The arrogant people of history. The impudence of the relatives knows no bounds. Everyone goes and goes

I had a problem at work. An employee died... a young man, talented, hard-working, with a not vulgar sense of humor. Just a good person. He left behind a wife and child, a little over a year old.

To be honest, I was a little confused by such news and called my dad with the question “what and how to do correctly?” With his many years of experience as a leader, dad said: “Don’t whine! Pay the rest of your wife’s salary, take on the funeral expenses yourself, don’t collect money for his family, there’s no need to be foolish,” write out the bonus retroactively, hand it over to the widow with the salary. " Well, that's what was done. By the way, the employees themselves organized a fundraiser.

The funeral took place. Ekaterina is a widow, she practically did not communicate with me, and it was understandable that she seemed to have no time for me. A couple of days later she stopped by the company, where she received a calculation: salary and bonus. I paid all the bills from the funeral myself, as well as the “wake” in a tavern for 40 people...
I thought it all ended there... it turned out it had just begun:

The first day.

Ekaterina appeared in the office without a call, as a surprise, and immediately asked to pay another check, citing the fact that Andrei’s mother (late employee) was buying wreaths... hmm... the amount was not significant and I decided that I would not spoil it for myself working spirit.

Second day.

Lera, my employee, asked if I would chip in for a stroller for Ekaterina. As it turned out, yesterday, after visiting my office, Katenka asked the staff about this! I refused and recommended Lera to do the same, given that the “kickback” Ekaterina received was far from weak.

Day three.

Katya called and asked for a company car to take her and the children out of town to their grandmother, since she did not have a license (Andrei had a car). I refused. It was the height of the working day and I was not going to send the only company car. But she suggested they go on Friday evening, which didn’t suit Katya.

Day four.

Katenka again pleased me with her call. It turns out that she was not paid compensation for gasoline! (sometimes, mine go to work in their own cars, those who don’t have a company car, and not everyone can keep up... that’s the problem, at the end of the month I gave out cash for gasoline “out of pocket”, not a lot, but the guys appreciate it) I just said no, and disconnected the call.

Day five.

It turns out that I, as a decent person and leader, am obliged to somehow solve Katya’s problem... She has a child in her arms, no breadwinner, while on maternity leave she receives only 12k and doesn’t know how to live on it. - this is exactly what Catherine told me on the morning of the fifth day. Oh, don’t you want to say thank you for what has already been done? - I asked, to which I heard: - For what? You HAD to do all this! And now they MUST help me!

As a result, Katenka was simply sent by me to the male reproductive organ. The desire to somehow support her completely disappeared.

Let me start with the fact that my wife has many diseases of the respiratory system. We lived in central Russia in a city that was unknown to anyone. Throughout her life, doctors recommended that she move to the sea or closer to the Caucasus. After several vacations, during which my wife felt much better, a decision was made to sell the property here and buy it on the Black Sea coast.
It didn’t take long to choose, fortunately, one good friend’s grandfather, who lived in a two-room apartment in Anapa, died. We quickly sold our apartment, invested our savings, took out a small loan and finally moved. This was in the fall of 2011 (early November, to be more precise).
Over the winter and spring, they made more or less good repairs, conceived a younger child and began to enjoy life. We were happy until the phone call we received in early May 2012.

Case one, introductory.

Uncle Kolya, my father's cousin, called. He said in a joyful voice that he was ready to come to us in mid-June and live with us for a week or two. He was going to visit with his wife and two grandchildren. During the conversation, I got the impression that he was simply presenting us with a fait accompli, not particularly interested in our plans or the resolution.
But what can you do, you won’t harshly refuse a loved one.
We arrived on June 15th, tired from the road. In the evening we had a good time, made a bed for them all in the room, and went to bed.
At 8 o'clock in the morning the door to our room opened and Uncle Kolya, with a demand in his voice, asked what we were having for breakfast. My wife got up and started cooking since we went to the store yesterday.
Having eaten breakfast without saying thank you, Uncle Kolya and his grandchildren asked how to get to the sea (about 1.5 km) and went for a swim. Aunt Marina stayed with us (she seemed to have a headache). My wife was preparing dinner, Aunt Marina was watching TV.
Arriving at about 15-16, Uncle Kolya demanded to feed him. They fed me, gave me something to drink, sat me down to watch TV, and I provided my grandchildren with a computer to play games with.
In the evening, the guy went with the whole family for a walk to the embankment. We arrived late in the evening and did not require dinner.
And this continued for the entire 13 days that they stayed with us.
I didn’t even mention paying for accommodation (God forbid, I didn’t even think about it), but I hoped that they would at least buy food. No. We bought cakes/sweets/cookies for tea a couple of times and ate enough for 2 of our monthly food budgets. And they left with satisfied faces, promising to come again (during these words I shuddered).
The only positive thing - the grandchildren were good, well-mannered, did not break anything and did not cause any inconvenience (if there was an opportunity, I would gladly accept only grandchildren).

Case two, pleasant

At the end of August of the same year, my wife’s sister came to us with her boyfriend. They are 22 and 21 years old, we are 25.
I honestly thought that I would have to work for two again to feed everyone. However, no, Lena and Dimoy bought food on an equal basis, brought a lot of all sorts of gifts with them, during their departure they handed us 15,000 rubles, although we kicked them out in every possible way, and left.

Case three, terrible

There were no signs of trouble, but at the beginning of May 2013 we received a call from our friend Uncle Kolya, who, in a voice no less joyful than last year, announced the imminent arrival of his son Sasha with his wife and child.
At that time, I had already stopped being a freelancer, having got a regular job and working part-time on various exchanges in the evenings and weekends.
The tongue did not rise to refuse again. At the end of June THEY arrived.
Sasha is a redneck type of guy, two years older than me, a paratrooper (or not a paratrooper, but something like that), with an impudent mug (you can’t call it anything else).
Nadya is Sasha’s wife, a typical b.... (I don’t even know what to call it), swear words, village dialect (although it seems like a city one).
Sashenka is a son, a propeller in the ass.
It is worth remembering that by that time we already had our own baby, so it was not easy to receive so many guests in a two-room apartment.
They lived for two weeks. Results:
1. We didn’t pay anything for the food. A couple of times we bought meat, fish, and milk (basically, we ate everything ourselves.
2. They constantly complained about the baby’s crying, gave advice on calming, which made my blood run cold (like “pour him some vodka” so he can fall asleep).
3. Sasha dropped my laptop, the matrix cracked (or whatever the display is called). I gave it to a repairman I know, he did it for free, but a new matrix, which was used, cost 3,200
4. After asking once, they then took our car for a ride without permission. For the fourth time, I stopped putting the keys on the bedside table at the entrance, which caused bewilderment in my second cousin.

During my departure, I reminded my relatives that it would be a good idea to pay for the matriculation, which caused them to have an attack of anger and shouts like “oh-so-zealonger child.” As a result, they threw me 2 thousand with the words no more. And they left. Before leaving, they asked to be taken to the station. Refused.

If you are interested, I will tell you about three more cases of relatives arriving in 2014-2015. One positive, two negative.

I won’t talk about my parents’ arrival, everything is fine there, and it couldn’t be otherwise =)

It so happened that my family has always been my mother, father and grandparents on my mother’s side. We lived amicably next door in a village in the region. My father’s family lived a couple of hundred kilometers from us, my father communicated with them, went to visit, but did not take me with him. Mom said they were a little weird. I never saw my grandmother on my father’s side, my grandfather came by one day and bought me a toy. The aunt, uncle and cousins ​​also taxied a couple of times, the rest of the brothers and sisters remained behind the scenes.

When I was 20 years old, my dad died. At that time, I had already been living in the city for a long time in a one-room apartment, which my parents miraculously bought during the crisis of 98. Some of my relatives came to the funeral, I remember my aunt and uncle exactly, we loaded them with a ton of things, hunting rifles, and agreed to communicate and support each other. When their son got married, my mother and I were invited to the wedding. It was there that I met the rest of my relatives. And from there it went.

The first call came when my sister and her boyfriend came to visit. My friend and I met them, we all went to the store together, bought beer and snacks, and the couple did not invest a single ruble in provisions. Then I didn’t attach any importance to it. Sister has arrived! Of course, you need to drink and feed.

Then the brother, the younger sibling of this sister, rolled into the city. He went to study at some military school in the city center and within a week he was knocking on my door. They say it’s bad in the dorm, it’s impossible to live, my sister lives somewhere with a guy and some other people in a shack, another brother and a girl are renting an apartment, there’s no way to come to them, give them shelter for a while! All this confused me, because an acquaintance previously studied there and everything was ok. But no question, my relatives went to school, wrote a statement that my brother would live with me, allocated a bed for him at home and... all hell broke loose.

He didn’t have an alarm clock, he set the time on the TV, in the morning some program would start blaring, I would jump, he would lazily wake up and get ready for school. At night, you see, I “disturbed” him, sitting at the computer with headphones on. I prepared all the food myself, buying food with my own money. And this despite the fact that she lived in poverty then, having only a survivor’s pension.

On weekends, my brother went to his mom and dad, and when he returned, he told how he had eaten himself there. His ancestors had their own farm, they sold milk and cottage cheese. At the same time, my brother brought the most he could from home - a bottle of Pinocchio and belyash. I would like to note that these days his aunt regularly came to visit us, who drove from their village to the city by car and sold us clothes. The other one, my aunt, kept tons of piglets and geese, if only they would hand over a piece of meat. Nevermind. No one even called me and asked how their boyfriend and I were doing. One day I was stewing potatoes and was very late for the gym. I asked my brother to stir the food and turn off the stove. He froze, saying that he couldn’t do anything. I freaked out and finished it all myself. I told him something from the opera when I said goodbye - I’ve prepared everything, don’t touch the potatoes. She implied that everything was ready, his help was not required. I came back and they were sitting there hungry. I ask what I haven't eaten. He replies that I asked him not to touch it! Hmmm. At some point, I got fed up with everything and started buying food exclusively for myself. My brother began to eat beach bags and bread, which he hid from me in the closet))

At home, he did not avoid speaking at all. My friend and I once conducted an experiment. We left the crumbs on the table and went for a walk. This pretzel just cleared out a corner for himself, put his notebook there and “studyed” like that. In general, I also worked as a servant for him.

The apotheosis came when I left and asked him not to answer the phone. They were supposed to call me about my diploma, I didn’t want to talk. I come back, my girlfriend calls, asks what the hell is going on with me, someone answered the phone, mumbled something and hung up. I ask my brother what's going on. The answer killed me - oh, it’s Lenka, he stopped calling. I couldn’t even find an answer to this, it was just shock.

After a few months, my mother and I decided it was time to end it. I said that a guy was moving in with me and would you like to go out. My brother packed up his clothes, gave us the keys and walked off into the sunset, leaving us with huge phone bills. It turned out that he regularly called his mother long distance, although it was agreed that this would not happen.

When it was all over, my sister started calling me, who all this time lived with us in the same city, but she was not happy. Auntie’s phone also appeared on the display several times. Of course, I didn't pick up the phone. I gave up on them. Ten years have passed since then, I haven’t seen any of them again. And thank God! Such relatives to the forest!

A very interesting story recently happened in my hometown. An entrepreneur contacted a local bank with a complaint about high fees for payments. But the arrogant bank employees only laughed at him and told him to make a written claim, which they would consider within sixty days. And the entrepreneur, unlike bank employees, knew that not a single law states that submitted documents must be written on paper. This is what he took advantage of.

Bank employees did not know that this businessman was the owner of a company supplying granite and marble stones for foundations and monuments. On the weekend evening, the entrepreneur’s brief complaint was delivered by truck to the entrance to the bank’s office and installed using special equipment right next to the doors. The text of the claim was carefully carved into the monumental gray granite slab, weighing ten tons. All the data and details of the stubborn entrepreneur were indicated there, everything rank by rank.

Bank employees who came to work on Monday were unable to get into the office; its doors did not open due to the installed stove. Then they called the police. The police were unable to help them in any way, since there was no evidence of a crime, and they left for another call. Desperate employees tried to file a claim on their own, but it didn’t work out. Someone called a tractor, but even he could not move the granite slab. It became clear that this could not be done without special equipment. But the catch is that the businessman who left the claim was a monopolist in the city, and nowhere except in his company were there the necessary machines and cranes. Bank employees climbed into the office through the window, inviting visitors to use this method as well. They refused and went to another bank.

On Tuesday, representatives of the bank went to court. There the judge listened to their complaint and refused their request to cancel the claim on the part of the entrepreneur. In addition, it turned out that the bank itself cannot reject any claim submitted even in this form, but is obliged to place it in the archive and consider it within the prescribed period. On Wednesday morning, workers with jackhammers arrived at the bank's threshold and were able to crush the slab into small pieces and take it away. The next day, the businessman called the bank to find out if his complaint had been considered. In response to the employee’s incoherent babble, he threatened that otherwise he would write a new one, but on four pages. The bank management, having learned about this, canceled all commissions for the resourceful entrepreneur.

And I remembered my...
I never complained, but now I cried and decided to write. Let the girls read it and maybe my sad experience will warn them against mistakes.

My husband and I became friends in 10th grade. After school we entered the same institute, in the third year we began to live together, and closer to our diploma we got married.
Our relationship is wonderful even today, we already have two children growing up, and we manage in all respects.
It’s just that I haven’t communicated with my mother-in-law and my husband’s sister for 5 years. Or rather, they don’t communicate with me, and I don’t make any more attempts. Although, yes, she did, and asked for forgiveness for unknown reasons, and then found the pride in herself to turn her back on them.

When my husband and I were still dating, his sister sometimes asked us to babysit the children. Her children were 3 and 4 years old at the time. We stayed with them when it was cold or raining; if it was warm, they brought the children to us.
But when we got married, his sister began to become impudent and throw her children at us almost every Sunday and even on weekday evenings. Either she and her husband need to visit, then they’re going to the movies, then they’re going to a birthday party with colleagues, relatives, friends, or they’re going shopping... I once said that we also have things to do, plans and desires. But my sister just laughed and said that we still have everything ahead of us. The husband was even angry with his sister, but she still brought the children in an impudent manner and could even leave them overnight. He’ll just call and say that they won’t have time to arrive, so I can put the kids to bed. And she was not interested in the fact that my husband and I only had one sleeping place.
One day we got tired of all this and I simply didn’t open the door when she brought the children.
There was a phone call, psychos and even hysterics. I sincerely did not understand why a person would be hysterical over his own children? When we were at my father-in-law’s birthday, I told my husband’s sister so frankly that she was giving birth to children not for me, but for herself, and let her take care of them on weekends.

She was offended and changed tactics. I realized that with the help of my mother-in-law.
My mother-in-law started calling us and asking us to come to her for a couple of hours to look after the children, otherwise she needed to clean the apartment, prepare lunch and dinner, and this was problematic with children. We went several times and then gave up.
Naturally, the mother-in-law was offended.

Then she began to reprimand me for the incorrect distribution of the family budget, reproaching me for going on vacation at the seaside in the summer ourselves, and not with them (mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and children), a company that was cheaper. And when we went to Prague for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, she almost ate us in half.

My first maternity leave was in July.
Everyone was happy, rubbed their hands warmly and said that they were very lucky, since I was now free, I would take the children, one had finished 3rd and the other 4th grade, and I would go with them to the dacha. There is fresh air, a lake, a forest, a village nearby, you can run for milk, and all your own berries and vegetables. Paradise! And childcare. And not just supervision, but all holidays for three years, the children will be in good hands.
But I refused.
I refused to go to the dacha to LIVE! I live well at home too. I refused to go to the dacha and look after other people’s children. I don't need it. I just do not want to. If only you knew what a scandal it was. It is clear that my husband’s sister was offended for life. Even my mother-in-law reproached me for being callous, and then said that the way I treat them is how they will treat me.
Our last conversation was just before the birth. Since then, neither she nor her daughter have ever been in our apartment again. They communicate with their husband, feel sorry for him and sympathize with how he lives with such a bitch. But he doesn’t listen to them and somehow lives.
So, this happens in life."