Halloween mouse mask. DIY Halloween mask. Necessary materials for making children's DIY paper masks for Halloween

Halloween costume options and home decorating ideas are presented in this article.

Story the emergence of such a holiday as "Halloween" is associated with paganism and faith in God. There is an opinion that the holiday itself arose during the "Celtic festival". That's when the people celebrated end of harvest and made their preparations for the winter.

The symbol of the end of the harvest was pumpkin, since this fruit was harvested last. At that time, the holiday had a slightly different name - Samhain. But, nevertheless, it had the same meaning. People believed that the time for the end of soil productivity had sacred meaning and power. The earth, according to the pagans, able to revive dead ancestors.

In addition to the fact that the ancestors "resurrected", came to life and "unclean spirits", and dead evil people. People were afraid that the abundance of evil spirits could bring their natural world to destruction and chaos. It was decided by all means to show the ghosts that they did not arrive into the world of the living and scare them away this.

For this people dressed up in scary costumes and put on face masks. They tried in every possible way to give themselves a disgusting look: they imitated blood on their clothes and bodies, wore animal skins, dressed in rags.

According to tradition, the celebration of Samhain, i.e. Halloween (more modern name) accounted for the last day of October - the 31st. The festival was held from the onset of darkness and before dawn on the first of November. According to some reports, it was also considered Samhain - the name of the main demon, who was just as worth pleasuring by dressing in costumes like him.

Modern holiday Halloween kept some traditions celebrations. Until now, people try to wear costumes and masks, have noisy parties and sing songs. The children try their best scare adults and therefore, in small groups, they go from house to house and demand sweets, threatening death.

Of course, this is a more "commercial way", which is designed to master a large number of goodies. But if someone refuses to meet the "little monsters", the children have the right throw eggs at the owner's house or tomatoes, make a "showdown" and steal something from the yard.

Modern Halloween celebration according to old ancient traditions

Pumpkin for Halloween: how to do it yourself?

As already mentioned, pumpkin is a symbol of the end of the harvest. That is why the pumpkin is invariably present at every Halloween celebration. She performs not only symbolic but also decorative role. The shape of a pumpkin with its round shape resembles a human head, and therefore people decided carve scary figures out of it.

Most often, the pumpkin serves as the basis for creating the image of "Jack". Jack is a ghost, who instead of a head on his shoulders had just such a pumpkin. The fetus had three symbolic holes: eyes and mouth.

Ghost "Jack" with a pumpkin head

It is not difficult to carve a pumpkin and make a frightening figure out of it, but it is quite painstaking work:

  • First of all, you should choose maximum round fruit so that it has a beautiful and regular shape.
  • try choose an orange pumpkin, without green overflows. Such a pumpkin will be very bright and beautiful after carving.
  • Lay the pumpkin upside down. The tail of the pumpkin must be at the top, as it will be on the "cap" of the fruit.

To work with a pumpkin, you will need a number of important tools:

  • big knife, with which you will cut, as well as cut out large parts.
  • small knife for carving (artistic cutting).
  • metal spoon(hard, not soft metal) to take out the pumpkin pulp.

Cutting out:

  • Maximum exactly cut off the "cap" pumpkins where the tail is located. Measure from the edge of the pumpkin a distance that will equal half of your palm and make an incision.
  • Set the hat aside. Now, with the help of a knife and a spoon, you should gradually scoop out pumpkin pulp. This should be done as carefully as possible so that the walls of the pumpkin remain intact. pumpkin pulp can be used for cooking cereals and pies, discard the seed part.
  • When the pumpkin inside becomes empty, you can proceed to carving. To do this, you will need to visualize its appearance in advance or find the appropriate picture on the Internet. Draw with a marker on the surface of the pumpkin there are holes for the eyes and mouth, and only then proceed to cut them out.
  • When the pumpkin is ready, you should find a small floating candle(as it is called because it is designed to be lowered into the water). Lower the candle at the bottom of a pumpkin, light it gently and close the "lid" of the pumpkin.
  • Your decorative pumpkin is ready to be installed in your yard or indoors

Halloween Pumpkin Carving Decoration Simple Pumpkin Carving

creative halloween pumpkin carving

Original Halloween pumpkin carving

What to make blood for Halloween?

Thinking about what kind of costume you would like to wear for Halloween, everyone begins to think about what can be "make" blood. Depending on where you want to "leave blood stains", there are several winning ways to draw red streaks.

Halloween blood can be made from:

  • lipsticks if you draw bloody smudges on your face. You should choose a bright red color. Lipstick is easy to wash off your face after the holiday, you quickly apply it to the desired area. Can also be used red lip pencil but it's not that red.
  • red lacquer for nails is useful when you need to leave bloody smudges on plastic: a mask or costume elements. Make "bloody" smudges in advance so that they have time to dry for the holiday.
  • Ketchup- the simplest and most popular way to "blood" everything around. To do this, you do not need to bother much: just buy ketchup and pour it anywhere.
  • Paints- Another popular and affordable option. You should choose a bright paint color. Any on a liquid basis will do: acrylic, gouache, or liquid watercolor.
  • sugar syrup- an interesting and not easy way. It is complicated by the fact that you should find red food coloring in advance and cook sugar syrup. This blood will be thick. It will be able to resemble natural blood.
  • beetroot juice useful for "staining" clothes with blood or hands.
  • real makeup Red. It is not easy to get it, but it looks very good on the body.

Blood to complete the Halloween look

Blood on the face to complete the Halloween costume look

Scary Halloween masks

One of the important attributes of the Halloween image is mask. You should choose a mask, focusing on your costume. The scarier your mask, the better and more emotional you will be perceived on this day.

A Halloween mask can be purchased at a specialty fancy dress store, ordered online, or made on your own. If you make a mask with your own hands, thick cardboard will serve as the basis for you. Cardboard should be your drawing and other decorative elements: feathers, rags, spikes and much more.

Another option to make a mask yourself is to buy the simplest children's mask in the store: a face, a dog, a cat, etc. From the most harmless mask, you can make any "freak" and any personality.

Options for scary Halloween masks:

Scary Halloween monster mask

scary halloween mask

Halloween witch mask

DIY Halloween costume for a girl

A Halloween costume is not only an attribute of the holiday, but also expression of a person's personality. As a rule, girls, choosing a suit, make a bet for originality and sexuality. They must be "scary sexy" literally.

Making your own costume is not difficult. For this you need to have as a basis for ordinary clothes. The standard costume is transformed to your liking and decorative elements are added to it.

You can simplify your task by ordering a suit from specialized sites. As a rule, such resources have Huge selection of models and sizes.

The most popular Halloween costumes for girls:

  • Catwoman. Such a suit can be made from black leggings and a turtleneck. As a rule, you should find a hoop with ears on your head or make ears by attaching them to a regular hoop. A decorative tail is attached to the lower back, and appropriate makeup is applied to the face.
  • Mummy. To create such a costume, a large number of bandages are useful, which should be wrapped around the entire body. Be careful not to overdo the wrapping of the body, if you make the suit too tight, you simply won't be able to move.
  • Cowboy. To do this, you should have not only a characteristic large hat, but also wide trousers, as well as high boots with spurs. The image is for both women and men.
  • Marilyn Monroe. A vivid image of an already deceased person. To do this, you must have a white dress, a wig with short blond hair and appropriate makeup.

Some Halloween costume ideas for girls:

Catwoman Halloween Costume

Mummy costume and other Halloween costumes

Cowgirl, halloween costume

Marilyn Monroe Halloween costume

Halloween witch costume

Witch- one of the main images of Halloween. This mystical personality is associated with death, darkness and mysticism. Making a witch costume is not difficult. This requires several elements:

  • tall hat with wide brim and sharp tip. The hat must be dark in color.
  • Cloak or cape, preferably long and with broad shoulders.
  • Broom, which to carry everywhere (witches fly on broomsticks).
  • Small bag on hand. His witch carries with her. In the pouch she keeps potions and magical remedies. You can also use the bag as a handbag.
  • Makeup on the face should have greenish or purple hues. On the nose, you can draw an ugly mole.

Halloween witch costume

What is the best costume to wear for Halloween: matryoshka costume

Matryoshka is one of the most original costumes on Halloween. He is not only patriotic. In a way, he is intimidating, like any doll image. A doll is not a living person, and therefore a matryoshka costume can become a winning one.

Such a costume requires not only special clothing, but also the help of a seamstress. It is best to purchase a ready-made version in a specialized store. Make-up for such a costume needs a bright and spectacular: with thick painted eyes and red cheeks.

Halloween matryoshka costume

halloween zombie costume

Zombie. As a rule, such a suit "requires" torn clothes, abundance bloody smudges on the body and clothes, as well as the corresponding "corpse" makeup in bluish, greenish and purple hues.

The way zombies move deserves special attention, because it is he who is able to distinguish him from the rest of the mass of witches, ordinary "corpses" and monsters.

halloween zombie costume

Halloween nurse costume

Nurse. You can make a costume from a real hospital gown, complementing it with bright makeup and decorative elements: a cap, gloves, high boots, stockings and a stethoscope. I can intimidate bloody smudges on the body and face of the nurse.

In order to completely scare the public, a nurse may carry fake instruments for surgical intervention: knives, a scalpel, scissors.

Halloween nurse costume

Halloween Skeleton Costume

The skeleton costume is also very popular, because it is frightening and mesmerizing at the same time man with his beauty. You can make such a costume with your own hands, but for this you will need to work hard.

For the basis costume should be taken black clothes: tight pants and a turtleneck. Familiarize yourself with the human bone structure in advance and cut white bone tissue, which you will sew over the fabric on black clothes. This can be done both front and rear.

The face should be decorated with appropriate skull makeup.

Halloween Skeleton Costume

Halloween Demon Costume

A Halloween demon costume is most often chosen by confident men. You can order a beautiful and realistic costume on the website or purchase it in a specialized store. As a rule, such a suit has several mandatory elements:

  • Horns(you can buy luminous ones in the souvenir department)
  • Tail with a sharp tip
  • Cloak red or black
  • Pitchfork in hand
  • Awesome makeup with dark circles under the eyes and a jaw with fangs

Halloween demon mask

Halloween Demon Costume

Halloween nun costume

Halloween nun costume is not only relevant, but also very popular, as the holiday has deep religious roots. You can make a nun costume with a long black hoodie that will cover your body and head. A white collar should be worn around the neck, and a big cross. You can wear a rosary in your hands.

Some Halloween nun costumes are very sexy. They are distinguished by a short dress and high boots, as well as an open chest.

Halloween nun costume

Halloween death costume

The "Death" costume is very popular and simple. To do this, a person, man or woman, should have two of the most important things:

  • Hoodie, which completely covers the body and hides the head with a hood
  • Kosu, which does not have to be real (for security reasons)

Death makeup should be white, with black circles for eyes. You can wear a mask, which became very popular after the movie "Scream".

Halloween death costume

Halloween Death Costume Mask

Halloween pirate costume

The pirate costume became very popular after the world saw the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" with Johnny Depp in the title role. Exactly image of Jack Sparrow attracts modern women and men.

The invariable attributes of the costume should be:

  • Hat wide brim
  • Braided hair
  • Classical gun(not real)
  • Short trousers
  • Wide belt
  • High boots
  • Vest And white shirt and under it

Halloween pirate costume

Dead Man Halloween Costume

This costume looks like a zombie costume. It can be done very easily.

Dead Man Halloween Costume

Halloween Costume: Corpse Bride

A dead bride. This one of the most popular images. For him, a white dress and veil are required. The costume must be soiled and torn, since the image symbolizes the bride from the “other world”. Makeup should be dark.

Corpse Bride Halloween Costume

Halloween dead bride makeup

Devil Halloween Costume

The devil costume is also very popular among women. It differs from the male one in its minimalism and requires less clothing. Devil women can choose red dress, to which a tail with a sharp tip is attached.

Under the dress, you can wear high boots, preferably red or stockings. In the hands must be a constant peak or pitchfork. Red horns must be worn on the head.

Devil Halloween Costume

Halloween costumes for kids

Halloween costumes for kids distinguished by their beauty and simplicity. You can buy a children's costume in a store, but you can make it yourself. To do this, be sure to consult with your child what exactly he likes.

Most often, children choose costumes:

  • Favorite cartoon characters
  • Favorite comic book characters
  • Princesses, queens, kings
  • Costumes of prominent personalities

Halloween costumes for kids

Halloween costumes for kids

Girls Halloween Witch Costume

Colorful Halloween costumes for kids

Halloween room decoration

Decorate your home for Halloween for a party or just to set the mood with simple elements. To do this, prepare in advance paints and cardboard, threads, glue, gauze. In souvenir shops you can find many different figurines of spiders, bugs, snakes and everything that causes fear.

In the corners of the house, you can hang gauze in the form of a cobweb in waves. Place artificial spiders there. Candles and pumpkins should be placed throughout the house. In the area for treats, you can place "scary desserts" and goodies.

Decoration of the area for treats and sweets

Colorful jars for home decoration

Spider window decoration

Video: "Halloween Decor"

Although Halloween does not belong to the traditional Slavic holidays, it is celebrated quite widely in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. On the most terrible and gloomy day of the year, unusual carnival costumes are prepared, and faces are hidden under a layer of makeup or frightening masks made of paper or cardboard. All this mystical paraphernalia is sold in specialized stores or offered for hire at holiday arrangement agencies. But many people prefer to show personal creativity and make their own Halloween masks. For such lovers of creativity and bold fantasies, we have prepared a collection of the most interesting, bright and terrible ideas. After studying our master classes with photo and video explanations, you will quickly learn how to draw unusual masks for boys and girls and will be able to create an unforgettable and creepy festive atmosphere on Halloween both at home and in kindergarten or school.

DIY Halloween masks made of paper for children

From paper and simple improvised materials for children on Halloween, they make the most diverse and unusual masks with their own hands. The most popular are "Holiday Pumpkin", "Sly Leprechaun" and "Frankenstein". In this master class, we will tell you how to make masks of these unusual, mystical characters for Halloween at home.

Necessary materials for making children's DIY paper masks for Halloween

  • colored paper
  • markers
  • glue scissors
  • ribbon or rope
  • simple pencil

Step-by-step instructions on how to make do-it-yourself Halloween paper masks for children

  1. For the Pumpkin mask, on the back of a sheet of orange paper, draw the shape of the mask and mark the locations of the eyes with circles. Carefully cut the mask along the contour and make cuts for the eye sockets. From green paper, cut out a small piece of a trapezoid shape (spine) and glue it in the middle on top. For additional intimidation, circle the outer side of the eye sockets with a black felt-tip pen. On the sides, "plant" pieces of tape on the glue. These are ties to keep the mask on the head.
  2. For the Leprechaun mask, cut out a mask from green paper and cut with scissors for the eyes. On orange paper, draw the outline of the tousled hair, cut it out and glue it onto the green part of the mask. From black paper, cut out a figure in the shape of a man's hat. Decorate it with a bright yellow ribbon and glue it over the red hair. Attach strings to the side.
  3. For the Frankenstein mask, cut out the face from blue-gray paper. With a felt-tip pen, draw a characteristic scar on the forehead. Outline the eye sockets with a black marker, and glue brown paper cut in shape on top, symbolizing hair. Glue ribbons or elastic on the sides.

DIY Halloween masks - what to draw on the face, photo

Halloween masks can not only be cut out of paper, but also painted on the face with your own hands, using the traditional means of modern make-up, gouache or paint for theatrical makeup. There are no restrictions in drawings and style of execution. The darkest gothic images and frightening elements are allowed. Bloody tears on a pale face, images of scars sewn with a harsh thread, visible veins, skin cracked from old age, fragments of a skull, a specific “ear-to-ear” smile and other attributes of the appearance of the most terrible heroes of mystical novels and films look very impressive and stylish in combination with the appropriate costume. horror.

But in order for such a peculiar make-up to hold well and look catchy, the skin of adults and children is pre-prepared. The upper layers must be degreased with a gentle alcohol tonic, and then a fine-textured moisturizer or cosmetic base for makeup is applied. The overall tone of the face is whitened with the lightest shades of powder or stage white. On such a grateful base, the makeup lays down evenly, holds the contours of the picture well and does not crumble throughout the holiday.

DIY Halloween masks for boys - video master class

How to make a do-it-yourself Halloween mask for boys, this interesting master class tells. The process is not difficult, and only old newspapers and toilet paper are required from improvised materials. But it will not be possible to cope with the manufacture of a terrible mask alone, so you will have to take care of a reliable assistant in advance. This role can be played by a school friend, a neighbor on the porch, a good friend or one of the parents. In 30-40 minutes, the mask will be completely ready and you will still have time to do the carnival costume, festive menu and decoration of the party room.

DIY Halloween masks for girls - video tutorial

For a Halloween girl, you can create a very cool and truly creepy mask of a toothy zombie with your own hands. Such an extraordinary accessory will look catchy and unusual in combination with bloodied tatters and tangled hair, treated along the entire length with a special gel for a wet effect.

To realistically embody a monstrous image, you will need bandages, cosmetic brushes, a palette of multi-colored shadows, gouache, false nails and a mirror. The girl can easily cope with the manufacture of the mask herself. Moreover, you will need to do this immediately before the holiday, because all the terrible attributes are attached directly to the face and it is very important not to damage them before the start of the holiday party.

Do-it-yourself scary Halloween mask at home

DIY Halloween masks can be made from a variety of improvised materials. The process of making holiday attributes from paper, along with the final photo and video instructions, is located at the very beginning of the article. Therefore, now we will pay attention to the rules for creating scary cardboard masks. They will definitely appeal to those who want to look scary enough at a gloomy event, but do not want to paint their faces with gouache paints, decorative cosmetics or theatrical makeup, as is often done on Halloween.

Required Materials for a Halloween Cardboard Mask

  • cardboard
  • markers
  • simple pencil
  • scissors
  • black foam
  • wooden sticks

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a scary Halloween mask at home

  1. On cardboard, draw a figure corresponding to the shape of the face and carefully cut it out with scissors.
  2. Make round cuts in the mask in place of the eyes.
  3. On the outside of the mask, use a black felt-tip pen to draw a scary face with an ominous toothy smile from ear to ear (or any other image that matches the theme of the holiday).
  4. Cut out one small heart and two wide rings from foam rubber. Glue the heart in the center of the mask. This will be the nose. Glue the foam rings so that they surround the eye holes.
  5. At the end, attach the cardboard mask to the wooden stick with glue and press down with a weight in this place so that both objects stick together well. When the glue dries, use the product for its intended purpose.

In general, paper masks can be divided into 2 types: flat masks made of thick cardboard and papier-mâché masks. I will tell you how to make such masks and look unsurpassed and original on Halloween.

Halloween Pumpkin Mask

To create a mask you need:

  • orange and green paper;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • glue.


  • On the back of the paper, draw the shape of the future mask. We designate the place where the eyes will be.
  • Cut out the mask along the contour, as well as holes for the eyes.
  • Cut out a pumpkin root from green paper and glue it on top.
  • Glue the tape on both sides of the mask.
  • On the front side of the mask with a black marker, you can draw a contour around the holes for the eyes.

According to this pattern, you can make a mask of any hero, for example, Frankenstein or Batman;)

papier mache mask

It takes longer to make a papier-mâché mask than a plain paper mask, but the result will definitely not disappoint you.

To create a mask you need:

  • thin paper or newspaper;
  • balloon;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • paints (watercolor, gouache), markers;
  • glue.


There are several ways to make a papier-mache mask: on a balloon, on your own face, or on a plaster blank.

  • First, tear the newspaper into small pieces.
  • Dilute glue with water and stick pieces of paper on the workpiece. You need to make several layers to make the mask dense.
  • We are waiting for the final drying and cut off the remnants of the paper, giving the mask the desired shape.
  • Cut out holes for the eyes (mouth, nose).
  • Glue on the ribbon.
  • We paint and decorate the mask, as fantasy suggests.

Fabric masks

Fabric masks are more comfortable and pleasant to the touch than paper ones. Scraps of fabric, beads, sequins, lace, ribbons and a little imagination - these are the main components of an exclusive Halloween mask. And today I will offer you options for unusual fabric masks.

Lace mask

To create a mask you need:

  • nylon mesh;
  • lace;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • glue.


  • We cut out a template for the future mask from cardboard.
  • Using glue or sticky spray, we connect the mesh and lace.
  • Attach the paper template to the fabric and cut out the mask, including the holes for the eyes.
  • We cut the ribbon in half and fasten it on both sides of the mask so that it is convenient to tie.

How to make a mask out of paint and cloth

To create a mask you need:

  • nylon mesh;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon;
  • black paint for fabric;
  • food film;
  • marker;
  • glue.


  • We prepare a mask template using paper and a marker (we draw a pattern that we want to make on the mask with a marker) or print the template on a printer.
  • Cover the template with cling film.
  • Cut out a piece of mesh and place it on top of the film so that it completely covers the template.
  • Now with the help of black fabric paint we draw a contour on the grid.
  • We wait until the paint dries, and carefully remove the mesh from the film. Cut out the mask.
  • Glue tape on both sides of the mask. The mask is ready!

Such masks are perfect for vampire, black cat or bat costumes;)

Halloween mask templates

And if you don’t have much time to make masks, then I suggest using ready-made templates. All you have to do is print the picture, cut it out and glue on the ribbons.

Halloween is coming, so you need to hurry up with the preparations. You can find many interesting ideas on how to make the holiday unforgettable and fun.

Scary Halloween masks are an important detail that takes place in the image created for this holiday. Making a Halloween mask with your own hands is not difficult, for this you only need useful ideas, available materials and a little of your imagination.

Do-it-yourself zombie mask

There are many options for scary Halloween masks that you can create yourself, but this one is one of the most popular.

First, you need to sculpt its shape from plasticine. Plasticine can be used absolutely anyone, the main thing is that it is suitable for light sculpting. The shape must match the human face. Don't forget to make holes for the eyes.

After the form is ready, make many small scraps from a sheet of white paper. Using PVA glue, glue plasticine with them. Don't try to make everything as smooth as possible. If the pieces of paper come off a little, the effect will be many times better.

The next step is painting the mask after the glue has dried. To get the base tone, you should add blue and green to the white dye. Don't forget to make bloody streaks.

The hardest part is the mouth. To create it with your own hands, you will need black plasticine, from which you need to fashion the contour of the lips, and yellow, from which you need to make several sharp teeth. These parts need to be attached to the painted mask. The area inside the lips should be painted over with a shade that will turn out after mixing red and black dye.

Another spectacular detail of a terrible mask is bleeding wounds. They will need plasticine, from which you need to fashion a small slide. We glue it with pieces of paper and leave to dry. Next, we attach a slide to the cheek or forehead area on the mask and paint it with black and red colors so that there is an illusion of a purulent wound.

To attach in order for the mask to hold, a thin elastic band is required. We make holes in the temporal areas of the mask, thread an elastic band through them. We tie it in the back with a couple of knots, put it on and hurry to scare others.

Do-it-yourself Halloween masks "skeletons"

There are many options for skeletal paper masks. Usually, this Halloween mask is painted with paints, but felt-tip pens can also be used.

Its base is a sheet of white paper. It should be oval in shape to follow the shape of the face. Cut small holes for the eyes, even if the material is translucent.

Before you wonder how to make a skeleton Halloween mask, imagine what it should look like. After all, individual design is the key to the attractiveness of the image.

The most effective color for coloring is black. With its help, the most expressive contours are obtained. You can even do without other colors.

Although, in order to be creative, you can use additional shades. For example, the lips may be red, and the area under the eyes may be blue.

Large black circles should be made around the holes for the eyes. If a girl will wear a mask, you can draw lace or patterns around the edges of the black circles with your own hands.

The shape of the lips and the shape of the nose should not be drawn. The nose of the skeleton is two holes, and the lips are the contours inside which the teeth are located.

It would be appropriate to decorate the skeleton with a cobweb with a spider, but not the whole. It is enough to take only a certain area.

To fix the mask requires a very thin elastic band. It should be fixed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe edges of the mask and tie it into a couple of knots at the back of the head.

Do-it-yourself masks for Halloween "werewolves"

A werewolf paper Halloween mask is a simple and popular option that you can create with your own hands. It occupies only half of the face, sticking to it at the edges.

It can be used as an addition to any outfit. For example, if you are wearing a tiger costume, you can decorate the half mask with tiger stripes. If you want to distinguish yourself with a wolf outfit, you can paint it gray and glue hair to it.

The choice of pattern is not limited to animal motifs. A good version of the drawing is a vampire or imitating the appearance of a dead man. You can adopt scary images of some horror characters by drawing their outlines with your own hands.

In addition to drawing, you can decorate a white sheet of paper with dry sparkles, rhinestones and natural materials. For example, twigs and dry leaves. Black lace will look stylish.

If you've been invited to a Halloween party, it's time to think about your look. If you have already decided on the character, then you need to choose the appropriate costume, accessories and paraphernalia, as well as take care of the hairstyle. But in order for the image to be complete and realistic, special attention should be paid to makeup or makeup. If you have no idea how to paint your face for Halloween, then some valuable tips and ideas will help you make the right choice.

Face preparation

A woman or child should always apply only to a previously prepared face. Otherwise, you risk damaging your skin or even getting chemical burns. It is necessary to degrease the upper layers of the skin well, for this wash with ordinary soap, and then use any tonic on alcohol. Then apply a thin layer of cream or this will protect the face from the harmful and drying effects of cosmetics.

Makeup options for women

How to paint a face for Halloween for a woman or girl? Everything will depend on the image and complexity of the costume, we will consider the most popular options.

Gothic makeup

Classic makeup is suitable for the image of a witch, demoness, mistress of shadows or similar face painting for Halloween does not take much time and does not require special skills.

Skeleton image

It is very difficult to make such a face for Halloween, but the result is worth the effort and time spent.

  • First you need to draw the contours of the main bones of the skull. The places where the bones are supposed to be are painted over in white, the voids are highlighted in black. The main elements of drawing are the eyes, nose, cheekbones and jaw. If your suit does not cover the neck and décolleté, you need to draw the cervical spine and upper chest.
  • Start painting with "voids", for this, use black and dark gray shadows. The intensity of the shade should decrease from the center to the edges.
  • Paint the rest of the face with white. Cover your lips completely. With the help of silver and light gray shadows, highlight the cheekbones and temporal lobes.
  • Final touches. The lines of the teeth and protruding bones need to be made very sharp and clear, for this you will need a liquid eyeliner or pencil.

Artistic images

It is not at all necessary to make a scary and frightening face for Halloween with the help of makeup: the photos below are a vivid confirmation of this. Your image can be mysterious, fatal and even romantic. With the help you can turn your face into a real work of art.

When applying make-up, it is worth remembering that it must be kept in the same color scheme as the costume. Too rich a palette of colors can spoil the image and turn it into a carnival.

Makeup options for men

If everything is clear with the fair sex, then how to paint the face of the male half of the population on Halloween? The stronger sex in this regard was much more fortunate, because their image can be really awesome, while the girls still want to keep a little femininity and beauty.

the walking Dead

Perhaps the most popular characters among guys are skeletons and zombies. However, the variations are very different, it can be a stylish skeleton guy or a real Horseman of Death. But the general essence of the makeup does not change, usually it is a white face and dark accents on some parts of the skull.

Characters from movies and comics

If you want to emphasize individuality and stand out from the gray mass, then for the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmakeup, you can use the image of a character from your favorite movie or comics. Heroes such as Edward Scissorhands or the Mad Hatter are especially popular. Fans of Batman films can use the makeup of the Joker or Harley Joker. But fans of Marvel comics are the luckiest, as they have hundreds of thousands of characters to choose from from the Hulk to Spider-Man.

Makeup options for children

Do not forget about the smallest members of the family. Even though kids prefer to wear scary face masks, for Halloween, you can pick up an image in which they are not needed at all. Therefore, an interesting make-up will help complement the costume.

Makeup for girls

How to paint a girl's face for Halloween? This, first of all, depends on her age and costume. For a baby, for example, the image of a Pumpkin is very suitable.

  • Take paint or theatrical makeup and draw the outline of a pumpkin on the child's face. It should capture the eyebrows, cheeks and the top of the chin. Using different shades, create a smooth gradient from light yellow to bright orange. The color intensity increases from the center to the edges.
  • Using brown paint, apply longitudinal curved lines. They will imitate pumpkin sectors.
  • With black eyeliner or gouache, apply triangular eyes and a carved mouth of the future festive pumpkin.
  • Finish the makeup with a stalk and green leaves.

An older girl can dress up as a witch, for this you need a bright and beautiful make-up. Use different glitters and rich colors. And to give the image a holiday spirit, draw a web, bat wings or an imp's tail. Well, if the daughter is not afraid to be funny, she will like the image of a real witch with a creepy green face.

Makeup for boys

The boys can choose a variety of holiday makeup options. Various animalistic characters are very popular. For example, a puppy, a kitten or a tiger cub. They are very easy to draw and look quite cute. For a more specific image, it is worth choosing an individual make-up. If your son decided to be Count Dracula, then you should put on vampire makeup, if he chose then the symbols of Batman or Spider-Man will come in handy. And for the living dead, zombie or skeleton, there is a detailed photo instruction.

How to remove makeup

After the holiday, it is necessary to properly remove makeup from the face. To do this, it is better to use a special milk, but if it is not available, you can do with water and soap. To do this, wet your face with warm water and apply a little liquid soap on a cotton pad or sponge. Wait until the paint becomes soft and flowing, and carefully remove it layer by layer. Do not rub the skin or smear makeup all over the face, harmful substances can get into the eyes. After washing, wipe the skin with an alcohol-containing tonic and moisturize with a fat cream.