When the basal temperature rises during pregnancy. What can be learned from the graph of temperature change. Temperature curve options

A graph based on temperature measurements helps girls in identifying the day of ovulation. In addition, with its help, you can notice the deviation in a timely manner and suspect some kind of disease. Consider what a typical basal temperature chart is with examples and decoding for a normal cycle, when pregnancy is detected, and for some pathologies.

Rules for measuring basal temperature

Many girls, when drawing up a graph of basal temperature, make comparisons with examples on the forums, which is not always correct, because each body is individual. In addition, you need to remember that many factors affect the temperature, and therefore the lines are different for everyone and contain atypical “jumps” and sinkings.

Therefore, first of all, you need to study the rules for taking measurements so that the result is reliable:

  • Use one thermometer. Do not alternate electronic with mercury.
  • Take measurements first thing after waking up. You need to prepare everything in the evening (thermometer, sheet for writing), so as not to even get out of bed. Do not make sudden movements, while maintaining a calm state as much as possible.
  • The testing time should be the same every day.
  • Exclude heavy physical exertion, taking hormonal drugs, drinking alcohol during pregnancy planning, try not to be nervous, because. all these factors affect the temperature and can distort the graph.
  • It takes several months to conduct observations in order to identify your standards and learn how to decipher them.

As we have already mentioned, various deviations from the usual rhythm of life, illnesses, stressful situations, flights, climate change, etc. affect the temperature. Therefore, in the schedule, you need to make notes about the presence of a situation on a particular day. This will eliminate the irrelevant indicator when decrypting. By the way, sexual intercourse can also change the temperature. After it, the body returns to normal only after 10-12 hours.

Basal temperature chart with examples and explanation

Normal schedule with two phases

Considering a typical, normal basal temperature chart and an example of plotting a curve, the following points should be noted:

  1. The first few values ​​taken during menstruation do not play a special role.
  2. It is necessary to draw a line, which will be the average of the first stage. Normally, about 6 days should have the same values ​​​​(a deviation of 0.1 ° C is considered normal). If there is a “leap”, but there is an explanation for it, this day is simply not taken into account.
  3. On the eve of ovulation, there is a drop from the average value by 0.2-0.4 ° C. It lasts 1-2 days.
  4. The moment of the appearance of the egg is marked by a sharp increase in temperature - by 0.4-0.6 ° C. Before this jump, you can draw a vertical line that indicates ovulation.
  5. After ovulation, there is a slow rise in temperature or a constant stay at elevated values.
  6. 3-5 days before menstruation, there is a decline - by 0.1 ° C daily or sharper - by 0.2 ° C in two days, for example.

Anovulatory schedule

Every girl has a cycle without egg maturation. It's okay if it happens once a year. With a more frequent or constant absence of an egg, you need to consult a doctor and identify the cause of the pathology in order to prevent infertility.

On the graph, the anovulatory period is characterized by the following features:

  • There are no drops in the middle of the cycle. This means that the cell did not appear.
  • In the second part, the temperature is almost at the same level as in the first. This shows the absence of progesterone produced after the cell exits.

If the line is in the same plane all the time, ovulation has not happened. Without it, fertilization is also impossible, and therefore it is necessary to visit a doctor, observing such a picture for the second time. It is not worth delaying in order to undergo treatment in a timely manner.

Graphs of basal temperature during pregnancy (examples)

What does the chart show during pregnancy

The graphs of basal temperature during pregnancy, examples of which can be considered below, are somewhat different, because conception occurs, which cannot but affect the indicators. Changes on the chart are displayed as follows:

  • The first phase occurs similarly to the previous cycles.
  • After a sharp jump (ovulation), there is an increase in temperature that lasts more than 14 days. The absence of a recession 3-5 days before the expected period clearly indicates a new condition.
  • A confirmation of the condition for the girl is the implantation sinking of 0.2-0.3 ° C. It occurs about 7 days after the release of the cell and lasts 1-2 days. After the line returns to higher values.

The implantation recession is not noticeable in every girl, and therefore the most relevant confirmation of pregnancy is the maintenance of a constant elevated temperature. It remains at this level after the delay and lasts until childbirth.

If a woman is pregnant, then after an elevated temperature after the day of ovulation, it will persist until childbirth, as in the example of the graph.

Examples of charts with a lack of hormones

Looking at the charts of basal temperature with examples, you can identify many deviations, each of which can pose a threat to health or indicate the need for treatment.

The normal course of processes is influenced by hormones typical for each stage of the cycle. With their imbalance, temperature deviations are also observed. Thus, the lack of estrogen that accompanies cell maturation is expressed as follows:

  • The line in the first part is above 36.5°C.
  • After ovulation, the rise takes over 3 days.
  • In the second part, the values ​​are above the norm - from 37.1 ° C.

In this state of affairs, fertilization is quite problematic.

Insufficiency of the corpus luteum

The insufficiency of the corpus luteum, which produces the progesterone necessary to maintain fertilization and pregnancy, is detected as follows:

  • The temperature rises slowly after ovulation.
  • Before menstruation, there is an increase, not a decrease.
  • The second period is less than 12-14 days.

Estrogen-progesterone deficiency

In any of the described cases of imbalance, a visit to a specialist is necessary. After passing the test for hormones, the doctor prescribes their substitutes. Reception should be carried out strictly according to the prescribed course and not cancel them on their own if pregnancy is suspected. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug can cause fetal rejection.

For the first cycle, clostilbegit is more often prescribed, for the second - utrozhestan or duphaston. Using stimulant drugs, the girl will soon notice the return of the schedule to normal: two phases with a temperature difference of 0.4-0.6 ° C and with obvious ovulation at their border.

If the schedule remains non-standard, with increased rates, you need to inform the doctor. Probably, the selected dose is not suitable and you need to change the course.

Hyperprolactinemia - graph indicators

Separately, it is worth noting an atypical schedule with an increased level of prolactin. More often this situation is typical for lactating women. They have the same indicators as in pregnant women. The schedule of basal temperature during pregnancy, examples of which we examined, is characterized by constantly high rates and the absence of menstruation.

This condition is called hyperprolactinemia. If this is a nursing mother, then there is nothing to worry about. After the prescribed time, the level of prolactin will decrease, and the cycle will return to normal. If this is observed in a nulliparous girl, you need to visit a doctor and identify the cause of such a hormone content.

An example of a basal temperature chart during pregnancy indicating hyperprolactinemia

Examples of Graphs Showing Diseases

The schedule, in addition to ovulation and the normal passage of the cycle, is able to identify some diseases.

Inflammation of the appendages is characterized by an increase for several days to 37 ° C in the first period, after which there is a decline before ovulation. The jump occurs very sharply, more often on the 6-7th day, and after a few days - the same sharp decline. Sometimes such growth is mistaken for ovulation. A visit to the doctor is necessary, because. with untreated inflammatory processes, the normal course of pregnancy is problematic.

Endometritis on the example of a graph

Endometritis can be identified by comparing the end of one and the beginning of the next cycle.

Rules for measuring basal temperature (video)

The video describes the most popular rules for measuring basal temperature, these are the main recommendations, if followed, you can be sure of the correct measurement.


  • If a non-standard rise or fall is noticed for one day, you should not worry. Any deviation cannot be an isolated case. Here, a violation of the measurement rules or the influence of external factors (lack of sleep, stress, a cold) is more likely.
  • If the indicators are above or below the norm, but the difference between the phases is at least 0.4 ° C, this is a normal cycle. Just because of the characteristics of the body, the girl's indicators do not meet the standard.
  • When observing the same atypical picture for more than two cycles, you need to visit a doctor. Despite the presence of graphs, he will make a diagnosis only after conducting tests.
  • Suspicion of infertility is considered: the retraction of the line in the second period, in the middle the rise is observed for more than 3 days, the difference between the average values ​​of the phases is less than 0.4°C.
  • Graphs showing no cell release, cycle duration less than 21 days, second phase length less than 10 days, menstruation more than 5 days, delays, late ovulation, should be the rationale for contacting a doctor.
  • If during normal ovulation and sexual intercourse these days, conception does not occur for more than 2-3 months, you need to undergo an examination to identify the cause.
  • With a delay, high values ​​\u200b\u200bof more than 18 days, but a negative test, an urgent need to visit a doctor. It is possible to develop an ectopic pregnancy.

These are the conclusions for girls who are planning to conceive or are already pregnant, who have been or are keeping basal temperature charts, are common in the field of gynecology and are recommended by experts

If you are measuring your basal body temperature, this method can help you know when you are. An increase in basal temperature is one of the first signs of conception that has taken place.

What is basal body temperature

Basal temperature is the temperature in the mouth, in the rectum or in the vagina, measured by a woman in a state of complete rest. Its indicators indirectly indicate the presence or absence of ovulation. During a normal menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is below 37 ° C until ovulation begins - approximately until the middle of the cycle. This period is called the first phase. As soon as the indicators increased by at least 0.4 ° C, you need to think that ovulation has taken place. The basal temperature remains elevated in the second phase. And 1-2 days before the start of the menstrual cycle or on the day when menstruation began, it drops again. If this does not happen - neither menstruation nor a decrease in basal temperature is observed - there is a high probability that pregnancy has occurred.

Why does a woman need it?

Necessary in order to determine the most. That is, tracking basal temperature significantly increases the chances of pregnancy for women striving for this, since you have the opportunity to find out exactly when the egg matures. The days before and at the time of ovulation are considered the most favorable for conception.

In the same way, the measurement of basal temperature is one of the contraceptive methods, since it allows you to calculate these very days: in this case, the most dangerous in terms of probable pregnancy.

Also, the schedule of basal temperatures allows you to determine the date of the next menstruation and assess the state and functioning of the endocrine system. And at the same time, you can diagnose the onset of pregnancy in terms of basal temperature. Only for this, of course, it is necessary to track its performance daily for several months, keeping a special diary.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

Since our body temperature fluctuates throughout the day (this is affected by stress, meals, overheating, physical activity and many other factors), we are most likely to measure the true temperature in the morning immediately after waking up, while the whole body is in a state of absolute rest and unaffected by external factors. That is why it is called basal, that is, basic, basic.

In order for the results to be informative, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules in measuring basal temperature (BT):

  1. Measurement of basal temperature is not carried out while taking oral contraceptives, sedatives and hormonal drugs, as well as alcohol.
  2. Measure BBT exactly in the rectum, and not in the mouth or vagina.
  3. It is better to start measuring on the first day of the cycle after 5-6 hours of sleep.
  4. BT is measured every morning immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed and without making any sudden movements, including without talking and without opening your eyes (the point is that bright rays of light do not irritate the eye). Any action can distort the result. Therefore, prepare a thermometer in the evening in close proximity to the bed, after knocking down the latest indicators.
  5. It is necessary to measure the temperature at the same time.
  6. But if you had to get up earlier than usual (for example, to go to the toilet), measure your BBT before you get up.
  7. The most accurate indicators will be if you slept for at least 3 hours in a row.
  8. Temperature measurement is carried out for 7-10 minutes with a mercury and 60 seconds with an electronic thermometer, but each time the duration should be the same.
  9. For this, the same thermometer is always used (the safest is electronic).
  10. When taking out a mercury thermometer, take it by the upper part, and not by the base at the location of the mercury, in order to avoid errors as a result.
  11. All indicators are recorded in a diary for drawing up a BT schedule, indicating all the reasons that hypothetically could affect temperature changes (colds, stress, overwork, and others).

Definition of pregnancy by basal temperature

If you regularly measure your basal temperature, you will surely notice the onset of pregnancy. It is very likely that conception took place if:

  • high temperatures persist for 3 days more than the usual phase of the corpus luteum (the period after ovulation, during which high temperatures persist);
  • with a normal two-phase graph, you observe a third jump in temperature rise (but this is not a necessary condition at all);
  • if the corpus luteum phase lasts more than 18 days, that is, you observe more than 18 high temperatures in a row.

Basal body temperature during pregnancy

It has its own explanation and natural necessity. This happens under the influence of hormones - their level changes. And everything is needed in order to prepare the walls of the uterus for the possible attachment of a fertilized egg. If this is exactly what happened, these hormones continue to be produced, so high temperatures persist for a long period. In a normal pregnancy, BBT remains elevated to 37.1ºС-37.3 ºС during the first four months, after which it gradually decreases. Therefore, after 20 weeks there is no longer any point in measuring it.

And why check it up to 4 months, if the pregnancy has already come? - you ask. The fact is that a sharp decrease in basal temperature during pregnancy indicates that the hormonal background has changed, which means that there is a threat or a halt in the development of the fetus.

Thus, measurement of basal temperature during pregnancy is recommended for women with a threatened miscarriage and a history of cases. If the temperature drops below 37 ° C, the pregnant woman should immediately contact the observing gynecologist for advice. The same applies to an increase in temperature to 37.8 ° C and above, which indicates the passage of some kind of inflammatory process.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Women who monitor their basal body temperature know that it reflects internal processes such as ovulation and pregnancy. What does low temperature indicate throughout the cycle or during ovulation and how does it affect the ability to become pregnant.

How does the temperature change throughout the cycle?

A woman can become pregnant only when she is ready for fertilization. This period is called ovulation. Accordingly, in order to understand whether there is a chance of getting pregnant, you need to calculate the moment of ovulation. It's not hard to do this with help.

The entire monthly cycle of a woman is divided into three main stages, each of which corresponds to a certain temperature:

If you look at the graph of the curve, then in the middle of the cycle a jump in temperature will be clearly visible, which lasts 1-3 days. These are the few days that are favorable for conceiving a child.

When the temperature rises to 37 and above, the chance of getting pregnant is greatly reduced. Since at this moment the egg dies, and pregnancy can only occur in the next cycle.

Attention! A woman can become pregnant at a time when the level of BT in the middle of the cycle has not yet reached 37 degrees.

But it should be understood that basal temperature is a very individual indicator, and for each woman it can differ significantly from the norm. Therefore, during the analysis of the chart, you need to look not so much at the indicators as at their ratio. The temperature difference between the first and second phases should be 0.4-0.5 degrees, that is, during ovulation, BT should be higher than during menstruation .

What does a temperature below 37 mean?

In fact, the hormone progesterone is responsible for increasing the basal temperature. Its high concentration in the blood during ovulation leads to a jump in BBT. Accordingly, if a woman's temperature has not risen to this level, most likely, the problem lies in a disturbed hormonal background.

There are several other explanations for this phenomenon:

  1. Lack of ovulation . Once or twice a year, every woman can experience an anovulatory cycle. That is, the egg does not mature, which means that she cannot become pregnant this month. In this case, the BT schedule will be almost uniform, without jumps, and menstrual flow is very scarce. If this happens constantly, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  2. Implant window . In the event of pregnancy 5-6 after ovulation, BBT decreases as a result of the attachment of the implantation egg to the uterine wall. This decline lasts no longer than 36 hours. If the pregnancy did not take place, the temperature will stay at around 37 and gradually decrease.
  3. In a small number of women the temperature during ovulation, contrary to the norms, may decrease.

Also, you need to understand that in the first phase of the cycle and immediately before the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature does not exceed 37 degrees.

What happens if pregnancy occurs at a low basal temperature?

If for a successful conception it is necessary that the temperature be below 37 degrees, then for the further development of the embryo it is extremely necessary that its level be slightly higher. In almost all pregnant women in the first weeks after conception, it is kept at 37.

During ovulation, the basal temperature should be 37.1-37.3, a deviation from the norm by 0.8 degrees up or down is already an alarm. A low temperature indicates an insufficiency of the corpus luteum phase, which is responsible for the production of progesterone.

The corpus luteum is a temporary gland, thanks to which the embryo in the first weeks of pregnancy receives all the necessary substances to maintain life.

Accordingly, even if pregnancy occurs at a low temperature, the fetus will not be able to survive.

Causes of low BBT after ovulation:

  • implantation window.
  • Estrogen and progesterone deficiency.
  • The temperature measurement was taken incorrectly.
  • Alcohol, stress, jet lag.
  • individual norm.

The following signs may indicate a lack of progesterone in the blood:

  • Before menstruation, there is no decrease in BBT.
  • The second phase is too short, less than 10 days.

If the basal temperature has decreased after ovulation, it is necessary, firstly, to eliminate errors in measuring BBT, and then carefully study the graph. If it has deviations from the norm, you must first pass all the tests. If the results are within acceptable limits, then such a basal temperature refers to the individual characteristics of the organism.


The method of measuring basal temperature is based on calculating the exact date of ovulation, during which a sharp increase in temperature occurs. However, in order to become pregnant, a woman needs to start not from the temperature itself, but from its dynamics throughout the entire cycle.

In most cases, you can get pregnant at a temperature of 36.2-36.9. But immediately after that, BT should definitely increase.

You need to understand that the basal temperature can be different for each woman, which means that this method of pregnancy planning is considered not very reliable. It is not necessary to judge by it about the onset of ovulation or pregnancy; for reliability, additional ultrasound monitoring should be carried out.

It is definitely not worth making any decisions on your own, based only on the basal temperature chart. Only a doctor can interpret the results of the graph.

How to determine pregnancy without a pharmacy test, gynecologist and laboratory tests? Many girls use a simple home method for this - measuring BBT (basal temperature). After all, the basal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages differs from the BT of a non-pregnant woman.

For decades, obstetrician-gynecologists have recommended this method even to expectant mothers whose "pregnant" status has already been confirmed. It is believed that a sharp change in the BT schedule in the first weeks may indicate violations in the development of the fetus.

Is it true? What do modern doctors think about this method?

The method was invented in England more than 60 years ago. Doctors have found that the temperature inside the female body varies depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. This happens under the influence of hormones. Therefore, according to the BT schedule, you can understand whether the ovaries work correctly - whether they produce the necessary hormones. You can also find out if a woman is ovulating, that is, whether a full-fledged egg comes out of the follicle.

BT is measured throughout the cycle, in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Most often, the temperature is measured in the anus. Less often - in the mouth or in the vagina. The result is entered in a special table. The BBT measurement template can be downloaded right here. To do this, click on the image and download it. You can fill out directly on the computer, you can print.

Do you trust this method?

Even 15 years ago, all gynecologists required patients to measure BBT. Many modern doctors refuse this method. Many factors can affect basal temperature, from thyroid problems to alcohol intake. So the method is not particularly accurate.

In the arsenal of modern gynecologists there are more advanced diagnostic methods:

  • Ovulation tests, which quite accurately determine the day the egg leaves the follicle. With their help, you can find out if there is ovulation or an anovulatory cycle;
  • Ultrasound, in particular folliculometry (several ultrasounds during the cycle), which allows you to assess the maturation of the follicle;
  • Tests for hormones: estradiol, progesterone and others;
  • Pharmacy tests and hCG analysis are suitable for determining pregnancy (you can donate blood, or you can determine the level).

However, the BT method still has its adherents both among doctors and patients. There are good reasons for this:

  • This method is completely free;
  • It is convenient, it can be used at home;
  • It is painless and absolutely safe. But about the safety of ultrasound, doctors still have no consensus;
  • If you measure correctly, understand the nuances and follow all the rules, then he can tell a lot about women's health.

How to determine pregnancy before a delay

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy?

In fact, the method involves measuring not only the days before menstruation, but throughout the entire cycle. The fact is that you need to analyze not some individual value on a single day, but the whole BT chart. And better graphics of several cycles - then the difference will be noticeable.

Here is a classic biphasic chart for a non-pregnant woman. First, during menstruation, the temperature is slightly elevated, then it drops to the level of 36.2-36.4. Then ovulation occurs, and the temperature rises sharply to 36.9-37.1. Then, before menstruation, it will decrease slightly - to 36.8.

Naturally, these figures are conditional and approximate. The trend is important: a slightly elevated temperature - a decrease - a sharp increase in the second phase - a slight decrease before menstruation.

The basal temperature chart during pregnancy looks different.
In the first phase and during ovulation, everything is the same. But the basal temperature after ovulation, if fertilization has occurred, will be completely different. In the second half of the cycle, the so-called implantation retraction may occur. The temperature, which after ovulation rose to 37 degrees or higher, suddenly drops by about 0.3-0.6 degrees. This may mean that the implantation of the embryo has occurred, that is, the fertilized egg has attached to the wall of the uterus.

Then BT rises again to a value of 37-37.6. The basal temperature during pregnancy does not fall before the delay, but remains high even in the very last days of the cycle. After a delay, it also remains elevated. It is the hormone progesterone that “works”, it slightly raises the temperature.

"Pregnant" charts

We reviewed the "classic" BT chart. But life is much more diverse than ready-made schemes. Basal temperature in early pregnancy can be different. Here are some "atypical" pregnancy charts. We took them from real women's blogs.

Some features can be seen in these graphs.

Implantation retraction is not always noticeable.

During pregnancy, the basal temperature chart may have several similar “sinks”. These are not real implantation depressions, but simply temperature jumps, an individual reaction to hormonal changes.
Sometimes the temperature rises not sharply, but gradually.
It happens that BBT during pregnancy does not rise above 37.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy with a thermometer without a chart

How to determine pregnancy using a thermometer, if before that you did not measure BBT and did not build a graph? To do this, you need to measure BT in the last days of the cycle. This should be done in the morning without getting out of bed. Prepare the thermometer and shake it off in advance, it should lie nearby, but not under the pillow. Before this, at least 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep should pass. It is better to measure in the anus, or in the vagina. If your BBT is above 37, there is a chance that you are pregnant.

However, this method is hardly accurate. An elevated temperature may indicate pregnancy, hormonal failure, inflammation, or simply your individual characteristics.

It is easier and more reliable to wait for the delay and do the test. Or donate blood for hCG (in some cases, such an analysis will show pregnancy even before the delay).

Do I need to measure BBT during pregnancy

Rectal temperature during early pregnancy is considered one of the indicators of the correct development of the fetus. Normally, starting from the fourth week of pregnancy, BT should be above 37 degrees without sudden jumps and drops. If BBT drops sharply and at the same time you feel unusual heaviness, pain in the lower abdomen, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

However, most modern doctors do not determine the condition of the fetus by temperature, but prefer more relevant diagnostic methods (tests, ultrasound, etc.). After all, the BT method is still not reliable enough. It often becomes a cause for unnecessary unrest. Therefore, you can neglect them with a clear conscience.

Gynecologist's consultation

Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemyeva answers the questions of patients.

- I'm 8 weeks pregnant. The doctor advised me to measure BBT every morning. At first it was 36.9-37.1. And then jumped up to 37.5. Is it dangerous?

- The basal temperature during pregnancy can reach 37.5 degrees and even 37.9. But in general, this is an insufficiently reliable method for assessing the condition of the fetus, insufficiently informative. You can not measure your basal temperature with a clear conscience, just quit this activity so as not to be nervous. Consult a doctor if something bothers you (pain, discharge, severe toxicosis, etc.) And be sure to do an ultrasound in the early stages.

- I think I'm pregnant, the delay, the test showed two strips. My bt is 37.6. What temperature is considered normal?

“This is one of the normal signs of pregnancy.

- I'm 5 weeks pregnant. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, so I'm very worried. Basal temperature 36.9. The doctor prescribed duphaston. But BT does not rise. What to do?

- Do not panic and continue to take duphaston. It is not necessary to measure BT, it is better to donate blood for b-hCG 2-3 times a week - this is a more informative method. Every two days, the result should double.

- I am 12 weeks pregnant, BBT has always been 37.1-37.3. And suddenly fell to 36.9. Is it dangerous?

- This is a small decrease, within the normal range. And in general, it's time to stop measuring, for you this no longer makes any sense. Soon you will have your first ultrasound, it is much more informative.

Basal temperature is a parameter by which control over the work of the ovaries is exercised. This is an old, and most importantly, proven and reliable method. Basal temperature is based on the hyperthermic effect of progesterone on the hypothalamus.

After the process of ovulation, the level of progesterone rises. If a woman does not become pregnant in this cycle, then the level of progesterone slowly drops to the initial levels by the beginning of menstruation, and with the advent of pregnancy, the level of progesterone continues to increase.

It has been established that the most accurate cyclic frequency of the body's temperature regime during the period of progesterone action is reproduced under the condition that the procedure is carried out in the rectum. A woman can get the correct temperature value by measuring it in the morning without getting out of bed. This process takes 5 to 8 minutes daily. A one-time measurement of the basal temperature of women is meaningless, since this must be done systematically.

If conception has occurred and the expectant mother has no problems with the course of the menstrual cycle, the indicators in the second cycle rise above 37 ° C, this is considered the norm, and not a manifestation of malaise.

If the rectal temperature during the delay of menstruation is less than 37 ° C, this is considered as an alarming sign, probably indicating malfunction of the ovaries, which is displayed in the absence of the ovulation process and the formation of a follicular cyst.

Measurement of rectal temperature in the beautiful half does not give a 100% result, in principle, like any other method. Therefore, relying only on the results of this technique, it is not recommended to diagnose the correctness of the work of your body. It is better to use other, more modern methods that a gynecologist can offer.

We measure basal temperature correctly

Some representatives of the fair half, showing concern for the future baby, repeatedly measure rectal temperature during the day, constantly getting different results. And the more the temperature is measured, the lower it gets. I would like to reassure all expectant mothers: this is not a pathology, but a completely natural process. Indicative is the very first result obtained in the morning.

For a woman, it is important not only to measure body temperature rectally, but to do it correctly. The process of measuring basal temperature should be as follows:

  • Before going to bed, prepare a thermometer by placing it so that in the morning, without getting out of bed, you can get it;
  • waking up, without getting out of bed and without making unnecessary movements, you should take a thermometer and smear its tip with cream (preferably for children);
  • then you should insert a thermometer into the anus 2–3 cm deep;
  • hold the thermometer for 5-8 minutes;

If a woman follows all of the above recommendations, only in this case the result can be considered reliable. If, before measuring the basal temperature, the woman got out of bed, then this information will not have any diagnostic value.

Factors that have an impact on the basal temperature of women:

  1. Physical exercise. And here we mean not charging and walking. When measuring basal temperature, it is strongly recommended to refrain from any movements, up to coups in bed. Waking up, a woman should choose the most favorable position and not change until the end of the procedure for measuring basal temperature.
  2. Only the horizontal position of the body. In the process of measuring basal temperature, the body should not be in an upright position because blood circulation increases, which leads to an intense rush of blood to the organs located in the hip part of the body, and this situation can drastically affect the reliability of the results.
  3. Sleep continuity. If a woman slept less than 3-4 hours in a row, talking about measuring basal temperature is simply meaningless.
  4. having sex. If a gynecologist has recommended that a pregnant woman monitor her rectal temperature, then she should refrain from having sex for a while. If it is impossible to overcome the desire to have sex, the interval between intercourse and measurement of basal temperature should be at least 12 hours.
  5. food culture. Even if the expectant mother is tormented by toxicosis, and this is quite a common occurrence during pregnancy, you should not eat before measuring the rectal temperature. Only after receiving the result, you can refresh yourself.
  6. Taking medications. Any medications can affect fluctuations in basal temperature in women.
  7. SARS (acute viral infections). If you feel unwell, you should not hope for the correctness of the results of measuring body temperature by the rectal method. If you have a cold, your basal temperature measurements will not be accurate.

Basal temperature and pregnancy

Many representatives of the weaker sex believe that with the onset of pregnancy, rectal temperature measurements are no longer necessary, but this is not so. It is worth noting that basal temperature is one of the most reliable indicators of the course of pregnancy, thanks to which deviations from the norm can be detected in the early stages.

The norms of basal temperature before the delay at the beginning of pregnancy

Expectant mothers often ask the question: what is the basal temperature considered normal at the beginning of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation? Normal rectal temperature in the second phase of menstruation is 37–37.3°. If this indicator does not change within eighteen days, pregnancy has probably occurred. A decrease in basal temperature during a period of persistent increase for one day is acceptable. The phenomenon is called "implantation retraction" - this is the day the fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall, when estrogen is injected and the basal temperature drops.

If during the 3-week period the basal temperature remains at the same level, the option of an early addition to the family is not ruled out. Even if critical days have come, it is recommended to do a test and visit a antenatal clinic.

What basal temperature is considered normal during pregnancy?

As soon as the indicators of basal (rectal) temperature begin to fluctuate, it is worth thinking about the state of health, since these changes can be a signal notifying you of the presence of various kinds of pathologies in the body. Such changes in basal temperature during pregnancy may indicate a threatened miscarriage. The established average statistical indicator of basal temperature varies from 37.1 ° C to 37.3 ° C. But this is an average value. The basal temperature directly depends on the characteristics of the female body and can often rise to 38 ° C.

Once again, it is worth recalling that the average basal temperature ranges from 37.1° C to 37.3° C, but can often jump to 38° C. This value is normal and should not cause concern. If the basal temperature in a pregnant woman rises above 38 ° C, this should be alarming. A sharp increase in basal temperature may be an indicator that the inflammatory process has “activated” in the body.

Instead of a conclusion: in pregnant women, rectal temperature gives a reliable result only in the first 14 weeks. After this period, the hormonal background of the future mother is going through its last "transformations" and temperature measurements will not say anything else. If pregnancy has not occurred, the basal temperature changes, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.