Basal temperature calendar during pregnancy. Whether to believe this method. Normal basal temperature chart during pregnancy

Basal temperature during pregnancy and planning

The basal body temperature (BT) method is one of the ways to track fertile days, which are considered the most favorable for conception. Many women, when planning a pregnancy, use it with success. It is also interesting in that it can determine the presence of ovulation, or its absence, evaluate the work of the ovaries, suggest a possible pregnancy a few days after ovulation, and also follow its development for the first 12-14 weeks.

Basal temperature is the temperature that is measured with a thermometer orally, vaginally, or, most often, rectally (in the rectum) at rest after a night's sleep. During the menstrual cycle, body temperature under the influence of certain hormones changes.

In the first phase of the cycle (follicular), from the end of menstruation to the onset of ovulation, estrogen hormones dominate in the body. During this period, the maturation of the egg occurs. The average indicators of the basal temperature of the first phase are in the range of 36 - 36.5C. And its duration depends on the time of maturation of the egg. For some, it can ripen for 10 days, while for others it can take all 20.

The day before ovulation, the value of BBT for one day decreases by 0.2-0.3C. And during ovulation itself, when a mature egg is released from the follicle, and a large amount of the hormone progesterone enters the body, BT should jump by 0.4-0.6 C in one or two days, reach 37.0-37.2 C and stay within these limits throughout the luteal phase.

During the period of ovulation, the dominant role of hormones changes (estrogens give way to the leading role of progesterone). The most successful period for conception is considered to be 3-4 days before the onset of ovulation (sperm viability time) and 12-24 hours after ovulation. If during this period the egg does not merge with the sperm, it dies.

The second, luteal phase, takes place under the influence of the hormone progesterone. It is produced by the corpus luteum, which appears at the site of the burst follicle. The luteal phase lasts from 12 to 16 days. BBT throughout the entire phase stays above 37.0 C, and if pregnancy does not occur, a day or two before the onset of menstruation, it decreases by 0.2-0.3 C. During menstruation, an unfertilized egg is expelled from the body along with an unnecessary layer of the endometrium already in this cycle.

It is believed that normally the difference between the averages of the two phases of the menstrual cycle should be at least 0.4C.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

According to the rules, basal temperature is measured in the morning, at the same time (a deviation of 20-30 minutes is allowed), without getting out of bed, avoiding sudden movements. Therefore, prepare a thermometer - shake it off and put it near the bed, it is necessary in the evening.

If you have chosen any method of measuring basal temperature, for example, rectal, it must be followed for the entire cycle. The thermometer is held for 5-7 minutes. It is better to start measuring the temperature from the sixth day after the first day of menstruation.

Data can be written on a piece of paper, and then, connecting the dots together, get a graph. Or keep charts on the Internet. For this, there are special programs that are convenient to use. The most difficult thing to do is to correctly measure BBT and enter the indicators into a spreadsheet. Further, the program itself will calculate the time when ovulation occurred (if it was), draw a graph, and calculate the temperature difference between the two phases.

If you had to get out of bed at night, BT should be measured after 5-6 hours. Otherwise, the indicators will be uninformative and you can ignore them on this day. It is also worth noting the days when you got sick and your body temperature was increased.

It would be much easier if you could measure simple body temperature rather than basal. The difficulty lies in the fact that the temperature of the body during the day can change from stress, cold, heat, physical exertion, etc. Therefore, it is very difficult to catch the period when the body temperature would be informative. Therefore, it was decided to measure the basal temperature - after 5-6 hours of sleep at rest.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

As mentioned above, the most favorable period for conception is a few days before and one day after ovulation. If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum will produce progesterone up to 12-14 weeks. The basal temperature all this time will stay above 37C, it will not fall before the days of menstruation.

Some women stop measuring BBT when they become pregnant. It is not recommended to do this, because. BT during this period is very informative and allows you to control pregnancy.

With the onset of pregnancy, BT stays above 37C, the allowable deviation is 0.1-0.3C. If in the first 12-14 weeks the BBT values ​​fall below normal for several days in a row, it is likely that the embryo is at risk. Possibly progesterone deficiency. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for appropriate measures. It will not be superfluous to be examined on an ultrasound machine.

If BT has risen above 38C, this also does not bode well. It may indicate the presence of infections in the body of a woman or the onset of inflammatory processes. Based on a single decrease or increase in BT, conclusions should not be drawn, because. perhaps errors were made when measuring it, or extraneous factors influenced the value - stress, general condition of the body, etc.

After 12-14 weeks, it is already possible not to measure the basal temperature, because. the indicators are not informative, because by this time the hormonal background of the pregnant woman is changing. The mature placenta begins to produce progesterone, and the corpus luteum fades into the background.

If you write down your basal temperature readings on paper, or keep a chart on the Internet, you can pay attention to certain signs that signal that you are pregnant:

- 5-10 days (usually 7) after ovulation, BBT decreases by 0.3-0.5C for one day. There is, as they say, implantation retraction. At this time, the embryo for the first time tries to penetrate into the endometrium of the uterus, i.e. find a place and settle down. Often during this period, women notice minor bleeding within 1-2 days, it is called implantation bleeding. Sometimes it looks more like a cream or light brown daub;

- the temperature of the second phase tends to a mark above 37C;

- before the expected critical days, the basal temperature does not fall, but still rises by 0.2-0.3C, this is highlighted on the chart as the third phase;

- critical days have not come on time, BT continues to stay at a high level for more than 16 days after ovulation. You can do the first test and see the result. It is likely that he will show two stripes.

Do not be upset if your schedule does not look like a classic pregnant one. There are charts according to which it is impossible to determine the signs of pregnancy, but nevertheless it has come.

High or low basal body temperature

The ideal BT chart should look like a flying bird with outstretched wings. The temperature difference between the two parts should be at least 0.4 C. Sometimes there are deviations from the ideal, which may indicate certain problems in the woman's body.

If the readings of the second phase of the cycle are normal, and the values ​​of the first phase are above normal, this indicates estrogen deficiency. And if it is significantly below the norm, then on the contrary, about an excess of estrogen. What is one of the causes of infertility. Only in the first case, this indicates a thin endometrium, and in the second, the existence of follicular cysts.

If the indicators of the first phase are normal, and the values ​​​​of the second phase are below normal, this indicates a lack of progesterone (pregnancy hormone). In this case, pregnancy can occur, but not be retained. Therefore, to correct the situation, drugs containing progesterone are prescribed, which should be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

If both phases of the cycle are above or below the norm, but the difference between the average temperatures remains at least 0.4 ° C, in this case there are no pathologies and deviations in health. This is how the individual peculiarity of the organism is manifested.

Although the method of measuring BBT is simple and affordable for determining pregnancy or diagnosing health, it should not be the only factor for diagnosis. Therefore, it must be combined with other methods. For example, to determine ovulation, you can additionally use test strips or ultrasound monitoring, to confirm pregnancy - donating blood for hCG or a test, and to diagnose health problems, take into account laboratory data.

Charting a basal temperature is one of the methods for assessing the work of the reproductive system, which is available to almost every woman.

Maintaining a schedule and deciphering it requires compliance with certain rules and subtleties, otherwise there is a high probability of obtaining distorted results.

Keeping a graph of basal temperature allows you to determine the correct functioning of the female ovaries and identify a number of problems that affect the ability to conceive a child.

The chart can be used to determine:

  • egg maturation time;
  • in a particular cycle or its absence;
  • favorable and unfavorable days for conception;
  • the presence of hormonal problems;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • the reason for the delay of the next menstruation.

The measurement results will be informative only if the graphs were kept for at least three menstrual cycles.

Some gynecologists observe for at least six months to make an accurate diagnosis. For a correct interpretation it is necessary. Otherwise, the graph data will not be representative.

Building a BT schedule during pregnancy

The method of basal temperature charting is becoming more common due to its availability. All you need is a thermometer, a checkered notebook and a pencil.

Basal temperature is measured in the anus daily, immediately after waking up. The obtained value is entered into the table and marked on the graph.

The graph reflects the daily results of measurements during the menstrual cycle (not a month). A normal cycle is 21 to 35 days. The beginning of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation (and not its completion, as some people think).

Each menstrual cycle should have its own basal temperature curve.

On the vertical axis of the graph, degrees are marked (1 cell = 0.1 ° C), on the horizontal axis - the days of the cycle and the date corresponding to this day. The obtained temperature value is marked on the graph with the corresponding point, after which the neighboring points are connected to each other. Thus, a curve of basal temperature changes during the cycle is built.

Factors that may affect the reliability of the measurement should be noted against the corresponding day of the cycle.

These include ailments, alcohol intake, sex shortly before measurement, insomnia, stress, moving. Unusual temperature jumps caused by these factors can be eliminated from the curve.

Deciphering the different types of graphs with examples: high, low and normal temperature

The graph reflects the dependence of basal temperature on the phases of the menstrual cycle. In the first phase, which is called the follicular, the maturation of several follicles occurs. This period passes under the influence of estrogen, the temperature value varies between 36.4-36.8 ° C.

The first phase takes about half of the cycle. At this time, one of the several follicles remains, the maturation of the egg occurs in it.

Then the follicle bursts and the egg is released from the ovary, that is, ovulation occurs.

Before ovulation, basal temperature drops to its minimum.

The second phase of the cycle begins, in which a corpus luteum appears in place of the bursting follicle. Its cells synthesize a hormone, under the influence of which there is a jump in basal temperature by 0.4-0.8 ° C. This phase is called the luteal phase.

If conception does not occur during the cycle, the level of progesterone drops, and the basal temperature decreases slightly 2-3 days before the upcoming menstruation.

Normal biphasic schedule

The graph of basal temperature in a healthy woman has clearly demarcated phases of the menstrual cycle: follicular with a low basal temperature and luteal, which is distinguished by an increase in temperature. Before ovulation and the onset of menstruation, there is a drop in temperature.

The graph is divided into phases by the ovulation line. The follicular phase is a curve segment from the first day of the cycle to ovulation, the luteal phase is from ovulation to the end of the cycle. The duration of the first phase of the cycle is an individual feature of each woman and there are no clear requirements for it. The second phase should normally last 12-16 days.

If for several months of observation the length of the luteal phase does not fit into this range, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. This may indicate the insufficiency of the second phase.

In a healthy woman, the duration of each phase should not vary significantly with different menstrual cycles.

Normally, the average temperature difference between cycle phases should be 0.4 °C or more.

To determine it, it is necessary to add up all the values ​​​​of the basal temperature in the first phase and divide by the number of days of the phase. Similarly, the average value of the basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle is calculated.

Then the first one is subtracted from the second received indicator; the result obtained characterizes the difference in average temperatures. If it is below 0.4 ° C, this may be a sign of the presence of a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Basal body temperature chart at conception

If conception occurred in the menstrual cycle, then the basal temperature in the second phase behaves somewhat differently. It is known that after ovulation, BBT normally stays above 37 ° C. However, in a cycle when pregnancy occurs 7-10 days after ovulation, the temperature drops below 37 ° C. There is a so-called implantation retraction.

estrogen deficiency

In the case of estrogen deficiency, there is no division of the cycle into clear phases on the graph, since low estrogen levels provoke an increase in temperature in the follicular phase of the cycle. The curve is chaotic, it is impossible to determine the date of ovulation.

Conception in this case is unlikely, it is necessary to seek the advice of a gynecologist. If estrogen deficiency is confirmed after additional examinations, the patient will be prescribed hormonal treatment.

Anovulatory cycle

In the absence of ovulation, the graph looks like a monotonic curve without division into phases. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature remains low and does not exceed 37 ° C. In such a cycle, the formation that synthesizes progesterone does not occur, so the basal temperature does not increase in the second half of the cycle.

A couple of anovulatory cycles per year is a variant of the norm, but if the situation repeats for several months in a row, you should consult a doctor. Pregnancy without ovulation is impossible, so you need to find the root of the problem together with a gynecologist.

The average temperature difference between cycle phases is 0.2-0.3 °C. If such graphs are built for several cycles in a row, this may be a sign of infertility due to hormonal disorders.

If the corpus luteum does not function effectively and does not produce the required amount of progesterone, the temperature in the second phase of the cycle rises slightly. At the same time, the duration of the second phase is reduced to 10 days and there is no drop in basal temperature before the onset of menstruation.

In case of insufficiency of the corpus luteum, fertilization of the egg is possible, but the risk of its rejection in the same cycle is high.

To confirm the diagnosis, a woman needs to take a blood test for progesterone.

The diagnosed insufficiency of the corpus luteum is corrected by taking artificial analogues of progesterone ("" or "") in the luteal phase of the cycle.

Prolactin is the hormone responsible for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Normally, in a non-pregnant woman, it is absent or its level is extremely low.

If for certain reasons it rises, the basal temperature graph becomes identical. In this case, there may be a lack of menstruation.

Inflammation of the appendages

The presence of an inflammatory process can be suspected by a jump in temperature in the first segment of the graph. There is a high basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle.

It rises sharply to 37 ° C and drops sharply after a few days. Such a jump can be mistaken for an ovulatory rise in temperature, so it can be difficult to determine the onset of ovulation with this type of schedule.


Normally, with the advent of critical days, the basal temperature should decrease. With endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa), there is a drop in temperature before the onset of menstruation and its rise to 37 ° C in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Keeping charts of basal temperature is an affordable and safe method for determining favorable and unfavorable days for conception. But due to its high sensitivity, it requires a responsible and competent approach, otherwise keeping a schedule loses its practical meaning.

Even if the graph is plotted correctly, it must be remembered that the final diagnosis is never made only on the basis of the analysis of the curve data. Any diagnosis must be confirmed by tests and additional studies.

More and more women are approaching more consciously to the conception and birth of a child. There is less and less infantilism in relation to the family, and children appear in families that are really ready for this.

Medicine has stepped far forward: now you can learn about most of the pathologies even in the early stages of pregnancy and predict many undesirable consequences. Example - couples with problems in conception are offered IVF procedure. In general, the process of pregnancy and birth, if desired, is controlled as much as possible by medical staff. The birth of a healthy and strong baby, subject to the recommendations of doctors, is a normal trend in modern society.

So, after deciding to get pregnant, many women visit various specialists, checking their health and the health of the future father. If the result is positive, then it is worth tracking the fertile days of direct conception. And there are many options here.

With a stable menstrual cycle, it is enough to simply know the days of ovulation. But due to many features of the body, life stresses, menstruation comes irregularly. This greatly complicates conception., turning it into a tape measure.

In a pharmacy, you can buy an ovulation test - according to the principle of operation, it is similar to a regular pregnancy test. But again, without knowing the exact date, several tests may be required - and this is very expensive. And you can also determine the right days by donating blood. This method is quite effective, but not suitable for everyone.

One of the most accurate methods for determining ovulation is the measurement method. As an example, it allows you to determine not only fertile days, but also the presence or absence of ovulation, evaluate the work of the ovaries, find out about a future pregnancy, and track it up to twelve to fourteen weeks. Bt schedule for a pregnant woman in the early stages is the most convenient means of monitoring the development of the embryo.

Basal body temperature is temperature, measured rectally with a thermometer, orally or vaginally at rest after a night's sleep. The temperature tends to change during the menstrual cycle. Using the graph of this temperature, you can analyze the state of the body and the readiness to bear a child.

The principle of temperature graph measurement is based on two phases:

  • follicular;
  • luteal.

In the first phase, from the end of menstruation to the beginning of ovulation, an egg matures in the body. The temperature at this time is in the range of 36-36.5 degrees, its duration is directly related to the maturation of the egg. For someone, this process can take ten days, for someone twenty - for each woman, the terms are strictly individual. The day before ovulation, the basal temperature drops by a few tenths of a degree. On the day of the release of the egg, its direct maturation, there is a jump to 37-37.2 degrees. This is due to the release of the hormone progesterone. The basal temperature does not subside throughout the luteal phase, and estrogens are smoothly replaced by progesterone.

The best time to conceive should be considered third - fourth day before ovulation and days after ovulation. At this time, the life cycles of the cells of a man and a woman are most successfully formed: the spermatozoa still remain viable, and the egg is ready to merge with them. If there is no merging at this time - the egg dies. Accordingly, one more menstrual cycle is required for a new attempt at conception.

The second phase, as mentioned earlier, is marked by the replacement of estrogen with progesterone. Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum, it replaces the burst follicle from which the egg came out. The corpus luteum is made up of luteal pigment and lipids and is the one that produces progesterone before the placenta matures during pregnancy. Progesterone helps the uterus to accept the emerging embryo.

The luteal phase passes within sixteen to twelve days and the normal basal temperature does not fall below 37 degrees. If pregnancy does not occur, then a day or two before the onset of menstruation, the temperature drops by two to three tenths of a degree. Next, the unfertilized egg is released with a layer of endometrium.

Luteal phase disorder often indicates about female infertility. Mostly, the causes of violations and lack of pregnancy are stress and inflammation in the uterus.

The optimal difference between the phases is considered to be from four to five tenths of a degree.

Correct measurement

It is necessary to measure the basal temperature correctly in the morning after sleep at the same time. You can’t make sudden movements, so it’s better to prepare the thermometer in advance, wash it, knocking down the degrees and leaving it next to the bed. Having chosen a certain method of measurement, it should be followed for the entire duration of pregnancy. If you change the pregnant method, the basal temperature chart data may be incorrect. Five to seven minutes is enough for a daily measurement. The best data will be if you start measuring the temperature on the sixth day after the start of menstruation.

The bt chart can be kept on paper, but it is much more convenient to keep it on the Internet. There are many programs with which it is enough to simply find out about the favorable time for conception. In women's communities, you can easily find a link to the desired application. Further difficulties lie only in the correct measurement of temperature. Transfer the numbers to the bt schedule and keep it throughout the entire cycle - the program itself will give out the time of ovulation and calculate average temperature between phases.

It is not necessary to take into account in the BT schedule the days when the temperature is elevated due to illness or other factors. If you had to get out of bed at night, basal temperature should be measured no earlier than five to six hours later. Otherwise, the schedule will be obviously incorrect.

It is much easier to measure your regular body temperature than your basal temperature. But it is important to remember that bt can change depending on cold, heat, stress and other factors. And accordingly, the resulting figures will not be correct. Basal temperature should be measured only after a long sleep, at rest. Pre need to wash the thermometer.

Bt during pregnancy, her schedule

If, during the measurement of basal temperature, it suddenly turned out that the conception had taken place, in no case should you stop keeping the schedule of the pregnant woman. Right now it is very important to control the correct course of development of the embryo A.

At this time, it keeps at around 37 degrees, the permissible deviation ranges from one tenth to three tenths. If the temperature drops for several days, then the unborn child is at risk. It comes from insufficient production of progesterone. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor and be examined on an ultrasound machine.

Fever is also not a good thing, most likely, the expectant mother has some kind of inflammation. However, a one-time increase or decrease in basal temperature should not be considered critical, this value can be obtained erroneously or due to stress.

After three months of pregnancy, basal temperature no longer carries an informative load. By this time, the pregnant woman's body has almost completely changed and the corpus luteum transfers the production of progesterone to the placenta. Therefore, pregnant women do not need to maintain a BT schedule.

When filling out a pregnant schedule, there are several intervals by which one can judge the course of conception:

  • A week after ovulation, the temperature drops by an average of half a degree: at this time, the embryo first tries to gain a foothold in the endometrium. The expectant mother may observe slight bleeding at this time;
  • The entire luteal phase passes with a bt mark above 37 degrees;
  • Before the date of menstruation, the temperature adds another three tenths of a degree, thus, it is possible to identify the third phase of pregnancy;
  • After the expected date of the arrival of menstruation, the basal temperature lasts up to 16 days. Until this period, it is worth continuing to measure and after the expiration, you can do a control pregnancy test. There is a high chance that the test will be positive. “My bt schedule has moved into the third phase!” A woman may be preparing to become a mother.

Increased and decreased bt

Pregnant schedules with a smooth increase from phase to phase are considered ideal. Perceptible dips and irregularities indicate a malfunction in the female body. Therefore, you need to contact a specialist for a health check. The most important indicator is the difference between the phases of at least four tenths of a degree. As long as this fact is observed, there is no need to worry.

In summary, basal temperature charting is an example of effective conception control. In addition to the accuracy of the data, the bt method is good about lack of medical intervention. After all, every woman wants to eventually tell her husband: “Hooray, my schedule is pregnant, it showed that I am pregnant!”

Attention, only TODAY!

Basal body temperature (BT)- the lowest temperature reached after a long rest. This indicator is recommended to be measured by all women planning a pregnancy, since it is a method for calculating favorable days for trying to conceive a baby.

Basal temperature during pregnancy helps to monitor the course of the childbearing period. Its changes can indirectly judge complications - ectopic implantation of an embryo or a miscarriage that has begun. Also, the basal temperature helps to diagnose the onset of pregnancy before the delay.

Basal temperature before pregnancy

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. Approximately 12-14 days from the beginning of the last menstruation, ovulation occurs - the release of the female germ cell from the ovary. From this moment, within 3 days, conception becomes possible. With a shorter cycle, it can be observed on days 8-12. With a long cycle, the exit of the germ cell occurs on the 16-18th day, sometimes even later. Some women experience 2 or more ovulations between two periods.

To determine ovulation, you can use or special tests. However, the first method may have low reliability, since in all women the days favorable for fertilization correspond to different days of the cycle. Using an ovulation test is quite accurate, but quite expensive.

BBT measurement is a free and effective way to calculate ovulation. From the beginning of the cycle, the indicator is 36.5-36.8 degrees. BT depends on the activity of progesterone - the more it is in the blood, the higher the rate. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the amount of the hormone is minimal. The low temperature supports the process of maturation of the female germ cell in the ovary.

A day before the release of the female germ cell from the ovary, BT can drop sharply by several tenths of a degree, the next day it rises to 37.1-37.3. With ovulation, a new organ appears - the corpus luteum, which synthesizes progesterone. It is the increase in the amount of the hormone that raises BT to the named values.

By calculating BBT, a woman can prevent pregnancy. However, this method of protection is not highly effective, since spermatozoa retain their fertilizing capacity for 7 days after intercourse. For reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy, the calculation of BT should be combined with other methods of protection.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy?

Basal temperature before delay

Measurement of basal temperature to determine pregnancy is one of the methods for calculating the onset of conception. However, its reliability depends entirely on how correctly the procedure was carried out. If all conditions are met, the measurement of basal temperature will report pregnancy before the delay of menstruation.

In the absence of pregnancy, the corpus luteum synthesizes progesterone for 7-10 days, then it dies off, and the amount of the hormone gradually decreases. Therefore, some time after ovulation, the basal temperature becomes several tenths of a degree lower, amounting to about 36.9-37.0 degrees Celsius. After the onset of menstrual bleeding, these numbers again take values ​​of about 36.7 degrees Celsius.

If pregnancy has occurred, the corpus luteum does not die, but continues to synthesize progesterone, which supports gestation. BT in this case does not fall, and sometimes even becomes higher by one tenth of a degree, amounting to 37.1-37.4.

By measuring BT, one can judge the success of IVF. During in vitro fertilization, a woman is stimulated by progesterone, which increases the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the indicator above 37.1 degrees. With a successful course of the procedure, BT will be in the range characteristic of physiological pregnancy.

The basal temperature in early pregnancy is 37.1-37.4 and can serve as a method for determining the onset of conception and monitoring the process of bearing a child.

Basal body temperature after delay

The onset of the delay corresponds to the 5th week of pregnancy. When the expectant mother does not have an hCG test at hand, she can use the method for determining BT. If its figures are 37.1-37.4 degrees, with a high probability one should judge the onset of conception. When BBT is less than 37.0-36.9, pregnancy is unlikely.

Progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining BT, continues to be actively synthesized by the corpus luteum in the 1st trimester. Therefore, its normal values ​​​​up to 11-12 weeks of gestational age exceed 37.0 degrees.

As the second trimester begins, the corpus luteum begins to gradually decrease in size and produces less progesterone. That is why BT, which is 36.8-36.9 degrees at 16-18 weeks of gestation, is a variant of the norm. From the middle of the 2nd trimester, the corpus luteum does not function, which reduces the amount of the hormone, so the measurement of the indicator has no predictive value from the 20th week.

Table of BT values ​​in the absence of pregnancy

cycle day

day 7 - ovulation

Ovulation - 3 days after ovulation

4th day after ovulation - 2-4 days before menstruation

2-4 days before menstruation - 1 day of a new menstrual cycle

Table of BT values ​​during pregnancy

cycle day

7th day - ovulation

fertilization day

Fertilization day - 4th day after fertilization

Implantation (7th day after conception)

8-10 days after conception

11 days after conception - the end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy

End of first trimester - middle of second trimester

Mid-second trimester - childbirth

Rules for measuring basal temperature

Basal temperature in pregnant women can serve as a reliable sign of its normal course only if it is measured correctly. Failure to comply with the rules described below may cause inconsistencies with real numbers and unreasonable worries for the expectant mother. For the correct measurement of basal temperature, you should:
  • spend it after waking up, without making movements in bed;
  • measurements should be taken at about the same time every day;
  • the duration of sleep before measurement should be more than 6 hours;
  • the thermometer must be inserted into the anus by 20 millimeters;
  • the duration of the measurement must be at least 4 minutes.
The slightest physical activity, sexual intercourse at night before the measurement can cause an increase in blood circulation in the small pelvis, due to which the thermometer will show overestimated values. Also some drugs and infectious diseases provoke an increase in basal temperature. In the evening, there is a physiological rise in the indicator, so even after a long day's sleep, the figures obtained will not correspond to reality.

To track ovulation and monitor the course of pregnancy, a woman can keep a graph of basal temperature. The expectant mother should take a large piece of paper lined in a cage and draw two lines perpendicular to each other.

On the vertical line of the future mother, it is proposed to mark the temperature with an interval of one tenth of a degree, starting from 36.0 and ending with 38.0. Horizontally, a woman needs to arrange the days of the menstrual cycle, starting from the very first.

Next, the woman should note the daily measurements of basal temperature, putting a dot at the intersection of the day of the menstrual cycle and the value obtained. Then the expectant mother needs to connect the dots, thanks to which she will receive a line graph. For a more thorough control of the woman it is recommended to sign the symptoms that could provoke an increase in basal temperature- stress, infectious disease, diarrhea, sexual intercourse, etc.

When pregnancy occurs, an implantation drop can be observed on the chart on the 21st day of the cycle (with a menstrual cycle length of 28 days). From 21 to 24 days there will be a slight rise. From the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature will take on a linear form, slight fluctuations of one to two tenths of a degree are possible.

Reasons for a decrease or increase

1. Endometritis.

With this disease, before menstruation, there is a slight drop in basal temperature, as it should be normal. However, on the 3rd-4th day of the cycle, the indicator is more than 37.0 degrees (normally, it should decrease by about 36.5 degrees).

2. Inflammatory process.

Most often, a strong increase in basal temperature above 37.4 degrees indicates an infection. Inflammation can occur in any organ, however, pathologies of the reproductive system (, chlamydia, etc.) have the greatest impact on the indicator.

3. Ectopic pregnancy.

Not always this pathology can be detected by measuring basal temperature. But sometimes, due to the addition of the inflammatory process, there is a rise in the indicator above 37.4 degrees. Up to this point, the basal temperature is normal, since the corpus luteum produces progesterone as in normal pregnancy.

4. The threat of interruption.

Pregnancy with a low basal body temperature of less than 37.0 degrees may indicate progesterone deficiency. With poor functioning of the corpus luteum, there is a constant threat. This condition is often accompanied by pulling or cramping pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, sometimes bleeding is added to them.

5. Frozen pregnancy.

Due to the presence of chromosomal abnormalities or the action of other adverse factors, the embryo may die and not leave the uterine cavity. The basal temperature during a missed pregnancy will be below 37.0-36.9 degrees, since the corpus luteum stops synthesizing progesterone. Usually, intrauterine death is accompanied by other symptoms: a sharp disappearance of toxicosis, a decrease in the mammary glands.

With the help of measuring basal temperature, you can plan favorable days before conception, find out about pregnancy before a delay and control the course of the first trimester. However, this method is not 100% reliable, since there are many factors that affect the correctness of the results.

For the reliability of the results of BT the expectant mother must strictly follow all the rules of measurement. She should remember that even a banal cold or increased physical activity on the eve of calculations can provoke incorrect indicators. Also, the use of low-quality thermometers leads to unreliable results.

The basal temperature in a particular expectant mother may not fit into the above-mentioned norms. In this case, a woman should observe the dynamics of changes in indicators. If during ovulation the basal temperature did not reach 36.5 degrees, it is likely that after conception it will not exceed 37.0. Such results are rare, but they do not indicate complications.

All women are advised to monitor the basal temperature to detect its sharp jump in one direction or another. Any violations in the basal temperature chart do not always indicate the development of pathology. But with a sharp drop or increase in the indicators of the expectant mother, it is recommended to consult a doctor for additional research. Sometimes regular measurements of basal temperature help to diagnose complications such as an ectopic or miscarriage in time.

Even 15 years ago, the measurement of BBT was considered one of the main diagnostic methods for assessing women's reproductive health. After all, the basal temperature of a non-pregnant woman is fundamentally different from the BT of a girl "in position". A "healthy" temperature graph is not at all the same as that of a girl with problems "in the female part."

Now this method has given way to other, more modern and accurate diagnostic methods. Gynecologists prefer to prescribe ultrasound and hormone tests to patients. However, the BT method can still tell a lot both to the girl herself and to her doctor.

  • unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child over a long period of time;
  • suspicion of hormonal imbalance and changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • probable infertility of one of the partners;
  • calculation using the schedule of the most favorable days for conception, when ovulation occurs (the release of an egg ready for fertilization from a mature follicle);
  • control over the processes occurring in the body of a woman;
  • diagnosis of anovulatory cycles.

BT is measured in the morning, after a good night's rest (when healthy sleep lasted at least 6-7 hours), in a state of complete rest and without getting out of bed. As a rule, the most accurate results can be obtained by measuring the basal temperature with a conventional mercury thermometer in the rectal passage, but experts also do not deny the information content of measurements obtained by measuring indicators in the oral cavity or vagina.

Based on the results of which a special schedule is drawn up. A competent assessment of the basal temperature chart can only be given by a qualified specialist. However, the girl herself can understand a lot.

Cycle phases on the chart

The normal monthly cycle of a woman who is not pregnant consists of two main periods: the follicular and luteal phases. In the first phase of the cycle, which begins with the onset of menstruation, estrogen hormones are actively synthesized in the woman's body, which positively affect the maturation of the egg and the proliferation of the endothelium of the uterus. This period is characterized by consistently low BBT values ​​on the charts, therefore it is called hypothermic.

Approximately in the middle of the monthly cycle, the egg matures in the follicle. Her exit from the ovary or ovulation is accompanied by a change in the hormonal background of a woman, after which progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy, normally begins to be produced. This biologically active substance, affecting the centers of thermoregulation in the brain, provokes an increase in temperature indicators by about 0.4-0.6 degrees. If fertilization does not occur, progesterone levels begin to decline, menstruation begins, and the body again enters the follicular phase of the cycle.

Temperature norm

The basal temperature in the absence of pregnancy has its own characteristics, which are clearly visible on correctly drawn up charts of the period without conception. The norm is when in the first phase the temperature ranges from 36.3 to 36.6, and in the second it rises by about 0.4-0.6 and is already 36.9-37.1 degrees and above.

So, what should be the basal temperature in non-pregnant women? The non-pregnant basal temperature chart is characterized by the following features:

  • decrease in BT with the onset of menstruation to the level of 36.3-36.5;
  • stable level of basal temperature throughout the follicular phase;
  • rise in BBT indicators about two weeks before the expected menstruation;
  • the presence of ovulation retraction or a decrease in the level of basal temperature by 0.1 before the release of the sexual gamete from the ovary;
  • increase in indicators during ovulation to 36.9-37.1;
  • the temperature difference between the two phases should not exceed 0.4-0.5;
  • a decrease in the temperature level to 36.7-36.8 one or two days before the onset of menstruation.

Naturally, the graph of basal temperature in the absence of pregnancy differs in many ways from the curves obtained as a result of measuring BBT in women who are already carrying a baby.

The main feature of the graphs without pregnancy is a decrease in the temperature level in the last few days of the cycle, that is, a decrease in progesterone activity. In addition, the basal temperature, if there is no pregnancy (unlike the indicators of women expecting a baby), has a two-level view, sinking in the middle of the cycle and a gradual rise in the temperature curve in its second period.

Deviations from the norm

Every woman normally has monthly cycles about twice a year without the release of a mature egg, which are called anovulatory. On such charts, the line is constantly at the same level, without sinking and sharp rises. Anovulatory cycles are characterized by the following features:

  • the absence of a drop in basal temperature in the middle of the cycle on the charts. The situation when is a confirmation of the absence of ovulation;
  • in the second phase, no increase in temperature is recorded, since a pregnancy that synthesizes progesterone is not formed.

Graphs of basal temperature will allow you to suspect some diseases of the female genital area. Temperature jumps above 37.0 in the first phase of the cycle indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the ovaries or uterus. And with a lack of hormones, its relative increase in the first period of the cycle and a decrease in the second will be recorded.

However, it is important to remember that any deviations from the norm on the chart are just an excuse to contact a specialist. In itself, temperature measurement is only an auxiliary, and not the main method of diagnosis. Perhaps your fears are completely unfounded. Much more reliable are laboratory tests, ultrasound and other studies that your doctor will prescribe.