How to make a valentine for a boy out of paper. DIY paper valentines. Templates of original valentines for Valentine's Day


One of the favorite youth holidays is approaching - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. Having recently appeared in the expanses of our Motherland, it very quickly spread throughout the cities and villages, and now this holiday is celebrated by most of the country's population.

In Catholic Europe, many greeting cards are issued annually, named after the saint, valentines. A variety of materials are used for their manufacture, but traditionally paper or cardboard valentines in the form of postcards, the shape of which is a heart, are most widely used.
We have more and more different valentines can be found in almost any store and pavilion. The choice is very large, but, you see, it’s more pleasant to receive a valentine made by the hands of a loved one as a gift as a sign that you are very dear to him and he is happy to spend his time not on sleeping and eating, but on making you at least a little happier.

So, it's decided! We make a valentine with our own hands from paper.
This case is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Even if the experience of papermaking is not enough, everyone can find the perfect version of a spectacular valentine, which even a child can make.

The simplest valentines

To make an exclusive valentine's card, we need:

  • a sheet of double-sided colored cardboard, which can be replaced by colored paper that has a red tint (pink, crimson, ruby ​​or pure red).
  • paper for "scrapbooking" with a small patterned pattern, and in its absence - any light one of the pastel colors. It is desirable that it be monophonic,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • double sided tape,
  • small length beautiful braid or lace ribbon.

Making a simple heart card

We fold a sheet of cardboard in half and get the basis of a future postcard. We put a pre-prepared stencil in the form of a heart from any paper on the first, front page of the postcard and circle it with a pencil with light strokes.

Now let's try, without crushing our postcard, carefully cut out a heart. This is not difficult to do: just fold it in the middle, pinch the fold with your fingers or a small paper clip only at the level of the heart

and carefully cut it out.

From a sheet of colored or patterned paper, cut off a piece equal to the size of a folded postcard and carefully glue it from the inside so that the pattern falls into place of the previously cut out heart.

The inner side of the glued sheet will be plain.

Using double-sided tape, we attach the selected lace or beautiful braid to the card. The first exclusive Valentine's Day has arrived!

Want to give a big Valentine? No problem! Glue pre-cut pink and red hearts onto the cardboard base.

For greater presentability, such a Valentine can be framed, and sincere words of congratulations can be written in the free space.

Small hearts can become a valentine in their own right if they are cut out of colored paper and lightly decorated. Even a cute button can make a Valentine card out of a simple paper heart. We make a gift inscription on the back and the valentine is ready.

And from small postcards you can make real paintings.

Paper volumetric hearts

Volumetric hearts made of non-uniformly colored paper look unusual. When using plain colored paper, the effect produced by the finished product will be lower.

To make them, we fold a square sheet of paper in half, with the faded side inward and bend it in half again to make a small square. Expand and get the main guide lines.

Now we take the left vertical side of the square from the side and bend it twice inward, towards the middle, and bend the right side also twice outward. We bend the upper and lower sides of the resulting rectangle inwards to obtain the following guide lines and unbend again.

There are traces of three folds on the rectangle. Now we bend the upper side of the rectangle in half to the uppermost fold, we do the same with the bottom side - we bend in half to the nearest lower fold, straighten it.

With the help of scissors, we make two vertical cuts from the edge to the new fold closest to it.

We bend each of the resulting four tips - corners inwards.

It turned out like a fence of two pointed planks.

Now we fold each of the four sharp tips in half, bending over ourselves.

The resulting sheet is again folded in half, bent tops inward.

The right and left lower corners, bending, hide inside. Got a heart!

We carefully iron it and give it as a gift or, stringing it on a cord or ribbon, decorate the room with a table set for an evening romantic dinner.

Bright, fiery valentines made of thin corrugated paper

Effective hearts are made quickly and easily from thin corrugated paper.
To work on them, we will need:

  • cardboard, preferably red,
  • red corrugated paper (it can be replaced with red napkins),
  • a moderately pointed wooden or plastic handle of a paint brush or a toothpick,
  • PVA glue.

First, cut out a heart of the desired size from cardboard - this will be the basis of an unusual valentine. On one side of the heart we write words of love, and on the other we will work.

We apply a layer of PVA glue to the base. We cut squares of corrugated paper with a side equal to 2 cm.

In the middle of the square, put the end of the toothpick and wrap it slightly.

Firmly press the tip to the edge of the base with glue, remove the toothpick.

We do the same with the second square, gluing it next to the first along the edge of the heart. We glue all subsequent squares tightly to each other, covering the entire surface of the heart.

The impression will be spoiled if a base of a different color is visible between the folded, rarely glued squares. We do not allow such misses by filling the entire surface of the heart with corrugated paper.
It turns out a very beautiful effect of flames or fluffiness.

By the same principle, you can make a three-dimensional structure. In this case, foam is taken as the basis, and instead of a toothpick, an old rod from a pen is used.

Valentine's card decorated with a pattern

For such a gift, you do not need to be an artist, it is enough to be able to hold a pen, felt-tip pens, colored pencils or a brush in your hands.

Even children can please loved ones with such valentines.

To do this, on the basis of light or white paper with a fountain pen, we draw everything we want on the theme of the holiday: hearts, curlicues, funny animals in love, and so on.

We have already made several paper valentines using different techniques (see links at the end of this article). Let's learn a new technique today - paper weaving technique. And we will make a heart - a valentine using this technique.

Such a valentine is made very quickly and simply, but it looks very original and beautiful. A heart can be presented both on March 8 and on a birthday, and can be used to decorate a home for any holiday.

The first valentine for children: woven paper hearts

The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentyeva, a reader of the Rodnaya Path site, a technology teacher, a leader of a children's art circle, a participant in our Internet Workshop of educational games "Through the game - to success!"

Wicker Valentine Heart: Tools and Materials

To work you need:

- double-sided paper of 2 colors, better contrast;

- any glue;

- scissors.

Wicker heart - valentine: step by step description

Step 1

Prepare a template and draw lines for future cuts.

Step 2

Cut out several blanks of different colors according to the template. You can cut out several identical blanks at the same time by folding sheets of paper in a pile and fastening them with paper clips (if an adult cuts out, preparing materials immediately for a group of children). If children cut out, then they make only one blank at a time along the contour.

Step 3

If you make these valentines with preschool children, then cut the blanks one by one along the lines of the template.

If you are making valentines - wicker hearts with school-age children, then you can show the child a faster way. Fold the workpieces 2-3 pieces together, fasten them with paper clips so that they do not move relative to each other and make cuts along the marked lines to the control line (from experience, it is better to cut 1-2 mm beyond the control line).

Step 4

- Put one piece on top of another.

- Skip stripes of one color between stripes of another color, interlacing them in a checkerboard pattern.

Step 5

- Pull the interlaced strips tightly to each other, grease the ends of the strips with glue and glue the strips on both sides.

- Trim the edges of the hearts.

Step 6

- Thread the needle, pierce the heart in the upper part, stretch the thread and tie a knot, forming a loop.

- Hang ready-made hearts on the wall, on window curtains or on a tree branch.

Creative task:

- Think about how you can draw lines on this template to change the weave pattern?

- Choose contrasting colors of paper for making hearts.

— Make a set of hearts with different lines.

Variants of such wicker hearts for inspiration and inventing your own pattern with children based on them- in the pictures below. Try to come up with your own pattern! Experiment. As you can see, the possibilities of this technique are enormous! Such hearts are made not only from paper, but also from ordinary fabric for patchwork (using special material for gluing strips of fabric - fleece), from thin felt.

The second valentine for children: a heart in the technique of a mosaic of corrugated paper

We have already met with you in the manufacture of New Year's cards. Today we will remember this technique and, like puzzle pieces, fill the heart with small pieces of crepe paper. And this technique can also be compared with patchwork.

Corrugated Paper Mosaic Valentine Card: Materials and Tools

To work you need:

- crepe (corrugated) paper of different colors,

- glue stick,

- colored cardboard

- White paper,

- ribbon,

- regular scissors, scissors - zigzag.

How to make a paper mosaic valentine with children: a step by step description

This Valentine's gift can be made even with the smallest children.

Step 1

Cut multi-colored corrugated (crepe) paper into small pieces of different sizes.

Step 2

- Cut out two hearts of any shape, but of different sizes, from white paper. The difference in size should be approximately 0.5 - 0.7 cm.

- Gradually grease a smaller heart with glue - a pencil and stick multi-colored pieces of paper on it.

Thus, piece by piece, stick until the entire surface of the heart is filled.

Useful idea: With older children in the process of work, you can play a word game. For example, count how many different shades of paper are used in the manufacture of a heart and what they are called. Or pick up words about what our heart will turn out to be (bright, multi-colored, joyful, cheerful, etc.). Or choose what qualities of a person we want to emphasize (kind, neat, cheerful, honest, etc.).

You can play associations and choose what quality of a person a given color is associated with, for example: white - fidelity, pink - tenderness, sunny yellow - kindness, and so on.

Here's what you'll have at the end of this Valentine's Day step.

Step 3

- Cut off excess protruding edges of colored paper from the glued workpiece. It is better to do this on the wrong side of the heart, turning it over to you with the white side.

- Cut the edges of a large heart with zig-zag scissors and stick a blank with a mosaic surface on it.

Step 4. Making a children's valentine

Option A: Making a postcard - valentine

- Bend a sheet of colored cardboard in half.

- Stick the resulting blank on the prepared base.

- Cut out a light strip of paper with zig-zag scissors, make an inscription on it and glue it under the heart. Postcard is ready!

This postcard was made by five-year-old Irochka (see photo below).

Option B. Valentine card "Postcard - pocket"

You can also make this version of the postcard: similarly to a heart, make leaves and a stem and plant a heart flower in a pot! The pot can only be glued on 3 sides (like a pocket) and put a letter with kind words in it.

Option B. Valentine pendant. To do this, cut out an even larger heart from cardboard with zig-zag scissors and stick the mosaic heart blank obtained earlier on it. Make a hole at the top with a hole punch, thread a cord or ribbon into it and hang it on the curtain.

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The approach of Valentine's Day awakens romantic notes in our souls, which we may be trying to muffle. After all, the pragmatism of the world around us sets us up for a practical approach to life. But despite all our commercialism, on the eve of Valentine's Day, we suddenly begin to enthusiastically look for a gift for a loved one, come up with touching words of congratulations and even make DIY valentines. And who's to say it's not great?

This custom came to us from the Middle Ages, when lovers began to send cute postcards to their loved ones for Valentine's Day. It all started with a note sent in 1415 from a London prison, or rather from the Tower, by Duke Charles of Orleans to his wife. It is she who is recognized in the world as the first greeting card - Valentine. And today, on Valentine's Day, heart-shaped valentines are still given to each other, on which sincere declarations of love, marriage proposals, and sometimes just jokes are written. Among the Italians, besides everything, this February day is called nothing more than a sweet day, when lovers exchange gifts in the form of sweets and sweets. But they also send valentines by mail in pink envelopes without indicating a return address. But it is customary for the Danes to send white dried flowers to each other. For Spaniards, the crown of passion is a love letter sent with carrier pigeons. Interestingly, this day is also celebrated in Japan, where on Valentine's Day it is customary for all male colleagues to give chocolate, referred to as “service chocolate” (or “giri-choco”). This custom appeared somewhere in the seventies of the past, when a box of chocolates given to a man was compared with a declaration of love. And in recent years, Japanese women have a ritual to buy such sweets on Valentine's Day as a gift to themselves or their girlfriend. The new custom was called "friendship chocolate" (or "tomo-choco"), and also "chocolate for oneself" (or "jibun-choco").

We are already talking about how to make valentines from buttons.

Before Valentine, it's time to master the art of quilling.

It is customary for our lovers to give hearts in the form of postcards. Today it is fashionable to do very beautiful handmade valentines. To do this, it is enough to have a desire - and everything will work out for you. Neither the scarcity of the material, nor the lack of skills will stop you: all this is needed in the very minimum amount. And if, moreover, you know how to do something masterfully, then so much the better: make a heart out of wood, if you have experience with this material, sew from fabric, if you can just hold a needle in your hands, bake from dough if you love to cook. The custom of giving valentines has never limited anyone in choosing the type of card, the main thing is sincerity and diligence, and then everything will work out for you!

Probably everyone will be happy to receive such a wonderful postcard envelope.

From cardboard, rhinestones, beads and paper, you can make a Valentine card.

Here is a detailed tutorial for you.

The best valentine is an edible valentine. Make a box for her, guided by the master class below.

For example, a funny miracle valentine can be made from an ordinary matchbox. This method allows you to leave a secret message of love inside the box, which can give a dear person a lot of positive emotions and smiles. After all, it is on this day that you really want to receive such a testament of love as a gift from your loved one. Yes, and I myself really want to give my soul mate something as a keepsake, something that would warm his heart and just do something nice. To make our valentine, you will, of course, need a matchbox, as well as a sheet of thick colored paper for decorating the box, a sheet of paper for the congratulation itself, a knife (stationery), scissors, pencils and felt-tip pens, a ruler, glue and decorations for decorating a valentine . There are several ways how to make a valentine's day in the shape of a matchbox. The first is to paste over the finished matchbox with a sheet of bright colored paper, decorate with colorful ribbons, homemade flowers, buttons, beads, hearts and other cute trinkets. The second is to first make a box according to a ready-made template: transfer the diagram to a hard colored cardboard (A4) and cut out a pattern for a future valentine card. Then, using a ruler, bend the parts along the bend lines and fold the box, lubricating the valves inside the box with glue and inserting them into the slots that appeared after folding the sides of the box. Now it remains only to decorate the Valentine. And in the end - it's up to the small: to find what to put inside the box. For example, you can make a booklet. The simplest option might be a two-page book. You can make an accordion from several pages on which any drawings or inscriptions for Valentine's Day are applied. Another option is an eight-page book. What to fill it with? Trust me, your heart will tell!

On black cardboard, you can stick white circles and end up with a beautiful Valentine.

And this is how a heart box is made for Valentine's Day.

The simplest and most touching Valentine.

To make a booklet, you need to print out its template from thick paper. The color is chosen according to your taste or made to match the valentine. Then, from separate sheets, you need to make a booklet, with a ruler, align all the edges and folds of the valentine. It is also important to be able to tastefully decorate the message: paint it with cute hearts, flowers, decorate with an elegant frame, write a congratulation and give this wonderful Valentine to the person you really love very much.

Still wrapping gifts in the store? Forget about it. Download, print and make a heartfelt gift for February 14th.

Can be crafted original handmade valentines, using many other unpretentious methods. So you can use thick double-sided paper or thin cardboard. First, a blank is cut out according to the size of a standard postcard, for example, 14 × 20 centimeters, and bent in the middle. On thick paper or cardboard, preliminary embossing is done at the places of future folds using an empty pen and ruler. To decorate a valentine, a blank is cut into the inside of the card. Its shape, of course, is in the form of a heart. But inside it, too, an incision was made, repeating the shape of the base. After that, embossing is done along the fold lines. Folds are made, along which the valves and a small heart turn inward, and you can glue the same one on a small heart, but from paper of a different color. Valves are lubricated with glue. The blank is glued so that its middle coincides with the fold of the postcard. To do this, you just need to put it in the center and press those areas where the valves are located, smeared with glue. And, of course, the fields of the valentine must be arranged as you wish. This option can be diversified: make several of these voluminous opening hearts inside the card, decorate them with lace, tinsel and other tricks. You can use electronic elements with a touching melody. It would also be appropriate to make ties in the form of small bows of bright braid. Cardboard or leather "thongs" for closing the postcard also look interesting. In general, the scope for imagination is simply limitless!

And for such a valentine, you should master the quilling technique.

Get your paper strips ready.

Cut out the heart with curly scissors.

Cut out the center with a utility knife.

Wind strips of paper around a toothpick and place them inside the heart.

Now fasten the composition with glue. Wipe off the excess with a tissue.

Now let our valentine dry.

Decorate the composition with a golden ribbon.

Using the Internet, you can also choose another original way to make a valentine with your own hands, a master class with step-by-step instructions and illustrating photographs that will help you in the process. Of course, even more convenient is a video with a full lay-out of the progress of work on the postcard. So, first, a blank is made for a valentine and cut out of paper of the desired color. The dimensions of the inside of the postcard are 14 by 28 centimeters. The horizontal line of the pattern must be drawn so that it is exactly in the middle of the workpiece. The inscription "I love you" in English after cutting through part of the side contours (and in the hearts - the drop-down central part) will appear against the background of the entire opening valentine. Oh, by the way: the word "love" and the dot over the "i" in the text are replaced by hearts. And the fallen parts can be used when decorating other valentines or gift wrapping. Upon completion of the cutting, it is necessary to fold the liner along the lines pre-embossed with an empty pen. The result will be a kind of folding bed, like children's books: a postcard will open and the drawing will become voluminous. But only the inner half of the card is prepared in this way. It will also need to be glued to the base cover, for which a sheet of colored paper or cardboard measuring 32 by 16 centimeters is taken. Moreover, cardboard can be taken in any color, but it is important to consider that it will become visible through the cut out inscription. The inside is glued to the cover with glue or double-sided tape. It is also important to ensure that the middle fold exactly matches, otherwise the postcard will subsequently become poorly opened. The fields remaining at the edges can be beautifully trimmed with curly scissors, making them look more original. As for the cover itself and the inside of the valentine, they can be decorated as soon as you want, which largely depends on the person to whom it is intended.

But such valentine envelopes are suitable for a dinner party and just to hand them to loved ones.

Cut out several envelopes from red cardboard according to the template.

Glue and do not forget to write a couple of kind words.

To make non-standard DIY valentine hearts, you can even use springs on which cute fluttering wings are attached. For such a valentine you will need: thick paper for the base of the postcard, flexible wire with a diameter of half a millimeter, adhesive tape (double-sided) with a foam base and colored cardboard. First, a pattern is drawn based on the future postcard. Wings are cut out of A4 white cardboard, and a heart is cut out of red cardboard. A wire is wound onto the stem of the pen to create a spring, the middle of which is straightened for fastening in a postcard. Then the wings are attached to the ends of the wire with pieces of adhesive tape. The protective film must not be removed. On the basis of two pieces of cardboard measuring 3 by 1.5 centimeters, a valentine is formed: cardboard is attached to the adhesive tape, adhesive tape is again on it, then a spring with wings, adhesive tape is attached to it, again cardboard and adhesive tape. Then the film is removed on the back half and glued on the basis of the postcard. The film is also removed on the front half and a heart is attached. In this case, a heart is obtained, slightly raised above the level of the postcard and decorated with wings on trembling springs. Such a product may well become a decoration of a car interior if it is hung on an inconspicuous fishing line, and while driving, the heart will touchingly “fly” on snow-white wings.

Such an unusual valentine can even be a pendant.

It can be made from paper or plastic.

It turns out that even a child can make unusual valentines with their own hands. One of these postcards is made of thick cardboard as the base of a postcard, a piece of newspaper or a page of a glossy magazine, a lace ribbon, a piece of felt and colored paper. At the same time, a background of colored paper is glued onto a cardboard base card, and a newspaper square decorated with lace and a heart is glued onto it. Another creative way is a postcard with a heart made of buttons of different colors and shapes, decorated with a congratulatory inscription resembling embroidery with the rest of the tip of the thread. But a wax heart can be made in a silicone mold (for baking cakes) from children's wax crayons, which crumble into a mold and melt at high temperature. After the heart has cooled, the valentine is considered ready.

If among your loved ones there are those who read books in the old fashioned way, then you can make such a wonderful leather bookmark.

Let's start by cutting out the template. Fold a sheet of paper in half.

Draw a heart in the corner and cut it out.

Now we have a finished template.

Now we will transfer the template to a piece of leather or leatherette.

It remains to glue the corner or sew with a machine.

A very cute gift.

A panel of coffee beans looks very funny. It is carried out very simply, but if you do it carefully, and even add a successful frame, you will get a very original valentine. First, a heart is cut out of cardboard, the size of which is not limited, but, perhaps, it should not be larger than a tea saucer. Black or brown plasticine is laid out on the cardboard in an even layer, 3.5 mm thick, on which coffee beans are attached. Of course, you can also use a glue gun, which will greatly simplify the work. You need to start laying the grains from the edges: this way they will lie more evenly and cover the edges of the cardboard. After that, the grains are laid out in a spiral towards the center. The workpiece must be placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, as a result of which the plasticine will harden. The finished heart is attached to the cardboard with glue, and it is better to use a material with a textured rather than a smooth surface, and the finished panel is inserted into the frame. Such a declaration of love can decorate a kitchen or another room, and its meaning will remain relevant for the whole year.

Who said that valentines can be made of paper. For example, this is how you can decorate white dishes for a romantic evening. Mix together 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon of water, and 2 drops of liquid food coloring.

Subtle nature will appreciate the gift.

From hearts cut out of beautiful colored paper with a floral pattern and superimposed on each other, it sticks together do-it-yourself voluminous valentine. Many people like a book-heart, the pages of which can be covered with poems or tender confessions. No less interesting are heart-shaped baskets filled with small sweets. Cardboard for them is better to take double-sided, and the side inner walls of the hearts must be fixed with a ribbon, hang the baskets on the base and fill with dragees or nuts in chocolate. If you tinker a little, you can make a wonderful closed heart box with sweets. And it is better to use silver or golden paper in its manufacture. You can also cover plain cardboard with a shiny spray, and then decorate the box with a pale blue ribbon. For every lover, such painstaking efforts would be proof of great and sincere love.

Valentine cards, paintings, caskets - all this is very appropriate on Valentine's Day. The main thing is to keep those feelings that inspired you to make a touching souvenir in the shape of your own heart.

DIY valentines video

For the approaching Valentine's Day, some begin to prepare almost from the onset of the New Year. Today I offer you several ways to make paper valentines with your own hands as a gift.

1 way

The easiest, but original way to surprise a loved one with a handmade paper valentine is to paint a heart blank with simple and cute patterns.

Even a child can handle this task. Curls, hearts, flowers, patterns - we paint them partially with watercolor paint, let the product dry, supplement it with wishes and you can give a Valentine to the addressee.

2 way

A valentine can be made using original stamps that are easy to buy in a store or build by hand. For example, cut a small heart stamp with a clerical knife from a simple wine cork.

3 way

A Valentine card can be woven from two blanks into one heart. To do this, we take two blanks of different colors. We mark the width of the strips and, stepping back from the edge of one and a half to two centimeters, we make cuts with a clerical knife. We cut out a semicircle with scissors and weave the resulting strips in a checkerboard pattern.

4 way

If you like embroidery, then you can try to sew a valentine out of paper with your own hands. Just transfer the outline of the heart to a thick sheet, mark the middle with a dot and prepare a thread with a needle.

5 way

A voluminous valentine can be made from thick paper. At the base we use cardboard or scrapbooking paper. A little patience, sharp scissors or a clerical knife and an unusual valentine is ready!

6 way

We complicate the version of the postcard. We purchase special paper, accessories for decoration, arm ourselves with glue and start creating.

Let's make this valentine out of unusual paper. To do this, we take corrugated cardboard of contrasting colors as the basis of the postcard, and we construct the heart itself from several hearts of different sizes in the form of a pyramid.

You can play with color, use a combination of patterns.

For a card with a secret, we need several blanks of hearts (from largest to smallest), a pencil, a ruler and a ribbon for bandaging. We line each heart as shown in the photo, push through the folds. We fold a postcard. We put a note with a wish in the smallest envelope-heart, fasten the ribbon. We tie the finished valentine card with a ribbon and give it to our loved one.

7 way

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper valentine. It can be done in several ways. The simplest one is to cut out several identical blanks, fold them in half and glue them around the edges with glue, you get a kind of Chinese lantern from hearts.

A fluffy voluminous valentine can be made in the following way: we apply PVA glue to the cardboard blank of the heart. We cut corrugated paper or a red napkin into small squares and glue our fluffy details with a pencil or stick with a sharp end.

8 way

Everything ingenious is simple! We make a card with an application of hearts. To make the blanks of hearts really beautiful and even, download templates from the Internet. We cut out hearts from colored paper, from paper with drawings, or from newspaper. For the base of the postcard, choose a thick cardboard of the right size.

The next step is to create a composition of hearts, carefully paste the finished parts on cardboard, supplement them with volumetric elements, and give it to your loved one.

9 way

For those who are not afraid of difficulties - a paper valentine using the quilling technique.

Here you have to stock up on time, patience, step-by-step instructions and a complete sketch of the finished product. Let this be the most difficult way, but the beauty of the finished product and the joy of the recipient are worth some effort on our part.

10 way

DIY 3-D paper valentine. To implement this project, you will need five sheets of paper of different colors. We use scrapbooking paper, a cardboard heart template, as well as patience and some free time.

We fold the paper several times, making several bends at the corners. We mark the outline and cut off the excess. We unfold the workpiece - we have the outline of a flower in front of us. We cut out one petal and glue the rest - the volume is obtained. Now it remains to glue all the blanks according to the scheme marked below, and the 3-D postcard is ready.

There are a lot of ways to create Valentine cards from paper with your own hands. Arm yourself, fantasize and delight your loved ones!

Hi all! Valentine's Day is approaching and, of course, everyone is preparing gifts and valentines for their relatives, friends and loved ones! In today's article, I will tell (and show) how to make do-it-yourself valentines for children from paper. By the way, last year the kids and I already made a valentine with sweet filling, if you haven’t seen it, you can see it. If your child is a preschooler, then a small gift awaits you! Well, now let's call the children and start making valentines with our own hands from paper.

How to make a do-it-yourself valentine for children out of paper

I'll start with the simplest valentine that even a two-year-old kid can make.

We will need:

  • white or colored sheet
  • Colour pencils
  • Scissors

How to make a simple valentine with kids:

  1. Draw a heart on a piece of paper
  2. Cut out the resulting heart
  3. We give the baby pencils, crayons or felt-tip pens, depending on what the child likes to color more (Nastyushka painted the valentine with pencils, and drew facial features with the help of felt-tip pens).
  4. We invite the child to color the heart. With this task, even the kid who still doesn’t know how to paint coloring pages asks, he constantly “climbs” over the edges, because even if you try hard you won’t get out of the contour))
  5. After the heart is painted, we invite the baby to draw a face. You can do it in a very simple way - draw dots instead of eyes, a wand - instead of a nose and add a smile)

A simple do-it-yourself valentine made of paper for children is ready. I think that such a Valentine will be liked by the family and friends of the child.

Do-it-yourself valentine from paper Family

My eldest son made such a Valentine for kindergarten. On the heart is a drawing with a painted family - Dad, mom, Lenya and sister Nastya.

For a paper valentine, the Family will need:

  • White list
  • Pencils / crayons / felt-tip pens with which the baby will draw
  • Red cardboard for the base
  • Scissors

How to make a paper valentine with your own hands:

  1. The first step is to prepare the basis of the valentine, on which the whole composition will be. To do this, cut out a large heart from the red kraton.
  2. We cut out a rectangle from a white sheet of paper (or it can also be made in the form of a heart, but it was more convenient for my son to draw on a rectangular sheet - only the top of the rectangle was rounded a little).
  3. We hand a white sheet of paper to the baby and offer to draw a family. Lenya and I sat side by side - I drew on my leaf, he on his)
  4. When the drawing is finished, glue it to the base (red cardboard valentine heart) with glue.

That's all the homemade paper valentine for children is ready.

DIY paper valentine for dad

Here is such a cute valentine for his beloved dad prepared by the son for Valentine's Day. It is easy and simple to make, and dad will be very pleased to receive such a Valentine. By the way, such a Valentine can be presented to your mother, grandmother, grandfather, sister or brother. I think everyone will be pleased) Just draw the corresponding relative next to you.

For Valentine you will need:

  • White list
  • Pencil/crayons
  • Scissors

How to make a homemade paper valentine:

  1. We cut out a heart from a white sheet (preferably a larger one so that the child has enough space for drawing.
  2. We offer the kid to draw himself and dad on the Valentine card. If the baby knows how to write, then you can sign a card with congratulations for dad on the back. If he can’t write, then just take his pen in yours and write it yourself, having previously discussed what to write with the baby.

Here is another simple paper valentine for children ready.

Do-it-yourself Valentine card for children from colored paper Man

My children were most impressed by this cheerful Valentine. Despite the ease of manufacture, it turns out to be very original and interesting. I think it will be nice to get relatives from a child.

What we need:

  • Colored cardboard (I took red)
  • Yarn or anything else that can play the role of legs and handles. Maybe you have beautiful unnecessary laces
  • Hole punch (ideally) or scissors/hook to make holes for the arms and legs and thread them through the holes

How to make a valentine with your own hands from colored paper Man

  1. From the colored kraton we cut out one large heart (the base is the body of our little man) and 4 smaller hearts (arms and legs).
  2. We cut the yarn of the desired length (focused on the eye). If you need longer legs-handles, then pieces of yarn are needed, respectively, in length. We made medium length. In total, two identical segments are needed.
  3. Using a hole punch, we make 4 holes on a large cardboard heart, as seen in the photo. And on each of the four small hearts. We did not have a hole punch at hand, so I made the holes with scissors.
  4. We thread segments of yarn into the holes - first into the base of the valentine, and then we tie the ends of the yarn to the “brushes” and “feet” of the valentine
  5. We draw a face for a homemade valentine - eyes, mouth, nose.

Do-it-yourself valentine for children The little man is ready.

Do-it-yourself Valentine card for children from paper three video master cash desk

I suggest you watch a few videos that show how easy and simple it is to make a valentine with your own hands for children out of paper. Perhaps you will like these ideas and bring them to life with your child.

Do-it-yourself valentine for children from colored paper

Another interesting and at the same time easy Valentine card that kids can handle. Older kids can be entrusted with cutting out a valentine on their own (under the supervision of adults, of course).

For a homemade valentine you will need:

  • colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencils / felt-tip pens / crayons

How to make a valentine with your own hands from colored paper:

  1. Fold a sheet of colored paper in half. The photo below shows the folding options. Depending on what kind of Valentine you want to get - fold it this way.
  2. Now draw a heart on colored paper
  3. Cut out the heart without cutting the fold line.
  4. Inside you can write a wish for the recipient of the valentine or draw a picture

Valentine's card made of colored paper for children is ready.

Do-it-yourself voluminous valentine for children from paper

This valentine is more difficult to execute than the previous ones, but no less interesting. If you help the kid in creating such a valentine, then everything will work out. Older children can try to create such a Valentine on their own (under the supervision of adults).

What you need to make a paper valentine:

  • White or colored cardboard
  • colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil

How to make a voluminous valentine with your own hands from paper:

Do-it-yourself Valentine card for children from paper Palms

Such a valentine from a child can be not only a pleasant, but also a memorable gift. It's so interesting to look at the little hands of a child in a few years, when he becomes an adult. Just do not forget to write the date of creation on a homemade valentine card).

To make a simple homemade Ladoshka valentine you need:

  • colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Baby's hands

How to make a valentine with your own hands

Do you want to relax? Play the game "Catch the Cat"

Your task is to place dots in such a way that the cat could not escape.

Didn't it work for you? - start the game again!

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Best regards, Olga