Topaz stone: magical properties and who suits. What are the properties of the topaz stone Topaz stone suits who according to the sign of the zodiac

Topaz is a stone with a unique palette of shades and a rich history. He is loved, among other things, because jewelry with such a gem is very beautiful and at the same time relatively cheap. Therefore, jewelers are willing to experiment with a crystal, and magicians and lithotherapists study its properties.

For those who are suitable for topaz in terms of energy, occupation and zodiac sign, the stone will become a true amulet. With it, you can improve your health, as well as achieve success in life endeavors.

The most famous version says that the name of the gem comes from the island of Topazion in the Red Sea, where the mineral was mined in antiquity. According to another theory, the semi-precious stone comes from India, where its detailed description was first recorded. "Topaz" in Sanskrit means "transparent".

The topaz stone has been known to people since ancient times.

During the Neolithic and early Bronze Ages, stone was used for more than just decoration. Archaeologists also discovered applied items: knives, bowls, pestles for mortars.

Magic topaz became popular in Europe relatively late, around the Renaissance. Magical properties were attributed to a beautiful, exquisite gem, so it interested both aristocrats and alchemists, scientists, and magicians.

Place of Birth

Brazil is the main export source of topaz in the world. Minerals from this country can be very different in color, they are easy to process, suitable for both jewelry and applied purposes.

In Europe, topaz is mined in the Alpine mountains in the Schneckenstein deposit. Crystals from there have been known since the seventeenth century as "Saxon" or "Swiss diamonds".

Mining is also underway in Sri Lanka, where you can even find raw gems yourself. More deposits were found at the other end of the Asian continent - in Siberia, as well as in Altai.

Physicochemical characteristics

The color of a mineral depends on the impurities in its composition.

The properties of topaz have been studied in sufficient detail, because the gem has been known for a long time and comes across often.

  • The shade of the stone can be bluish, yellow, red, purple. There are also colorless specimens.
  • The hardness on the Mohs scale is 8 out of 10, which is less than that of or , but more than that of quartz rocks.
  • The density of the crystal is up to 3.5 grams per cubic centimeter. Together with high hardness, it makes the gem quite heavy, which is the reason for the widespread use of stone as a material for pestles or hammers.
  • The melting point is about 1500 degrees.

Topaz is a gem that is sensitive to high temperatures. Although it cannot be melted in the fire of an ordinary blowtorch, it loses color when exposed to a flame. It brightens even if left in the heat.

This is due to the fact that the colors of the mineral depend on impurities that replace some of the atoms in the formula of the stone. Their bonds with the main atoms are fragile and easily broken under the influence of high temperatures. Impurities evaporate from the composition of the gem, depriving it of a noble shade.

Colors and varieties

There are various types of topaz. Multicolor is provided both by various impurities and processing methods, which differ in different countries.

A variety of shades of the gem allows everyone to find exactly their own special.

  • , is considered the most expensive in its family, with the exception of the extremely rare purple. It has long been appreciated by mystics, as well as sailors who believed that the stone would help them return safely from a long voyage.
  • Yellow crystals are mined mainly on the territory of the island of Sri Lanka. Their most expensive subspecies are lemon and brown.
  • London Blue stones are obtained when gems are artificially ennobled to a rare blue hue. They are beautiful, but are less valued than natural blue stones.
  • Smoky minerals, also known as, are mined in Europe. They are not actually topazes, but the brand name is well established. The most valuable grade of such a stone is black.
  • Topaz swiss is mined in the Alpine mountains - a beautiful azure rock.
  • Red and pink gems are supplied from India, Pakistan, Altai. Occasionally they are found in Europe, such a variety is called "wine".
  • The white crystal is a topaz completely devoid of impurities. Such gems usually have no jewelry value, but are widely used in industry.

Almost any topaz becomes cloudy over time. Bright golden, red, green stones are most vulnerable to such a defect. Blue, blue, black fade much more slowly, therefore they are valued higher.

How to distinguish topaz from a fake

Minerals are regularly faked, especially rare specimens of expensive varieties: with the help of small manipulations, you can “ennoble” a cheap crystal, and then sell it at the price of an expensive one.

It should be remembered that even the most beautiful fake does not have the magic of a natural stone.

As a rule, manufacturers honestly write “ennobled” or “artificial topaz” on the product wrapper, but resellers, purchasing goods in the laboratory, then change the packaging to their own and sell it already in it.

How to distinguish natural stone from synthetic:

  • First, try rubbing the gem with a piece of wool or paper. Natural topaz is electrified, after such a “check” it will be able to attract a hair.
  • Run the mineral across the glass. The natural mineral is hard and easily scratched.
  • Squeeze the gem in the palm of your hand. A fake will quickly heat up from the heat of the human body, a natural mineral will not.
  • Examine what topaz looks like with a magnifying glass. Natural gems are perfectly smooth only if they are cut in the form of a cabochon, but even then they may contain small cracks, air bubbles, and abrasions.

However, the above methods can only reveal completely artless fakes made of plastic or glass. A synthetic gem made in a laboratory, the so-called "nano-topaz", will be completely identical to the natural one in terms of its properties and appearance. At the same time, the crystal formed in "greenhouse" conditions does not absorb the power of the earth, so it is useless as a talisman or amulet.

Those who prioritize the magical properties of the crystal should not buy it anywhere other than large certified shops. They purchase minerals directly from suppliers in "factory" packages, with documentation. Having carefully studied the product passport, you will see whether your purchase is a natural gem or an imitation.

Areas of use

Topaz products are first encountered in the ancient archaeological cultures of the Urals and India. In those days, it was used as a material for pestles, coasters, figurines. This use of the gem is relevant even now.

A large number of jewelry with topaz is made.

Jewelry copies are cut in the form of a diamond or cabochon, after which they are inserted into silver. Most often topaz jewelry - pendants, rings, seals. Natural stones are quite large and heavy, breaking them into small pieces to get beads is irrational.

The magical properties of the mineral allow it to absorb the energy of the carrier, giving it back as needed. Therefore, topaz talismans are often used by psychics as a kind of battery.

Caring for your stone products

Although the stone itself is quite durable, topaz jewelry still needs to be worn carefully and carefully.

  • Due to the specific cleavage, the mineral can crack along one of the faces. These are the most vulnerable parts of the crystal. Therefore, you should not hit them or drop the talisman on the floor.
  • Household chemicals can seriously damage the gem. Washing it with aggressive acidic or alkaline products is not the best idea. For the same reason, jewelry is put on last, after you have applied makeup.
  • Topaz is best worn in the evening. It fades quickly in the sun.
  • Once a month, the crystal must be washed. Warm soapy water is sufficient for cleaning. If the contamination is serious, it is better to take it to a jeweler.

Medicinal properties

First of all, the gem effectively treats diseases of the nervous system, as well as the digestive organs. It is often recommended to be worn for anorexia or bulimia. The gem also helps to defeat stomach ulcers, colitis, gastritis.

Some lithotherapists prescribe topaz treatment for eye diseases. To do this, it is recommended to peer into the depths of the crystal for ten to fifteen minutes every day.

Depending on the color of the stone, its properties may vary. Thus, golden minerals activate the processes of fracture regeneration and wound healing. Blue and blue - help to recover faster after strokes, cure migraines.

Transparent stone strengthens the immune system, serves as a good prevention of seasonal diseases. Brown, pink, red contribute to a stable remission in mental illness.

Like other gemstones, topaz works best when gem treatment is combined with medication. If a lithotherapist forbids you to take medications and be observed by traditional doctors in parallel with lithotherapy sessions, then this is most likely a charlatan.

magical properties

The magical properties of the topaz stone are already mentioned in ancient Indian manuscripts. Now psychics still consider the crystal to be a powerful amulet with a rich range of magical features.

  • Protected from evil spirits, ill-wishers, envious people. The stone also helps to expose hypocrites, liars, manipulators. Due to this, he is popular among diplomats, leaders, businessmen, public figures.
  • Magnet for material well-being. At the same time, the talisman does not like it when the carrier makes money the most important thing in his life. Remember that finances are a means to achieve real goals (for example, helping loved ones), and not an intrinsic value.
  • Improves the personal life of the owner. Thanks to topaz, a person becomes more attractive to the opposite sex. Also, the crystal provides fidelity and constancy of the partner, protects from quarrels, misunderstandings.
  • Helps build character. A person who has reached harmony with a stone acquires an "inner core", the ability to withstand life's difficulties and hardships.

Like the "widow's stone" , topaz is sometimes called the "stone of loneliness". There are various explanations for this, but most likely it is just a beautiful legend and a marketing ploy. This is how sellers convince you to buy a pair of jewelry.

Topaz differs from many more expensive stones in that its energy never conflicts with other minerals. The gem is not "jealous". However, it is important to remember that only natural, unenhanced crystals have magical properties.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Topaz is most suitable for the horoscope Scorpions And . They can wear a stone of any shade. He will make them wiser, calmer, more prudent, will give confidence in their abilities. Harmony with the mineral will come very quickly, most likely - right after you take the mineral in your hands.

, And Capricorn- green or red. Such a stone will maintain in its wearer an "inner spark" - the desire to act, self-develop, and achieve success. To those who are actively fighting for their well-being, the crystal is very supportive, it sends them good luck in all endeavors, useful contacts, opportunities for realizing the most cherished fantasies.

For the rest of the signs of the zodiac, there are no specific recommendations about topaz. They can use any stone, but the effect will not be as pronounced as with favorite signs. An exception is if you yourself found a mineral or it was presented to you with love. In this case, any crystal can become a powerful amulet.

The gemstone topaz is a common and popular variety of mineral formations, which today is very often used in the manufacture of a variety of jewelry and for other decorative purposes.

In total, several large deposits of this mineral were discovered, the most famous and largest of them is located on the territory of Brazil, it is there that the rarest varieties are mined, which are distinguished by a high price.

There are various color variations, it is believed that they all have individual healing and magical abilities: the main properties and meaning of all species, their specificity and the signs of the zodiac for which they are suitable, will be discussed in more detail in the proposed article.

topaz properties

This mineral has different characteristics, it has become widespread not only in the jewelry industry, astrologers and traditional healers also often turn to it. All the main properties of the topaz stone will be discussed below in the relevant sections.

Physical Properties

All varieties of the mineral are characterized by common physical properties, which are given below:

  1. Colors can be virtually anything., also meet transparent stones without a pronounced shade.
  2. All types of topaz have a characteristic glass shine.
  3. Density index is 3.5.
  4. The mineral is very strong and hard, the indicator is 8.5.
  5. Crystals in most cases have the shape of a prism and have a large number of faces., which form dipyramids and rhombic figures.
  6. Vertical crystal axis goes parallel to the rough natural shading.
  7. Sometimes you can find this mineral in the form of specific masses with a fine-grained structure.

magical properties

In addition to the physical characteristics listed above, a number of mystical abilities are often attributed to topaz. The main magical properties of the stone are discussed below:

  1. The main magical property of the topaz stone is to provide complex protection of a person from various evil witchcraft and the evil eye.
  2. Possibility of ensuring contact with the Higher mind, so it is very popular among people who are interested in some kind of yoga or other similar practices.
  3. Yellow topaz is able to give happiness to its owner if they have good intentions.
  4. Eliminate various fears and phobias, protection from stressful situations, withdrawal from depressive states.
  5. Protection from various passions which pose a danger to the spiritual health of a person.
  6. The development of mental abilities, stimulation of analytical activity, thanks to which the owner of the mineral gains the ability to quickly respond to ongoing events and make informed and correct decisions in a short time.
  7. Yellow topaz reveals hidden secrets, it is for this reason that psychics or hypnosis specialists very often turn to him, thanks to this feature he can be suitable as a talisman for detectives or forensic scientists.
  8. Stabilization of the financial situation, career growth, stimulation of labor activity.
  9. Providing women with natural beauty, and the representatives of the stronger sex with wisdom.
  10. Development of honesty in a person, justice and other positive characteristics.
  11. Good luck on long trips, business trips or any other travel.
  12. Help in building relationships with other people.

The magical properties of topaz stone have been known to man since ancient times: in many eastern states, golden minerals were especially valued, since yellow topaz was considered a symbol and tool for spiritual enlightenment.

In ancient India, pink topaz was also popular, where it was considered a magic stone that could magically restore lost hope to a person.

Medicinal properties

Topaz jewelry is popular not only among people interested in magic, but also among healers, as they also have unique healing properties.

How and to whom can topaz help:

  1. Help with any poisoning of the body, accelerated removal of poisons and other substances from it.
  2. Normalization of the sleep process.
  3. Normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system.
  4. Normalization of the functioning of internal organs, primarily the liver, kidneys, spleen, and gallbladder.
  5. Getting out of depression, a solution to many other problems of a psychological type.
  6. Treatment and prevention of Graves' disease, for these purposes only blue stone is used.
  7. Treatment of most gynecological diseases, solving problems with the inability to conceive a child, as well as getting rid of various lesions of the respiratory system. Yellow topaz has similar capabilities, but sometimes transparent colorless stones are used instead.
  8. Appetite stimulation, so it is very good for people suffering from lack of weight. For the same reason, people who are obese or want to get rid of a few extra pounds are not among those who are suitable for topaz.
  9. Comprehensive strengthening of the immune system, effective prevention of many respiratory diseases.

The mention of this mineral is found in so many ancient medical treatises written by thinkers of the past. It was especially popular in ancient India, where the gem was included in many Ayurvedic practices.

Types and colors of stone

Initially, all such minerals do not have any color, but the presence of various impurities in their composition provides a variety of shades. Color is one of the main factors that can affect the price of a finished piece of jewelry.

The main varieties will be discussed below:

  1. Blue topaz is the most popular variety, it looks very attractive and is always in demand. It is to this mineral that most of the magical and healing properties are attributed. Blue Topaz is one of the most sought after gemstones today.
  2. Yellow topazes are stones of different colors, they can have a wide variety of shades from light golden to dark brown. This variety has gained the greatest popularity in India, since it was there that most of the healing and mystical properties of this mineral were discovered.
  3. The blue mineral is also known as london topaz, a name commonly used commercially in the sale of finished products. The main distinguishing feature is a special cut. London stones are quite difficult to process and therefore their price is very high, for these reasons they are not very popular in Russia, where they are considered rare, unlike most European countries. There are other commercial names, but the deep blue color is a phenomenon that means that the mineral has been artificially processed. In terms of its capabilities and properties, London topaz is identical to the blue variety.
  4. Smoky stones are erroneously attributed to these minerals; in fact, they are a specific variety of quartz with a brownish color. There is a belief that they allow you to see prophetic dreams, and also have the ability to introduce a person into a meditative state, so smoky quartz jewelry is contraindicated for too dreamy or absent-minded people.
  5. Pink minerals are a very expensive variety., whose price is comparable to red stones.
  6. Minerals of green color are considered very rare, a similar shade means that the rock was exposed to radiation. Jewelry with such stones are usually part of expensive collections.
  7. White topaz is very often used in the process of making various amulets and amulets., it gives its owner clarity of thought, improves his psycho-emotional state and strengthens the immune system.
  8. Mystic topaz is a special variety of blue minerals familiar to many people: it is distinguished by an iridescent color, when rays of light hit it, the stones shimmer in various colors, changing their shades from purple to green tones. Such an optical effect adds attractiveness and originality to the decoration.

Amulets and talismans

This variety of gems is often used as amulets and talismans, some examples are given below:

  1. Jewelry with any variety of this mineral on their own are considered amulets that bring good luck and luck to their owner.
  2. Rings and other jewelry with large stones are recommended to be worn as talismans for people. engaged in various scientific research, doing business or traveling.
  3. Any jewelry that contains topaz is recommended to be worn. as a talisman for people who fail to have a child.
  4. Jewelry with red or pink stones can help in any love affairs., both partners can wear them at once, which increases their craving for each other.


Topaz is a fairly hard gemstone that does not require any special handling and is undemanding to conditions.

However, from time to time, he still needs the simplest care, which will consist in performing the following actions:

  1. Make an aqueous solution with the addition of any washing powder.
  2. Soak a brush in the prepared solution, which has soft bristles, and clean the stone with it.
  3. After completing the procedure, you must rinse the mineral without fail using distilled water.
  4. Such care is contraindicated if the stone is used as an insert in jewelry. made of silver, as this will adversely affect the condition of the metal.

The only drawback of topaz is the instability of its color, clouding of the surface of the mineral is often observed. This may be caused by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or the formation of a dusty coating.

If the stone has lost the visible outlines of the faces and has become cloudy, then it is enough just to wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, which will return it to its original appearance.

Which zodiac signs are suitable

Given the basic capabilities and properties of the mineral, it is very often mentioned in astrology. Topaz according to the zodiac sign is most suitable for:

  1. People born under the zodiac sign Gemini, should choose yellow stones and all varieties that do not have a pronounced color.
  2. People born under the zodiac sign Libra, absolutely all varieties of the mineral are excellent.
  3. According to the horoscope, this mineral is also favorable to Scorpios: for people born under this zodiac sign, all varieties of blue and blue stones are suitable.

The only one who needs to beware of wearing jewelry with this mineral- these are dishonest and bad people, whose character carries negativity and who are characterized by bad intentions. In this case, topaz will not help, regardless of what zodiac sign a person was born under.

How to distinguish a real stone from a fake

This mineral, regardless of the specific variety, has a very high price, so scammers often try to fake it.

You can distinguish a fake from a real mineral in the following ways:

  1. Wipe the stone with a woolen cloth, after which the natural mineral should become electrified and begin to attract individual hairs to itself.
  2. Fake mineral cannot scratch crystal or quartz, because it does not have sufficient hardness.
  3. Change their temperature and heat up for a short time only fake options.
  4. Perfect smoothness without scratches or other natural defects usually indicates an artificial origin.
  5. The brightness of the color also indicates a fake, since only gentle and calm shades are found in nature.
  6. Fake pops up when immersed it into a solution of methylene iodide.

Unscrupulous sellers in most cases sell fake dark-colored stones, since in fact all light varieties are much more common and not uncommon, so their cost is usually much lower, which makes artificial production an unprofitable and unprofitable process.

What is the price

There is no average cost indicator, since the price depends on a number of factors, among which are:

  1. A type of mineral. Stones of pink or red color are considered the most rare and expensive, their price usually reaches $300-600 per carat. Yellow, gold and brown minerals cost about $200-500 per carat, the rest of the stones are a little cheaper.
  2. Topazes are commonly purchased as inlays in jewelry, therefore, the final price also depends on the metal used. Gold items are considered the most expensive option.

  1. It is best to insert such a gem into pendants or bracelets., rings and rings are also suitable if worn on the index finger.
  2. The main distinguishing feature, unlike most analogues, is the ability to combine topaz with jewelry in which other varieties of precious stones were inserted. In this case, their basic properties will not only be preserved, but will also be significantly enhanced.
  3. All people who find themselves in a difficult situation and have difficulty finding a way out of it are recommended to wear blue topaz jewelry. This will add optimism and a positive attitude to them, as well as allow them to distinguish lies. In addition, the mineral will provide reliable protection from hidden enemies and a favorable attitude of friends.
  4. Blue topaz jewelry can be worn all day long, since this type of mineral is most resistant to direct sunlight and does not lose its brightness.
  5. When choosing this stone, you should consider which zodiac sign which color suits best., because a well-chosen zodiac talisman can bring much more benefit to its owner.

In ancient times, it was believed that topaz stones could not be found in the daytime. And only when the day gave way to night, the reflections of topaz could be seen from afar. Stone seekers marked “shining places” with cobblestones or tree branches, and when dawn came, they set off in search of valuable prey. Since ancient times, these minerals have been known to people, they are even mentioned in the Bible, when the breast decoration of the high priest Aaron was decorated with this stone. They have a number of properties and are endowed with magical powers. The variety of topaz is also great. Let's find out more about all this.

Description of the stone

What do we not know about minerals? These minerals are fluorine-containing aluminum silicates (a simple formula) when viewed through the eyes of chemists. Some believe that the topaz stone acquired its name in honor of the Red Sea island - Topozos, now St. John's. And some argue that the name, description and meaning of the topaz stone comes from “the topas” - heat, fire (translated from Sanskrit). And in ancient India, all yellow rocks were called "ta grooves." The Swiss attribute the words to marvelous stones: swiss, payx.

To find and clean a nugget, a number of technologies are used in special conditions. The hydrothermal sluice makes it possible to obtain and test unique types of nuggets with a beautiful transparent color. There is also a synthetic mineral. Distinguishing the latter from the former is not easy only for the average layman. This stone is often referred to as a powerful technique that is capable of processing hard rocks, for example Topaz varieties 103m1. The most famous topaz factory is KYUF (Factory in Kostroma, founded in 1992 by two jewelers). There are factories for the production of an artificial mineral, the names of which may be different, but in fact they are all fakes.

What topaz has - properties, who suits the magic topaz stone, what varieties there are and how to use it - we will see further.


What shade is relevant for the mineral and what can be its cut? The topaz nugget is mostly characterized by a bluish color. However, often the stones have pink, yellow and even golden hues. Minerals have a whole rainbow of color tones. White topaz (colorless) is as rare as red topaz. But there are colors of stones that capture almost the entire standard color spectrum. Also in nature, there are these “cat's eye” minerals - yellow or colorless rocks with opalescence. These polychrome minerals look impressive, in which the first half of the stone has a cherry color (wine), and the second is dark blue. Impurities of chromium, iron and titanium determine the color of topaz, a semi-precious stone. They have a very high density, which is why stone cutters often refer to minerals as heavyweights. Topaz or heavyweight, a precious topaz stone that is always in demand and looks unrivaled.

Due to high-temperature work on the mineral, the brown topaz stone acquires a pink color. It is worth saying that it is not so easy to process a stone in order to get topazes of a rich dark blue color with green, saturated or transparent color (colorless). The orange-red specimen of the stone remains the most unique. These blue minerals are not so expensive. These colorless minerals, like any others (you can not compare them with transparent diamonds) are not of great value. Green topaz is quite rare, it is called a collection stone.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Which stone does not have its own energy force? The magical properties of the topaz stone can help some in something, while others, on the contrary, interfere. The same goes for topaz. If you decide to wear this magical stone (green, blue, pink, gold and any other), then you should know its energy characteristics and compatibility with different zodiac signs.

Astrology believes that the mystical topaz is the November stone. Therefore, it is most suitable for Scorpios. Who else can appreciate the magic of a stone like this sign. This is how modern psychics think and the ancient oracles believed. Moreover, wearing natural topaz for a scorpion is an important necessity, the main thing is to avoid fakes. This sign is an adherent of extremes and therefore he often needs to restore the energy balance. And the mystical topaz - (November stone) in this is the first assistant of the scorpion. This is especially true of young scorpions, who often lack prudence and life experience, who want to cleanse their soul and body. The miraculous power of the gem helps such individuals to gain wisdom. At this time, this natural mineral can help make peace with people, establish useful scorpion contacts and be calmer and more balanced. In stressful situations, the magical topaz stone helps almost all signs of the zodiac to pull themselves together. The effect of topaz on other zodiac signs is easy to see. Sagittarius or Leo, the mineral guides on the right path. Virgos will gain new knowledge, using varieties and stones, they will understand what the depth of being means. But all this magic does not apply to an artificial mineral, whose names may be different.

Who suits blue topaz

All signs of the Zodiac perceive the mystical stone in their own way. Who suits a valuable natural mineral - let's figure it out.

When choosing natural topaz according to the sign of the zodiac, it is necessary to take into account the color of the stone. The shade should suit you externally and you like the soul. As for Scorpions, lilac and blue rare gems are more suitable for them. They will teach not only to calm emotions, but also to learn about the world and people around them. This is important for young and middle-aged scorpions. The November zodiac sign and the magical properties of topaz are very interconnected. Scorpio women receive irresistibility from the mineral. Men receive strength and prudence from the stone.

The strangest thing is that the topaz stone gets along with absolutely all the signs of the zodiac whose names you know and helps everyone who will use topaz. Libra and Pisces also get maximum knowledge and energy from topaz. The mineral will help to believe in yourself. Especially, this applies to scales, the forces of which need to be balanced and directed in the right direction. But it is worth noting Taurus, as a sign completely opposite to Scorpio. Taurus is not recommended to wear jewelry made from these gems (except for white topaz), it will not protect them. Opal or corundum is more suitable for them, as it is similar in color to the blue mineral. The blue natural mineral looks spectacular in silver or white gold.

Horoscope colors

Yellow and golden rocks will harmoniously fit into the rhythm of Gemini. These yellow minerals are great for lions and maidens. For cancer, blue topazes (jewelry) and greenish shades of gems will be more harmonious. Blue topaz and white items will increase the luck of Cancers. These minerals in rich dark blue with green will come in handy for Gemini.

Red, purple or golden topaz works well for Aries. Capricorn and Virgo - brown, lilac or greenish shades of transparent topaz.

But whatever the color of the jewelry, by its nature, topaz is still a very hard stone. It forces its owner to really look at things and carefully evaluate people, which can be bad for people with large families. Therefore, family Pisces, Taurus and Libra can use these minerals in rare cases and only as decorations, not a talisman.

Talismans and amulets

How to wear topaz amulet? The magic stone topaz - properties should be known not only by specialists, but also by ordinary people. It is best to wear jewelry with a stone on the right hand. Topaz is a stone whose magical properties have no limits. A ring with a gem on the index finger will always show you the right path through life. More than one mystic who believes in parallel worlds, and maybe communicates with its inhabitants, uses these minerals as their guides. It is better that the metal under the stone is yellow, then the rainbow mineral works better. Topaz and American gold go well together. You can also wear pendants on your chest or bracelets on your right wrist. Such an amulet, especially a rauch, even protects from the evil eye, if chosen correctly.

Topaz is able to coexist peacefully with other stones, with their relatives. While many gems lose their properties next to their own kind. Topaz, on the contrary, increases strength and maximally saturates its owner with positive energy. To use amulets with a semi-precious stone insert means to achieve success in work, to overcome troubles in the team. If you use a pendant or brooch as a daily decoration, you will gain vitality, emphasizing it with your own hands, and overcome difficulties. Topaz amulets help women open the female love chakra, get rid of infertility. And he has no analogues. A man should look at a photo of smoky topaz jewelry, which, after purchase, will give him masculine power to the fullest. Golden topaz is usually worn in the form of a small ring or earrings. One trinket with a stone will be enough to increase vitality, even if you keep it at home.

The healing properties of the stone

In ancient times, topaz m (mineral) was considered a gem with healing properties. In Indian old writings, this mineral is mentioned many times as a cure for diseases (for example, in the texts of Ayurveda).

Modern yogis and healers believe that any, even a black gem, has projective Yang energy. This force, like immunity, saves the body from viral infections and colds.

The digestive system is well treated with minerals. They also treat the gallbladder, relieve stress and insomnia. These minerals are able to treat mental illness, neurosis and cardiorrhythmia. And for gourmets it will be interesting to know that semi-precious rocks are able to exacerbate taste sensations with their properties.

People who are prone to stress and irritability, prone to sudden mood swings, are advised to carry these minerals with them to calm the nervous system.

Magic force

In the middle of the 10th century, a role was attributed to topaz - to save people from poisoning. The stone was a kind of indicator of food or drink. It was believed that topaz could instantly change its color if there was poison near it. That is why these minerals often adorned royal goblets and utensils. If the stone becomes cloudy, then the food or wine is poisoned.

It is believed that a person who wears a mystical stone daily can rarely be unbalanced. He is always cheerful and optimistic, he enjoys the peace of his soul and a sense of serenity. The magic of the stone and its color with its mystical actions gives women youth and beauty, and men - strength and self-confidence. The mineral eradicates anger and hatred in a person. Another important fact that our ancient ancestors noticed is that topaz is able to attract wealth. The highest chakra Sahasrara, stimulated by this stone, blossoms. Through it, during meditation, people discover the knowledge of higher powers.

Prices for these minerals

Topaz is a semi-precious stone. The color of topaz also determines its final value. For the price, topaz is relatively inexpensive. The highest quality and most expensive are these yellow-pink minerals. These are Brazilian minerals from the Minas Noeas region. That is why they are also called imperials.

How much does a valuable magical mineral cost? For one carat of such minerals, you can lay out from 100 to 300 dollars. The price for lilac or red these minerals exceeds $ 700 per carat. And this is not the limit!

In Russia, these blue minerals are most common from 10 thousand rubles per carat. Topaz - a photo of jewelry which is usually on any jewelry site, you should choose by color and description for it. For example, topaz pink topaz - a photo of a stone and color simply fascinate and delight, making it clear to the visitor that he has a valuable stone in front of him and any kyuf will confirm this.


Summing up, we can confidently conclude that topaz:

  • semi-precious rare stone (royal);
  • has a variety of color shades;
  • judging by the horoscope, the mineral is suitable for almost all signs of the zodiac, especially Scorpio. He will balance such a person;
  • smoky, it has a number of useful properties (relieves stress, strengthens the immune system, etc.);
  • valued almost the same as precious stones.

When ordering topaz - photos of jewelry you need to view everything. For example, about topaz pink topaz - photos of jewelry will speak brighter than words. The characteristic of the mineral also does not leave without attention.

Topaz must certainly be in people striving for success. Faith, desire, as well as the help of a valuable topaz stone will help you reach unprecedented heights with your own hands!

Blue topaz is one of the most delightful gemstones. Sky blue, surprisingly delicate shade. The stone has some unearthly, angelic beauty. Contemplation of its divine palette causes a feeling of harmony and peace. You can look at it endlessly, without taking your eyes off, admire the perfect cut, dazzlingly pure radiance. The soft unobtrusive shade and elegant shine of blue topaz do not look defiant, therefore it is appropriate always and everywhere.

According to ancient legends, this gentle stone with the thinnest aura can calm the most terrible storm and any other element. The first navigators went to distant lands and made their great discoveries with a ring adorned with magical blue topaz, which led them out of impenetrable fogs and saved them during deadly storms. Medieval knights gave their ladies luxurious jewelry with blue topaz, brought from distant campaigns.

Despite the angelic beauty, topaz is distinguished by a certain insidiousness: it helps to achieve financial success, quickly make a career and build your own business. But at the same time, the energy of the stone is so powerful and crystal clear that it reveals lies and ruthlessly rips off masks, destroying illusions and false relationships. This property both helps and hinders at the same time. The owner of such a crystal- "honest" stone needs to be prepared for the harsh and often hard-hitting truth. Blue topaz brings unfaithful husbands, unscrupulous partners to light, reveals the intrigues of enemies, “attracts” real friends and reveals enemies. The owner of the stone gets a more realistic picture of life. It is worth considering thoroughly whether you are ready to see it, and even more so, to endure it psychologically. Going with the flow with such a powerful energy conductor simply will not work. This is a stone for strong, determined people with a philosophical mindset. It opens the owner to a world in which one must fight and act very carefully, but at the same time it is a strong catalyst for decay. This is the "cunning" of the stone - its powerful energy destroys weaker vibrations.

This does not mean at all that jewelry with this stone is contraindicated for people who are sensitive and not very self-confident. Not at all! You need to be able to correctly use the magical power of the stone and wear it only in cases where its crystallinity is relevant and necessary. For example, when meeting new people for the first time, when signing contracts, concluding sales transactions, when it is important to reveal the malicious plans of the seller, if any.

Well, in general, blue topaz is simply indispensable for those who strive for enlightenment and spiritual growth - it is an ideal stone for meditation and spiritual practices.
In terms of the color palette, this mineral is most suitable, of course, for blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls. Topaz has an absolutely amazing ability to emphasize the beauty of blue eyes! At the same time, the stone is able to decorate every woman. All blue topazes have an incredible aesthetic appeal - thin graceful lines, charming color, crystal clear radiance!

Place of Birth
In medieval Europe, blue topaz was called “Siberian diamonds”, since it was in the Russian Urals that they were actively mined at that time. These crystals were called diamonds not only for their similar shade and transparency, but also for their high hardness, in which they were inferior only to natural diamonds and brilliants.

High-quality blue topaz is mined today in Germany, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Australia, and the USA. The leader in the supply of blue topaz on the world market is Brazil, which is why blue topaz is often called "Brazilian sapphires".

Medicinal properties
Best of all, blue topaz affects the nervous system - it saves from insomnia, drives away depression, and protects from nightmares. Such a stone will become a reliable assistant for everyone who has problems with nerves. Contemplation of the heavenly beauty of the crystal balances and calms the weak and disturbed psyche. There is evidence that wearing blue topaz jewelry reduces the frequency and severity of epileptic seizures.

To prevent diseases and strengthen the thyroid gland, it is recommended to wear blue topazes around the neck in the form of a necklace. Due to the high frequency of vibrations of the blue crystal, the regeneration of skin cells and tissues is accelerated, the metabolism is normalized - this helps to start the processes of rejuvenation of the body.

Blue topaz heals a wide variety of respiratory diseases - even such complex diseases as chronic tonsillitis and bronchial asthma. The stone strengthens the immune system, helps with anemia. Regular contemplation of its crystal clearness relieves eye strain after prolonged work, helps to reduce myopia.

In Medieval Europe, blue topaz was actively used as an effective remedy for poisoning. According to the information preserved in ancient books, in the presence of poison, the stone changed its color. That is why expensive glasses and goblets were decorated with topazes.

magical properties
Blue topaz is the perfect stone for Scorpio. Blue topaz gives wisdom to Scorpio men, and charm to Scorpio women.

According to esotericists, blue topaz removes the evil eye and heals from obsession. At the same time, it helps to inspire others with desirable thoughts and moods. The stone is able to change the character of its owner - to make him softer, more benevolent, generous, decent, honest and devoted.

In Indian yoga, blue topaz is recognized as a stone that activates the highest chakra Sahasrara - the Crown, Sacred, Crown chakra, which is the center of human perfection. In Indian practice, blue topaz was actively used in meditation to achieve enlightenment, an all-pervading vision, to connect with the Higher Mind.
Read more: Chakras

According to the famous practice of Ayurveda, blue topaz gives a powerful impetus to the development of intellectual abilities, gives wisdom and intuition, relieves far-fetched fears and kindles passion. According to experts, the stone has the most powerful influence on people who are mature, wise with experience, full-fledged developed personalities.

The stone inspires optimism, helps to achieve success in business and financial matters, gives joy in life. Its long contemplation allows you to feel serene peace, some kind of unearthly peace, causes fireworks of positive emotions and pleasant associations. No wonder this mineral is recognized as a stone of enlightenment. It relieves anger, irritation, hatred. The crystal clearness of blue topaz refreshes energy, allows you to feel bliss.

Blue topaz perfectly manifests its magical properties in any form - in earrings and rings, in pendants and brooches, framed in gold and silver. He does not like the stone of the neighborhood with diamonds and rock crystal.

Topaz is known for its beauty, the name of this stone is familiar to almost every person. What secrets does the mineral hide and why is it considered valuable?

Topaz and its history

The origin of the name of this mineral is still unclear. According to one version, the stone is named after the Greek island, near which it was discovered by shipwrecked sailors. Another theory is that the name comes from the Sanskrit word meaning fire and heat, from this information it can be understood that topaz in the area where they were found had a golden-orange color.

Topaz has been valued by people since ancient times. Archaeologists have discovered ritual items made from topaz, as well as various decorations. It is known that this stone was very much appreciated in the Renaissance and was very popular in Rus', where people knew it under the name "heavyweight", which the mineral received due to its high density.

In addition, some topaz can be found in museums. These are huge crystals that were found in the bowels of the earth. The smallest - 10 kg, is stored in the St. Petersburg Museum, and the largest - 117 kg - was discovered in Ukraine. Stones of an unusual size were also found in Brazil; specimens weighing 31.8 and 50.4 kg are kept in the country's museums.

Types and colors of topaz

Mineral deposits

How to detect a fake?

Topaz is popular and has a high value, so it is not surprising that scammers counterfeit this stone in an effort to make more money. In order not to fall for tricks, you need to be able to distinguish natural stone from fakes.

  1. A very simple way to help recognize an imitation is to rub the stone on a woolen cloth. If it becomes electrified and paper starts to stick to it, then you have a real topaz in front of you.
  2. A natural mineral has a high hardness and is able to scratch quartz or crystal, but a fake one does not have such properties.
  3. Natural stones remain cold for a long time, so if the mineral immediately warms up in your hands, then most likely it is a fake.
  4. It is worth noting that light-colored topazes are faked much less often - they are not so rare.
  5. If you have a solution of methylene iodide, you can lower the topaz into it - the real one will be at the bottom of the vessel, and the artificial one will remain floating on the surface.
  6. Natural samples, as a rule, have minor defects, cracks, while artificial imitation has perfect smoothness.
  7. Also, the too bright and saturated color of topaz should alert. In nature, there are no stones of poisonous shades, real minerals have calm, gentle tones, so excessive brightness is a sign of a fake.

Topaz stone and its magical properties

Medicinal properties

Topaz is mentioned in ancient medical treatises; it was popular with healers of that time.

  • It was believed that topaz helps to cope with poisoning.
  • The stone can heal disorders of the nervous system, help to cope with psychological problems, relieve insomnia, fears, worries and depression.
  • The effect of the stone on the functioning of the liver, gallbladder and spleen has a beneficial effect.
  • Topaz helps to strengthen the immune system during an exacerbation of colds.
  • Wearing topaz returns lost appetite, so the stone is recommended for those who want to gain weight, but for those who are losing weight, on the contrary, it is better to use topaz with caution.
  • Blue topaz helps to avoid the likelihood of Graves' disease.
  • Yellow stones can help to cope with respiratory diseases, asthma and bronchitis. Also, the yellow mineral has a good effect on women's health, helping to restore lost cycles, get rid of problems with the uterus and conceive a child. For the same purpose, a transparent stone can help.
  • In India, topaz is one of the 12 main stones with the strongest medicinal properties and is used in Ayurvedic practices.

Talismans and amulets

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Sapphire - stone properties