Fionite stone has magical properties. Cubic Zirconia is a synthetic stone that imitates the most expensive minerals. Unusual myths associated with cubic zirconia

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="zirconia stone" width="250" height="232">!} Fianite is a stone that was given to people not by nature, but by science. The purity of the crystal, the bizarre play of light on flawless edges, amazing brilliance and other characteristic features can compete with the beauty of the king of gems - a diamond. Which, in fact, is what happens when it comes to luxury jewelry.

Test tube stone: history and features of obtaining

Perhaps, few natural minerals have an exact date of appearance. But the phianite has it. The year of his birth is considered to be 1968, when a group of Soviet scientists managed to grow unique crystals for the first time. Moreover, talented physicists did not think at all about the aesthetic properties, and even more so about the great jewelry future of the gem.

Their task was to obtain transparent stones, namely artificial diamonds, for use in laser machines. Therefore, the stone had to have sufficient density, refractoriness, high strength, the ability to refract light and resistance to chemical attack. Cubic zirconia has all these invaluable properties, and not every natural mineral possesses them.

You can tell a lot of interesting things about the unique phianite stone. For example, the name of the crystal was given in honor of the scientific center where it was first synthesized: the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences. The abbreviation FIAN is the basis of the name of the gem, common among Russian and Eastern European specialists.

In the West, an artificial diamond is sometimes called dzhevalite, daimonsquay, shelby, but the name zirconite is more common, which introduces some confusion, especially when translating. Because in nature there is a yellow-brown mineral zircon, which has nothing to do with cubic zirconia.

But the chemical element zirconium is directly related to the production of artificial diamonds. In terms of its composition, cubic zirconia is cultivated in laboratory conditions.

Taste and color: a variety of jewelry cubic zirkonia

Due to its similarity to diamonds, in terms of beauty and gemological properties, the stone quickly occupied its unshakable niche in the jewelry market. Experts from various fields quickly appreciated what cubic zirconia is as a commercial product, as well as the prospects for the use of an artificial crystal. The famous and loved by many Swarovski crystals are nothing more than cubic zirconias, grown and cut by a special method, which is the secret of the company.

Thanks to modern technologies, today it is possible to cultivate gems of a wide variety of colors. Colored crystals successfully imitate noble minerals of the highest categories. Therefore, many jewelry lovers have the false impression that cubic zirconia is a precious natural stone.

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To achieve the similarity of an artificial diamond with expensive natural gems, oxides of various metals are used in their creation. And here chemical science works wonders, because extraordinary, wonderfully beautiful stones are born:

  • The addition of copper gives a fantastic yellow color.
  • Titanium inclusions give the crystal a golden brown color.
  • Chromium causes green crystals to grow.
  • Erbium gives the stone a rare purple or pink color.

This is far from the limit: scientists have managed to cultivate a gem in lavender tones. It has no analogue in natural conditions. But in general, modern technologies make it possible to obtain crystals of 20 shades.

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Blue stones are successfully replaced in jewelry, yellow ones imitate citrine, white, black, pink cubic zirkonia are difficult to distinguish from the mineral chalcedony. The red crystal is insidious - it can be passed off as a real ruby ​​or garnet. Similar cases are not uncommon with amethyst and topaz - they are replaced by blue cubic zirkonia.

Even a natural diamond and a complex one can suffer the same fate: they are counterfeited precisely with cubic zirkonia. Therefore, you should carefully make expensive acquisitions and have knowledge of how to distinguish a fake, because the cost of cubic zirconia is several times lower than that of expensive gems.

What cubic zirconia is capable of: magic and healing

Since this unique gem is a child of science and the fruit of the work of scientists, it is credited with the role of the patron stone of people from the scientific world, geniuses in any intellectual field. But many lithotherapists and astrologers believe this: since the crystal has a synthetic nature of origin, then the demand from it is small. And he has no interest in terms of magic. But this is a big misconception.

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Of course, an artificial crystal has not absorbed centuries of experience and wisdom, the energy of natural elements and the forces of space, like other natural minerals. But it can be compared with an empty vessel that a person fills himself with a healthy attitude, positive emotions, good feelings. Over time, the magical properties of cubic zirconia begin to manifest themselves.

From here, the glory of the boomerang stone was attached to the gem: what you sow, you will receive in return. It turns out that the power of the crystal depends entirely on the state and intentions of its first owner. Therefore, it is better not to purchase a gem from your hands. It happens that after all the stone goes as a gift from another owner. Then the magicians advise to perform a ritual of purification: immerse cubic zirkonia in spring water or carefully hold it over the fire. It is believed that the information embedded in the crystal dissolves or evaporates and the stone can be worn again.

Jpg" alt="green cubic zirconia earrings" width="150" height="192">!} The gem also does not show its healing properties immediately, but some time after regular wear. It has a positive effect on the immune system, the general tone of the body and the mood of its owner. In the zodiac meaning, the stone is not assigned to any element or any constellation. Therefore, cubic Zirconia for the signs of the Zodiac is an equivalent talisman, both in magic and in healing qualities.

Maybe the gem is really true to its creators and brings success and protection only to people from the scientific world. But one thing is clear - jewelry with this unusual artificial diamond pleases the soul of anyone and gives a positive attitude. And the key to success is precisely in this - the ability to rejoice and indulge yourself with beauty, especially since a cubic zirconia talisman is affordable for everyone.

Our editors often receive questions about what fianite actually is, and what kind of stone it is. Many believe that its synthetic origin equates it with fakes, and it has no value, but this is not so. To dispel all doubts about this crystal, we have compiled this article. Here you will find comprehensive answers to all your questions regarding cubic zirkonia.

You can not talk about cubic zirconias as cheap fakes for diamonds or other precious stones. They are also precious, have their own value and a fairly high hardness on the Mohs scale. Read more about this and many other interesting facts in this article.

We will tell you about the origin, properties and interesting facts associated with cubic zirconia, and you will also learn how to choose the right jewelry so that it matches not only your appearance, but also factors such as your zodiac sign. And of course, detailed instructions on how to distinguish real cubic zirconia from fake.

Description of the stone

Transparent crystal of synthetic origin contains zirconium dioxide. Its hardness is about 7.5 - 8 on the Mohs scale.

  • The color of the mineral can be very diverse: pink, blue, blue, black, etc. It depends entirely on the additives used in their manufacture.
  • It will depend on the color under which stone cubic zirconia can go, whether it be a sapphire or garnet, and often a diamond.
  • To do this, it is worth adding the appropriate impurity during production. For green - chromium, pink - erbium, red - neodymium, etc.
  • Cultivation of cubic zirkonia is a laborious and complex process, but it is much cheaper than the extraction of other expensive minerals such as diamond and sapphire.

The use of gems is not limited to jewelry. Fianite is widely used in the chemical industry and optics. Due to the fact that the stone is able to withstand temperatures in excess of 2500 degrees, it can be used in difficult conditions and processes.

Is cubic zirconia a precious stone or not

  1. It is difficult to find a person who would remain indifferent to the radiance of cubic zirconia, capable of captivating the eye. The stone is too similar to a diamond, but its value is much lower. Is cubic zirconia precious or not?
  2. Often this stone is referred to as an artificial diamond or zirconium, but it has nothing to do with precious ones. Cubic Zirconia is an invention of scientists and is created in an artificial environment and laboratory walls.
  3. Jewelers very quickly began to use cubic zirconia in jewelry, as the stone has a high hardness and an unusual fracture of light rays, which is only slightly inferior to a real diamond.

Today, jewelry with cubic zirkonia is framed in gold, platinum and silver. The appearance of such products is impeccable and attractive, which is not inferior to many expensive stones. Thus, allowing you to stand on the same level with diamonds, only the cost of cubic zirconia is much more affordable than the rest.

How to distinguish a diamond from cubic zirconia

Given the difference in the origin of diamond and cubic zirconia, there are differences, both physical and chemical. The main difference lies in the chemical composition of the stones and the hardness.

So with mechanical damage in the form of scratches and chips, no traces remain on the diamond, but the structure of cubic zirconia may be slightly damaged. Also, the stones differ in weight, cubic zirconia weighs several times more, due to its density.

Despite a number of reasons and differences, it is quite difficult to notice the difference between a real diamond and its likeness. A real diamond has 57 facets, which cubic zirconia cannot boast of. However, even here, with a greater desire, you can make a sufficient number of faces. When viewed closely, you can see the doubling of cubic zirconia, but for this you need good lighting and a magnifying glass that can magnify objects.

Characteristic features

  • Among other things, cubic zirconia is more transparent than a diamond, looking through it you can clearly see some objects.
  • The most effective way to independently determine the value of a stone is to apply a layer of fat to the surface. The diamond will hold the fat in its original position, and with cubic zirconia it will begin to slide and separate into small drops.
  • The tangible difference between a diamond and cubic zirconia is the price. The cost of an artificial mineral cannot be compared with a real diamond.

In order to accurately determine the origin of the stone and identify its preciousness, a special examination should be carried out by experienced jewelers. After all, even the best specialists will not always be able to see the differences “by eye”, without the use of professional equipment.

The magical properties of cubic zirconia

It is often called the stone of loneliness, this is due to the fact that it fades into the background in front of more expensive stones, but this is not at all the case. The mineral contributes to career achievements and long-distance business trips. Its magical properties are able to raise the tone of the owner and give vitality.

It is generally accepted that cubic zirconia is a vessel that a person must independently fill with his energy and achievements. The mineral will also help in family life, improve relationships between lovers and avoid serious quarrels.

For this reason, astrologers strongly recommend filling cubic zirconia with exclusively positive emotions, so as not to accumulate negative energy, and in moments of failure and problems, remove jewelry.

Medicinal properties

If they talk about the magical properties of the stone, then many years of controversy has been going on about its healing effects. Due to its artificial origin, many are inclined to believe that cubic zirconia is not able to influence the course of the disease, and even more so recovery. But, there are those who sincerely believe in its healing effect.

They argue that cubic zirconia is endowed with sufficient energy to stop the development of tumors in the human body. However, everyone is of the same opinion that it is better to wear jewelry with this stone less often.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

Among other things, cubic zirconia stone has its own characteristics, so you should pay special attention to its selection. Having an original energy, cubic zirconia represents freedom, therefore, it is quite difficult to attribute it to a certain sign.

Zirconia cost

The price of cubic zirconia is quite affordable. Much depends on what kind of expensive jewelry such a stone will be inserted into. The average cost of a kilogram of cubic zirconia fluctuates around $50. It is this accessibility that allows scammers to operate.

The worst thing is that fakes are often found not only in private workshops, but also in large jewelry stores. In most cases, rings or earrings with diamonds are “diluted” with several similar cubic zirconias, thereby reducing the true cost of the product.

The captivating brilliance of crystals and the crystal clarity of cubic zirconia will constantly captivate jewelry connoisseurs.

Stone properties

According to its characteristics, cubic zirconia is almost in no way inferior to a natural diamond. Both stones have almost the same refractive index, so when light passes through them, they sparkle brightly and shimmer.

The hardness of the substitute is lower than that of the original, by about a third. Artificial origin determined the high fragility of fianite and susceptibility to mechanical stress. Scratches and cracks may appear on the surface.

Production of synthetic diamonds

Fianit appeared in 1968 in the Soviet Union. Scientists from the Lebedev Physical Institute (FIAN) derived the formula of the substance and developed a technology for the production of a mineral - an ideal substitute for diamond.

  • Stabilized zirconia, better known in Europe and America as zirconia cube or jevalite, is a polymorphic substance. Its crystal lattice is able to change its structure with a change in temperature. The cubic structure inherent in diamond is achieved by heating the substance to a temperature of 2300°C.
  • To maintain the resulting cubic lattice at normal temperature, additives in the form of magnesium oxide or calcium are used.
  • In order for the resulting substance to turn into a jewelry stone, it is required not only to maintain the structure, but also to grow a crystal. This problem was successfully dealt with in the late 1960s by FIAN staff. The technology of growing crystals from a melt, developed more than forty years ago, is still successfully used almost all over the world.
  • The so-called crucible method makes it possible to melt zirconium dioxide powder with the help of energy generated by a high-frequency generator. The substance is in the molten state for several hours, then the temperature gradually decreases.

The crystallizing melt becomes cubic zirconia. After the final hardening, cubic zirconia is removed from the mold and undergoes a special heat treatment to relieve residual internal stresses.

The crucible method was originally used only in the Soviet Union, but a few years after the start of production on a permanent basis, the technology was bought by a number of European countries.

Varieties: black, white, red, green stone

Contrary to popular belief about the colorlessness of phianites, these stones can have any color. Minerals are colored by adding various substances to the melt. The shade of the future gem depends on the chemical formula of the additive. So, green cubic zirconia is the result of adding chromium to the melt, it is considered an inexpensive substitute for emerald and is successfully used in jewelry.

  1. To obtain a red crystal, neodymium is used. Depending on the amount of impurities, the color of cubic zirconia can vary from light red to deep purple, making the mineral look like a ruby ​​or garnet.
  2. Cerium in certain proportions, included in the composition of the melt, gives the future gem warm shades from light yellow to bright red. The pink shade of cubic zirkonia is obtained by adding erbium. The brown and gold palette is achieved with titanium.
  3. There are also cubic zirconias of a blue-blue range, which appear as a result of thermal spraying in a vacuum of a cobalt-aluminum mixture. Such specimens successfully imitate sapphires, topazes and aquamarines.

The black color of cubic zirconia is achieved not by dyes, but by heat treatment. Traditional cubic zirconias - substitutes for diamonds - are colorless stones, which are sometimes called white.

Zirconia, zirconium and Swarovski: stone differences, facts and myths

The desire to create a perfect fake diamond arose in the Middle Ages. Alchemists and scientists tried to derive the chemical formula of a substance as close as possible in its properties to a diamond. Most often, researchers were led by a thirst for profit, because the creation of an artificial diamond, outwardly indistinguishable from a real one, could enrich any jeweler.

Glass was among the first materials used to produce fakes. However, the refractive index of glass is almost two times lower than that of diamond, so this material could not become a worthy replacement for a precious stone.

In India, for many centuries, diamonds were replaced with natural zircon. This mineral differs from cubic zirconia in its chemical formula. If fianite is a compound of zirconium with oxygen, then zircon is a zirconium silicate, that is, a compound with silicon. Due to its higher refractive index than glass, zircon successfully imitated diamonds until the middle of the 20th century, when cubic zirconia was developed in the Soviet Union.

Fianites are often called zircon, but the difference in the chemical formula makes this statement incorrect.

Crystal, not crystal

The Swarovski company ("Swarovski Crystal") was founded in 1895 in Austria. Initially, it was a factory for the manufacture of crystal, the natural resources of which had been noticeably depleted by that time. It is very easy to create crystal under production conditions; in terms of its chemical composition, it is silicon dioxide with the addition of lead in a ratio of 65 and 35 percent, respectively. Literally, the name of the company can be translated as "Crystal Swarovski", but in Russia the brand "Swarovski Crystals" has become more familiar. This translation is incorrect, and silicon silicate (glass) cannot be a crystal, since it is an amorphous substance.

The factory workers managed to achieve perfect transparency and excellent light refraction for crystal. Later, a formula was developed here for the production of special cubic zirkonia, much higher in quality and characteristics than ordinary Soviet ones. Today, Swarovski is expensive stones with unsurpassed brilliance.

Almost immediately after the entry into the market of such unusual products, their fakes appeared. Today, most of the "Swarovski crystals" are Chinese glass, with much less transparency and brilliance. To distinguish its products, the company applies laser marking to each copy. Using a magnifying glass of multiple magnification, on the platform of the rhinestone, you can see the inscription with the name of the enterprise.

Summing up, we can say the following: cubic zirconia and zircon are crystals, unlike Swarovski crystals. Zircon is of natural origin, cubic zirkonia and Swarovski are artificially grown gems. Among the three stones, zircon has the worst brilliance and overflow, Austrian crystal has the best, cubic zirconia occupies an intermediate position.

Healing and magical properties

As for these properties, opinions regarding cubic zirconia differ here.

Some lithotherapists argue that a synthetic stone cannot have any healing power or magic. Others insist on the opposite. If natural raw materials are used in production, then the resulting crystal has its own energy.

It is believed that cubic zirconia is able to draw out everything negative from the human body.

Both sides agree that it is not worth wearing this gem all the time as an amulet, it is enough to wear it periodically as part of jewelry.

Price and points of sale

The technology for the production of artificial diamonds today is not only the most efficient, but also the cheapest.

Jewelry with artificial diamonds

Gemstones grown by human hands are the best replacement for precious stones today. Most of the jewelry items have phianite crystals as inserts. The usual metals serve as a frame for such stones: white, yellow and pink gold, platinum and silver.

The mineral, grown many years ago for use in industry, turned out to be the best official fake diamond. Jewelry with cubic zirconias today are produced in huge quantities and do not raise questions from buyers, and the production technology has not changed since its creation.

general description

Cubic Zirconia is a semi-precious mineral that is of artificial origin. The best minds of Soviet scientists worked on the creation of this synthetic gem.

  1. In the 70s of the last century, under laboratory conditions, it was possible to obtain synthetic zirconium oxide with the chemical formula ZrO2.
  2. Its general characteristics corresponded to the best jewelry indicators and allowed it to successfully replace a diamond.
  3. The place of development of the new material was the Physical Institute. P. N. Lebedev Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The abbreviation of this name gave the term "fian". Subsequently, the synthetic mineral began to be called zirconite, jevalite, shelby, Z-diamond.

In the process of making these jewelry gems, various impurities are added to their composition. This allows you to get copies with different colors. To date, scientists have learned how to get more than twenty colors of cubic zirconia. In addition, there are stones with a double color. As a result of heat treatment of colorless specimens, black cubic zirconias with an opal effect are obtained.

Main physical properties:

The difference between cubic zirconia and diamond

Purity, play of light, hardness of cubic zirconia practically do not differ from diamond ones. In addition, this synthetic mineral looks like a natural diamond. The main differences between these stones are in minor physical indicators that can be determined at home:

  • look through the stone at the light: cubic zirconia easily transmits the sun's rays, and only a luminous point will be visible in the diamond;
  • a noticeable difference in the density of natural and artificial stone, the edges of the diamond are sharper;
  • if you breathe on cubic zirconia, it will fog up, but the diamond will not;
  • natural stone does not heat up from heat and hands and remains cold even in the heat.


The process of artificial production of crystals is quite laborious and requires high-precision equipment. As a result of complex chemical and thermal processes in the laboratory, a kind of blank is obtained. Later, various impurities are added to it, which give the final stone the necessary color. To obtain green stones, chromium is added to the synthetic base, to obtain yellow - copper, for pink shades - iron oxide.

Over the years, the technology for obtaining fianite has not changed much. Soviet scientists managed to develop a technique that is still the best. Over time, it has only been slightly modified. This made it possible to obtain crystals weighing about 4 kg.

Russia, the USA, China, Switzerland, and Thailand are engaged in the production of cubic zirconia on an industrial scale.


Artificially obtained cubic zirconia crystals are cut and used as inserts in jewelry. Despite the abundance of colors, transparent and light yellow stones remain the most popular.

  1. Despite the fact that the cost of diamonds is much higher, cubic zirconia is practically not inferior to it in beauty and brilliance. Seeing such a jewelry stone in the photo, you can be sure of its perfect resemblance to a real diamond.
  2. Fianite is also used in various industrial productions. High hardness and density made it an indispensable material in radio electronics, optics and medicine.
  3. Glass cutters, high-precision medical scalpels and various optical instruments are made from it. Cubic Zirconia is chemically resistant to aggressive environments. This allows it to be successfully used in the steel industry.

Application in magic

Despite the artificial origin, these jewelry gems also have magical powers. The components of the composition have a special energy, which affects its owner. He is credited with the possibility of influencing the parietal chakra. This allows you to get in touch with the cosmic consciousness and improve your life. Followers of Indian teachings talk about the ability of this stone to get rid of negative events and bad people.

Fianite is a powerful protector and patron of family relationships. It is very good for a young family to have wedding rings with this gem. He will protect against betrayal and will maintain a gentle, respectful relationship between spouses.

A gold ring with cubic zirkonia protects against loss of property. Wearing such an ornament, the owner will protect himself from thieves and scammers. A cross with cubic zirkonia strengthens the connection of its owner with the guardian angel. And earrings with this stone give self-confidence and bring good luck.

A silver product with this mineral helps in studies. This decoration is suitable for children and students. Putting it on themselves, they will feel a craving for new knowledge and will be able to realize themselves in life.

Significance in astrology

Cubic Zirconia will fully open its properties for Cancers. This zodiac sign can wear jewelry with this gem to gain self-confidence. It will also help Cancers get rid of the burden of past experiences and help them open up.

Cubic Zirconia does not have much influence on other signs of the zodiac. On each of them, he will have his usual magical effect.

Impact on the human body

For a long time, lithotherapists could not understand what kind of stones they were and whether they were useful for medicinal purposes. How many controversies caused cubic Zirconia in their circles! And yet, observing the owners of these gems, lithotherapists concluded that cubic zirkonia is useful for people with cardiovascular diseases to wear. They normalize the work of the heart, relieve tachycardia and lower blood pressure.

Some experts talk about the ability of fianite to prevent the development of tumors. Especially for these purposes, blue stones are suitable, which are worn in a silver frame.


Fianite was invented in 1968 by scientists of our country. Initially, the crystal was used in laser installations. The stone has a number of unique properties that are needed in this particular industry.

  • The crystals are very strong, refractory, resistant to various chemical influences and refract light well.
  • The word cubic zirconia comes from the name of the institute FIAN (Physical Institute of the Academy). It was in this scientific institution that it was first obtained artificially. The popular name of the stone fianite is zirconium.
  • The appearance and quality characteristics of a cubic zirconia crystal after a certain cut can only be distinguished from a real diamond by a real specialist.

Often scammers sell products with an artificial stone, passing it off as a processed diamond. In order not to succumb to the tricks of deceivers, give the purchased item for a special check.

jewelry value

Because of their beauty, cubic zirconia stones have long been used in the jewelry industry. Artificial crystals are loved abroad. Modern manufacturing techniques make it possible to obtain cubic zirkonia of a wide variety of colors, not even found in nature. White artificial crystals are turned into gems by adding metal oxides to them.

Depending on the added substance, multi-colored cubic zirconias are obtained:

  • yellow
  • golden brown
  • green
  • purple
  • pink

Multi-colored cubic zirconias imitate various natural gems:

  1. chalcedony
  2. sapphires
  3. citrines
  4. rubies
  5. grenades
  6. amethysts
  7. topaz

Heat treatment miraculously transforms cubic zirconia crystals into black diamonds and golden green chrysolites. In a special way, even analogues of alexandrite stone are made from zirconium, which changes color under different lighting conditions.


Fianite does not have natural energy. But esotericists believe that a happy talisman can be made from stone. It is like an empty container that needs to be filled at will.

To get started, purchase jewelry with zirconium in the store. To make a good luck charm out of it, wear it only for joyful events. Let the stone be your companions on birthdays, during spectacular, beautiful events and interesting trips. Talk to the stone, tell it what you want from it and it will reward you in the future.

When you are in a bad mood, looking at the talisman, you will remember the interesting events of your life and be charged with positive.

Why do we love stones so much? He stays with us for many years. After many years, you will get an old familiar thing and will remember the events of your past life.

But do not forget that zirconium is an artificial stone. It is easily contaminated with dust and grease. It is not recommended to wear jewelry with cubic zirconia while cleaning the apartment, swimming, playing sports. Artificial stone, if not cared for, will fade and lose its luster. Clean it up as it gets dirty. For the procedure, use washing liquids that do not contain abrasive and aggressive components.


By color: blue, black and blue stones will suit the signs of a flowing water element. It is better for air representatives of the zodiac to give preference to colorless or yellow crystals. Red, like a ruby ​​and garnet, are worn by people of the fiery zodiac constellations. Representatives belonging to the elements of the earth are recommended to wear green and black stones.

Zirconium, charged with positive energy, softens the negative qualities of any zodiac sign, and, on the contrary, strengthens the positive ones.


The talisman with cubic zirconia affects the mental abilities of the representative of the sign. Cubic Zirconia will help the Mountain Sheep learn new knowledge. A crystal for creative Aries is a pass to the world of science. Representatives of the fiery element become calmer and more reasonable, and their impulsive impulses will decrease.


Zirconium will help the bull to protect itself from self-deception. The stone takes away excess energy from Taurus and gives it back, in moments of loss of strength from its owner.


The stone will make the dual air sign wiser. He will plan cases for unassembled representatives of the air element. Short-sighted Gemini will become more practical. The impact of the mineral will make the talkative representatives of the air more silent and legible in their own connections.


For Cancers, zirconium will become an assistant in heart affairs. He will make the representatives of the water element more attractive and sexy for the opposite sex. The crystal will help Cancers overcome life's hardships. The vulnerable zodiac sign of the water element will become more self-confident.


The king of beasts cubic zirconia will help to improve relations in the family. The stone will become an indispensable assistant to the fire sign in business. The crystal will soften the attacks of anger in the King of Beasts, to which representatives of the fire element are subject.


For practical Virgos, zirconium will help in finding a real partner. The stone will help him in his work. Will make colleagues of the earth sign more benevolent. He will save the Virgin from intrigue and injustice. Representatives of this zodiac sign can wear cubic zirconia all the time. Their powerful energy will not allow the stone to charge negatively.


Cubic Zirconia will help Libra to reveal creative abilities. The stone will improve the artistic qualities of the air sign and give him love victories.


A talisman with cubic zirconia will soften the emotional outbursts of Scorpio. Zircon will help the water sign get rid of the negativity that he likes to accumulate. Cubic Zirconia will strengthen the family ties of Scorpio.


Archers will receive assistance from zircon in their work activities. They will make the career of Sagittarius more successful, help them in their studies and scientific research.


Cubic Zirconia will help Capricorn achieve financial success. Thanks to the stone, their commercial abilities will improve. Zirconium will make Capricorn's marriage harmonious.


Zircon will help this air sign in mastering new knowledge. He will help Aquarius attract like-minded people, improve his communication skills.


The dual sign of Pisces cubic zirconia will further reveal their intuitive abilities. And he will also make the water representative of the elements practical, help him improve his financial situation.

History of occurrence

Despite the fact that cubic zirconia is an artificial gem, it is also the most unique, as it has no analogues in the world. Fianit was created by the staff of the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN) in 1970. The goal of its development was to get the perfect stone for laser work.

  • Fionite is especially popular in the jewelry environment, as it has a high hardness and its refraction of light is not much inferior to diamond.
  • Due to these properties, jevalite is used to fake diamonds, topazes, sapphires, garnets and aquamarines.
  • This is due to the fact that it can have a different color. Sometimes, scientists manage to create a unique color, such as "lavender".
  • Javalite jewelry is much more beautiful than diamond jewelry, this is evidenced not only by jewelers, but also by numerous photos. This stone is framed in platinum, gold or silver.

Jevalite jewelry looks no less beautiful than the same jewelry with sapphires, aquamarines and diamonds. Javalite often accompany the center gemstone and add sparkle to the piece of jewelry.

Features and Applications of Dzhevalit

As for the meaning and properties of jevalite, this stone has a rich color palette that depends on the added impurities.

Varieties and colors of fionites

Depending on the added impurities, the following fionite stones are distinguished:

  1. Green.
  2. Pink.
  3. Bright red.
  4. Pink purple.
  5. Blue.

This diversity is explained by the constant experiments and developments of scientists associated with jewelry. Thus, the addition of various impurities affects the optical properties of stones.

Such cubic zirconias can change their color - it all depends on the lighting. Some natural stones (for example, alexandrite) have the same properties.

Fianites are used not only in the jewelry industry, but also for the production of optical lenses. It does not oxidize and is also refractory, so it is widely used in the chemical industry.

As mentioned above, cubic zirconia is often used to fake jewelry. But there are also cases when the jevalit itself is forged. As a result of such actions, cubic zirconia loses all its physical properties and becomes just jewelry.

How magic is used

Very often cubic zirconia is called a stone of loneliness, which is associated with its so-called secondary and insignificant role, which is fundamentally a false statement.

For many, jevalit is associated only with a replacement for a diamond, while not noticing its excellent physical properties.

But in addition to physical properties, cubic zirconia has many qualities that are simply irreplaceable in the daily life of an active person. So, cubic zirconia is ideal for people in the following areas of activity:

  • Journalistic activity and communications.
  • Trade.
  • International connections.

Cubic Zirconia helps a person to do a huge number of important things in a minimum period of time. Therefore, it is simply indispensable for business trips or tourist trips abroad. Zirconia helps to get as many impressions as possible, establish new contacts and do everything at once.

Health impact

Like any other gemstone, jevalit has healing properties. It improves the tone of the body and promotes its regeneration as a whole. In addition, jevalit is an empty vessel that can be filled with one's own energy and emotions.

  1. But unfortunately it absorbs both positive and negative emotions. Therefore, it should not be worn at the time of mental anguish, pain, moral and physical exhaustion of the body.
  2. So what is phianite? Many believe that cubic zirconia is the key to happiness, success and well-being of a person as a whole. As for the influence on people born under the influence of a certain zodiac sign, we can say that cubic zirconia suits everyone without exception.
  3. This is due to the synthetic nature of the stone, so cubic zirconia can make all the carriers of this stone happy.
  4. It is also a known fact that this stone can potentiate the action of other gemstones such as sapphires, emeralds, citrines, pearls, topazes and diamonds.
  5. Thus, water signs of the Zodiac are recommended to wear jewelry in which jevalite is organically combined with topaz or pearls, and jevalite with citrine is suitable for air signs.

As for the signs that are under the direct influence of the Earth, it is better to wear jevalit together with emeralds, and signs that are under the power of Fire should give preference to jevalit with rubies. Photos of such combinations can be viewed before going to a jewelry store on the Internet or in catalogs of jewelry manufacturers.

Multicolored cubic zirkonia

Gradually, artificial crystals penetrated the jewelry markets of almost all countries. Modern technologies have made it possible to significantly expand the range of cubic zirkonia and use them to imitate not only rubies, but also other precious stones. In order to achieve an external similarity of fianite with various gems, metal oxides are used when growing crystals.

Depending on the content of the additive, cubic zirconia imitates natural stones or turns into minerals of the most fantastic colors that are not found in nature. So, copper gives the crystals a yellow color. Titanium turns into a golden brown mineral. And chrome makes it green.

  • Neodymium and erbium give the stones purple and pink colors. Scientists were even able to obtain an unusual lavender-colored crystal, the analogue of which does not exist in nature.
  • Modern technologies make it possible to obtain cubic zirconias of 20 shades. Blue crystals successfully replace sapphires, yellow - citrine. Colored cubic zirconias are absolutely indistinguishable from white, pink and black chalcedony, red rubies and garnets, lilac amethyst, blue topaz.
  • The ability of artificial crystals to change color, depending on the lighting, allows them to replace alexandrite. In daylight, such stones are blue, yellow-green, but under artificial lighting they become reddish-purple.

A certain heat treatment allows you to turn transparent cubic zirconia crystals into wonderful white and black (imitation of carbonado - black diamond) stones. The imitation of green emeralds is not very high quality. To a greater extent, golden-green crystals resemble chrysolite.

How much is cubic zirconia

For wholesales, a package of 100 pcs. small transparent crystals cost about $10. Colored stones will cost one and a half times more. With large cubic zirconia crystals, everything is a little more complicated /

In order to obtain high-quality material that most accurately approximates diamonds, it is necessary to use more complex technologies for growing and cutting cubic zirkonia, which invariably leads to a multiple increase in the cost of the resulting stones.

The main differences from a diamond

  • The most important difference between these stones is their chemical composition. Diamond is an allotropic form of carbon, while cubic zirconia is zirconium dioxide.
  • The second difference is the hardness of the stone. Diamond crystals are several orders of magnitude harder than fianite crystals. This is a significant disadvantage of artificial stone, especially large ones. A simple test will help distinguish a diamond from cubic zirconia. You need to draw the edge of the stone on the mirror. The cubic zirconia will slightly scratch the glass, and the diamond will cut it.
  • The third difference is the ability of diamonds to shine. It is no secret that in the process of wearing jewelry gradually become dirty. The difference between a cut diamond and cubic zirkonia is that even in the most neglected state, the diamond continues to shine and amaze with its depth, while cubic zirconias lose their brilliance.
  • Fourth difference. If cubic zirconia is used officially, then the difference can be seen in the cut. These are rounded edges and in a smaller amount than a diamond. In the case when the mineral is used to make a fake, the master tries to bring the quality of the crystal processing as close as possible to the requirements of a diamond cut. It is almost impossible to distinguish such stones with the naked eye. Only with the help of a powerful magnifying glass or a microscope can one notice a slight doubling of the faces, which will be noticeable in reflected light. This does not happen with diamonds.

The higher the quality of artificial crystals and the skill of the jeweler, the more difficult it is to distinguish cubic zirconia from a diamond.

Stone Features

According to experts who understand the essence of stones, cubic zirconia is an artificial, empty stone that has no effect on a person. In this case, this mineral is an "empty vessel", which everyone is free to fill at their own discretion.

When the owner of the stone is happy and satisfied with his life, he involuntarily transfers these qualities to cubic zirconia. And if suddenly the owner is sad, the stone charged with positive energy will return it to its owner or another person. But, unfortunately, the same thing will happen if the stone is saturated with negativity.

That is why you should seriously consider buying jewelry with cubic zirconia. You can accidentally acquire a dangerous emitter of negative energy that will literally destroy or significantly change a person's life.

To protect yourself, it is enough to carry out simple manipulations. To clean the stone from the information that it was filled with earlier, it is enough to put the jewelry for a while in clean, running, spring water or carefully hold it over an open fire.

There are several deeply rooted opinions among people who mistakenly consider cubic zirconia to be a precious stone.

Given the artificial origin of the stone, astrologers did not consider it possible to attach it to any zodiac constellation. Regardless of the horoscope, cubic zirconia makes its owner a little happier.

Many women dream of expensive jewelry that will be studded with various stones, emphasizing every part of their bodies.

Around the end of the sixties, young students decided to experiment by creating a gem. This thing was supposed to be the only copy of the diamond.

And so it happened, even if the composition is different, but according to external data, the stones are almost identical. This material was named after the Fian University, where the discovery took place.

Jewelry experts quickly learned about this stone, as it has hardness and good refraction of light.

In different countries, the material has different names:

  • Dzhevalit.
  • Daimonsquay.
  • Zirconite.
  • Shelby.
  • Zirconia Cube.

Cubic zirconia is extremely difficult to distinguish from the original stones. It can replace (imitate) - topaz, sapphire. This is possible due to the possibility of staining the material. zodiac, find out here.

Many employees of jewelry organizations claim that it is cubic zirkonia that attracts the attention of buyers more than a real diamond. This is due to the fact that it is much more difficult to color and process natural natural stones than cubic zirconia.

Full material specification

cubic zirconia- This is an artificially grown material consisting of dioxide.

Fianites in their composition have crystal lattices. It also has additives of manganese oxide, calcium, yttrium. This stone has a great similarity with diamond (2.417). Because of this, difficulties arise in the difference between materials.

Cubic Zirconia is colored using transitional and rare earth elements. Different colors are added to a colorless fabric, which leads to different color options for the stone.

Material properties:

  • It is believed that stones such as cubic zirconia are endowed with healing properties. They are able to restore the strength of their owner, change fate, give many new happy moments.
  • Since the stone appeared in an artificial way, it practically cannot have healing properties, but it is gifted with magical abilities.
  • Scientists emphasize that the stone is light, respectively, brings good luck, success and victory in many things, although it has negative qualities.
  • The substance is perfect for people who want to learn as much as possible, be on top, constantly move and have fun. He seems to charge with positive emotions.

As already mentioned, it is customary to paint cubic zirconia, this creates an even greater demand for this material. Usually, natural stone (its original appearance is a white, transparent stone) does not make a strong impression on buyers. They are attracted to the bright, prominent colors of the substance. That is why classical material is practically not used in jewelry organizations.

What colors are cubic zirconia?

What colors are phianites? This stone is very popular today, so scientists and jewelers are trying to please new owners with various tints, shades and colors.

Looking at the additives of various metal oxides, there are several basic colors of the crystal:

  • When titanium is added, a golden brown hue is obtained.
  • If erbium is present, a pink color is obtained.
  • Chromium contributes to the appearance of green cubic zirconia.
  • But cerium has a very diverse effect on the color of the stone. Possible colors: red, yellow, orange.

The black and green crystal is a huge success with the female representatives.

Black Cubic Zirconia properties:

  • This stone is best suited for calm people who are able to decide globally, without unnecessary emotions and scandals.
  • It is worth noting that most often blondes choose the material, although this is only an observation of people.
  • Great for single people. The stone is able to attract the attention of the opposite sex, lead to a happy "end".

Green cubic zirconia properties:

  • It is better to buy for people prone to severe stress.
  • Acquire people who are too emotional in all areas of life.
  • This stone adorns a person, gives positive emotions and helps to improve the emotional indicator.

Photo cubic zirconia

For whom is zirconia a great option?

Cubic Zirconia is able to suit any sign of the zodiac, however, it will have a different effect for each, for the following reasons:

  1. First, color differences will contribute to this.
  2. Secondly, the shape of the mineral itself can also be the cause.
  3. Thirdly, the crystal adapts to a person, which gives a unique indicator.

Which zodiac sign suits cubic zirconia:

  • Fish. For representatives of this zodiac sign, the crystal is able to attract cash flow. The owner will strive to learn new things, develop intuition.
  • Aquarius. This zodiac sign is characterized by some deviation from society and communication, so the mineral will help correct this. Also contributes to the improvement of the learning process, to achieve success.
  • Capricorn. Happiness is what lies at the core. To establish harmony, peace and their own happiness, Capricorns should choose cubic zirconia. People prone to monetary problems or working directly with monetary units may also be interested in this mineral.
  • Sagittarius. In this case, the acquisition will also attract the process of discovering something new, unlocking potential. acts as a mascot, find out here.
  • Scorpion. The mineral can restrain the excessive emotionality of scorpions, strengthen the family knot. For a Scorpio, a crystal is an excellent option for getting rid of accumulated negativity.
  • Scales. It is better for this zodiac to acquire a green, yellow or pink mineral. It improves mood, reveals true potential, helps to reveal the ability to succeed in any field.
  • Virgo. For such people, the stone will be an excellent assistant in choosing the ideal partner, it will help to reveal insincerity in a person.
  • A lion. In this case, the material will help control outbursts of anger, resolve all problems in the family.
  • Cancer. Sexuality and attention of the opposite sex will help to get with the help of cubic zirconia. Adds confidence and some faith.
  • Twins. Eliminates excessive talkativeness, adjusts to work, improves attentiveness. For twins, black and transparent minerals are most suitable.
  • Calf. For calves, the mineral works especially: a person recognizes self-deception better, energy balance is maintained. The crystal serves as a kind of charger for a person.
  • Aries. The work of the material is completely directed to the head area, affects the human intellect, pushes for discoveries in different areas.

The magical properties of cubic zirconia

Fianite has very few magical properties, since it is an artificial stone. However, many argue that such material very much works on the same parallel with the magical world.

Cubic Zirconia is considered the stone of loneliness. Since the mineral has a different name and is a copy of a diamond, it carries the energy of insincerity. The fact that cubic zirconia is not real gives a characteristic of deceit and duality. We present to your attention an article about another mineral -, its magical and healing properties, here.

However, despite such negative properties, the material also has a number of positive magical characteristics:

  • This material is great for people involved in journalism who are constantly on the move, visiting many places at once. Emotional people with the help of a mineral can calm their temper and ardor.
  • It is worth noting that cubic zirconia is also used in medicine, curing certain diseases.

Most people say that cubic zirconia is artificial, therefore, it is simply not capable of having any magical properties. By purchasing a mineral, many change their minds about this stone.

It can bring positive emotions, happiness and kindness. But, of course, it all depends on the owner himself. If the owner of this material does not try to improve things in any way, then the crystal will not contribute to this. There must be a connection, scientists and psychics assure.

Medicinal properties

Cubic Zirconia is a specific stone, unique in its kind. Most people argue that this material is not able to lead to anything in a person's life: improve his health, improve his emotional state, improve his financial condition, cheer up, energize. Opinions differ, which makes it the most common.

Psychics say that cubic zirconia is a vessel that a person must fill on his own, give him the energy that the owner wants to see next to him. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to say exactly what suits whom and for whom.

There is an opinion that cubic zirconia is able to improve health. And, the truth is, more and more often you can see non-traditional methods of treatment that really work. The crystal can be attributed to this group of treatments.

Fianite has the following therapeutic effect:

  1. Increases the general state of tone.
  2. Improves body cells.
  3. It heals human organs, leads to a positive work of the body.

We can say that this crystal restores, brings a person back to life.

How much does phianite cost?

Cubic Zirconia crystals are born in a container, the degree measure of which has gone far beyond minus. Then by melting the material at almost three thousand degrees. Further, various oxides and additives are added to the mixture. The melt gradually cools, taking shape. This is how this magnificent stone is created.

Some characteristics that determine the cost:

  • The stone is colorless, but with the help of oxides, almost any shade of the material can be given.
  • It weighs 60 percent more than a diamond.

It all depends on the quality of the mineral. The approximate cost for one carat is 6 dollars, which is 350 rubles.

and other stones can be found here.

Cubic Zirconia is a material obtained artificially, zirconium dioxide crystals grown in a laboratory.

The name of the stone comes from the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (abbr. fian), where in 1968 physicists first synthesized a crystal with a cubic lattice. In foreign countries, phianite is called dzhevalite, zirconite, daimonsquay.

Zirconia - precious or not?

A-priory gems - These are rare stones of mineral or organic origin.

Phianite is an artificial stone. It is mass produced for use in the chemical industry, dentistry, optics, microsurgery. It qualitatively replaces diamond in laser technology. Therefore, it would be a mistake to consider an artificial diamond a precious stone.

During synthesis, various additives can be added that are responsible for the color range of the crystal (more than 20 shades). Zirconia can easily replace sapphire, emerald, ruby. Its parameters are close to diamond. , can be found here.

Zirconia properties:

  1. Dispersion - 0.059-0.065 (diamond - 0.063)
  2. Refractive index - 2.15 - 2.24 (diamond - 2.402-2.465)
  3. Hardness - 7.6-8.3 (diamond -10)
  4. Melting point 0 С - 2600-2750 (diamond - 3700-4000)
  5. Density, g / cm 3 - 6.3-9.5 (diamond - 3.47-3.55).

Cubic Zirconia Swarovski

The best imitation diamond in the world is Swarovski cubic zirkonia. The Svarovka company, which was originally engaged in the production of crystal, was the first to apply the standards of an ideal brilliant cut to cubic zirconia.

Visually, Swarovski stones cannot be distinguished from a diamond. To confirm the authenticity, a laser engraving “SWAROVSKI ZIRCONIA” is used, which can be seen with a magnifying glass or a microscope on a rhinestone platform.

How to distinguish cubic zirconia from diamond and glass?

Differences between cubic zirconia and diamond:

  • Rib cut:
    • cubic zirconia has rounded edges
    • a diamond has clear and “sharp”
  • Density- in cubic zirconia it is higher. If outwardly the stones are the same, then the artificial stone will be heavier.
  • Transparency. Under the influence of UV rays (or X-rays), cubic zirconia is less transparent.
  • Hardness. If you draw a facet of cubic zirkonia on a mirror, then it will slightly scratch it, while a diamond will cut it.
  • Shine. Over time, cubic zirconia fades and requires polishing, a cut diamond shines even in the most neglected form.
  • If you hold a fionite stone in the palm of your hand, it will heat up, the diamond will remain cold.
  • If you breathe on an artificial stone condensation forms on it, which will not happen with a precious stone.

Differences between cubic zirconia and glass:

  1. Shine. Glass significantly loses in brilliance.
  2. Hardness. Glass is much softer, crumble.

How to care for cubic zirconia?

Caring for cubic zirconia in jewelry:

  1. Polished with a soft cloth.
  2. If the stone has become very dull, then wash it in soapy water.
  3. Avoid contact with cubic zirconia of any cosmetics, and household chemicals.
  4. Protect from falling onto a hard surface.
  5. Jewelery must be removed periodically.

Although the synthesized material is not a precious stone, its optical and physical characteristics are close to diamond, and in terms of external indicators - to diamond. Products with a skillfully cut stone look spectacular, and much cheaper.

This is what makes cubic zirconia popular and in demand.

The cubic zirconia stone was obtained by scientists. Physicists have been creating materials that are suitable for laser equipment. After conducting numerous studies, they brought out transparent crystals. Fianit stands for the name of one research institute - FIAN (Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Russia). Many people want to find out if cubic zirconia is a gem or not.

Characteristics of the mineral

Cubic Zirconia does not belong to precious rocks. Its crystals are artificially formed. They are made from zirconia. After the mineral has been completely processed, it is very difficult to distinguish it from a real diamond. It is similar to this noble stone not only in its appearance, but also in physical features. In the USSR, for a long time, artificial diamonds were classified as cubic zirkonia and were not divided into certain categories.

Additional crystal names:

  • zirconite;
  • daimonsquay;
  • dzhevalit.

You can find mineral rocks with similar characteristics in nature. The natural analogue of fianite is tazheranite. It was first found in the gorge of the Baikal region, the name was given in honor of the Tazheransky gorge.

The process of mining the rock is carried out by special modern equipment, so the price for such minerals is not expensive. The cheapest stones are transparent, colorless or translucent. Colored stones are considered more expensive. To create an imitation of a diamond placer, more complex methods are used. It is these products that will cost much more than all others. The cost for a mineral will directly depend on the cut of the stone and the time it was grown.

Crystals, which are created by an artificial method, in their chemical composition belong to the group of zirconium dioxide.

Stone properties:

  • increased index of refractoriness;
  • the presence of a cubic crystal lattice;
  • high strength of products (up to eight);
  • refraction of light rays;
  • is resistant to chemicals.

The positive characteristics of the mineral rock are used not only in the jewelry industry. In addition to the work of jewelers, who can give the stone an unusual appearance and attractiveness, there are other areas of its use:

  • optics (creation of lenses and magnifying glasses);
  • chemical process (creation of refractory parts and objects).

Cubic zirconia has no color, but modern technology helps to color it in forty different shades.

The most famous colors:

  • pink;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • purple;
  • blue cubic zirconia;
  • dark brown with a hint of gold.

In addition, you can notice the effect of changing the shade in the stone, which helps to imitate the rare and expensive alexandrite on the jewelry market. At the same time, many experts still cannot create cubic zirconia of a bright emerald color palette.

The creation of this stone is a long and rather difficult process. Gemstones, even with low quality criteria, continue to sell for a high price.

Average cost per 1 g of cubic zirconia in the world market:

  • small colorless - about 0.5 dollars;
  • colored - 2 dollars;
  • large - 4-5 dollars.

At the same time, it is important to consider that there are a large number of fraudulent methods of earning money that can pass cubic zirconia as a real diamond.

gem stone

Cubic Zirconia attracts with its perfect purity of color and beautiful tints under the rays of the sun. In terms of its external qualities, it is not inferior to precious rocks at all; it is quite difficult to distinguish it from a diamond. Cubic zirconia is often used in jewelry production and helps to create beautiful and elegant expensive jewelry.

Cubic Zirconia is often referred to as an artificial version of a diamond. The low cost of the stone and its ubiquitous origin devalue the beautiful appearance of the mineral, making it quite simple. All this leads to the fact that cubic zirconia cannot be called a jewel.

The very similar appearance of cubic zirconia and diamond led to the fact that the first began to be used as a fake precious rock. At the same time, there are several ways that will help you decide and not let scammers deceive you:

Unfortunately, there are a large number of well-executed imitations, so none of the methods described can give complete confidence in the quality of the purchased mineral. An expert opinion and a stone certificate can only be issued by gemological laboratories after a thorough examination.

Who is the mineral for?

It is believed that cubic zirconia is perfect for almost every sign of the zodiac. Before purchasing a mineral, it is important to trust your intuition, which will help you accurately determine which stone is best to purchase.

Also, experts give a large number of tips that will help you choose the color of the stone, depending on the horoscope. Zirconia is suitable for people of these zodiac signs:

magical properties

The magical properties of cubic zirconia do not differ in a wide range, since it is a stone of artificial origin. But many experts say that the mineral can act magically on a person.

Cubic Zirconia is referred to as the stone of loneliness. Since it has another name and is almost identical to a diamond, it has the energy of insincerity. The fact that cubic zirconia is not real gives it the properties of duality and, to some extent, deceit.

But, despite such unpleasant properties, the material also has positive qualities. It is well suited for people who are directly involved in journalism, are regularly on the move, and attend a large number of places and events. Overly emotional personalities with the help of such a mineral rock will quickly calm their feelings and return to normal. In addition, the mineral is widely used in medicine for the treatment of certain diseases.

A mineral can only bring positive action, happiness and good energy. But, of course, it is very important to take into account the nature of the user himself. If the owner of the stone does not try to improve his affairs and improve his life, then no mineral will affect this. Experts say that a direct relationship has been established between these indicators.

Fianite is a rather unusual mineral, unique in its properties. Many argue that a stone can positively affect a person's condition: improve his health, correct the general emotional background, improve mood and self-confidence, bring a lot of energy and vitality. Opinions about cubic zirkonia very often vary greatly, which makes it so common.

Fianite acts in the following areas:

  • increases the tone indicator;
  • improves cellular structure;
  • helps to get rid of certain diseases, improving the general condition of the body.

It is believed that cubic zirconia can positively affect human health and significantly improve it. Such a mineral is increasingly being included in non-traditional treatment methods that have an effective effect. Therefore, these crystals can be attributed to healing.

The brilliance of these transparent stones, set in silver or gold, is mesmerizing, but many will ask: is phionite a precious stone or not? It looks so much like a diamond, but it costs immeasurably cheaper, and they usually call it, and sometimes zirconium. What kind of mineral is this and is it worth buying jewelry with such stones?

A bit from the history of cubic zirconia

The precious stone fionite was unknown either in the West or in the East. Its magical and healing properties were unknown even to the most powerful sorcerers and the most famous scientists of the Middle Ages. Simply because such a stone did not exist then.

It appeared in the second half of the last century and immediately created a sensation on the stock exchanges. A few crystals have even been purchased as real diamonds of the purest water. Who were those swindlers or wizards who created such a miracle?

A group of scientists from the Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences can be called real magicians. It was they who managed to create crystals of extraordinary transparency, which makes them look like diamonds. True, they did not intend to fool anyone. They needed a crystalline substance with a refractive index close to diamond to produce the first Soviet laser. The material had to meet certain requirements and be affordable enough to be used in the manufacture of optical systems, because natural diamonds are rare and very expensive. The technology was developed, and the first laboratory-grown zirconia crystals were born.

Thanks to the cubic crystal lattice of crystals, the name "cubic zirconia" has become a common foreign designation for cubic zirconia. When translating this name into Russian, confusion arises: artificial crystals are called zircon or zirconium. In fact, zirconium is one of the elements of the periodic table, and zircon is a yellow mineral, the pink and reddish varieties of which are also called hyacinths. In the Soviet Union and Russia, the name "fianite" is accepted, which comes from the abbreviation FIAN (Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences). Along with this name, the distorted word "fionite" also took root.

Using the technology of producing cubic zirkonia, the Austrian jewelry company Swarovski AG has managed to become a leader among companies producing artificial jewelry.

Swarovski crystals are very popular and their price is high enough to consider phionite, little known abroad, as a precious stone of artificial origin.

For the production of lasers, scientists needed colorless crystals, but after cubic zirconia acquired the status of a jewelry stone, they began to give it different colors:

  • chromium oxide gives a resemblance to green gems;
  • erbium additives color cubic zirconia in pink;
  • titanium oxide makes transparent crystals golden or brownish;
  • cerium inclusions give shades of yellow, orange and red.

The richness of the color palette makes it possible to use cubic zirconia as a substitute for various expensive stones, allowing you to purchase elegant women's and men's jewelry at a relatively low price.

The magical properties of cubic zirconia

Esotericism did not ignore the artificially grown crystal: like all crystals, cubic zirconia has a clearly defined structure - a crystal lattice, which gives it special properties. Due to the strict arrangement of atoms in the crystal lattice, energy acquires strength and direction within a crystal of any origin. The difference lies only in the location of the vertices and faces of the polyhedron that the atoms form. This explains the difference in the properties of crystals among themselves and their difference from non-crystalline gems (jade, coral, pearls, etc.). Therefore, even an artificial crystal has certain energy properties.

Fianite is credited with the properties of an “empty vessel”, which the owner of such a crystal can fill with his personal energy, charge with his emotions and then use it as a repository of this information. Therefore, the purchase and the first contacts with cubic zirconia in jewelry are best made in a good mood and good health. Considering that the artificial stone does not contain any information from the Earth or space, one should try to fill its “memory” with good emotions, joy and happiness, gratitude to those who created it and gave it. Then, in difficult moments of life, pure brilliance will help overcome a bad mood or fight an illness.

Wearing such a stone or products with it is advised to everyone who is associated with activities that require curiosity, creativity and acceptance of new experiences: journalists, poets and writers, naturalists and travelers, scientists who are looking for something new in their field of activity.

To these people, the stone will be able to give the properties inherent in it: to be an “empty vessel” into which a stream of light of new knowledge about the world will flow in order to be refracted there and enchant the world with the brilliant brilliance of discoveries, poems and beautiful works of literature.