How to celebrate the new year signs. How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the fiery rooster. We lay the New Year's table

December. The most magical and bustling month of the year. The whole country is waiting for the holiday. Someone earlier, someone later, but in the end everyone is puzzled how to celebrate the New Year. You need to decide where and with whom to celebrate, what to wear, what to give to whom and what to cook. At the same time, many try to please the symbol of the coming year, so that later they can live in joy and prosperity for all 12 months.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. Therefore, we will definitely have a bright holiday, and according to astrologers, an equally bright year. About how to properly celebrate the New Year 2017 - in the material of RIA PrimaMedia.

What the coming year is preparing for us: astrologers

Sinologists argue that the symbolism of the horoscope is directly related to the nature of the animal.

What do we know about roosters? Firstly, these bright birds are the real masters of the yard, they keep order in their territory. Secondly, roosters have a reputation for being badass and are constantly figuring out who's in charge by participating in battles. Thirdly, it is from their buoyant "Crow!" every day begins in the village, - says Sinologist Yevgeny Shmitko. - From this we draw conclusions who will be favored by this serious, sociable and fair symbol of the coming year in 2017. The first conclusion is for family people who prefer to celebrate the New Year with relatives and within their own walls. It is desirable if the house is in perfect order. The second is for those who are not afraid to show strength and show initiative, who will be ready for attacks and will be able to find a compromise in everything. The third is for purposeful people who are not afraid of change. The rooster in the Eastern calendar is a symbol of renewal, the beginning of something new and unknown. Only whether these changes will be pleasant is not specified.

Eugene added that each of us will have to feel the presence of the Rooster. This means that in the coming 2017 it will not be possible to avoid conflicts and changes. Do not miss the fact that the year of the Red Rooster, the fiery one, is coming. This color symbolizes passion and war. Therefore, to the explosive nature of the Rooster, flare-up sympathies are added, which can lead to new relationships or to breaking old ones, as well as aggression in interpersonal and international relations.

Astrologers confirm that with the advent of the Eastern New Year (January 28, 2017), conflicts are possible on the world stage. Everyone will put things in order in his "yard" and show who is in charge here.

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

According to a well-known feng shui master in Russia Snezhana Tikhonova, the outgoing year was dark, problematic, and the year of the Rooster will be white, bright and joyful. It is reported by IA YakutiaMedia.

A very good year is coming. The universe has decided to change the palette and dramatically change from black to white,” says Snezhana Tikhonova. - All over the world in 2016 we observed terrorist attacks, wars, political instability. 2017 will be a very bright year, judging even by the name - the Fire Rooster - a joyful year. But the Rooster is twofold. In nature, he is always fighting. We will observe these moments, as many conflict situations are expected, including international ones. Unfortunately, I can even predict a conflict between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Do not forget that fire is always aggression. This is a very angry rooster. On the other hand, it is an analogue of the Red Phoenix. In general, from the point of view of feng shui, eastern astrology, there are four animals: turtle, dragon, tiger and red phoenix. And in this series, the Red Phoenix is ​​always a victory. That is, the year will be victorious for everyone who knows this and who will strive for this.

Snezhana Tikhonova also told IA YakutiaMedia about the troubles that can happen in the year of the Fire Rooster.

In the first three months (February, March, April) it is better not to set ambitious goals, plans, and not to make large purchases. This is not exactly a dangerous time, but not entirely favorable. At this time, you need to slow down your business plans a little, it is better to postpone large purchases (fur coats, cars, real estate) for later, says Snezhana. - There are two more points. First, there will be a lot of betrayal. For example, you were friends for many, many years with someone, you loved, trusted, as if you were yourself, you were taken care of. The same person can substitute. And the second thing - it's not me talking, but my teacher Lillian Too - there will be a lot of divorces. Even in those families that lived very well, this year this can happen. Unfortunately, there will be a lot of betrayals - both from women and from men.

Where and how to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the Fire Rooster

There are a lot of options where and how to celebrate the New Year. We have already found out that it is recommended to celebrate the holiday with the family and preferably at home. But some have already planned trips, because there are so many days off ahead (New Year holidays in 2017 will last until January 8)! Then at least do not go on a journey alone, take relatives with you. It's more fun together, and the Fire Rooster will be pleased.

Many seasiders will spend the most magical night of the year abroad. The routes are known to all. These are the countries of Southeast Asia - China, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia. You can also fly in the opposite direction - take a walk along the ancient streets of Europe. There is still an option to celebrate the Year of the Rooster brightly and unusually where our fellow countrymen rarely go - in colorful Rio de Janeiro or in the country of a golden sunset, Morocco. The Fire Rooster will be pleased.

Tours in Russia are popular. Basically, these are trips to large cities with a rich history or to ski resorts. However, you can simply go to relatives who live in unremarkable parts of the country. The main thing is that you will spend the holiday with your family.

If the family is nearby, but you want to change the situation - welcome to the recreation centers of Primorye. There are many options - from chalets without amenities to luxurious cottages with saunas and a full range of winter entertainment. It's just that today, most likely, there are no more empty seats. There is always the option to go to the dacha - yours or one of your friends. It will even be somehow at home, which will not leave the Fire Rooster indifferent.

Thrill-seekers can also celebrate the New Year in a tent. Climbing to some peak of Primorye. Also an option, why not. At the most magical moment, you will be much closer to the stars. Just dress warmly.

And wherever you are - in no case should you quarrel on New Year's Eve. It is better to let go of the offense and make peace. Otherwise, not only will the holiday be spoiled, you will also anger the symbol of the coming year. But if you celebrate in a cheerful and friendly company, then your relations with others in the coming year will improve significantly.

When preparing for the holiday, do not forget about music, fireworks, garlands, entertainment for the company - everything that turns an ordinary day into a holiday. And, of course, the symbol of the year - the Fire Rooster, should be in the most prominent place.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017: what to wear

The Fire Rooster is a bright bird. He will definitely like outfits of red and yellow shades, asymmetrical models of dresses and skirts, original jewelry. At the same time, the symbol of the coming year likes refined and elegant looks - avoid frank cutouts, transparent fabric and casual style.

A beautiful outfit will cheer you up for the whole year. Photo: Veronika Rybalchenko, IA MagadanMedia

When choosing a festive outfit, give up casual suits, flashy and daring models, careless sweaters with funny patterns and inscriptions. Astrologers say that the Fiery Rooster will definitely not appreciate such options. But it will be happy if women dress in cocktail dresses and put on high-heeled shoes. Their companions do not have to celebrate the New Year in a formal suit - it will be boring (if the dress code of the event does not require it). Let there be a pullover or a jumper with trousers, the main thing is that they emphasize your masculinity.

To appease the Fire Rooster, you need to choose the right colors:

  • red, burgundy, pink (love, passion, power);
  • green (family, faith, hope);
  • yellow (health, wealth);
  • black (career, success);
  • terracotta or orange (new knowledge);
  • white (changes in life, of course, for the better).

Don't go overboard with accessories this year. Let them be less than necessary. Astrologers recommend that the fair half find bright feathers in the form of hairpins or brooches. Men are encouraged to wear a red shirt or tie, a red handkerchief or any other red accessory on New Year's Eve.

An important detail - the New Year must be met in new underwear.

How to decorate the house and the table for the New Year 2017

Everyone knows from childhood that in order for the New Year mood to appear, you need to decorate the house and decorate the Christmas tree. Some do it in early December and live all month in anticipation of the holiday.

To appease the Fire Rooster, when decorating the interior, use the colors of his favorite range - red and golden. Use jewelry made from natural materials. Although the tree itself can be both natural and artificial.

The element of wealth in 2017 is fire, so there should be more candles on the New Year's table than ever.

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

Tinsel, sparkles, garlands - all this will create a holiday atmosphere. But do not overdo it, the Fire Rooster loves elegance and moderation in everything. Red apples can become the main decoration of the holiday - they are beautiful, useful and can even be hung on a Christmas tree.

You can also hang a bag of grain and coins there. The rooster is a reasonable bird, so it will definitely thank the owners of the house, who have shown concern for it.

As for the festive table, it also needs to be decorated. Elegant candles and candlesticks, napkins, figurines of roosters, a festive tablecloth - all this can be used for decoration. But remember that as a result, the table should be elegant.

What to cook for the New Year 2017

The main decoration will, of course, be festive dishes. They can also be decorated (preferably with something red - caviar, tomatoes, pomegranate, red pepper). Do not forget about corn, green peas - the Rooster will appreciate such care and will definitely be supportive in 2017.

Canapes, tartlets and crackers will look good on the table. The rooster loves light and nutritious snacks, and they can also be beautifully served. The main thing is that there are no semi-finished products on your menu - all food must be made by hand. The rooster is categorical to everything unnatural.

Of course, there can be no poultry and egg dishes on the table. But there are so many options - meat, fish, vegetables, seafood. It is believed that the neighborhood of meat and seafood dishes will allow you to catch the bird of happiness in the coming year and increase your income.

A special place on the table should be reserved for fruits - the symbol of the coming year will be delighted with bright compositions like a fruit tree, a bouquet or a basket. Astrologers say that in the coming year, prosperity and well-being can be attracted to the house.

But a good mood for the whole year can be earned with delicious desserts. The rooster is a sweet lover and will be happy with your signature treats.

What can not be said about alcohol. The rooster is cocky by nature, which strong drinks only exacerbate. That's why he doesn't like them. In order not to anger the bird, observe moderation and give preference to light and sparkling wines, cocktails and liquors.

New Year's signs and rituals

It is customary to expect a miracle from the holiday, which is why many try so hard to please the symbol of the coming year. But besides what we can do ourselves, there are signs accumulated over the years for the New Year. What to pay attention to on the eve of 2017?

Let's start with preparing for the holiday.

  • If during the decoration of the Christmas tree a toy fell out of your hands and broke - this is for profit! The more fragments and the larger they are, the better. In addition, you can always say: "For luck!".
  • If you want abundance on your table all year round, cook 12 dishes.
  • If you sneeze on December 31, you will be lucky all year.
  • And another year you need to meet in new clothes - so that you don’t deny yourself anything all year.
  • If guests come to you on New Year's Eve, then you will be with guests all year (to avoid this, go visit yourself).
  • It is no secret that before starting a new one, you always need to get even with the old - to collect and distribute debts. And so that there are no problems with money in the coming year, put a large bill in your pocket and do not exchange it for a year - it will bring good luck and financial well-being.
  • To attract financial well-being into the house, tie a new broom with a red ribbon and place it at the corner with the handle down. The red color will appease the Rooster, and the sign with a broom always works.

During the celebration, there are also many signs.

  • If in the New Year's fuss you stumble on the threshold with your left foot - to failure, with your right - success awaits you all year. A bad omen can be "nullified" by spinning three times around its axis counterclockwise. Most importantly, don't fall!
  • During the meeting of the New Year 2017, there is a sign: go outside, look around if there are three or even more cats nearby. It’s a pity if all the cats in your area decided to go for a walk on this night, this promises you trouble, you will be the culprit all year because of your sharp tongue.
  • When meeting the New Year 2017, there are actions for good luck: prepare a coin in advance, preferably yellow, and while the chimes are striking, squeeze it tightly in your fist. Monetary will be a year, profitable. And another nuance to this sign: the smaller the money, the larger the profit will be next year.
  • Do you want your chosen one to be with you all year long, do you dream of keeping him next to you? Put his photo in your pocket closer to your heart.
  • An interesting New Year's sign for the year of the Rooster: if you accidentally torn a new beautiful dress during the celebration and dancing, do not be upset. This year, a fleeting passionate romance awaits you. And if the New Year's outfit gets dirty, this can also lead to monetary gain, but you won't get gossip.
  • Most importantly, on New Year's Eve, be sure to make a wish. At the same time, remember that it must be formulated correctly, avoiding the “not” particle.

You should definitely add this one to the New Year's signs of 2017: food from the New Year's table cannot be thrown away. As signs say, in this way you will throw happiness out of the house.

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

Petya, Petya, cockerel,

How beautiful is your comb.

Answer the question honestly.

Who came up with the song for you? (Mokhorev A.)

What could be better than waiting for a holiday? Only the holiday itself! And the most beloved and long-awaited for many of us is the New Year. This time he will shout about his arrival loudly and loudly, because the Rooster will be his master and patron, and not any, but red. Yes, the character is ambiguous, with character. Not so much - immediately into battle. In order to win the favor of this sign and propitiate it, we will learn more about it - how to celebrate the New Year 2017, what to cook and how to “attract” good luck and prosperity for the whole year with the help of simple rituals and signs.

Fiery rooster 2017 - getting to know each other better

The Year of the Fire (Red) Rooster according to the Chinese calendar will come into its own on January 28, 2017 and end on February 15, 2018. The dominant elements of the year are Fire and Metal. Merging into a single whole, they combine the power of Metal and the indomitability of Fire. The Feng Shui teaching interprets such a connection as the beginning of a turning point on a global scale. The year will not be easy, filled with bright events and exciting moments. Big changes await all of us, important and long-awaited scientific discoveries, sharp turns towards a better life are not ruled out.

Red, the color of the element of fire under the auspices of the Rooster, will be directed to the creative channel. After all, the Rooster is a well-known family man, a passionate and caring father of the family, protecting him from enemy encroachments and vigilantly guarding his possessions. He simply will not allow the elements to play out. It is likely that the upcoming 2017 promises us the victory of good over evil. Everything bad and depressing, oppressive and haunting, will burn in the fire and be reborn like a phoenix bird, acquiring new bright images, allowing you to start life from scratch, opening up wonderful prospects for harmony and creation.

The year will be favorable for those who are used to achieving goals with hard work, for people who are purposeful and ambitious. Step by step, they stubbornly go towards their dream and achieve it. And the Fire Rooster helps them in this, because he himself is quite stubborn and does not stop at any obstacles.

Clean house - clean thoughts

To prepare for a meeting with the symbol of the coming year, you need to start today. The first most important task is to put things in order in your home, let the streams of fresh cosmic energy into the house, attract harmony and wealth. Make a general cleaning plan and strictly follow all the points. All corners and nooks, drawers and shelves, pantries and mezzanines must be freed from trash and unnecessary things.

Broken household appliances, cracked dishes, old clothes, and everything that has not been touched by a hand for a year should be thrown away without regret. New Year's general cleaning is not only clean windows, washed floors and dusted furniture. This is a house-wide cleansing on the physical and energy levels.

Let more sunlight into the house so that it fills your abode with life-giving energy. To do this, wash the glass and window sills. By the way, they must be absolutely free. Rearrange houseplants on special stands, wash and iron curtains or buy new ones.

Even in your computer, you also need to put things in order: delete unnecessary files, organize folders, clear your desktop. You may need to defragment disks or even change the operating system to a more recent version.

Get organized in your head. Collect all your disturbing thoughts and throw them away completely, forgive the offenders and forget the insults, get rid of the negativity. Give yourself a positive attitude and start every morning with it: “Me and my loved ones are healthy and happy. I am a successful person. Luck is always with me. I am successfully climbing the career ladder.” Everyone has their own word forms, but all of them should be based on the positive and not contain the word “not”. Learn to form your thoughts briefly, clearly and positively, and the Cosmos will hear them.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the new year 2017

When the house and thoughts are in perfect condition, it is worth doing New Year's decor. Of course, the Christmas tree should become an integral part of it. And, of course, you want to put it where it will be clearly visible. However, Feng Shui dictates its own rules to us.

The ancient Chinese put their tree of light in that part of the house from which they expected the maximum return in the new year. You have probably heard of feng shui zoning. Each part of the dwelling is turned to a certain side of the world and is responsible for certain energy flows - Love, Wealth, Health and others. If you put the beautiful spruce in the right place, it will activate the flows you need. So, how to put up and decorate a Christmas tree for the new year 2017?

  • To attract finance, put a Christmas tree in the southeast of the house.
  • Spruce in the eastern zone will help to strengthen relations, get rid of scandals and quarrels.
  • Recognition and fame come from the south.
  • The center of the apartment is responsible for health.
  • Pregnancy, easy childbirth and happy offspring come from the west.
  • The north is the zone of a successful career.
  • Northeast brings knowledge, broadens horizons, improves mental abilities.
  • The northwest promotes new impressions, successful trips and travels.

The Fire Rooster will like LED garlands and numerous multi-colored New Year's light bulbs, shiny tinsel, and gold coins. Christmas decorations - in red and gold. Not a single room should be left without decor, whether it be pairs of coins, tinsel, candles or rooster figurines connected in pairs.

What to give for the New Year of the Rooster 2017? Souvenirs and little surprises with a hint

The dominant figure of the year is a triangle. Prepare souvenirs for your guests and loved ones and wrap them in red or gold paper, decorating gifts in triangular bags. You can just wrap a couple of Chinese coins in triangular envelopes. The colors red and gold are the favorites of the year, perfect for packaging. Such envelopes can be hung ° on a Christmas tree, put in the southeastern area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, which is responsible for attracting financial flows.

The main Chinese souvenir of the Year of the Rooster is the mandarin. Prepare bags, 2 tangerines each, and hand them to everyone who crosses the threshold of your house for good luck.

The Chinese are very kind to the number 2, which symbolizes a couple. Nobody should be alone in life. Everyone should have a soul mate. Two coins, two tangerines, two sweets, twin candles, the list of options for small souvenirs is endless.

We prepare New Year's gifts for the closest and dearest. What to give in the New Year of the Rooster 2017? There are many options, the main thing is that the gift should be from the heart and given with pure thoughts.

First of all, it should be something paired.

  • A pair of mittens or warm knitted socks will please the older generation.
  • Hat with a scarf with bright red and yellow stripes - for young people.
  • For a child - a clockwork or soft toy cockerel, for older children - puzzles. The rooster encourages hard work and diligence, let them try to put together a picture.
  • For mom or girlfriend, gold earrings with red stones will be a good gift.
  • On New Year's Eve, the bride will receive a Kiss ring, a spa membership, tickets to a concert of her favorite artist, and a tourist voucher.
  • A friend or girlfriend, colleague - a tea pair with the symbol of the year.
  • A young guy or girl - good stereo headphones, leather gloves, roller skates.
  • A great idea is to give a decorative painted egg, or even a Faberge egg.
  • Needlewomen will appreciate the embroidery kit or diamond mosaic.
  • A gift at a distance - a rooster cry instead of a call on a mobile phone.

As an original surprise, you can present a dream to a loved one - an expensive car, a villa on the ocean, a luxury yacht. And let it be an ordinary picture, but it will bring a lot of joy. After all, if a dream is visualized, it will certainly come true.

What is important is not the value of the gift, but its symbolism and the thoughts and wishes that you put into it. Do good, present cute surprises to your loved ones, become real wizards on these New Year's days, and the Rooster will not forget to reward you for your generosity and warmth.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017: what to cook on the festive table of the Fire Rooster

So, the main question of all housewives: what to cook for the festive table and how to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 hearty and tasty, in abundance, so that, according to popular belief, this is how to spend the whole year.

The Feng Shui festive table looks unusual and fabulously elegant. Red tablecloth with gold embroidery and gold-colored fringe or lace, napkins with the symbol of the year. On the table are figurines of a cockerel. And although the dominant geometric figure of the year is a triangle, the table should not have corners. Ideal for a family or friendly feast will be oval and round tables. But if your table is traditionally rectangular, mask its sharp parts with decorations - colorful New Year's mini-arrangements.

If your tablecloth is white, it doesn’t matter, plates and napkins, salad bowls, gravy boats, candles can be red. It doesn't have to be all pattern. Creativity and individuality are not forbidden. You can just buy red and yellow ribbons and tie them in bows on the backs of chairs - both budget, and bright, and in the style of the New Year.

Another New Year's accessory that you should not forget about is a golden bell. Show your imagination and tie such bells to objects that often move: to the legs of chairs, to door handles. Let the chime drive away evil spirits and fill the house with festive notes.

New Year's menu in the Year of the Rooster

So, we have taken care of the New Year's decor, now let's think about what to cook on the table for the New Year 2017, what dishes are most suitable. And above all, these are those that the Rooster loves. When compiling a New Year's menu, a good hostess will try to please not only her family and guests, but also the patron animal of the coming year.

In all matters, the Rooster strives for the ideal, he is demanding and practical. What dishes will appeal to such a picky guest? Be sure to place a vase with tangerines stacked in the form of a pyramid in the center of the table. The rooster will love this bright accent.

He will be very grateful for the variety of dishes. A buffet table is the most appropriate way to decorate a table in order to provide easy, relaxed communication, which our hero cherishes so much. Vegetable salads, both fresh and hot or canned, with the addition of meat and fish. Even an ordinary vinaigrette, laid out in small baskets, will be transformed and become an original dish. Fruit salads or just fruit mixes strung on skewers. All kinds of canapés from whole grain bread with pastas, pates and cheeses, as well as beautifully presented cuts.

Plenty of fresh vegetables and herbs not only decorate the table, but also appease the Fire Rooster. When choosing salads, give preference to vegetables and fruits.

For hot small triangular-shaped dumplings and cabbage rolls are suitable. Prepare them ahead of time and freeze them. Thus, you will free yourself more time in the New Year's fuss, when there will be no time to prepare such time-consuming dishes.

Fish and meat dishes will also be appropriate, but their number in the total mass should not prevail. And although the host of the holiday is far from being an ascetic, chicken and other poultry should be completely abandoned. Chinese zodiac signs cannot stand cannibalism. The same requirement applies to eggs. So the traditional “Olivier bowl” is not this time.

Dishes from cereals and cereals, of course, will please the patron of the year. But ordinary oatmeal or buckwheat are not options for the New Year's table. You can make gozinaki with seeds, nuts and honey, caramelized popcorn, halva, baklava heavily sprinkled with sesame seeds and nuts, Christmas tree-shaped oatmeal cookies sprinkled with coconut flakes.

For dessert it is good to serve ice cream with jam and fruits, mousse, multi-colored puff jelly. The rooster loves variety, but does not tolerate excessive extravagance, so the table should not be “bursting with food”, choose the best options for dishes so as not to burden the stomach and be easy to climb, the same as a cockerel flying up to the roof or perch.

As for drinks, then here, too, you have to show imagination. Cocktails are well suited to the festive mood and will suit the New Year's table. They are available both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. If you really want to impress your guests, then you should practice in advance and learn how to pour drinks in layers. Otherwise, just mix the ingredients right in front of the public, according to your own recipe or at the request of the guests. This will add originality to the holiday. Berry fruit drinks and compotes of bright red color will also be good. And, of course, champagne is a symbol of celebration and vibrant life!

Did you know that the very word cocktail in translation from English means cock - rooster, tail - tail, that is, "cock's tail". The first written description dates back to 1806 and is mentioned in The Ballance as a stimulant drink consisting of several spirits, tinctures and sugar.

And the most important component of the New Year's festive table is the wonderful mood of the hostess, who created all this beauty. Do not forget to season with it dishes that will delight both the family and guests, and the fastidious host of the coming year.

Clothes with meaning

Real Queens are worried not only about how to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017, what to cook on the table, but also what outfit to choose to shine on the holiday in all its glory. The current colors of the year will help you not only be in the trend of the holiday, but also get the favor of the Rooster in fulfilling your intentions.

  • Yellow and gold will hint to the Rooster that you want to improve your financial situation.
  • Orange - attract health.
  • Red - strengthens the spirit and willpower.
  • Scarlet - attracts love.
  • Bordeaux, wine - stability and measured life.

Fabrics: natural silk, satin, velvet, velor; but cotton and linen - in combination with noble lace.

Styles: simple classic; a neckline is acceptable, but a closed back, and if the back is open, then without a neckline.

Accessories: from gold, multi-colored precious stones, expensive, noble. Let it be a little, but with taste. Cheap jewelry is excluded.

Hairstyles: light, airy haircuts, curls and braids - on long hair. Wigs and hairpieces are canceled, everything is only natural and relaxed. No feathers and cheap stones in your hair, you can decorate your hair with flowers.

Makeup: brightly highlight lips or eyes, one thing. Flickering elements will decorate the New Year's make-up. A great solution for the eyes - "smokyeyes" and long fluffy eyelashes. No aggression in the image, more mystery and magic.

Signs - in jest, and seriously

If you want - believe, but if you want - check. But it is not in vain that our people collected and accumulated New Year's signs in the bins of their wisdom. After all, what was noticed and remembered had its own meaning and warned of the future. And if the sign does not bode well, you just need to turn three times in place counterclockwise, and it will be “reset”.

♦ If, during the decoration of the Christmas tree, a Christmas toy falls and breaks, be profit. Large fragments - a big profit, small ones - several sources of small income. Gather the pieces and wrap them in paper and make a wish. It will definitely come true in the coming year.

♦ On New Year's Eve, pay off all your debts and don't lend yourself. Probably everyone knows this. But to attract prosperity to the house, buy a new broom, tie it with a red ribbon and put it in a corner with the handle down. A decorative souvenir option is also suitable, but the ribbon on it in the year of the Red Rooster must be red.

♦ Since ancient times, cats and cats have been considered mysterious creatures associated with the other world. On New Year's Eve, meeting a cat or a cat on the street is not good. No wonder roosters do not like these animals.

♦ If you want to live in abundance, put a large bill in your pocket and do not exchange it throughout the year. She will attract "her brothers". Try not to part with it and carry it with you all the time as a talisman for wealth.

♦ While the clock is chiming, hold a yellow metal coin in your hand, the year will be profitable. And if you want to attract love, put a photo of your chosen one (chosen one) closer to your heart and do not part with him all New Year's Eve.

♦ Did you know that you can't throw away food from the New Year's table, it is believed that happiness can leave home. Put everything neatly in trays and put it in the refrigerator, invite your friends the next day and continue to celebrate until everyone is finished.

♦ During the feast, make sure that whoever gets the last drops from the bottle into the glass will be happy in the new year.

♦ A good omen for those whose activities are related to trade. Make a good discount for the first buyer in the new year, then good luck in business will not leave you throughout the year.

Feng Shui rituals to attract money

New Year's Eve is a great time for Feng Shui rituals. They are simple and effective. Here are some of them.

Place a yellow coin under each plate on the New Year's table. The abundance of food and the color of gold attract wealth to the house.

During New Year's Eve, try to change clothes at least twice, or even more. This ritual promises a change for the better, liberation from what prevented you from getting rich.

General cleaning and clearing the living space of rubbish is also a ritual to attract cash flows to the house.

On New Year's Eve, take a sheet of red paper and a green felt-tip pen. Write a specific amount that you would like to have next year. Glue a 10-kopeck coin under the inscription. Roll the leaf into a scroll and tie it with 2 ribbons - red and gold. Hang on the tree. Hide in a secluded place in the morning.

Buy a new red wallet, put a large bill in it on New Year's Eve, close it, tie it with a gold ribbon. Store in a place known only to you. After each receipt of funds, put a small bill in it and thank you. It will attract money throughout the year. At the end of the year, the accumulated amount can be spent on what you dreamed about.

On January 1, take a money bath in the morning. Pour warm water, add a glass of milk, a little bergamot oil, and 7 coins of the largest denomination to it. Immerse yourself in the bath for 10 minutes, close your eyes and imagine that money is pouring down on you from all sides. Dip with your head 3 times. After taking a money bath, do not dry yourself, but simply dry.

On New Year's Eve, hide more bills in different places around the house so that no one will find them. After 3 days, collect and spend on your needs. The spent amount will be returned in double size.

New Year's ritual to attract money, good luck and changes in life for the better

Everything in our world is impermanent. The mystery of ancient rituals is replaced by psychological techniques, conspiracies are replaced by affirmations, more and more people are beginning to be interested in the methods of positive thinking and Zen. Therefore, many people are concerned not only with how to celebrate the New Year 2017 and what to cook on the table, but also how to properly use the time of transition from one year to another in order to attract good luck and prosperity into their lives.

All the past is in the Old Year, all accomplishments are in the New!

  1. On the eve of the new year, draw up an action plan for the coming year. And let everything happen as you wish. Take a sheet of white paper and divide it in half with a vertical line, this is the separation of the past and the future.
  2. In the "past" write down everything that you would like to part with. It can be your bad habits, lack of money, uninteresting work, illness, troubles, quarrels, bad luck.
  3. In the "future" write down everything with which you would like to live in the coming year, all the desired acquisitions and achievements, prospects, wishes and dreams.
  4. Then tear the leaf in the middle and burn the "past" mercilessly. And hide a part of the sheet with the future you have indicated in a family album or in your favorite book or box.

After some time, you will be surprised to notice that the changes that you have thought about will begin to occur. New Year's Eve Magic Works!

Folk wisdom says: "As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it." All in your hands. If you manage to appease the Fire Rooster, you will turn your life for the better. And how to do it, you already know.

Let the above tips help you attract positive energy, good luck and cash flow. Now that you know exactly how to celebrate the New Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 and what to cook for the table, try to prepare for the holiday in the best possible way. Say goodbye to the passing year cheerfully and noisily, as the Chinese do: with fireworks, crackers and luminous lanterns floating into the sky. May all bad things disappear with them, and all good and good things will multiply! Be successful and happy under the watchful eye of the symbol of 2017 - the Fire Rooster. And may fate be favorable to you and your loved ones!

Happy holiday!

With wishes of happiness and love, Irina Lirnetskaya

But not everyone knows that our ancestors considered the days of the winter holidays the most mysterious period of the year. They say that on this solemn night, people open the door to the future. It is not surprising that so many superstitions and demands are associated with January 1!

Special New Year Rites Guarantee Your Prosperity in 2017

According to legend, the events of the festive night determine our fate for the next 12 months, so do not relax. The symbol of 2017 according to the Chinese calendar will be the Red Fire Rooster.

The proverb says: "As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it." So the task of everyone is to arouse the favor of a vociferous bird. This article contains the most popular signs associated with the meeting of the upcoming holiday. Let them help you attract happiness and good luck in the coming year!

Seeing off the old year

  • On New Year's Eve, not only the numbers in the calendar change, but also the transition from the old life to the new one takes place. No wonder we say to each other: "Happy New Year, new happiness." So why not leave all the problems, difficulties and quarrels in the past? Before December 31, each of us should return all debts and ask for forgiveness from those with whom we quarreled.
  • General cleaning is not just a boring duty. It is better to enter the new year with a clear conscience and in a clean house. All broken things should be fixed before the holiday. It will be useful to get rid of bad thoughts and unnecessary experiences. After all, wonderful holidays are ahead!
  • Esoteric experts recommend throwing all rubbish out of the apartment, first of all, broken or cracked kitchen utensils. So you free up space for new useful purchases. Take an example from the Italians - the inhabitants of this country on New Year's Eve throw unnecessary things right out of the window!
  • Do not leave all the goodies for the evening of December 31st. In the last three days before the New Year, the table should always be filled with hearty dishes - then abundance and prosperity will await your family in the coming year.

The change of the year is associated with renewal and the birth of everything new.

Preparing for the celebration

  • New Year was and still is a family holiday. Even if you did not manage to gather all your relatives at the festive table, be sure to visit them in the first days of the coming year.
  • Try to remember the dream that you have on the last night of the year. According to signs, he indicates what the next 12 months will be like.
  • On a festive evening, it is not customary to take out the garbage from the house. Violation of this rule can bring discord in the family.
  • On New Year's Eve, you cannot give or lend your things or money, otherwise happiness will bypass you. During the celebration, it is advised to have at least a small amount of money in your pocket. This way you will save yourself from financial problems.
  • According to tradition, everything new is put on on a festive evening - from dresses to jewelry. If you follow this rule, next year will bring a lot of new things.
  • The Red Rooster will bring good luck to those who choose an outfit of a fiery shade. Shiny jewelry, accessories with feathers and precious stones will perfectly complement your look and will definitely please the owner of the year.
  • To keep the relationship between home strong and lasting, tie the legs of the festive table with a rope.
  • On New Year's Eve, it is better to give up gambling. There is a belief among the people that such entertainment brings misfortune.
  • Choose gifts made from natural materials. According to signs, this will scare away mercantile people from you and your loved ones.

Treat the patron saint of 2017 and his favorite fiery colors with respect

Gala dinner

  • The table should be covered with a white tablecloth and sprinkled with a handful of cereals - it is associated with wealth. In the center, you can put your own baked bread and a bowl of salt, and put coins in the corners. This will protect the house from all sorts of troubles and bring good luck in the financial sector.
  • Even if you are fasting, the festive meal menu should be varied and unusual. Be sure to include fruits, nuts, and grains. A rich table is a sign of prosperity.
  • Refrain from chicken dishes. The symbol of the coming year will definitely not appreciate the dishes from their relatives. It is better to give preference to fish, pork or beef. And do not forget about the goodies of reddish shades!
  • Don't overdo it with alcohol. It is better to replace strong drinks with tasty and bright cocktails. After all, this word itself is translated as "cock's tail"!

Following New Year's customs promises you good luck and prosperity

Meeting New Year 2017

  • The last seconds of the outgoing year are a cherished moment when everyone makes their deepest wishes. You can think of up to twelve things. The main thing is that among them was the health and success of all family members.
  • The tradition of making wishes can be made more interesting. Write your dream on a napkin or piece of paper, set it on fire, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink to the bottom. If you manage to do it under the chimes, the wish will certainly come true.
  • If you want to attract money into the house, at the time of the New Year, hold a penny in your palm. You can also put it in a glass, and then carry it with you as a talisman.
  • Women are advised in the last minutes of the year to cover their shoulders with a scarf and drop it under the chimes. So you leave all the hardships and problems in the past.
  • A minute before the new year, peel the tangerine and place it under the spruce. After performing such a ritual, the year promises to be joyful.
  • Immediately after the onset of January 1, you need to kiss your soulmate. And then your feelings will grow stronger every day!
  • The fireplace in the house is advised to kindle, and keep the fire throughout the night. In European countries, there is a custom to throw coals into the flames. However, it is undesirable to lend someone items associated with the fire element (lighters, matches, candles).
  • One of the guests sneezed during the holiday? It means that the coming year will be successful for all those present. How many times a man sneezes, so many women will love him.
  • If three New Year's toys fall and break from the spruce, the family will be replenished in the new year.

Broken Christmas decorations can predict the birth of a child

Signs for January 1

  • The first day of the year will show what will be all the next. On January 1, you should not take on hard work, especially cleaning. Otherwise, you are threatened with twelve months of worries and labor.
  • Be alert for random finds. Any little thing can be a sign that a lot of pleasant surprises await you in the new year. If the first person you meet on the street is a man, you will be lucky.
  • Do you trade? Do not be stingy with a good discount for the first buyer in the new year. Good luck will accompany you in all financial affairs, and profit will always please you.
  • An unmarried girl should buy milk on the first day of the year. If it does not turn sour within two weeks, she will have a wedding soon!

Good luck and fulfillment of desires in the year of the Red Fire Rooster!

Fun and original - this is how you need to celebrate the New Year 2017 to please his patron, the Fire Rooster. A bright, wayward, proud and a little daring bird appreciates creativity, external brilliance and good taste both in appearance and behavior, so to attract its attention you will have to dress beautifully and fashionably, effectively decorate the apartment and set a truly chic table.

What to cook for a festive night on the occasion of the Year of the Rooster? What should be the ideal New Year's menu? These issues also require a specific approach. You can cook almost everything from pork ribs, salmon steak, cream cake and the classic Olivier salad, very popular in Russia, to exquisite juliennes, aspic and juicy boiled pork. But the strictest taboo applies to the bird. Signs say that on New Year's Eve the Rooster will not want to see one of his close or distant relatives baked with fruits and potatoes on the festive table. For a hot second, it is better to take lamb, veal or inexpensive beef, and use fresh vegetables and long steamed rice as a side dish. Be sure to put food made from cereals on the New Year's table. The rooster simply adores them and pecks wherever he sees.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and what should be the holiday menu

There is still a lot of time before the traditional winter celebrations, but diligent housewives are already thinking about how to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and what the festive menu should be like. Astrologers advise holding an event in a family and friendly circle and laying a generous, plentiful and beautiful table. Some pomposity will not hurt in the design and serving, as the owner of the next year likes to brag and even splurge on the eyes of friends and relatives.

New Year's dishes should be catchy, spectacular and chic. The best for this occasion is a classic service with flowers and gilding, which has large dishes for the main dishes, portion plates of different sizes for each guest and salad bowls. Cutlery will have to be polished to a mirror shine, and decorative bouquets should be formed from colored paper napkins. Disposable tableware on New Year's Eve is inappropriate. Only exquisite, solid and high-quality items made from natural materials can be present on the table, since the Rooster categorically does not accept artificiality.

The strictest rule of the New Year's menu is no chicken or poultry at all on the table, so you will have to refuse a whole baked turkey, goose or duck. In small volumes, chicken may be present, but not as a main course, but as an additional component of a second or hot appetizer.

Salads are welcome in any of their manifestations, but preference should still be given to vegetable and fruit options, as the Rooster simply loves cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, zucchini and other gifts of nature, both fresh and pickled.

Lamb, pork, beef, juicy salmon steaks, smoked salmon, caviar and seafood - all these items have every right to a place of honor in the New Year's menu. The main thing is to decorate dishes in an original and extraordinary way and serve them in beautiful dishes.

There are practically no restrictions on baking. You can cook pie with rice filling, sweet buns with raisins, tender apple charlotte, "Napoleon" with custard, gourmet chocolate "Prague", "Honey cake" or "Drunken Cherry". But the chicken recipe should be postponed until better times. The rooster is unlikely to like this kind of rich treat.

The main New Year's drink will be champagne or any other sparkling wine. The patron of the coming year will also react well to light fashionable cocktails. Strong drinks are also allowed, but in very small quantities, as participants should be drawn to having fun and dancing, and not to fall asleep.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 Year of the Rooster - signs of happiness, good luck and prosperity

To attract good luck, prosperity and happiness into your life, you need to know how to properly celebrate the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster. Folk signs recommend taking a few simple steps that will ensure a prosperous and comfortable existence for the next 365 days.

  • Money will stay in the house if you buy a broom on the eve of the New Year, decorate it with bright red ribbons and put it so that the handle is at the bottom.
  • A small coin made of yellow metal, clenched in a fist under the New Year's chimes, will ensure prosperity and financial well-being. The main thing is to wish this very sincerely and strongly.
  • The one who manages to sneeze at exactly midnight will be lucky and lucky all year, but the person who stumbles on his left foot, on the contrary, will be haunted by minor problems and failures.
  • New Year's Eve must be celebrated in a new dress. Then the wardrobe in the coming months will be regularly replenished with beautiful, fashionable and expensive clothes.
  • If you contrive and show dexterity, substituting your New Year's glass under the last drops of champagne poured from the bottle, you can secure yourself the protection of Fortune for the whole year.
  • In order for the whole family to be absolutely healthy all year long, on the eve of the holiday, you need to make a small broom of medicinal herbs and carefully sweep the whole house with it, right down to the farthest corners.
  • To attract money, you need to sit on your wallet with the first strike of the chimes and not get up until the clock is over.
  • In order for all failures, troubles and sorrows to remain in the past, on December 31, the calendar of the past year must be burned to the ground.

New Year 2017 - where to meet and what to cook for a big company

How and where to celebrate the New Year 2017, what to cook for a big company and how to entertain your guests? From these questions, the head is spinning, but nevertheless, they still have to be solved, moreover, without putting it off indefinitely.

The easiest option is to gather relatives, friends and acquaintances at home. But here, too, there are pitfalls. You will need to find a large, long table, provide everyone with chairs, and even allow guests to walk on carpets in shoes, since evening dresses and formal suits do not go well with worn house slippers or slippers. There should be plenty of food, as well as drinks. The situation with the lack of bread, napkins or cutlery is categorically unacceptable. The menu should be as varied as possible and contain dishes for every taste, including vegetarian ones. Otherwise, one of the guests may find himself in an awkward position, not being able, due to his personal convictions and principles, to try any of the festive treats.

The banquet hall of the restaurant can easily accommodate a company of any size, however, to rent such a room and order a plentiful festive menu with drinks, you will need an impressive amount of money. If all participants agree to contribute their part to the common cauldron, the New Year 2017 will be bright, spectacular and extraordinary, and at the end of the event no one will have to clean up and wash dirty dishes.

A country house is a good option for a company that wants to not only sit at the festive table and drink one or two glasses of champagne, but also play snowballs, dance around a live Christmas tree and warm their hands by a real fire. True, if the cottage is residential only in the summer and does not have its own heating and water supply, you will need to take a large supply of drinking water and heating appliances with you so that guests do not have to suffer from the lack of basic amenities on a festive night.

Where to celebrate the New Year in Russia in a fun and original way

Where and how to celebrate the New Year 2017 in Russia so that it remains in your memory for a long time and fills your heart with the brightest, warmest and most joyful emotions? Of course, not at home in front of the TV, but fun, original and extraordinary, for example, at a beach party in the pool or during a festive party on the roof of a high-rise building. Do you think these options are too creative and do not want to act so radically? Then arrange a beautiful costume party in your apartment and celebrate the coming of the Year of the Rooster in the company of family and friends dressed up in funny carnival masks. Signs say that this version of the holiday will definitely appeal to the symbol of the coming year, who really appreciates sincerity and a warm, family atmosphere, harmoniously combined with audacity and outward brilliance.

You should not worry too much about what the New Year's menu should be. The Fire Rooster is quite omnivorous and will enjoy vegetable and fruit salads, meat and fish dishes, delicious, rich pastries, airy desserts and light alcoholic drinks. The only thing that cannot be cooked on New Year's Eve in any case is any kind of bird. There are no restrictions on the account of all other dishes, so you can decide how best to cover the festive one yourself. If you don’t want to spend extra money on treats, you can whip up a few inexpensive, simple dishes and decorate them in an original way with food decor elements. Spectacular, festive serving and serving will add zest to the usual dishes and make them sparkle with bright colors and new colors.

With the approach of the last days of December, the festive atmosphere is in the air more and more - the New Year is on its way! New Year and Christmas songs are heard on TV and radio, and shop windows merrily wink at passers-by with multi-colored lights of garlands. So, New Year 2017 - how to celebrate, what to cook, where to celebrate the holiday in a fun and original way? Time inexorably runs forward and there are so many unresolved issues and cases that need to be settled in the outgoing year. From the New Year and Christmas, we traditionally expect happiness and good luck, so it will be interesting for everyone to know the signs, customs and conspiracies when meeting the year of the Red Rooster. Today we will also find out how beautifully and inexpensively to celebrate the New Year 2017 in Russia - you must admit that the last factor is important for many when planning holiday entertainment.

What should be the menu for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster?

The symbol of the coming 2017 is the Red Fire Rooster - a cocky, quick-tempered bird, but reasonable and loving order. In addition, she is not picky in food in a rustic way, so the menu should contain the simplest dishes from cereals, vegetables, herbs, wholemeal bread. Hostesses will be able to surprise guests and appease Petushka with salads with corn, peas, and mushrooms. Boiled rice, beans, millet will go well as a side dish. Meat lovers will have to be content with beef, pork, rabbit meat and fish - after all, chicken is “banned” on the New Year's table. The feathered "master" of 2017 will like sprouted grain, so you can put a small bowl with this product in the center of the table.

What else should be the menu for the New 2017 Rooster? The menu may include original fruit desserts, as well as buns, muffins, and pies. As for drinks, on New Year's Eve guests can be served wine, liqueurs and multi-colored low-alcohol cocktails. Now you know what to cook for the New Year 2017 and about the features of compiling a festive menu.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 of the Rooster - signs, customs, conspiracies

The onset of the New Year is always associated with expectations and hopes for the best, so on this holiday it is customary to observe certain traditions, customs and signs, to conspire for happiness, luck, wealth. From time immemorial, the thin "line" between the new and the "old" year has been considered a magical period, a magical "door" through which one can see one's future. So in the last days of the outgoing year, let's try to catch luck by the "tail" - and since the Red Rooster will become the patron of 2017, this comparison is very symbolic.

Meeting the New Year 2017 - folk signs and customs

In the New Year, we attach a "magical" meaning to the most seemingly ordinary things and actions that take place around us. Seeing off the Old and preparing for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster, the solemn meeting of the holiday under the chiming clock - all these moments are accompanied by many interesting traditions, signs and customs. Let's study them in more detail.

  • Abundant farewell to the Old Year - fortunately and good luck in the New Year. According to a long-standing folk sign, the festive table for the period from December 29 to December 31 should be “bursting” with dishes and drinks. In the old days, our Slavic ancestors arranged a solemn farewell to the outgoing year, trying to set a generous table - with pancakes, kutya with cream, meat dishes, pies, uzvar and various kvass.
  • All debts must be left in the Old Year - otherwise there is a risk of paying off the whole next year.
  • Asking for forgiveness from everyone who was offended - according to custom, on the eve of the New Year, you need to apologize for all intended and unintentional insults.
  • Before you celebrate the New Year 2017, you need to take care of a new outfit for this solemn event - then next year you will enjoy new clothes. In addition, it will not be superfluous to wear the most beautiful and luxurious dress and a precious necklace or ring. If you follow this tradition, the whole next year will be accompanied by wealth and good luck.
  • On the festive table, there must be rice, millet, nuts and fruits without fail - so that the Rooster has something to “peck”. In gratitude, the “master” of 2017 will give prosperity and prosperity.
  • During the chiming clock, you need to make a wish - there is a sign that it will come true. Alternatively, write a wish on a piece of paper or napkin, set it on fire and throw it into a glass of champagne. Before the last blow of the chimes sounds, the champagne must be drunk to the bottom - then the wish made will come true.
  • Did someone sneeze at the New Year's table? This is fortunately in the New 2017!
  • A popular "tenacious" sign - how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. Despite its antiquity, this expression is still relevant today.

Conspiracies and fortune-telling for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

New Year's Eve has long been endowed with a special "magic" meaning - at this time, conspiracies and fortune-telling for wealth, love, prosperity were carried out. It was believed that these ritual actions have unprecedented power and efficiency and contribute to the fulfillment of desires and aspirations. We bring to your attention some of the most famous New Year's conspiracies that can be put into practice. Before you celebrate the New Year 2017 of the Rooster and perform magical rituals, you need to prepare the necessary attributes in advance.

  • Cleared of negativity - for this conspiracy you will need holy water from the church. First you need to do a general cleaning in the house, put things in their places and throw away everything superfluous. Then add a couple of drops of holy water to the water for washing the floor and thoroughly wash the floors in the house. After cleaning, we put a white wax candle on the table, light it and ask for a candle flame to get rid of all evil - envy, anger, an unkind word. These words must be repeated three times over a burning candle. The water that remains after washing the floor should be poured outside the house.
  • To attract the love of a young man they like, girls can make a special conspiracy. We take a ripe red apple and cut out the core, and put a piece of paper with the name of a loved one in the hole. The fruit must be tied with a red woolen thread and hidden between the branches of the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. In the morning we take out the apple and speak it so that the beloved (we call it by name) thinks about the girl and dries like this apple. Then we hide the charmed fruit in a secluded place. In the New Year 2017, the beloved "object" will definitely reciprocate the girl in love with him.

Where is it fun and original to celebrate the New Year 2017 in Russia?

Time flies unnoticed and many are already thinking about the question: where is it fun and original to celebrate the New Year 2017? Well, if in the middle of winter there is an opportunity to go to exotic islands or foreign ski resorts. However, in most cases, the New Year 2017 will be celebrated at home, in Russia. But at home you can perfectly spend the Old and celebrate the New Year - no worse than on foreign seas. Moreover, the Rooster is a domestic bird and a lover of family comfort, which means that it is better to meet the coming year in the circle of close and dear people. So, how beautiful and inexpensive to celebrate the New Year 2017? Consider options.

In the vastness of Russia, there are many places to celebrate the New Year, the most popular of which is Moscow. New Year holidays in the capital will give a lot of positive emotions and new experiences. Children and adults will be delighted with the Kremlin Christmas tree, as well as numerous Moscow fairs.

Winter St. Petersburg will greet guests with festive performances and fireworks, walks along the Neva, fairs and grandiose New Year's shows. Numerous museums and expositions of the northern capital are definitely worth a visit for the New Year 2017.

The best gift for the New Year for a child will be a trip to the homeland of Santa Claus - Veliky Ustyug. In addition to the residence of the fabulous Grandfather, here you can admire the animals, as well as ride “with the breeze” on a sleigh in a reindeer sleigh. New Year's festivities and fairs are held in Veliky Ustyug - you can't imagine a better holiday!

If you want to meet the New 2011 Year of the Rooster in an original and unforgettable way, go to Kamchatka - the land of frost, snow and sea delicacies. The festive table here is bursting with an abundance of fish and red caviar - just a royal New Year! The famous open-air thermal springs will make a lasting impression, as well as wild bears that can be found in this harsh region.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017? Now you know about the most wonderful places where you can celebrate the New Year in a fun, original and inexpensive way, as well as what the festive menu should be like. What are the signs, customs and conspiracies when meeting the New Year 2017? We told you about the most popular traditions and "magic" rituals. However, it is best to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 at home, in the circle of relatives and friends, and then go to the New Year tree and organize interesting contests and entertainment in the frosty air. Merry you meeting the New Year 2017 and good festive mood!