Halloween contests for children 10. Halloween scenario for youth "Nightmare night!". "Evil Air Gourd"

June 7, 2016

In recent years, Halloween has been rapidly gaining popularity in our country. If a decade ago we saw it only in American films, today this bright event is celebrated in many bars and clubs. But you can organize a great party dedicated to the holiday on your own.

And to make the night on the eve of All Saints' Day interesting and memorable, you need to work on three main points:

  • Decoration of the premises or courtyard where the event is held;
  • Thematic costumes of those gathered;
  • Contests and games.

The latter will be discussed in the article. By the way, many of these entertainments are suitable for.

What are the best Halloween contests and games?

When choosing contests, the main thing to remember is that they must be stylized as a holiday. Even if you opt for an all-famous entertainment, it can still be made special with a little modernization.

The second thing to keep in mind is how many people will attend the event, and how many people you plan to involve in the competitions. Of course, the more guests who take part in them, the more fun it will be. But individual entertainment can also make a splash.

The third thing you should pay attention to: how many alcohol contests there will be, and whether there will be any at all. It all depends on the looseness of the company and the attitude of those invited to alcohol.

website offers the most interesting themed games and contests for your Halloween party.

1. "Now you're a Bloody Mary"

It only takes a few things to run this contest: loud ominous music, an ample supply of Bloody Mary cocktails, and the contestants themselves. The rules are very simple. To begin with, everyone becomes a circle, although if you are sitting at the table with guests, you can do this while sitting. A Bloody Mary cocktail is poured into the glass to the very brim. To the music, it must be passed in a circle to each other until the music stops, or someone spills the drink. When this happens, the one who splashes the liquid or ends the music becomes a Bloody Mary, which the other members announce by yelling "Now you're a Bloody Mary". After these words, the newly proclaimed Bloody Mary drinks the contents of the glass to the bottom and leaves the circle. The glass refills and the game continues. This happens until one winner is determined, who is awarded any symbolic prize.

2. "Gouge out your eye"

Such a relay race is best done as a team. To carry it out, you will need a spoon and table tennis balls according to the number of participants, which should be painted in advance under the human eye. The essence of the game is quite simple: to the music, holding a tablespoon with an “eye” put into it, move the “eyes” to the other end of the room without dropping them. At the end of the room for each team, you should install containers carved from a pumpkin, where you should lower your burden. The team that can complete the task first will be the winner.

3. "Lord of the eyes"

For this contest, almost all the inventory from the previous entertainment will come in handy. Only here it is best to compete not in teams, but in pairs. The couples will have to be placed at a distance of 2 m from each other. One of the participants will hold a pumpkin container in their hands, and the second on the team will have to throw as many “eyes” as possible into this impromptu basket within one minute. If the balls fall, then they cannot be picked up. You can hold this competition in several rounds, with each of them increasing the distance between the participants. You can also further complicate the task by blindfolding the thrower. At the end of the competition, the winners and the “Lords of the Eyes” are announced by the team that was able to collect more tennis balls in their pumpkin.

4. "Pumpkin Blast"

This competition is held in two stages. To organize it, you will need balloons, thread and black markers. During the first stage, all participants must fill the balloons with air as quickly as possible, fix them and draw on them the carved faces of traditional Halloween pumpkin lamps. It is important that the bursting balloon automatically ends the participation in the competition, not giving the opportunity to go to the second round. Those lucky ones who flawlessly completed the task of the first round must tie their air pumpkins with threads to their right knee. When all preparations are completed, the second round begins. During it, participants must, without the help of hands and foreign objects, burst the balls of their competitors, but at the same time do not forget about the integrity of their pumpkin. The competition continues until only one participant remains with an intact ball. He then is defined as the winner of the pumpkin battle.

5. "Recognition"

“Recognition” is more like entertainment than a competition, since there will be no winners here. The purpose of the game is to amuse the guests and cheer them up. She goes with a bang, because everyone loves to fool around, regardless of age. First you need to prepare two decks of cards: in the first you need to write down the beginning of the phrase, and in the second - its continuation. Needless to say, the phrases should be funny or even vulgar (at your discretion). After the cards are shuffled and stacked face down, each guest alternately draws cards from two decks and reads them out. The phrases that came out randomly are quite funny, and sometimes just very funny.

Cards with the beginning of the offer:

  1. At night, sneaking into my bedroom...
  2. Every Friday the thirteenth, I get (no, not cancer) ...
  3. Do you want to see my mole on the pope in the form of ...
  4. If only I could get pregnant from...
  5. In my opinion, the title of "The Sexiest in the World" deserves ...
  6. A frequent guest in my bed is ...

7. I believe that there is nothing better than a kiss with ...

  1. I'm wearing knickers from...
  2. I can cook meatballs from ...
  3. My first sex was with...

Cards with the end of the phrase:

  1. Zombie.
  2. Ksenia Sobchak without makeup.
  3. Ancient, like mammoth guano, a vampire.
  4. Blair Witch is a nymphomaniac.
  5. The evil ghost of Baskov.
  6. Pisyunyavy evil.
  7. Death with a lawn mower.
  8. Bloody Mary Poppins.
  9. Rotting, motherfucking, dead man.
  10. Chupacabra.

6. "And in my shorts ..."

This is another variant of comic entertainment with cards. Only here you need one deck with phrases, words or phrases. As in the previous game, here you need to draw cards one by one. Only now the beginning of the sentence will be the same for everyone - "And in my shorts ...". After such an intriguing start, each of those present will voice what will be written in his card. Thus, the atmosphere in the company will become even more fun and exciting. And examples of such phrases can serve as words from different horror films or just phrases related to evil spirits, otherworldly and Halloween itself.

Answer examples:

  • fallen angel;
  • Silence of the Lambs;
  • bloody chainsaw;
  • Soviet zombie attack;
  • the key to the underworld;
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street;
  • resident Evil;
  • hell Gate;
  • little dead hat;
  • club of the dead
  • the keeper of darkness;
  • Paranormal Activity.

7. "Terrible bag"

To hold this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance a special bag (preferably decorated in the style of the holiday) and a variety of items that cause ambiguous tactile sensations. To do this, you can use dried apricots, prunes, a jar of two grapes, pumice stone, dishcloth, chewing worms, kiwi fruit, figured pasta, marmalade, a piece of wet moss and much more. The more things, the better. All of them are placed in a prepared bag. The main thing is that the participants themselves do not see the content before the start of the competition. Next, the players are blindfolded and asked to take an item out of the bag and name what it is. Of course, the presenter accompanies all this with remarks that the most unpredictable and disgusting things may turn out there. The winner is the one who can guess the most. In order for more people to participate, it is better to introduce a limit on how many items each draws. It is optimal that each participant gets 3 items.

8. Burime

This competition is familiar to everyone. It is held on almost all holidays, and Halloween is no exception. Only now the rhyming words here must be selected in the spirit of the party. This competition can be held simultaneously with the whole company, giving each a leaflet with four words, where they rhyme in pairs. Words can be the same for everyone, or they can be different. On command, everyone is given the task to compose a terrible poem in which the last lines will coincide with the given ones. The winner here can be determined in two ways: by the speed of execution and by the one whose poem will be the most interesting.

Example. The following rhymes are given: blood-eyebrow, guts-bags.

Psychopaths love blood

She hits them hard on the brow:

Let out someone's guts

And let's put it in bags.

Examples of rhymes for the task:

  • blood-carrot, class-eye;
  • krovishcha-zhashcha, eyelid-man;
  • ghoul fist, vise brains;
  • maniac-cognac, a glass-cockroach and so on.

9. "Witch's closet"

"The Witch's Pantry" is a kind of contest-quest. To carry it out, you will need a fairly spacious room with a significant number of places where something can be hidden. And, of course, you will need something that needs to be hidden. And these should be artificial spiders, worms, bats, chicken feet, rabbit tails, frogs, toads and other attributes of Halloween. All these items should be well hidden throughout the room.

The contestants are all led into this room together and informed that they have fallen into the witch's pantry, and will now compete in the preparation of a witch's potion. But in order to cook it, you need a lot of ingredients that the witch hid well. Participants must, in the allotted time, which is determined individually for each company, find as many raw materials for the magic brew as possible. The winner is the one who shows the best tracker skills. And the prize in the competition will be a bottle of good alcohol, without which no potion can do.

10. "Denunciation to Count Dracula"

This competition is a modified version of the well-known entertainment "Broken Phone". Only it is carried out either in complete darkness or in subdued lighting. All participants sit in one row. The last of them tells his neighbor some nasty things about Count Dracula in his ear. And this information is passed on to each other in turn, up to the first participant, who loudly and clearly announces the received denunciation to everyone. And when it turns out that it does not correspond to the original information, it turns out how, by whom and when it was changed. The one who distorted what they heard is out. And so this procedure continues until there are three winners.

This Halloween scenario is designed for a company of different ages. There are games, contests, animated dances, flashes, as well as special effects - elements of the bubble show

The holiday was held in a youth cafe. A week before this event, the room was decorated thematically, and placed on the wall giant coloring book, and next to it are colored wax crayons.

Visitors (especially small ones) took part in joint creativity with pleasure. Thus, by the beginning of the holiday, the panel was painted and became part of the design.

We were happy to take pictures against its backdrop. For us, the organizers, it was not only pleasant, but also useful, because we unobtrusively introduced our advertising into the coloring book.

A few words should be said about the holiday itself. I must admit that I am saddened by the abundance of foreign holidays, while their own holidays, fairy tales and traditions are forgotten, forced out, mixed with "imported" ones. But what can you do? Don't notice it? Ignore? Fight?

In my work, I promote my native culture in every possible way and introduce elements of folk art, Russian fairy tales on holidays. So on Halloween, I tell the audience that this holiday is not completely alien to us.

In ancient times, there was a similar holiday and it took place around the same time as Halloween. You can read more about this in these articles. Feast of the Goddess Mokosh, Veles night.

Is it a bad holiday?

So, we found out that this holiday is not alien to us. Is it harmful? I personally consulted with a Catholic priest. My good childhood friend, now living in Germany. Considering that this is a professor, author of many works in the field of psychology and PR, and now a clergyman, his opinion is very valuable.

Halloween is a pagan holiday and the church is definitely against it. But the harm from him is no more than from Maslenitsa.

Considered in this context, then Shrovetide is even scarier- after all, on Forgiveness Sunday, most Orthodox indulge in pagan festivities, gluttony, burn an effigy and dress up in such costumes that Halloween will seem like a childish prank to you.

Halloween scenes

Characters: 2 witches
The main character and host of the holiday is me, the second witch basically acts as my assistant

Work with the audience before the start of the holiday

Guests gather in a cafe, show tickets, go into the hall. Most of the bottom are unfamiliar with each other, they are squeezed, feel uncomfortable. Work in the name of a common cause will help relieve tension and unite them. We immediately inform you that we did not have time to properly decorate the hall, therefore we need the help of children (and teenagers)

They are offered blanks of small ghosts, who need to draw eyes, a mouth and stick it on a garland, or place it on the walls

Holiday start

Hello. We introduce ourselves. We ask the audience to clap the hands of those who are ready to have fun, who are ready to be scared, who are not afraid of anything at all. And now let's stop chaotic clapping and do it technically: stomp our feet 2 times - once clapping over our heads

Phonogram 001. "I came to the holiday"
(author Daria Zaitseva)

Let's check your readiness.

Game: Make a scream:

  • the most formidable
  • creepiest
  • the most frightened
  • the most cowardly screech
  • the most terrible roar

LEADING WITCH: Tonight, on Halloween night, we will move into the unknown new, meet the winter. Only on this night, the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming. According to ancient belief, it is tonight that the door to the other world will open. Are you ready to go there? Then join hands and let's go.

holding a chain or a train, we walk around the hall, raising our legs high and repeating the movements after the leader

We enter the dark forest (take a few stalking steps forward), Where the trees reach the sky (pull our hands up)!

Let's walk along the path (a few more steps),

We will wander into the thicket of the forest (we spread our fingers so that it looks like tree branches).

We reach the ravine (sneaking),

Oh, we will suffer fear (we tremble):

Rumble everywhere, howl everywhere (stomp and make scary sounds) -In an hour we will come home (let go of our hands)

P od cheerful music, children crawl into the tunnel

We divide the children into 2 teams.

WITCH: Now we will fly to Bald Mountain. Did you bring brooms with you? Whoa?!?!? And now what i can do? Okay, I have 2 brooms lying around here, but they won’t be able to fly - they need to be charged with energy.

Halloween games, contests for children, teenagers and youth

2-3 people are selected from the team.
In turn and together they dance with a broom

RELAY COMPETITION: the first participant sits astride a chalk,
runs along the route, while overcoming obstacles: run around a mountain (chair), jump over a lake (bowls of water), fly over a skyscraper (tower of cubes or paper cups),
return to the team and pass the broom to another

making a voodoo doll
1 person from the team stand at a distance. They have orange balloons in their hands. One person from the team in turn runs up and turns the ball into a talisman: One person draws an eye, the other the second eye, etc. Next, we put a wig, a hat, something else on the ball, depending on the number of participants.
With the help of applause, we decide whose doll is better

Fabric bats are hidden around the hall. They must be found and tied to a rope. Thus it turned out limbo.
Limbo game


What was the name of a character in a famous horror movie - a vampire hunter who was himself half a vampire? (BEID).

From which movie are the words of the next children's rhyme: “One, two, Freddy is coming for you, three or four, he is already here. Five-six, close the windows and doors"? ("A Nightmare on Elm Street")

Name the first, most famous and main vampire. (Count Dracula). Homeland of Count Dracula? (Transylvania).

One of the legendary fighters with evil spirits who defeated Dracula. (Van Helsing)

A three-letter word, there is a letter Y - this is a famous character in the first Russian horror film. (VII)

The question is difficult. What is the name of the people who revive the dead (not to be confused with the resurrection of people)? (Necromancers)

Whose blood did Anton Gorodetsky drink in the movie Night Watch? (Pigs).

Name the means to fight vampires. (Aspen stake, garlic, silver bullets, sunlight, sometimes a cross, holy water).

What is another name for the walking dead? (Zombie).

Game LETTERS REFRAME. Participants are given letters. They stand in one line. The host reads the sticks or makes riddles. The answer should not be said, but shown by composing a word from letters

  1. Viscous slurry at the bottom of a pond or lake. IL
  2. Small particles that carry an electrical charge. AND HE

3. Herbaceous plant with a fibrous stem and oil-rich seeds. LINEN

  1. Not quite smart and lucky person in modern slang LOH
  2. Unidentified UFO flying object
  3. simpleton, simpleton, simpleton, rotozey; sluggish, stupid, rude, ignorant. BORT
  4. Body Part EAR
  5. large hall (lobby) in English. HALL

9 Hello

10 Large river in Africa-Nile

11 President Clinton's name is HILL

12. All Saints' Day. HALLOWEEN


Defile of participants who came in costumes

scary halloween contests

The participants take their seats. The special effects block begins. Who will participate? Only the smartest. Who can answer the questions:

1. Is there a Slavic Halloween? (yeah) Who answered comes on stage

2. On this day, there is a "closure of land and water" for the winter (land and water were covered with snow and ice). The goddess does it. Old East Slavic goddess of family, well-being, patroness of women. It is very similar to the Roman Venus. Her name? (Makosha)

We hold a competition with them: with the help of a foam tube, we turn children into animals. We make them ears, ponytails. On the handle - a foam cake.

3. Now we need the most courageous He must eat these pills » We asked the children who wants to do it. Everyone raised their hands. and then I in a stern voice she said that never and nowhere should children swallow pills. These are all leprosy of evil spirits - throwing all sorts of nasty things at us. Only a mother, grandmother or a doctor should give permission for this. Who wants to swallow them? Nobody raised their hand. And then we put these pills in the fire. After a few seconds, snakes began to appear from them and dance (experiment with calcium gluconate). The children are in shock. After a few minutes of action (it can last a long time), we doused the fire with water

4. If on a full moon you are drawn to howl at the moon, and the hairline of your body grows violently, then you are turning ... (Into a werewolf).

October 31 - the day of the goddess Makoshi makoshe the Slavs are filled with the same meaning and rituals. Remembrance of deceased ancestors, requests for patronage and communication with the dead were important spiritual practices for the ancients. But the evil forces put out the spark that ignites ... the sun?

6. Where do they fly to? (ON the bald mountain).

7. What is the name of their party? (Sabbath).

We perform tricks with them - we light a soap bubble on a pumpkin, on a hand, on a head

You can also play familiar games: a ball of soda on a bottle of water, etc.

Competition for teenagers "SELFI"

participants take out their phones or make their hand as if they were holding a phone. Song cuts are played. Hearing what is sung in the song, they must take a selfie with this object or person.
For example: the song of the Zveri group - “Bright yellow glasses, two hearts on a keychain” ... - we take pictures with those who have glasses
“A gloomy day is brighter from a smile” - we smile into the phone
"Natural blond" - taking a picture with a blond, etc.

The final

An excellent end to the holiday will be breaking the piñata.

Pinata for halloween

Piñata is best made by hand. It's not difficult at all, but very exciting.

A simple piñata - we glue the box with paper, glue the eyes to it. By all means, it is necessary to flash the piñata with braid - a rope for which the lna will be hung

A more complicated and more interesting option is to glue a balloon over papier-mâché. Five layers at least. Then, after drying, we sew it with braid and glue it with paper, leaving a small window for sweets.

Presentation of prizes and certificates

Group photo


The holiday turned out to be not so scary. A little educational. Everyone made friends and left very happy.

If you want to get musical accompaniment for free - write to me on social networks. I will be happy to share with you if you write three comments on the site and make three reposts of any articles. Or you can purchase music cuts from me for a reasonable fee.

All the best and happy holidays!

We invite you to the holiday
Dress smarter!
We laugh at our fears
Together will be more fun

halloween is a holiday that leaves almost no one indifferent. The older generation vehemently condemns, the younger enthusiastically welcomes. Unlike marshmallow-chocolate Valentine's Day, the evening before All Saints' Day has a richer palette of flavors. Yes, sweets are also present here, but they are not given, but demanded, under the threat of making a dirty trick (trick or treat).

Any prank that scares is great for this holiday. Who doesn't love to tickle their nerves?!

Parties dedicated to holiday on the eve of All Saints' Day. And at school, and in the dormitory of the university, and on Friday evening at the company. Yes, and just in the circle of friends you can have fun, and not sit at a table with Olivier, decorated in the form of a skull.

And the drawings and contests are innumerable.

It is advisable to select a preliminary jury in order to honestly award victories and "losses".

Team competitions for Halloween

1. Craft Jack Lantern (lantern pumpkin) at speed.

This competition can have several varieties:

a) for a given time to carve this attribute of the holiday from a pumpkin. In this case, the jury will evaluate how creative, scary or funny it came out in the performance of each team.

b) making a pumpkin lamp for speed, but blindfolded (competition for the strong in body and imperturbable in spirit ... owners of automatic washing machines;)).

c) the most team of all options, there must be at least four participants. One pumpkin cleans and passes to the second, the next cuts out the eyes, the next - the mouth, the next - the nose. There may be more participants, then the number of details increases.

2. Team poem on the theme "Little Boy"

The jury evaluates which turned out to be the most terrible, funny and original. Topics can be as free (the scarier, the better). The task can complicate (but only at the very beginning of the party, while strong drinks have not yet played their role!) and each of the participants will have to come up with one line to continue the epic work. Alternatively, one team comes up with the basis of the poem, and the last two lines, summing up, should be answered by their competitors.

3. "Crocodile" on the theme of monsters, monsters and other grandmas-hedgehogs

The representative of the "enemy" team, on the instructions of the opponents, must show his hidden monster from cinema or literature without words.

4. Knockout game

For those who are especially brave, you can knock out opponents with a pumpkin. Let it be small. Let not throw, but roll. But it's better to take an orange ball and color it in the spirit of Halloween.

Antics and jumps of witches in tight dresses or wizards in long-skirted mantles, pirates on a prosthesis or hacked to death with fake axes in their heads will entertain both themselves and the grateful audience. The public, perhaps more.

5. Team Chimera

The essence of the competition is to create a recognizable image of a fabulous or fantastic monster or villain using no more than one item from the costume of each team member. The fewer attempts the opposing team needs to guess, the better. To exclude cheating, uninterested spectators or the jury can guess. The team that created the most recognizable character wins.

Halloween Individual Contests

Take turns name the monsters from cinema and literature. Whoever calls the last one wins. Many players can participate anyway, the winner is the one after whom no one could remember the creepy or evil hero.

Traditional competition for the best costume can be complicated by setting the condition to make it from environmentally friendly materials, recycled materials, food products, metal objects, something illogical, the opposite of the image (what's wrong with a vampire costume hung with garlic and decorated with "silver" foil?!).

Compose the funniest (impudent, daring, scary) candy begging song (to develop the theme of the traditional Trick or treat!).

Competition for the knowledge of negative characters. It is advisable to prepare in advance a "gallery of images", a file cabinet. The host shows a portrait of Dracula, Freddy Krueger or Darth Vader (on the reverse side there are some essential features of them), and the contestants name what they know about this person. The more you called, the more likely you won.

The same competition can be “turned inside out”: name character traits, actions, external signs, and the contestants must guess the name.

Scary Music Competition. Here everything is simpler than a steamed pumpkin: a chilling melody plays and you have to guess where it comes from.

halloween- a holiday that is built on deceiving, replaying, ridiculing the fear of death. And this noble task can be implemented almost unlimitedly.

An liberated and well-known company of Halloween contests can spice up a certain amount of eroticism or a small degree of alcohol, but the measure should be observed even in Hallowe'en.

How to host a girly pajama party

Original present: massage as a gift

A fun Halloween party is great. Not a single such friendly meeting should be complete without fun entertainment, which means that you will need entertaining contests.

You don't have to go anywhere to have fun on Halloween. You can organize a party in your own home. Moreover, you yourself will be able to control the process of preparing for the holiday and will not be limited in time. But this requires careful preparation.

For a full-fledged holiday, you will need candies in the form of ghosts and witches on broomsticks, beautiful apartment decoration and much more than you can please at home Halloween. But it is very important to think about competitions. We offer you some interesting fun.

vampire pranks

For the competition you will need to be divided into two teams. You will need plastic glasses that you can write on and a black marker. Write the name of each contestant on the bottom of the cup. Pour red juice into glasses: tomato, cherry or pomegranate. Arrange them on the table: opposite the first team - cups with the names of members of the other team, and vice versa.

On a signal, the first person needs to run up to the table, drink any juice and take a glass with them. Let the other participants do the same in turn. Which team can do it faster is the winner. They signal the end by shouting the word "Halloween" and receive a prize from the losers. The losers drink up, look at the name written on their glass, and treat the winners.

Guess who you are

To make the holiday atmospheric, many of your guests will probably come in costume. You, as the owner or hostess of the holiday, should also take care of the frightening appearance. If you don't want to buy a costume, you can always make your own. As ideas, they usually offer mummy costumes, a vampire, or just apply a frightening make-up. In any case, everyone will portray someone, and this can be beaten in the next competition.

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare cards with the names of objects that are thematically suitable for Halloween. For example, you can write "werewolf" or "pumpkin" and similar things on them. Each stick this card on the forehead. Thus, a person does not know who he is, but sees other people's cards. The first of the participants asks about himself questions that can be answered "yes" or "no". For example, "Am I alive or dead?" or “Do I have big nails?”. Based on the answers to the questions, you need to guess what is written on the piece of paper. Everyone who guessed right - a candy, a glass of wine or any other reward.

Sabbath invitation

This Halloween contest will require care and ingenuity. The leader pretends to be the prince of darkness. He asks the question "who wants to go to the Sabbath?" and get answers. The answers should always be a noun: a witch, a cucumber, a chair, and so on. For convenience, the prince of darkness asks in turn. Silently, he chooses the main criterion for welcome guests at the Sabbath: for example, it will be something with a vowel. Those who guess this criterion will get to the Sabbath. The game lasts until those who did not get to the Sabbath give up and agree to a penalty dance.

Love potion

Divide everyone who wants to participate into two teams. You will need a few sweets for each participant. Place a container at a decent distance into which you can throw sweets. Whichever team has the most candy in the pot wins and they can eat the candy they earned as a prize. And the losing team gets nothing.

very scary letter

For the competition you will need newspapers and magazines, an A4 sheet and scissors. Divide the contestants into two teams. On a signal, you need to quickly start cutting out the words and sticking them on paper. You should end up with a Halloween invitation text. In this case, it is necessary to use the words "terrible", "terrible" and their synonyms, as well as other words related to Halloween. The competition lasts no more than 3-5 minutes. Whose letter is completed, they won. The losing team must perform a Halloween dance to music or pay off with candy.

In addition to competitions for October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day, there have long been fortune-telling among the people: for love, for the future, and much more. Get Your Accurate Predictions With Simple Halloween Divination and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.10.2016 03:06

The main attribute of the Halloween decorations is, of course, the pumpkin. And to make it look good...

Both small children and older children with great pleasure take part in exciting competitions dedicated to this or that event. In particular, on the night of October 31 to November 1, boys and girls are All Saints Day, or which is very often accompanied by similar entertainment.

In this article, we bring to your attention some fun and interesting Halloween games and contests for teenagers that can be played at school or at home.

Halloween contests for teenagers 12-13 years old

For children aged 12, the following contests are perfect, which can be timed to coincide with the celebration of Halloween:

  1. Mr and Mrs Monster. Each participant in the celebration, at his own discretion, chooses the teenager whose image he considers as close as possible to Halloween, and indicates his name on a piece of paper. At the end of the evening, the host must determine whose make-up and costume have been awarded the maximum number of times, and present the winner with a commemorative prize.
  2. "Pumpkin Jack" Each participant in this competition receives a small pumpkin and a sharp knife. The player's task is to carve a smiling face in his pumpkin as quickly as possible. The host also chooses the winner.
  3. "Abracadabra". The facilitator writes a few words on a piece of paper or board, after which all the guys come up with a spell, in the text of which they should all be used. As a result, the author of the funniest, scariest and most beautiful spell is selected. Similarly, you can arrange a competition for the most terrible story.
  4. "Blood Absorber" Each participant receives a glass of tomato juice and a thin straw. The task of the players is to drink the “blood” through the straw as quickly as possible, while not using their hands. The winner is the teenager who managed to complete the task in the shortest time.
  5. "Frankenstein". All players are divided into 2 teams, each of which chooses one representative, or Frankenstein. The opposing team tells Frankenstein a word in writing, which he must explain to the guys from his team using facial expressions and gestures. The group of children who managed to guess the hidden word the fastest wins.

Halloween contests for teenagers 14-16 years old

For teenagers aged 14-16, it is better to choose such contests, in which it will be interesting for adults to take part, for example:

  1. "Pass the heart." For this competition, you need to prepare a large-sized sponge that has the shape of a heart. All participants in the competition must stand in one line, blindfold themselves and pass this item to each other without using their hands. To complete the challenge, players will have to pinch the sponge between their neck and chin and pass it around so that the next teenager can take the heart in exactly the same way.
  2. "Gouge out your eye." This competition is a relay race for two teams. At the beginning of the competition, each player must be given a tablespoon and a ping-pong ball, on which a human eye must first be drawn. At the end of the distance, you need to install a container made of pumpkin. The task of the players of each team is to take their ball in turn in a spoon and place it in a pumpkin without dropping it on the way. The winners are those guys who managed to complete the task faster.
  3. "Lord of the Eyes" To organize this contest, you will need inventory from the previous game. All the guys need to be divided into pairs, each of which receives a vessel from a pumpkin and balls with images of eyes applied to them. At the signal of the leader, the players in each pair should stand at a distance of 2 meters from each other. At the same time, one picks up a pumpkin, and the second tries to throw as many "eyes" into it as possible in the allotted time. Those guys who managed to collect as many balls as possible in their basket win.
  4. "Pour the blood." Each participant in this competition receives 2 glasses, one of which contains tomato juice, and a pipette. The task of the players is to pour the liquid from one glass to another as quickly as possible using a pipette. The winner is the one who managed to do it in the shortest time without spilling the valuable drink.
  5. "Broomstick Dance". This music competition will no doubt appeal to older children. Each participant receives a broom in his hands. Using this object as a partner or an impromptu pole, it is necessary to perform a sensual dance to loud music.