How I got slimmer with shapewear. Melting before our eyes: how to choose corrective underwear

According to statistics, every second person on earth, regardless of gender and age, is dissatisfied with their body and wants to make it better. Today, in order to correct figure flaws, it is not at all necessary to go on strict diets or go to the gym every day, it is enough to purchase slimming corrective underwear with a strong degree of correction and the silhouette will take on the desired shape. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? The choice of corrective underwear must be approached with great care. Wrongly chosen, it can give quite the opposite effect, disfiguring the figure.

Types of shapewear

Underwear designed to correct the silhouette can have a weak, medium and strong slimming effect.

The level of correction is determined by the content of special synthetic fibers in the fabric. The more of these components, the better the slimming effect of the linen. The underwear of the first two levels, having a slight slimming effect, simply helps to better distribute the load in places that require modeling. In reality, tightening problem areas, correcting posture and hiding all imperfections is possible only with the help of slimming corrective underwear with a strong degree of correction. It is equipped with rigid inserts.

How to choose underwear?

First, it must be remembered that all correctors consist entirely of synthetic materials. Therefore, when choosing slimming underwear, special attention should be paid to the manufacturer. Companies that have been specializing in the production of corrective clothing for a long time, as a rule, make sure that the material from which the products are sewn does not injure the skin and allows air to pass through. Try to choose products of well-known brands, and also make sure that the GOST or hygiene certificate is on the package.

Secondly, before buying, you need to clearly define which part of the body needs to be corrected. To do this, you need to carefully examine the figure, taking into account all the nuances and existing imperfections. Often people, trying to hide some shortcomings, unwittingly emphasize others. For example, it makes no sense to buy slimming shorts that correct the buttocks and hips if folds of fat hang over them. Therefore, if there is excess weight in the waist and abdomen, then the selected panties or shorts should be high-waisted.

Thirdly, it is very important to decide what kind of clothes underwear will be worn underwear with a strong degree of correction. Think about what your wardrobe consists of. What colors are dominant? If all kinds, then it is best to choose underwear; it is the most versatile and invisible under things of any shade.

Fourthly, you should not buy slimming corrective underwear with a strong degree of correction a few sizes smaller than you need, hoping to get a more noticeable effect. Tight products can compress blood vessels, disrupt blood flow and cause dangerous swelling and numbness in compressed areas of the body. In addition, smaller shapewear will cause a lot of pain while wearing and will give the figure an unnatural look.

Also, you can not buy slimming underwear without first trying it on.

Corrective underwear depending on the features of the figure

Large hips will help hide the slimming shorts. If the legs are rather slender, and the buttocks clearly require adjustment, then it is best to choose shorts with slits on the sides. To restore harmony to the legs and hips will help shorts, elongated to the knees. It is best to buy such a model in the late afternoon. By the end of the day, the legs are somewhat swollen. This makes it possible to evaluate the line of the knees for the presence of rollers.

Linen that reaches the chest line will help to hide the stomach and sides. The excess part of the fat will go into the bra area, visually enlarging the chest and making it higher.

Jumpsuits are best worn under skirts and trousers, while tops and T-shirts are more suitable for dresses. If you want to feel more feminine, get models with lace trim.

When trying on underwear, try to walk around in it, sit down, stretch your arms to understand how comfortable you will be in these clothes.

Now you know everything about how to choose slimming corrective underwear. Properly selected correctors will give confidence and deprive you of a reason to suspect that you are hiding something under your clothes. Your appearance will be impeccable.

How often can shapewear be worn?

To begin with, it should be noted that you need to get used to the slimming underwear gradually. If you purchased proofreaders and decided to spend the whole day in them, then this is strongly not recommended. At first, strongly tightening corrective underwear can be worn for no more than three hours a day.


Lingerie designed for body shaping requires very careful handling. It is advisable to wash such things by hand or in the machine, setting the delicate mode. To prevent the products from changing their shape and properties after washing, they cannot be wrung out. In addition, highly shaping corrective underwear does not require ironing.

Underwear for weight loss

To date, there is slimming shapewear for weight loss, which not only helps to visually hide the flaws of the silhouette, but also helps to get rid of extra pounds. Its fat-burning effect is based on a special composition, which is impregnated with things intended for body modeling. As a rule, the effect of such slimming corrective underwear for weight loss is similar to pepper wraps. It lies in the fact that the body is very hot, as a result of which excess weight is lost. But the time of wearing slimming corrective underwear with a slimming effect is even more limited. This is because the effect of the sauna can lead to skin irritation and colds.

Shapewear for men

Not only women dream of seeing their figure more slender and toned. Many representatives of the stronger sex resort to corrective underwear. Moreover, it should be noted that manufacturers do not infringe on the strong half of humanity in the ability to improve their bodies and produce slimming corrective underwear of a strong degree of correction for men in the same quantity as for women. It's just that products for the stronger sex are not so widely advertised, and therefore are perceived by most people as something rare.

The men's collection of slimming corrective underwear with a strong degree of correction is represented by T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, underpants. It should be noted that these products are very popular among men, as they allow you to instantly acquire a sports physique. Most often, men use them in order to give relief to the chest and remove sagging belly and sides.

Men's slimming corrective underwear is presented both in the form of swimming trunks and boxers. A common element in both models is a wide - about 15-20 centimeters - belt, which allows you to model the sides and significantly reduce the waist. In addition, there are swimming trunks with special inserts in the buttocks, giving them an elastic, toned look.

Slimming corrective underwear for men, like women's, is made from the highest quality materials. This is a guarantee of comfort and efficiency.

The best brands of underwear for correction

Today, this segment of the market is overflowing with goods from various manufacturers. Choosing the best slimming corrective underwear is quite difficult. Of course, there are products on sale that outwardly correspond to any preferences, as well as different price categories. But, given that low-quality correctors can cause irreparable harm to health, only well-known brands should be chosen for underwear. Of course, a good thing is not cheap, but this investment is well worth it.

Overview of the best manufacturers of slimming underwear


Maidenform is one of the most well-known manufacturers of highly corrective slimming underwear. It was this company that back in 1922 invented and created the world's first bra. The assortment of the company includes a lot of things designed to correct the waist, abdomen, hips, chest, including those with the maximum degree of tightening.

This is a very high quality and expensive brand of shapewear. The things of this company not only reduce volumes and maintain posture, but also have a massage effect. In addition, the brand produces lingerie for overweight, offering a size range from XXS to 7XL. The collection is represented by modeling, corrective and anti-cellulite products.

Mitex produces slimming corrective underwear with a strong degree of correction. The things she produces, thanks to special inserts, affect problem areas, and also drag the figure. The presence of models for various types of figures makes the choice as easy as possible.

This underwear has the main difference from the products of other brands, which consists in the fact that all models of the brand are impregnated with pepper composition, which improves blood circulation and reduces body volume.


This brand is characterized by affordable prices and high quality products. The company produces bodysuits and semi-grace. The undoubted advantage of the brand is that the size grid is Russian, which makes it easier to choose underwear.

The figure of women worsens, and excess weight appears after childbirth, due to a sedentary lifestyle and bad habits, malnutrition and hormonal disruptions. Of course, you can go on diets for a long time or exhaust your body in the fitness room. If you urgently need to shine at a party or corporate party in a luxurious dress, then special corrective underwear will help.

What is shapewear

These are special slimming wardrobe items that are worn under clothing. They provide the effect of weight loss, elegance and harmony, help to visually reduce volumes in problem areas, and also emphasize some external advantages, for example, make the chest more voluminous and attractive. The choice of models of slimming underwear is the most diverse.

Corrective products are chosen not only by obese ladies, but also by slender ladies. They outwardly correct the dimensions, remove a somewhat voluminous belly, and emphasize the waist area. Models are suitable for representatives of the weaker sex of different build, weight and height.

They can shrink:

  • legs;
  • neckline;
  • lower back;
  • waist
  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • stomach.

Convex forms, if not removed, can cause a lot of fears, feelings of inferiority. Modeling underwear in this case comes to the rescue, improving the silhouette, giving it visual harmony and thinness.

The tummy while wearing such clothes becomes flat, the waist becomes thin and graceful, the buttocks become sexy and elastic. All this without going to the gym and exhausting diet.

Read also how to lose weight at home:

Types of underwear for body shaping

Manufacturers offer several types of such special women's accessories - modeling and slimming. The latest options are designed to hide kilograms, fat folds, and make the figure more proportional. These are a variety of shorts, belts, tops, panties, corsets with lacing, combinations, semi-grace, graces and comfortable bodysuits.

Slimming models are made from a special material in which, together with ordinary knitted fabrics, artificial elastic threads are intertwined. They help to smoothly distribute the load, reduce wrinkles in one position, smooth volume zones.

Modeling options are designed, on the contrary, to give volumes and fat folds where necessary. This is mainly for the décolleté area.

Special modeling bras and panties are sold, making the fifth point of a woman more attractive and appetizing.

According to the types of linen, there are:

  1. Graces - wide belts that correct the body from the chest to the hips. They may have straps that come unfastened. A beautiful posture and a thin waist without a protruding belly help to get semi-grace. These are wide belts up to the waist.
  2. Briefs reduce the volume of the abdomen and buttocks. Usually they are made with a high waist zone. On sale there are standard slips or thong panties. They are recommended to be worn by older ladies, girls who are prone to fullness and those who have recently given birth to a baby.
  3. Pantaloons well pull not only a sagging stomach, but also capture the area of ​​the hips and buttocks, sometimes up to the knees. The waist looks perfect, the hip line is more sloping, and the “orange peel” is also hidden.
  4. Corset - a belt of a certain width, pulling up the waist, lower back and abdomen. The desired result can be adjusted with laces. This part is located either at the back or at the front. The lace bodice, located at the top of the corset, lifts the chest. Although some models fully open female dignity.
  5. Bodysuits are special overalls that are fixed between the legs. Below they look like pantaloons or underpants. For a beautiful bust, they can have a deep neckline. Some options correct the area of ​​the shoulders and arms with the help of slimming sleeves. Otherwise, the area of ​​the buttocks, abdomen is tightened, and posture is leveled.
  6. Skirts are designed to externally reduce centimeters at the waist, slightly correct the shape of the hips and hide protruding fat folds on the abdomen and lower back.
  7. Leggings are necessary for those ladies who dream of thin and slender legs and a toned buttocks. These wardrobe items often have a wide belt for correcting the abdomen, as well as special inserts that tighten the buttocks.

Such female secrets are practically invisible to others, but they mask the flaws and emphasize the dignity of the female image. The main thing is to choose the right fabric, size and comfortable model.

What are the degrees of correction

There are modeling underwear of different degrees of tightening:

  1. A strong degree is necessary for women with significant obesity. The modeling and slimming effect of such models is maximum. They have insertable plates and comfortable bones. Many options are not very comfortable to wear, and the fabric is dense and tight. In the early days, it is better to wear underwear for only a couple of hours, so as not to disrupt the blood supply to the tissues. Gradually, the wearing time is increased, but still you can not wear underwear with a strong fixation all day.
  2. The average degree is necessary for a fairly noticeable correction in problem areas. Models of this type are made of different materials, which are combined in such a way as to pull as much as possible what is needed without pressing down on other unnecessary areas. As a result, unnecessary folds disappear, and the relief of the body improves.
  3. A weak or light degree is designed to hide small flaws - a protruding tummy. They sell special tights that hide the shortcomings of the legs a little.

It is necessary to decide on the degree of adjustment on an individual basis. A strong degree allows you to visually reduce weight by 4-5 kg, significantly change, but only for a short time. Appearance improves linen of average tightening. These are practical and comfortable things designed for daily wear.

How to choose the right underwear for body shaping

Ladies with problematic figures should be especially careful when choosing corrective underwear. It is important to pay attention not only to the style, but also to the quality of the material, and also make sure that the linen will not be noticeable under everyday or evening dresses.

In general, the following indicators are important:

  1. Color. Basically, manufacturers of slimming underwear offer 3 standard colors - flesh, black and white. The first option is universal and will not be noticeable under any clothes.
  2. cost and manufacturer. It is more profitable to pay attention to a proven brand that has a lot of positive feedback. Although such wardrobe components are not cheap, they serve for many years, do not cause allergies, do not rub or stretch.
  3. Style. First of all, it is determined which particular areas of the body need to be tightened, and where, on the contrary, it is important to emphasize or even increase in size. Such goals determine whether you need to buy a corset or panties, pantaloons, just a pull-up top or belt.
  4. Size. Personal parameters are compared with the manufacturer's dimensional grid. The selected option should not squeeze or hang down. In the latter case, there will be no tightening of problem areas.

The ideal option is seamless underwear. It is not determined under thin clothes, does not wrinkle. There are models with inserts made of natural fabrics. Shorts and panties should have a natural gusset. Preliminary fitting will facilitate the choice. Then it will be exactly clear which model to choose, and with what degree of fixation.

Corrective models for tightening the waist and abdomen

Such underwear visually improves the silhouette of a woman. It transforms a woman, removing extra cm from the waist, hiding imperfections, fat accumulations and a plump tummy after childbirth. According to the outlines, if you wear such underwear, the lady's figure is like an hourglass.

The modeling effect is achieved due to the presence of special inserts, as well as fabrics with different densities. Such options are suitable for any clothes - jeans, skirts, evening and casual dresses.

Aspen waist allows you to get panties with a wide high belt. A corset also helps with this. It maintains a correct and beautiful posture, preventing the curvature of the vertebrae.

Corrective corsets and panties have an excellent supportive effect, especially after pregnancy, back pain and lumbar weakness. Ideally, experts recommend choosing options with sewn-in gussets that do not hinder movement. When wearing such underwear, sharp folds or bends should not form. This means the size does not fit.

Such options are necessary to emphasize the décolleté area, to make the female bust more voluminous and attractive. Graces, corsets, bras help with this. Bust shaping products are inexpensive and very easy to wear.

Shapewear for thighs and buttocks

Such problems are solved with the help of pantaloons, shorts with a wide waist, skirts and underpants with a belt. They perfectly hide flat or overly convex buttocks, lush hips, overhanging sides.

Slimming underwear Milavitsa

A Belarusian company that has long won the hearts of Russian women. They are of high quality and durability. Linen does not tighten the body, does not slip, holds well and pulls off excess fat. Lace inserts add a seductive and effective look to the lingerie of this brand. Many models are made of natural cotton fabric and are worn for many years with comfort.

Maidenform - shapewear from America

Well-known inexpensive brand from the USA. Slimming products perfectly correct fat folds, hide cellulite deposits, even out the silhouette and posture. Thanks to thoughtful straps, these panties and corsets are very comfortable to wear. With active movements, the models do not roll, do not twist and do not squeeze the skin.

Modeling underwear Triumph

Russian brand, distinguished by excellent quality, practicality and elegance. Many panties and corsets have beautiful lace inserts that give them a romantic and sexy look. Such wardrobe items serve for a long time. They are resistant to stretching and other deformations.

Silkway - a modern brand of slimming underwear

The brand produces high value products. This is due to the use of special materials. They perfectly drag the figure, hides defects on the waist, buttocks, hips. Improves the condition of the skin, corrects posture.

Special microfibers massage the skin, improving blood microcirculation. They help get rid of old cellulite. Additionally, underwear has hidden magnets that have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, improve lymph flow in the décolleté area.

Slimming underwear Floranzh

The French manufacturer is popular in the CIS countries. Modeling products tighten lush sides, a bulging belly and other visible flaws. Synthetic fibers in some women cause increased sweating. Although they mask fatty tissues, they can squeeze if the size is incorrectly selected.

Hose fitting - German slimming underwear

A favorite among Russian women. These are versatile products with excellent corrective action. All styles make the body perfect. High-density elastic fabrics are well washed and serve for many years. They tighten bulging volumes and make their owner slimmer and more attractive.

Janira - a brand for a slim figure

The brand produces special panties for tightening the buttocks and waist. They are able to emphasize the dignity, making the waist smaller by a few centimeters. Slimming products are invisible under clothing and to others. Drawstring and lace inserts are additional highly effective and decorative details.

Corrective pants and corsets Sankom

These are products from Switzerland with a breathable effect, made from quality fabrics. Women's lingerie styles are suitable for any type of figure. Spectacular and stylish models emphasize the hips, form a thin waist, tighten the sagging belly. They have a visual push-up effect for the neckline.

Modern Slim Shapewear

Inexpensive manufacturer of panties and corsets. A popular manufacturer in the manufacture of its products uses high-quality natural materials and takes into account all the flaws in the figure that many overweight ladies dream of hiding. Models made of pleasant to the touch elastic fabrics cover several zones at once - waist, buttocks, sides, hips.

If you are attracted by the prospect of "building" immediately, without a gym and diet - be sure to read!

It seems to me that the potential of shapewear is seriously underestimated. In my experience, skinny girls think they don't need it because they're already skinny, while fatter ladies think it's either dangerous, ineffective, or just not available. All this is not true. Let's figure it out together.

If you think that the ideal silhouettes of stars and models at photo shoots, public events and red carpets are the result of painstaking work and nothing more, then you are mistaken. Along with the almighty Photoshop, corrective underwear is almost always present there.

And even if there is nothing to “tighten” in the literal sense of the word (like fragile actresses or models), then corrective underwear performs another important function there - it smoothes the silhouette. Yes, yes, forms that are good in themselves are thus transformed into magnificent ones. Gwyneth Paltrow even admitted that after giving birth, she wore two pairs of shapewear together, one on top of the other.

Since the magic of a magnificent silhouette is available to the stars, and no one hides that they use corrective underwear, why not join mere mortals?

A good stylist brings to the shoot an assortment of shapewear in all sizes, colors and patterns.

What is shapewear - and which one is right for you?

Shapewear exists in different silhouettes, densities, and colors. Different density and different composition of materials provide a difference in the corrective properties of linen.

All corrective underwear can be conditionally divided into correction classes:

Light corrective effect. This underwear is made of soft to the touch, but dense fabric. It is more likely not focused on visually losing weight and "pulling down" - but it smooths out irregularities well (hello, "orange peel"), slightly "tightens" individual parts (the tummy will visually become flatter), and creates an even silhouette under dresses. Among its advantages are ease of wearing (although, of course, you need to get used to any corrective underwear), convenience, and minimal effect of fatigue at the end of the evening. It can be worn every day, without abusing, of course, the number of hours - something like compression stockings.

Medium corrective effect. It is denser than corrective underwear with a light degree of correction - and is already able to smooth out more prominent irregularities, such as "ears" on the hips, rollers from under the bra under knitwear. What am I talking about? Here is a photo:

(although it is better to deal with the root cause - the wrong size of linen).

Such underwear is optimal to have for separate things - for example, a very tight dress, or light-colored trousers, and so on.

Strong corrective effect. Such underwear is very dense, it often stands "stake" on a hanger, and has pre-formed recesses for the buttocks and chest. It has a pronounced corrective effect - it is precisely such underwear that pulls "by size". It is not intended for daily wear - and in the evening it can be worn for no more than 6 hours. This is the format of a party or a solemn evening event - a New Year's corporate party or a bachelorette party, for example. Unfortunately, you have to pay for a pronounced corrective effect - at the end of the evening you get tired of it, because the body is evenly “tightened” everywhere. Also, due to the density, it can be hot in it. But for special events, it is simply a must-have. Rate when you see the photos. And compare with other women who did not bother with this issue.

Manufacturers usually indicate the degree of correction of their products, but you yourself will be able to understand what degree of correction the linen has by feeling and stretching the fabric. If a light degree of correction feels like thin knitwear of seamless panties, then a medium degree of correction resembles a heavy dense jersey dress, and a strong degree of correction is a space suit, compression stockings worn after operations, or highly corrected compression stockings used for varicose veins.

The higher the degree of correction in linen, the more rigid and dense it is, the fewer hours in a row it can be worn, and the less often it can be worn. Therefore, a high degree of correction is suitable for solemn short-term events once a month, and a light degree of correction can be worn more often to smooth out the silhouette of a fitted dress.

How to choose shapewear?

1) Define a goal. Shapewear should be bought with a clear understanding of exactly where you plan to wear it. Do you need it for a special event? Or do you want to master the stubborn jersey dress you wear regularly? Understand it for yourself. I would recommend not to buy a strong degree of correction right away - start with an average, evaluate the effect that corrective underwear has on you, walk around in it for a day, get used to your feelings.

2) Think about specific things. If you are going to buy lingerie to match a particular dress, take it with you to the store - you will have the opportunity to compare several models in order to choose the one that works best for your dress. Well, in the opposite direction, this also works in the future - when asking the price of a special dress, take corrective underwear with you - perhaps now you need a smaller dress?

3) Don't be greedy. Do not take shapewear in a size smaller than you really are. You need to be honest with yourself - corrective underwear in your size will make you slimmer and improve your silhouette, and corrective underwear a size smaller than yours will give you the effect of a constricted "sausage", and divided into parts of the legs at the end of the underwear and the beginning of the uncontracted flesh.

4) Make sure you fit correctly. Shapewear should fit like a glove. It takes shape after putting on and stretches by the end of the day - and "gathers" again after washing. It, like underwear, does not need to be washed after each wear - and cannot be washed at temperatures above 30 degrees. Otherwise, the elastane in the linen will come to an end.

5) Check seams and inserts. In addition to the color closest to the color of the skin (or black if you plan to wear it under dark clothes), there is another important factor - the seams on the product. Opt for a model with laser cut rather than flat seams - and if you do have to go for a model with seams, then make sure that the seams do not protrude under a thin dress. Unfortunately, it is technically difficult to make a figure-correcting model completely without seams - this is a necessary evil. It happens that the seams that are smooth on the surface and the stitched details of the model treacherously turn into lines under the clothes. The same applies to inserts from other fabrics. A model with lace trim will certainly be unsuccessful.

6) Pay attention to the border linen and body. When trying on corrective underwear, make sure that there is no "sausage" effect anywhere in the shell - that the border between the end of the seam and the beginning of your leg is not visible, and the "stretched" legs do not "swell" as soon as the underwear ends. Otherwise, everyone will notice this flaw when you are on the move. This often happens if the size of corrective underwear is small for you. If you're going for a bike-style model, look at the end of these shorts - a laser-cut edge is preferred over two-ply flat machined seams - because it can show through under clothing.

7) Choose the best. Go to the fitting room with several models, taking three sizes each (smaller, yours, and one size larger). Start with the largest size, evaluate the fit, then try on your size before going down a size. During this time, you will have time to get used to both the model and the feeling of corrective underwear on the body. And you can't go wrong with the right size. Shapewear should improve your silhouette - at the same time, there should be no creases in the body and a sharp feeling of "tightness". You need to feel this state - and see for yourself how different sizes sit on you. Smaller underwear will accentuate unevenness more, pulling you in too much, and in motion (try moving around in front of a mirror) can form ugly folds. Try to turn your back to the mirror and look over your shoulder, twisting back - there should be no wrinkles in the bra area.

8) Evaluate the convenience and model. Try to sit down, move your arms, lift your leg - imitate the activity that happens in your life every day. If you are uncomfortable and can’t breathe already in the fitting room, then even in a taxi on the way to your solemn event, you will want to undress right in the back seat. Don't torture yourself. The fit should be comfortable.

Would you like to choose corrective underwear for yourself? Find out more about my lingerie matching services

An instant way to become slimmer without any effort. It tightens the shape, removes the sides, stomach, "ears" on the hips. Due to this, the silhouette acquires graceful and smooth lines. The market provides a large number of slimming clothes, among the variety of which a beginner may be confused in the end. We will talk about the most popular brands of high-quality corrective underwear.

Slimming shapewear Milavitsa

The Milavitsa trademark presents a whole line of slimming underwear aimed at hiding figure defects. According to the company itself, their products are primarily aimed at older people and overweight ladies who, for various reasons, have acquired extra pounds.

Benefits of body shaping underwear from Milavitsa:

  • The products are made of ultra-thin fabric with special qualities that do not allow the material to absorb sweat, which means it does not allow the pores to clog. The body in such clothes breathes freely.
  • Linen has antistatic properties, in other words, it is not electrified.
  • Milavitsa does not cause allergies and other unpleasant reactions on the skin.
  • The versatility of the product is manifested in the fact that underwear will be imperceptible absolutely under any clothes. It can be worn throughout the year.
  • Slimming clothes create a massage effect, thus providing an auxiliary effect against cellulite and making the skin firmer and smoother.

Products from Milavitsa are presented in the following versions:

  • underpants;
  • grace;
  • semi-grace;
  • corset;
  • semi-corset.

Shapewear Rago

Rago underwear is a well-known leader in the slimming underwear market. Rago is characterized by a wide variety of linen options, sizes (from S to 15XL) and degrees of tightening (from light to very strong). Reviews about this manufacturer are only good, as their products are distinguished by the quality of materials and a truly corrective effect.

It is important to choose the right size, as small underwear will create wrinkles in the skin, and the end result will most likely disappoint you.

The brand offers the following options for its products:

  • briefs-belt for stockings;
  • corset grace-belt;
  • corset grace pantaloons;
  • corset half-grace-bustier;
  • pantaloons-belt;
  • and etc.

Rago lingerie allows you to adjust both individual zones and almost the entire body, starting from the chest and ending with the area above the knees.

Shapewear Triumph

The Triumph company takes its name from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and traces its history back to the 80s of the 19th century. The products of this manufacturer are of high quality, mainly natural materials. In the arsenal of the company:

  • slimming pants with a high waist or a waist that reaches the chest line;
  • corrective bodysuits;
  • trousers;
  • combinations;
  • tops;
  • dresses, etc.

Triumph slimming underwear thanks to micro-fasteners is imperceptible even under the thinnest clothes. It is convenient due to the fact that it does not cut into the skin, but gently tightens problem areas without creating wrinkles.

Slim Pentiz shapewear

The main advantages of Slim Pentiz slimming underwear:

  • A special elastic band in corrective shorts that does not allow them to roll down.
  • All underwear is made without any fasteners and hooks.
  • The fabric from which the products are made is redutex. In it, your body does not sweat and breathes freely.
  • It is easy and convenient to use underwear, it sits neatly on problem areas without forming folds and seams.

Hose fitting shapewear

Schlankstuetz shapewear is made in Germany and offers real German quality. As the manufacturers themselves say, their products are able to give you a dream figure without effort.

The company's arsenal includes a model range that includes more than 300 types of slimming pants, T-shirts, combinations,. Underwear is characterized by varying degrees of tightening from the weakest (one) to ultra-strong for particularly problematic areas (five).

Here are a few important features of Hose Stud linen:

  • cups A-H;
  • cotton gusset;
  • the ability to wear without underwear;
  • the absence of any seams on the material;
  • elastic material;
  • adjustable straps.

The company claims that their products are absolutely weightless on the body and invisible under any clothing.

Maidenform shapewear

The American brand Maidenform presents a line of shaping underwear Flexees with 3 degrees of correction: strong for very full ladies, medium and weak - to emphasize your own shapes and correct minor figure flaws.

Advantages of Maidenform slimming products:

  • full bones in corsets;
  • pleasant to the touch fabric;
  • adjustable and detachable shoulder straps;
  • a large number of models.

Sankom shapewear

The underwear of the Swiss company Sankom is called smart and wellness-corrective. The company itself is developing a comprehensive system of weight control and recovery. Sankom products are recognized by experts, as well as by numerous representatives of show business. Professional slimming underwear has repeatedly won awards at competitions in which tens of thousands of such companies participated.

Advantages of Sankom underwear:

  • Removes excess fluid from problem areas, which helps to reduce the "orange peel".
  • It really corrects figure flaws, tightens sagging sides and stomach, pulls the body down by several sizes.
  • Wellness models correct posture, reduce the load on the muscles and spine.
  • Sankom underwear can be worn under everyday clothing. Seamless technology makes it invisible.
  • Clothing is also designed for sports activities, increasing the efficiency of motor loads.
  • Special compression inserts return the center of gravity to the position it needs.
  • The structure of matter takes into account the blood flow system and the biomechanics of movements.
  • Underwear allows the body to breathe freely.

Shapewear Silkway

What makes Silkway lingerie stand out among others?

  • Products instantly correct the figure.
  • Removes up to 2 sizes.
  • Models of underwear are elegant, as they are designed by professional fashion designers.
  • The company provides a 1 year warranty on its product.
  • Linen does not create folds, lays down evenly and neatly.
  • Thanks to high-quality materials and the special structure of each model, the products are of a general health character.
  • Underwear provides support for the spine and corrects posture.

Shapewear Gezatone

The Slim&Shape underwear line from Gezatone combines several modern correction technologies at once. When creating models, professional patterns are used, and a well-thought-out cut allows linen not only to pull off excess volumes, but also to be invisible even under tight-fitting clothes. Each model looks stylish thanks to the design approach to them. The material allows the skin to breathe.

Innovation from Gezatone - technology of encapsulation of cosmetics in fabric. This technology is aimed at:

  • stimulation of fluid withdrawal;
  • breakdown of fat in problem areas;
  • skin toning;
  • strengthening of the skin.

The composition of microcapsules includes caffeine, extracts of fucus, horse chestnut, guarana, ivy - active substances that help fight cellulite and excess fat deposits, start metabolic processes in problem areas.

According to the manufacturer, their products help to instantly remove up to 1.5 cm in volume. After regular wearing of Slim&Shape underwear, cellulite manifestations decreased in 83% of women, skin tightened in 75%.

spanx shapewear

Shapewear from Spanx is presented in the Shapewear section. The manufacturer offers over 200 models of slimming clothing, including not only panties, T-shirts, bodysuits and corsets. Spanx makes models to reduce the volume of the whole body. These are bodysuits with sleeves, as well as jumpsuits that cover the entire body, including arms and legs. For those who want to hide the shortcomings of not only the hips, but also the legs, special slimming tights have been developed.

To achieve varying degrees of tightening in the production of underwear, materials such as lycra, elastane, nylon, spandex are used.

Plie shapewear

Plie is a famous brand from Brazil. Plie slimming underwear is presented in 3 categories:

  • Shapewear PLIE Control. These are shorts, underpants, thongs, belts, tops, bras, bodysuits, dresses. All models are aimed at eliminating figure flaws and tightening volumes.
  • Anti-cellulite corrective underwear PLIE Control Emana. This category of underwear warms the body, thereby stimulating metabolic processes in it and triggering the breakdown of adipose tissue. A special anatomical pattern keeps the muscles in good shape.
  • The PLIE Basic line of shaping underwear is a special group of products designed to emphasize your natural lines and curves with slight tightening.

Shapewear Lytess

Lytess, a French company, has been developing its shapewear for over 10 years. The company's achievement is to create a special fabric that not only instantly hides the imperfections of the body, but also helps to actively lose weight in the process of wearing underwear.

The fabric is called nanotextile. As the manufacturers themselves say, nanotextile is a combination of a tightening material and cosmetics, which is released in microportions during wear and stimulates the breakdown of adipose tissue. Such underwear performs 2 functions at once: it hides figure flaws, and also helps to eliminate cellulite and body fat.

This effect is achieved through the introduction of special microcapsules with cosmetic ingredients into the tissue, which affect the metabolic rate in problem areas.

Nanotextile performs the following functions:

  • burns fat;
  • strengthens the skin;
  • restores the balance of moisture in the skin;
  • reduces the appearance of cellulite;
  • removes excess fluid, due to which the skin acquires elasticity and volumes are lost.

Avon shapewear

Cosmetic brand Avon, with the expansion of its products in March 2013, launched the production of shapewear, which is designed to reduce volumes by 1 or even 2 sizes. Advantages of Avon underwear:

  • seamless technology;
  • silicone strips along the linen;
  • neutral colors, which makes the models invisible under clothes.

To date, the company has 3 effective models in its arsenal:

  • high waist briefs;
  • leggings for those who want to visually reduce the volume of the hips and legs;
  • slimming dress.

Shapewear Hotex

The Bayer company, which manufactures, uses special fibers impregnated with special compounds to create its products. Such underwear is intended not only for instant correction of the figure, but also for sports activities, for wearing by older people whose body is in a weakened tone.

The bumps, which are created by a special weaving of fibers, form a warming and massage effect. Due to this, the skin acquires elasticity, becomes more toned, the "orange peel" disappears.

An important role is played by the impregnation of the material, which is exclusively natural substances.

  1. Underwear marked Capsicum indicates the presence of red pepper in the composition of the material, which, by warming, enhances metabolic processes in the skin, due to which the adipose tissue is split. People with very sensitive skin should not wear this underwear.
  2. Squalene is a marine fish liver supplement. Linen with such impregnation relieves fatigue, swelling from problem areas, saturates tissues with oxygen. As a result, skin tone improves.
  3. Camomile extract is a common chamomile that can be bought at any pharmacy. However, such impregnation has an effective effect. Chamomile soothes the skin and regenerates tissues, which makes underwear marked Camomile extract indispensable for recovery after sports and for healing damaged skin areas.

Shapewear Burlesco

Burlesko shapewear is made in China. It is distinguished by the high quality of materials and tailoring, as appropriate control is carried out at all levels - from the purchase of raw materials to finished goods - with the participation of the most modern laboratory equipment. According to reviews, Chinese underwear really meets all quality standards, however, it is a little "small", which should be taken into account when choosing a specific model for yourself.

  • special design with seals in problem areas;
  • underwear allows the skin to breathe;
  • with slim underwear you don't have to wear underwear;
  • shapewear does not need to be removed when visiting the restroom;
  • linen is imperceptible under clothes;
  • does not leave marks on the body after wearing.

Beautiful curves, toned and appetizing proportions are the dream of many women. To hide sagging skin, stretch marks and extra centimeters will help underwear with a slimming effect, which can mask even significant flaws and give the figure an attractive outline. The elastic forms acquired thanks to this underwear will look great in any, even the lightest clothing.

>Models provided in our store help to achieve maximum modeling effect. Strongly slimming is made of elastic, but dense fabrics, which allows you to significantly reduce the volume in the "right" places and provide women with the proper comfort when wearing, lack of stiffness in movements. The edges of the products from this model line are treated with silicone impregnation, so that the underwear looks as natural as possible, does not slip or roll.

Figure modeling was popular during ancient Greece. Even then, women successfully used slimming corsets, which helped to emphasize the waist line and make the posture graceful.

All models are developed taking into account problem areas that appear as a result of weight gain. Therefore, you should choose super slimming underwear, starting from the features of the figure:

  • to correct the shape of the buttocks and reduce the volume of the hips, it is recommended to wear special pantaloons, capris, leggings or underpants;
  • you can visually narrow the waist with the help of belts, T-shirts and corsets;
  • strongly tightening underwear with hard inserts, special bones and a push-up effect will help to lift and round the chest.

To give the silhouette of femininity and sophistication, to correct posture will help strongly slimming corrective underwear, which you can buy in ours. We offer products of popular and trusted brands (Rago, Maidenform, Silkway, Scala). By purchasing from us, you are guaranteed to receive a genuine product with the best characteristics. Delivery of highly slimming corrective underwear is possible in all settlements of Russia.