Easter dove doll meaning. Master class on making a rag doll "Easter dove. Master class: Easter doll-amulet

Folk doll "Easter". Master class with step by step photos.

Buzmakova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 88", Berezniki, Perm Territory
Target: Creation of a folk Easter doll from fabric.
1. Expand children's knowledge about the culture of the people (traditions, holidays);
2. Develop the child's creativity through the creation of crafts:
3. Develop the child's fine motor skills.
4. Strengthen the technical skills of twisting fabric, decorating a doll.
Description: The master class will be of interest to educators, teachers of additional education and all interested and attentive parents. The work can be done by children of the preparatory group with the help of an adult.

Easter- a beloved and revered Orthodox holiday by everyone, it has always been bright and long-awaited in spring! The Easter festivities lasted a whole week, and people, wearing their best clothes, went to church, blessed and forgave each other and, of course, gave gifts. The most desired and significant gift on this bright holiday was an egg - a symbol of the birth of a new life and Easter itself. Eggs were not only painted, but also painted, bringing out beautiful patterns. The whole Easter week was full of fun and joy. They glorified Jesus Christ, and sacred liturgies were held in all Orthodox churches. The ringing of bells was heard throughout the area, and everyone could climb the bell tower to ring the bells. That bell ringing fascinated and cleansed the souls, giving everyone hope for a bright life.
It is customary to prepare for Easter in advance; on the eve of Easter, Orthodox people gather for prayer in churches and the consecration of Easter food. These are special dishes that are prepared only once a year - Easter colored eggs, cottage cheese Easter and Easter cake. A very interesting Easter tradition is colored eggs. In ancient times, the egg was the object of worship of people. In ancient times, many peoples believed that it symbolizes the secret of life, an endless chain of births and deaths. Now eggs are dyed in all the colors of the rainbow, but the most common color is red. Our ancestors sacredly believed in the magical powers of red color - a symbol of life.
Easter treats and gifts were given to close people: special Easter souvenirs - painted things and objects with Easter symbols and special Easter dolls: Verbnitsa, Easter and Easter Dove.
In the old days, an Easter doll was made for Palm Sunday a week before Easter. The doll was placed on the window, showing that they were waiting for the Bright Resurrection, as well as on the table with Easter gifts. Such a doll could be given instead of an egg, it meant a great honor. The dolls were kept in an honorable, prominent place, but not accessible to strangers. The Easter doll symbolizes a woman who goes to light Easter cakes and eggs. The face and hands of the doll must be necessarily red, on the face of a golden cross, it symbolizes Christ. In the hands of the doll there is a candle and a bundle, which symbolizes a knapsack with a bag. Easter doll is a powerful amulet for your home. Be sure to make yourself such a doll, it will bring you health, purity of thoughts, light and prosperity.

- a square of red fabric 28x28 cm;
- dense fabric intended for twisting, 45x37 cm in size;
- scarf 28x28 cm;
- top skirt 40x17 cm;
- petticoat 25x30 cm;
- apron 10x15 cm;
- a square of fabric for a knot 12x12 cm;
- belt;
- braid, ribbons, threads, cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
- a small candle
The doll is approximately 20 cm tall.

Fold the fabric rectangle in half.

We twist the strip into a tube. Fold on both sides so that the cuts are hidden inside.

We tie the tube approximately in the middle.

The end of the tube along the fold of the fabric will be the bottom of the doll's body, and on top we put a lump of synthetic winterizer or cotton wool to form the head.

We cover the top of the tube with padding polyester with a square of red fabric. We form the head and tie it with a thread.

We make hands. Inside, we bend the corners of the fabric, then bend the sides of the fabric on top of each other and fold in half.

We make palms. We tie the handle with a thread, stepping back from the edge of 1.5 cm

Raise the front end of the red fabric and put a piece of padding polyester to the doll's neck to form the chest.

For greater stability, we tie a petticoat made of dense fabric to the doll. To do this, fold the rectangle in half. We thread the thread inside.

We apply to the waist of the doll with a cut back.

We pull the skirt to the waist.

Fasten the top of the skirt.

We sew braid, ribbons or lace on the upper skirt, sew the sides.

We put the skirt on the doll, shave it off and wrap it around the waist with a thread.

You can also sew a braid on the apron. It is good if the apron is red or decorated with red braid.

We tie an apron, hide the cut under the bottom.

On the face of the doll we form a cross from braid, a narrow ribbon or thread.
First we tie the braid at the back.

We wrap the braid over the head. Cut off the end of the braid. We hide the ends of the braid on both sides under the thread around the neck.

We apply, tie or sew a braid to the top of the head, this will be an imitation of a warrior.

We tie the head of the doll with a beautiful scarf.

In the center of the square patch we put a lump of synthetic winterizer or cotton wool. You can put crackers or cereals in the bag: buckwheat, rice, wheat. This is a symbol of prosperity.

We tie a knot for the doll with a thread.

We tie a knot with a ribbon to one hand of the doll, and a small candle to the other.

Elegant doll Easter is ready for the holiday!

Easter doll is a powerful amulet for your home. Be sure to make yourself such a doll, it will bring you health, purity of thoughts, light and prosperity.
Such a charm doll was an unusually beautiful and expensive gift for a bright holiday. The doll was well kept. Happy holiday everyone.

Easter dove master class by Zoya Pinigina

The Easter dove is a symbol of universal love, and for Christians it is also a symbol of the good news. It was done on Easter to cleanse, renew, commemorate the departed, wish health to loved ones and take care of the purity of thoughts: not to wish harm to anyone. It was kept until the next Easter in the red corner, protecting the house from bad news.

1 For an Easter dove, you need three squares of red fabric measuring 25 cm (one square of a different shade); a little synthetic winterizer and red threads.

2 Cut out a circle from each square, cutting off the corners.

3 We put a little padding polyester on one circle and decorate the head in the traditional way.

4 We take a longer red thread to designate the neck, we also make a knot on the head with it.

5 Feature of this doll - "hairstyle". Part of the head at the back of the head is made into a knot, tied with threads and fixed on the neck. We make palms.

6 Fold the two circles for the skirt together.

7 Make a small incision in the center.

8 In a reversible way, we put on a skirt, fasten it tightly with threads.

9 Lower the skirt and our doll is ready!

from comments:

And in tradition, they also cut out the circle, or left it as a square? Very beautiful!

The doll was adopted from the ethnographer Velesova S.V. It may very well be that round flaps were not used at all before, since the fabrics were torn by hand, and a circle cannot be made in this way. But progress is inexorable and all the same, methods and possibilities are changing. In my opinion, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the essence of the doll, its meaning is preserved

I wonder why the human chrysalis is called a dove?

Her chest is still shaped like a heart (with the help of a padding polyester), but I can’t stand any images of hearts and hearts and didn’t put a padding polyester on it. She is hung by a knot at the back of her head and she looks like a dove in flight. I like that it is stable and so. In addition, the dove brought good news. After all, this is an Easter dove, i.e. a symbol of the good news, a symbol of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life.

  • Is it possible to use not only a plain red fabric, but also something with a pattern? Or is it essential

    Regarding the Easter doll - in principle! Red is the color of life, resurrection to eternal life! This is a very pure and strong symbol and does not need embellishment.

Mini-project "Easter Dove"

Venue: Krasnogorsk House of Creativity

Age of children: 9 years old

Date: April 2016

Project type: creative workshop.

View: educational, short term.

Chapter: artistic work: work with material, embroidery with satin ribbons.

Target: development and strengthening of interest in the culture of the Slavic peoples,



Tutorials: give an overview of folk traditions, holidays, rituals; show that folk traditions, as a means of spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren, combine patriotic feelings and personal experiences; show what kind of legacy our ancestors left us.

Developing: develop the cognitive abilities of pupils, communicative and informational competencies; unleash creativity.

Educational: contribute to the formation of the worldview position of pupils; instill a sense of patriotism and pride in the country and its people;

develop communication skills, the ability to listen; to cultivate patriotic feelings: love for the motherland, interest in the folk traditions of the country, one's family.

Basic techniques and methods of work:

Verbal: story, explanation, conversation.

Demonstration: studied objects, methods of work.

Practical work:for the production of the object of labor.

Inductive and deductive:analysis and synthesis, comparison and analogy, abstraction and generalization.

Didactic tasks:the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills, the use of knowledge in practice.


scissors; filler, thread; braid, fabric per person:

red: 3 squares 25 X 25 (torso, skirt)

rectangle 5 X 10 (apron), satin ribbon, ribbon embroidery needle

Characteristics of pupils:

Age: 9.10 years old, 11, 12 years old

Year of study: 1.2

Decor: Exhibition of children's crafts.

1. Organizational part:invitation "hostess to the upper room"

2. Introduction:

Today I invited you, red girls, to tell and teach a lot of interesting things.

2 project presentation: Slides

slide 2

Guys, let's talk about the upcoming Easter holiday. What do you know about him? (answers)

One of the biggest holidays is EASTER. People believe that it was on this day that Jesus Christ was resurrected. From that moment on, every year all Christians in the world celebrate Holy Sunday of Christ.

"Easter - the feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ"

Easter is one of the most important church holidays. Word"passover" means "deliverance" or "passage" and came to us from the ancient Greek language.

Happy Easter comes before Great Lent , which is the strictest of all posts. Lent is not a diet, as many people think.The purpose of any post, including the Greatto make a person stronger, wiser and freer, to free him from the slavery of his desires.

Whole week preceding this day is called Great, or Passionate . The last days of Holy Week are especially distinguished: Great Thursday - as the day of spiritual purification, acceptance of the sacrament, Good Friday - as another reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ, Great Saturday - the day of sorrow, and, finally, the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Among the Easter traditions - dyeing eggs, baking Easter cakes and curd Easter.

Starting from Maundy Thursday, Christians prepare for the festive table, paint and paint eggs. According to an ancient tradition, “krashenka”, the appearance of which, according to legend, is associated with Mary Magdalene, is placed on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes on delicate green tiny leaves of watercress, which were specially sprouted in advance for the holiday and, like centuries ago, they give each other with the words: “Christ is Risen! - Truly Risen!”

Problem: What kind of souvenir can be given or exchanged? There is no such product that we will make here. Find out with my short story.


The earliest toys discovered in our country date back to the second millennium BC. e. The most common among toys has always been a doll.

The first designer toys, made to order by Moscow craftsmen from the Armory, appeared in the 17th-18th centuries. And in 1918, a decree was issued on the creation of the Museum of Toys in Moscow, and dolls took their rightful place in it.

A traditional toy in the life of the Russian village, even in the poorest peasant families, has long been a rag doll. In other houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated.

The rag dolls did not have a face. This is connected with ancient ideas, with the role of toys in the past, as a magical object.

Slide 4:

Doll types:

Charm. Charm - an amulet or a magic spell that saves a person from various dangers, as well as an object on which the spell is spoken and which is worn on the body as a talisman. In Rus'dolls - amulets were made from improvised material. Doll "Krupenika" lured wealth. If the Kuvatka doll hung over the baby's bed, then it drove away the evil force. Doll dresses were also sewn with meaning. Doll - a log amulet for the family. A characteristic feature of Slavic dolls is that they are faceless.

9 ritual dolls. The Russian land is rich in rituals, the participants of which are dolls. Ritual dolls were revered and placed in a hut, in a red corner. They had a ritual purpose. It used to be thought that if the house has a do-it-yourselfdoll " Fertility", then there will be prosperity and a harvest in the family. The doll "Kupavka" is a ritual doll of one day. She personified the beginning of bathing. She was floated on the water, the ribbons tied to her hands took human illnesses and hardships with them - such importance was attached to the cleansing power of water. Ash doll - was given to young people at a wedding. This is an ancient symbol of procreation. Doll "Kuzma and Damian" were made from medicinal herbs.

10 Game dolls. Game dolls were intended for fun for children. To gaming collapseddolls relate - twists, which were made very simply. The earliest traditional rag doll in Russia was the "log". The simplest play doll is considered to be "Lady". Complexdoll was the simplest depiction of a female figure.

Do you think these rag dolls can be a souvenir to exchange?

slide 5

1. Our ancestors had many different ritual dolls, but the most beautiful were always Easter dolls. One of these is stonefly dolls.

Cheerful, perky dolls with hair of an unusual color. Such dolls were made as a gift with the wishes to always be beautiful, charming and cheerful.

2. Doll: bird - joy. This elegant doll was made for the spring festival Magpies (the day of spring balance) to spell spring

3. Bell: This doll is relevant in all seasons. She is fun, playful. Giving a bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news, maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him.

4. Doll - Easter, doll on an Easter egg. Such dolls were made for Easter and used as a gift. The chrysalis on the Easter egg stands well thanks to the design where the egg was inserted.

slide 5

Museum in Moscow.

Physical education minute

3 Practical part.

Safety rules for working with scissors, a needle.

._ Work planning:

Do you think these rag dolls can be a souvenir to exchange?

So, the topic of our lesson is making an Easter dove doll.

slide 6.

Easter dove.
This doll is not for play, it was hung under the image in the Red Corner. The Easter dove is a bright red doll (from the name of the holiday "Red Easter") and resembles a dove. The dove in Christianity is a symbol of the Good News of the Resurrection of Christ.

Slide 7

For manufacturing, you need to take 3 squares of red chintz. The size of the squares is 25x25. A little filler, red thread, scissors.

We put the filler in the middle of the red square and form the head. We tie in place of the neck.

Slide 9

From the two remaining squares, cut out circles for the skirt. Fold them 4 times and cut off the corners and the middle.

Slide 10

In the hole that has turned out in the center (of both shreds), we drag the torso to the waist. We tie skirts from below.

slide 11

We turn the doll over. Straightening skirts.

slide 12

We make out the head (shawl, bandage).
We decorate the doll with an apron.


  1. Exhibition and discussion of works.
  2. What have you learned.
  3. Workplace cleaning.

What did you like about the lesson?

At what stage of the implementation did you encounter difficulties?

What did you learn while doing the work?

Where can you apply the newly learned technology?

7. Reflection:

What have you learned?

Where can it be applied?

Elena Shvetsova

Doll "Easter dove".

An open integrated lesson for pupils of the senior group and their parents on making the Easter Dove doll as part of the project "My Original Doll".

Designed by:

The teacher of additional education Shvetsova Elena Nikolaevna.

Educator Erakhtina Natalya Mikhailovna.

Tasks. To teach how to make a bird from colored fabric using the lintel stuffing method. To form labor skills - folding, stuffing, tightly tying a thread or lace. Continue to acquaint with the history and traditions of toy craft.

Technological map "Bird of happiness" in a visual aid for the middle group.

1. We spread the scarf, put a small piece of stuffing in the middle.

2. Fold the scarf diagonally like a scarf.

3. We wrap it tightly to make the head of a bird, and tie it.

4. We take a large piece of stuffing and put it inside, wrap it around to make the body and tail.

5. We wrap and tie the wings.

6. We grab a piece of fabric on the head and wrap it tightly to make a beak.

Preliminary work. Excursion to the museum of the preschool educational institution and acquaintance with the folk toy; a conversation about old children's toys; creation of a didactic album "Collection of patches" or a didactic game "Patch to patch"; lacing and tying exercises.

Basic skills and abilities.

1. Tying a scarf or scarf in the measure "on yourself" and "on the doll."

2. Wrapping things, objects, plants or individual parts of something with a cord, ribbon, rope, braid.

3. Tying shoelaces, clothes (for example, a jacket with a drawstring, a hat) and didactic toys.

Family interaction. Invite parents to assemble a collection of shreds with their children. Remind children to practice tying their own shoelaces, scarves, ribbons on dolls, etc.

Material, tools, equipment. To show to children: two or three rag birds, different in size, proportions, color scheme; technological map "Bird of Happiness" in a visual and methodological guide for the middle group. For each child - square patches or colored scarves of different sizes (optional, stuffing (cotton wool, foam rubber, yarn, shavings, soft straw, grass, etc.), strong threads or laces for winding and tying.

Before class, the teacher shows the children a beautiful decorative scarf and asks why and how it can be used.

It is desirable to create a game situation by showing fairy-tale heroes in order to direct the mental searches of children into the mainstream of folk culture and fairy-tale space.

The game "Magic Scarf".

First, the teacher helps the children “find” more obvious ways to use a scarf related to real life experience: tie a scarf on their heads, wrap their shoulders, go dancing with a scarf, swaddle a doll or baby, make a skirt, apron, cape, raincoat. Then he encourages imaginary ideas - spread the scarf like a self-assembled tablecloth, use it as a flying carpet, put your belongings in it and go on the path.

The teacher invites the art teacher to take part in the game and asks him what else can be made from a scarf.

The art teacher shows the children two or three birds made in advance from decorative scarves or patches (it is very good if the rag birds are different in size, proportions, color scheme). Children guess that these unusual birds are also made of scarves. The art teacher informs the children that today they will make such birds themselves, and invites them to take a workplace.

The teacher spends with the children physical education round dance "Bird".

The bird has flown

She sat down on the path.

The bird is pecking at grains

The bird cleans its feathers.

Scurrying along the path

The bird sings a song:

I have a head

Here are the wings - there are two of them.

I have eyes

Beak, claws, paws,

Look, here's my ponytail.

I'll fly home!

(Perform movements in accordance with the text).

The fine arts teacher shows and explains the technology for making a rag bird, puts out the “Bird of Happiness” technological map, advises the children to look again and make sure that the method of work is clear.

Independent activity of children.

Children under the soundtrack "Noise of the Forest" make a rag bird.

The teacher invites the children to stretch their fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Chicks".

The bird brought insects to the chicks.

Children are sitting in the nest, and, of course, they want to eat.

It turns out "nest".

The chicks waited, their mouths opened, they shouted loudly.

Children choose scarves or patches as they wish. For stuffing, they take cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, yarn, straw, grass or other soft materials. Divided into two unequal parts - the head and torso. The art teacher helps children choose material according to their skills and abilities. Inexperienced children are advised to take large handkerchiefs or patches to make it easier to tie.

Attention: for those children who do not know how to tie threads or shoelaces, rubber bands can be prepared in case of failure. If the teacher does not have time to come to the rescue in time, the children will be able to fix the details of the bird in an easier way. And as a result, they will receive the same bird as other children.

After class.

The design of the exhibition is in the form of the original Mobile: small birds are suspended at different levels from the largest bird, fixed under the ceiling.

The teacher gives the children baked lark birds and offers to play the Birds game with the children.

Breathing exercise "Birds"

Children take a deep breath through their nose, exhale strongly, pronouncing "CHIK-CHIRIK" and making the birds on the Mobile "fly").

Birds can be hung on a large branch placed in a group room or hall. During the walk, the birds can "walk" and "fly" with the children or hang on the lower branches of trees.

The teacher invites the children and all guests to tea.

Integration with different types of activities. The inclusion of rag birds in mobile and musical games, in the scenario of a musical holiday dedicated to the arrival of spring.

Novosibirsk, May 2, AiF - Novosibirsk - For many of us, preparations for the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ come down to baking Easter cakes, coloring eggs and making curd Easter. We propose to return to another tradition of our ancestors - the creation of a special festive doll - the Easter Dove. This doll was made on the eve of the holiday and hung under the image in the Red Corner. The dove was kept until the next Easter, protecting the house from bad news.

A master class on making an Easter Dove for readers of the site "AiF - Novosibirsk" was held by Zoya Vladimirovna Pinigina- a teacher of additional education, the author of several master classes on creating traditional and author's dolls.

"The Easter Dove is a deeply symbolic doll,- said Zoya Pinigina. - As you know, the dove in Christianity is a symbol of the good news of the resurrection of Christ. The essence and meaning of the Easter doll is love for all things. Creating a doll is an occasion to cleanse, renew, set yourself up to wish everyone only good. The easy-to-create Easter Dove has some features that I am often asked about in workshops. First, red. In this case, it symbolizes life and energy. The red color of the Easter Dove is a moment that does not change. Secondly, the Easter Dove is distinguished by another traditional element - "hairstyle" - a knot on the head. For her, the doll is suspended, due to this it seems that she really flies. I would call this detail sacred - it seems to me that severity and wisdom are transmitted through it. Easter Dove, as well as other dolls, are not created in a fuss. They need silence and focus on the meaning and essence of the created doll.

So, to create an Easter Dove, we need:

Three squares of red fabric measuring 25*25 cm

A little synthetic winterizer

Red strong threads

We take one piece of fabric and put a little padding polyester on it.

We connect the corners of the fabric and form the head of the Dove: we do this not very tight, since we still have to form a hairstyle on the head. You need to try to make the face without wrinkles.

As soon as the head has been formed, we mark the neck with a red thread (length - about 35-40 cm), with its help we will decorate the hair at the next stage. We make sure that the head of the doll is on the same plane with the future outstretched arms.

After that, we form a hairstyle - for this we separate a small part of the head at the back of the head, arrange it into a knot and fix it with a thread - be sure to make two knots stronger. After that, wrap the thread around the neck again and cut it off. Thus, we designed the head with a hairstyle.

We turn to the design of the palms. We make them according to the principle of creating an airplane. We fix the palms with a thread - they should be about 1.5 cm.

We verify the length of both palms - it should be the same.