How to make your wife an insatiable whore. Husband wants to see me with another man Dream Interpretation - Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

In most cases, it is very difficult to talk your wife into swinging or any other form of sexual freedom.

Sometimes it's almost impossible.

And it is likely that your efforts will end in failure.

And failure is perhaps the best that awaits you.

In the worst case, you will get an intra-family conflict in an explicit or hidden form.

Therefore, before moving on to persuasion, answer yourself three simple but important questions:

1) Are you ready to suffer psychological damage from the process of persuasion (simply - to get on your nerves well) in the complete absence of guarantees for the success of this event. Those. Are you ready to risk the already established balance of relationships and interests in your family? After all, even the very conversation on this topic can have consequences.

2) Answer honestly to yourself: “Do you want swing?”. After all, swing is a group sex of strictly married couples (or at least established ones). And nothing else. No “friends and family friends” of singles, no mzhm, zhmzh, mmmzh, zhzhzhm, etc. It's not swing anymore! These options are called differently. This is promiscuity and other forms of sexuality - a topic for a separate discussion.

3) Are you ready to see your own wife wriggling in an orgasm in the arms of a strange man and whispering tender words to him, or even to two or three at once? Some men after such a spectacle for a long time forget what an erection is.

Every person is a thinking and emotional being. More-less. On average, for women, this balance is biased towards emotions, and for men, towards thinking (although this is not always the case). Therefore, it is usually absolutely useless to CONSULT your wife to swing in the usual way for most men of reasoning, persuasion, an attempt to give logical arguments and promises of unimaginable pleasures and revitalization of family relationships (like: a pill for marriage fatigue).

The average woman does not understand all this, and does not want to understand. But she wants to listen to her subtle sensations from your words and draw her own special conclusions from the sensations. Therefore, most likely, it will give a completely different MEANING to your words. Which? For example, that you quietly cheated on her and are now trying to “cover over” the guilt in this way; or that you are testing her loyalty in such a cunning way; or that you decided to leave her for another, to quit and came up with such a Jesuit way to do it; or the fact that she does not satisfy you sexually and in fact you are looking for a replacement for her, only in front of her ... Many different interesting options!

Where does such nonsense come from? You didn't tell her that, did you? And they didn't even think about it? A woman, in most cases, is a more anxious and insecure creature than a man. BUT! She knows how to masterfully hide it from the people around her. Therefore, having felt “wrong” in your proposal, she intuitively tries to feel a possible threat to her family life coming from your proposal. Family and sex for a woman is something different than for a man.

Therefore, she "will not give up her own." Sensing something bad in your intentions (your carefully chosen words will further fuel her suspicions), the wife will most likely “hear” what she wants to hear - some “fifteenth meanings” that are completely unrelated to your proposal. She will not ANALYZE your arguments. She will listen to herself. His disturbing emotions, feelings, sensations ... and will surely attribute real or fictitious negative meanings to you and your words. For a woman, this is a normal instinct for self-preservation.

A huge number of families do not practice swing, but banal betrayal. Why? It is easier. In treason, you can afford not to know anything about the “adventures” of another. Or flavor the information with violent fantasies, hiding the truth. Both psychologically, as it were, are safer for partners in marriage. So-called "family decency" and a sense of freedom from a partner are preserved. And you can not compete directly with rivals (eyes would not see them!), But only indirectly. And the psychological benefit is greater - courtship, flirting, gifts. There is very little of this in swing. Little attention to a strange woman, little courtship (the wife is nearby!). Everything is in front of everyone. Even in the closed version of the swing everything is more prosaic. No intrigue. And where is the notorious female exclusivity?

If you still decide to continue the persuasion, then know that victory will bring you not only pluses, but also minuses. Because women (and your wife, most likely, is no exception, but God forbid that she be exceptional!) have very strong internal prohibitions (including sexual freedom for themselves and their husbands), strict parental upbringing guidelines (as as a rule, restrictions on the daughter’s sexual freedoms) and social pressure from society (in our public opinion, the layman often equates sexual freedom with moral decline and prostitution ... is that why swingers are kicked out of the notorious bars for some kind of “indecent behavior”?). But if your wife breaks a terrible psychological barrier, then according to the law of the pendulum, she will come off to the fullest. A woman has more sexual resources than a man! Therefore, your wife will continue to have fun when you have had enough for a long time. And it is unlikely that you can easily stop it. You will have to drink tea-coffee-vodka-beer and, while smoking, think about her mysterious soul.

So, HOW is it correct to "PRESSURE"?

1) Address not her thoughts, but her feelings. Forget about your logic. Learn to speak the language of feelings. It is useless to read Shakespeare to a cat with the eternal male question "To be or not to be?". It is much easier and more effective to stroke and feed a cat. She will answer you with a loving purr.

2) Get her drunk on light alcohol (her favorite and not much) before talking. This will reduce the level of anxiety and increase the sexual impulses in her brain.

3) Let her feel that she is exceptional and the best. That she is loved and safe. To a logical question from her side, “then why do you need other women?”, Answer that you just want to arrange a holiday for her. Sexual. (Most likely, you will have to arrange this “holiday” with a clear preponderance of men at least for the first time).

If your wife is prone to "bi" and immediately agrees to another woman, then maybe you are lucky. But, a woman, like the East, is a delicate matter, Petruha ... Bi - relationships (with the exception of hormonal anomalies ... we hope that your wife does not have them) in most cases are social, not sexual in nature. Usually in a woman, they indicate the following:

Sex-role problems with the opposite sex (inability or unwillingness to build relationships).

The desire to sexually and emotionally "control" an opponent.

The intention to “walk” the husband under supervision is an analogy of a prison walk.

All this comes from a high level of emotionality, anxiety, an attempt to fit the fashion for a female "bi" and from past psychological traumas and problems with the opposite sex. Are you lucky if your wife is "bi" - a difficult question. It is decided individually in relation to each specific case. By the way, sometimes women pretend to be “bi” in order to steal seduction technologies from other women. But that's a completely different story...

4) Accumulate capital of human trust and sincerity towards your wife. She is more afraid in this world than a man, even if she is assertive or shows no fear. Trusting you, she is likely to agree to take the risk. The paradox is that you will earn trust in front of her not by your actions (as most men think - the main thing is to do, not talk) and not even with words. Trust is earned by every minute empathy for your wife's feelings, understanding, her strange (from a male point of view), emotional, illogical throwing.

5) Give her the freedom to assert herself in swing. In front of other men and especially women. Let her show her personality and individual exclusivity. It is much easier for a woman to agree to swing immediately after a beautician than immediately after childbirth. After all, women in swing compete (obviously or covertly, the most cunning ones simply deny it) and she needs a firm confidence that she will “win” both her anxieties and other charmers.

And if you're up for it, remember one more thing - swing is a catalyst for family relationships. It reinforces the existing tendencies in the family. Therefore, following the points (if you wish), remember that you can wake up the Dragon, or you can find something Wonderful and New in your wife. And you have no guarantees that you will be satisfied with the result, even if she agrees.
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Wife does not want to have sex as much as you need? Does she have permanent headaches and periods? Is she cold in bed, uninitiated, avoiding marital duty? Undoubtedly, this is a consequence of her bitchy nature. And what to do? How to change the situation, turn this "snow queen" into a hot little thing, a lustful nymph, an insatiable harlot? Very simple. You just need to use a few simple tricks, which I will discuss below. A woman is a complex, unknown and unknowable creature. But! She has several unconditioned reflexes, using which, it is quite easy to manipulate her. So... Don't believe the hoaxes that are being handed to you every now and then in the form of well-designed books called "How to make sex interesting after 25 years of marital fidelity" or "35 ways to restore passion to marital sex." This is complete nonsense, writes Never follow the advice of the losers who write these books. This is, to say the least, stupid and wasteful, and sometimes dangerous. For example, the advice to bring an armful of flowers to your missus, take her to a restaurant, and then, setting the apartment with candles, read poetry to her, is just a provocation. In addition to the fact that this event will completely undermine your family budget, it can cause a completely inadequate reaction from the surprised spouse, and often a fire. Spit on the backs of these theorists who are in the clouds. Return to sinful earth. We offer you the simplest, and most importantly, the cheapest way to persuade your spouse to unbridled sex. You just need to follow a few simple steps. All of them fit into the framework of traditional sexual techniques. Namely preparation - prelude - climax. Masterfully executed the first two stages reduce the third to a mere formality. So let's focus on them. 1. In the morning (yes, yes! you need to prepare a sleigh in the summer), pay attention to how your wife is dressed. It is possible that her coldness in the last three days is due to your indifference to her new costume, which so effectively emphasizes her virtues and discreetly hides her flaws. Shouts of "Oh...! Where does this awesome skirt come from?" are not always appropriate, since it is possible that this is not a skirt at all, but a dress bought 3 years ago at a sale. Better neutral "You look so impressive in this ... uh ... clothes." If your spouse did not take this as a subtle mockery, then you can safely move on. 2. Go up to your wife, and after kissing her neck, say: "You have such a nice ass, I can't wait for the evening, I'm excited." I warn you not to do this at a time when she has dangerous objects in her hands, such as a hot curling iron, a full kettle, or a hot iron. Out of surprise, she can do inappropriate actions. Especially if she has never heard anything from you except obscene language. 3. At lunch, unexpectedly, and as if in between times, wash the dishes. It is possible that this will arouse suspicion. Get ready for it. To the question "what have you done?" should be answered with a charming smile, and the demand "well, breathe!" draw in air. 4. In the evening, come a little earlier and take out the trash. Where is it better to find out in advance. Usually in the kitchen, under the sink. If there is no garbage, then someone has already taken it out. Do not despair, go to step 5. 5. Prepare dinner. Sounds ominous, but don't take it so literally. On the way home, buy a semi-finished pizza. Read the instructions carefully. When the wife enters the house and stops dead in her tracks, casually ask her, "Honey, do you like it with a crust?" Be careful, fainting is possible. 6. Usually already at this stage, especially sensitive women reach their first orgasm. The rest, as a rule, are already close to this. Further, everything is not so difficult. You need to change your favorite socks for clean ones, and sprinkle yourself with a little cologne. Yes Yes! squeeze the will into a fist, and sprinkle. Outside. You have to make this sacrifice. So it is necessary. 7. The most difficult. Watch an evening series with your missus. Remember that you will be rewarded for this. Be patient. Try not to let go of sarcasm, and not laugh out loud in especially dramatic places. Nobody said it would be easy! Some people find it helpful to read mantras with their eyes closed. I don't know, haven't tried it. But this must be passed ... 8. Actually, the preparation with the prelude is over. The final touch may be the phrase: "don't wear panties today, you won't need them." And if, after all this, your little wife does not pounce on you like a hungry lioness, then ... then you are not married! Which has its undoubted advantages. E-news

In this dream, you worry that your man will cheat on you, which seems to happen in real life. In the plot of the dream, he occupies two positions, the mother is also he, your beloved. I don’t know if my mother has a man, but it seems that here you are jealous and worried. Trying to oust the unclear relationship with your mother by establishing relationships with your loved one, it seems to me that this is just the case when jealousy is designed to hide the real pain from the lack of closeness with the mother.

Dream Interpretation - The guy combed my hair

This dream tells the Dreamer that, tritely, you have to fight for your happiness (not literally, but figuratively, that is, you need to learn how to communicate with the strong half of humanity). The dream is favorable for the Dreamer, despite the unpleasant emotions experienced in the dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

In general, your dream suggests that you are dreaming of a good and fast-moving career, because in reality you are unsteady on your feet and you are still far from the status of a boss (the boss broke his legs during an accident). You are considering a strategic plan on how to quickly grow to the boss, which will entail a long-awaited increase in the standard of living (the boss sits on the high deck of the ship - a symbol of a new happy era). And you conclude that you cannot become his wife (his wife dies in a dream), and then two ways remain: the first is to "make friends" with the boss closer in order to quickly climb the career ladder (take the elevator to the deck), but your unconscious (your relatives in a dream) does not allow you to get close to the boss, because this is not safe and is fraught with the collapse of all plans. And the second is to rely only on your strengths and abilities to achieve the goal (the boss praises you for your intelligence), which you choose. And the final touch is to admire the stars, which means making hard-to-reach plans, but in the hope of incredible and quick luck (helicopter flight). All the best to you and good luck! Sincerely, Livia.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Stranger Guy

This DREAM suggests that the dreamer is a young girl, far from being married, and only because she is gnawed in advance by the fear of unsuccessful relationships, when young people, having met, after some time part for various reasons, without reaching the registry office, and all the condemnation goes to the girl for obvious reasons. The dark guy and older than the dreamer in reality says that the dreamer is an inexperienced girl in matters of the heart, and she should communicate more with her own kind in order to learn a trusting relationship. So, the moral of the dream will be this: “Be afraid of wolves - don’t go into the forest!”, And the dreamer should already think about it, and maybe, “The devil is not so scary as he is painted!” (young guys are people too, with heart and soul, and this must be taken into account in any scenario). This is what the dream is about. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

In February, I have an accident, she does not leave me, helps me get out, lives with a new husband, although we are still not divorced. Then she returned, I asked and forgave, she constantly talked with her lover, although I was against it, she said that he had done nothing wrong to her and they parted as friends, she could get together and go with him to nature for the whole day, declaring that there was nothing between them did not have. In the end, she left anyway.

One wife serves two men

In Tibet, there have long been different forms of marriage: classical, polygamy and polyandry. The latter form of marriage, because of its unusualness, has always attracted the attention of travelers and historians.

Usually the elder brother chose a wife and participated in the marriage ceremony, and the younger one became the “default” spouse. The eldest was considered the father of all children, and only he could initiate a divorce. If one of the brothers had sex with his wife, he would put his shoes on the doorstep as a sign that the woman was busy.

Divorced wife for two with a friend

Ah, the villain has come! Well, I'll arrange for you! Somewhere wandered all night, and now dear - the young woman thought and stretched sweetly in bed. But she didn't open her eyes.

Natasha, but I'm not alone, I met an old friend, we hadn't seen each other for many years, and we went on a spree a little. The husband explained, affectionately stroking her chest covered with a lacy pink bra.

Natasha's eyes fluttered open. How dare he drag someone else into their bedroom.

Psychology Forum

Hello, we have been married for almost 17 years, now, after our last quarrel, everything is fine, but her past betrayals haunt me, because I am a sailor and I used to be away from home for a long time, she twisted love with “left” types several times (this what I know), then a year and a half ago, I left for another woman, while my wife also did not lag behind me, she also had someone (as it turned out later), I repeat that now everything is fine, but her past betrayals eat me up, especially when at sea, I want to talk to her and hear from her who she had, who I have (although she knows everything about me) and agree not to lie to each other anymore.

I'm from Nizhny Novgorod, I'm 32, my wife is 23, I have two children 3 and 4 years old, I had a relationship before my wife, I dated the first girl from the age of 16, I cheated on her every weekend, she guessed of course and I once had a mad desire to try mzhzh, I have been looking for candidates for about 6 months to achieve my goal. And somehow we rested in a company in a tavern, there was my girlfriend with her cousin, her friends, my friends and her brother were then mutual friends. We got a lot of alcohol, and then I started brazenly molesting her friend, first I started stroking my legs under the table, she didn’t really resist, and I knew that she liked me even before I met her! 20-30 minutes of stroking the leg and panties, and she herself began to diligently massage mine, it was summer outside and it was very hot in the cafe, everyone went outside to get some fresh air, Lena didn’t think for a long time, she says I’ll stay something bad for me, but I immediately supported her, said I’ll sit too, I’m telling me it’s not hot here, moving the fan in my direction. Everyone left the room, and at that moment Lenochka quickly went under the table, 3 minutes passed and then mine comes in, asks, where is Lena? I say I don’t know, but I understand that Zhenya understood everything, but she was in no hurry to say it, and here I had an idea, and if I could do it with my girlfriend and her friend, since such a situation came out, Zhenya seemed to have read my thought and sat down next to me, moving a chair close to me behind me and began to kiss my neck, Lena sat frozen for 3-4 minutes, and Zhenya stroked me and says Lena for a long time that something won’t come out and at the same time the smile on her face is malicious) and I such to her where I say does not get out? She is not from the toilet and laughs loudly, Lena, I know where you are, you won’t fool me, she says she likes my boyfriend’s penis, she began to make excuses that I stroked her legs myself, that the first one started shorter! And Zhenya's mother was the mistress of this cafe, and we had a pass to all the premises, in short, Zhenya says let's go talk to my mother in the office, and the three of us went there. As soon as they got there, the girls sat on the sofa, and I sat down on an armchair. Zhenya took out a bottle of cognac from the obscene bar, giving half of 0.75 Zhenya began to ask questions to her friend directly, does she like me, does she want to sleep with me or does she want to always be with me? Lena was dumbfounded, but immediately began to answer, apparently alcohol completely liberated her, she answered that she had been in love with me since childhood, that she would have started to build a serious relationship with him before you, but after you met for almost a year, I had plans for Cyril, but I always wanted to sleep with him and wanted to surrender to him first, but it was not fate and she said that she was not very comfortable, that it happened not long ago in a cafe and that the desire to have fun turned out to be stronger my feelings for you! Zhenya immediately began to feel sorry for Lena, stroking her on the shoulder and back, Lena even shed a tear at that moment, Zhenya tells her not to be upset and immediately to her, but would you like him to be our common? I immediately went nuts from her offer, but it turned me on, she mean? Day you and day me? At the same time, Lena smiled) Zhenya says, no, it will be treason, but when we are present together, then there is no treason,
Lena was interested in the offer and she said. what an interesting offer, but the board said it doesn’t have this, then that she had sex once, with a guy who met 5 and he was taken to the army, who at that moment was there) Zhenya told her what she had he was also only with me in two, and Kirill too, if you believe his words, but we had talk about sex in three
Zhenya said, if you want, let's try it right now? Lena blushed immediately like a tomato, but immediately answered that she was very curious and admitted that from one fantasy presented by this picture in her head, she was already very excited, well, then let's go to the Sauna, which was located in the basement of the same complex. We went there, taking with us about a case of beer, which we never drank a single bottle of in the end. Zhenya and I quickly undressed, and Lena was just starting to take off her blouse and, writhing with embarrassment, then began to take off her bra, but mine immediately helped her, she began to take off her bra herself and started on her panties, while caressing her nipples, ass and pussy , at that moment I was almost torn to pieces from excitement, of course, without holding back my feelings, I moved towards them, I watched how my girl started to caress and I was also very aroused by it. I came up and started first stroking Zhenya on the back, on the pope, after I started to do kuni to her, we lay on the sofa that we laid out in the rest room, mine licked Lena, and I licked her, after Lena I already licked the pussy and passionately licked her ass, then I entered Lena, and at that moment Zhenya was from below and licked her ass and pussy, then she took out my cock and began to suck eagerly, but I saw how she gets excited when Lena licks her or she licks her, in which she actually later and herself admitted that she wanted to have sex with the girl for a long time) after we all finished at the same time, I finished in Lena, and Zhenya from cunnilingus from her friend, this went on for almost two more months, every weekend, even when Zhenya had her period, Lena they were not there for two months, and then it turned out that she was pregnant, and everything stopped! Further more interesting! I'll post later if anyone is interested! 08.04.2019 15:27:32,