How to understand that a timid guy likes you. Whether a guy likes you or not: how to understand if he doesn’t admit it himself

Understanding the signs of interest on the part of another person will help you find out who likes you and who is worth starting an acquaintance with.

The first sign is words

Often people you impress will tell you that they have seen you before, even though they haven't. If, when meeting a man, he tells you that it seems to him that you met, then this is a sign that he likes you.

The second sign is the look

To catch his interest in you by looking at you, you will need high attentiveness. You can read sympathy for you in his gaze by the expression of his eyes. Carefully observe how the man looks at you. If, in your presence, he watches you barely noticeably, trying to hide his attention, then you have hooked him.

You can also understand his sympathy for you by the way his eyes wander when you look at him. If he lowers his eyes slightly, then you have not yet managed to arouse his interest. And if his eyes immediately drop down or to the side, then be sure that you have intrigued him.

The best and surest way to find out about his attitude towards you is to look into his eyes. Look closely at his pupils in the light. If his boundaries have expanded, then your man has not only shown interest in you, but is also experiencing a certain excitement. Test different topics in conversation and listen,

The third sign is gestures

You can also find out that a young man likes you by certain gestures. Body language can't fool anyone. It is quite difficult for an untrained person to control his gestures. Watch the man carefully, see where his gaze is directed, how he stands, how his legs are positioned, whether he waves his arms or whether they are calmly lowered. By these signs you can see his attitude towards you, whether he likes you or not.

Pay attention to the position of your chosen one's feet. If the toes of his shoes are pointed in your direction, you are undoubtedly his type.

Also a sure sign that he likes you is copying your gestures. The young man will unconsciously repeat your actions. If you raise your hand, he will do the same, you will laugh - he will also laugh. And not even because it’s really funny to him, but to support you, and thus show his sympathy.

The fourth sign is touching

A young man trying to show his affection will try in every possible way to touch you. You, in turn, try to touch him as if involuntarily and look at his reaction. From it you can determine whether he likes you or not. This is one way if you don't mind it either.

Fifth sign - provocation and observation

To find out whether a man likes you or not, try to provoke a man to respond. Hint to him, for example, that you would like to drink a cup of coffee or tea at the moment. Then watch his reaction. If he tries to immediately fulfill your request, he is not indifferent to you.

But remember that such provocations must be very soft and careful. Or spontaneous, but a little vague, so as not to show that you are easily accessible. This will help to lay a good

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Many women’s minds are tormented by the question: “How can you tell that a man likes you?” But a 100% answer to such a question is difficult to find. It happens that a man does not show his interest in any way, simply being afraid. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice a number of signs that show that a man has sympathy for you.

Signs that a man likes you

Carefully observe the man’s behavior and his changes. If he likes you, he will always strive to look good in your eyes. You may notice that with you he is more talks loudly, as if trying to attract your attention.


  • Please note that in what position there's a man standing there if you're nearby. If he likes you, everything is his gestures will be open in a conversation with you, palms and arms are open. This happens unconsciously, and a man will not be able to control it.
  • He will often cast sliding, wandering glances at you, as if appraising you. He looks at your reaction, at this or that action.
  • Being next to you, he automatically straightens his clothes- his desire to look good in Your eyes is manifested.
  • When talking, pay attention to the guy's posture: a man who likes a woman often unconsciously puts himself forward toe of one foot towards the object of your interest.
  • His torso is somewhat tense and the top of his head stretches upward - this is how a guy interested in a girl tries to look taller in her eyes.
  • When you look into his face you will find that he eyebrows slightly raised.
  • In Your presence he is obviously worried: twists the ring on his finger or fiddling with the watch strap.
  • How can you tell that a man likes you by his posture? If the guy stands with his hands on his belt, which means he subconsciously wants to show his physical strength, as well as self-confidence. In other words, he wants to please his interlocutor. And of course, he likes the woman he is unconsciously trying to impress.

The image above clearly shows the poses of men, each of whom is attracted to a woman.

Signs that a guy needs you

If a woman notices that a guy is looking at her with his lips parted and his nostrils slightly widened, then she can be sure that he admires her appearance.

The young man smoothes his hair or, conversely, involuntarily ruffles it. This gesture suggests that he is trying to look more attractive to you.

Feeling the cool breeze, the guy carefully offers you his jacket or sweater. Know that he considers you his woman, he is ready to protect and protect you!

A man’s subconscious is designed in such a way that he must touch the woman he loves. If, when talking with you, he seems to accidentally touches your shoulder or he takes you by the hand - that means he is clearly not indifferent; There’s no need to rack your brains anymore about how to understand whether a man likes you.

How do you know that a man is not indifferent to you?

You can be sure that you are his beloved woman if you are talking with your loved one and during the conversation he begins to unconsciously repeat your gestures. For example: You take your phone out of your purse, he immediately mechanically takes his mobile phone out of his pocket, and so on. These gestures are a clear sign that he really likes you.

A man will try to show himself in all his glory, demonstrating what he is capable of. If he has a good physique, he will dress and stand in such a way as to better emphasize the curves of his muscles. If a man is very smart and understands a topic that interests you, you should turn to him for advice. This will be almost equivalent and can serve as the beginning of your future relationship. When you approach, the man who likes you will begin to get a little nervous, which can be easily noticed: he blushes, loses his thoughts.


A man's smile can say a lot, just like his eyes. Note that if he starts smiling when your eyes meet, then this is a sure sign of his sympathy. The longer and more intently he looks at you, the greater his interest. The gaze of an interested man also often stops at your lips.

Tactile sensations

Men generally love everything not only with their eyes, but also long to touch the object they like. Therefore, he will try to touch You, perhaps by accident. Pay attention if he tries to accidentally bump into you, hug in conversation or touch your hand(be it Cancer, Aquarius or Capricorn), then you can definitely say that he likes you. But, it is worth noting that some people generally touch everyone due to the habit of stroking someone’s arm or shoulder. If you see that a man touches many people in the room, then you shouldn’t think that everyone is just as attractive to him.

Attitude towards other girls

Pay attention to his attitude towards the other girls present. If this man likes you, then he will treat you not as he treats the rest of those present, but as if highlighting you. If he communicates like this with everyone, then accordingly he equates you with everyone.

Violation of personal space

Each person has a personal zone, a comfort zone, it is equal to a meter or arm's length. If a man tries to stand much closer than this distance, then he seems to be deliberately invades your personal zone, thereby emphasizing that you are his, and he wants to be much closer than in a friendly relationship.

But, even despite all these signs, any woman who likes a man will subconsciously look for all the moments that would indicate that this man really likes her. Here you need to be more careful, you should soberly assess the situation and look at everything without daydreaming, and then you will definitely notice his attention.

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Orthodox calendar

Tuesday, February 19, 2019(February 6, old style)
Week about the Publican and the Pharisee
St. Vukola, bishop Smirnsky (approx. 100)
Saints' Day:
Mcc. Dorothea the virgin, the wives of Christina, Callista and the martyr. Theophilus (288-300). Mts. Fausts maidens and martyrs. Evilasia and Maxima (305-311). Mch. Julian of Yemis (312). Prpp. Barsanuphius the Great and John the Prophet (VI). St. Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople (891). Mcc. the virgins Martha, Mary and their brother, martyr. Likarion the youth.
Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Sschmch. Demetrius of the Nativity presbyter and martyr. Anatoly Rozhdestvensky (1921); sschmch. Vasily Nadezhdin presbyter (1930); sschmch. Alexandra Telemakov presbyter (1938).
The week about the publican and the Pharisee is continuous.
There is no marriage ceremony.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: 2 Pet.2:9-22 Ev.: Mark 13:14-23
In the morning: - Ps.46-54; Ps.55-63; Ps.64-69 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

Question: “Does this guy like me?” Thousands of girls ask themselves this question, wanting to understand how a young man they wouldn’t mind dating treats them. Or they have been dating for a long time, but they always experience some doubts.

And although it is not so easy to answer this question with the help of observations and assumptions alone, nevertheless, there are many characteristic signs by which you can with a high degree of probability find out whether a guy likes a girl or not.

What to pay attention to when communicating with a guy?

Nonverbal signals From the looks, gestures and facial expressions of a guy, it is quite easy to determine what feelings and emotions the girl with whom he is currently communicating evokes in him. If a young man, while talking with a girl, straightens his clothes, smoothes his hair, is a little nervous, blushes slightly, does not take his gaze off the girl, a sparkle appears in his eyes, and his pupils dilate slightly - we can speak at least of sympathy and great interest with him sides.

Verbal communication To find out if a guy likes you, you need to pay attention to how he behaves during a conversation. Usually, when talking to a girl they like, guys try to show off at least a little bit in order to present themselves in the best light to the girl. Special attitude If a boy seriously likes a girl, he will definitely somehow distinguish her from the crowd of other girls who surround him. For example, you can find out that a young man is in love by taking a closer look at his behavior at a youth party. Being in the same company with a girl who evokes sympathy, the guy will try to sit closer to her, during a conversation he will most often turn to her, will often look at her, etc. Initiative when starting a relationship No matter how modest a young man is, he will definitely let the girl he likes know that he would not mind dating her. More confident guys usually, without unnecessary ceremony, invite girls they like on a date, while less confident ones, fearing rejection, act more subtly and cautiously - with the help of hints and compliments.

How to understand that a guy has sincere sympathy for a girl?

And finally, it is appointed, and the girl, feeling slightly excited, prepares for this meeting. It would seem that the dream will soon come true, and there is nothing more to worry about. But everything is not as simple as it seems. As a rule, when a girl starts dating a guy, she really wants to understand: he takes her seriously, or just doesn’t mind having fun.

You can conclude that a young man has serious plans for a girl if he:

Shows interest in the girl as a person. That is, he is interested in her life, hobbies, opinions on various issues, problems, intentions for the future. If a guy talks to a girl only about abstract topics, we can safely conclude that he has no plans for further development of relations with her yet (or at all). Offers help To unravel the goals pursued by a guy in relation to a girl, you need to take a closer look at how he shows care for you. As a rule, a young man is in a hurry to offer the girl he likes his help and support in various problematic situations, for example, carrying a heavy bag home, helping with writing a complex coursework, or fixing a broken player. Calls often on the phone If a guy calls a girl on her mobile several times a day to ask where she is and what she is doing, this is a clear sign that he is constantly thinking about her, is jealous, misses her and is afraid of losing her. Gives gifts and various pleasant surprises. The more a young man is attracted to a girl, the more generosity and imagination he shows, trying to entertain her and shower her with gifts. True, a lot depends on the guy’s financial capabilities. Not in a hurry to get you into bed on the first or second date. You can find out whether a guy likes you and how much you like him by analyzing his intentions. If a young man really has serious intentions, he will never force a girl, and in general at the initial stage of a relationship. If he looks offended when a girl refuses to go to his house, it means that he is only in the mood for a short, non-binding affair.

How not to make mistakes with conclusions?

Quite often, inexperienced girls, having fallen in love with a guy, do wishful thinking and convince themselves that they are not indifferent to him either. In order not to get hooked by her own fantasies and avoid severe disappointment, a girl should not:

  • Taking ordinary politeness or a guy's friendly disposition as a sign of falling in love. If a young man greets a girl warmly upon meeting, stops to chat and asks how she is doing, this, in most cases, indicates his good upbringing and friendly disposition towards the girl, and nothing more.
  • Mistaking indifference on the part of a young man for extreme shyness and indecisiveness. If a guy, often encountering and communicating with a girl in the company of friends, at college or at work, still does not dare to hint at her that he likes him and invite her on a date, then most likely he has nothing of the kind in his mind.
  • Accept routine compliments as a declaration of love. If a guy compliments a girl when he meets, saying that she looks cool, this does not mean that in return you should admit your sympathy for him.

As you can see, it is quite possible to find out whether a guy likes you or not, as well as to determine his true attitude towards himself. The main thing is to be able to observe and draw correct conclusions based on observations.

But let’s say you do everything right: you use your gaze, gestures, voice to attract his attention, but he still does not show his attitude openly. After all, many guys are embarrassed to show their feelings. You are tormented by the question: does he like you? How can you find out? What signs can tell that a guy is interested in you?

How to understand that a guy likes you by his gestures?

As you know, body language can tell us much more about any person than his words. This is what you need to use to find out whether a guy likes you or not. To do this, just take a closer look at his gestures during your communication. Let's find out how a guy usually shows that he likes you.

Open gestures of sympathy

People who sympathize with each other take open poses. Look at how the guy stands towards you. If it is completely turned towards you, then this is a good sign!

Also, open gestures indicate sympathy for the interlocutor - the guy often shows his palms, slightly loosens his tie, unbuttons the top button of his shirt, unbuttons his jacket - all this indicates his sympathy. This is a sign that he likes you.

Also, evidence of interest is usually attentive listening, accompanied by a slightly noticeable tilt of the head in your direction.

If you are talking while standing in a group, then his leg slightly forward and pointed in your direction will show his sympathy.

By such unconscious poses, you can easily determine who likes whom, if you look from the outside. It is imperative to know such gestures, as they very accurately describe people’s attitudes towards each other.

Closed gestures

If a guy takes a closed pose in a conversation - crosses his arms over his chest or, while sitting, crosses his legs, and while standing, turns slightly sideways towards you, then even his smile will not hide the fact that communication does not give him much pleasure.

If he folds his palms into a pyramid, finger to finger, at chest level, then this is a signal that the communication is over. Of course, seeing such gestures, you can understand that the guy does not have much sympathy for you.

A very good sign of attention to you will be a guy copying your gestures. This happens unconsciously and shows sympathy headlong. If you see that he takes the same poses as you, then from this you can understand that he clearly likes you!

How can you tell if a guy likes you by his behavior?

If a guy feels sympathy, then it is easy to understand by his behavior.

In this case, he tries to get into your field of vision as often as possible. He tries in every possible way to be nearby to help with something or just exchange a few words.

Many girls make the fatal mistake of taking this as a sign of friendship and not taking it seriously.

The guy is not looking for friends among the fair half of humanity, believe me. He will have enough of his friends among the guys. Usually, in a friendship between a man and a woman, one is always in love, and the other mistakenly takes this communication for friendship.

To make sure that a guy likes you, it’s enough to pay attention to the fact that he does for you what he doesn’t do for other girls. This is the surest sign. If a guy doesn’t like a girl, he will never look for meetings with her, try to help with something, or just chat!

More signs that a guy likes you

In addition to the listed evidence of sympathy, you can pay attention to some other signals indicating his sympathy for you.

Any girl, having met a handsome and well-built guy, has at least once wondered: how to understand that a guy likes you? After all, if sympathy appears, interest certainly arises, but does the potential chosen one experience similar feelings or is he completely not interested in you?

How can we understand the true emotions and experiences of a man if he does not give any obvious signs and, at first glance, does not show his sympathy in any way? You need to conduct a simple affection test, identify some characteristic signs that indicate a man's feelings, and maybe just talk to him about it.

Contents, quick link:

1.1 Look
1.2 Communication
1.3 Gestures

2.1 "Look"
2.2 "Request for help"
2.3 "Provocation"

How to understand that a guy likes you: key signs of sympathy

Determining whether a teenager or boy is interested is not an easy task. After all, many of them are not eager to show their emotions to others, continuing to secretly dream of the girl’s favor, who, in turn, may not even mind, but... However, not everything is so bad, because hiding such a strong feeling as sympathy or falling in love, without showing any signs, it is almost impossible. We will help you learn to pay attention to these very signs that make it clear that a guy likes you and draw the right conclusions.


They say that eyes are a reflection of our soul... They say correctly, because a guy will not miss the opportunity to see the girl he likes more often. Or simply with a dreamy gaze he will furtively admire the object of his desire.

A man’s amorous inclinations will be revealed by his own gaze. A guy you know or doesn't know likes you if he:

  • Every now and then he strives to look in your direction, even when he is having a conversation with other people;
  • looks at you when he thinks you won't notice (but your peripheral vision will help you out).

Another subtle but obvious sign that a guy likes you is dilated pupils when looking at you. In individual situations, such “symptoms” indicate not only primary attraction, but also full-fledged falling in love.


Try to take a closer look at his manner of communication with you. The following signs will help you find out whether a guy likes you or not.

  1. Check the strength of his gaze. Is eye contact maintained during communication, or does he constantly strive to look anywhere but into your eyes? However, remember that shy guys may be embarrassed by direct gaze, especially if he really likes you.
  2. Notice how easily he gets distracted by other people nearby and stops talking. If, after another person contacts him, he does not continue the conversation with you, or immediately answers the call, not allowing you to finish even a word, most likely, communication with you is not in the first place (with the exception of a long-awaited and important call or more interlocutor relevant in the given situation).
  3. To understand whether a guy likes you, it is important to filter the content of your conversations. Hints, compliments, personal interest are also an important indicator of interest in a girl. Sympathy is indicated by:

● light teasing and harmless banter;
● touching upon personal problems in conversation (information that is not shared with just anyone);
● compliments, hints, admiration and simply pleasant words;
● questions about your relationship with your ex.


How can I tell if a guy likes me if he's not very talkative? Sometimes words are not really needed to understand it. After all, you can observe body language, which will no less willingly tell you about his feelings.

  1. A leg put forward. First of all, such a stance indicates the indecision that a guy experiences in the presence of a young lady he likes (thus he creates support). Well, secondly, the toe of the exposed foot unconsciously points to the girl you like.
  2. Every young man wants to appear stronger, taller, fitter and generally more successful next to the girl he likes. A kind of peacock from the human world. Only instead of a tail, he tries to straighten his shoulders as wide as possible, straighten his back and draw in his stomach, if any.
  3. Another clear signal of a guy’s sympathy is the involuntary duplication of your movements. For example, you straightened a strand of your hair - he unconsciously touches his hair, pull out the phone - and he will also reach for the smartphone.
  4. The position of your body in space when communicating with you will also indicate that the young man liked you. If during a conversation a guy is completely turned towards you, his arms and legs are not crossed, this indicates his openness, which means he will listen carefully to any nonsense. An even more obvious sign of attraction is leaning slightly in your direction when he tells you something.

Another important area where you can understand that a guy likes you is social networks. In correspondence with a girl he likes, a guy will try to joke more, be polite, gallant and funny. Subscribe and add wherever he finds it. In addition, he will appreciate many of your photos, and not only avatars, and perhaps throw something interesting or funny on the wall. In general, he will show interest in your online activity. However, drawing conclusions only from communication on social networks is fraught with disappointment. It is better to make sure of the adequacy and transparency of intentions during a personal meeting.

Interest test

How do you know if a guy likes you? In addition to the external signs that we discussed above, you can turn to more precise definitions of a young man’s interest in you. To do this, you will need to conduct some kind of “experiment”. It is associated with direct interaction with you, so sympathy will be more obvious.


This is a more psychological test that requires the attention of a handsome young man. Let's simulate a situation: you are sitting at a table together during your lunch break at work or at university, and you have a casual conversation. Now catch the guy's eye and immediately look at the phone, then look at him again. If a man also looked at your smartphone and then back at you, this is another clear sign of sympathy.

"Request for help"

To understand how much a young man likes you, try breaking, say, a pencil and ask the guy you like to correct the situation by sharpening it (you may also “accidentally” break the lock on your purse). If a young man gets down to business without further ado, we can conclude that he likes you.


The next test will require a little acting on your part, but you'll go to great lengths to find out whether a guy likes you or not. Come up with a banal but believable story about how you and your girlfriend were going to go to the premiere of a new film (don’t forget to read it), but in the end you were left without company. If a young man likes you, he will offer himself in place of his girlfriend without any hesitation.

Don’t get too carried away with this kind of testing, otherwise the guy may see through you and understand that you are conducting “experiments” on him. Few people will like being a lab rat.

How can I tell if a man likes me?

It is much easier to find out about the attitude of an already mature man towards you, because his period of understatement and indecision is long behind him, so he will not hide his intentions. If he likes you and arouses his interest, he will try to take the first step as quickly as possible.

To be sure that a man likes you, pay attention to:

  1. Courtship is a key moment in any relationship. Gifts for any occasion, lush bouquets, gatherings in cafes and restaurants are obvious signs of romantic affection for a girl.
  2. A less striking, but no less characteristic attribute of a man’s sympathy is a high interest in all areas of the life of the object of his desire - a girl. A man usually asks about studies or work, hobbies or interests, family problems and affairs, and does not miss the opportunity to offer help or participate in her life in any other way.
  3. The tactile aspect is also very important. If a man likes you, he will not miss a single opportunity to touch you. For example, give your hand not only when getting out of the car, but also when going down the stairs. This also includes assistance when putting on outerwear.

Mature, accomplished men who are self-confident and know what they are doing, as a rule, do not delay too much with declarations of sympathy and an offer to date.

The correct conclusion from male behavior

There are a lot of tips on how to understand that a guy likes you. However, it would seem that even with obvious signs, not everyone is able to draw objective conclusions, discarding feelings and imagination. This happens because girls, following their tender feelings, mistake ordinary politeness for sympathy, and modesty, due to high expectations, for indifference.

It will be clearer with examples:

  1. Let’s simulate a situation: a guy you’ve known for a long time greets you warmly every time you meet and asks about your successes at work or study. With a high degree of probability, this is a sign of good upbringing. No more and no less.
  2. Are you convinced that a guy doesn’t admit his crush only because of his innate modesty? What if he just doesn’t care about you? Once again, go through the signs of sympathy, conduct a small experiment, give a couple of not too intrusive signs. If there is no reaction, he most likely doesn't feel anything for you.
  3. If a man does not miss even the slightest reason for a compliment, this does not mean that it is time to choose a wedding dress. Perhaps this is a distinctive feature of his character - politeness. In addition, many modern guys are not shy about expressing their delight at good-looking girls.

Yes, the more of the above signs in the behavior of men you notice, the higher the chance of his attraction and romantic intentions towards you. However, remember that observation is a rather subjective thing and is interpreted, as a rule, in your favor, especially if you yourself are filled with tender feelings for the object of your desire.

And yet no cunning test, fortune telling or clever trick can replace a simple sincere conversation. If your love story is about to begin, then it will begin with this frank conversation, otherwise, you will be able to quickly let go and forget the failed relationship, so that you can then pay attention to another guy who, perhaps, has been waiting for this all his life...