How to Grow a Leader Therapeutic Tales. Education character fairy tale. Leader. The kit includes

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timahodanen wrote:

Hello. We really need fairy tales to overcome the child's fear of everything. We are only afraid of the dentist.


timahodanen wrote:

59943069 Hello! Do you happen to have a printed version of the book "Your Child is a Leader"? If so, could you post it? Thank you in advance!

YES! I support the request! If there is a leader in printed form, please share

Manichenko - Fairy tale therapy - WILL, THINKING, LEADER A Manichenko 320kb/s

Our fairy tales are different from the usual ones. In them, your baby is the main character. You only need to write the name of the child in each fairy tale. Every night before going to bed, you just read fairy tales to your baby, in which the main character shows himself in the best possible way: he does good deeds, helps people, protects the weak ... In real life, the child himself will want to imitate his fairy-tale image! There are many fairy tales, but the fairy tale told by you about the baby himself will become a favorite and will be remembered for a lifetime. In addition to fairy tales, the book contains methodological recommendations that will help you learn how to tell fairy tales correctly and become the best friend for your baby!

The book "How to Raise a Child to Be a Leader" contains 30 fairy tales for education 7 traits of leadership:

1. Optimism- the child believes in success, infects others with this faith (4 fairy tales).

2. Confidence- the child easily overcomes difficulties, does not doubt his abilities (5 fairy tales).

3. Honesty- the child tells the truth and takes responsibility for his actions (2 tales).

4. Determination- the child makes informed decisions, taking risks (8 fairy tales).

5. situational leadership- the child makes the necessary decisions in difficult situations (4 fairy tales).

6. Support- the child helps others to become more confident (3 fairy tales).

7. Delegation- the child distributes tasks among others (4 fairy tales).

Fairy tales are developed by leading experts in the field of child psychology of fairy tale therapy.

Kit reviews

Is there a magic remedy for children's whims? Definitely! The Anticaprizin kit does an excellent job with this task. Read a review about this set from super-mom Anastasia @parents_way And how are you doing with whims? Would you like this set for your child? #Repost @parents_way (@get_repost) “Mom, tell a story” - every mother probably hears this phrase Have you ever thought that with the help of fairy tales you can convey absolutely any information to your child that he will remember and learn much better and faster than if we grumble , raise your voice, endlessly repeat the same thing or read notations. You can also help your child feel more confident, overcome their fears and difficulties. And most importantly, to establish and strengthen relationships between children and parents. How it works is detailed and interestingly written in the book 50 therapeutic fairy tales from 33 whims by @umnitsaco I ordered it in a set with a toy and 50 small fairy tale books. Which can be put in the pocket of a mitten toy and tell the child. It really works, so I strongly recommend it to everyone. . #clear #companyclear #umnitsaco #umnitsa #love #firstemotions #talk diaper #skylark #creativity diaper #instagood #activities with children #games with children #happy #mom #baby #children #best for children #reviews_on_sk #CleverAntiprisin

Vachkov I.

Psychological fairy tales about leadership for younger students / Igor Vachkov. - M: Chistye Prudy, 2009. - 32 p. : ill. - (Library "First of September", a series of "School psychologist". Issue 27).

ISBN 978-5-9667-0584-8

In the brochure, authored by Igor Viktorovich Vachkov, editor-in-chief of the School Psychologist newspaper, you will find nine psychological fairy tales united by one theme - leadership. With the help of these fairy tales, you can work on the formation of leadership qualities in children. Tales are meant for individual work; the main character can be called the name of the child with whom the psychologist interacts.

UDC 37.032 BBK 74.200.51

Educational edition VACHKOV Igor Viktorovich



Passage to the magical land

What were the toys thinking?

ant house

Water, fire and copper pipes

pencil core

King's advice


Rusty Nail

space pirate


These pages contain nine separate fairy tales, interconnected by a common idea - the concept of leadership. Each fairy tale reveals to the child one of the nine most important qualities of a modern leader, described in the model of Deming, a well-known expert in the field of management and strategic management.

These are the following qualities:

1. Understands how the work of his group fits with the goals of the company.

2. Works with the previous and subsequent stages of the process.

3. Tries to create an atmosphere for everyone so that work brings joy.

4. He is a coach and adviser, but not a judge.

5. Uses numbers to understand the motives of his people and himself. Understands variation. Uses statistical calculations to find out which workers are outside the system and require special assistance.

6. Works to improve the system in which he and his people work.

7. Creates an atmosphere of trust. Understands that building trust requires him to take risks.

8. Doesn't expect perfection.

9. Listens and learns without punishing the one he listens to.

Fairy tales are written in such a way that the child has the opportunity to identify as much as possible with the main character - the bearer of a certain quality. To do this, in the text of fairy tales, the names of the heroes-children are not called, but empty spaces remain in brackets so that psychologists, when reading a fairy tale, can put the name of the child with whom they are working now. In some fairy tales, empty spaces are also left for the names of things important for the child from his environment. This technique makes it possible to “turn on” the child’s experiences to a greater extent, to recognize oneself in the hero, to “try on” one or another quality of a leader.

At the same time, it should be noted that in the Deming model, the qualities of a modern leader are such that they are useful for any child, even for one who does not strive for leadership.

The tales are placed in the same sequence as the leadership qualities they represent.


Leader quality:understands how the work of his group fits with the goals of the company.

At the end of summer there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. In almost every clearing, under every tree, you can find wonderful elastic mushrooms that

so they ask for a basket.(Child's name) she was so carried away by collecting them that she did not notice how she gradually moved away from mom and dad. And when she realized it, it turned out that she was somewhere unknown and no one responded to her cries.

At first (...), of course, I was frightened: getting lost in the forest is not a joke. And then she saw a strange little man sitting on a stump, and completely forgot about her fears - he was so amazing: very small, in a bright green jacket, in a green cap and with a long white beard. However, he was not at all old. Just very sad.

(...) came closer to him and asked:

And who are you?

The little man shuddered, but, seeing that there was a little girl in front of him, sniffed and answered:

I am Green Dwarf. And what is your name?

- (...), - the girl introduced herself. - Why are you so sad?

We have a big problem. The wandering giant has destroyed the only passage to our magical land. And now we gnomes cannot get from your world to our home. And in general, no one will get there from here and will not get out of the magical world into the real one.

It turned out that another dwarf silently approached from behind - only he was dressed in all blue and looked not sad, but angry.

How many times have I told you all: do not get out into the real world so often. We have a calmer fairy tale! And here it is not known what is happening, - he said to the Green Dwarf and (...). - Here we are!

This is the Blue Dwarf, - introduced him (...) the first little man.

Hello. Where was this passage? - asked (...).

The gnomes took her by the hands and led her somewhere through the forest. It was not far to go. They stopped at the foot of a low hill. Here, apparently, quite recently there was a wooden door hidden by grass. Now the door was almost smashed into splinters, and the passage was littered with stones and earth. While (...) was looking around, five more gnomes in multi-colored kaftans appeared from behind the hill.

It seems to me that the passage can be cleared, - said (...). - Let's try?

We are small, weak, - the Yellow Dwarf said plaintively. And the stones are heavy...

But do you want to go home? - asked (...).

The dwarfs nodded so desperately that their caps almost fell off.

Then you have to work!

The dwarves were not particularly willing to begin to dismantle the blockage. (...), of course, worked with them.

Gradually, the work so captured them all that they did not notice the appearance of another character. He was even smaller than the dwarfs, shaggy, overgrown to the very eyes with a beard in which blades of grass and leaves were tangled.

At first he watched everything from the side, and then approached the Blue Dwarf:

What are you doing? - he asked.

Can't you see? I'm pulling the stones, - he muttered.

What are you doing? he asked the Yellow Dwarf.

I'm removing the earth from here, - the dwarf answered with a sigh.

The shaggy little man asked the same question to the Green Dwarf, who at first, interrupting his work, sadly examined him, and then explained:

I'm digging a passage to our house.

The stranger grunted and went to (...). Stopping nearby, he watched her work.

And what are you doing? he finally asked.

Together with the gnomes, I restore the passage between the two worlds - ours, real, and magical, - answered (...). -I want the inhabitants of a magical land to always have the opportunity to visit us and that we, too, at least sometimes could get into a fairy tale.

The smile of the shaggy little man stretched to the very ears.

Now I hear a worthy answer! Otherwise I wouldn't be able to help.

Then an amazing transformation took place with him: he suddenly stretched himself up almost to the very tops of the pines, his arms and legs became huge, and his head became like a haystack. He bent down, carefully pushed the bewildered dwarfs aside with his palms, and very quickly cleared the covered passage. The dwarfs thanked both him and (...) and quickly disappeared inside the hill.

We, the foresters, walk along the borders of the worlds. The passage must be hidden so that bad people do not see, - said (...), covering the passage with branches and grass. - And you remember this place! The road to the magical land is always open for you.

Thank you! - I didn’t have time (...) to finish, as the forester disappeared: only the bushes rustled.

She took a few steps and found herself in a clearing. And immediately she heard the voices of mom and dad, who called her.

I'm coming! - shouted (...) and went to meet them.


Leader quality:works with the previous and subsequent stages of the process.

A girl lived in a city. And this girl's name(child's name). She, like any girl, had toys. Like any other girl, (...) she knew that all her toys were extraordinary. After all, she could talk to them: they understood her, sometimes they obeyed, and sometimes not very much, and sometimes they behaved as they pleased. Adults, of course, did not know about this. The most important in the toy company were(the parent should name a few favorite toys of the child; in the future, for convenience of presentation, we will call the three “main” toys X, Y and Z).

Once, early, early in the morning, when (...) she was still sleeping, and the toys were already awake, X - the most active of all - suggested to his friends:

Let's make (...) a surprise!

What a surprise? asked the curious Y.

- Maybe no surprises? - cautious Z immediately got worried. - You never know what ...

It will be a good surprise, - reassured him x. - We can build for (...) a house out of cubes. And then, when she wakes up, we will play family with her.

Let's! Let's! - shouted joyfully Y, jumped up and clapped her hands.

Where are we going to build this house? Z asked.

While he was thinking and looking around the room, an empty flower pot, standing on the windowsill, intervened.(the parent can choose any item that is not of great value to the child as this character):

- Build under the bed, he advised. - That will be a surprise! And he smiled so slyly ...

The toys did not notice his grin, agreed and set to work. The box of dice was on the bottom shelf of the rack against the wall farthest from the bed. X climbed onto the shelf, opened the box and started throwing the dice one at a time onto the floor: they scattered in different directions. U and small dolls, who came to her aid, picked up these cubes and carried them two by two to a small baby carriage that stood in the corner. When the stroller was full, the pink hippo carried the load across the room under the bed, where Z and the other toys began to build the house. The work went on, and everyone thought that soon the surprise for (...) would be ready, because it seems that everyone found a job for themselves and diligently engaged in it, but ...

(...) woke up, yawned, stretched and suddenly felt something was wrong. Usually, immediately after her awakening, the toys joyfully greeted her with their quiet voices - so quiet that no one but (...) heard them. And then for some reason there was silence, a very tense silence. (...) looked around and saw that x, Ki Z sit in different corners of the room with pouted lips and angrily look at each other.

What's happened? - asked (...). - Did you quarrel? And then the toys burst:

Why is he!

I won't do that!

What are you!..

You can't do anything at all!

I had to (...) suffer a lot in order to figure out what happened. But at last she found out about the planned surprise for her, and about the beginning of the construction of the house, and that everyone had quarreled with each other. However, the toys could not explain to her what the reason for the quarrel was in any way - it seems that they themselves did not really understand this.

Okay, - said (...). It wasn't a surprise, but thanks anyway. Let's do this. Keep building and I'll see how you do it.

Reluctantly, the toys got down to business again - they really loved (...) and did not want to offend her. It didn't take that long (...) to guess everything after watching.

Stop! - commanded (...). - Now it is clear. My dear x, you throw the cubes down without looking, and then it is very difficult to collect them. It would be much better if you, along with others, lowered the box from the shelf to the floor and carefully removed the cubes from there. And why not bring the stroller closer? The pupae wouldn't have to carry those blocks so far. And most importantly - why build a house under the bed? After all, it is inconvenient to climb there, and the cubes have to be carried across the whole room.

At these words, the empty flower pot on the windowsill tried to hide behind the curtain.

The toys looked at (...) in confusion.

So yes! - she said. - We will build a house right here, next to the rack. But you should always think about others. Make your piece so that it is convenient for others to make their piece. Otherwise, nothing may work.

X, Y and Z looked at each other, and after a second, smiles appeared on their faces. (...) had time to play with her favorite toys in the newly built house even before breakfast.


Leader quality:tries to create for everyone such an atmosphere that work brings joy.

In any, even the most ordinary courtyard, there are special, unusual places. Children know them well, and adults often do not even know about them, although they pass by every day. And you,(child's name) Are there any in the yard?

One of such places in the yard where she lived (...) was near the corner of the house, not far from the flower bed. What was so unusual about him? And here's what: there was an anthill! And the anthill was full of life. Of course, this anthill was not as huge as those found in the forest, it was small and inconspicuous, fitting in a crack in the asphalt. But (...) she loved to watch for a long time how the ant workers build their dwelling together, get food together, harmoniously drag heavy sticks home, joining forces. Still would! After all, it was not possible for an ant to lift such a stick, even the most powerful one. And together they managed to drag a completely unbearable beetle.

Somehow (...) I came to see how things were going in the anthill, and I was very surprised: the ants looked confused, wandered around idle or fussed aimlessly. She wondered what happened to them.

But how do you know? How do you think, (...)?

(The child puts forward his versions, he will probably offer to ask the ants.)

Yes, (...) did. She leaned down and asked in a whisper: “What happened to you? How can I help you?"

And then something amazing happened: the ants heard her. They gathered together and began to frantically move their antennae, trying to explain something (...). But she did not understand them: after all, they were so small, and she was so huge. And (...) I really wanted to become as tiny as these ants so that I could talk to them.

Pay attention, (...), she really wanted to! And if you want something very much, then your desire will surely come true. So what happens to (...)?


Miraculously (...) shrunk to the size of an ant. At first she was a little scared, and then she became interested: such transformations do not happen every day. Ants surrounded her from all sides. They had kind and sad eyes. One of the ants - black, with red spots - politely bowed (...) and said:

Hello, my name is Rum! And what is your name?


We are glad you are here! We really need help right now.

What happened to you? - asked (...). - You always worked together so well, did everything together ...

Rum sighed and scratched the back of his head with his paw.

An anthill lives normally if it is well managed. Our queen ant managed us well. But a misfortune happened: our enemies, the red ants, kidnapped her, and now we are at a loss. We don't have a leader.

But you can choose another. There are many of you! Let someone become the main one, - suggested (...).

Each ant has its own responsibilities. Everyone does their own thing. Not everyone can manage. It's difficult. And without control, all life in the anthill stops. Help us, (...)!

Yes, how can I help? - surprised (...).

Be our queen!

I can't! After all, I'm still small, - said (...) in confusion.

You were a million times bigger than us! And you're human, which means you know more. We, apart from our anthill and this flower bed, have not seen anything in life.

The ants around (...) hummed so plaintively, began to look into her eyes so pleadingly that she could not object.

Accompanied by a guard of honor of the most powerful ant soldiers (...) went to the throne room, where the ant queen used to be. It turned out that there are a lot of different rooms in the anthill: warehouses, dining rooms, bedrooms, halls.

Rum was in the anthill like a chief minister. He told (...) how life works here. She did not even suspect that they were engaged in agriculture in the ant house - they grow mushrooms. And on the rose bushes of the flower bed, ants graze herds of aphids. They even know how to sew leaves together. And they successfully lay tunnels, just like in the subway. They make stocks of food in warehouses and carefully care for the larvae. (...) it was necessary to manage all this economy and organize the life of their wards.

Dear Rum, she said to her assistant. - I can't do it! I can't do any of this myself.

And you don't need to be able to do it, - Rum answered. - After all, you're the queen. And the queen needs to make sure that everyone does what is needed. Needed for everyone. Only and everything.

I don't understand, - admitted (...).

She didn't know where to start and was very worried. (...) went out to a small balcony and saw that the ants were still wandering lostly near the anthill.

Hey ants! - shouted (...). - Do you want life to get better again?

Yes! Certainly! - the ants answered discordantly.

Then everyone get to work. Those who will not work, I will punish!

The ants dispersed. After a while, Rum appeared and said that almost no one was working anyway.

Then (...) she again went out onto the balcony, and a crowd of ants that quickly gathered prepared to listen to her.

I will not punish anyone, - said (...). - But the one who will work best of all will receive a reward!

Now, she thought, everyone will try their best - because everyone wants to be awarded. But it was not there. Some, of course, returned to their duties, but most of the ants could not cope with their despondency and did nothing. (...) fell into despair.

What needs to be done so that life boils again in the anthill? Remember the times in your life when you want to do something, and when you don’t want to? What do you think (...), what helps to cope with difficult situations? What does it take to want to do something?(the child must remember at least one case).

And then (...) I remembered how at the drawing lesson she couldn’t draw a beautiful house in the forest. She almost cried. And then the teacher smiled at her and said that she would definitely succeed, because she was a very diligent girl. Then her mood immediately rose, she took a new sheet of paper, and the drawing was a success!

I know what it takes! she said to Rum. - Is it possible to make cheerful music sound everywhere?


She also (...) asked to paint all the walls in the workrooms with bright colors, open the windows wider so that the sunlight penetrates everywhere and there is a lot of air. She invited everyone to choose a job to their liking and do exactly what they like most. The ants became interested and slowly began to work. A (...) walked around the ant house, smiled at everyone she met, and praised each ant worker for what he did. The ants smiled back and set to work with even greater desire.

Soon the ants were working even more cheerfully than before, and the whole anthill looked as if there was an ongoing holiday here.

(...) rejoiced along with everyone. The only thing that bothered her was what was happening at her house. After all, my mother must be worried. Yes, she really wanted to go home. She was just thinking about it when there was a knock on the door and Rum appeared in the throne room, beaming with happiness.

Queen! What a joy! Our ant queen managed to escape from captivity from red ants and returned to us! he shouted.

The queen ant herself entered the hall. (...) bowed to her and said:

It's good to have you here again! Now I can go home too. And then I missed my mom so much.

Thank you girl! In my absence, you have done a very good job of royal duties. And what is the secret that the ant house is flourishing?

Yes, there is no secret, - modestly answered (...). - I just understood what the queen should do: it is necessary that the work brings joy to everyone. It seems to me that this is the main thing.

This is indeed one of the main royal qualities. In gratitude for your help, I give you a gift... Close your eyes!

(...) closed her eyes and felt something in her palm (the child also closes her eyes, and a pearl or just a plastic ball is placed in her palm).

And goodbye! - she heard the fading voice of the ant queen.

(...) opened her eyes and found that she had returned to her real size and was sitting near the anthill. She opened her hand. It contained a small pearl. This was the reward for her royal work.

(...) smiled at the ants, businesslike and active, busy with their work, and ran home.


Leader quality:he is a coach and adviser, but not a judge.

One boy - and his name was(child's name) - there were two friends. No, of course, he had more friends, just these two friends were special!

They were the puppy Gaf and the kitten Myaf. Some stories constantly happened to them - sometimes funny, sometimes not very, and sometimes - just awful, how unpleasant. And all because they stuck their curious noses everywhere and as a result they often got hit on these noses. In addition, they sometimes quarreled, and (...) had to reconcile them. In general, (...), as the eldest in this trinity, felt responsible for the tricks of friends. He tried to keep them out of trouble. Yes! I must say that (...) was the only one who understood the language of a puppy and a kitten.

It happened at the dacha, when the parents left for half a day in a neighboring village. (...) had just had lunch and was about to go for a walk, Gaf rushed from the yard terribly frightened.

Hurry! Hurry! he yelled from the threshold. - There Myaf dies! There was no time to clarify, and (...) rushed as fast as he could through the door after Ga-

fom. He flew straight to the iron barrel, which collected rainwater (and the day before it had just rained). At (...) my heart skipped a beat - is Myaf really there? And so it turned out: in a barrel, almost to the brim filled with water, a kitten was floundering. Only huge ears and bulging eyes were visible on the surface of the water. Myaf was already saying goodbye to his short cat life.

(...) took it out of the barrel with some difficulty and planted it in the grass. Now that the danger had passed, (...) he had already sucked air into his mouth to tell the kitten everything he thought about him, but Myaf looked so pathetic - wet and trembling, that (...) exhaled and went into the house for towel to dry it off. Later, having calmed down and warmed up by a specially flooded stove, Myaf said that he just wanted to look at his reflection in the water, and the edge of the barrel turned out to be very slippery...

(...) did not reproach him for thoughtlessness and simply asked Guf to look after the kitten while he took a walk to the forest. But before he had time (...) even to leave the yard, a desperate cry was heard from the house. (...) rushed back. Gaf was spinning around with wild cries, and the tip of his tail was smoking! (...) grabbed a ladle, scooped up water from a bucket and poured it on the puppy. Then he examined the injured tail. Fortunately, Guf did not have any burns, only his fur was slightly scorched.

I began to wave my tail at the stove, so that it burned harder and Myaf became warmer, and an ember flew out from there, ”he explained guiltily.

Well, what can I say - after all, the puppy wanted to help a friend, do not scold him for it.

Listen, guys, - said (...). - I need to go to the forest - there, on the edge, there is a mushroom place, after the rain the mushrooms should have come out. I am very fast - back and forth. Try not to do anything while I'm gone. Better with me.

Gaf and Myaf looked at him with such honest eyes that no oaths were required.

(...) returned half an hour later with a basket of mushrooms. Already at the entrance to the yard, he was surprised by an unusual silence: no one yelped at the birds, did not chase chickens, did not catch midges meowing indignantly with their paws. (...) worried. The house was quiet too. Moreover, neither Gaf nor Myaf was visible at all. (...) got really frightened and started searching in the house and in the yard. A few minutes later he heard a quiet plaintive squeak, but did not immediately realize where it came from. And when I did, I couldn't help laughing.

Two days ago, my dad brought some pieces of pipe to lay in the garden for watering. He temporarily stored them by the shed. So: two tails protruded from the ends of one pipe - one wet, the other singed. A puppy and a kitten got stuck in a pipe, trying to get there for some reason. When (...) he nevertheless pulled his friends out of there, he understood why - a tennis ball rolled out of the pipe ...

Gaf and Myaf felt very guilty. You can guess what kind of look both of them had - so (...) did not reproach and scold them, he simply said:

I advise you to be careful. Before you do something, stop for at least a minute and think about what can come of it. And now I will teach you how to swim, handle fire and not play with trumpets.


Leader quality:Uses numbers to understand the motives of his people and himself. Understands variation. Uses statistical calculations to find out which workers are outside the system and require special assistance.

Once upon a time there were magic pencils. The fact that they are magical, of course, no one except themselves knew. Even the mother who gave them(child's name) had no idea they were unusual. Yes, and (...) for the time being considered them the most ordinary pencils. They lived in a beautiful cardboard box, there were twelve of them, and, of course, they were multi-colored. But they differed not only in color, but also in character.

What do you think, (...), what was the character of the red pencil? What about black? What about green? Why do you think so? (You can invite the child to describe the characters of all the pencils. It is good if, during such a discussion, the child picks up pencils of the corresponding color.)

Once (...) I decided to draw an island in the sea - with palm trees, and on the island - little men. And so that a boat with sails sails to the island.

(...) remembered that his mother taught him to first draw with a simple pencil, and then paint with colored ones. (...) began to look for a simple pencil, but it was nowhere to be found. Only in a drawer in the farthest corner was a small pencil stub, quite short. (...) just in case, I measured its length with a ruler - it turned out a little more than three centimeters. Where was he before the colored beauties from the pencil box, each of which was several times longer than him!

But (...) I thought that even if this stub of a simple pencil had to be sharpened once more, then it would be enough for the intended drawing. As soon as (...) he took it in his hand and drew the first line, all the colored pencils jumped out of the box and shouted indignantly:

Why does he start first? Red Pencil shouted angrily.

It is quite simple, but everything is there - to draw! Violet said contemptuously.

I'm not going to work with this bastard! Black said gloomily.

A simple pencil was terribly embarrassed and hid in the palm of his hand (...). Apparently it was too easy. What could he say to such important and clever pencils?

(...) decided to stand up for him. He understood that the drawing would turn out better if you first outline everything with a simple pencil. But even without colored pencils, the drawing will not be bright! So, it is necessary that all of them take part in this.

Do you agree with this, (...)? Why?

Listen Red! - said (...). - You wanted to start drawing first. Is it true?

To be honest, yes, - admitted Red Pencil. And blushed even more.

Try it - draw! - offered (...).

The red pencil immediately set to work. On the same sheet of paper, he famously drew a squiggle. But ... not at all where it was needed. (...) took the eraser and tried to erase the red line. It turned out to be a sloppy red spot.

Do you see? - said (...) to the pencils and rubbed with an eraser a part of the line drawn by a simple pencil: the paper remained white.

Yes, he is, of course, Simple, and you are Colored, - said (...), referring to Violet. But his mistakes are easy to correct. It will also help you make accurate drawings.

A simple pencil in the fingers (...) set to work: the contours of a palm tree trunk appeared on the sheet, and then - large palm leaves. When needed, an eraser came to the rescue.

Now you get to work! - said (...) colored pencils.

They did not keep themselves waiting long. The brown pencil carefully painted over the trunk, trying not to go beyond the border marked by the simple pencil, and the green one worked on the leaves. The drawing turned out - a feast for the eyes!

But this simpleton is very short! said the Black Pencil grumpily, not wanting to give up so easily. - (...), look at us and at him. We are stately, tall, and he is like a dwarf in our campaign!

Explain to him why you are so short, - he asked (...). The simple pencil sighed and replied:

At first I helped my dad (...) at his work to make drawings of new cars, then (...) -in brother (sister)(name of sister/brother)took me to school for drawing lessons. I also came in handy for my mother (...): she took notes for herself, what she needed to buy in the store. Every time my lead wears out, I have to sharpen it. So I've shrunk...

A simple pencil worked well, did a lot of useful things, which is why it became so short. He has a lot of experience and he knows a lot. And you look like this because you haven't done anything yet.

Actually, I don’t say anything, - the Black Pencil said embarrassedly, looking away. - Simple and simple, in general, even relatives ...

Other Colored pencils made it clear with all their appearance that they had nothing against a Simple pencil.

Needless to say, after a while (...) he showed his mother a wonderful drawing, in which a boat with white sails under a bright blue sky sailed to a green island, and on it colorful little men jumped and had fun?

And many more wonderful drawings made together with Simple and Colored pencils.


Leader quality:Works to improve the system in which he and his people work.

Have you ever noticed what happens in your room after cleaning? Yes, did you notice? Just put things in order - after a few minutes you look: the view of the room is as if the enemies were looking for a treasure and did not find it.

For a girl (child's name) it was also a mystery. It seems that he will put the toys in place with his mother, put the clothes in the closet, fold the books and pencils neatly on the table, but before he has time to look around, the uniform mess appears in the room. (...) even began to seriously suspect that the toys themselves scatter around the room, pencils crawl out of the box and jump to the floor, and dresses and jeans strive to get out of the closet and hide under the bed.

One evening, when this happened again, my mother went into her room and, seeing what was happening there, sighed sadly.

When will you, (...), finally accustom yourself to order? she asked reproachfully. - I am very sad to see all this.

(...) felt ashamed, she almost burst into tears. Well, how to explain to mom that the objects in her room behave willfully and do not obey her at all? I had to clean up the room again.

And at night (...) I had an amazing dream. She found herself in a wonderful country: it was a kingdom. She walked along the road and saw how beautiful and cheerful people were removing bread. They did it well and amicably - so that the spikelet lay down to the spikelet. (...) went to a big city, it was probably the capital of the kingdom. The streets were very clean and smart, and although construction was in full swing around and bright new houses were being erected, there was neither dust nor dirt. There were shops along the streets, and wonderful goods in them.

were laid out thoughtfully and gracefully. Craftsmen worked in their workshops: tailors' needles quickly scurried, blacksmiths' hammers flickered, and shoemakers deftly cut leather. Passers-by smiled at each other and bowed.

(...) approached the royal palace. On the square, the royal guards practiced the step, and they did it so famously, they moved so smoothly that it was impossible to take your eyes off. But (...) I had to go further. She entered the palace, climbed the snow-white stairs and found herself in a huge hall. And here the ball was in full swing. The orchestra sounded. Ladies and gentlemen in bright dresses danced, couples whirled, obeying an invisible conductor, and therefore did not collide or interfere with each other. When the music stopped, the king appeared from the doors on the other side of the hall. Everyone bowed in bow, and he went straight to (...).

Do you like our kingdom? he asked the girl affectionately.

Very! - confessed (...). - Everything is so beautiful here, everyone is happy. You can see right away that everything is fine.

Yes, it is, dear (...), - said the king, smiling. - Each of the inhabitants of our kingdom knows what to do and how to behave so that everyone is happy. Therefore, we have order in the country ...

But my mother scolds me for the fact that there is no order in the room, - she admitted (...).

The king looked at the girl carefully.

Would you like me to tell you a little secret that might help?

Of course I want!

The king leaned towards (...) and said softly:

As I am the ruler of the inhabitants of this kingdom, so you are the ruler of those things that live in your room. You must learn to command them...

But how?

My advice is simple: always remember that things are your subjects to take care of. Every time, after you take some object - a pencil, a toy, a book - you no longer need an ion, quietly whisper to him: "Thank you, now you can go to the place" - and put it where you took it from. You will hear a quiet, quiet whisper of gratitude, and be sure: things will no longer scatter around the room. Everyone will be in their places quietly waiting for the moment when you need them again.

And all? - do not believe (...).

And that's all, - confirmed the king.

He waved his hand to her, and then his image began to fade and soon completely disappeared. (...) awoke. How cool, she thought. The king spoke to me.

Since that day (...) always followed the king's advice. And what do you think? Mom never ceased to be surprised at the order that reigned in her daughter's room, and constantly praised her. A (...) only smiled: the advice of the king was very useful.


Leader quality:Creates an atmosphere of trust. Understands that building trust requires him to take risks.

Everyone knows that miracles happen around Christmas. But(child's name) did not believe in miracles. True, to be completely honest, he secretly hoped that at least once something completely unusual would happen. And on the evening before Christmas, literally at the moment when his mother, having wished him good night, closed the door to his room, an amazing, simply fabulous adventure began ...

(...) recently gave a game console. And he decided to play a little before going to bed. He connected the console to the small TV in his room and turned it on. But instead of the familiar screensaver of the usual game, colored stripes flashed on the screen, and then the face of some boy appeared - pale, with a fresh scratch on his cheek and clearly excited.

Everyone who hears me! Everyone who sees me! Respond! shouted the boy from the TV.

How will I respond? - from surprise (...) thought aloud.

Well, at least someone heard me! - the boy said delightedly, looking directly (...) into his eyes. He saw (...) - absolutely! - I really need your help!

My? - he asked again (...) and, just in case, looked around, although he knew that there was no one else in the room.

Your your! Do you have spirits?

Where?! - surprised again (...), but immediately remembered that his mother had accidentally left a bottle with her favorite perfume in his room. - Yes, it seems there is!

Grab it quickly and jump here. The communication channel will not last long. Go straight to the screen.

(...) confused. Who is that boy? Why does he have such strange requests? And how can you go somewhere through the TV?

(...) stretched out his hand to the screen and suddenly found that he did not feel any obstruction. It turns out that you can get there, on the other side of the screen. But is it worth the risk? Creepy... But someone believes in him and is waiting for his help. He grabbed a bottle of perfume from the table and, taking a breath, as before diving, climbed

to TV. In a second, he was in some amazing place__in

a cramped room, all the walls of which were occupied by unknown (...) devices. There was also a small door and a large round window, behind which it was dark. And there was the same boy. He was dressed in blue overalls.

Thanks for agreeing. My name is Don. I am aquaput.

And I (...). Who is an aquaput?

But Don did not have time to answer. Suddenly the room shook so that both boys could not keep their feet and rolled on the floor.

Is this an earthquake!? - asked (...)

Worse! Don replied. - It's a giant octopus. He's been attacking our submarine for half an hour now.

So this is a submarine? - (...) was simply amazed.

And Don began to explain. Aquaputs are a people unknown to earthlings who live at the bottom of the ocean. They have large cities hidden in underwater caves or under huge glass jars. Aquaputs move in the thickness of the ocean in submarines. Even children can make a team of submarines - like on this boat: after all, aquaputs live in water from birth and this is a familiar element for them. This people has many technical achievements. For example, there is such a teleportal device, with which you can not only communicate, but also transfer people to the right place. On Don's submarine, such a teleportal was damaged due to the attack of a huge octopus and operates only in a straight line, in one single direction. Therefore, none of the aquaputs heard their signals for help. By chance, the beam of the teleportal hit the TV (...) and helped him to get here.

While Don was talking, three more guys came into the cabin of the submarine - members of the team. All had grim faces.

Why spirits? - asked (...).

The octopus terribly dislikes the smell of perfume, - Don explained. - If you dissolve only one drop in a million liters of water, then the octopus will still feel it.

At that moment, the submarine shook again, and everyone fell to the floor.

While we are motionless, he still hits us lightly, and if we start to move, then he will attack us for real, ”Don said. - We urgently need to pour the perfume overboard, and the octopus will lag behind us for a while. While he is spitting, we will quickly hide. But who will come out?

Yep - get out. Dangerous. And if the boat will not wait for the one who will get out? Time will be short, - said one of the guys.

Why do you distrust your comrades so much? - asked (...). - I see that there are reliable people here. I'm ready to pour the perfume.

Don did not like this idea very much, but he was forced to agree. (...) helped put on a special deep-sea suit - a spacesuit, and for the first time in his life he ended up in the ocean, and not yet on the surface, but at the bottom. The beam of the lantern snatched out of the darkness amazing underwater plants, corals, schools of incredibly beautiful fish. But there was no time to admire - the octopus was somewhere nearby. (...) poured the perfume into the water and returned to the boat. As soon as he had time to take off his spacesuit, the submarine rushed from its place, like a torpedo, and began to quickly move away from the place where the octopus was apparently already expressing its feelings about the disgusting smell of perfume for it.

Thank you for your help. If you want, I'm ready to take you to my team. You can even be a captain,” Don said.

No. I need to go home, - answered (...). - Let's set up the teleportal. After all, my mother will also have to explain where I am doing her spirits.


Leader quality:does not expect perfection.

This almost fabulous story happened in the summer, when(child's name) I was visiting my grandmother in the village. Once she went with friends to the river. They swam, sunbathed, and then one boy from the village told that there was a place nearby in the forest, which the locals consider magical. This is such a clearing where you can make a wish, and it will certainly come true. Of course, all the guys wanted to visit this clearing. They quickly packed up and went into the woods.

The children went out into the clearing and saw that they were not alone there. Near a large old stump stands, leaning on a gnarled stick, an unfamiliar old man in a dark jacket and cap.

Do you want to make a wish? the old man asked sternly. - Guess. But the desire will be fulfilled only for those who can withstand my tests. And here's the first thing: have one of you pull that nail out.

And grandfather pointed to the stump. Only then did the children see that a large nail was sticking out of the stump. He was fat and rusty, and his hat only slightly rose above the cut of a tree - once an oak.

Yes, you can't pull it out with your hands.

And Petya, the eldest, even bent down to get a better look at the nail.

It looks like he was driven here a long time ago, right into the tree. No, you can't do it without a nail puller.

The old man was silent, looking at the guys with expectation. Here (...) she could not stand it, went up to the stump, extended her hand and took hold of the nail head. She prepared to pull with all her strength, but as soon as she gave the nail a slight tug, it easily slipped out of the stump, as if it were not in hard wood, but in butter. Or maybe he was smeared?

(...) looked with surprise at a huge nail with a rusty cap in her hands.

The old man smiled.

The little girl coped with the task, which turned out to be beyond the strength of strong boys. And all because you were not afraid to try. But now it's time for the second test. See my house?

And then only the children noticed a large wooden house with two floors, standing on the edge of the clearing. While they were looking at the house, a saucer of water appeared from somewhere in the hands of the old man.

The second test is to inspect my house, visit all the rooms, go up to the attic and go down to the basement without spilling water from the saucer, the old man said.

Can I! shouted Vasya and took the saucer from the old man. Confidently holding the saucer in his hands, he went into the house.

When he returned, half of the water was missing from the saucer. “There is such, such!” he exclaimed.

You were too distracted,” said the old man.

Then Petya, and Seryozha, and the rest of the guys tried to complete this task, but they all spilled water at least a little. But everyone was delighted with what they saw in the house.

The last one was (...). She carefully took the saucer of water and went into the house. She tried very hard - she walked slowly, keeping her eyes on the saucer, so as not to spill a single drop. She walked around the whole house, visited every room, climbed up to the attic, descended the steep stairs to the cellar, and finally returned to the old man and the children, who were patiently waiting for her in the clearing.

The old man looked at the saucer.

Yes, there is still a lot of water left. Now tell me what you saw in the house. Did you find there the thing that you have been dreaming about for a long time?

But (...) she just shrugged her shoulders - after all, she looked only at the saucer.

Did you see nothing in a house full of the most amazing and unusual objects? the old man asked in surprise. - You tried your best not to make a mistake, to accurately complete the task, but behind this you lost something very important ... Maybe you shouldn't be afraid of mistakes all the time?

May I try again? - asked (...).

No. There won't be another chance. But you can make any wish - after all, you still passed two tests. The rest didn't make it.

Only me? But everyone has desires, - (...) thought. And she made a decision. - My desire is this: I want all the wishes that the guys make to come true.

Fine. This desire of yours will be fulfilled. But you no longer have the right to think of others, - the old man said sternly.

Well, what. So be it, - (...) spread her hands. Although, of course, she was a little offended.

The old man looked at her carefully.

This was my third test. And you did it too. You care about others and do not demand perfection from them. Your reward is waiting for you in the house - go and find it.

(...) did not believe her ears, but nevertheless went to the house. There really were a lot of amazing things, and soon she found...

What do you think you found in the old man's house (...)?

(...) returned to friends. The children were so engrossed in making their wishes that they did not even notice where the mysterious old man and his amazing house had gone.


Leader quality:He listens and learns without punishing the one he listens to.

It so happened that one boy, whose name was also(child's name) got into space. And not just got into space, but became the captain of a starship. It was a special starship where all the spacemen were children.

Once the spaceship ended up in the constellation Ursa Major (yes, (...), this is the same constellation that looks like a bucket!). And at that moment in the starship there was a problem. The captain (...) decided to land on one of the planets.

The starship landed on a wonderfully beautiful blue clearing in an orange forest, and the spacemen began to repair their starship. But as soon as they began to work, some ferocious creatures jumped out of the thicket. Through

minute all the spacemen were tied up. The prisoners, suspended by the arms and legs from long sticks, were taken to a large cave.

Only here, in the bright flame of fires, did the space pilots manage to see the attackers. These creatures looked a bit like people, however, the number of arms, legs, heads, as well as fingers and toes was very different. In addition, some were covered with hair and possessed fangs, horns, hooves or wings. All were dressed in terrible rags. They were armed with rusty sabers and axes, some of whom had even larger pistols.

Be a leader- it's not just "command". A true leader is able to believe in himself, make a decision, inspire others and take action. A real leader is not born and does not become in the courses - they grow up. Your son or daughter will certainly become strong, happy personalities and achieve a lot in life if you help to reveal their leadership qualities right now.

Set “Education of character by a fairy tale. Leadership" is a real helper for caring parents. It is based on a unique technique - the impact on the character of the baby occurs with the help of a fairy tale, gently and carefully forming positive features and correcting negative behavior.

In each tale, the protagonist exhibits one of seven traits:

  • Optimism- the child believes in success, infects others with this belief.
  • Confidence- the child easily overcomes difficulties, does not doubt his abilities.
  • Honesty- the child speaks the truth and takes responsibility for his actions.
  • Determination- the child makes informed decisions, taking risks.
  • situational leadership- the child makes the right decisions in difficult situations.
  • Support- The child helps others to become more confident.
  • Delegation- the child distributes tasks among others

How to deal with the kit “Education of character with a fairy tale. Leadership":

It is very easy to work with the kit - just choose one of the 30 fairy tales that you will start with today, and the rest will happen like magic!

Fairy tales in this set special - personalized. The main character of any story is your child! All adventures do not take place with an abstract character, but with your son or daughter - for this, the name of the baby is omitted in the texts (so that you can name the right one), and there are also other “hooks” from real life (names of relatives, house address, etc.). d.). Hearing about his good deeds in a fairy tale, the kid will definitely want to do the same in life. Such magical journeys into the world of fairy tales allow the baby to discover qualities in himself that he did not know about - self-confidence, the ability to help others and take responsibility for their actions.

The effectiveness of fairy tales largely depends on the narrator. The brighter, more emotionally you tell a fairy tale, the more impression it will make on the child. To do this, to help you, the complete set includes mitten toy Tiger storyteller. Under the impression, the child remembers the fairy tale better. The doll simply brings fairy tales in a special pocket, and their mother tells them. We recommend that you, after the fairy tale, remove the mitten doll in a place inaccessible to the child, so that the plush friend is associated only with evening fairy tales and a sweet dream after them.

Reading a fairy tale is a warm, family process that brings parents and child even closer. Bedtime stories allow you to develop a routine - after an interesting story, the crumbs will close their eyes by themselves. Even if today you are very tired or someone else is putting the baby to bed, you can turn on audio version of your favorite fairy tales, and the nightly ritual will repeat itself! Although, of course, the maximum effect will be from "live" classes with mom or dad.

Kit composition:


Their purpose

Mitten toy

For emotional and effective lessons. The mitten is not just a toy, it is a storyteller who comes to the child and starts a story, in his pocket are small books (from which the baby can choose a fairy tale), and small gifts on the theme of the fairy tale may also appear there. It is better for this hero to appear only during classes so that the therapeutic effect is higher.

The book contains information on how best to tell fairy tales, as well as the texts of all fairy tales.

30 fairy tale books

These small books can be placed in the pocket of a mitten toy so that the child chooses the fairy tale of the day. They are also designed for parents.

Answers to popular questions:

Kit reviews

Is there a magic remedy for children's whims? Definitely! The Anticaprizin kit does an excellent job with this task. Read a review about this set from super-mom Anastasia @parents_way And how are you doing with whims? Would you like this set for your child? #Repost @parents_way (@get_repost) “Mom, tell a story” - every mother probably hears this phrase Have you ever thought that with the help of fairy tales you can convey absolutely any information to your child that he will remember and learn much better and faster than if we grumble , raise your voice, endlessly repeat the same thing or read notations. You can also help your child feel more confident, overcome their fears and difficulties. And most importantly, to establish and strengthen relationships between children and parents. How it works is detailed and interestingly written in the book 50 therapeutic fairy tales from 33 whims by @umnitsaco I ordered it in a set with a toy and 50 small fairy tale books. Which can be put in the pocket of a mitten toy and tell the child. It really works, so I strongly recommend it to everyone. . #clear #companyclear #umnitsaco #umnitsa #love #firstemotions #talk diaper #skylark #creativity diaper #instagood #activities with children #games with children #happy #mom #baby #children #best for children #reviews_on_sk #CleverAntiprisin