How to choose children's shoes by size. Do no harm - how to choose the right shoe size for a child. Children's shoes: big claims

In stores for children's shoes, there is such a wide assortment that it is not so easy to choose high-quality beautiful shoes. Medical studies show that approximately 80% of children have a predisposition to flat feet and other foot disorders. In order to prevent them from developing, you need to choose the right children's shoes, and this is especially true for babies who have just stood on their feet.

The first children's shoes must meet medical safety requirements, that is, meet the following parameters:

  1. The material used in the manufacture of shoes must be natural so that the baby's foot "breathes". It is recommended to buy leather or textile products without impregnation.
  2. Children's shoes have a standard cut - a spacious semi-circular front, in which the fingers are free, and a lined edge so that the big toe is not deformed. It is strictly forbidden to buy shoes with pointed toes!
  3. The heel should be rigid, well-fitting to the heel, so that the leg does not move out and does not tuck. It is highly recommended to buy closed shoes.
  4. The first shoes should be high - above the ankle, so that the leg is tightly fixed and not damaged when walking. The correct position of the leg is ensured by laces, Velcro or a fastener with straps.
  5. The sole should be wide so that it is easier for the baby to maintain balance. You also need to pay attention to the thickness. The thinner the sole, the better. But any children's shoes should have a small heel - no higher than 1.5 cm. The sole should also bend in the front so that you can stand on your toes.
  6. It is recommended to buy shoes with a removable insole so that you can dry them. Whether your child needs an orthopedic arch support insole, the specialist will tell you.

How to choose the right size children's shoes?

To choose the right children's shoes, consider a few features:

  • it is better to measure shoes in the late afternoon, because. at this time, the leg is longer and wider than in the morning;
  • fitting should be done while standing, in this position the leg is 3-6 mm longer than sitting;
  • when moving, the leg shifts slightly forward, so the insole should be at least 1 cm longer than the leg;
  • trying on shoes on one foot is not enough, because. the length of the feet varies in most people;
  • the cost of producing children's shoes is no less than for an adult, so it will not be cheap. Even if the baby only has enough shoes for one season, do not skimp on them, otherwise you can harm little feet. Buying used shoes or passing them "by inheritance" is not recommended, because. it has already been worn to fit the foot of the previous owner, which means that your baby’s foot will not be properly fixed.

The size of a child's foot changes very quickly.. In a child under three years old, it must be measured every two months, from 3 to 6 years old - every six months. But do not buy shoes for the future, because each child develops in his own way, and you can not guess the size.

To determine the size of a child's foot, put the child on paper and circle the foot along the contour. Measure the distance from heel to toe, and if the sizes turned out to be different for two feet, choose a larger one. The length of the foot is not the size of the shoes, do not forget that the insoles should be at least 1 cm longer. Winter shoes can be even larger - consider the thickness of warm socks.

The second important parameter is completeness. This is the size of the highest part of the foot. If the foot is difficult to squeeze into the shoe, do not hope that it breaks, it is better to pick up another pair.

The child must actively move, so high-quality shoes are the key to the successful development of the little one. To choose the right children's shoes, follow the tips for choosing shoes or sandals and listen to the complaints of the baby. Then the running and jumping "perpetual motion machine" will bring only joy.

This table will help you choose the size of children's shoes:

Table for determining the size of children's shoes

Foot length (cm)

Shoe size

9,5 16
10,5 17
11 18
11,6 19
12,3 20
13 21
13,7 22
14,3 23
14,9 24
15,5 25
16,2 26
16,8 27
17,4 28
18,1 29
18,7 30
19,4 31
20,1 32
20,7 33
21,4 34
22,1 35
22,7 36
23,4 37

The child's foot is formed before the age of four, and throughout this time it has to experience tremendous stress. Therefore, shoes for the baby must be chosen with special care. Factors such as the child’s gait, the formation of his spine, blood circulation in the legs, etc. depend on the choice of suitable shoes. The poor quality of shoes and the inconvenience that it will cause to the baby can cause a disease such as flat feet. In today's article, we will look at how to choose the right shoes for a child.

Baby's first shoes

Many mothers and fathers tenderly choose the first booties for their child, believing that they are only decoration for children's legs, and not full-fledged shoes. In fact, booties should cover the ankles and ankle joints of the child, contributing to their physiological development.

In addition, booties prepare the baby's fragile legs for the future wearing of "real" shoes. Many parents also mistakenly believe that until the child learns to walk independently, he does not need shoes. But the older the baby, the more difficult it will be to get used to real shoes. Therefore, you need to start with booties, and you should wear them every day, right up to the child.

Requirements for children's shoes

Shoes for a small child should be safe and comfortable. It should have a light and flexible sole that does not impede the child's walking and does not interfere with freedom of movement. The material from which high-quality shoes are made should be as breathable as possible, capable of evaporating moisture. Therefore, pediatricians are advised to abandon synthetics, opting for genuine leather shoes.

Children's shoes should not sit close to the child's leg, otherwise the baby will perceive tight shoes as something extremely uncomfortable and interfering with his physical activity. There should be a distance of at least a centimeter from the toes to the toe of the shoe.

Memo on choosing the first shoes (Click to enlarge)

It is great if the shoes are supplemented with anatomical insoles that prevent the development of flat feet and contribute to the correct formation of the foot.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Children's shoes should have a one-piece heel that securely fixes the position of the foot. If the back is sewn from pieces of fabric or leather, it is better to refuse such shoes, the seams located on the inside of the shoe will rub against the delicate skin of the child. It is advisable to choose shoes with a hard heel, but at the same time it should be covered with soft material, in this case sensitive skin will also avoid chafing.

When choosing children's shoes, you should not forget about the fasteners - it is important that they firmly hold the shoes on the child's foot. An excellent option are Velcro, which are very easy to use and the baby can easily learn how to handle them.

Children's orthopedic shoes

Experts believe that almost all newborns are born with physiologically healthy legs, however, in the process of foot formation, many babies acquire problems associated with them in the future. To prevent possible problems, special shoes for babies have been created - orthopedic.

Children's orthopedic shoes (click to enlarge)

Most parents see orthopedic shoes as a treatment for problem feet. But in fact, it was created to prevent probable foot diseases and their incorrect formation. Orthopedic shoes have their advantages:

  • the presence of an anatomical insole or arch support, which evenly distribute the load on the muscles of the feet and prevent their deformation;
  • the presence of a hard and high back, securely fixing the child's leg;
  • the presence of a special shoe that creates the necessary space in the shoe;
  • the presence of a wide and light non-slip sole that protects the child from falls;
  • the presence of a heel that does not allow the leg to lean back, which helps prevent flat feet.

Orthopedic shoes for a baby should be purchased at specialized outlets, and in order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is better to give preference to popular manufacturers. High-quality orthopedic footwear meets hygienic and medical standards.

Here is a very huge, very detailed and very useful article on the right choice of children's shoes for all occasions -

Video from Komarovsky

There is little left before the end of winter. Soon the weather will be warm and sunny, so it's time to get the little ones out of the strollers, allowing them to explore the playgrounds on their own legs. Therefore, many mothers are already starting to attack online stores in search of comfortable shoes for their baby. A rich assortment for little fashionistas is downright amazing, but beauty is not all that should be guided in choosing children's shoes. It is about her correct choice that will be discussed in this material.

Children's shoes - which one to choose

It should be noted that children's shoes must be of high quality, not only in terms of the materials used, but in orthopedic terms. After all, children's legs in the process of growing crumbs develop gradually, as functional loads grow on them. From birth, the baby tries to rest against an obstacle with them, then he masters the science of crawling, then hesitantly tries to stand on his feet. Remember the first steps of the kids, they spread their legs wide, as if balancing when walking.

Over time, as numerous muscles and ligaments develop, the child's steps become more confident, and he slowly learns to run, jump, etc. In general, it is very useful for a child to walk barefoot, but this is not always possible, so good children's shoes should provide maximum freedom movements.

For the summer season, the child needs not only closed shoes, but also practical, comfortable shoes in the heat - sandals. For kids under three years old, it is better to choose closed models that reliably protect the leg from damage.

A decent assortment of sandals for girls is offered by the Mamsy Internet club -, where you can buy new clothes for children at a price much less than retail. But it should be remembered that the foot of each child is individual, so it’s good if you buy shoes with the crumbs, having previously examined and measured them. No matter how well you know your little one, the chance to make a mistake in choosing shoes is still big.


Of course, this is the first indicator by which all people choose shoes. Remember that if you overdo it and buy shoes, so to speak, "overhand", then you will not do better for yourself or your baby. His foot will constantly slide on the insole, while walking he will stumble and fall. Shoes "in size" is also not the best option. The baby’s foot may swell when walking (in summer), in winter you need to put on a thicker toe, so it’s best to buy such shoes so that there is a free distance from the child’s toes to the toe of the boot, about 0.7 - 1 cm.

Width and fullness of shoes

To date, the range of manufacturers of children's shoes provides a wide selection of models with different indicators of these parameters. Usually, in company stores, consultants can help mom measure it with a special device. If you were not offered such a service, then the only right choice for mom is to try on the models she likes for a child. The leg should fit freely into the shoe. Put both shoes on the baby, put it on its legs and feel them on the sides. If the choice is correct, then you will feel the free space between the side seam and the baby's foot. If the material of the shoe looks stretched, and when you felt it, you felt that the surface of the shoe tightly fitted the baby’s leg on the sides, then it’s worth looking at the wider options.


Leather as a material for children's shoes is the best option. This is an environmentally friendly material that can take the shape of a baby's legs, while providing air access, which eliminates sweating of the legs. However, its worthy analogue can be modern high-tech materials that allow you to create favorable conditions for the skin of a child inside the shoe.


The sole of children's shoes should be elastic and soft so that the child's foot can naturally move when walking. "The thicker the better" is not the right approach. Put on traditional Chinese wooden sandals. Comfortable? Likewise with your baby in shoes with thick soles. In addition, there must be a protector on the surface of the sole - a relief pattern that prevents slipping when walking on a smooth surface. This will help protect your little one from unnecessary injury.


This element of children's shoes often causes controversy among parents. Remember that orthopedists advise choosing children's shoes with a heel of about 5 mm high. He is involved in the formation of the correct gait of the child, preventing the baby from falling back.


The heel of children's shoes should be solid and rigid with a rounded top edge. If you come across beautiful shoes with a seam on the heel, it is better to immediately put them aside. The seams on it will injure the delicate skin of the child while walking.


The volume of the child's legs may vary slightly. The leg may swell slightly, or you will put terry socks on the baby. Therefore, it is better if the children's boot has an adjustable fastener.

Here, in principle, are all the main points that should be considered when buying shoes for your beloved baby. Good luck with your choice and have fun!

Look how different the baby's legs are from ours! The fact is that they are not yet fully formed and consist mainly of cartilaginous tissue. The fat layer, which is still preserved on the child's foot, reduces sensitivity to pain, and even if the shoes are tight for the child, deforming the foot, the baby does not feel it. The foot "ossifies" by the age of 6. Therefore, parents should take care that their child does not wear shoes that are too small or too large. To do this, it is necessary to measure the child's leg every 2-3 months.

In addition, it must be remembered that the growth rate of children's feet at different ages is different: at 2 and 3 years of age, the foot increases by approximately 2-3 sizes per year; when a child starts going to kindergarten - by 2 sizes per year, and at school age - by 1-2 sizes per year. These data are impressive, especially when you consider that the difference between the sizes of children's shoes is 5 mm.


Pediatricians and pediatric orthopedists are unanimous in their opinion that it is worth putting a baby in his first shoes no earlier than he begins to stand on his own legs confidently, independently and for a long time. One of the necessary conditions for choosing shoes for your crumbs is his direct participation. Indeed, despite their young age, the legs of different children are already very different in fullness, volume, and, of course, size. Therefore, do not make a surprise from the purchase of the first shoes, boots or sandals.

Size. If the shoes are large, then the foot slips when walking and the heel shuffles. But the shoes bought just right can also do a disservice to your crumbs. Therefore, the best option is when there is about a centimeter between the toe of the boot and the child's fingers, "by eye" this is approximately the thickness of the little finger of an adult. Moreover, it applies as

for summer-spring as well as for autumn-winter shoes. The secret lies in the fact that in summer the baby's leg swells a little and increases in size, and in winter there should be empty space in boots and boots, creating a warming effect. In addition, do not forget about the necessary margin for leg movement while walking and foot growth.

Material. In matters of the health of children's feet, an important place is occupied by the material from which the shoes are made. From the point of view of hygiene and durability, natural leather rightfully occupies the first place among materials. It is stretchable, plastic, provides air access and moisture evaporation. Many high-quality, breathable, durable, heavy-duty materials have been developed to replace leather. They are called VTM - high-tech materials. A special waterproof, breathable membrane located inside the boot lining allows you to regulate the climate inside the shoe. The inner surfaces of shoes should also be made from natural materials, such as lamb skin or sheep's wool. A special innovation of modern high-quality shoes is a moisture-absorbing insole that is easily squeezed out and washed.

Sole. It must be elastic and flexible. Such properties are necessary in order to create the effect of walking barefoot necessary for babies. This property can be checked by bending the boot. In addition, the sole should in no case be slippery, so it is best to choose shoes with grooved soles. In high-quality children's shoes, the sole is always extremely light. The eternal dilemma: sewing or gluing the sole, in the most modern models, is solved in a very original way - the sole is simply welded to the upper part of the shoe and therefore is inseparable.

Heel. All experts unanimously argue that any children's shoes need a small heel. He participates in the formation of gait and does not allow the baby to fall back. On the first boots, its height should not exceed 5-7 mm.

Arch support. The key to the future health of the child's legs is the obligatory presence of an arch support in any children's shoes. Such requirements are quite justified - after all, the arch support is involved in the formation of a normal arch of the foot, and its absence can lead to flat feet. The arch support should not be strongly pronounced, as its excessive size can lead to disturbances in the development of the foot. If there are no special requirements of the orthopedist, the arch support should play a preventive role.

Back. It should be one-piece without cutouts and inserts. Only then will the boot properly fix the baby's foot. In addition, the heel should be sufficiently rigid, with a rounded top. Clasp. Do not forget that children's shoes, unlike adults, should have a wide toe and an adjustable buckle. WHAT'S HAPPENED


In length: the measured size of the leg + space for moving the leg during movement + space for the growth of the leg. In width: taking into account the different fullness of the leg. For example, a narrow foot in a boot that is too wide has no support and is unstable. A wide leg in a narrow boot is cramped, which deforms the baby's foot.

Is your baby taking his first steps? You are certainly happy about this and hurry to buy your child the first shoes. According to the recommendations of orthopedic doctors, even at home, in the first years of a child's life, high-quality shoes should be worn.

During the period of intensive growth of the body - at 3 and 6 months, in a year, three and five years - differentiation of the shape and structure of bones occurs. Weak bone apparatus, connected by still too extensible ligaments, as well as weak muscles, cause significant fluctuations in the height of the longitudinal arches of the foot under load. This contributes to the occurrence of static deformities of the feet, which can lead to flat feet.

In young children, when learning to walk, conditions arise for the development of foot deformity, since in order to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport and keep the body in balance, the child spreads his legs wide, leaning on the inner sections of the foot.

The widespread opinion that flat feet in children under 6 years of age is physiological and does not require correction is not entirely correct. It is up to 5-6 years, when the ossification points are not closed, it is easier to correct and prevent the development of foot deformity and form the correct gait, as well as prevent disruption of the entire musculoskeletal system.

If you notice that your child is clubfoot or puts his feet in, then he needs to wear orthopedic shoes.

How to choose the right shoes? Shoes should be made from natural materials so that the baby's foot can breathe well. It is very important that the child wears shoes that fit him. It is not recommended to wear already worn shoes.

Children's orthopedic shoes should have: a low heel, a high hard back, a good soft arch support that will support the arch and foot in the correct even position. The leg should be well fixed in the ankle with a clasp. The toes of the boots must be round.

When trying on shoes, follow a few rules. Always try on two shoes at once. The child should stand to find out if the length and width of the shoes fit. The kid must definitely walk in shoes for at least 10 minutes to find out if he is comfortable and comfortable in the chosen model. The length of the foot should correspond to the length of the sole of the shoes. Do not buy shoes for growth, thereby you are doing your baby a disservice. The child's foot will dangle in the shoes when walking, which, again, leads to violations of the formation of the foot.

Properly selected shoes will help to avoid the appearance of flat feet.

How else can you help the correct formation of the foot? There is a set of exercises for the prevention and treatment of flat feet in preschool children. In the summer, let your child run barefoot more often. It is especially useful to walk on stones. In winter, this exercise can be replaced with a rug with sewn on buttons. Walking on a stick or clothesline sideways. Rolling a ball or stick on the floor with your feet. Circular movements of the foot. Walking on the outside of the foot. Grab a pencil from the floor with your toes.

Shoes Superfit for children, it is part of parental love and care.

Superfit develops models of children's shoes together with renowned doctors and orthopedists.

Superfit creates shoes based on the physiological structure of the feet and promotes their natural development.
Boots from Superfit have a specially designed and patented insole with an active cushion that helps strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot. The active pad adheres to the arch of the foot and causes the muscles in the foot to contract and move. The foot turns on the active pad imitate barefoot movement - the healthiest and most natural way to walk.

Austrian factory Legero was founded in 1875 in Vienna. Now it is one of the largest shoe companies in Europe, producing 8,700 pairs of shoes per day. Products Legero sold in countries such as Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Australia, Japan, USA, England, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, France, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Hungary, Greece, Ukraine and Russia. Legero is the largest manufacturer of children's shoes in Europe under the brand name super fit.

Italian company for the production of children's shoes, today called Primigi("Primidji"), was founded almost half a century ago - in the 60s of the 20th century. In Italy, this brand has been a leader since 1976, and in Europe since 2001, in other countries Primigi are also known and loved for the high quality of their products. Russia is no exception.

Shoes for the first steps produced by this company are especially popular. There are three main age groups: 9 months - 2 years (first steps), 3-6 years (preschoolers), 7-12 years (schoolchildren). There are also collections for older children. Shoes for each of these age groups are made taking into account the age-related characteristics of the growth and formation of the foot.
branded Primigi a wide variety of children's shoes are produced - for any season, any weather and any occasion. Styles are also very diverse - from sports to classics, from elegant ball shoes to ultra-modern membrane boots for the cold season.

Each piece of footwear Primigi is carefully thought out, nothing escapes the attention of the company's specialists - insoles and fasteners, upper and sole - all this is created in such a way as to ensure maximum reliability, comfort and proper development of the foot.

  • The shape of the shoe's toe box provides the child's toes with just the right amount of room for their ever-growing foot.
  • Due to the wide opening, these shoes are very easy to put on.
  • The maximum tightness of the shoe to the foot is ensured in various ways, for example, using a padded tongue. In this case, excessive pressure on the leg is not produced.
  • Thanks to the adjustable buckle, Primigi shoes are suitable for both narrow and thin, and very plump feet.
  • All models are very hygienic, thanks to the natural and soft lining, which allows the skin of the legs to “breathe” and absorb excess moisture.
  • The comfort of the foot is also ensured by the soft, air-permeable upper layer of the shoe, which does not compress the foot.

Much attention is paid to the design of models in the development and production of Primigi shoes. Italian designers are especially careful to ensure that the look of each new shoe collection is in line with the latest fashion trends.

Children's shoes Primigi- this is the best combination of price and quality. Excellent materials, original design, convenience and maximum attention to every detail - this is the corporate identity of this company.

Sky Effect System(Sky Effect System): Stretch outsole protects against uneven road surfaces and provides natural footing all day long.

Antibacterial System (Antibacterial System) - antibacterial anatomical insole maintains maximum hygiene and comfort inside the shoe.

Benefits of shoes Sky Effect System- flexible, breathable, anatomical, "antishock" system in the sole, super-light, antibacterial leather insole.

, (don't worry, not for long), and let's talk about a topic that always arouses great interest. And above all, not professional, but personal. After all, many of you have children, and many are planning to have them, and the question of choosing children's shoes has already been raised by someone, someone will have to.

And the most fortunate are those who are just now asking questions:

  • What should be the right children's shoes?
  • Why do children develop flat feet, and how to avoid it?
  • Is it true that the first shoes for the baby should be "orthopedic"?
  • Should a child wear shoes at home?
  • What should be indoor shoes for a child?
  • Do children's shoes have to have an arch support?

The topic is burning: very often orthopedic shoes are prescribed for crumbs, and often orthopedic doctors contradict each other. One puts a child at 2 years old with flat feet and directs them to get orthopedic shoes, the other says that, they say, your baby is absolutely healthy, and advises mom to drink motherwort, and the child to run, jump and enjoy a carefree childhood. One says that children's shoes must have an arch support, the other categorically disagrees with this.

As you remember, I am not an orthopedic doctor, so in order to understand this issue, I suggest you, as usual, turn on the logic.

Turned on? Then let's figure it out together.

How is a child's foot formed?

Somehow we have already said what a foot is. If you forgot, read here. Let's see how it develops.

So, the first thing to understand: a child is born with a flat foot. Remember, dear mothers, what the feet of your children looked like when they didn’t even walk under the table.

As you can see, the place that will later become the longitudinal arch is now filled with fat. And it is right. After all, the vault is what? This is a spring that springs up when we walk to absorb shock loads and not “bomb” the joints of the legs and spine. And why does such a cub need a spring? Because he doesn't walk yet. Is it logical?

Recall another important point: the arched shape of the vaults is supported by the muscles of the lower leg and foot. But the muscles are not yet developed, because our baby does not yet walk, run, or jump. And when he gets up on his feet and takes his first steps, the fat pad of his feet is very useful to him.

  • Firstly, it increases the area of ​​​​support and increases the stability of our hero so that he understands that it turns out to be cool to walk! And you will see more, and you will feel more, and you don’t have to call your mother, you can stomp to her. First, along the wall, then in short dashes, and now “the bull is walking, swinging.” 🙂
  • Secondly, plantar fat is needed for cushioning, while there is no full-fledged spring yet.

Such a voluminous fat pad remains in children up to 3 years of age, and then begins to gradually dissolve. By the age of 5, a longitudinal arch emerges, and at 7-10 years old, we already see a foot that is very similar to an adult. And the complete formation of the human foot ends at about 20-21 years old, for girls - 2-3 years earlier. This means that by this age, ossification of all cartilaginous structures of the foot occurs.

But while the baby begins to walk confidently, he will go through a difficult school of balancing act. As soon as he gets up on his feet, he rests more on the outer arches of the foot. This is called "varus stopping." It occurs in children up to about 1.5 years.

As the baby learns to walk, he tries to keep his balance by spreading his legs wide. In maintaining balance, it is precisely the same fat pad that we talked about above, and on which he begins to rely, that helps him. It turns out some blockage of the stop inside. This is called hallux valgus. Here's what it looks like:

This condition is noted, as a rule, in 2-4 years. Further, as the musculoskeletal apparatus of the feet strengthens, the shape of the legs usually levels out: the lower leg, knees and thigh line up in one line. And if the normal angle of valgus deviation of the calcaneus at 3 years is 5-10 °, then by 7 years it is 0-2 °.

So, we conclude:

  1. All children under the age of 5 have flat feet.

  2. Valgus installation of feet up to 4-5 years of age is a variant of the norm

So if your two or three year old child has been diagnosed with flat feet, know that everything is going according to plan and there is nothing to worry about. And there is absolutely no need to run for orthopedic shoes. Well, what did the doctor prescribe? Are you a mother or what? It is better to concentrate your attention on strengthening the muscles of the feet and shins of your blood, and you will all be happy: both parents, and the baby, and his feet. 🙂

Back to the past

In the 60s of the last century, employees of the Leningrad Institute of Prosthetics. Albrecht conducted a study in which about 5,000 children participated. They assessed the "maturation" of the arches of the foot.And look what happened: at 2 years old, flat feet were detected in 97.6% of children, and at 9 years old, it remained only in 4% of those observed.Of course, if we conduct this study in our days, the indicators will be more deplorable.

I sometimes think: if we remove all computers, gadgets, phones now, what will children do? What about adults?I wonder if jump ropes are on sale now, or is it already a rarity? Do modern children know the game "dodgeball"? Do they play badminton?

I remember myself in my childhood only with knees smeared with brilliant green. We did not sit at home, especially on the weekend. They ran and jumped all the time, so the diagnosis of flat feet was not stored in my childhood memory.


How are the muscles of the arches of the foot trained?

Have you ever seen Adam and Eve in shoes in pictures? Do you think it was a pity to God for them to bungle up some boots? Or did he not have enough imagination for this?

Nothing like this!

It's just that the foot, in order to be healthy and happy, must work. And for this you need to walk more, moreover, barefoot and on an uneven surface, so that the muscles of the foot and lower leg contract, trying to maintain balance on it, train and fulfill their great mission: to watch over the health of our spring. If you walk all the time on a flat, hard surface, and besides, put your foot in shoes, its muscles will weaken, they will no longer hold the arches, and they will begin to flatten.


It is necessary to create conditions for the child so that the musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot works as much as possible. If possible, let the child, at least at home, walk barefoot.

True, orthopedic doctors disagree on this issue. Some say that children should definitely wear shoes at home, others - so that they run barefoot at home if possible.

I'm leaning towards the second opinion.

  • First, based on my pediatric experience. In children from large families, flat feet are much less common. 🙂
  • Secondly, a normal child with an awl in the pope, he does not just walk around the apartment. He sits on his knees, collecting some kind of pyramid, crawls, playing with a typewriter, dances, squats and does a lot of other movements that help the foot to form. And the shoes just get in the way.

If the floor is cold, then put on warm socks for the baby. Now there are even non-slip "soles". For those children who are taking their first steps, ordinary thin booties are ideal (if for some reason it is undesirable for them to move barefoot).

  • Thirdly, from my personal experience. Previously, our parents had never heard of orthopedic shoes, and we walked at home either in ordinary soft slippers or barefoot. And they were healthier.

What else is needed to train the muscular apparatus of the foot?

  1. If funds and space allow, get a Swedish wall and a soft rug nearby in case of a fall. Let the child master it from the age of 2-3.
  2. Buy a bike and let your little one pedal: at home barefoot or in socks, outdoors in soft-soled shoes.
  3. Get a massage mat in an orthosalon or at your pharmacy and put it in the place where the child most often runs. Something like this:

  1. There is also an economy. option: find a piece of fabric in your “bins”, put it on the floor, scatter beads or buttons over it. You can give the task to your baby with his toes to collect the beads in a box.
  2. And you can do it like this:

6. Find exercises for the foot on the Internet and do it with your child. Remember how the teacher used to say in physical education: “We walk on toes, now on the heels, on the inside of the foot, on the outside.” And it's a great muscle workout!

Write, comment, share your experience.

By the way, I posted the correct answers to the drug test from. See bottom of the page.

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova