Modeling is our favorite toys. Open lesson. Clay crafting. Theme: "My favorite toy". Stages of work on other toys based on Dymkovo motives

Theme: Sculpt your favorite toy.

Purpose: to create in modeling the image of your favorite toy. To fix various modeling techniques with palms and fingers. To cultivate the desire to bring what has been started to the end. To form an aesthetic attitude to their works, to learn to evaluate them using the expressive characteristics of toys.

To form the creation of an image of a favorite toy: shapes, proportions, characteristic features.

Connect the parts by pressing them.

Materials: plasticine, modeling board, stack (for each child), wet wipes for wiping hands.

The leader in a sundress with a kokoshnik on his head meets the children. Calm music sounds. Hello! How glad I am that you came to visit me. I am the keeper of Russian fairy tales. And I can tell you. Only today I want not to tell fairy tales, but to show. This is where they all stand with me. This is where fairy tales from Dymkovo live. The cockerel is a golden comb, the deer is golden horns. There are so many of them, and there is a fairy tale about each. The Russian people are rich in their love - for their native land, for their children. That's for children, and folk craftsmen came up with all sorts of toys. And they made them from different materials: from clay, from wood, and from the fabric of pupae they made, and from straw. But the most favorite toys among the people, the children had matryoshkas. And guess what I had. E, Blagina Gift

A friend came to me, and we played with her.

And then one toy suddenly attracted her:

The frog is groovy, cheerful, funny.

I'm bored without a toy - my favorite was -

And yet she gave the frog to her friend.

I suggest we warm up and play frogs.

Physical education "Frogs" Two funny frogs

They don't sit for a minute.

Girlfriends deftly jump,

Only splashes fly upwards.

Guys, what are your favorite toys? (Answers 2 children)

Well done Karina, how interestingly she told about her toy. I propose to mold the toys that you like, and then we will try to guess them .. But before we mold, let's remember what methods and techniques you can use in your work.

In order to get started, we need to stretch our fingers.

So we met with you. (With the thumb, we touch all the fingers in turn.)

The teacher invites the children to mold their favorite toy. Calm music sounds.

In the process of work, the teacher helps Artyom convey the correct proportions of the figure of the toy, reminds him of the methods of connecting parts and smoothing the surface.

In the end, everyone admires the work together.


Christina what toy do you like?

What do you like about this toy?

What else got you interested?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Draw your favorite toy

Goals: Developing: Continue to acquaint children with toys and their history (clarify, consolidate knowledge about toys). Develop imagination...

Synopsis of ood on artistic creativity (modeling) "My favorite toy"

Purpose: to teach the technique of creating an image of a “toy” on a plane in a semi-volume using plasticine ....

Open lesson on artistic creativity in the preparatory group. Subject: Draw your favorite toy.

Learn to draw your favorite toy from memory, clearly conveying the shape of the main parts and their characteristic details. Strengthen the ability to draw and paint over the drawing, beautifully place it on a sheet of paper.

Abstract of a modeling lesson in the younger group "Rattle is my favorite toy"

Natalya Chirkina Abstract of the modeling lesson in the younger group “The rattle is my favorite toy” Purpose: Continue to teach on the board with direct hand movements to roll out the column; connect pieces, decorate...

Municipal institution "Department of preschool education"

Executive Committee of the Nizhnekamsk Municipal District

Republic of Tatarstan


"My favorite toy"


Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Educator I quarter. categories

MBDOU No. 3 "Spark"

Nizhnekamsk region

Republic of Tatarstan


Target: to teach the technique of creating an image of a “toy” on a plane in a semi-volume using plasticine.
- to consolidate the ability to create the integrity of an object from individual parts, using the existing skills: pressing parts to the base, gluing, smoothing the boundaries of the connection of individual parts;
- to expand children's knowledge about toys, to teach to compose a descriptive story, to select an action for an object, to develop fine and general motor skills, memory, sensory sphere;
- educate respect for toys.
preliminary work: reading a fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", didactic game "Guess the toy", riddles about toys, drawing toys.
Material and equipment:
- cardboard with the image of toys, size A-4;
- a set of plasticine;
- modeling board, stack;
- paper and wet wipes for hands;
- projector, presentation on the topic;
- toys.

The course of direct educational activities
Vos-l: Guys, today we will draw with plasticine, but guess what?

Children: Toys.
Vos-l: Yes, I asked each of you to bring your favorite toy and introduce us to it.
(Children take turns going out, showing their toy, reading a poem)
Vania: Here is a funny fat bear,
He's my friend, not a prankster.
He has a bow around his neck.
Well, Mishutka! That's so dandy!
Vos-l: What is your bear?

Vanya: Soft, brown, fat, funny.

Vos-l: Why do you love him?

(Child's answer).
Islam: He has a big ears,
He is brown
Everyone in the world loves him
Every motherfucker knows
Gene's friend, Cheburashka.
Vos-l: Describe your Cheburashka. Why is this your favorite toy?

(Child's answer).
Samira: Well, this is Tumbler,
Multicolored cutie.
Swing right, left,
And put it on the shelf.
Vos-l: Tell us about your toy. Who gave it to you and when?

(Child's answer).
Sofia: Cubes are always in front of me.
Tower, you, build from them.
And then a big house
To live in it the old gnome.
Vos-l: What, do you like to build from cubes?

(Child's answer).
Azalea: Here is my favorite ball
He is always with me now.
Jumping and spinning
Jumping, spinning!
Vos-l: What is your ball?

Azalea: Round, rubbery, multicolored.
Vos-l: What ball games do you like to play?

(Child's answer).
Amalia: From multi-colored circles
I'll take the pyramid
And then I'll take off the top
And I'll scatter it on the carpet.
Vos-l: How many rings does your pyramid have, and what color?
(Child's answer).
Vos-l: From the very birth, each of you has toys, but the very first of them is what, guess:
Touch - immediately thunder
And the baby will be surprised.
What is a bright toy? -
For baby...

Children: Rattle.
Vos-l: As today, the first toy of a child in ancient times was also a rattle. In ancient Greece and Rome, rattles were given to newborns. Mothers sang lullabies by tapping these rattles. It was believed that with their noise they drive away evil spirits from the child. (1 slide).
Ancient Russian toys appeared in the 9th century. They were made of wood and clay, called - nursery rhymes. These were - wooden horses, cows, deer, swans, birds and other items. They were used both for games and as talismans. For example, the Russian traditional grain doll, which was given as a gift for the holidays associated with the harvest. (2 slide).
The very first animal figurines were carved from bone, and later they were made from wood, clay or metal. Toys were sewn from fabrics or woven from fiber, made from any suitable materials at hand. Toys with movable body parts were known, which have been made since the earliest times. They were driven by a simple rope or wire mechanism.
In the past, toys were treated with great respect. They were never left haphazardly, but kept in special baskets or chests. Moreover, they not only played with toys, they participated in many rituals: honoring the dead ancestors, worshiping the ancient gods, and also acted as amulets.
Nowadays, toys are made in special factories. These are bright, modern toys that can talk, sing, jump, take off, and drive independently. They are made from a variety of materials, which ones?

Children: Wood, plastic, iron, rubber, fabric, leather, paper, clay, dough.
Vos-l: Guys, imagine if there were no toys.

(Children's answers.)
Vos-l:Toys decorate our life, make it interesting and fun. Toys teach us, develop, help. How should toys be treated? Children: Carefully, always put in place.
Vos-l: We will also open our own small factory and make our own toys, but from what material?

Children: Plasticine.
Sun: I will distribute the finished contours of your toys, and you prepare the colors of plasticine that you need. You can take the same color as your toy, or you can use a different color of plasticine or combine several colors at once.
(Children think over and express their wishes to the teacher. The teacher encourages the choice of children and resembles the modeling algorithm. We pinch off a small piece of plasticine, roll thin sausages, lay it out along the contour of the object and smear it with a thin layer).
Vos-l: To get a drawing on a toy, we start work with it. For example, at the ball, first we sculpt the yellow stripes, and then paint over the remaining 4 parts.
(The teacher helps each child decide where to start work. Helps during modeling).
Physical education "My favorite toys»
Tumbler, look
No matter where you put it. (Bending down to exhale, straightening up - inhale.)
Stand up straight again
So she is stubborn.

(Tilts to the sides 3 times, back and forth 3 times.)
The spinning top spun, spun,
Don't spin too fast

(Circular rotations of the body 3 times in one direction, 3 in the other.)
Enough, stop everything.
Our cheerful sonorous ball,
WITH again he took off at a gallop. (Jump up 8 times.)
Doll Katya suddenly went
She extends her arms towards us.
Says it's time to play
I'm tired of waiting for you here.

(Raise right leg and left arm, then vice versa.)
To play with a ball
You have to blow up the balloon.
(Palms of hands on the stomach. When inhaling, inflate the stomach, while exhaling, pull the stomach into yourself. 6 times.)

Sun: Guys, do not forget about additional details: eyes, nose, mouth, bow of the bear. To make the toy look like a living thing, lay out thin sausages of the same color as your toy along the contour.
Here are our toys. What did you get?

Children: Bright, funny, beautiful.
Vos-l: How should you treat toys?

(Answers of children).
Vos-l: A toy is your friend and comrade, take care and love them.
We will send our toys to the store (to the exhibition).
But first let's playdidactic game "What can toys do?"
For example,
car: rides, buzzes, carries, rumbles;
ball: flies, jumps, jumps, falls, rolls.

Modeling with children 4-5 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Darya Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is "Toys"

The theme of the week is "Toys"

Lesson 33. Pyramid

(Clay crafting)

Software content. To consolidate the ability to roll balls of different sizes from clay and flatten them between the palms, arrange the resulting circles in a certain order. Continue to learn to connect the parts by pressing them together.

Demo material. Pyramid of rings.

Handout. Clay, bowls of water, cardboard coasters, modeling boards.

Lesson progress

Consider the pyramid with the children. Discuss how the big rings are at the bottom and the small ones at the top. Have each child remove a ring, and then ask them to assemble the pyramid in the correct order.

Read to the children a poem by D. Rozalieva:

I'm building a pyramid

Help me friends.

Take different rings

Lay them on top of each other.

Offer to make such a pyramid of clay: you need to separate 3-4 pieces of different sizes from clay, roll up balls, flatten them between your palms and put them on top of each other, starting with the largest one. The joints should be lubricated with a small amount of water.

When the clay dries, the pyramid rings can be painted.

Lesson 34. Free topic

(Modeling from plasticine or clay)

Software content. Learn to sculpt an object from plasticine according to your own plan. To consolidate the previously studied modeling techniques (rolling, rolling, flattening, pressing, joining and lubricating). Develop a positive attitude towards others.

Demo material. Doll.

Handout. Plasticine, clay, a variety of additional material, cardboard stands, modeling boards.

Lesson progress

Play the situation: Dasha doll came to visit you, she is dressed very smartly. Describe with the children how the doll is dressed. Let the guys ask why she is so smart.

“Today is my birthday,” answer for the doll. - I invite you to visit. Come to my birthday party.

Invite the children to make a gift for the doll. Give each child the opportunity to come up with what he will sculpt. Prepare additional material for the children with which they can decorate the craft. Give gifts to the doll.

At the end of the lesson, you can lead a round dance "Like on our name day."

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 21. Building a house (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To form in children the ability to sculpt a house from rolled up columns, laying them on top of each other and firmly connecting them. Strengthen the ability to use the stack. Develop

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My home” Session 41–42. Houses of the three pigs (part 1–2) (Drawing with pastel crayons, sanguine, charcoal, wax crayons) Program content. Continue learning to make illustrations for fairy tales. Develop the ability to arrange objects on a piece of paper. Learn

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Autumn” Lesson 8. Autumn leaves (Leaf prints. Gouache) Program content. Teach children to make prints with leaves. Learn to mix red and yellow gouache to get orange. Learn to distinguish and name trees, recognize leaves. Material.

From the book Modeling with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Dishes” Lesson 9. Cup (Drawing with cotton swabs. Gouache) Program content. To teach children to draw large items of utensils from life with a simple pencil, placing it on the entire sheet. Learn to choose the right colors yourself, circle with dots

From the book Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Furniture" Lesson 11. Blanket for Vanyushka (Drawing with felt-tip pens) Program content. To teach children to decorate a rectangular object with colored stripes, alternating them in color. Learn to understand and analyze the content of the nursery rhyme. Cultivate a benevolent

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My house” Lesson 21. Houses for nesting dolls (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. To teach children to draw small and large objects, consisting of a square and a triangle. Continue to learn how to compose a plot composition. Cultivate Responsiveness

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Toys” Lesson 33. Bear (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. Continue to teach children to draw with a simple pencil, and then arrange the work in color. Learn to draw a toy bear standing on its hind legs, correctly positioning

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Toys" Lesson 33. Pyramid (clay modeling) Program content. To consolidate the ability to roll balls of different sizes from clay and flatten them between the palms, arrange the resulting circles in a certain order. Continue learning to connect parts by pressing

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Toys” Lesson 1. Ball (clay modeling) Program content. Arouse children's interest in clay modeling. Learn about the properties of clay. Learn to roll out a ball of clay and decorate the molded product with additional material. Demonstration material.

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To consolidate the ability of children to bring the product to the desired image with the help of plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to acquaint children with cold tones. Learn to convey the characteristic features of objects using cold colors. Get to know the possibilities

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My favorite toys” Lesson 65. Clown and doll (Guache drawing) Program content. To develop in children the ability to convey the figure of a person, to depict facial features. To teach boys to draw from nature the image of a cheerful clown, using bright contrasts of colors.

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Toys” Lesson 1. Cube to cube (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. To teach children to lay out cubes and squares in a certain sequence (in size). Familiarize yourself with the method of applying glue with a brush

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My House” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to make a whole out of several parts; apply glue to the part and stick

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 22. Fence near the house (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw various objects consisting of combinations of lines. Learn to retell fairy tales based on the illustrations in the book. Develop speech, thinking. Demonstration

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Easter” Lesson 32. Painted eggs (Stencil drawing with colored pencils) Purpose. Teach children to draw with a stencil. To acquaint with the Easter holiday. Demonstration material. Painted Easter eggs. Handout. Egg-shaped stencil with

"Works from plasticine" - The composition of plasticine. Plasticine is used by children as a material for crafts. Playing with plasticine helps develop finger coordination. It is made from purified and crushed clay powder with the addition of wax, animal fat and other substances that prevent drying. It turns out that most of the guys like to sculpt from plasticine.

"Modeling from plasticine" - Masha ate drying. You have blue skies in your pictures. Before starting the lesson, prepare the basics for creating pictures. Mastering the technique of indentation. Lesson "Hide the ball." Cut several plasticine bars of different colors into medium-sized pieces. He says: "I want more!" Let's make drying for Masha.


"New Year's toys" - But the New Year was made a Soviet holiday - accordingly, the New Year's toys have also changed. The colors of the year are yellow, white, gold. The Snow Maiden walks through the green grasses. And put a bunch of carrots under the tree for the Rabbit. By the 20th century, faces began to be made convex, made of cardboard, and later porcelain. The Moskabel plant made figurines from wire.

"DIY crafts" - Snails. Creation of the composition "Worms and caterpillars on the lawn". Modeling the shape of the wings and decorating with decorative elements. Tasks of artistic and creative development. Search for ways to sculpt the body (disk, hemisphere, ovoid) and legs. Creation of the composition "That's what snails!". Refinement of ideas about the structure and diversity of beetles.

"The history of the New Year's toy" - The New Year's toy clearly reflected the history of our country. In the 1970s, toy design becomes less diverse. Hypothesis: changes taking place in society affect the design of New Year's toys. A variety of birds and animals were stamped from silver-plated cardboard. The museum is located in a nice modern tower.

Subject:modeling . My favorite toys!

Educational area: "Artistic creativity".
Integration of educational areas: "Reading fiction", "Communication", "Labor", "Physical culture", "Communication".
Types of children's activities: productive, cognitive-research, communicative, motor.

Form of organization: subgroup.

Target: teach the technique of creating an image of "toys" on a planein a semi-volume with plasticine.

- to consolidate the ability to create the integrity of an object from individual parts, using the existing skills: pressing parts to the base, gluing, smoothing the boundaries of the connection of individual parts;
- to expand children's knowledge about toys, to teach to compose a descriptive story, to select an action for an object, to develop fine and general motor skills, memory, sensory sphere;
- educate respect for toys.

preliminary work: reading a fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", didactic game "Guess the toy", riddles about toys, drawing toys.

Material and equipment:
- cardboard with the image of toys, size A-4;
- a set of plasticine;
- modeling board, stack;
- paper and wet wipes for hands;
- projector, presentation on the topic;
- toys.

The course of direct educational activities

1. Organizational moment.
- Guys, today we will draw with plasticine, but guess what? (Toys.)
- Yes, I asked each of you to bring your favorite toy and introduce us to it.
Children take turns going out, showing their toy, reading a poem:
1 child:
Here is a funny fat bear,
He's my friend, not a prankster.
He has a bow around his neck.
Well, Mishutka! That's so dandy!
- What is your bear? (Soft, brown, thick, funny). Why do you love him?
2 child:
He has a big ears,
He is brown
Everyone in the world loves him
Every motherfucker knows
Gene's friend, Cheburashka.
- Describe your Cheburashka. Why is this your favorite toy?
3 child:
Well, this is Tumbler,
Multicolored cutie.
Swing right, left,
And put it on the shelf.
- Tell us about your toy. Who gave it to you and when?
4 child:
Cubes are always in front of me.
Tower, you, build from them.
And then a big house
To live in it the old gnome.
What do you like to build with cubes?
5 child:
Here is my favorite ball
He is always with me now.
Jumping and spinning
Jumping, spinning!
What is your ball? (Round, rubber, multi-colored).
What ball games do you like to play?
6 child:
From multi-colored circles
I'll take the pyramid
And then I'll take off the top
And I'll scatter it on the carpet.
- How many rings does your pyramid have, and what color?

2. The main part.
- From birth, each of you has toys, but the very first of them, guess what:
Touch - immediately thunder
And the baby will be surprised.
What is a bright toy? -
For baby... (rattle)

- Just like today, the first toy of a child in ancient times was also a rattle. In ancient Greece and Rome, rattles were given to newborns. Mothers sang lullabies by tapping these rattles. It was believed that with their noise they drive away evil spirits from the child. (1 slide).
- Ancient Russian toys appeared in the 9th century. They were made of wood and clay, called - nursery rhymes. These were - wooden horses, cows, deer, swans, birds and other items. They were used both for games and as talismans. For example, the Russian traditional grain doll, which was given as a gift for the holidays associated with the harvest. (2 slide).
- The very first animal figurines were carved from bone, and later they were made from wood, clay or metal. Toys were sewn from fabrics or woven from fiber, made from any suitable materials at hand. Toys with movable body parts were known, which have been made since the earliest times. They were driven by a simple rope or wire mechanism.
- Previously, toys were treated very respectfully. They were never left haphazardly, but kept in special baskets or chests. Moreover, they not only played with toys, they participated in many rituals: honoring the dead ancestors, worshiping the ancient gods, and also acted as amulets.
- Nowadays, toys are made in special factories. These are bright, modern toys that can talk, sing, jump, take off, and drive independently. They are made from a variety of materials, which ones? (Wood, plastic, iron, rubber, fabric, leather, paper, clay, dough).
Guys, imagine if there were no toys. (Children's answers.)
- Toys decorate our life, make it interesting and fun. Toys teach us, develop, help. How should toys be treated? (Carefully, always put in place).
- We will also open our own small factory and make our own toys, but from what material? (Plasticine).

Practical part.
Stage 1.
- I will distribute the finished contours of your toys, and you prepare the colors of plasticine that you need. You can take the same color as your toy, or you can use a different color of plasticine or combine several colors at once.
Children think over and express their wishes to the teacher. The teacher encourages the choice of children and reminds the modeling algorithm. We pinch off a small piece of plasticine, roll thin sausages, lay them out along the contour of the object and smear them with a thin layer.
- To get a drawing on a toy, we start work with it. For example, at the ball, first we sculpt the yellow stripes, and then paint over the remaining 4 parts.
The teacher helps each child decide where to start work. Helps during sculpting.
Physical education "My favorite toys»
Tumbler, look
No matter where you put it.
(Bending down to exhale, straightening up - inhale.)
Stand up straight again
So she is stubborn.

(Tilts to the sides 3 times, back and forth 3 times.)
The spinning top spun, spun,

Don't spin too fast
(Circular rotations of the body 3 times in one direction, 3 in the other.)
Enough, stop everything.

Our cheerful sonorous ball,

WITH again he took off at a gallop.
(Jump up 8 times.)
Doll Katya suddenly went
She extends her arms towards us.
Says it's time to play
I'm tired of waiting for you here.
(Raise right leg and left arm, then vice versa.)
To play with a ball
You have to blow up the balloon.
(Palms of hands on the stomach. When inhaling, inflate the stomach, while exhaling, pull the stomach into yourself.
6 times.)

Stage 2.
- Guys, do not forget about additional details: eyes, nose, mouth, bow of the bear. To make the toy look like a living thing, lay out thin sausages of the same color as your toy along the contour.

3. Reflection.

Here are our toys. What did you get? (Bright, cheerful, beautiful).
How should toys be handled?
- A toy is your friend and comrade, take care and love them.
- We will send our toys to the store (to the exhibition).
But first let's play didactic game "What can toys do?"
For example,
car: rides, buzzes, carries, rumbles;
ball: flies, jumps, jumps, falls, rolls.