How to sew a dachshund jumpsuit from an old sweater. Knitted sweater for dachshund


The jumpsuit is knitted
quite simply, following the techniques that we used in
sweater The model was invented at random, and dogs have their own
individual differences - some have a stretched lower back, others
the neck is a little short or, on the contrary, very long, so I advise you
As you knit, don’t be lazy and try on what you get on someone
who will wear it?

What do we need for work?

I knitted this jumpsuit for a square dog.
24 cm tall, although after he was tied, he was also suitable for
for a teenager at 22cm, and for an adult at 26cm.

The thread is taken
Mohair, so I used knitting needles No. 2. If you knit from more
thick thread, the kind that was used in a sweater, it is better to take
those knitting needles that I recommended for the sweater, i.e. No. 5 for main
knitting and No. 2.5 for the collar. In principle, you can use mohair thread
knit on needles No. 5, the product will turn out very soft and airy, and
large holes will be covered with fleece.

knitting needles you will need: 50 grams of mohair of any hairiness (optional),
two large crochet pins, hook No. 2, centimeter, scissors,
large needle with a wide eye, small cord stops,
lace to match the threads, button fasteners.

We take measurements.

First measure – length of overalls. Her
defined as follows: you need to put a collar on the dog so that
if it were loose on her, and measure the length from the collar to the root

Second measure - neck volume. Measure
You can do this by unrolling the collar that you usually put on your dog.

Third measure - chest volume. Measured for

Sleeve length for back and front legs is better
measure after the main piece is knitted

Advice: Don’t worry that you can’t do it exactly
take measurements and do not add extra centimeters “to be on the safe side.”
There is no need to deliberately make “clothes from someone else’s shoulder.” After all, we have
individual tailoring!

Another tip: It’s better to knit overalls
with an elastic band. This will not only make it more voluminous, but also
universal, because being relatively dimensionless, it will fit on
a dog of almost any size.

Main part

We start by knitting a sample of 40-45 loops, and
We calculate how many loops are obtained in a 10cm sample. Then
We calculate how many loops you need to cast on. For example, we have a thin
mohair, 10cm sample yielded 36 loops. The dog's neck volume is 22 cm,
this means you need to cast on 79 stitches

advice: in order to
the product fit well, it is better to cast on 5-7 fewer stitches. So,
after the start of wearing, when the throat stretches a little, the appearance is all
it won't hurt much anyway.

Advice: loops are better
dial using the method shown in the photo and used in the sweater.
Thus, the edge of the product is more airy and elastic.

Having knitted the required length of the throat, we add loops in
two steps. It’s better to add loops in pairs so as not to confuse the pattern.
products. Yes! Don't get carried away! No need to knit the collar too long,
2-3 cm will be enough. I don't think the gate is folded
can significantly warm the dog, but create inconvenience when
movement will be able.

we do the addition row (even) in such a way as to get a row of holes
for the lace. Therefore, we make a yarn over, knit a loop,
Yarn over the thread. You need to repeat this technique every 5-6
loops We knit the odd row with an elastic band according to the pattern. Together
addition, we will have one yarn over, forming a hole, and
The second yarn over will be disguised with a twisted thread.

do not be upset if the holes are not symmetrically located on the product
from the edges. This is not the point! We will later bring this to the “general
denominator." The main thing is to calculate so that there are EVEN holes

we make the second row of additions. This is done like this: make a yarn over,
pull the thread out from under the thread of the bottom row. Shown in red in the photo
working thread, blue - thread of the previous row. Naturally, the next one
We knit the row again with an elastic band according to the pattern.

How much should I add?
loops? Calculate the difference between neck volume and chest volume and
convert this difference into loops. This is the quantity that
you need to add. Now count how many loops you have
it turned out after the first addition and you will understand how much you need
add in the second addition.

In order to have a jumpsuit
sat well and did not pull in the chest area, we knit in the center


Advice: Whatever
get confused, divide the product into approximately three parts and pin

We knit the even row to the far one, the second
pins, turn around and knit in the opposite direction to the first
pins, then turn around again and knit the row to the end.
Odd row as usual, with an elastic band according to the pattern. So you need to do two
times, i.e. knit two wedges.

As a result, we get this slightly convex part in the middle

we need to make sure that there are slits for the sleeves. For
We divide the resulting canvas into three parts. Middle part 10+2
loops (these two loops become edge loops for a while), two extreme
parts are the remaining number of loops divided in half.

How many
Do I need to knit these three fabrics separately? It's very easy to calculate:
Divide the length of the back into three parts and get exactly the figure that
were looking for. If you have chosen 24cm for your dog as the desired length of the product,
This means you need to knit fabrics 8 cm long.

tip: medium
It is better to knit a strip 3-4 rows longer than the outer strips.
This will make your dog's chest feel more comfortable.

Knitted fabrics? Amazing. Now it's time to connect them
back into one whole.

forget, after you have finished knitting the third fabric, do not
you need to break the thread. You simply unfold the product and connect
all three pieces on one knitting needle.

Now you knit the next 8
cm canvas. This piece will cover the dog's body up to the hips.

In order to finish knitting the main fabric, you need
again divide all the loops that we have on the knitting needle into three parts
(only now into three equal parts), and close the central third

we had 24 cm of products, we have knitted 16 so far, there are still 8 left. These 8
cm go to the “petals” that will cover the dog’s croup and
partially thighs. After you have tied these details, do not rush
You will always have time to break the thread. We will still need the thread.

tip: petals are paired parts, so knit them
better at the same time. Balls of thread are wound so that from the central
parts, you can pull out the second end of the thread. Knit both at the same time
the details are very convenient, you don’t need to think how much is already connected and count
rows. At any second you can stop and your product will be damaged.
it won't become asymmetrical.

Don’t forget to try the resulting overalls on yours from time to time.
"Barbie doll" If it turned out as in the photo, i.e. the details are slightly off
they fit, don't worry. It's even good if the canvas is
converge into tension.

It's arrived
time to explain why we didn't cut the thread after
finished knitting the main fabric of the overalls and closed the loops
petals. You can, of course, tie sleeves on the back legs, but I
I suggest making loops to secure the overalls. Row of air
loops are secured on the opposite side of the “petal”, and then

Tip: air loops should
be 8cm. They will get longer after you crochet them.
and reached just the size we needed.

you get two loops like this for the hind legs.

we need to think about how to beautifully finish our jumpsuit. If
you have a fabric that can easily be overlapped
back, which means there is no need to crochet these edges. But I
I deliberately made the product a little smaller than needed, so the edges
tied with two double crochets.

By the way, tie
the product will have to be crocheted even if you knitted the fabric on
knitting needles of a large number and it turned out very loose, “holey”.
Do we need to put the fastener somewhere? And it will be on a loose canvas

advice: in order to
to make the product look brighter, more elegant, you can choose it for
finishing the edges and knitting the sleeves with a contrasting thread. I took the black one


a paired piece, so I recommend knitting it in the same way as petals
on the overalls using the two ends of the ball. We have a hole for the sleeve
8cm, therefore, we need to cast on as many loops for the sleeve as
how much will fit in 16cm. We knit the sleeve with a gradual decrease
number of loops to ultimately narrow the sleeve a little.

Tip: don't knit the sleeve too long. you then
you'll be tired of pushing the dog's paws through a 9-10 centimeter
nightmare. Believe me, for insulating the toy and creating comfort it is quite
A 5cm sleeve is enough.

If you really want
make sleeves for the hind legs, tie two more parts, only
longer than on the front legs, for example, 7-8 centimeters.
These details need to be sewn to the petals instead of the loops that we
made for the hind legs. Don't forget that the inner half of the sleeve
must be left free!

using a large needle we collect the sleeve and sew it to

when we knitted the neckline, we made holes for the lace. It's arrived
It's time for us to prepare it for threading. The length of the lace should be taken to
4-5 cm more than the neck. The edges can be melted over fire and dressed
there is a limiter on one of the edges.

we thread the lace into the holes and fasten the second stopper. No need
tighten the lace. It is too early. Let's leave everything free.

Advice: Remember, I wrote that you shouldn’t be scared if
Did the holes turn out to be not symmetrically receding from the edges? The whole trick is
that we make the first and last holes in the area tied
crochet, so the intervals in the canvas itself cease to play a decisive role

Meet this
buttons. They are very comfortable and perfect for our product!
Why these buttons? Because they can be installed at home
themselves, and because they are not disturbed by mohair fibers, as would be the case if
If only we had installed a snake, and also because... No, I’ll explain later!

Here you go,
our overalls are almost ready. There are a couple of touches left - and it will be possible to
proudly present your loved one with a new thing.

Don't forget how
in a sweater, strengthen the neck and belly with an elastic band!

You know,
What kind of torture device is this? It is called a slicker, and is sold in
stores for owners of unfortunate Persians. I'm sure loving
the owner will never torture his animal with such a “comb”, and
for our purposes it will be very suitable!

Neat, but
with energetic movements you need to comb our overalls with the wrong side
hand to make a fur coat like this.

That's it now!
All that remains is to call your freezing super-model for a fitting and not
Forget to adjust the length of the lace at the neck!

And now
main feature! We created a chameleon jumpsuit!

will allow you to dress it up and comb it outwards if it is a large dog,
or suddenly gained weight (for example, they decided to put it on a pregnant woman
girl), or backcombed inside, if the overalls need to be worn on
a dog for which it is too big.

And like this
looks like a jumpsuit if you tie the sleeves for the hind legs.

I wish everyone a comfortable winter!

Have questions? Something not
It's clear? Write [email protected]

Taken from the site

Anastasia, the author and performer of this model, tells in detail how to knit such a sweater on her website.

This knitting method is labor-intensive, but it looks good on the dog, has no seams, and the dog practically does not notice such a thing on its body. So if your dog is not accustomed to things, then this product is best suited. (Photos enlarge when clicked.)

Description for photos

Knitting will start from the top of the neck.

1. We measure the dog’s head (so that it fits later). We calculate in the standard way. We cast on loops. I knitted with hosiery. Knit with an elastic band. This turns out to be the initial part of the collar. We knit it to the end of the neck (to the collar) photo No. 1.

2. Now we begin to knit raglan. We take the number of loops that you had. We are counting the raglan itself. I repeat, but this will only be visual without breaking the thread. Visually you need to divide it into the back, legs and front. To do this, divide the entire number of loops by 3. For example, for this model I got 30 loops. 30/3 = 10 loops. Now you get that 10 loops will go on two paws, which means 10 loops/2 paws = 5 loops on one paw. Since the back is larger than the front, we divide the resulting 10 loops by 2. It turns out that 5 loops will go to the front. Those 5 loops that were taken from the front will go to the back. You should have 5 loops on the legs and 5 loops on the front + 15 loops on the back. In order to visually separate the sections of the back, paws and front (Photos 2 and 3) we knit as follows: Front - purl stitch, three knit stitches, purl stitch. The foot goes further - the front one (it needs to be marked, for example, with a paper clip), the wrong side, two front ones, the wrong side. Next is the back - knit (it also needs to be marked), purl, 11 knit stitches, purl, knit (mark it). The other foot is a purl one, two knit ones, a purl one, a knit one (mark). We simply knit the next row. Next, one row before each marked knit stitch and after it we make a yarn over. We simply knit the next row, knitting the yarn over with a knit stitch and the yarn over with a purl loop. This is how 1-2cm is knitted.

3. In order for the front to be larger than the back, you need from 1/3 of the sleeve (counting from the edge closest to the chest) through the front to 1/3 of the next sleeve. Here you turn around and knit in the opposite direction. Having reached 1/3 of the other sleeve, you turn it again (the back is not involved in this). Having reached the place where you already turned, knit 2-3 loops further and turn again. This way you need to knit several rows (on this model there are 4-6 rows). Then you simply knit in the round, as you knitted before. That is, in a circle until the end of the raglan (where a person’s armpit is). Since I knit on stocking needles, it turns out like a sock without seams.

there are no descriptions for these photos

the models are only my own - from the “head” - all the books on sewing and knitting for animals (and I have everything that was published here and not only) - absolute “blah-blah”, in my opinion, there is nothing worthwhile there. I knit only from yarn made from natural fibers - I can’t stand synthetics, almost everything is from Golden Fleece yarn.

Three-piece set from merino Superwool

this is ksar from Bouton d'or

This is also a ksar trim made from Fleur yarn from Anya Blatt

And this is stretch wool from Bud d Or

This is also a ksar trim made from Fleur yarn from Anya Blatt

Merino Artico from Mondial

Laika yarn from Buton d. Or, Victoria trim, lining - gioiello Filatura di Crosa

And this is again from Filatura di cross Nobile yarn - merino with cashmere. And the white sweater is from Superior in two threads

Also from Mondial - merino wool - trim - cross stitch

The well-known kidset (in two threads) plus a baby alpaca thread from Mondial

Kideseta plus Empire Filaturovskaya

Kidseta and extrafine merino from Mondial

merino extrafine from mondial

Cashmere Mondialovsky

Zara plus

Blue wool and cashmere jumpsuit (two threads)

Zara plus plus finekid (motley yellow) and Empire plus finekid (pink)

silk Kanpur by Anya Blatt

Empire plus new mohair from Filatura di crosa - baby kid extra. Most often I knit with raglan and thinning and back legs - I think. that this is the most comfortable for a dog - there are no seams - this pink and blue jumpsuit is NOT knitted with raglan but also without a single seam

You can see some of my sewing work here

If interesting

I knit from my “head”, so naturally there are no descriptions as such - however, on my “dog” forum I posted several times a description of how to knit a sweater and overalls for a dog - the description is detailed, for beginners in knitting - if necessary - I can post it too Here
I have a girl with long hair, fawn and white. And as for the photos on the model, don’t be offended, please, I wrote above that I don’t post photos of my pet on open Internet resources - because because of these stupid outfits, the photos are copied and posted on on their websites, they pass off my works as their own - my works and ideas are “violet” to me, for me this is only a hobby, not commerce, and I have so many of these same ideas - that I don’t have time to implement my plans - only two hands, family I’m not small and besides, I’m a working woman, otherwise I would have “turned around”))) - there are so many unfulfilled ideas - but the fact that the photo of my favorite tailed girl is hanging somewhere on someone else’s resource makes me very happy!!! annoying - to put it mildly. Therefore, I post her photos only on my resource, which is as closed as possible from unauthorized access. If you are interested, I can give you the link in a private message.


You will need: about 150 g of leftover yarn.

Since the overalls have a complex shape, instead of a pattern, a detailed description of the work is given.

Start knitting from the neckline. Cast on 63 stitches and knit 3 cm with a 1x1 elastic band (to prevent the elastic from stretching, use thinner knitting needles). Next, knit in stockinette stitch, evenly adding 6 stitches in each front row - 5 times in total. Then knit straight. After 12 cm from the start of work, start knitting the panties for the front legs: knit 19 stitches and remove them with a pin.

From the new ball, cast on 10 new loops, knit the next 19 stitches and cast on 9 more new loops. These 38 stitches are the beginning of one leg, knit with stockinette stitch 6 cm. Then 3 rows with 1x1 rib. Close the loops. Place the first 19 stitches from the pin onto the right knitting needle and cast on 19 new stitches from the new ball - this is the base for the 1st pant leg. Then knit 17 stitches from the left needle. From another ball, cast on 10 new stitches and knit a second pant leg from these 38 stitches. Cast on 19 stitches for the base of the 2nd leg from the ball with which the middle 17 stitches are knitted, and knit the remaining 19 stitches on the left knitting needle. Knit 9 cm straight, then decrease evenly: in 1 - 3 rows - 4 stitches each, in 4 and 5 - 5 p. each.

There are 71 sts left. Knit straight 24 cm, and in the next front row evenly add 10 sts. Then knit panties for the hind legs. For this purpose in persons. rows, start knitting in shortened rows: knit 32 stitches, 31, 30, 29 in succession. From the new ball, knit the same loops from the other edge of the part. After this, knit all 81 stitches in 4 rows. Next, knit 32 sts, close the next 17 sts and knit the remaining 32 sts. One side of the piece: * knit in short rows - from 32 sts, knit sequentially 27, 26, 25, 24. In the next row of 32 sts Knit the first 16 stitches with an elastic band 1x1 - 2.5 cm (the remaining loops remain on the left needle) and bind them off.

For the trouser leg, cast on 13 sts from the new ball, knit 16 sts with the same thread from the left knitting needle and cast on another 13 sts. With the resulting 42 sts, knit 7 cm, knit the last 3 rows with a 1x1 elastic band and bind off the loops. Knit the second leg in the same way, starting with the *).

Knit a strip 5 cm wide and 45 cm long. Sew this strip to one of the halves of the back - it will prevent the back from stretching. Sew 7 pieces of adhesive tape-fastener to this strip in the appropriate places to the other half of the back. Sew the sides of the front legs and sew the loose parts into the armholes. Sew the sides of the back legs and sew the edge of the elastic that runs along the back edge of the overalls.

JUMPSUIT FOR Italian Greyhound

You will need: remnants of yarn of different colors - only about 150 g; knitting needles No. 2.5.

Weave: facial surface; elastic band 2x2; elastic band 1x1.

BREAST. Cast on 35 stitches on the knitting needles. Knit 6 rows with a 1x1 elastic band, and do not knit the purl loops, but re-knit them. Then knit 22 rows and start knitting the armhole. To do this, close 3 stitches on each side, then 4 times 1 stitch. After knitting 23 rows, add 1 stitch on each side, knit another 8 rows, add 1 more stitch and knit 6 more rows.

Next, bind off 1 stitch on each side in every 2nd row - 5 times in total. Then, for the neck, close 6 stitches and 2 stitches on each side, 4 times 1 stitch, while simultaneously closing the shoulder loops - 1st in each row.

BACK. Knit from the AB line first at the top, then at the bottom. Cast on 35 stitches and knit in stockinette stitch. After knitting 22 rows, knit the armhole in the same way as on the chest. From the beginning of the armhole, knit 23 rows
and start knitting the neckline: close 6 stitches, then on each side 2 times 2 stitches and 8 times
1 stitch in every 2nd row. Close the shoulder loops in the same way as on the chest. Along the AB line, again cast on the loops and knit down 22 rows. Then expand the bottom edge, adding 1 stitch on each side in each row - 11 times in total. Having knitted 34 rows from line AB, begin knitting the legs for the hind legs. To do this, close 7 stitches in the upper part of the back, and then close 1 stitch 10 times in each row. In addition, from the beginning of knitting the legs, knit in short rows. To do this, knit the first 11 stitches at the top and go back, and knit the next row completely to the end. Thus, from the beginning of knitting the trouser leg, you will knit 25 complete rows. Then knit 35 rows with a 2 x 2 rib. Next, knit 3 stitches from each loop - this will be the beginning of the frill. After knitting 6 rows, close the loops with contrasting yarn. Knit the second leg in the same way.

ASSEMBLY. Sew shoulder and side seams. For the neckline, cast on 60 stitches on the needles, knit 6 rows with a 2 x 2 elastic band. Next, from each loop, knit 3 stitches for the frill and knit another 6 rows. Close the loops with contrasting yarn.

FRONT LEGS. Cast on 46 stitches and knit 55 rows with an elastic band. Then knit the same frill as on the neck and back legs. On the back, sew adhesive tape around the edges for fastening. The frill on the legs and neckline can be gathered with a hat elastic.

Hand knitting "Natalia" No. 4"98

model: Piccolo Model: Piccolo photos: Corinne Niessner photo: Corinne Niessner

fits dogs weighing 5-10pounds Suitable for dogs weighing 5-10 pounds FINISHED MEASUREMENTS

Neck: 8-10 inches Neck: 8-10 inches
Chest: 14-18 inches Chest: 14-18 inches


Sporty: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted: Lorna Shepherd's laces are worsted, 1 hank 225 yards], 1 skein
Luxe: Lorna's Laces Angel, 2 hanks Suite [top PIC]: Lorna Lace Angel, 2 Hanks

1 set US #5/3.75mm needles 1 set US#5/3.75mm needles
1 24-inch or larger US #6/4mm circular needle 1 24-inch or larger US #6/4mm circular needle


20 sts/28 rows = 4" in k2 p2 rib, slightly stretched, with larger needles 20 sts/28 rows = 4" in K2 P2 rib, lightly stretched, with large needles


Neck Neck

Using smaller needles, CO 48 sts. Using a smaller needle, CO 48 St.

Row 1: Sl 1, p1, *k2, p2* repeat from * to last 2 sts, p1, k1. Line 1: [was] 1 Sl, P1 * K2, P2 * repeat from * to last 2 sts, P1, K1.

Row 2: Sl 1, k1, *p2, k2* to end. Line 2: SL 1, K1, * P2, K2 * to the end.

Repeat rows 1 and 2 until neck measures 1.5 inches, ending with a WS row. Repeat rows 1 and 2 until neck measures 1.5 inches, ending row. Change to larger needle. Changes to the larger igloo.

Body Shaping Body Shaping

Row 1: ]RS]: Sl 1, k1, m1, work sts as they appear until 2 sts remain on L needle, m1, k2. Line 1:] RS]: 1 Sl, K1, M1, work STS as they are presented until 2 sts remain on the needle, M1, K2.

Row 2: : Sl 1, p1, k1, work rib sts as they appear to last 3 sts, k1, p1, k1. Line 2: [was]: SL 1, P1, K1, STS work the edges as they appear until the last 3 sts, K1, P1, K1.

Row 3: : Sl 1, k1 m1, k1, work rib sts as they appear to last 3 sts, k3. Line 3: SL 1, K1 m1, K1, STS work the edges as they appear until the last 3 sts, K3.

Row 4 : Sl 1, k2, work rib sts as they appear to last 4 sts, k2, p1, k1. Line 4 [was]: 1 Sl, K2, work the STS edges as they appear in the last 4 STS, K2, P1, K1.

Repeat m1 increase on each edge of RS rows as established 10 times, sl 1, and k last st to maintain selvedges. Repeat m1 increases along each edge of the lines RS, set to 10 times, SL 1 and To the last st support the edges.
Continue to work the rib sts as established. Continue working along the edge of the established points. When increases are complete you will have 70 sts. When increasing the full you will have 70 sv.

Work pattern as established until piece measures 4.5 inches from beginning, ending with a WS row. The working chart is set to 4.5 piece measures a few inches from the beginning, ending the line.

Divide for legs Divide for feet

Sl 1, k6, BO 6 sts, work in rib as established to last 13sts, BO 6 sts, k to end. SL 1, K6, BO 6 STS, edge work, installed in the last 13 STS, STS DS 6, K to the end.
Work is now divided into three sections. The work is currently divided into three sections.

Leg shaping

Work each section separately, always sl first st and k last st on each section to establish/maintain selvedge.[Was] Work each section separately, always SL th and first to last, st for each section create / maintain an edge.
Work sts as they appear until each section measures 1.5 inches from BO edge, ending with WS row. Work the STS as they appear until each section is at least 1.5 inches from the edge of the BO, ending with the Old Row.
Sections not being worked are held on the cable of the circular needle. The sections that did not work pass through the cable with a circular needle.

Body shaping Figure correction

Sl 1, k across first section, CO 5 sts, work sts across second section as they appear, CO 5sts, k to end. SL 1, K for the first section, CO 5 STS, STS work the second section as they appear, CO 5 STS, K until the end.
Continue to work sts as they appear until piece measures 10inches from beg. Continue working on the STS as they appear until the piece is at least 10 inches from the start.
BO all sts as they appear. DS all STS as they appear.


Sew together L and R edges to form tube. Sew L and R to the edges of the tube shape.
Weave in ends. Weave in the ends.

It takes +- 0.5 meters of fabric with a width of 140. I took a meter of lemon and half a meter of green - there’s still enough for one and a half overalls left)
1. Draw the cutting line where you like. We process it with a facing.
2. When cutting the lining, we make a retreat along the middle of the back by about 1 cm for a better fit and make pintucks along the line of stitching the collar and the line of the notch for the tail.
3. We do not sew the lining to the bottom of the sleeve; We gather the bottom of the lining sleeve with an elastic band.

This article is dedicated to clothing for dachshunds. We will not talk about whether clothes are needed for a dachshund; this topic can be found in separate articles on our website. You can also take part in our survey: “why do you need clothes for a dachshund?” Below you can find patterns for a dachshund:

- pattern for a dachshund “Blanket with ties”

This cute blanket will save your taxi driver in winter frosts and autumn winds.

- pattern for a dachshund “Blanket with a button”

Firstly, it is simple, like everything ingenious. Secondly, it allows you to transform the procedure of dressing your pet from painful to quite bearable, since you only have to thread the head. Thirdly, the dog looks much more decent in it than in grandma’s old jacket or grandpa’s vest. Finally, on the back of this blanket you can sew a handle from a piece of belt and, if necessary, carry your cocker, poodle or dachshund like a briefcase.

The pictures schematically show the appearance of a dog in a blanket and the appearance of the half-cut details. There are only two parts - the back and the chest.

What is the best material to make the clothes in question from? It depends on your dog’s frost resistance and on what unnecessary old things you have on hand. For cool, rainy weather, a raincoat or bologna-type fabric will do. For severe cold weather - cloth or drape. A warm and soft blanket is obtained from a jacket with padding polyester. Based on the possibilities, the back and breast can be made not whole, but sewn from pieces.
There is nothing more convenient and practical than this blanket fastened with just one button in a dog’s autumn-winter wardrobe.

In order not to make a mistake with the sizes and not to spoil the material, we recommend that you first make a pattern from light old fabric, which you don’t mind, and, after trying it on, adjust it (the length of the back is equal to the length of the dog from the base of the neck to the tail). It is especially important to accurately fit the chest and not make mistakes with the cutouts for the front legs (the cutouts should not interfere with the free movement of the dog).

It is better to cut out the darts on a pattern made of thick fabric and stitch them end-to-end in a zigzag manner, placing a braid underneath. The neckline and edges can be trimmed with soft braid. The fastening on the back is done either with a button and an air loop, or with a hook.

- pattern for a dachshund “Triangle blanket”

Making such a blanket does not require special skills. All you need is a warm knitted scarf or a triangular piece of soft, stretchy fabric, some thread and maybe 3 safety pins.

We take measurements. Length of back from collar to base of tail.

We take a triangular piece of fabric or scarf, the median of which is slightly longer than the length of the dog’s back (AB). To corner A we sew a loop for attaching the blanket by the tail, or we cut and process a hole in corner A for the same purpose. A hole is preferable, as the blanket will cover the croup more completely.

We place the scarf on the dog’s back, thread its tail through the hole, cross the remaining two corners on the dog’s chest, bring it behind the front paws and tie it on the back. Just not too tight, so as not to restrict movement. If the corners are not long enough to tie, attach them to the blanket with safety pins. Another safety pin can be used to secure the fabric higher on the dog’s neck to form a collar. Brooches can be used instead of safety pins. The blanket is ready.

- pattern for dachshund “Overalls”

To make such a cute jumpsuit, you only have to take one measurement: the length of the back.

To do this, put on the collar without tightening it and measure the distance from it to the root of the tail - this is the length of the back (line AB in the diagram). Now divide the resulting number by 8 to find out the size of the side of the grid square on which the pattern is built. All that remains is to draw a grid and transfer the pattern drawing onto it. Part 1 should be a pair - these are the right and left halves of the overalls; part 2 (unpaired, the diagram shows half) is a wedge sewn between the front legs with the narrow end covering the chest and stomach.

The pattern is designed for a poodle, but is perfect for dogs of any size, only for them you will have to slightly reduce the width of the legs, and for a dachshund, increase the length of the back. Adjust the width and length of the legs when trying them on, and gather the bottom of the legs with an elastic band. This overalls do not interfere with the dog’s movement at all, and perfectly protects from wet snow, rain and wind, especially if it is made of two layers: the top is made of raincoat fabric, the lining is made of flannel.

N. Flerova "Grooming dogs and caring for their fur"

- pattern for a dachshund “Velcro blanket”

In cold weather, Dachshunds need to wear warm overalls or blankets. Since in many cities it is quite problematic to buy clothes for dogs, I suggest you try to copy the pattern and make a blanket for your pet with your own hands. This model does not restrict movement, fits comfortably and allows you to adjust the size. The pattern is copied from a blanket for a bulldog, but you can easily change it to fit a dachshund by increasing the length of the back.

The upper part of the blanket is painted light green. The part is made in two copies and sewn along the top line. For girls and small male dogs, the length of the back (50 cm in the diagram) needs to be slightly reduced. A loop for the tail is sewn on the back, and a loop on top to secure the lower part of the blanket. Also, these two parts are fastened with an elastic band in the place indicated by the red square. This elastic band allows you to adjust the size of the head hole.

The lower part of the blanket consists of three parts - the part covering the chest (in the diagram it is painted blue), it is attached to the upper part of the blanket, passing an elastic band inside the fold and two identical parts (pink in the diagram), which encircle the dog’s body on both sides and are fixed on the back with Velcro.

- pattern for dachshund “Boots”

The boots can be sewn very long, practically they can be made up to the dog’s body. Therefore, depending on the purpose of the boots, it is better to sew the boot from knitwear or soft waterproof fabric. We take measurements.

The diameter of the sole of the paw with claws at its widest point. Usually the front paw is slightly larger than the hind paw. Height from the ground to the wrist joint. The height of the shoes from the ground. The thickness of the paw at the widest point that should be in the shoe (DD1).

We are building a template.

Sole. Draw a circle with a diameter equal to the diameter of the paw (AB).

Boot top. Draw a rectangle. The height is equal to the height of the shoe + 0.5-2 cm, for each clamp, depending on the size of the dog (SD). The width is equal to the thickness of the paw at the widest point that should be in the shoe (DD1). (For large dogs, add 2 cm.) We note the location of the carpal (XX1) and hock joints (EE1), taking into account the addition. If the fastener is an elastic band, then drawstrings are also needed. The width of the drawstring is equal to the width of the elastic plus 1 cm. The length of the drawstring is equal to the width of the boot. Cut it out.

Transfer to fabric. The sole could be more dense. The boot, depending on the purpose, is made of knitwear or waterproof fabric. Add 1-2 cm to all parts for seams and hems. We get 8 blanks. If there is an elastic band, then there are drawstrings.

Cut it out. We sew the fastener at the level of the carpal and above the hock joints.

If there is an elastic band, then a drawstring is sewn on and an elastic band is inserted. If Velcro, then the fleecy part and the clinging part are not sewn completely and side by side so that they overlap each other. For better protection, a semicircle (toe) made of thick fabric or leather can be sewn to the front of the boot. Sew according to height (SD + S1D1).

Sew to the sole. If desired, the edge of the sole can be folded up and stitched. For better fastening, we connect the dog’s shoes in pairs across the back with an elastic band or elastic cord. To adjust the length of the cord, it is better to install a plastic clamp. To make your shoes last longer, you need to trim the nails periodically. And especially for large dogs, put a felt insole in your shoes.

- pattern for a dachshund “Knitted vest or sweater”

The basis for creating a pattern is the length of the back. To measure it, put on the collar without tightening it and measure the distance from it to the root of the tail. Divide the resulting number by 8 to find out the size of the side of the grid square.

All that remains is to draw a grid with a side equal to 1/8 of the length of the back and transfer the pattern drawing onto it. Measure your dog's waist and chest and check if they match the pattern. If necessary, increase the pattern in width or length.

You should start knitting with an elastic band. The number of loops is equal to the waist circumference. Then gradually add stitches on both sides of the knitting so that by the time you reach the cutout for the paws, the number of stitches is equal to the volume of the chest.

Next, we close the required number of loops (2 cm) for cutting out the paws and knit the back and neckline. Then we combine the chest loops (until this time they remained unknitted) onto one knitting needle and knit to the required length. We sew the product on the stomach and front of the chest, sew on the part that goes between the front legs. We cast on loops along the edge of the neckline and the cutout for the paws and knit a placket with an elastic band to the desired length. If you add sleeves to this vest, you will get a sweater.

- pattern for a dachshund “Warm vest”

This vest is good for cool weather, and in winter cold it can be worn over a knitted jumpsuit - this way the dog will be much warmer, and you can walk with it longer.

The basis for creating a pattern is the length of the back. To measure it, put on the collar without tightening it and measure the length of the back (the distance from the collar to the root of the tail). Then divide this number by 10 to get the length of the side of the square. Draw a grid and transfer the pattern onto it.

The vest can be made from two layers: the top one - from raincoat fabric, soft drape, faux fur or jacket fabric, and the bottom one for your favorite dachshund is better made from flannel or knitwear - it is warmer and more pleasant for the skin. If you are going to wear this vest over overalls, the bottom layer is made of lining fabric. On the back you need to allow an allowance for the fastener. The collar can be made from knitwear or simply knitted with an elastic band (it turns out very stylish).

You can find these and other dog clothing ideas here -

Often on the street you can meet a friendly couple: the owner and his funny dressed dog... Seeing this picture, someone will want to dress up their pet too. There are, of course, stores that sell all sorts of outfits that dogs can wear. Or you can dress up your pet yourself. DIY dachshund clothes, the patterns of which are very simple, will protect your dog from wind, rain and frost.

Dog fashion

The dachshund is a hunting dog. In nature, she doesn’t care about wind, dirt, or dampness. But, having turned into a pet, she lost these qualities. Having short fur and spending most of her time in the warmth, she begins to freeze when going outside. In order to protect their pet from the cold, dog owners, including dachshunds, came up with dog fashion.

A loving owner will put together a whole wardrobe for his pet for any weather. Here you can find:

  • a blanket that will protect from frost and wind;
  • boots, necessary when walking in severe frost;
  • overalls that protect from rain and wind;
  • for autumn or spring.

Dog outfits aren't cheap. At the same time, there are enough old things at home from which you can make new things for your pet.

To please your pet with a comfortable and necessary outfit, all you need to do is make clothing patterns for dachshunds with your own hands. And then you can use them to sew elegant overalls, vests, blankets.

Clothes for dachshunds

Today, buying things for dachshunds is not a problem. In stores you can find everything: from a simple jumpsuit to an evening tailcoat. They often look like movie character costumes. The price of such clothes also varies: from simple blankets to shirts and precious stones. But most dog owners prefer to sew outfits for their four-legged friend themselves.

Do-it-yourself clothes for a dachshund, patterns, the knitting of which is presented in our article, will be made specifically for your beloved dog, taking into account the characteristics of his body. Such things will help emphasize the beauty and grace of your pet and, at the same time, protect you from the troubles of bad weather.

You can use your own clothing patterns for dachshunds when designing products for different seasons. For example, based on a jumpsuit with the size of a pet, you can sew an autumn and winter outfit.

Selection of clothes

Each breed of dog has its own body structure. In addition, there are short-haired and long-haired dogs. All this must be taken into account when sewing clothes for your pet.

Due to the length of the body, do-it-yourself clothes for dachshunds also have their own characteristics: patterns and photos demonstrate these features very clearly. Everything that is sewn for a dachshund has a large length in the back, and this must be taken into account when cutting.

In addition, the dachshund has very short legs, so spring and autumn outfits should be made of waterproof fabric.

The creation of any thing begins with the construction of a pattern. Therefore, when starting to create outfits, you must first take measurements of your pet.

To create a pattern, you need to measure the length of the back, the length at the bottom from the front to the back paw, chest girth, chest width, height of the pet at the withers and neck girth. By taking all the measurements correctly, you can sew any garment.

Knitted patterns

Creating such things is suitable for knitting lovers. The principles here are the same, the main thing is to take the measurements correctly.

Hats, coats - all these are homemade clothes for dachshunds. Patterns and knitting individual parts based on them will make the work much easier, allowing you to create something that will fit well on your pet and protect it from wind and cold.

Just like sewn ones, they require careful measurements of your four-legged friend.

Here is a simple sweater for a dachshund. This is only a knitting technology; the number of loops is calculated based on the dog’s measurements.

Knitting begins from the neckline (measure neck circumference). Then, using the raglan method, we divide the loops into the back, breast and sleeves. The chest must first be widened (measure the width of the chest), then narrowed, and it must be longer than the back for the sweater to fit well. When we connect the back and breast, holes are formed for the sleeves. We knit them separately. We knit the body to the required length (measure the length of the back), decreasing the loops on the tummy so that the knitting fits snugly to the body. You can put on a hood. Your pet can walk in this sweater in dry weather. If you use cotton threads, you will get a summer outfit.

Outfits for a boy dachshund

Warm clothes for a dog are protection from bad weather; the pet should be comfortable in it, nothing should interfere with its movement. And since the do-it-yourself clothing pattern for a boy dachshund is made according to individual sizes, it will meet all these requirements.

Same-sex dogs can get into fights, so dog owners have learned to show the dog's gender in their outfits. Things for a boy dachshund will differ in color: they are darker (blue, gray, black). And of course, there are differences in cutting the material, taking into account the anatomical characteristics of boys, who relieve themselves differently than girls.

Do-it-yourself clothing patterns for dachshunds, which will be used to sew things for boys, will turn out larger, since males are larger than females. And clothing decorations in the form of rhinestones, bows and ruffles are more suitable for girls’ clothes, not for boys.

There are also differences in style. For a boy, you can sew a tuxedo, a shirt with a tie, and wear a stylish cap.

DIY clothing patterns for dachshunds will help make your pet stylish and beautiful. This is the owner’s concern for his pet, which is manifested in caring for him and creating good living conditions for him.

Here are some facts about dog clothing:

  1. Eskimos and Samoyeds were the first to dress their dogs. Their dogs wore leather boots with deer hair inside to prevent their toes from cracking from the cold.
  2. During the Renaissance, dogs' heads were decorated with colored scarves.
  3. In the eighteenth century, Madame Pampadour's court lapdogs were dressed in dresses made of velvet and silk.
  4. In the twentieth century, special vests and overalls for rescue dogs were developed in the Alps (Switzerland).
  5. Then a tradition arose of dressing up dogs for exhibitions.
  6. Recently, dog fashion has firmly entered our lives.

Don't be afraid to experiment, and your pet will not only be protected from the weather, but will also receive unique outfits that no one else will have.

Dachshunds have short hair, so having suitable knitted clothing for them is often a necessity. Even in the summer, they need overalls that will protect them in rainy weather. If you use suitable clothing, you won’t have to wash your dog after every walk or wipe its fur; it will be enough to just wash its paws.

When it starts to get colder, it's time for warmer wardrobe items. Here you will need knitted overalls in case of windless but cool weather. A sweater, sweatshirt and cape will also come in handy. In cold weather, a cashmere or fleece set will be your salvation. Considering that it often snows in winter, clothing should be both warm and waterproof. If it's really cold outside, you can put a fur vest or fur coat on your dog.

In addition to the functional knitted clothes for dachshunds, dog owners often buy them stylish wardrobe items. They serve as a stimulus for a good mood and become a real decoration for your pet. Here we are talking about all kinds of suits, fashionable collars, hats, bows and so on. Such accessories will look great both on a regular walk and at a thematic exhibition.

If you buy all of the above in a store, you will have to spend quite a lot of money. To avoid this, you can independently sew suitable and necessary clothes for your beloved pet.

If you don’t have time for needlework, but want to please your pet, then there is an excellent solution. This type of clothing takes about an hour and a half. Even if the weather is bad outside, you still need to walk your pet. For such cases, you can quickly sew a suitable suit.

Quick clothes for dachshund

Take an old, unwanted sweater and cut off the sleeve. Measure the length of the animal's back and add about 7 cm to this value. Make armholes for the paws. After this, estimate the future new thing for the dog and adjust the necessary parameters. This will take about fifteen minutes. In principle, such clothes can already be worn on the street, but, of course, they don’t look their best. Therefore, the model can be improved. You can trim the sweater with braid or ribbons and knit the paw sleeves, then carefully sew them on.

How to take measurements from a dachshund

It should be remembered that in order to obtain the “correct” model of clothing, it is very important to take accurate and correct measurements. The most important parameters are played by such parameters as back (length - DS), neck (OS), chest (OG), stomach (OZ), paws (OPL and OZL), length from collar to paws (DOL), width between paws (WLP) ). Most values ​​should correspond to the girth of the corresponding parameter. For example, the “Waist” parameter means that you need to measure its circumference. Knowing these values, you can make a pattern for almost any clothing.

Pattern of clothes for a dachshund from paper

If you have not taken a sewing course and have never created clothes for your pet before, then you can use one of the simple ways to build the base of the clothing.

Below is a simple paper pattern. When using it, it will be much easier for you to make clothes for your beloved dachshund.

Take a sheet of paper that will have a length of DC + 10 cm and a width of D + 10 cm. Fold it in half. As a result, you will have a rectangle. Now you need to mark the place of the front paws (a line is laid down, distant from the edge by DOL+5). Now set aside a distance from the fold line equal to half the width between the paws (front) and make holes.

Apply the resulting diagram to a dog. Without damaging the sheet, carefully secure the edges of the resulting cylinder with pins. In the chest area the sheet will fit tightly to the dog, and on the stomach it will be looser. Make undercuts here, otherwise the clothes will not fit later. They also need to be laid out on paper and not forgotten about them later during cutting. There can be up to 4 undercuts on the neck. They should be located on the chest and back. The grooves for the paws will be on the stomach.

Don't forget to adjust the length of your clothing if necessary. On the stomach it should be slightly shorter than on top.

Now remove the pins and remove the blank from the dog. This layout will allow you to make many clothing models with good accuracy. But in some cases it will be additionally necessary to construct sleeve diagrams.

It is better to start sewing practice with simple models. A blanket is perfect for training. The result should match the picture. You will need material measuring 70x70 cm, as well as velcro tape (30 cm) and bias tape (3 m).

First, attach the paper pattern to the material from the wrong side. Trace the outlines using a bar of soap or chalk. Cut out the part, leaving allowances on the sides (about 1 cm). Overdue the grooves at the back of the blanket. Now make a border around the edge. Finally, sew on a fastener: buttons or Velcro.

If you want to make an insulated version, then cover the lining additionally. For it, use fleece or padding polyester. All parts are cut according to a single drawing, recesses are also made everywhere. For the sternum you need to sew a rectangle. Then the layers are sewn together (top, insulation, bottom) and joined at the edges. Steps 5 and 6 follow.

If you have ever sewed on a machine before, you will only spend a couple of hours on the blanket. If you don’t have a machine, you can sew everything by hand.

When you get the hang of it, you can move on to making more complicated models. You can knit a loose sweater. The main thing here is to sew the elastic precisely so that it does not restrict the dog’s movement and at the same time holds the sweater.

How to knit a sweater for a dachshund

Those who enjoy knitting will love creating fashionable knitted clothes for their dachshund. You can make sweaters, overalls, scarves - anything. You only need about 200 g of thread and knitting needles of about 4 sizes. Raglan sweaters are very popular; they should be knitted from the neck. In this case, the density of the sweater is calculated in advance.

To prevent the material from wrinkles in the neck area, you need to reduce the number of loops from the back. For those who have ever knitted gloves, it will be easier to knit the sleeves: the technique is the same. The front sleeves should be shorter than the back ones. If you find a pattern for a dog of another breed, you can use that as well. But consider your dog's structure. You will spend one evening making a sweater, but your dog will enjoy it for a very long time, and you will probably enjoy high-quality furniture, for example, walls in Dnepropetrovsk.

It's great if your dachshund has a lot of clothes. This way you can avoid excessive soiling of wardrobe items and will always dress your dog according to the weather. Don't forget that in addition to appearance, you need to consider the functionality of the clothing. Your pet should be comfortable wearing it. Otherwise, the dog will simply refuse to move in it.