? What happened to you?

Her: Nothing.

Him: Is it because I said something?

Him: Because I didn't say something?

Him: Is it because I did something?

Him: Is it because I didn't do something?

She: (silent)

Him: Is it because I said something, accidentally reminding me of something I did but shouldn't have done, or at least should have done differently?

She may be…

He: I knew it!!!

So, the reasons for a bad mood can be of two types - external and internal.

External causes associated with the environment. For example, your girlfriend is worried about a fight with her friend. Maybe the conversation has long been forgotten, but the sediment remains, and this incident may remind you of itself in a bad mood more than once until the problem is resolved. Among the external reasons, there may be more or less significant ones, for example, dismissal from work, a quarrel with a neighbor, lack of sleep, someone's biting remark, your hurtful words, bad weather, etc.

Way out. You must change the circumstances that led to this state, switch attention to other aspects of life, or help to look at the problem from a different angle (i.e. change her attitude to the situation).

For example, your quarrel is the cause of your girlfriend's bad mood. If you are guilty, then you will have to apologize, and then make amends with some good deed. Give her flowers, arrange a romantic dinner, offer her a chocolate bar or fruit.

If your girlfriend is too busy with work or study, then give her the opportunity to relax. She will cheer up the contemplation of you in an apron and with a vacuum cleaner. By redoing all the household chores on your own, you will give her the opportunity to relax and gain strength. And if the reason for her discontent is lack of sleep, then don’t wake her up on the day off, but rather cook breakfast and serve it in bed. The care and attention of a loved one are the best antidepressants for any girl.

If you can’t change the circumstances that brought your beloved to such a sad state, then you need to help her look at the situation differently. Invite her to look at the problem as if it had happened ten years from now. Did your girlfriend break the heel on her favorite shoes? Never mind, in ten years she will have so much money that her wardrobe will be bursting with beautiful and comfortable shoes. Argued with a neighbor? In ten years, she won't even remember it!

Internal causes stem from many factors. A bad mood can be caused by inflated needs, goals, far-fetched experiences, etc. And sometimes your girlfriend can be sad just like that, for no reason, simply because you can’t be in high spirits all the time.

“She: You know, I’m in such a romantic mood right now ... I would now lie on the sofa, turn on the Titanic, eat ice cream and cry ...

He: How I understand you! If I was forced to do the same, I would also cry ... "

Way out. Using all your charm, sense of humor and romance, you can very well cheer up your beloved. If she starts smiling, she will be able to believe in herself again and become stronger in the opinion that she has chosen a reliable, sweet and smart guy.

You can write a pleasant text message to your girlfriend or send an email. Let her know that you are constantly thinking about her throughout the day. Here you come across a funny picture or a funny video - feel free to send it to her. Let her share a smile with you.

Organize a meeting with close friends for your girlfriend. Just keep in mind that you need to invite her friends to the meeting, not your own. Book the girls a table at a bowling alley or cafe, or arrange a meeting at home. Imagine how surprised and delighted your girlfriend will be when you bring her to your friends, and you retreat yourself, giving you the opportunity to talk and gossip to your heart's content.

Animals are a great mood booster. If you have pets, then get them to help: play frisbee with the dog, arrange a photo shoot for the cat, buy a hamster girlfriend and wait for the offspring. If you don’t have your own “healers”, then arrange “animal therapy” for your girlfriend. Invite her to ride horses or swim with dolphins, and you will see that a long-awaited smile will appear on her face.

To cheer up, you can get out with your girlfriend to the movies for a comedy or a romantic story. Riding on rides, skating, rock climbing, a room of laughter or a room of fear, etc. will work just as well. Psychologists believe that movement and active activities perfectly relieve bad mood and stress. By the way, a comic fight with a loved one can also cheer her up - tickle her and gently bite. If you have a private house, and the weather is fine outside, you can play war with water pistols. This comic children's fight will help you relax and laugh a lot.

For a girl, an excellent stimulant of a good mood is shopping. Therefore, take your beloved to some shopping mall, go shopping. If you want to pamper her, then buy what she has long dreamed of. This will cheer her up and once again prove that you are a real gift for any girl.

Cheer up your beloved with some crazy act. For example, sing and play her favorite song on the guitar, even if you don't know how to play musical instruments and have neither voice nor hearing. By the way, the guitar can be replaced with pots and ladles. Draw cartoon-style portraits of each other.

Invite your girlfriend to see your joint photos or videos. You can try to make a movie together from your videos or process photos in a graphics editor. So you remember funny episodes from your past. Going through these joyful events in your memory, you can cheer up your beloved.

And the most pleasant way to cheer up is hugs. Gentle hugs, kisses and warm words can remove all sorrows. Whisper a declaration of love in her ear, dance a slow dance (even if there is no music), let her feel protected and weak. And, believe me, she will be very grateful to you for your participation.
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What to do if your girlfriend has a bad mood? This can be done quickly and easily, in many ways with which we will certainly share with the reader. In our article, we will give examples of how to cheer up a beauty, how to evoke positive emotions in her.

How to cheer up a girl - if you do not know the answer to this question, we will tell you the seven best ways to do it.

1 - By correspondence

You can quickly evoke positive emotions in your loved one. Here is an example of a few mood-lifting phrases:

I'm writing a message, who do you think it's for? Yes, you guessed it! For you, the sweetest and most beloved creature on the planet. I am extremely happy that such a girl went to me.

I fall asleep and wake up thinking about you. You make my life full, illuminate my path and give me happiness.

Now it's raining outside, but my heart is warm because I think of you. All the nice words are only for you. You are my ray of sunshine, gentle and affectionate.

We can say with confidence that with such words you will be able to amuse the chosen one, make her smile.

2 - Cheers up in VK

You have a VKontakte profile, then there is nothing easier to cheer up a girl. In today's world of opportunity, you don't have to make a phone call to elicit cheers.

The social network has the opportunity to make paid and free gifts. In order to pay for a souvenir, it is enough to replenish the account using a phone or a bank card, and, if possible, get votes or make a payment from a virtual wallet. Choose the most romantic gift and send it to the girl.

There is no way to pay for the gift. Send a few nice phrases via VKontakte correspondence or visit one of the free applications. There are a lot of sweet souvenirs, original quotes, postcards. You can also add a video, clip, photo to the girl's wall. What to send? A declaration of love, record yourself on camera, a ready-made clip, frames with animals, a bunch of flowers.

3 - Writing a letter

Think it's out of fashion. Absolutely not true. Correspondence is very romantic. A beautiful letter can cheer you up, cheer up a charmer if she is bored. Believe me, the letter is spectacular and fresh. We'll give you some tips on what to write.

If you know the exact address of the chosen one, then buy a large envelope and put a little surprise in it. On a white sheet of paper, you can write a beautiful verse, write words of prose about love, about your feelings, experiences.

Put the letter in the mailbox or shove it in the door after ringing the doorbell. We are sure that the girl will certainly appreciate the efforts, and her mood will become better.

If you already live together and think that writing letters is a stupid idea, then we offer another way. Before leaving for work, scribble a note, put it in an envelope and leave it in a conspicuous place. This will surely cheer her up in the morning, bring a sweet smile.

Or even play with her, draw a map and let her look for the letter prepared for her.

If the chosen one does not work, then take a large sheet of paper, stock up on colored markers, pens and pencils and create a bright, unforgettable letter.

Paint the sheet with flowers, funny pictures, show a sense of humor. You can stick something on the message. When you're done, stick the letter on the refrigerator and a mirror or other place. The beloved woman will be happy and will be in high spirits for a long time, realizing that she is loved and appreciated.

As you can see, there are many options, most importantly, show your imagination, ingenuity, and creativity.

Are you sure that only the way to the heart of the stronger sex lies through the stomach. This statement is absolutely wrong. Many ladies love to eat delicious food and for sure, your chosen one is no exception.

Prepare for a romantic dinner what she loves the most. In case you do not have culinary talents, order pizza, delicious dessert, rolls.

Now it's not difficult at all. For a certain amount, special firms will deliver any delicacy to your home. Do not forget to beautifully set the table, turn on the music and light the candles. A bouquet of flowers will also not be a hindrance.

- compliments. Do not forget that all women love with their ears. Beautiful, tender, affectionate words that go straight to the heart will melt even the worst mood. It is important that the compliments be original, do not speak in patterns, hackneyed phrases. Even a sparkling joke, sweet and kind, understandable only to the two of you, will not hurt.

If your chosen one loves something new, loves adrenaline and experiments, then make an extreme date for her.

Go on an excursion in it, have dinner on a skyscraper, jump with a parachute, go with tents into the forest. Now there are even companies that are ready to provide a service by preparing an original and unusual date. Get creative.

- Party with girlfriends. If you spend a lot of time together or the girl just got bored, call her friends, book a table in a club, at a disco and send the chosen one to take a little break from everyday life. She will be incredibly grateful to you.

- Massage. Especially erotic, relaxing. Well, what girl would refuse. Buy aromatic oil in advance, make the room dark, turn on relaxing music and explore every point of the female body. Gently touch the legs, buttocks, go to the neck. It's simple and effective. The bad mood will go away and instead there will be a desire to fool around a bit.

- Make her laugh. Come up with some original prank, remember a funny story, turn on her favorite comedy. Any temper and aggression will disappear under the groovy and loud laughter. By the way, you can tickle your chosen one.

Perhaps she will tell you everything and she will feel better, her mood will rise by itself. It also does not hurt to give the chosen one the right, practical advice, to offer a helping hand. Substitute a reliable shoulder.

- Have a day off. Quite often, ladies can suffer from depression, she is tired of monotony, boredom, the world seems gray and bleak. Take care of the housework for one day, and let the girl chat with pen pals, go to the store for a new thing, take a walk, just read her favorite book or stand tall.

- Table in the restaurant. Tired of sitting at home, book a table at a chic restaurant or your favorite cafe and take your sweetheart out for dinner. Here she will forget about the problems for a while and just rest.

- Present. What could be better! Especially when she is sick and not feeling well. Women love to be taken care of. Buy her delicious fruits, sweets, maybe she will like a new bottle of perfume or a subscription to a beauty salon. You yourself probably know what she likes, what will arouse her interest. Most importantly, let it be a surprise.

5 - We cheer up the girl with whom you live together

Here you can not do with a banal SMS to cheer you up. It is necessary to try to bring the lady of the heart out of depression. We will help you solve the problem and give you some tips to make your beloved smile and be happy.

  • Leave alone. Yes, sometimes it is also necessary. Sometimes a woman just wants to be alone, think, bring beauty, relax and lie in the bathroom so that no one touches her, does not disturb her. But do this only if your loved one asks you about it.
  • Take a bath, place aromatic large candles and blow deliciously smelling foam. Let the other half pamper a little, and if she wants, then you may well keep her company.

Another almost win-win option to raise a cute, beloved mood. Just give her money. Let her go shopping, update her wardrobe, buy something that can bring her joy.

In such simple ways, you will surely cheer up the girl, she will stop being sad, and a long-awaited smile will appear on her lips.

6 - Original ways to cheer up

You are still puzzling over how to cheer up Nesmeyan, we offer to broaden your horizons of searches and pay attention to the proposed methods that allow you to quickly establish peace of mind and balance:

  • Go to the zoo, go to the butterfly exhibition, visit exotic animals.
  • Buy a ticket to the dolphinarium, if it is available in your city.
  • Go on a picnic. Choose a landing, perhaps there is a forest or field nearby. Buy some tasty treats, stock up on a bottle of wine and hit the road.
  • Just go to the cinema, to an exhibition, to a fashion or art museum.
  • Take a walk around the city at night, find a beautiful place and just admire it.

7 - Pet

Your girlfriend is not allergic to wool, then buy her a cute puppy or kitten, or maybe the chosen one likes a hamster, iguana or chinchilla.

Try to find out which animal she likes best and give her such a cute gift. She will be delighted and the cute little ball will always make her smile, tenderness and joy.

Now you know how to cheer up a girl in many ways. We're sure one of them will fit. But remember, in order for the mood of the second half not to spoil, take care of her more often and say warm and kind words, for no reason, just like that.

Girls are very emotional beings. They quickly become frustrated and depressed. But there is always a chance to cheer them up and cheer them up, even through correspondence on social networks. It is important that the interlocutor is tuned in to the conversation.

And in order to solve the problem, you need to know how to cheer up a girl if she is sad, even if she is not the lady of your heart.

The reasons for the lack of mood in girls

There can be many reasons.

Some are minor and others are serious problems:

  1. Diffidence. One of the most common reasons why women get depressed. It seems to the girl that she is not attractive enough, not interesting and boring. Maybe she's insecure about the outfit she's in. In such a situation, a sincere compliment will help.
  2. I broke up with a young man. A common reason after which a woman does not want to communicate with anyone and closes in herself. She feels like she's out of her element. If you and the girl are close, then she herself will tell about this incident.
  3. Problems at work, at school. Perhaps your girlfriend is not up to the task. The authorities are dissatisfied with her work and because of this, a conflict arises. Or she has a strained relationship with colleagues.
  4. Fatigue. When a girl gets tired, the mood disappears. I don’t want to do anything, just lie down and look at the ceiling. Maybe the girl worked a lot, studied, or “ran around the city” for several hours. Physically, there is no strength for fun.
  5. Family problems. It is also possible that not all is well in the family. And this situation puts pressure on emotionality.
  6. Health. Anything is possible here: a toothache or a headache, an injury, various “female sores”. If so, then you may not know this, because girls do not like to talk about such things.
  7. your behaviour. This happens due to the fact that you do not know how to joke. Your jokes are tactless and rude. In this case, it is worth clarifying the reason for her bad mood. If it's your fault, then it's better to apologize.
  8. Boredom. It's trite, but true. This kind of thing has a very strong effect on the emotional state. When a person is bored and does not know what to do, emptiness begins to press. Nervousness appears from idleness, emotionality decreases.

How to behave to a guy if a girl is not in the mood:

How can you cheer in VK by correspondence?

Before you start typing her a message in a contact, you need to consider a few tips.

This is necessary in order not to aggravate the situation even more.

  1. The first and important point - do not be ironic. Humor can cheer you up, but only in a good way.
  2. Try to distract from the problematic topic.
  3. If you are in a bad mood, then you will not be able to resolve the situation.
  4. The most important thing is attentiveness. Listen, become a vest in which you can cry.
  5. Don't forget positive examples. Tell different funny situations from life.
  6. No need to use a lot of slang and incomprehensible words.
  7. Don't try to be a clown.

How to cheer up a girl is described in the video:


If you are worried that your friend is sad, then cheer her up.

You don’t need to be a clown for this, because the simplest things can make a lady smile:

  1. Wishing good morning, good day or good night. It helps to charge a person with positive and good mood. If communication takes place by correspondence VK, then be sure to send her a smiley or a sticker.
  2. Forward a funny or cute video. Another best option. Find an interesting video with funny animals and send it to a girl. The main thing is to avoid vulgar and stupid videos.
  3. Compliments. The most win-win option. Any girl loves to receive pleasant words addressed to her, and this is an indisputable fact.

Reference! For example: “I never cease to be amazed at what a nice voice you have / beautiful eye color”. Act as you see fit.


A good joke helps to relieve tension and support further communication.

The female sex appreciates a sense of humor, so you can tell funny stories or jokes.

Important! Remember that jokes should not contain obscene words and avoid vulgar phrases (about sex, about the former, etc.).

Hidden compliment jokes are great. For example, you can say that she reminds someone with her voice or character. And it is important - do not overdo it, everything should be in moderation.

Good jokes include those that have elements of comparison with objects or phenomena.

You can also play a joke on your occupation or stupidity, on nature or the paradoxes of life. Clever jokes allow not only to make a girl laugh, but also to show your broad outlook.

We try to make you laugh by phone and sms

Of course, raising the mood of a girl live is quite simple, because you can watch her reaction and stop at the right moment. But you can cope with such a task both by phone and by correspondence.

If communication is based on messages, then try using funny phrases:“You see, I am writing to you and I will sin a little. You are beautiful beyond measure, undermine my faith.

Play with your imagination and come up with something original and funny, but not vulgar.

Another option is send her a funny gift, a picture and back it up with an interesting story. In the morning, you can also send her a cheerful SMS, and she will definitely smile.

If communication occurs during a telephone conversation, then already The voice plays an important role here.

  • The intonation should be expressive and lively.
  • Read social media jokes, but watch your voice. It shouldn't be monotonous.
  • And if you know how to parody someone's voice, then use this chip.

Come up with a joke with this character. For example, copy the voice of any famous person (singer, actor, politician, etc.).

How to interest and cheer up a girl via SMS is described in the video:

Jokes if she's sad

Who doesn't love jokes? Everyone likes them, as they cheer up and make you feel cheerful for a long time.

But there is one caveat - not everyone likes jokes with vulgar notes or rude phrases.

  • “If programmers come to power, then entire ministries will be replaced by a small script”
  • “When you clean the dirt from the mouse, you will learn the new features of your browser”
  • “A hedgehog was walking through the forest, farted, landed and went on”

If nothing comes to mind, then turn to the Internet for help.

What question to ask?

Many men are interested in: what to ask a girl if she is not in the mood and she is sad? One may wonder what caused such a mood. If she trusts you, she will open up and talk about her experiences.

Ask questions that will be of interest to both of you. For example, ask about a profession, goals or dreams. You can also talk about crazy deeds that have been or will be committed in life.

Important! Respond to your lady's answers. Don't forget to express your emotions.

Any question should be interesting and easy. Do not make the girl think a lot, do not drive into the paint. Communication should be based on mutual emotions.

What to write?


Can you imagine how nice it will be for a girl to receive a poem.

You can make your own or find it on the Internet.

“What happened, baby? Are you sad. Where is your smile! Come on, honey, don't be mad. Share with me, I won't offend you"

"I love you even when you're sad,
But don't you dare be sad.
After all, it is more beautiful to live with a smile on your face!

“Smile, my friend, and do not dare to be sad,

There's nothing for you to be sad about.

Look, I'm trying

To cheer you up a lot."

“Don't be sad, look how beautiful the day is

Smiling at you.

Higher nose, wider smile

Everything is about to get better.”

Funny pictures and jokes

Mood is such a thing that either is or is not. Sometimes it's just a little annoying thing to ruin a good mood.

But this must be fought. After all, as they say - laughter prolongs life.

The best and easiest option is cool pictures.

On the Internet you can find pictures for every taste. Girls like humor related to pets and other animals. Such cute creatures cause not only affection, but also increase the emotional balance by 100% mark.

Important! A funny picture should not contain obscene and vulgar expressions. After all, such a joke can offend a girl even more. Better send her photos with funny cartoon characters, with animals, with unsuccessful shots, etc.

Watch a video compilation of funny pictures:

Girls are emotional creatures, and sometimes it’s hard to understand when their mood deteriorates. But the main question is how to raise it.

You can seek help for advice that will point you in the right direction. Try to trust your instincts, analyze the situation and only then try to cheer up the girl.

Remember that every person is different, and you just need to find an approach.

Girls are extremely emotional creatures, so it is very difficult to understand when their mood deteriorates, and how to cheer up a girl is an extremely difficult question. You need to clearly understand what you can joke about, and what you should keep silent about. Numerous tips can be found on various sites, but do not take all the written methods personally, as the girls are different, and each needs a different approach. Try to trust your instincts, and analyze the situation in the current situation. It will be easy if you know your girlfriend, and if you have just started dating, there is only trial and error.

You decided to meet a new girl, well, write to her, give her a compliment, add a funny picture, music or video to the message. Believe me, this is a good start for dating or just cheer up and cheer up your girlfriend.

If your chosen one has been with you for quite a long time, and you have accumulated your joint photos, a video where you are happy, send it to her, write a corresponding note to the photo - this will not leave her indifferent.

If you recently started dating a girl and you want to chat with her, but frequent calls will have a bad effect at the beginning of a relationship, it doesn’t matter that there is an SMS message, and we will tell you how to cheer up a girl in correspondence, and what you shouldn’t joke about especially when she is sad.

So, the most important thing is not to write poems, short messages are the key to success. Mostly girls do not like:

  • Jokes on them;
  • Black humor;
  • When they swear;
  • Vulgar jokes.

Therefore, you don’t need to watch programs like Comedy before correspondence in order to conquer her with your “brilliant” humor, which she may simply not understand. Here are some examples of SMS for a girl:

  1. You know, I'm already so tired of waiting, it seems to me that in the evening you will want to call me on a date =);
  2. When we meet, promise not to laugh, I have prepared a love poem for you!;
  3. I have no strength, no desire to get up this morning, if I do not meet your shining eyes in the crowd.

And now, let's look at how to cheer up a girl in correspondence if she is sad, because a positive attitude always helps to improve relations, even at a distance. Try not to bring up sad topics when she is in a bad mood, let her feel that at any time of the day, no matter how far apart you are, she can rely on you and feel loved and desired.

When texting, do not talk about the fact that you talked with any other girl - this will only upset her, let her know that she is the only one for you. Tell us what funny situations you have happened to your friends, colleagues during the day.

What would be most pleasant for her, and her mood would rise, use such words as “bunny”, “baby” and other gentle words in her address. After such messages, your girlfriend will stop being sad.

Decided to go on a date, do not know how to cheer up a girl? Exactly, do not try to become a humor guru, it will not help you. Behave naturally and not forced, the only way you can conquer your chosen one. If she is sad, try to cheer her up, surprise her. Passing by the flowers, buy her them or a delicious chocolate bar, a toy.

Try to give her a memorable date, go to the theater, the zoo, or listen to a local band. Firstly, she will obviously like it, and secondly, it will cheer her up.

If you have been with your girlfriend for a long time, make surprises for her, which she will definitely like, which she has long dreamed of. If her mood is at zero, then try to find out what's the matter, what worries her. Of course, she will answer that everything is fine, but still do not stop, persuade her to tell you. But do not repeat one question all the time, find a way. When she tells you, don't be macho and think that her sadness isn't worth your effort. Show that you are not only her boyfriend, but also a friend who is always ready to support in difficult times.

On a date, you can easily cheer up your girlfriend by telling a joke, a funny fact about yourself, or a story your friend told you. Just do not try to memorize the text, everything should look at ease, and on the topic.

After reading this article, you will be able to put our advice into practice, the main thing is to be confident in yourself, be yourself, cheerful, and you will easily be able to withstand the yoke of female emotions. Which will lead you to strengthen the relationship, or maybe you will conquer the girl you liked for a long time, with whom you just corresponded and she will go on a date with you.

Discussion: 10 comments

    I have long wanted to find information on how to cheer up a girl in correspondence. I myself have “zero” fantasy, but I clearly understand the importance of positive emotions in communicating with the opposite sex. Tried one of the options given in the article. I don’t know if Katya (that’s my girlfriend’s name) was laughing, but the meeting went well.

    I read a million tips on the Internet on how to cheer up a girl in VK. But I think that here it is necessary to proceed from the situation and the nature of the interlocutor. I've had girlfriends who just needed a silly joke or a light "divorce" to add to the mood. Now I've changed the style. In online communication, I focus on officialdom, and in real life I start joking.

    What I can definitely confirm is the dislike of girls for black humor. Although, there are exceptions here too. My past passion was very fond of such jokes and even knew how to “compose” them herself. So it is worth proceeding from the character of the girl, individually select “keys” to her.

    I met with different types of girls, but most of all I like laughter girls by nature. They are open, bright, light and cheerful. It's easy with them. You feel like a real "Petrosyan" and you want to joke endlessly. But there are also dull natures who are UNREAL to cheer.

    Thanks for the article, because I learned a lot of interesting things for myself. Only one problem - with a sense of humor somehow did not work. I'm always serious in dealing with girls and can't change myself. Because of this, many acquaintances ended after the first meetings. What to do?

    From my "bell tower" I can say that humor in dealing with girls is the main key to success. If you manage to keep the interlocutor positive, this is already half the battle. There is enough depression in life, so young ladies are drawn to cheerful guys. It's 100%. Just be fun.

    As for souvenirs and their effectiveness, I checked it for myself. At each meeting with a girl, he tried to bring something as a gift. Nothing expensive, of course - the usual knick-knacks from the souvenir shop or handmade. I have a bad sense of humor, so I tried to compensate in this way. Works.

    The hardest thing is to make a girl laugh over SMS. It is also bad that you do not see the real reaction - only guesses. I tried to joke many times, and in response I received only “Ha-ha” or a smiling emoticon. It is difficult to understand whether you hit the mark or froze another stupidity.

    Guys, I can give you one piece of advice. Don't try to be funny and witty - be it. Do not be afraid to say something stupid, because such platitudes often amuse girls even more. Believe me, the young lady will appreciate the efforts. That's how I met my wife. He just carried all sorts of nonsense and tried to cheer - it worked.