How to renew vital energy. How to restore strength and regain energy? a way to restore human strength and energy


Pay attention to your diet. If your diet is dominated by sweet, floury, fatty foods made from semi-finished products, then it is not surprising that at the end of the day you feel overwhelmed. Excessive consumption of these products leads to disruption of all physiological processes in your body; you do not receive the necessary source of energy.

To correct this, you should introduce more plant foods into your diet. Vegetables, greens, and cereals contain “slow” carbohydrates that take a long time to digest, thereby relieving you of hunger and also providing the body with the energy it needs. It is important to have a proper breakfast. One bowl of porridge will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

You should give up bad habits: alcohol,... Sometimes you can allow yourself to drink red wine, it will even be useful. But in large quantities, alcohol acts as a depressant, i.e. it does not allow you to get rid of fatigue and relax, as many people think.

Smoking also negatively affects our condition. It prevents oxygen from entering the body, as a result it feels depressed, and it does not want to perform unnecessary actions and movements.

Replace the TV with or a walk. It’s better after a hard day at work to go for a walk in the park, alley, and breathe fresh air, rather than lie down and watch TV. During a walk, you will be able to put your thoughts in order, in addition, your body will be enriched with oxygen, and you will sleep better later. And before going to bed, you can read an interesting book.

Play sports. Active recreation is an excellent way to recuperate after a working day. During exercise, adrenaline is produced, as a result of which you feel a surge of energy. Of course, after training there is also fatigue, but it is pleasant. In addition, when playing sports, the level of endorphins (hormones of joy) increases, i.e. your mood improves.

Don't forget about sleep. On average, a person needs eight hours of full sleep to restore the body's strength. Therefore, when you come home in the evening, go to bed early. It’s better not to do any homework, refuse to watch a movie, but get a good night’s sleep so that you feel good the next day. And if you constantly adhere to the correct sleep schedule, then such a problem as fatigue after work will not exist for you.


  • Chronic fatigue syndrome. How to get rid of fatigue? Restore strength and energy
  • How to restore strength after a working day

After work Not everyone manages to spend an evening in an atmosphere of relaxed tranquility. Household chores, troubles with children and communication with loved ones also take a lot of energy. Effective recovery after work will help you recharge your batteries and fully relax.

You will need

  • - aroma oils;
  • - mastering meditation.


Plan your day so that after work you had half an hour just to yourself. When you return, do not immediately start household chores. Be sure to take a shower to wash away the fatigue and negative energy that has accumulated during the day.

Meditation is perfect for relaxation and recuperation. If you are far from this, start with the basics. Take a comfortable position, close and try all your thoughts. Just listen to your breathing, imagine how life-giving air enters your body, saturates it with energy, and then takes away fatigue and irritation. Be prepared for the fact that you may not be able to concentrate right away, but gradually you will begin to feel the miraculous power of meditation.

Try to get enough sleep. Set your own individual sleep schedule that makes you feel best. On the weekend, try to lie in bed a little longer, and then spend the morning in a leisurely and relaxed atmosphere.

2 hours before bedtime, try not to eat anything so that the body does not waste strength on . Take yourself a half-hour walk in the fresh air or do a simple yoga routine. An hour before bed, take a warm bath with sea salt and aromatic oils. Essential oils of lavender, ylang-ylang, sweet orange will help you relax and strength.

To restore strength, it is important to switch. Even if you think about business even during fitness and relaxation procedures, your brain still continues at full capacity. Try to be completely distracted and forget about business. Read an interesting book for at least half an hour, watch a light movie, play with. A charge of positive energy will be provided to you.


Don't take work home. Try to optimize your working time so that you can cope with all the tasks in the office. Otherwise, you will not be able to disconnect from work and will be in constant tension.

Helpful advice

To avoid getting too tired after work, try to take short breaks during the day. Even 10 minutes with a cup of coffee by the window, spent in dreams and pleasant thoughts, will be enough for work stress to subside.

Various ailments, stress, overwork, and illness can incapacitate a person for a long time. Your body has fought hard to defeat the disease, and now it needs to regain lost strength and energy.


A weakened person needs vitamins and beneficial minerals. Eat more vegetables, fruits, greens. Do not eat fatty, heavy, spicy foods. Replace it with cereals, light soups, vegetable stews, and salads.

Purchase vitamins and dietary supplements that help strengthen your immune system. Now there are a lot of different ones, both in composition and price. And to choose exactly those that are suitable for yours and will not cause harm, first consult with your doctor.

You also need walks in the fresh air now. The ideal option is to go out of town or to the sea. If this is not possible, make it a rule to go for a run early, while there are still few cars on the streets and the air is not polluted. Walks in the park will also be beneficial.

Expose yourself less to stressful situations; now you need exclusively positive emotions. Watch comedies, go to the premiere of a play at the theater or a performance at the circus. Communication with small children or friends will help to charge you with positivity.

If you are a heavy smoker or a beer drinker, give up your bad habits, at least while your body recovers. And lovers of nightclub life are better off staying home now. Sound, healthy sleep is another factor in the body’s rapid recovery.

Video on the topic

It often happens that, having started any mental work, after the first hour we begin to feel discomfort, fatigue, irritability and even depression. The fact is that it is much easier for the body, or rather the brain, to perceive and work with information for the first 30-45 minutes, and after this time has elapsed, the brain begins to get tired, hence the first signs of discomfort in the body. To avoid these inconveniences, 5 minutes of proper rest is enough to return your brain to working condition.


Drink water. As you know, our body is 80% H2O, and our first task is to restore this fluid. In addition to quenching thirst, water helps the brain work 10-15% better and more efficiently.

Take a deep breath. Preferably 10-15 times. Oxygen also stimulates the nervous system, thereby saturating our blood with useful substances.

Music. Calm and pleasant music no less relieves irritation and allows you to escape from unnecessary thoughts. It is enough to listen to 2-3 songs, and you will immediately feel better than before. If you listen to music with your eyes closed and also dream, the effect will be 2 times more productive.

Do some exercise. Stretch your stiff joints by rotating your arms completely in front of you (for an extra effect, rotate them in different directions), this will warm up your body and blood will flow faster to your brain and heart.

Also don't forget about acupuncture. Points on the face, chin, and back of the head, many of them are responsible for our senses. For example, to relieve stress, massage the point between your thumb and index finger. And to relieve headaches, use the pads of your thumbs.

There are two more unconventional methods for improving the condition: a headstand and holding your legs in the air while lying on your back. All this is carried out within 25-30 seconds, or even less. Provides greater blood flow to organs. Especially recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Video on the topic

A healthy human energy field looks like an egg-shaped cocoon that completely surrounds the body. The thickness of the field ranges from several tens of centimeters to several meters. The thicker and more powerful the field, the better the health and the higher the energy potential of a person.

The main disturbances in the energy field are a decrease in its thickness, curvature and breakdowns. Small thickness indicates poor health and may indicate poor nutrition and a suboptimal lifestyle. Curvatures and breakdowns are direct harbingers of diseases.

Meditative methods for restoring the energy field

In serious situations, field restoration should be entrusted to an experienced bioenergy therapist. This is due to the fact that working on your field yourself is very difficult. However, such work can still be done.

To restore the energy field, you can use the following exercise. Sit on the floor cross-legged, the position should be comfortable. If it is difficult for you to sit upright, spread something soft, lean your back on a pillow, etc. Main conditions: the spine must be straight, your posture must be comfortable.

The task is to pump up all the chakras, from muladhara to sahasrara. The exact location of the chakras can be found online. First, concentrate on muladhara, imagining the chakra in the form of a luminous red ball with a diameter of about 5 cm. Concentration time is approximately 5 minutes. There is no need to detect it, work according to your feelings. It is necessary to achieve a feeling of warmth in the chakra area. Once this has been achieved, move on to the next chakra, etc. Chakra activation is a very good exercise for restoring the body's energy.

A similar activation can be carried out before going to bed, while lying in bed. After pumping your chakras, visualize your aura. Imagine it as dazzling white - the brighter the white you can imagine, the better.

Energy gymnastics

An excellent way to restore energy is to use Hermes gymnastics; its description can be found on the Internet. A set of exercises allows you to restore the circulation of energy in the body and raise the overall energy level.

Chinese taijiquan gymnastics is also perfect for restoring energy. Its main advantage is that even elderly people or those weakened by illness can practice it. It restores energy very well, but requires long, regular exercise.

Perfectly restores energy and normal running. Regular daily jogging quickly normalizes the energy field, gives vigor and optimism.

Proper nutrition

The energy of the body depends very much on the quality of nutrition. Eliminate from your diet any products containing preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers and other additives. Eat more natural foods with minimal heat processing. Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, as well as fish, in your diet. Minimize your consumption of flour products.

Positive thinking

Try to be optimistic and avoid negative thoughts. Remember that constant worrying and thinking about problems have the most negative impact on the body’s energy. Focus on the positive, watch comedies, listen to good music, meet friends. The better your soul is, the more powerful your energy and better your health will be.

Good day to all of you! Sometimes you don’t have to be a psychic to feel a sudden loss of strength after communicating with an unpleasant person, a stage performance, a difficult business trip, etc. This feeling means only one thing - you have lost your vitality and need to replenish it.

Your health, mood, satisfaction with what is happening, the pace of aging, longevity - all this directly depends on the amount of accumulated energy in your energy field. It is not surprising that in the modern way of life, people who do not want to put up with energy leakage begin to look for the answer to the question - how to restore energy. Well, take note of my tips for replenishing lost energy.

Energy storage methods

1. Healthy food

We all know that food is a source of energy, but we must understand the qualities of its energy. For example, plant foods that are most rich in vital energy are eaten immediately after harvesting without heat treatment. Throughout the entire period of growth, such a plant or fruit was saturated with the energy of the Earth, Water, Air and Sun, and when you eat it, all this passes to you.

2. Healthy sleep

Sleep as such is intended specifically for restoration of strength, but following the following conditions will help you wake up truly whole and rested: go to bed before midnight, lie on your back and do not sleep for more than 8 hours. There is an exception to the latter - if a person has experienced severe stress, it will be useful for him to sleep for an unlimited amount of time until he feels the desire to get up and act.

3. Interaction with nature

Any active or passive recreation in nature perfectly restores internal balance. Contemplation and enjoyment of natural beauty helps to disconnect from all problems. Appreciate this opportunity and be grateful for the space. It is useful to have direct contact with the earth - simply lie with your back on the grass and absorb the energy of the Earth.

4. Keeping your body toned

Moderate exercise gives us energy, pleasant fatigue and sound sleep. Moreover, classes should please you, and not be done through “I don’t want to.” Of course, relaxing yoga works best, but a regular walk with the dog, race walking, running, and swimming are also great.

5. Correct breathing

The yogis of ancient times, and now modern science, have established a relationship between breathing and the state of the body. During full yogic breathing, it is important to feel not only the saturation of cells with oxygen, but also how, with each new “sip” of air, boundless cosmic energy penetrates us.

Holding bandhas and mudras. There are various energy locks (bandhas) and finger gestures (mudras), the retention of which closes the flow of energy within us, preventing it from leaving. It is useful to use these techniques when energy is building up, such as during meditation.

6. Temporary silence

We are all accustomed to constantly talking, sometimes even to ourselves, not realizing that energy flows out of us with an incessant stream of phrases. Watch your speech. Is everything you say vital? Eliminate empty chatter from your speech, try to speak to the point. Periodically practice complete silence for a day, a week, a month.

7. Cleaning the area

It is possible that the cause of the loss of energy was a cluttered corner in your room, under the bed or in the office. Such disorder creates an energy hole into which all your energy accumulations go. Therefore, create ideal order in the rooms in which you constantly live, and especially where you sleep. Carefully go over the most difficult to reach corners with a rag. Throw away or give away something you know you won't use again.

8. Search for positive emotions

It is clear that any positive emotions will restore energy, so find their sources. This could be hanging out with an old friend with whom you can be yourself, playing casually with your pet, watching your favorite comedy that makes you laugh every time you watch it, going to an amusement park, or attending a concert of your favorite band. However, give preference to less crowded places.

9. Give generously

Don't think that you are the most unhappy person in the world. There are many people in the world who need help. Feed a homeless animal, treat an old man to candy or fruit, help a woman carry a heavy bag. Such gratuitous deeds instantly return to you with increased mood and improved well-being. You just need to do this without expecting anything in return.

10. Change of environment

It is quite possible that this particular job or these colleagues are your daily energy vampire. And if you are not able to change something, the only thing left to do is change jobs. Don’t worry, all the changes are for the better and along with a new safe environment, your sense of purpose, love of life and faith in your strength will return.

11. Awakening creativity

Even in ancient times, women engaged in handicrafts in order to increase their energy and the energy of their husbands. In activities such as knitting, embroidery, weaving there is a special magic associated with the fact that natural fabrics are able to absorb the message that is embedded in them, and then have a positive effect on their owner. Men can also recover by doing wood burning, carving, forging, etc.

12. Sincere forgiveness

13. Visualization and speaking

Time has shown that visualizing what you want works. The same goes for saying silently or out loud positive wishes for yourself and others. As part of our theme, you can imagine how the energy halo around the body is filled with bright light, expands and exudes warmth. Feel free to fantasize and imagine.

I assure you, there are many more ways, but first, master at least these, and positive changes will encourage you to learn even more. My regular recovery methods: 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 12. Share in the comments which of the listed methods you use, or write your own. Of course, I will be pleased if you share the article on social networks with your friends and subscribe to the blog.

Greetings, dear subscribers and dear friends,

The topic of our conversation today, I am sure, is relevant for many. This topic, according to my observations, worries more than 90% of my clients and is the most common request in my online yoga classes.

What can I say, I myself periodically find myself in that state when I think about how to regain my strength and energy. After all, just yesterday I was full of vitality, but today I got up and was literally without power.

And just this morning I woke up and felt like I didn’t want anything. I want to lie there like a vegetable and do nothing. On the one hand, this is a great reason for doing nothing, but, on the other hand, you want to go towards your goals.

When I need to regain my vigor in order to enter a resourceful state, I always go for a walk.

Why do we sometimes feel drained?

According to scientists, the human body contains so much energy that it can boil a lake with its internal energy. But at the same time, we periodically feel as if our energy has been taken away.

If you observe yourself at the same time, you can feel (and even catch it in your thoughts) as if some kind of negative energy appears in the body, which puts pressure on us.

This, by the way, is facilitated by all sorts of beliefs that rain down on us from all sides. Surely you know about all kinds of energy vampires, about the fact that spent energy cannot be returned, that someone takes energy from us (or even steals), and someone gives it to us. And there is no end to this.

There are a lot of these “teachings” that shower these beliefs on us and there are more and more of them every day.

And there is even a belief that these very teachings also take away our positive energy.

The first thing you need to do to get your energy back is to stop listening to all these “teachings”.

These teachings serve the sole purpose of our entertainment. You have fun because, starting to believe in all this nonsense, you begin to test your strength, thereby reinforcing your pride:

  • I am so poor and unhappy, because all my life energy was taken from me
  • I am so great, I myself will take away the energy from anyone you want - they are 2 different sides of the same pride.

When you put yourself down and when you elevate yourself, you reinforce your pride.

The victim person is a very strong person. Just imagine how much strength it takes to maintain this state of worthlessness and victimhood. After all, this state of tension is not natural for a person. It is natural for a person to be in a state of relaxation. And to be a victim you need to constantly put in a lot of effort.

Why are we doing all this?

This is a very interesting question.
And everyone must answer it themselves. After all, everyone will have their own reasons for this.

Let's do a simple practice now.

  1. Sit relaxed
  2. Close your eyes and bring your attention to the center of your chest
  3. Watch how you breathe. Breathe calmly and naturally
  4. Ask yourself the question: “why am I making myself a victim?”
  5. Be open to receiving the answer from yourself.

If you don't receive a response right away, don't be discouraged.

The answer may come in the form of a mental insight later, in the form of a feeling in the body, in the form of a sound on the street, from a neighbor, you may see something on the street, or in some other way.

The answer always comes.

Another thing that amuses me is how they tell us about different shades of energies. Feminine energy, male energy, positive energy, negative energy, etc.

By believing this, we split ourselves into parts, but we were born whole.

When a person comes into this world, he is not divided into parts within himself. He is one and complete. When they start telling us about all sorts of “energies” with some kind of connotation and we believe in it, we split ourselves.

As a result, we only want good energy and don't want bad energy. By doing so, we give up a part of ourselves. And we make efforts to block and suppress in ourselves that “bad” energy that we were told about.

Imagine how much strength it takes us to suppress ourselves.

We're just fighting and suppressing ourselves

And why? Simply because someone told us that we have good and bad energy.

Complete nonsense.

Get that idea out of your head and realize that energy is energy. She is neither good nor bad. She is just energy.

And this same vital energy manifests itself through us in the most varied ways. And all the lost and stolen energy is just thoughts and beliefs that are firmly lodged in our heads and which begin to guide us and determine our lives.

What to do about it

If you dig around on the Internet, you can find all sorts of ways to “return strength of spirit”, “return energy from the past”, “return the energy given to someone at some time”, “how to return strength and energy”, etc., but that’s all This is again the action of the same mind, which, based on beliefs, controls you and your thinking.

The main thing now is to understand that it is impossible to give energy to anyone, either your own or someone else’s. Same as pick up.

Energy is always with you.

When asked about time, what do you usually answer? I guess it’s something like “now… hours and minutes.” Right now. You live now. Not yesterday or the day before, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, but right now.

And your energy is always now. There is no need to return it from anywhere. This is the only thing you need to realize and understand.

And all practices for returning energy do just that. They help your mind (through the illusion of return) understand that the energy is already here.

And it was never given to anyone.

Now let's learn to realize this

The process itself is very simple. The paradox is that people are accustomed to some complex and difficult schemes and practices, so when you give something simple and easy, they say that it doesn’t work.

The first step is awareness

Learn to monitor and become aware of your thoughts and beliefs. But don't get stuck in them. The trouble is that we are stuck very tightly to our beliefs. And they began to consider themselves to be them and their only true ones.

Learn to see yourself not as your thoughts and beliefs.

To do this, start observing your mind and your thoughts. Constantly.

Let the “regain your strength and energy” meditation be used first.

It starts the same way as the previous one:

  • Sit relaxed
  • Sit back in your chair. If you can, sit with your back straight without your back touching the backrest. If you tense up at the same time, it’s better to lean on the back.
  • Close your eyes and bring your attention to the center of your chest
  • Watch how you breathe. Breathe calmly and naturally
  • Sit like this for 3-5 minutes, but don’t strain yourself.

And watch your mind: what thoughts come to you, what they tell you, do you really believe in them or consider them a lie, etc.

And in this process of observation, you may notice how completely different thoughts will come to you and you will experience different states: fears may come, joys may come, certain words and actions may be remembered.

You will see a lot of things. The main thing is not to get involved in all this. Remember, all these are just impressions and beliefs of your mind.

It is the beliefs of your mind that create resistance and obstacles for you, thanks to which your life becomes like running with obstacles, overcoming resistance. Overcoming yourself.

And after observing in this way, begin to ask the question “who is the one who thinks so” when another thought comes. And watch what happens.

Over time, this practice will become integrated into your daily life and this process of observation will begin to happen on its own. The main thing is, when asking a question, do not do it automatically.

Do this consciously and then you will begin to free yourself from the influence of these beliefs without getting rid of them.

And you will increase your sense of strength and energy in 20 minutes or even faster.

The main thing is to practice!!!

They will simply stop influencing you.

And you will have a lot of energy. You simply will have nowhere to put it.

Alternative option

You can still follow the path of transformation and getting rid of beliefs.

Also an effective method, but more complex and time-consuming.

How many beliefs do you think you have in your head? How many years have you lived interacting with people, so many different beliefs do you have.

While transforming, you won’t be able to cope in your entire life. But to solve local life problems, this method can also be used.

And now you are standing at a fork in the road which way to go: through observation and research itself or through transformation.

Yoga classes online

If you are still in doubt, but want to regain your sense of strength and your own energy, I invite you to.

What's good about these classes?

You study at home, in a familiar environment. You can even practice with your family, which will allow you to strengthen the relationships in your family.

During the classes we perform asanas (physical exercises), replenish free energy with the help of breathing pranayamas (breathing practices) and meditate (observation of the mind and relaxation).

The classes are designed for people of zero level, i.e. for those who have not exercised for a very long time.

Come to your first free online yoga class.

If you want to completely solve the issue of mental restlessness, fatigue or stress in your life, then I invite you to come to me, where we will look at your current situation and you will see the reasons why you still have a feeling of lack free energy.

The world around us represents the energy that makes up the Universe. Energy flows vary in vibration frequency, density and speed of propagation. Energy is present in the vast Cosmos and in the smallest atomic particle. It manifests itself through light, sound, heat and nuclear explosion. This is the Power that makes everything exist. Metaphysicians believe that God is Energy. And perhaps they are right.

In this article

What is human energy

A person is a whole energy system consisting of 7 centers - chakras. Each energy center forms its own plan with its own characteristics.

Human energy centers

Moreover, all bodies are interconnected: a failure in one leads to disruptions in the system as a whole.

  1. The energy of the physical body supports the functioning of the human body and regulates physiological processes. Violations in this area cause health problems.
  2. The chakras are responsible for the emotional state - they allow us to be happy, sad, experience delight and other feelings.
  3. The energy of the mental body maintains brain activity and influences the nature of thinking.
  4. There are also higher planes, where energy plays the role of a link between man and the Universe, connecting individual consciousness with the Divine principle.

This video details the human energy structure:

What does the amount of energy affect?

Any activity requires vitality. Even when you eat, lie still, or sleep, processes are going on in your body that require “fuel.”

With a lack of energy, the human body works intermittently, diseases arise and develop. Blood circulation and metabolism are disrupted, sensitivity is dulled. There is depression on the emotional plane. A person sees the world as dull, and life as joyless. Performance, both physical and mental, drops sharply. Thoughts become confused, a person has difficulty thinking.

Against this background, apathy and indifference to life are growing. The range of interests narrows: sleep, TV, alcohol doping. A person loses faith in himself and his own capabilities. In addition, he becomes susceptible to dark thoughts and feelings, driving himself into a dead end.

But a high level of energy provides:

  1. Excellent health and well-being. The body, with its energy potential, has a strong immune system, therefore it has good protection against diseases, stress and overload. The self-healing mechanism is triggered, and the person quickly returns to normal.
  2. Excellent mood, high performance, positive outlook, easy attitude to the difficulties of life. Typically, socially active people are called energetic, which indicates their strong energy. It doesn’t matter in what field they operate: production, politics, art or sports. A person confidently moves towards his goal and, as a rule, achieves success.
  3. A high level of personal strength makes a person attractive in the eyes of others, arouses sympathy and trust. In relationships with the opposite sex, he is more successful. If we are talking about an artist or public figure, then powerful potential is called charisma.
  4. It is obvious that talented scientists or inventors have a high level of energy. That is why their brain solves complex problems and makes brilliant discoveries. Creative and energetic potential are interconnected. The stronger the energy of a person, the higher the likelihood of creative insights and the manifestation of superpowers: clairvoyance, telepathy, absolute memory and others.
  5. Reality management. With a very high energy potential, a person reaches the level of the Creator. He gains the ability to create the desired version of events. People far from esotericism will call it luck. In fact, this is only a consequence of the high energy of the individual and the ability to manage one’s intentions.

High energy level gives a feeling of fullness of life

How to restore energy

Fix leaks first. The situation can be compared to a bucket with a hole in the bottom. No matter how much water you fill, it will inevitably end up empty.

The human energy system is not airtight. She constantly exchanges energy flows with the outside world: with other people, animals, trees, natural objects, as well as with egregors. We give something and receive something in return. Balance is important, then the energy system functions fully.

Leaks occur when the balance shifts towards losses, but energy is not replenished. This happens when the body is clogged with slagging, when negative emotions dominate, in stressful situations, when interacting with energy vampires.

Possible energy leaks should be eliminated or reduced to a minimum. At the same time, use a source of additional nutrition: for example, special gymnastics.

Restoring energy balance on the physical plane

  1. Take care of your body's health. This point involves recovery from diseases, giving up bad habits, healthy eating, regular physical activity, proper sleep, a measured daily routine, and hardening.
  2. Cleanse your body of toxins. Take advantage of specially selected herbal mixtures, cleansing diets, and therapeutic fasting.
  3. Learn to relax. Excessive muscle and mental tension causes loss of energy. Relaxation stops these leaks. A Russian bath gives a good relaxing effect. It also promotes the removal of toxins.
  4. Master energy gymnastics. Hatha yoga, tai chi, “Eye of Rebirth” and other eastern practices are suitable. All of them harmonize energy not only on the physical plane, but also on more subtle levels.

On an ethereal level

It was said just above that eastern practices for raising energy are effective at various levels. They are quite applicable to the etheric body.

  1. Pranayama breathing technique. Indian yogis believed that when you inhale, prana fills the body. Proper breathing thus harmonizes the body's energy.
  2. As an alternative, consider slats or DEIR.
  3. Meditation practices are a good help for restoring energy levels.
  4. Communication with nature also has a positive effect on the state of the etheric body. The river takes away negative energy, and fills the forest with fresh strength.
  5. An important role is played by the ability to distance yourself from the surrounding bustle and not get involved in destructive processes and situations.
  6. Minimize your viewing of television programs and completely eliminate programs with a negative atmosphere.

On the astral level

The astral plane is associated with our emotions. Positive feelings attract energy, while negative feelings take it away. Therefore it is extremely important:

  • maintain a good mood regardless of the circumstances;
  • do not allow negative emotions to penetrate the psyche;
  • with the help of special practices, work through emotional traumas of the past;
  • exclude from your circle evil, envious people who experience eternal discontent;
  • show friendliness and openness to others;
  • cultivate a high love for the world, the Earth, the Universe.

Positive emotions fill us with energy

Energy cleansing

In ancient traditions there were rituals of purification through the elements. The power of Fire, Earth or Water was used. Echoes of these techniques have survived in modern culture. For example, on the day of Ivan Kupala, people en masse go into the river or jump over a fire.

Let's look at 6 methods of energy cleansing.

Cleaning with water

Perhaps the most obvious way to throw off negative energy. Showering, swimming in the river, and even simply staying near a body of water removes layers of energetic dirt.

Water is great for restoring balance.

Take a shower not only before bed, but also in the morning, because at night our subconscious travels to different worlds, where it can gain energy of dubious quality. Well, during the day we also collect a lot of negativity, especially in crowded places - in public transport, in supermarkets, at work.

Pay attention to your palms and feet - negative charge accumulates in them first.

By the way, cold showers are more effective. Traditional healers believe that cold scares away dark entities of the subtle plane.

Salt cleansing

Represents the element of Earth. The method is very simple and accessible, not requiring special conditions. Take any ceramic dish, preferably clay, and fill it with salt. Place it near where you sleep. Directly under the bed or next to the bed.

Regular salt will free you from negativity

Overnight, salt will draw out a significant portion of energy-information waste from the body. In addition, your sleep will be more restful and deeper. This method can be used every night. The only condition is to change the salt from time to time, especially if it darkens.
Rinse the used salt with water or bury it.

Cleaning with a candle

Fire is a powerful element that destroys negative energy and scares away dark entities. Using a wax candle, cleanse your apartment of negative accumulations.

Candles cleanse space and aura

To do this, go through all the rooms in sequence, as well as the kitchen, toilet and bathroom with a burning candle in your hand. Keep the candle as close to the wall as possible, walking around the perimeter of each room and examining the corners especially carefully. Start your movement from the threshold and move clockwise, eventually closing the contour of the space.

In those places where there is a negative energy information clot, the candle will begin to smoke and crackle. Pause here to completely eliminate the problem.

In a similar way, you can cleanse a person’s aura. Just sit by a burning candle and watch the flame. Wait until it burns to the end. In this case, a crackling sound and soot may be released. This materializes your negative emotions, resentment, irritation.

To remove information dirt from another person, stand behind him and hold a candle near his body. Move from the tailbone, gradually rising along the spine and at the same time drawing circles in the air counterclockwise. If the candle detects an energetic defect, it will begin to smoke or crackle. In this case, continue rotating the candle in this area until the flame is clear. This is how we get to the top of the head. Finally, draw circles with a candle above your head. We repeat the procedure three times from the very beginning.

Egg rolling

This method is used by traditional healers to eliminate the evil eye and damage.

For the cleaning procedure you will need a fresh chicken egg.

Ideally, the procedure requires a fresh country egg. It is highly advisable that it not be in the refrigerator, as this will reduce its effectiveness. You can’t wash such an egg with water either.

  1. The main thing: during the session the egg should not lose contact with the body!
  2. Sit the person on a chair and move the egg clockwise around the head. After 2-3 circles, move to the spine and make 3-4 spiral passes up and down.
  3. The next step is to roll out your arms and legs. Repeat the procedure three times from the very beginning.
  4. Then crack the egg into a glass cup filled with water. It is recommended to take a faceted glass, since its structure forms an information lattice.
  5. Crush the shell sharply and throw it onto the prepared paper to later wrap and bury in the ground.
  6. Having examined the contents of the glass, you will be extremely surprised by the metamorphosis that has occurred with a fresh egg. Cloudy clots and threads may form, and the yolk ball will turn into something shapeless.
  7. Very carefully pour the water into the toilet and flush.
  8. Wash the glass thoroughly and do not use it for drinking, but leave it for the next session.
  9. Wash your hands up to the elbows with cold water.

Repeat this cleansing for so many days until at the end of the session the egg appears normal in appearance, without any deformation.

Help trees

Even in ancient times, it was known that some tree species are capable of taking away negative energy from a person. These include aspen, spruce, willow, poplar, and rowan. While in nature, you can approach or even lean against the trunk of such a tree for a few minutes.

Russian baths are often lined with aspen boards due to their ability to draw out energy. You just need to remember that it is not for nothing that these trees are classified as vampires. Having pumped out the negative, they will continue to take energy, but this time positive. So know when to stop and don’t get carried away.

Trees can also feed your energy system. Donors include all fruit breeds. But the most powerful recharge can be obtained from pine, birch, cedar, and oak. Lean your back against the trunk so that the back of your head, spine, tailbone and heels are pressed against the tree, with your palms resting on the bark.

Having abandoned the hustle and bustle and entered a state of relaxation, imagine that the tree is transmitting silver-white energy to your body. You yourself will feel that the body is saturated with a light substance. After 3 minutes, move away from the tree and thank them for their help.

The exercise can be performed while standing facing a tree, pressing your chest against it.

Trees are excellent helpers for harmonizing energy

Chakra Cleansing

Imagine an infinite flat space, the center of which is Sahasrara. Mentally draw a clock face. Directly opposite you is the number 12, and behind you is 6. Number 3 is to your right, and 9 is to your left.

From somewhere in infinity, a laser beam rushes through the number 1 to the center of the chakra. Passing through, he sharply opens the Sahasrara chakra and aims further into space. Then the same ray goes through the number 2, the chakra and further to infinity. We sequentially go through the dial clockwise. We repeat the procedure, using the numbers 3, 4 and then in a circle. As a result, the upper chakra will become clear.

All that remains is to go through the remaining six chakras. Healer Yuri Andreev recommends performing this exercise in motion, believing that the effect in this case increases.

Effective ways to gain energy

Remember to use a sense of moderation, since in an unprepared person, too much can cause an increase in temperature, blood pressure, insomnia and other unpleasant side effects.

From a natural object

To perform the practice, choose any position - lying, sitting or standing.

Imagine an energy funnel installed at the top of your head. Then focus your attention on a natural object that will serve as a source of energy. A tree or a patch of forest, a hill, a river or lake, the blue sky, the shining sun - everything that emits positive vibrations.

Inhaling, we imagine how a luminous transparent cloud rushes towards you from the chosen object (choose the color to your taste) and seeps into your crown. During inhalation, this cloud reaches the solar plexus area.

As you exhale, visualize this substance curling into a ball of energy in a clockwise direction. On the next inhalation, the ball receives a new portion of energy and becomes larger and denser. Stop after 10 minutes.

Solar set

The sun is the main supplier of energy for planet Earth and its inhabitants, so you can use its power. On a clear day, choose a well-lit place outside. Sit down, lower your hands to your knees, pointing your palms towards the sun. Relax, you can close your eyes. Use your imagination and imagine that each finger is connected to the luminary by a thin ray of golden energy.

The sun is the most powerful source of energy

Inhale and feel the rays penetrate your arms, shoulders and through your chest into your solar plexus. As you exhale, twist the energy into the ball clockwise.

solar breath

Inhale the energy of the Sun with the side of your body on which the sunlight falls. When we inhale, we absorb the rays of the sun and direct them to the heart area, and there we mentally dissolve them. After 3–5 minutes, we change the position of the body, exposing the other side to the Sun.

Full breath yoga

The practice can be done while walking, lying down, sitting or standing.

Inhale for a long time to the count of 8. In this case, the air first fills the lower part of the lungs, stretching the stomach, then the middle part, expanding the chest, and finally the upper part, straightening the collarbones.

At the last stage, the stomach is automatically pulled towards the spine, and you begin to slowly exhale in the same order: stomach, chest and shoulders. The breathing has a wave-like character, very soft and smooth. Avoid unnecessary tension and sudden movements.

Don’t forget to imagine that during inhalation, energy enters the body and accumulates in the solar plexus area. And as you exhale, the accumulated energy spreads throughout the body, saturating the organs and cells.

Rhythmic breathing

Allows you to achieve harmony with the rhythm of the Universe and connect to its energy flows.

Rules of the technique:

  1. Inhalation and exhalation have the same duration (6–16 pulse beats).
  2. Between inhalation and exhalation, you must maintain a pause, which is half as long as the main phases of breathing (that is, 3–8 pulse beats).

The exercise is performed while sitting on a chair. The head, neck and back are in a straight line. Find the pulse on your left wrist and slowly inhale deeply, counting 6 pulse beats. Then hold your breath for 3 beats and, on the count of 6, exhale calmly and slowly and pause again for 3 beats. The cycle is repeated several times, the main thing is to avoid fatigue.

The next day, you can increase the duration of the pause to 4 pulse beats and the inhalation-exhalation to 8 beats. With practice, you can increase the number of strokes to 8/16, respectively.

Zen breathing

Practice pumps the body with vitality. When performing the exercise, we observe four conditions:

  1. Breathe from your lower belly. When inhaling - forward, when exhaling - back.
  2. Concentrate your gaze on one point.
  3. Between inhalation and exhalation we take a short pause, interrupting our breathing for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Although the gaze is directed into the distance, attention should be concentrated in the lower abdomen, especially during the exhalation phase.

Your task is to clearly imagine how with each breath a portion of energy enters the body and accumulates there, like in a powerful battery.

In this video, breathing practice according to the qigong system:

Recharge from space energy

Lie on your back, place your palms on your solar plexus and concentrate on your breathing. Tune in so that with each breath your body absorbs more and more energy from the surrounding space. Allow this energy to penetrate the nervous system and concentrate in the solar plexus area.

During exhalation, energy spreads throughout the body, saturating all organs, muscle tissue, blood and other vessels, and all cells of the body. At the same time, the body feels strength and vigor. Energy can be seen in the form of liquid, gas or plasma. Choose a color that is comfortable for your perception: white, azure, green, gold.

After waiting until the body is filled with this substance in abundance, change the picture. Imagine that the energy mass goes beyond the body, envelops it from all sides, forming a cocoon. Thus, you are surrounded by a closed protective field that can protect you from harmful vibrations from the outside.

"Eye of rebirth"

In 1939, the English author Peter Calder published the book “The Eye of Renaissance,” in which he told the story of his friend, a colonel who served in colonial India. This officer received secret knowledge from Tibetan monks on how to regain health and youth.

The system, consisting of five exercises, quickly gained popularity in England, and then in other countries.

One of the exercises of the “Eye of Rebirth” complex

The exercises themselves are simple but effective. When performed regularly, they increase the energy potential of the body, eliminate diseases and even rejuvenate the body, which is what happened to the colonel from Kalder’s story.

The effectiveness of the “Eye of Revival” is explained by the fact that they are not just physical gymnastics, but directly affect human energy flows, strengthening them.

This video contains a complete set of “Eye of Rebirth” exercises:

Working with the main energy flow

Throughout his life, a person is affected by the main energy flow that passes through his spine. In fact, it includes two powerful streams. The universal (heavenly) flow permeates the body from top to bottom. The earth's flow is directed upward from the depths of the Earth. These flows are the basis of the human energy system. Smaller channels – meridians – emanate from them.

The universal flow runs almost along the spine, and the earthly flow is located slightly in front of the spinal column. In men it is located a little closer (distance of 2 fingers from the spine) than in women (4 fingers).

The flow of earthly energy allows a person to perform actions in the material world. The energy of the Cosmos is connected with human consciousness and connects it with the Consciousness of the Creator. Through the cosmic channel, people are connected to the information field of the Universe.

Humans are constantly influenced by the energy flows of Space and Earth.

To feel how the earthly and heavenly flows move, choose a calm, secluded place. You can sit or stand. It is important to relax, disconnect from extraneous thoughts and tune in to your own feelings.

As you inhale, imagine how the energy of the Earth goes up near the spine. Similarly, as you exhale, concentrate on the energy of the Cosmos, which is directed downwards. With each workout the sensations will intensify.


This technique also involves working with two external, powerful sources of energy that constantly influence a person. We are talking about the Space channel and the Earth channel.

By becoming aware of both of these channels, you will significantly enhance their effect on your body. Stand up straight, keeping your back straight. The feet can be kept together or slightly apart.

Take a deep breath and exhale calmly, imagine that a light stream of pure energy comes from the depths of the Cosmos and passes to the top of the head, through the spine and further into the earth. Calmly watch how this stream goes to the center of our planet.

The next step is to imagine how a powerful response flow rises from the depths of the Earth. Let it go up the spine, through the crown and rise slightly above the head. It's like the jets of a fountain that reach a certain height, turn around and fall down, washing your body. Imaginary water jets form an energetic dome surrounding you. Raise your arms to the sides to feel the powerful flow in your palms.

Again, imagine a heavenly stream that passes through your body and turns around just below the ground, forming a second fountain that shoots upward. Both of these fountains meet, and you find yourself in a closed space like a cocoon.

Visualize both flows as clearly as possible. Mentally control the fountains, decreasing and increasing the pressure. Stay like this for 5-10 minutes. Then allow the heavenly flow to go vertically downward, and the earthly flow vertically upward, returning them to their original channel. You can put your hands down. Before leaving the exercise area, be sure to take 3-5 deep breaths.


The technique is based on the type of priestly rituals, and correct hand movements play an important role.

  1. Stand up straight and keep your back straight. Raise your arms, slightly bending your elbows, and spread them shoulder-width apart. Turn your palms up as if they were holding a ball above your head. In your palms you feel the flow of energy from the Cosmos. Imagine that she fills this ball.
  2. Slowly lower your arms forward, holding an imaginary ball that shrinks in size and becomes denser as your arms move down. Somewhere at neck level, the hands come closer and form a ladle. The distance between them is 5–8 centimeters.
  3. At the level of the solar plexus, the distance is reduced to 2–4 centimeters. The ball is small and very, very dense. Slowly move lower to the navel.
  4. At this level, pour the contents of the ladle onto the ground. With your palms facing the ground, spread your arms out to the sides. Palms now face down.
  5. At this moment, freeze and feel how the Earth absorbs the energy that you presented to it. Suddenly you will feel that the planet has responded to the gift and is emitting a response flow that enters the palms.
  6. Form a ball with earthly energy to transfer it to the Cosmos. Perform the same movements as at the beginning of the exercise, only in reverse order, drawing the outline of an hourglass with your hands.

Repeat this ritual 5 times. At first, the sensations will be inexpressive. This indicates that your energy system is clogged. With practice, the channels will clear and the sensations will become more intense.

"Fire Breath"

The technique does not take much time, although it gives the body a boost for the whole day.

  1. Stand up straight and keep your back straight. Concentrate on the surrounding space, imagining that it is filled with pure energy emitting light. It is everywhere in huge quantities. Try to feel it with every cell of your skin.
  2. Now move on to rhythmic deep breathing. Breathing should be complete, as deep as possible. You can breathe with both your stomach and your diaphragm.
  3. When we inhale, we draw energy from the surrounding space into ourselves with our whole body. As we exhale, we push it out of ourselves with our whole body. We start with a slow tempo and then speed up the rhythm. You need to breathe through your nose. Your body should resemble the bellows that blacksmiths use to fan the fire.

After 5-10 minutes, finish the exercise.

Recharging the chakras

Imagine two points in Space, separated from each other by an infinite distance. Then visualize two beams of energy directed towards the Sahasrara chakra. The rays fly at lightning speed through the Universe and collide in the center of the chakra, releasing powerful energy. Repeat the procedure 12 times at even intervals.

After this, go one chakra lower and charge it in the same way. Consistently descending, we charge the remaining energy centers.


There are a huge number of methods, but their essence boils down to two principles:

  1. Stopping the mind.
  2. Staying in the “here and now” state.

Advice. The thoughts of an ordinary person are chaotic. They continuously load the brain, drawing life force onto themselves. Try to stop this endless flow for a few seconds, and you will understand that it is almost impossible.

Yogis offer asanas for meditation. With a stationary body position, it is easier to stop the internal dialogue, although constant practice and strong will are required to achieve the goal.

Special pose for meditation - asana

A softer version of meditation is observing your own thoughts popping up on the screen of your consciousness. It is important to see your thoughts from the outside without identifying yourself with them. By detachedly observing the thought process, a person saves precious energy.

Being “here and now” is an extremely important principle, meaning awareness when performing any action. It doesn’t matter what you are doing: walking along the road, eating food, digging a garden or sitting by the river. Do everything not out of habit, not mechanically, but consciously.

For example, in the morning you wake up and go wash your face. At the same time, try to be aware of every movement: how you open your eyes, put your feet on the floor, walk, open the tap, feel the pressure of water and the smell of soap.

Yogis believe that by being “here and now,” a person comes into contact with the Divine and gains direct access to the energy of the Universe.

"Circuit" or "Closed Ring"

This method was developed by Japanese healer Katsuzo Nishi. It will regulate the movement of energy throughout your body and enhance its effect on important areas of the brain. It is better to perform the exercise while lying in bed and covered with a blanket so as not to lose heat, since heat is also energy.

  1. Bend your knees and spread them to the sides.
  2. Close the soles of your feet.
  3. Place your palms in front of your chest and also close them.
  4. Thus, you close the flow of energy into a circuit and create circulation.
  5. Remain in this position for 5–10 minutes, then slowly open the ring.

The author of books on comprehensive self-healing, Yuri Andreev, modified the method. He suggests closing your fingers and placing your palms under your head. The palms play the role of a powerful reflector of vital force, which affects important areas of the brain and awakens their activity. Gradually pull your palms towards your ears, opening your fingers. This should take about 10 minutes.

"Cylinder with piston"

Imagine that you are a cylinder with a piston moving inside. The movement starts from bottom to top.

Slowly lift the piston and draw the force of the Earth into your body. Observe how the dark chocolate mass goes up along the transparent cylinder, and gradually the entire volume of the cylinder is filled.

Then visualize how the piston descends, and at the same time energy enters the cylinder from Space, emitting a bright white light. Gradually the entire cylinder is filled with a white glow.

At the final stage, we repeat the first stage of the exercise, filling the cylinder with the energy of the Earth. At the same time, we do not reach the very top and stop so that the body gains the strength of the Earth, and white cosmic energy remains on the top of the head.

Emergency dial

Sometimes you need to restore vitality in a short time. In this case, use the emergency dialing method. It is especially suitable for people whose work requires high physical and mental stress.

  1. Visualize the earthly and heavenly flow of energy, mentally increase their intensity, while they should be uniform in power.
  2. Place your palms one above the other parallel to the stomach, the right one in the solar plexus area, the left one near the navel. You should feel your biofield as a kind of elastic layer surrounding the body.
  3. Focusing on breathing evenly, imagine how energy flows from your palms into your body with each breath. The etheric body begins to instantly absorb this force.

Don't forget about a sense of proportion. 10–15 minutes will be enough; too much can lead to fever and insomnia.

Wu Xing technique

Imagine in front of you two small fountains of energy gushing from underground:

  1. Stand on these streams with your soles and begin walking or light jogging in place. As the foot drops, the imaginary energy from the stream should enter through the sole into the foot. Repeat this movement 30 times for each leg.
  2. The next step is to rotate your right leg around the fountain clockwise, while imagining that you are winding energy around your foot. Do 30 circles, then repeat with your left leg.
  3. So, a charge has accumulated in your feet. Bending your heels back one at a time, try to touch the tailbone, mentally imagining that the energy of the feet is passing up the spine. We repeat the exercise 30 times.
  4. Let's move on to working with our hands. To do this, place your left palm forward. Imagine a beam of energy emanating from the thumb of your right hand and wrap this stream around the thumb of your left hand. Do this 7 times clockwise.
  5. At the next stage, we use the index fingers of both hands, and so we reach the little fingers. Then we repeat the entire procedure, but the left hand acts as the active source of energy.
  6. Now imagine that between the pads of your thumbs there is an invisible spring that stretches and contracts. Do compression and stretching 7 times, trying to feel this elasticity. Then repeat the exercise with other fingers.
  7. We imagine the same spirals. Each finger interacts with the center of the palm of the other hand.
  8. Both entire palms are involved in the work. At the first stage, we wrap the energy emanating from the right palm around the left hand 7 times clockwise. Then we change hands.
  9. And finally, imagine a spring between the spread palms, stretching and compressing the space between the palms 7 times.


Having familiarized yourself with the proposed techniques for restoring and gaining energy, you might be slightly confused by the abundance of options. In fact, a small part of the available techniques is outlined here.

We are all different, so choose the practices that suit you personally. The main thing is not to postpone classes until the distant, or rather, non-existent future. Start working today, then you have a chance to change yourself and the world around you.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

In the modern world, in which circumstances force us to live at crazy rhythms - always in a hurry, nervous, solving various pressing problems and the question “How to restore energy?” more relevant than ever. There are effective ways to restore your energy balance and relaxation, we will talk about them in this material.

Energy acts as a force that ensures the process of interaction between elementary particles, as well as the organs of the human body, and turns it all into a single whole, which obeys one goal.

We cannot see energy, but we can actually register its manifestations. For example, current is invisible to the human eye, but we are able to feel its heat and hear the sound vibrations into which it turns.

A person's personal energy is also expressed through different ways. For example, when we meet an active person, filled with strength, who energizes those around him with his activity, we call him a very energetic person. He is always positive and feels great.

Low energy can be diagnosed by laziness, negative attitude, apathy, regular depression and negative health conditions. It turns out that the amount of a person’s internal energy plays a significant role, both directly for him and for the people around him.

We also come to the conclusion that energy is realized at the level of emotions. In case of increased energy, a person experiences strong positive emotions (he is joyful, happy, serene), and when there is a lack of energy, he suffers from anger, aggression, and apathy.

Sources of human energy

From what “storehouses” can a person recharge himself with energy? According to the latest medical discoveries, as well as treatises of antiquity, 4 main energy sources have been identified.

  1. Food– is the first and simplest source of energy. Once in the human body, food begins to break down under the influence of certain processes, which in turn provokes the release of energy.

If we consider this phenomenon from the point of view of physics, we learn that when elementary particles break, energy is released. And the digestion of food precisely refers to this phenomenon.

  1. Dream– acts as a second energy storehouse. If we are deprived of sleep, the body will be able to withstand at the limit of its capabilities for three to four days, after which it will “turn off.”

When a person sleeps, all processes in his body enter a phase of calm, when energy is not wasted, but accumulated. Thanks to this, after a long and deep sleep, you feel a surge of strength and vigor.

  1. Breath– represents the next storehouse of energy. Through the respiration process, the body receives oxygen, which is indispensable for cleavage reactions.

It should be noted that when talking about breathing, it is important to adhere to the principle of the “golden mean”. After all, excess oxygen causes no less harm than a lack of this element - it disrupts metabolic processes in the body, provokes the appearance of various pathologies and, therefore, causes additional energy costs for recovery.

  1. Positive attitude– is the last and most significant of all these energy sources. It’s not for nothing that all the world’s religious teachings call despair a huge sin, because in despair a person refuses life (and therefore refuses the energy of life given to him from above by God).

Perhaps you were delighted by the increased energy of children. But if you think about it, you can understand why kids are always filled with energy - they live in a world of love, they are interested in life and they joyfully experience it every new day. This gives them a sea of ​​positive energy.

Negative emotions always take a lot of energy, while positive ones, on the contrary, preserve and increase. Thanks to this, it is very easy to explain the rapid aging of pessimists and their shorter life compared to optimists.

What does the amount of energy affect?

The level of a person’s personal energy affects the following areas of his life:

  • Health - the more pronounced energy potential a person has, the better his defense mechanisms work, he recovers from diseases more quickly, and endures any difficulties of life more easily.
  • Realization of what you want - energetically strong people have their desires fulfilled much more quickly and accurately than those who have a weak energy field.
  • Assimilation of information - understanding of new material also depends on the amount of energy: for example, if a person does not have free energy, it is difficult for him to concentrate on something.

To learn anything serious, you first need to make a significant investment of energy. For this reason, a person who has low energy levels is by default unable to learn certain things. Because of this, if one is at a high level of creation, one often faces misunderstanding by the majority.

  • General condition of the body and desire for activity. In case of lack of energy, people usually suffer from loss of strength and reluctance to perform various actions. I only have enough strength to sleep and kill my time with television programs. The world is seen in gloomy colors, it seems that there are no further prospects and opportunities in it.

Being in such a mood, a person is more likely to be charged with negative thoughts and emotions, suffers from irritability, self-doubt, depression, dissatisfaction with life, and is more likely to lose his temper.

  • Attractiveness to others - people with high energy potential attract the attention of others (in particular, the opposite sex) more than those with low energy potential. On the contrary, you want to get away from the latter as quickly as possible.
  • Impact on the surrounding reality. The more personal energy a person has, the more significant influence she has on the space and people who surround her.

How to restore human energy

If you have diagnosed yourself with a lack of energy, you should start actively accumulating it. This can be done at 4 levels, which involve the physical body, etheric body, astral and mental bodies. Next we will look at how energy accumulates on each of these planes.

On the physical plane

  • Thanks to a healthy lifestyle: maintaining a clear daily routine, sufficient physical activity, healthy food, giving up bad habits;
  • Due to healing from diseases;
  • Thanks to cleansing (healing fasting, herbal infusions, yoga practices, and so on);
  • The practice of relaxation meditation is shown, which allows you to remove muscle tension;
  • Thanks to eastern disciplines (hatha yoga, qigong, tai chi and others).

On an ethereal level

Here you can accumulate energy if you:

  • Practice proper breathing;
  • Stay in harmony with nature, spend time in it more often;
  • Remain calm even in stressful situations;
  • Practice various energetic disciplines that improve the functioning of the chakras.

On the astral level

At this level, energy balance increases if:

  • A person is constantly in a good mood, no matter what is happening in his life;
  • Able to cope with negative emotions;
  • Worked through emotional stress and trauma;
  • Shows emotional openness and interacts positively with others;
  • Stops communicating with negative people who drain energy;
  • Develops divine love for the entire world around him.

On a mental level

Energy accumulates as a result of:

  • Performing special meditative practices;
  • Awareness of your own thoughts during the day;
  • Getting rid of negative thought patterns;
  • The ability to separate yourself from your thoughts (that is, separation of your Ego from the Spirit);
  • The realization that every thought is followed by karmic consequences.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: