How to make a permanent tattoo with a pen. Temporary henna tattoos: what is it, how are they performed and how long do they last

A few decades ago, in our country, tattoos were perceived ambivalently. Drawings on the body at that time were most often worn by the military and people who had visited "places not so remote." Today, the situation has changed dramatically, and tattoo parlors are opening in many cities. At the same time, not everyone who wants to have an unusual underwear pattern is recorded to the masters. Many are interested in the question of how to fill a tattoo yourself at home.

Pros and cons of a home tattoo

Becoming a tattoo artist is not as easy as it seems at first glance. To obtain this specialty, you must complete specialized training. The tattoo artist must also be a good artist. Usually, all beginners in this field work out the skills of owning a tattoo machine for quite a long time, while simultaneously learning the basics of drawing. It is important to understand that when applying a tattoo, you risk not only your own appearance, but also your health.

An ugly drawing can be reduced or painted over. If an infection is introduced during the tattooing process, the consequences can be the most terrible and unpredictable. And yet, despite this, many lovers talk about how to fill a tattoo at home. And some even decide on such procedures. Only visiting a certified master is a guarantee of getting a beautiful and safe tattoo.

Anyone who decides to experiment at home should thoroughly study the subtleties and features of this procedure. Deciding to get a tattoo at home for yourself or a friend, you take full responsibility for the health of the “client”.

Home tattoos without special equipment

Once upon a time in our country, the official art of tattooing did not exist as a phenomenon. All tattoos, commonly referred to as "tattoos", were made in prisons, military units and kitchens.

Theoretically, the procedure for applying a tattoo involves the introduction of coloring pigments into the deep layers of the skin. Accordingly, in order to make a tattoo, it is necessary to pierce the skin and use a tool to inject paint into the micro-wound. With such a barbaric version of the tattoo, any needles are used to pierce the skin, for example, sewing needles or injection syringes.

Much harder to choose paint. One of the most affordable options is ink from pens, some home "craftsmen" also use dyes for printer printing. It is important to understand that such paint can cause allergies. There is no need to talk about the quality of the finished tattoo, since a dye that is not intended for such use can change its color or “blur”.

Kits for amateur tattooing

One of the novelties in the market of products for tattoo artists is kits that include all the necessary materials and tools. Minimum equipment: paint, a few special needles and a set of sterile wipes. Most often in such sets there is only black, sometimes one or two additional ones. Be sure to read the instructions for use. Tattoo needles are much more convenient and safer to use than any ordinary ones. It is believed that with their help the drawing can be made more even and beautiful.

Professional tattoo machines and paints

Theoretically, in order to get a tattoo at home, you can buy professional tattoo equipment. Rotary machines and special paints are sold freely in specialized stores. It is worth noting that the price of such equipment is quite high. And if you want to limit yourself to one tattoo, it makes sense to go to a tattoo parlor.

Working with a tattoo machine has many subtleties and nuances. It is advisable to study the types of needles before starting work and at least practice a little. Try getting tattoo designs on a piece of old linoleum or pigskin. It is important for a novice master to feel the depth of entry of needles of different markings into the base used.

Preparing to get a tattoo

You need to start by choosing a picture. If the tattoo will be stuffed by an amateur master, you should choose something very simple. For example, some symbol or inscription. Draw the desired pattern or look at ready-made sketches of tattoos. The next step is the processing of tools and site preparation. Soak the needles and paint container in alcohol. Metal tools can also be baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. Wipe the area of ​​​​skin selected for the tattoo with an antiseptic. Now is the time to apply the pattern to the skin. Simple characters can be drawn by hand with a pen. Something more complex should be transferred using a special

How to fill a tattoo at home: step by step instructions

Lubricate the pattern transferred to the skin with petroleum jelly, and then proceed to stuffing it. If you are using a regular tattoo needle, you should periodically dip it into the paint. Pour the dye into a small container. Try not to insert the needle too deeply into the skin.

Many beginners who are interested in how to stuff ask how much it hurts. It all depends on your individual pain threshold. If you doubt your own pain tolerance, it makes sense to completely abandon the idea of ​​getting a tattoo.

From a technical point of view, making a tattoo is not difficult at all. In order for the paint to get into the deeper layers of the skin and get fixed in them, you need to break through the selected pattern several times along the contour. Do not forget to lubricate the skin with petroleum jelly and wipe off excess paint.

How to fill a tattoo at home using a rotary machine? Professional equipment uses needles similar to those used for tattooing. The machine only controls the algorithm and the depth of their entry into the skin. When using professional equipment, it is necessary to fill in the first session. If you plan to add shadows and sketch, you must wait for complete healing.

after the session

After the session is completed, a healing ointment must be applied to the skin. Cover the fresh tattoo with cling film on top. After about 3-4 hours, remove it and apply the ointment again. On the first day, it is recommended to make a sterile dressing and change it every four hours. In this case, it is necessary to apply a healing ointment. It is not enough to know how to get a tattoo. From the care of the tattoo during the healing period depends on how high-quality and colorful it will turn out. Starting from the second day after the session, the ointment is applied to the fresh tattoo area three times a day. During the healing period, you can not visit the sauna and swimming pool, sunbathe, and also swim in open water.

The desire for change is in the human blood. We always want something new, both in life and in appearance. Many are ready to change their image, but not every one of us has radical views. Therefore, the question of how to do it is as relevant as possible, especially today, when this way of decorating yourself is at the peak of popularity.

The history of drawing on the skin goes back many centuries. The etymology of the word "tattoo" has roots in the Polynesian language. And the first mention of this type of art is in the travel diary of James Cook - the entry is dated 1773. But in Europe, many decorated themselves in a similar way even before that, they just didn’t have a special name for the drawings.

Where can you get a tattoo?

If you want to put some image or a beautiful phrase on your body in order to admire it all your life, then, of course, you need to visit a special salon. However, take your time: check reviews from previous clients, find out if the tattoo artist is licensed, see if the room is clean. If everything is in order, you can begin to change yourself.

In the same case, if you are ready for such dramatic changes only for a certain short period of time, you can really do without the help of a specialist, because you can make a temporary tattoo yourself. This is not as difficult as it seems, the main thing is to follow the rules written below.

How is it at home?

Many people know that henna is needed for this process. However, not everyone is aware that it should not be hair dye, but a special powder. It is sold in specialized stores.

From this powder we need to get a paste, which we will apply to the skin. For this we need:

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of henna;
  • strong black tea (boiling water);
  • a few drops of olive oil;
  • lemon juice.

So, all components must be mixed. The consistency should be like sour cream. Then you can proceed in different ways. For people who do not have drawing skills, it would be better to use a stencil, because making a temporary tattoo with henna is quite difficult.

An important point, which plays an important role in the final result, is the degreasing of the skin before applying the tattoo. This can be done with a simple soap that does not contain moisturizing ingredients, or with alcohol.

So, put the stencil on the skin. It is advisable to somehow fix it so that the drawing turns out to be neat, for example, with adhesive tape. Now you can apply henna paste. Do not be sorry, the layer should be about 5 mm thick: this is the only way the tattoo will turn out bright.

Next, carefully remove the stencil and leave the gruel to dry for 2-3 hours. After this time, henna must be scraped off or removed with a dry sponge, but not with water. It is better not to wet the tattoo for at least two days - henna will show up better.

If the edges of the drawing turned out to be uneven, you can use a syringe, into which you must first collect their henna paste, and circle the contours. The syringe is also useful for those who know how to draw: in this case, you can do without a stencil.

Now you know how Don't be afraid to experiment!

It seems to many people that the craze for tattoos began relatively recently, and before the tattoo was almost a curiosity and almost always indicated belonging to some social or professional group.

Yes, and the artistic value of tattoos was spoken of as something very, very doubtful. However, archaeological excavations quite convincingly indicate that tattoos existed and were very popular for several millennia BC and, moreover, were very intricate and elegant.

As for the purpose of tattoos, then it becomes completely clear that, on the one hand, it was a tattoo that could indicate a certain social status, and on the other hand, it could simply be an ornament (as they say today, an element of the image or a designer find).

And here’s what’s interesting: the idea that it’s very difficult to get rid of a tattoo later came to mind a very long time ago, but the desire to decorate your body was much stronger, so inventive humanity found a way to apply temporary tattoos to the body (more precisely, drawings that imitate real tattoos ), which remain on the body only for a quite definite (and rather limited) time, and disappear without any traces.

Types of temporary tattoos

The reasons for applying temporary tattoos for all people are completely different, but the undoubted advantage of such images is their non-traumatic nature. And here's what's interesting: temporary tattoos are not an invention of today, although it is in recent decades that new and very high-tech ways of applying different patterns to the skin have appeared.

One of the well-known and quite popular types of temporary tattoos today is airbrushing on skin , that is, drawing a picture using a special tool called an airbrush. With the help of this tool, a pattern is applied to the skin with a special paint - the so-called face painting.

As you can understand from the name, any face painting has a water base, that is, it is a kind of cosmetics that is quite simply washed off with ordinary water. Airbrushing on the skin is very close to bodypainting, however, if we are talking about bodypainting, then the whole body is covered with drawings, and if it comes to airbrushing tattoo, then the area of ​​​​such an image can be quite tiny (depending on the chosen drawing).

Of course, a drawing made on the body with water-soluble paint is short-lived. However, this also has its advantages: the drawing will not get bored; drawings can be changed depending on the mood; if the need has disappeared in the drawing, then it is easy to get rid of it; after removing the airbrush pattern, no traces remain on the skin.

Of course, any paint can cause allergic reactions, but water-based paints applied to the surface of the skin are safer than any permanent tattoo.

A temporary airbrush tattoo will last no more than a week with proper care, but if necessary, it can be removed earlier.

Another popular type of temporary tattoo is transfer tattoos , which are almost ordinary stickers. However, even the most famous fashion houses, such as Chanel or Dior, offer such temporary drawings, and some well-known people in the art world offer their own options (for example, Beyoncé launched a whole line of such temporary tattoos).

Modern transfer tattoos are very different, and anyone who wants to decorate their body with a harmless picture that can be quickly removed can find a suitable option for themselves.

Transfer tattoos are also used at festive events, at parties, at corporate parties and at a variety of corporate events. A beautiful transfer tattoo can be a wonderful and unusual gift.

In addition, if the question is being decided whether to make a permanent tattoo, then with the help of transfer tattoos you can make a kind of “fitting” - to clarify the size, location, color and other invariable features of the future permanent tattoo.

There can be many reasons to apply a temporary tattoo on the skin, but in any case, if we are talking about a high-quality and elegant decal, then why not try it? Moreover, it is not very difficult to remove this picture.

When applying transfer tattoos to the skin, you should remember a few simple rules:

  1. Firstly, a decal tattoo should be applied to the skin only after the skin has been thoroughly cleansed of makeup residues and any fats.
  2. Secondly, the transfer tattoo should be pressed against the skin with a wet cloth so that the paper on which the picture is applied is properly wet.
  3. Thirdly, after the paper is removed from the picture, the tattoo must dry properly, after which the temporary tattoo will be quite resistant to water and even to many types of soap.

If you need to quickly remove a temporary transfer tattoo, this is easy to do with the help of cologne, lotion, or with the help of fat-containing creams, skin oils and other similar cosmetics.

A very interesting type of temporary tattoo - the so-called biotattoo, or biotattoo . Biotattoo is a drawing that is applied to the skin by staining the upper (surface) layer of the skin with a special biomass, which is prepared from vegetable paint.

Henna is used as a vegetable dye, which can give many shades of brown, from very light to very dark. Other henna-based paints are also used today for biotattooing, however, their compositions are of an unnatural (chemical) origin, therefore, when using such paints that contain not only natural components, an allergic reaction may occur.

It is very important that vegetable oils are added in a certain proportion to the biomass used for applying a natural temporary tattoo, which soothe the skin after exposure and help it recover (have a regenerating effect). Such a tattoo with henna is called mehndi ( mehndi), or mehendi.

Henna drawings on the body

Drawing henna on the body, according to researchers, has a long history: according to scientific data, the application of henna patterns to the body appeared in Mesopotamia around the 12th century AD. e.

However, henna was known and widely used in ancient Egypt, where it was used to color both hair and body. Also, henna was necessarily used when embalming the deceased pharaohs.

Interesting! Henna drawings were used in various religious ceremonies. Most often, red henna was used for this.

The art of underwear henna drawing reached its heyday in India and Central Asia, where henna was used for dyeing hair, and for coloring nails, and for applying complex ornaments to the skin. There are also enough reasons to believe that henna painting on the body was popular in Ancient Babylon, Assyria, Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.

Interesting! There is an opinion of some researchers that biotattoo, that is, drawing on the skin with the help of henna, has more than five thousand years.

Thus, the exact place and time of the appearance of henna drawings on the body remains unknown - this art arose in different countries and constantly changed in accordance with the cultural traditions of each people.

Interesting! The painting on the body, which was done with henna, was considered a talisman and a talisman, since magical powers and the ability to protect from evil forces were attributed to these ornaments. Different ornaments (geometric or floral) could have different magical properties.

What is henna? Henna powder is powdered leaves of Lawsonia, that is, the Lawsonia inermis shrub, which grows and is cultivated in India, Egypt, Sudan, Iran, as well as in Pakistan, Nepal, Egypt. Lawsonia can also be found in the southern provinces of China and Sri Lanka (in a word, in countries with a dry and warm climate) and even in Australia.

The entire plant has coloring abilities, but most of the coloring matter is contained in the leaves, which are located on the upper branches of this shrub. And it is these upper leaves (more precisely, the powder that is made from them) that are used to apply patterns to the skin.

Interesting! The scent of henna (lawsonia) was the favorite scent of the Prophet Mohammed.

It is known that in the air the coloring properties of the crushed leaves of lavsonia, which are known as henna, quickly decrease. That is why henna should be used immediately after the sealed package is opened.

Attention! For drawing a picture on the skin (temporary tattoo) and for coloring the hair, a slightly different henna is used - prepared from the leaves of lavsonia growing on different branches of the bush. In addition, it is not crushed to a powdery state, but is distinguished by a coarser grinding.

In the old days, natural dyes of mineral origin were used to expand the color range of drawings that were made using henna. With the help of such mineral additives, it was possible to obtain drawings not only of different shades of brown, but also blue, green and yellow shades.

The addition of black graphite was very popular - this mineral, added to henna diluted in cold water, made the dye more resistant to external influences, and the pattern more durable and much darker.

In many states of India, before the wedding, the most complex patterns are still applied to the skin of the bride, which last the longest on the palms and feet, since in these places there are very few sebaceous glands on the skin and the skin is rather dry. It took several days to apply traditional ornaments to the skin of the bride, and how long the drawing lasted on the body depended on how quickly the young wife began to do housework: while the mehendi wedding painting was held, the newlywed was freed from housework.

Among the most popular Indian drawings made using the mehendi technique, one can note ethnic openwork patterns, the image of a lotus, various images of a peacock and an indispensable symbol of good luck - an image of an elephant that victoriously raised its trunk.

Arab countries have their favorite patterns in the mehendi technique - most often these are floral patterns that adorn the feet and palms.

As for the countries of North Africa, geometric motifs are most often used for henna painting: for example, the Berbers prefer a pattern in the form of short lines, circles and dots, while the inhabitants of Morocco prefer an ornament of triangles, rhombuses and wavy lines.

In Europe, henna drawing on the skin appeared relatively recently - in the 90s of the twentieth century, and the popularity of this type of temporary tattoo continues to grow. However, for European patterns, a mixture of different styles of traditional paintings is very characteristic: in European countries today, drawings are often made from floral ornaments, various inscriptions, including hieroglyphs, images of zodiac signs are often found. Small images on the shoulder, neck, wrist or ankle are very popular.

Temporary henna tattoo: preparation for drawing

If it is decided to apply henna drawing at home, then it should be taken into account that henna is a very strong dye, so everything that should not be painted should be carefully protected from unwanted effects. And if henna gets on the skin in those places where the pattern is not provided, then it should be immediately removed from the skin until the coloring reaction begins.

Before applying a henna pattern to the skin, you should carefully choose a place. It is very important not to apply mehendi to the same place several times in a row - experts believe that the skin must rest in order to avoid unwanted reactions, including various skin diseases, including eczema.

Also, experts advise not to visit the solarium and not to sunbathe under natural sunlight for at least a day before applying the ornament.

As for the preparation of the skin for the procedure, before starting the drawing, the skin should be thoroughly degreased, for which either wash it with soap or wipe it with a swab with alcohol or any other alcohol-containing liquid.

It is important that the mehendi temporary tattoo be applied to very smooth skin: it is quite possible that peeling (scrub treatment of the skin) is required before applying the pattern. The fact is that if too many dead cells remain on the skin, then the pattern will remain on the skin for a very short time.

It also does not hurt to take into account that if there are hairs on the skin, then the paint on the hairs will last much longer than on the skin. That is why, before applying the ornament, it is better to remove the hairs from the place of drawing the pattern.

Henna should be diluted in strict accordance with the instructions, which must be on each package.

Attention! We should not forget that for drawing a picture on the skin, not the henna that is used for dyeing hair is required.

Special henna for applying ornaments on the skin can be bought in specialized stores, online stores or where all the equipment necessary for tattooing is sold.

Why you should give preference to a temporary tattoo with henna

Of course, before you decide on any procedure, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

One of the most important advantages of bio-tattooing with henna is that this tattoo is not eternal and definitely will not get bored. Depending on the type of henna and other circumstances, the pattern applied with henna lasts from one to four weeks.

It is very important that when drawing a picture, the skin is not damaged, needles are not used, that is, there is no injury. It is quite clear that if the skin remains completely intact, then there is not even a minimal risk of contracting HIV, hepatitis and other diseases that can be transmitted through the blood.

Of course, the absolute naturalness of the dye can be considered an indisputable advantage of such a tattoo, since its source is the Lavsonia plant, that is, a completely natural substance.

Among the undoubted advantages of such a biotattoo, its absolute harmlessness to health is noted. It is known that pure henna is hypoallergenic, that is, it is not capable of causing any allergic reactions.

Attention! Artificial dyes can be added to henna to give it a color unusual for this plant, which can cause allergic reactions. It is better to change the color of henna with the help of natural ingredients.

It is also important that the procedure for drawing with henna is completely painless, and many patients claim that this procedure even has a calming and relaxing effect.

Rules for the care of the finished mehendi pattern

When the henna pattern has already been applied to the skin and if this pattern is completely satisfied (I want to keep it longer), then a few simple rules should be followed, the implementation of which will extend the life of the picture or ornament.

  1. First of all, caring for the pattern should begin from the moment the pattern is applied (more precisely, from its drying).
  2. To begin with, it would not hurt to moisten the applied images, for which a mixture of lemon juice (two tablespoons) and sugar (one tablespoon) is best suited. This moisture will allow the coloring pigments to be better absorbed.
  3. It is important to dry the applied pattern in a warm place: an infrared lamp or sunbathing is ideal.
  4. It would be a good idea to wipe a fresh drawing with mustard, almond or sesame oil, and then periodically wipe again and again.
  5. It should not be forgotten that the pattern made by henna is easily damaged by heavy sweating, which can appear when visiting a sauna or playing sports.
  6. If you need to protect a temporary tattoo made with henna for a longer time, then it is better not to take hot baths, but to limit yourself to a warm shower. The pattern will also shed when swimming in the sea or in the pool.
  7. It is very important to remember that henna drawings can only be wiped with vegetable oils, but mineral oils such as petroleum jelly or baby oil are categorically not suitable for this.
  8. Well, it’s completely clear that you don’t need to rub the mehendi with a washcloth, because this way the drawing will be erased very quickly.

Attention! With proper application and care, mehendi can last up to a month.


Should I get a tattoo or not risk it? Here on Halloween, it would be quite handy, but then, on working days, it may turn out to be superfluous ... What to do? The answer is simple!

Temporary tattoos can create the desired image, cheer up and at the same time do not harm either health or business style. But with regard to performing temporary tattoos at home, then you need to be aware of your artistic talents, because one thing is a decal-tattoo and quite another is a complex drawing that is done with henna-based paint.

However, in any case, a temporary tattoo is really temporary, and in case of failure, it will disappear rather quickly - it will be erased as if it never happened. Airbrushing, transfer tattoos, henna drawings - the choice of temporary tattoos is quite large, so finding the right option is quite real and not difficult, but at any party you can feel in trend and a completely advanced personality, without risking either health or business reputation. And the pictures can be changed depending on the mood and situation.

A tattoo is a sign of some eccentricity and rebellion, an opportunity to stand out from the crowd, in extreme cases, from your daily life. This is how some part of the population relates to these wearable drawings. Some do, others make compromises in the matter of drawings on the body - they make temporary tattoos.

Creating a temporary tattoo at home is not difficult. After the procedure is completed, the pattern will remain on the body, however, depending on the paint, it will last from one to four weeks. During this period, you will understand whether this drawing suits you and if you could go through it all your life.

Types of temporary tattoos

  • Henna tattoo, it is also called "mehndi" or menadi. Instead of paint, finely chopped, upper leaves of henna are used. You can buy this powder in specialized stores, but do not confuse it with henna for hair - the latter has coarse grinding and a darker color. This method of tattooing was known in ancient times - the girls of the Middle East decorated themselves with lace patterns that were made with henna. Also, similar tattoos are used in religious rites. This technique is hypoallergenic and safe, besides, henna, as a natural and plant substance, has a positive effect on the skin. The original color is burgundy or red, but with black graphite (dilute in cold water and add a mineral) you can make it more resistant and darker. There are, of course, other dyes that can expand the palette of henna shades - they will help to achieve reds, blues, yellows and greens.
  • Airbrushing on the skin. This technique of making temporary tattoos got its name thanks to the tool with which the main robots are made according to the image of the picture - the airbrush. It looks like a pistol, only instead of bullets it has body paint: water-based face painting. This technique is close to body art. But this type of wearable image lives very little. You can admire such a tattoo for no more than a week.
  • biota. A feature of this pattern is the use, in addition to paint, also of various sparkles, glued with glue harmless to the body along the contour or simply in a chaotic manner. These tattoos also do not last long, besides, you need to carefully choose the place of application, because when you put on or take off your clothes, you can damage the drawing.
  • Transfer tattoos. This, of course, is not serious, but they also apply to temporary tattoos. To apply them, you need to use a stencil - wet it a little and press it against the skin area. This tattoo will last a couple of days.

Making a temporary tattoo at home

If you want to apply a temporary tattoo, then first you need to decide on the application technique and only then proceed to action. Of course, the most popular and simplest technique is henna. In addition, the drawing itself will look very original and unusual, and if you want to draw Indian lace, then be prepared for the gaze of men and the envy of girlfriends.

If you have elementary artistic skills, then making a temporary tattoo at home with henna will not be difficult for you, but there are several features.

  1. Carefully select henna, do not forget that simple hair dye will not work. For a tattoo, you need a light green powder, finely ground.
  2. Before applying the paste, it is necessary to remove hair from the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  3. Henna purchased in tubes or diluted is applied using a stencil, tracing paper or a thin brush to the treated skin. Try to make the layer as thick as possible without damaging the overall outline of the image, as the brightness will be stronger if the base layer of henna is thicker. On average, you need to wait one to two hours until the paint dries.
  4. Lemon juice is a natural skin moisturizer.

Temporary tattoo without henna

Not everyone likes the same type of color and limited technique (shadows, color transitions - this is not the case when tattoos are applied with henna) of the drawing. To be honest, henna tattoos are a little primitive and quite straightforward. With this technique, you can draw exotic decorations or symbols - no more.

If you like the richness of shades, colorful transitions, realism and detail - do it without henna. For example - biotatu or airbrushing. In these cases, you can make a very colorful object, with shadows that add volume and realism. Transfer tattoos cannot give a similar effect; as a result, you will only get a monophonic filling of the stencil.

If we can say about a tattoo made with henna that it will last for quite a long time - with proper care for almost a month, then other techniques will not be able to please you with such a duration. A factor that affects durability is water procedures. They need to be cut. Also, the quality of the paints and the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin are important factors. It is best to apply to an open area that has little contact with clothing.

Video lessons

The word “tattoo” appeared in Europe in the 18th century thanks to the traveler James Cook, an expert on the natives of Polynesia, Tahiti and Zealand. Although the pattern applied to the skin was known long before that. Tattoos are permanent and cosmetic. If earlier tattoos identified a person as a member of a group, a youth trend, or were a way to establish a hierarchy, now they are purely aesthetic in nature. For beauty, you can make a tattoo at home.

Draw a sketch of the drawing you like. Approach his choice with all seriousness, because it will be very difficult to remove a boring tattoo. And every image has its own meaning. Do you want to see some hieroglyphs or symbols on your body? First, be sure to find out what they mean. There are tattoos that are made only to people connected with the criminal world (domes, IRA, rings). Think again if you want to perpetuate the name of a loved one. This is not the best idea, because feelings can cool down. Try so that you can look at your underwear painting calmly and with pleasure even in 10-20 years. Prepare the body area for tattooing. This means that the skin must be carefully shaved, trying not to get hurt, disinfected and degreased. Only after that draw the contours of the sketch. The day before the procedure, you should not drink alcohol and other blood-thinning drugs, such as aspirin. This can affect the quality of the tattoo. At the next stage, disinfect the working material and the needle by boiling, then wipe everything with alcohol. Be sure to use disposable sterile gloves and quality ink. Don't skimp on dyes. Buy safe mascara in any color that does not interfere with wound healing, absorbs well, and is environmentally friendly. They, in particular, are produced in the USA and France by Intenze, JetFrance, StarbriteColors. Ink from gel pens, stationery ink or a product from a tarpaulin boot and urine is better not to try, health is more expensive. The main operating tool is a needle. It can be made from a guitar string or you can take a regular one from a sewing machine. The first option is preferable, since the diameter of the tip is smaller, and the process is less painful. Tie the needle tightly to the pencil, placing a dense layer of cotton wool. Only the tip about 1-2 mm long should remain free. Pour some ink into a small, clean container. During pauses, cover the container with a paper towel to keep dust out. Take a homemade stylus and dip the needle into the ink. Pierce the epidermis to a depth of 1-3 mm. The skin should stretch when the needle is pulled out. If there is too much blood, you need to reduce the pressure. First go over the contour, and then fade everything else. Constantly remove excess paint and blood with a damp paper towel. The final stage is the care of a freshly applied tattoo. Wet the area of ​​​​the body with a napkin moistened with an antiseptic, apply a healing ointment. Then put the insulating film on for 3-4 hours. Rinse twice a day with Chlorhexidine solution and smear with Pantestine. You can not take hot baths, peel off the formed crust and stay in the sun for a long time.

To avoid infection, do not forget to throw away all disposable products that you used in your work, especially the needle. Follow the rules of hygiene.