Love is a carrot. Love-Carrot Violation of the terms of the user agreement


1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) applies to the website of the online store "", located at, and to all relevant sites associated with the site
1.2. The website of the online store "" (hereinafter referred to as the Site) is the property of Raznotsvetye LLC
1.3. This Agreement governs the relationship between the Administration of the website of the online store "" (hereinafter referred to as the Site Administration) and the User of this Site.
1.4. The site administration reserves the right to change, add or delete clauses of this Agreement at any time without notifying the User.
1.5. Continued use of the Site by the User means acceptance of the Agreement and the changes made to this Agreement.
1.6. The User is personally responsible for checking this Agreement for changes to it.


2.1. The following terms have the following meanings for the purposes of this Agreement:
2.1.1 “” is an online store located on the domain name, operating through an Internet resource and related services.
2.1.2. Online store - a website containing information about the Products, the Seller, allowing you to select, order and (or) purchase the Products.
2.1.3. The administration of the online store website is authorized employees to manage the Site, acting on behalf of Raznotsvetye LLC.
2.1.4. User of the online store website (hereinafter referred to as the User) is a person who has access to the Site via the Internet and uses the Site.
2.1.5. The content of the online store website (hereinafter referred to as the Content) is protected results of intellectual activity, including texts of literary works, their titles, prefaces, annotations, articles, illustrations, covers, musical works with or without text, graphic, textual, photographic, derivatives, composite and other works, user interfaces, visual interfaces, trademark names, logos, computer programs, databases, as well as the design, structure, selection, coordination, appearance, general style and arrangement of this Content included in the Site and others objects of intellectual property, collectively and/or separately, contained on the website of the online store.


3.1. The subject of this Agreement is to provide the User of the Online Store with access to the Products and services provided on the Site.
3.1.1. The online store provides the User with the following types of services:
 access to electronic content free of charge, with the right to purchase (download) and view content;
 access to online store search and navigation tools;
 providing the User with the opportunity to post messages, comments, reviews of Users, and rate the content of the online store;
 access to information about the Product and information about purchasing the Product free of charge;
 other types of services sold on the pages of the online store.
3.1.2. This Agreement covers all currently existing (actually functioning) services of the online store, as well as any subsequent modifications thereof and additional services of the online store that appear in the future.
3.2. Access to the online store is provided free of charge.
3.3. This Agreement is a public offer. By accessing the Site, the User is deemed to have acceded to this Agreement.
3.4. The use of materials and services of the Site is regulated by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation


4.1. The site administration has the right:
4.1.1. Change the rules for using the Site, as well as change the content of this Site. The changes come into force from the moment the new version of the Agreement is published on the Site.
4.1.2. Restrict access to the Site if the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

4.2. The user has the right:
4.2.1. Gain access to use the Site after meeting the registration requirements.
4.2.2. Use all services available on the Site, as well as purchase any Products offered on the Site.
4.2.3. Ask any questions related to the services of the online store using the details that are located in the “https://www..” section of the Site.
4.2.4. Use the Site solely for the purposes and in the manner provided for in the Agreement and not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. The Site User undertakes:
4.3.1. Provide, at the request of the Site Administration, additional information that is directly related to the services provided by this Site.
4.3.2. Respect the property and non-property rights of authors and other copyright holders when using the Site.
4.3.3. Do not take actions that may be considered as disrupting the normal operation of the Site.
4.3.4. Do not distribute using the Site any confidential information about individuals or legal entities protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3.5. Avoid any actions that may violate the confidentiality of information protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3.6. Do not use the Site to distribute advertising information, except with the consent of the Site Administration.
4.3.7. Do not use the services of the online store website for the purpose of:
4.3.7. 1. uploading content that is illegal and violates any rights of third parties; promotes violence, cruelty, hatred and (or) discrimination on racial, national, gender, religious, social grounds; contains false information and (or) insults to specific individuals, organizations, and authorities.
4.3.7. 2. inducement to commit illegal actions, as well as assistance to persons whose actions are aimed at violating the restrictions and prohibitions in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.
4.3.7. 3. violations of the rights of minors and (or) causing them harm in any form.
4.3.7. 4. infringement of the rights of minorities.
4.3.7. 5. representing oneself as another person or representative of an organization and (or) community without sufficient rights to do so, including employees of this online store.
4.3.7. 6. misrepresentation regarding the properties and characteristics of any Product from the online store catalog posted on the Site.
4.3.7. 7. incorrect comparison of the Products, as well as the formation of a negative attitude towards persons (not) using certain Products, or condemnation of such persons.
4.4. The user is prohibited from:
4.4.1. Use any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic devices or equivalent manual processes to access, acquire, copy or monitor the content of the Site of this online store;
4.4.2. Interfere with the proper functioning of the Site;
4.4.3. Bypass the navigation structure of the Site in any way to obtain or attempt to obtain any information, documents or materials by any means that are not specifically provided by the services of this Site;
4.4.4. Unauthorized access to the functions of the Site, any other systems or networks related to this Site, as well as to any services offered on the Site;
4.4.4. Violate the security or authentication systems of the Site or any network connected to the Site.
4.4.5. Perform a reverse search, trace or attempt to trace any information about any other User of the Site.
4.4.6. Use the Site and its Content for any purposes prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as incite any illegal activity or other activity that violates the rights of the online store or other persons.


5.1. The Site and the Content included in the Site are owned and managed by the Site Administration.
5.2. The content of the Site cannot be copied, published, reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any way, or posted on the Internet without the prior written consent of the Site Administration.
5.3. The contents of the Site are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws.
5.4. The purchase of Products offered on the Site may require the creation of a User account.
5.5. The User is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of account information, including the password, as well as for any and all activities conducted on behalf of the Account User.
5.6. The user must immediately notify the site Administration of any unauthorized use of his account or password or any other violation of the security system.
5.7. The site administration has the right to unilaterally cancel the User's account if it has not been used for more than 24 calendar months in a row without notifying the User.
5.7. This Agreement applies to all additional terms and conditions for the purchase of Products and the provision of services provided on the Site.
5.8. Information posted on the Site should not be construed as a change to this Agreement.
5.9. The site administration has the right at any time, without notifying the User, to make changes to the list of Goods and services offered on the Site and (or) to the prices applicable to such Goods for their sale and (or) services provided by the online store.
5.10. The documents specified in clause 5.10.1 of this Agreement regulate in the relevant part and extend their effect to the User’s use of the Site. This Agreement includes the following documents:
5.10.1. ;
5.11. Any of the documents listed in clause 5.10. of this Agreement may be subject to updating. Changes come into force from the moment they are published on the Site.


6.1. Any losses that the User may incur in the event of an intentional or careless violation of any provision of this Agreement, as well as due to unauthorized access to the communications of another User, are not reimbursed by the Site Administration.
6.2. The site administration is not responsible for:
6.2.1. Delays or failures in the transaction process resulting from force majeure, as well as any malfunction in telecommunications, computer, electrical and other related systems.
6.2.2. Actions of transfer systems, banks, payment systems and delays associated with their work.
6.2.3. Proper functioning of the Site, in the event that the User does not have the necessary technical means to use it, and also does not bear any obligation to provide users with such means.


7.1. The Site Administration has the right to disclose any information collected about the User of this Site if disclosure is necessary in connection with an investigation or complaint regarding unlawful use of the Site or to identify (identify) a User who may violate or interfere with the rights of the Site Administration or the rights of other Site Users.
7.2. The site administration has the right to disclose any information about the User that it deems necessary to comply with the provisions of current legislation or court decisions, ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, protect the rights or safety of Raznotsvetie LLC and Users.
7.3. The site administration has the right to disclose information about the User if the current legislation of the Russian Federation requires or permits such disclosure.
7.4. The site administration has the right, without prior notice to the User, to terminate and (or) block access to the Site if the User has violated this Agreement or the terms of use of the Site contained in other documents, as well as in the event of termination of the Site or due to a technical problem or problem.
7.5. The site administration is not responsible to the User or third parties for termination of access to the Site in the event of a violation by the User of any provision of this Agreement or other document containing the terms of use of the Site.


8.1. In the event of any disagreement or dispute between the Parties to this Agreement, a prerequisite before going to court is to file a claim (a written proposal for a voluntary settlement of the dispute).
8.2. The recipient of the claim, within 30 calendar days from the date of its receipt, notifies the claimant in writing of the results of consideration of the claim.
8.3. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute voluntarily, either Party has the right to go to court to protect their rights, which are granted to them by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.4. Any claim regarding the terms of use of the Site must be filed within 5 days after the grounds for the claim arise, with the exception of copyright protection for Site materials protected by law. If the terms of this paragraph are violated, any claim or cause of action is barred by statute of limitations.


9.1. The site administration does not accept counter-proposals from the User regarding changes to this User Agreement.
9.2. User reviews posted on the Site are not confidential information and can be used by the Site Administration without restrictions.
9.3. Arbitration. All disputes under the Agreement or in connection with it are subject to consideration in court at the location of the Administration in accordance with the current procedural law of the Russian Federation.
9.4. Changes. This Agreement may be changed or terminated by the Administration unilaterally without prior notice to the User and without payment of any compensation in connection with this.
9.5. Version of the Agreement. The current version of this Agreement is posted on the Administration Website and is available on the Internet at:

Fireworks Love-Carrots– this is another amazing battery of fireworks from the pyrotechnics catalog of the TorgSalut store. You are guaranteed a colorful fireworks display - the number of 66 salvos of the Love-Carrot fireworks speaks volumes. Before you buy fireworks, you can watch photos and videos of the E-C250 Love-Carrot fireworks. You can find a list of unique pyrotechnic fireworks effects on the ADDITIONAL tab.

And now about the main thing - how to buy love-carrot fireworks

To buy the Love-Carrot fireworks, it will take you a fraction of a second - one click of the mouse... And the Love-Carrot fireworks are already in the basket.

Placing an order for the purchase of Love-Carrot fireworks

At the bottom of the expanded order form you have 3 buttons “Continue shopping”, “Go to cart” And "Quick order".

Let's try to buy fireworks Love-Carrots quickly on the website.

Press the button QUICK ORDER and we will be able to buy Love-Carrot fireworks in the store without registration. Fill in 3 required fields - name, phone, email, press the buttonSEND- We wait 5 minutes for a call from the operator of the online fireworks store to confirm the order.
You can buy Love-Carrot fireworks in Moscow with free shipping.
As an option, you can order the Love-Carrot fireworks in the format - pick-up from any pyrotechnics network from the company TorgSalut.

Happy shopping! Fireworks | Fireworks

Fireworks and salutes are one of the most popular and vibrant sections of the pyrotechnic catalog of the Fireworks+ online store. The range of fireworks batteries in this section will impress even the most demanding customers. More than four hundred fireworks batteries, such brands as: “Russian Fireworks”, “Russian Pyrotechnics”, “Big Holiday”, “Fireland”. With a number of shots from 7 to 400 salvos and at the best price. Since it is difficult to review all the products, and so that you do not waste your time, we have divided this section into five subsections depending on the number of charges. You can buy fireworks in Moscow cheaply with home delivery without worrying about anything!

  • safety of use;
    optimal cost.

    Turn to professionals for a spectacular finale to your wedding celebration and get a result that will suit you 100%!" onmouseover="menuVertCatalogChangeSectionPicure(this);"> Special fireworks

    Special fireworks

    Fireworks for a wedding are a bright end to your celebration!
    A wedding is a significant event in the life of newlyweds and their families. And in order for this holiday to be remembered by many, bringing maximum positive emotions and impressions, it is worth providing for such a moment as fireworks at the wedding. He will make the end of the wedding beautiful and spectacular, giving each guest a myriad of brightly sparkling stars that bring joy and happiness to their hearts and give a good mood. But how much do fireworks cost for a wedding? How to solve this issue with minimal costs for yourself?
    Faced with a challenge like this, clients have a choice:
    buy fireworks for a wedding (ready-made batteries of fireworks that you just need to set on fire and they will start to “shoot” themselves, blazing with multi-colored lights);
    order fireworks for a wedding (a show organized by professionals, in which several types of fireworks can be used).
    Each of the options has its own advantages and, with proper organization, can become a stunning spectacle at the holiday.
    Today, ordering or buying ready-made fireworks for a wedding in Moscow is not a problem. Another question is how to combine the most important parameters for the customer of services in solving this issue:
    guaranteed quality of pyrotechnic products;
    safety of use;
    optimal cost.
    Typically, buyers are looking to find inexpensive wedding fireworks that will provide great results. After all, fireworks will not only amuse and delight guests at the holiday. The video of the fireworks at the wedding will certainly become part of the film about your wedding, which you will watch more than once in the future, making you relive these joyful and exciting moments of the birth of a new family again and again.
    Is this real? In fact, yes, it is quite possible to organize a high-quality fireworks display for a wedding, spending a very modest budget on it. You just need to choose the right partner with whom you will cooperate in implementing this issue.
    The online store is ready to offer excellent prices, quality guarantees, as well as a huge range of fireworks for every taste to all interested customers. Organized service and streamlined work of all “links” make it possible to ensure prompt delivery of selected pyrotechnics to any corner of our country (as well as abroad). The price of fireworks for a wedding in our store remains loyal and attractive to customers, since it does not contain intermediary markups, the amount of additional costs associated with maintaining a real store, etc.
    Turn to professionals for a spectacular finale to your wedding celebration and get a result that will suit you 100%!

  • Sparklers


    Sparklers, also known as sparklers or sparklers, are a piece of wire coated with a special pyrotechnic substance that burns slowly, producing cold sparks that are absolutely safe. Sparklers have been familiar to us since childhood, and not a single holiday is complete without sparkle, noise and sparkling fun. In this section you can find sparklers from popular brands, such as JSC Federal Scientific and Production Center "Research Institute of Applied Chemistry", Troitsky Equipment Plant and Ural Pyrotechnic Plant. Buying good quality sparklers in Moscow has become easier than ever!

  • roman candles

    Roman candles are another type of pyrotechnic products of an entertaining nature. Outwardly, it is just a cardboard tube, but as soon as you light the wick, burning stars will fly into the sky one by one. The charges emitted from a Roman candle can also have an explosive nature, such as in firework batteries, but for this you need to buy a large caliber Roman candle. The most important thing in using a Roman candle is not to start it from your hand and light the wick at arm's length, and in no case let children light it.

  • Rockets


    Rockets or rocket launchers are probably the most exciting type of holiday pyrotechnic items. There are several types of rockets: burst rockets, which explode in the sky like fireworks; without a gap in the sky, having a comet effect; rockets with parachute. We can say with confidence that by purchasing flare guns for your holiday, you will get additional excitement and a sea of ​​emotions and impressions. You can buy rockets in the online store by placing an order on the website or by phone, with delivery in Moscow and throughout Russia.

  • Firecrackers


    Firecrackers, corsairs, picards are a separate subset of pyrotechnic products, very common among young people. They even sing about them in songs: Zemfira sings “And will burst firecrackers and disturb your nerves,” and the group Kavabanga Depo Kolibri sings “Let’s explode with loud firecrackers.” If you want to scare the neighbors and the neighbor's dog, you can buy small firecrackers, such as Corsair 1, Corsair 2 or Corsair 3. And if you need to hunt, then buy the most powerful firecrackers with delivery in Moscow, such as Corsair 8, Corsair 12 or Mega Jumbo, Big Jumbo.

  • Fountains


    Fountains, pyrotechnic volcanoes are a key of multi-colored sparks stretching upward to the sky. The mesmerizing effect of this pyrotechnic element will captivate anyone. The fountain can be lit as a separate element of a pyro show, before fireworks, or together with burning letters. In any case, if you allow yourself to buy fountains from us in the online store in Moscow, you will be satisfied with both the quality of the product and the price. We can say with confidence that the range of fountains in our store will appeal to even the most sophisticated customer.

  • This range of products provides for their wide application: we have firecrackers for parties, matinees, birthdays, weddings and New Years. The larger the cracker, the greater the amount of filling it contains, and the filling is pushed to a greater height.
    It's so easy to dream under the rain of confetti! Use firecrackers to multiply the emotions of the holiday. Volleys of firecrackers will transport everyone to a world of joy and happiness." onmouseover="menuVertCatalogChangeSectionPicure(this);"> Firecrackers


    Everyone has known the firecracker since childhood. This is not just a cardboard cylinder filled with confetti or streamers, it is a symbol of celebration, joy, and magic. Even adults, having picked up a firecracker, briefly turn into mischievous children. Every clap is a surprise! Any party will become brighter if the organizers provide fun with firecrackers.
    On our shelves you can easily find the firecracker of your dreams. We offer regular, inflatable and pneumatic products. Crackers vary in shape, size (20 cm-2 m), effects (serpentine, confetti). They also differ in the height of the contents ejection. Our firecrackers come in a variety of configurations: paper confetti, metallic confetti, foil confetti, and confetti in the form of banknotes or hearts!
    This range of products provides for their wide application: we have firecrackers for parties, matinees, birthdays, weddings and New Years. The larger the cracker, the greater the amount of filling it contains, and the filling is pushed to a greater height.


    Firecrackers, false flares or flares are the most common type of pyrotechnic products and probably the most popular after firecrackers. There are two types of flares, smoke flares and fire flares. Fire flares are often used by fans, but smoke flares or smoke flares are in demand among girls at photo shoots. It is very simple to buy false flares in our online store "Fireworks+". You can place an order on the website and then our manager will contact you to clarify the color scheme or call us at the numbers listed on the website.

  • Alternative