Violation of heat exchange, or overheated in the sun: what to do? How long does heatstroke last? How to treat it

Hello dear readers! More recently, relatives came to me to soak up and sunbathe on the sea. The day was wonderful and we saw them from the beach late in the evening. Everyone was tanned, happy, a little tired. What to say about their little son, my nephew, he had already fallen asleep on the way. An hour later, we came to check how the children were sleeping and saw that the nephew had a strong fever, the temperature was 39.8. The first thought is a cold, but it was a banal overheating.

Overheating is a serious disease that children are more susceptible to. Their body thermoregulation is imperfect, so direct exposure to sunlight, prolonged stay in a stuffy room can cause unpleasant symptoms. It is important for parents to know if overheating in the sun has occurred, the child's symptoms and first aid methods. We'll talk about this.

Overheating can happen to a child of any age, but children under one year old are especially susceptible to it. Three main reasons can lead to a violation of heat transfer:

  • exposure to sunlight on the body for a long time;
  • long stay in a hot room or in warm clothes;
  • elevated body temperature and dehydration.

In infants, according to Dr. Komarovsky, a violation of heat transfer can occur even due to the use of diapers in the hot season. The skin is deprived of contact with air, so thermoregulation does not work. By the color of the skin under the diaper, you can determine how the baby feels. If there are redness, irritation, increased sweating, overheating is evident.

Children may experience the following symptoms of heat or sunstroke:

  • loss of appetite, intense thirst;
  • high body temperature, fever up to 42 degrees;
  • pallor or redness of the skin, the face acquires a bluish tint;
  • lethargy or increased excitability;
  • sinking eyes.

Babies 1 year old and earlier shake their heads vigorously when overheated. This movement is a sign of a severe headache. If at the age of 3 and older children can clearly formulate information about their condition, then at the age of one year it is very difficult for a baby to convey to his parents that he is experiencing discomfort. Be attentive to the behavior of babies: it can be a signal for emergency measures.

In children aged 9 years and older, overheating may be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • severe headaches;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fever;
  • feeling of general fatigue;
  • labored breathing;
  • frequent pulse;
  • clouding or loss of consciousness.

At the first sign of heat or sunstroke, you need to provide the child with all possible assistance. If home measures do not help, you need to go to the hospital. Overheating is a serious condition that can cause irreversible effects in the body.

How to treat overheating?

It is important for any adult to know how to help a baby if the latter has received a heat stroke. The first thing to do is to eliminate the cause. If the child is in the sun, take him to the shade, unbutton his clothes for better air access. When staying in a stuffy room, open all the windows or take the baby outside into the shade. The main thing is to find a place where it is cool and fresh.

If the baby has thermal overheating, we act as follows:

  1. We undress the baby to the waist (infants up to a year - completely) and lay it so that the head is on a raised platform.
  2. We wrap the body with a sheet or cloth soaked in cool water. You can put a cold compress on the forehead, in the groin and elbow area. Do not dip your baby in cold water: it can cause cramps!
  3. If the child has a loss of consciousness, let him smell the ammonia.
  4. To prevent dehydration, drink mineral water or warm tea with lemon. Drink must be at room temperature! To restore the salt balance, use pharmacy products Regidron or Oralit.
  5. If the temperature rises, give an antipyretic: Nurofen or Panadol.
  6. If the heart or breathing stops, give chest compressions or artificial respiration.

If the children's condition does not improve after all the measures taken, the baby loses consciousness, call an ambulance. The consequences of overheating are much more difficult to eliminate than hypothermia.

Medical care for heat stroke is as follows:

  • the introduction of glucose-salt solutions in the form of injections;
  • the appointment of antipyretic and anticonvulsants;
  • the introduction of drugs to improve cardiac activity;
  • inhalation of oxygen (sometimes - ventilation of the lungs).

To prevent overheating, follow preventive measures.

Prevention of overheating

To prevent children from having health problems, adhere to the following rules:

  • In the summer, walk with your baby until 10 or after 16 in the afternoon. At noon, the sun is most active, so there is a high risk of getting sunstroke.
  • If your child spends time in the sun, apply sunscreen beforehand.
  • In the hot season, wear a baby hat and light clothing made from natural fabrics in light colors.
  • Drink your baby regularly and monitor urination: the number of bowel movements per day should be at least four. If the urine becomes cloudy, this is the first sign of a violation of water metabolism.
  • Periodically take the baby to the shade or bathe.
  • During your stay in a stuffy and hot room, wipe your child more often with a wet towel and offer a drink.
  • Humidify the room. Dr. Komarovsky is not against the use of air conditioners in children's rooms, but the baby should not be under a direct stream of cold air. In the heat, the air conditioner easily provokes pneumonia.
  • Instead of diapers, use gauze or fabric panties.
  • In the cold season, dress your children one layer more than you wear yourself.
  • Make sure that the temperature in the room does not exceed 25 degrees.
  • Place the place where the baby sleeps away from the battery and heating devices.

Following simple preventive measures will save you and your child from unnecessary problems.

Dear readers, we have examined the main symptoms of overheating and first aid methods. If the article was useful to you, leave your comments in the social. networks or blogs. The information is given for reference.

See you soon discussions!

To quickly recognize the symptoms of overheating in a child, it is necessary to clearly understand what this process is. Overheating is a consequence of a failure in the heat exchange circuit between the body and the environment. The body begins to produce more heat than it gives off. The result of the violation is overheating with possible subsequent thermal shock.

For a child, overheating can have serious negative consequences. If for an adult an air temperature of 29 degrees in the sun brings discomfort, then for a child it becomes dangerous. The reason for this is the incompletely formed function of heat transfer regulation. The body temperature of a child in the first year of life is extremely unstable and subject to significant fluctuations under the influence of a number of factors.

Parents of children whose age is not more than five years old need to carefully monitor the time spent in the sun. A child who has not reached the age at which he can already talk about his condition especially needs the close attention of adults. For parents of toddlers, being able to identify the symptoms and signs of overheating is an important skill. With knowledge, an adult will be able to quickly provide assistance and prevent consequences. What to do with overheating in a child?


The cause of overheating in children can be the sun, too warm clothes or heat in the room, especially thermoregulation in children.

  • The sun can cause children to overheat in a short period of time. The danger is the high probability of subsequent sunstroke. Overheating occurs during long walks in the heat, a long stay near water bodies with unprotected skin from the sun's rays and a missing headdress.

  • Dressing children in too warm clothes that do not correspond to weather conditions, and creating heat in the room where the child is located, also lead to a failure of the body's heat exchange processes. Young parents, due to their hypertrophied desire to take care of their child, often wrap up their child and maintain the temperature in the room at a level much higher than recommended for children. Dr. Komarovsky, for example, strongly recommends not to exceed the temperature threshold of 19 degrees.
  • Due to not fully formed thermoregulation in children, body temperature may rise. Therefore, the child should always receive plenty of fluids to maintain water balance. Lack of fluid provokes dehydration, which is very dangerous for babies.

Dr. Komarovsky, speaking about the causes of overheating in children, clarifies that diapers can become an additional factor. If the child is dressed too warmly, but at the same time is in a cool environment, then the normalization of body temperature will occur due to breathing. If the external environment is hot, then the cooling of the body will be carried out due to the contact of the skin with air. A diaper in this situation will not allow the body to completely get rid of excess heat. Dr. Komarovsky suggests using diapers to determine the presence of overheating. If the skin under it does not differ in color from the epidermis of the whole body, then the child's condition is optimal. Pinkish or red color indicates overheating.

Indicators of violation of heat transfer

Any parent needs to know the symptoms of overheating. They may not appear immediately. Timely seen signs and prescribed, if necessary, treatment can prevent serious complications. Symptoms in young children appear as:

  • Reluctance to eat, increased need to drink.
  • Temperatures reaching 38 degrees and above.
  • Dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips.
  • Changes in skin tone (pallor, redness, bluish color).
  • Sore eyes.
  • Conditions of fatigue, lethargy, or restless behavior.
  • Eruptions or rashes on the skin.
  • In the smallest, a sign of overheating is the constant movement of the head from side to side. It also serves as a sign of a headache.

Older people may experience:

  • Headache.
  • Weakness.
  • Nausea.
  • Fever.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Dizziness and fainting.

If such symptoms are found, it is necessary to clearly understand what to do in this situation. Treatment may be needed to relieve the effects of exposure to the sun or heat. But the first step and the most important is to help the child when signs of overheating are detected.

How to help a child?

When signs of overheating appear, the most important thing is to identify the factor that provoked its occurrence, and immediately eliminate the impact. If the cause was the sun, it is necessary to move the child to a shade or cool room. Release from restrictive clothing, ensuring maximum skin contact with air, and allow free breathing. Subsequent actions should consist of a set of measures:

  • Lay down the child.
  • Remove the diaper if present.
  • Cover your head with a damp, cool cloth.
  • Drink regularly. For such a situation, it is best to make a solution of 0.5 teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda and two tablespoons of sand.
  • At a temperature above 38, give drugs to reduce it. Do rubdowns with cool water only.
  • Keep the child out of the sun.

In severe cases, where the child has received sun or heat stroke, treatment is required. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.

Precautionary measures

What to do if a child overheats is clear. Following the algorithm of assistance, parents can quickly alleviate the condition of the baby. The best treatment, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is prevention. By taking precautions when your child is in the sun, and not dressing him too warmly, you can save your child from many problems.

To prevent the occurrence of health problems in children, the following rules must be observed:

  • Minimize your child's exposure to the sun. Dr. Komarovsky puts a special emphasis on the period from ten to sixteen hours. Regardless of the time, the child must be smeared with sunscreen and have a hat.
  • Clothing should be loose-fitting and not restrict breathing or movement. The fabrics are only natural, the colors are light.
  • Drinking water must be available at all times. Fluid intake must be regulated. The minimum number of urinations is four. If this happens less often, or the urine is dark in color, the child needs to drink more.
  • Periodically, it is necessary for the child to stay in a cool room and bathe to eliminate overheating of the body.
  • Dr. Komarovsky also recommends the use of air conditioners in rooms where children are. But to eliminate too high dryness of the air, which is harmful to the child's body, it must be moistened. An alternative solution would be to inject a saline solution into the nose.
  • Minimize the time your baby is in diapers.
  • The temperature in the room where the child is located should not be higher than 23 degrees. The room must be ventilated.
  • Place the child's bed away from appliances that produce heat.

Compliance with precautions in the summer and attentive attitude to the condition of the child will relieve the sad consequences for the body. In matters relating to heat and clothing in the summer, it is worth adhering to the principle: it is better to cool slightly than overheat. It is necessary to perform any actions in relation to the child, observing a balance and a golden mean.

Sometimes, hot weather gives us not only pleasant surprises, in the form of relaxing on the beach, backed up by a beautiful, even tan and great impressions. The sun can turn out to be quite insidious, and with insufficient vigilance, “give” big troubles in the form of overheating.

These conditions are life-threatening, and in this article we will look at how to provide first aid for heat stroke, what treatment will be prescribed to the patient, how to act in extremely difficult situations, and how to protect yourself and your child from the aggressive sun and heat?

The main symptoms of overheating in the sun

The following symptoms are quite general, but if you feel at least 3-5 of the symptoms listed below, then we can say that you have overheated in the sun or “earned” heat stroke.

  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Fever, body aches
  • Incessant headache
  • Breathe heavily
  • Sweating is disturbed or completely absent
  • Rapid pulse and heartbeat
  • dilated pupils
  • Nausea, vomiting, or increased salivation
  • Darkening in the eyes, presyncope, fainting
  • Apathy, loss of interest in everything
  • In especially severe cases - hallucinations, convulsions or muscle spasms.

The first signs of sun or heat stroke in a child

It is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as sunstroke and heat stroke, and respond appropriately to these troubles, especially when it comes to the health of the child. And although we often talk about these ailments as synonyms, their signs, the course of the disease, and, accordingly, first aid and treatment will differ. In order to understand what causes your child to feel unwell - overheating or prolonged exposure to the sun, we will define the concepts and consider the signs of sun and heat stroke.

Sunstroke- they talk about it when the vessels in the brain expand due to prolonged exposure to the open sun. In simple words, this is when the brain overheats in the sun.

Of course, the human brain is reliably protected by cranial bones, hair, skin, cerebral fluid, but in exceptional cases even these physical features do not save us from the aggression of the sun.

You can suspect sunstroke in a child by the following symptoms:

  • Severe headache;
  • The child is disoriented and has lost interest in everything that is happening;
  • He constantly swallows saliva, which means that he is sick;
  • Breathing often and with difficulty;
  • The child's mucous membranes dry out, dry lips are observed;
  • The pulse rises to from the mark 130-150;
  • Stops sweating;
  • The skin acquires a pale or vice versa bluish or reddish tint;
  • The temperature may rise to 39-40;
  • Possible loose stools;
  • The baby may lose consciousness or have convulsions.

Heatstroke differs from the sun in that it can be obtained without even being under the rays of the sun. A child can overheat even just by being in a hot, unventilated room for a long time, and babies often overheat when caring mothers wrap them in too warm, “not breathing” things. In other words, it is overheating of the whole organism and, as a result, a failure in the work of all its systems.

The signs of heat stroke are the same as those of the sun, only they are more pronounced, but we can say that the first is a more insidious and dangerous disease. In addition to nausea, frequent vomiting can open, as well as diarrhea, and as a result, dehydration of the body occurs as soon as possible.

First aid for overheating in the sun: what to do?

In case of overheating, medical attention should be provided to the victim of heat stroke immediately. It is highly recommended to call an ambulance. But even before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to alleviate the patient's condition. For this:

  1. Cool the casualty as much as possible - remove or unfasten all clothing, lay the patient down, place in a shade or cool room and, if possible, wipe or spray with cool water.
  2. Cover or wrap the patient with a sheet soaked in cool water, put a cold, wet bandage on the forehead, which should be changed from time to time.
  3. If the patient has lost consciousness, you can bring him to his senses by giving him a sniff of ammonia. If this measure did not help him wake up, do artificial respiration.
  4. Ventilate the room, and if it's hot outside, turn on the air conditioner or fan in the room.
  5. If the victim's bullets are quickened and his heart is beating wildly, give him valerian (if the patient is an adult).
  6. Let the patient drink as much liquid as possible, a couple of sips every 5 minutes.

Regarding the subsequent treatment, be sure to consult with a specialist or with a doctor who arrived in time for an ambulance.

How to treat a child after overheating in the sun?

For babies, overheating can result in a particularly serious threat, due to their incompletely formed and not strengthened body. And if for an adult the temperature in the street or in the room at 30-35 degrees is a clear discomfort, then for a child, especially for crumbs under 3-4 years old, this is a danger, because the heat transfer function is not yet fully developed.

Special medicines for overheating have not yet been invented. You can help your child recover by taking the first steps in time and providing him with proper care in the next few days. What exactly needs to be done:

  • Eliminate the factors that caused overheating: if it is the sun - move the baby to the shade, if hot clothes - undress the baby, remove the diaper from the baby.
  • Cover the baby's head with a damp cloth, change it from time to time, cooling.
  • Ventilate the room, turn on the air conditioner or fan.
  • Give your child a drink - regularly and often. It is better if it is not just water or compote, but a special solution that regulates the water balance in the child's body. Prepare it by mixing 1 tbsp of salt in 1 liter of water, the same amount of soda and 2 tbsp of granulated sugar, and if the baby is sick, drop a little fresh lemon juice into the solution.
  • Use a special saline solution to inject into the baby's nose.
  • If the temperature rises above 38, give the child drugs to reduce it. Wash your child regularly with cool water.
  • Do not force-feed the child, do not overload his stomach during this period. Thus, the main means for treating a baby: drinking, rest, coolness, wet compresses and antipyretics.

In especially severe cases, accompanied by profuse and frequent vomiting, diarrhea, temperature above 39 degrees, cyanosis of the skin - immediately consult a doctor!

How to treat an adult after a sunstroke?

In most cases, if the patient was treated on time, no special treatment is required. The set of measures for treating adults after overheating is the same as in the case of children, however, it can be supplemented with the following actions:

  1. In the case of heatstroke, place a pillow or cushion under your feet, and if you are a victim of sunstroke, under your head.
  2. Put cold on your head, heart, spine. You can use ice packs.
  3. If in the future the patient's condition, as well as his pulse and heartbeat, do not cause concern, treatment will consist of staying at home (for 1-2 days), eating moderately, drinking regularly and reducing physical activity.
  4. If the patient has experienced vomiting or loss of consciousness, he is usually hospitalized for observation and restoration of the water-salt balance: saline or glucose is injected into the vein.
  5. If you are in doubt whether it is worth seeking the help of doctors specifically in your situation, then here are the symptoms in which MEDICAL INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED: convulsions, confusion or loss of consciousness, high fever, impaired breathing and heart rhythm, profuse vomiting.

Emergency doctor if needed:

  • give the patient oxygen
  • will introduce anticonvulsants (for example, seduxen);
  • will give chlorpromazine in case of agitation and vomiting, cordiamine if heart failure is suspected;
  • adrenaline or mezaton, if the pressure has dropped critically;
  • with severe dehydration, inject a saline solution into the vein.

To exclude complications after suffering a heat stroke (read below about the consequences of this disease), doctors can prescribe:

  • tests of urine, blood and fluid from the spinal cord;
  • performing computed tomography (CT) - to exclude possible damage to the central nervous system;
  • electrocardiogram, magnetic tomography and others.

Fainting with heat and sunstroke: help

Fainting with heat stroke is regarded as a pathological condition that requires qualified medical intervention. But even before the arrival of doctors, the patient needs to be given all possible first aid.

  1. If sunstroke or heatstroke is accompanied by fainting, the victim should be brought to his senses by giving him a sniff of ammonia. After that, the patient should be transferred to a well-ventilated, cool room.
  2. If the victim of overheating is unconscious, check whether the nasopharynx is free of vomit, and turn the patient's head to one side so that in case of sudden vomiting, he does not choke. Watch his breathing and the rhythm of his heartbeat.
  3. Lay the patient on his back on a hard surface, it is possible on the floor, place a pillow or ice pack under the head, wrapped in a cloth or wrapped in a pillowcase. Give the victim cold water with salt, sugar and lemon (for 1 liter of liquid - 1 tbsp of loose ingredients) or strong tea - not hot.
  4. Place a cold, wet cloth soaked in a mild vinegar solution under your armpits.
  5. If the patient is in a panic or has a rapid heartbeat, give him a tincture of valerian or motherwort, and if he complains of discomfort in the heart area, offer a nitroglycerin tablet.

What to do if overheating in the sun is accompanied by a temperature?

It is not recommended to bring down the temperature below 38 degrees, whether it is a child or an adult, when overheating, moreover, excessive use of drugs at this time is undesirable. If the thermometer scale shows a mark above 38-39, act: give the patient an antipyretic, if we are talking about a child, be careful not to exceed the norms stated in the instructions for taking the drug. At the same time, do not stop wiping the victim with a wet rag, place a wet cool compress on the forehead, which is replaced as it dries.

To reduce the temperature during heat or sunstroke, such means are suitable: Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. If there were no medicines at hand, place compresses soaked in cold water or bottles with chilled liquid under the armpits and under the knees of the patient.

What to do if vomiting starts when overheated in the sun?

If in the case of frequent and severe vomiting during overheating, the patient experiences noticeable dehydration (drying of the mucous membranes, lips, skin), it is necessary to give him an antiemetic and solder it with Regidron or glucose-salt solution, how to do it yourself - described above.

Diarrhea after sun or heat stroke: how to treat

Sometimes heat stroke, especially in children, is quite difficult to distinguish from food poisoning, and the reason for this is diarrhea, which opens as a result of this ailment. It is not necessary to give the child special preparations as with ordinary diarrhea, especially without the recommendation of a doctor, because this phenomenon in this case is not a consequence of an intestinal disorder - this is how a violation of the normal functioning of the brain manifests itself.

Let the victim drink plenty of water (again, do not ignore saline solutions), food should be as light as possible. Usually the patient's condition returns to normal in 1-2 days after overheating, but if the situation worsens, hospitalization is mandatory.

Effects of overheating in the sun

Overheating in the sun is not just a malaise that can be easily eliminated by giving the patient a headache pill or an antipyretic. This is a serious disease, because the whole body is overheating, as a result of which there is a malfunction in the work of all systems and organs, including blood vessels and the entire blood circulation. Blood is under the "direct influence" of the sun's rays, circulating throughout the body, between all organs, which also suffer from high temperatures from the outside.

To make it clear what the neglect of the identified symptoms of this disease can result in, the failure to take the first measures and the untimely treatment of heat or sunstroke, let's talk about the possible consequences of this disease for the human body:

  • the temperature will rise higher and higher, up to 42 degrees - a critical mark for human life;
  • under the influence of high temperature, brain cells can begin to die;
  • increased risk of cardiac arrest;
  • there are irreversible consequences concerning the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

And even if medical assistance arrives in time for the victim in such a state, it is far from certain that he will be able to be saved and returned to normal life. The probability of saving the victim by itself is reduced to 70% if he was not promptly assisted with heat stroke.

Video: Sunstroke: what to do?

Now you know how to distinguish heat stroke from sunstroke, and of course you can not get confused, alleviate the condition and provide first aid to a person affected by heat exposure. And in order to protect oneself from an insidious disease, wear hats during the hot season, drink plenty of cool water, and try not to spend too much time in the sun.

Everyone is enjoying the long-awaited summer, especially children. In summer, you don’t need to put on a hundred clothes, you can run outside until late in the evening, and most importantly, swim and relax in nature. Therefore, sunny summer days are most liked by kids. However, despite all these charms of summer, it is not as harmless as it seems. And the sultry heat from the scorching rays of the sun is to blame for everything, which are sometimes very dangerous, especially for babies. Therefore, often parents score in search engines “The child overheated in the sun. What to do?".

Unfortunately, they usually begin to think about this when trouble has already happened to the child. And sometimes the baby may need urgent help. Therefore, every parent, especially mothers who spend more time with the baby, must know what to do if the child is overheated in the sun.

1.Symptoms of overheating of the child in the sun
2. What should I do if the child is overheated in the sun?
3.Possible consequences of overheating of the child
4.Main recommendations
It should be noted that in addition to solar overheating, there is also thermal overheating. That is, the baby may not be under the sultry rays of the sun, but overheat from the heat. This can happen to those children who walk outside at temperatures above 30 degrees, as well as to those whom mothers like to wrap up warmly in any weather.
Symptoms of an overheated child in the sun

If the child is overheated, symptoms can be noticed immediately. Usually children, especially younger ones, sweat profusely in the heat. When overheated, babies stop sweating. That is, this is the first sign of a violation of physiological processes in the body - primarily dehydration.

Due to the fact that the child's heat exchange process fails, his temperature may rise. Sometimes it can reach 40 degrees and above. This can be immediately seen in the reddened face of the baby.

Warning symptoms of overheating in a child are nausea, headache or dizziness. You may notice a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and blue lips. The child may darken in the eyes. Usually, if the child is overheated, he develops lethargy, weakness, he tries to lie down.

If the child is very overheated, the symptoms can be terrifying - up to convulsions and loss of consciousness. Of course, attentive parents will not allow such a situation, but anything happens in life. Moreover, not all children are the same and react to the sun in different ways. One overheats very easily, while the other is more hardy. But in any case, all parents need to know what to do if the child is overheated, how to provide emergency care
What to do if the child is overheated in the sun?

First of all, as soon as you notice at least one of the above signs, move the child to a cool room and undress. Give him cool water. You can add a little salt to it (an incomplete teaspoon per liter of water). Salted water will restore the water-salt balance in the child's body.

It is important to cool the child's body, but, in no case, do not allow a sudden change in temperature. That is, you can not pour cold water on the body of the baby. You can lower it for a few minutes in a bath of water at room temperature. After that, lay the baby horizontally. You can wipe it with a cloth or cotton wool moistened with plain water, and apply ice in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, elbow and knee joints. Place a piece of damp cloth on the child's forehead.

If the child has a fainting state or has already lost consciousness, bring a piece of cotton wool moistened with ammonia to his nose. In such emergency cases, you need to call an ambulance, because. The consequences of overheating in a child can be unpredictable.

Possible consequences of overheating of the child

Sometimes the mother can notice the symptoms of overheating in a child immediately, and sometimes only a few hours after the child has overheated in the sun. The fever in the baby may remain for several days. This suggests that the child's thermoregulation has been disturbed.

Dehydration of the child's body is the second problem, which can also persist for a long time. This problem in most cases is easily solved by soldering the child. But it happens that the child refuses to drink. In such cases, the baby needs treatment in a hospital, where, in case of dehydration, the child is prescribed systems with saline. In any case, if the child is overheated in the sun, what to do, the doctor will better tell. Therefore, you should show the baby to the pediatrician, who will observe the child for several days and, possibly, prescribe treatment.

Overheating in the sun is especially dangerous for patients with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, the elderly and young children.

In babies under one year old, the thermoregulation mechanism has not yet been formed, so overheating in the sun can significantly damage their health.

A comfortable body temperature for a person is maintained using natural thermoregulation. In other words, two balanced processes are continuously going on in our body - heat generation and heat transfer.

Sometimes, under the influence of external factors, the balance is disturbed, and the body begins to produce more heat than it can give. Most often this occurs as a result of overheating in the sun, the consequences of which can be sunstroke and heatstroke.

Symptoms of overheating in the sun in a child

A child can suffer from sun or heat stroke even in relatively cool weather. Problems arise if the baby has been exposed to direct sunlight for a long time without a hat or was dressed too warmly. Sometimes the cause of overheating is a lack of drinking in the heat or a long stay in a car standing in the sun.

The first signs of overheating in children are fever, red spots on the skin, rapid heartbeat, nausea, in some cases vomiting and loss of consciousness.

If first aid is not provided in time, then the process proceeds to the next stage, which is characterized by cyanosis of the skin, heart rhythm disturbance and the appearance of convulsions. In this case, urgent medical assistance is needed, since the health and life of the child is in serious danger.

How to treat overheating

A person who has suffered from overheating should be transferred as soon as possible to a cool place and laid on his back, placing a roll of towels or clothes under his head. It is better to get rid of outer clothing in order to be able to attach a sheet moistened with cold water to the body.

When overheating, compresses from ice cubes, which are applied to the forehead of the victim, also help well. In case of loss of consciousness, the most effective remedy is to let a person inhale vapors of ammonia. After the patient's condition stabilizes, you need to give him plenty of chilled salted water to drink. Alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea are strictly prohibited.

How to avoid overheating in the sun

Overheating is a frequent companion of a beach holiday. In order not to get heat or sunstroke in the very first days of your vacation, you should sunbathe for no longer than half an hour.

Staying in the sun should alternate with resting in the shade and swimming in a pond. It is best to sunbathe in motion, and not lying under the sun, and at the same time be sure to cover your head with a light-colored scarf, hat or cap.

You need to drink plenty of fluids - plain and mineral water, chilled green or herbal tea. And finally, a universal recipe: it is best to sunbathe and swim before ten in the morning and after three in the afternoon - at this time the sun's rays are not so active and cannot harm.