Opaque tourmaline. The magical properties of tourmaline. Health benefits of tourmaline stone

Tourmaline is a gemstone known to man since ancient times. It has an unusual coloring. According to ancient Egyptian legend, the stone, traveling from the Sun to the Earth, absorbed all the colorful splendor of the rainbow. The beauty of the stone was admired even in the ancient world. At that time, red tourmalines were especially valued.

Tourmaline was also used in oriental jewelry. It was mined in India, Sri Lanka, and Burma. In Europe, the first mention of tourmaline dates back to 1703, when Dutch sailors brought many unusual and colorful stones from Ceylon.

In 1707, mineralogist Harmann described the properties of the crystal, and the stone received its name from the Sinhalese word “turemali”, which means “gem” or “multi-colored”.

However, it turned out that the Europeans were initially interested not in the beauty of the unusual stone, but in its interesting properties. When the mineral crystals, which were shaped like long rods, were heated, they began to attract tobacco ash from the smoking pipe. Now this property has a name - the pyroelectric effect (the appearance of electrical charges on the surface of crystals when exposed to temperature). Ancient philosophers wrote about this phenomenon in their works, and at the beginning of the 18th century, tourmaline was called the “Ceylon magnet.”

There are beautiful gems on Earth, which jewelers, of course, know about, but for them there was no one who would promote them on the world jewelry market. For tourmaline, fate turned out differently; it turned out to be a popular stone, and it was promoted by none other than the most famous master -. He loved a beautiful stone called tourmaline, and often used it in jewelry.

Sometimes amazing and interesting stories happen in our lives; there are, of course, sad and even tragic ones. So it is in the life of stones. So, there are also interesting pages in the history of tourmaline.

The Diamond Fund of Russia houses such a famous tourmaline stone, which during its long life was called “Caesar’s ruby”, also known as the “Red Stone”, also known as the “Big Ruby”. This unique grape-shaped pinkish-crimson stone weighs 255.75 carats and measures 4 x 2.7 x 2.3 cm. In 1777, it was presented by the Swedish king Gustav III to Empress Catherine II as a sign of the upcoming friendship between Sweden and Russia.

An amazing story is told about this stone. According to legend, the beautiful gem had the gift of seeing through walls and penetrating into the essence of things. Cleopatra gave the stone to Caesar. However, the gem could not save Caesar; he died from the betrayal of his friend. The red stone then fell into the hands of Charlemagne and “helped” him create a huge empire in Western Europe.

Time passed and passed into the hands of the Templars, and then to the Jesuits, who presented it to the French king Charles IX. After the death of the king, his widow gave the stone to her brother, King Rudolf II of Bohemia. And finally, in 1648, the stone ended up in the hands of the Swedes as a war trophy.

All this time, the stone, traveling from one country to another, from one king to another, lived under the name of red ruby, sometimes it was considered a spinel. And only in the twentieth century, academician A.E. Fersman established that this famous stone is actually tourmaline (rubellite from Burma); moreover, the academician clarified that the stone was processed by Indian jewelers.

Another tourmaline story. The stone in Anna Ioannovna’s crown is a large red tourmaline weighing 500 carats. However, he first visited the crown of Catherine I at a time when, by decree of Tsar Peter I, the coronation rite was introduced instead of the wedding rite. And in 1724, a crown was made for Catherine I, which was decorated with this particular tourmaline; it was then called the Chinese ruby, since it was purchased by the Russian embassy in Beijing.

And this is not just tourmaline that ended up in the crown of our kings and emperors. In Russia, church regalia were also decorated with tourmalines, and this can be confirmed by the exhibits of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. Many unique masterpieces of Russian jewelers were carried away by hurricanes of revolutions and wars, but still some of them survived.

Since the discovery of tourmaline deposits in the Urals, they began to be used in jewelry. Russian craftsmen loved tourmaline; they often cut raspberries, bunches of grapes and currants from the gem, and decorated boxes and vases with them.

Properties of tourmaline stone

Tourmaline in its chemical composition belongs to the silicate of aluminum, boron, magnesium, sodium, iron with various impurities. The total number of elements in tourmaline is sometimes over 20. It is this figure that explains such a number of color shades (more than 50). No other mineral has a similar composition and properties. Each shade has its own name and is interesting in its own way.

Let's look at some of them...

Achroite- almost colorless, with bluish or pale green tints.

Verdelite– a green stone, its shades can range from grassy to dark green.

Dravit- a dark brown stone, found on the Drave River in Austria, little used in jewelry.

Indigolite– blue tourmaline. The shades of this stone also come in different shades - from pale blue to bright blue. In jewelry it is used as an imitation of sapphire.

Paraiba– amazing bright colors: emerald green, blue-violet, turquoise, sky blue, indigo. The stones were found in Brazil in the state of Paraiba. These gems are considered the standard for brightness and color saturation. They have the highest value of all tourmalines, and sometimes exceed the value of diamonds.

Rubellite– tourmaline is pink-crimson in color with many shades, which depend on the amount of manganese admixture.

Sibirit– dark cherry tourmaline found in Siberia.

Schorl- an opaque, almost black mineral.

Chameleonite– in daylight it is an olive-green tourmaline, and in artificial light it is brownish-red.

There are tourmalines that are called polychrome (multicolor). Their crystals are painted in two, three or more colors, which transform into one another. Among them there is tourmaline, which is called watermelon. This is an amazing stone that resembles a slice of watermelon when cut. No matter how many types of tourmalines there are, each of them deserves a separate story.

The crystals have a prismatic shape, sometimes reaching up to 40 cm. The gem has the property of dichroism, especially its green and brown varieties. From a certain angle, crystals have different shades. This property is always taken into account by jewelers and is used so that the stone in the frame plays and shimmers with all its colors under the rays of light.

Tourmaline deposits

Tourmaline is mined in many places, deposits are known in Burma, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Afghanistan, Greenland, Germany, Norway, the USA, the largest stones are in Brazil, and in Russia tourmaline is mined in the Urals and Siberia, and in all shades .

Tourmaline - healing and magical properties

Since ancient times, people have endowed tourmalines with healing and magical properties, and therefore have always used them as talismans and amulets. Lithotherapists still claim that tourmalines have a positive effect on the endocrine and nervous systems, dispel fears, and concentrate attention.

And one more unique property that is attributed to tourmaline is that it is a powerful healing agent for cancer. You can believe or not believe here, but the fact is that each stone contains certain elements in its composition that are capable of many miracles.

Research suggests that tourmalines may be indicators of radioactivity. As already mentioned, the mineral contains more than 20 elements, and each of them has its own properties and has a certain effect on the owner of the stone. Therefore, it is believed that tourmaline is a universal healer; it, as it were, surrounds a person with its protective field. The gem has a beneficial effect on human health, creates a feeling of peace and security, and helps with diseases of the liver and circulatory system.

As for the magical properties, the influence of the stone on a person is assumed here, depending on the color of the crystal. For example, red tourmalines bestow enormous erotic energy (astrologers claim), green tourmalines awaken creative forces and promote a cheerful mood.

In addition to all the mentioned abilities of the stone, it also has rejuvenating qualities, especially for green tourmalines. Blue tourmaline promotes good healthy sleep, black tourmaline absorbs negative energy and neutralizes negative emotions. Colorless stones create mental and physical balance, while multi-colored stones help to look into the future with optimism.

Tourmalines are good in both gold and silver. Astrologers recommend wearing them in pendants and rings on the index finger of the right hand or on the middle finger of the left hand.

Tourmaline stones in jewelry

Tourmalines are superior to all other gems in their variety of colors, and therefore are valued by jewelers. Since the crystal is somewhat soft, it is used less often for rings. But as pendants, earrings and brooches, its beauty is perfect.

Tourmalines are cut with a brilliant cut on top and a step cut on the bottom. For earrings use a teardrop shape. If the stones have a fibrous structure, they can reveal the “cat's eye” effect. In any case, the crystal is cut in such a way as to reveal its maximum beauty, color variations, play of light, depth and richness of shades. Tourmalines can be classified as both ornamental and precious stones, it all depends on the color and transparency.

The most valuable are transparent tourmalines of green, blue and crimson-red colors, as well as polychrome ones. There are very expensive stones - more than $5,000 per carat, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars, for example, Paraiba tourmalines. But there are also those that have a very low price.

There are no artificial tourmalines, there are successful imitations made of glass. Treated tourmalines are sometimes used in products. They are obtained by heating to 400 - 650 ° C, red-brown ones acquire a pink color, and dark green ones acquire an emerald hue.

They say that they are suitable for those born under the sign of Scorpio, Cancer, and Sagittarius. But the tourmaline stone is so beautiful that it is impossible to refuse it, regardless of your zodiac sign.

The tourmaline mineral helps clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts, worries and fears, and also concentrate on solving basic problems. It reveals the creative potential of the owner. And jewelry with tourmaline has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being, as confirmed by official medicine.


This is a mineral belonging to the group of boron-containing aluminosilicates. The composition of the stone is variable and complex. Its varieties include boron, silicon, aluminum, as well as elements such as calcium, magnesium, lithium, iron, and sodium.

The mineral tourmaline boasts a rich range of colors. It comes in various shades, including black and brown. There is also a colorless stone called “achroite”. There are different types of this mineral. For example, rubellite is red, dravite is brown, verdelite is green, sibirite is red-violet, indigolite is blue and blue, and scherl is black tourmaline. There are minerals colored in several shades at once. For example, there is a “watermelon” type - tourmaline with a green border and a red core.

Physical properties

The mineral tourmaline exhibits its play of light and its beauty most clearly in sunny natural light; it is not so effective in artificial light. An interesting property of this stone is pleochroism: when viewing it from different angles, you can see that the shades of the stone change. The mineral tourmaline, photos of which are presented in this article, comes in varying degrees of transparency. In addition, it has a glassy sheen. The stone has a fairly high hardness: 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale. Its density is 3-3.25 g/cm 3 . At the same time, the fracture is uneven and conchoidal. In nature, it occurs in the form of crystals, as well as radial-radiant formations called “tourmaline suns”.

The name of this mineral comes from the word “tourmali” (a stone that attracts ash). The term reflects its important property - the ability to become electrified by friction or heating. In this case, one part of the crystal receives a negative charge, and the other - a positive one. Dutch merchants and sailors, who first brought this mineral to Europe, actively used this effect. They cleaned their meerschaum pipes using heated crystals of the stone, due to which this stone was called “aschenzier,” which translates as “draws out ash.” This property of tourmaline is used in air ionizers and medical devices. Large crystals of the mineral are used in radio engineering.

Jewelry value

But the jewelry value of a stone depends on its color and degree of transparency. Some crystals are others - semi-precious. The most prized are emerald green and crimson tourmaline.

Mineral: medicinal properties

First of all, the sphere of healing influence of the stone is the nervous and endocrine systems. But depending on the shade, this mineral also has a narrow “specialization”.

Blue tourmaline, better than all its counterparts, improves the functioning of the endocrine and lymphatic systems, helps get rid of headaches, and sharpens vision.

The green mineral tourmaline has a slightly different effect on humans. It has a positive effect on the kidneys, liver, skin and circulatory system. In addition, the stone has a rejuvenating effect on the body, improves immunity, and supports the nervous system. Tourmaline jewelry is useful to wear for people who need to recover from severe mental stress and stress.

Blue stone has a good effect on the nervous system. If you are suffering from insomnia, stress, nervous tension, then he will be able to help you. Wear products with this stone - and these problems will decrease.

Black tourmaline serves as an excellent protector, as it enhances a person’s aura, protecting him from various external negative influences. And lithotherapists call it an excellent means of preventing influenza and ARVI.

Magic properties

Tourmaline is a stone for people who want to develop. The main thing that it gives to its owner is that it opens it up, cleanses the mind and promotes spiritual growth. The mineral will give strength, a sense of security, peace and energy. In addition, it will increase self-confidence.

The stone has a good effect on the intellectual abilities of its owner. By wearing tourmaline jewelry, you cleanse yourself of various “trash”: doubts and anxieties, regrets about the past, obsessive thoughts. Such a talisman makes you more decisive, purposeful and courageous. At the same time, as a talisman, the stone protects against any negative external influences, including the evil eye.

There is an opinion that the magical properties are most clearly expressed in red stone. He is an excellent love talisman. It brings love success to young people, increases potency and strengthens sexual energy. Also, the crimson or red mineral tourmaline is a talisman for artists - it gives them creative energy and inspiration. And the pink stone is called the helper of lovers, since it instills in them hope for reciprocity and helps to maintain love.

Black tourmaline was once considered the stone of witches. Today it is credited with the properties of removing negative energy from the owner, giving a person a unique ability of foresight. Blue and blue stones give peace and also improve relationships with loved ones. Green helps you enjoy life, gives harmony and awakens hidden talents.

The multi-colored mineral tourmaline is incredibly strong. It brings success and happiness, supports its owner in love, creativity, filling his life with joy.

There is an opinion that the stone should be worn with short breaks. If worn constantly, the mineral can harm a person’s emotional state, causing him to have various obsessive thoughts.

Zodiac signs

Tourmaline in green shades is ideal for Capricorn, increasing his determination and perseverance, clarifying his thoughts, and also helping to concentrate his attention. Aries and Leo are recommended to wear a red stone, Sagittarius - a blue one. The mineral helps them achieve success, reveal their talents and abilities.

Tourmaline is also good for those born under the sign of Libra. He calms them down and gives harmony. In addition, it helps to establish good relationships with others. For dreamy Libra, he clears the mind, directing their strength to achieve success.

But Virgos should not choose this stone as a talisman.


Tourmaline is not although there are few deposits of gem-quality minerals. The largest of them are located in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Thailand, Africa (Kenya, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Mozambique). Brazilian deposits are famous for the emerald green color of the stone and its very large crystals. In this country, specimens up to 1 meter long were found. Sri Lanka supplies yellow-green and brown minerals. Pink tourmaline is mined in Burma, and green tourmaline is mined in Thailand. Deposits of this mineral are also known in the USA.

In our country, high-quality tourmalines in pink and red tones are found in Transbaikalia. And in the Urals there are deposits of blue, pink, and green stones.

Tourmaline in jewelry

When cutting, the mineral is often given the shape of a rectangle due to its narrow and elongated crystalline structure. The crystals of the stone are delightful, pointed and thin, like a pencil. They are used very often as one of the decoration elements. There are designers who even create a tourmaline rainbow, which contains all the colors of the spectrum.

Jewelry with tourmaline

In the East, the stone has been used in jewelry for centuries. It was extracted along with other minerals from placers in Sri Lanka, India, and Burma. He was also known in Afghanistan. In eastern countries, and then in European countries, where tourmaline appeared by the mid-eighteenth century, the mineral became incredibly fashionable. From the 16th century in Russia it was used to decorate church regalia, as well as utensils. Back then, its pink and red varieties were often mistaken for rubies.

For example, the largest stone that adorned the crown of the kings of the Czech Republic, according to an analysis done in 1998, is not a ruby, as was previously thought. This is red tourmaline.

Another famous decoration made from it is a bunch of grapes, which was presented by Gustav III (Swedish king) to Catherine II. Nowadays it is kept in a stone of rare color and beauty, probably taken from Burma, interestingly cut in the shape of a bunch of grapes. The golden leaves with green enamel, attached to a stem-pin, which is covered with black and white enamel, contrast perfectly with the crimson tone of the mineral.

But the crown of Anna Ioannovna, created in 1730, is crowned with a huge red tourmaline (500 carats), which is a stand for a diamond cross.

In the Kremlin Armory there are frames of sixteenth-century icons decorated with tourmalines. Also kept here is a cameo depicting John the Baptist, surrounded by an ornament decorated with dark red tourmalines.

Tourmaline mineral: price

The cost of stones of different colors is not stable. For example, those found in pcs. Minas Gerais (Brazil) rubellites of amazing beauty were valued at $100 per carat. Moreover, the entire find cost $30 million.

On the US market, the cost of cut tourmalines varies:

  • $50-120 for rubellites weighing 1-3 carats;
  • $35-75 for orange-brown stones weighing 1-5 carats;
  • $30-250 for green minerals in 5-10 carats;
  • $150-375 for 2-5 carat chromium-containing green tourmalines;
  • $40-250 for inky blue indigolites weighing 1-5 ct.

Pink tourmaline, also known as rubellite, red tourmaline, raspberry schorl, is a delicate stone whose beauty will not leave anyone indifferent. Its colors range from pale pink to dark red. It is associated with the feminine principle and has the ability to calm the emotions and calm the mind. Wearing it helps to find peace of mind, therefore it is suitable for calming people who do not have a calm character or those who are going through a difficult period of life.

Vibrating in resonance with the heart chakra (Anahata), it has the ability to heal mental wounds and bring a sense of comfort and security. Pink tourmaline encourages you to surrender to love! Since ancient times, it has been famous as a stone of passion, love and romance.

Zodiac signs

Pink tourmaline (rubellite) is considered the birthstone of the zodiac sign Libra. It gives Libra, both women and men, willpower, artistry, and sensitivity. The stone is benevolent in nature, so wearing it is not contraindicated for other zodiac signs; they will appreciate its beneficial properties:

Gives emotional balance and clears negative emotions;

Relieves tension and obsessive behavior;

Helps spiritual growth;

Exudes kindness, caring and tolerance.

Since prosperity is a natural consequence of living in balance and harmony with yourself, rubellite also attracts abundance.

The magical properties of pink tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline is known for its ability to cleanse destructive feelings and old emotional traumas accumulated over time. It relieves feelings of guilt, worry, depression and anxiety, and replaces these difficult emotions with self-love. It restores interest in life, awakens passion, helps the timid to find the courage to love, changes old patterns of thinking and inspires them to embrace new ones. Rubellite attracts happiness and joy to the owner, gives him peace and relaxation.

Medicinal properties

Pink tourmaline helps calm emotions and heal from depression. It is believed to help with angina pectoris, heart rhythm disturbances. Crystals strengthen the immune system, help heal back pain, purify the blood, and help restore the body after poisoning.

May be useful for the spine, neuralgia and migraines. Used in the treatment of lung and skin diseases. These stones are a wonderful tool for balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain. They reduce fears, help treat paranoia, overcome dyslexia, and improve hand coordination.


Take the crystal or stone jewelry in your hands and hold it in the heart chakra area (middle of the chest). Visualize a pink light emanating from the stone, completely enveloping your body. Such meditation will charge you with positive emotions, relieve you of tension, help open your heart to love, and make you more charming.

Talismans and amulets

In ancient times, rubellite was considered the gem of autumn, as it is at its most powerful during the autumn months. Its natural energy helps the owner find a path to new horizons and discover new opportunities. A good talisman for scientists, adventurers, wanderers and explorers. It is also suitable for students, because among its properties is to reveal the intellectual potential of the individual and make the mind sharper.

These gems have powerful positive vibrations and allow you to focus energy to achieve goals. Like amulets, they support the owner and protect him from unwanted influences.

Feng Shui

The stone has a connection with the element of Fire. Its energy contains warmth, sparkle, action, positive emotions and passion. It is traditionally associated with the southern part of a house or room. Place beautiful rubellite crystals at home or in the office, they will help you improve your status in society and will benefit the whole family.

Tourmaline is a unique natural stone that contains a constant electrical charge, similar to the charge in the human body, and has the ability to emit infrared radiation. This mineral has many different colors. The shade of a stone determines its chemical composition. The predominant component of a particular metal determines the color of tourmaline. The variety of shades allows people with any taste to choose this stone.

The mineral was brought to Europe at the beginning of the 18th century from the island of Ceylon. He immediately won the hearts of the nobility and gained great popularity. At the same time, esotericists discovered that tourmaline has magical properties. From then until today, the mineral began to be used as a talisman.

This stone has many types. Here is their description and photo:

The magical properties of Tourmaline

Tourmaline creates an energy field around the owner that protects him from any negative influence. The stone protects against evil forces, the evil eye, damage, gossip, intrigue and envy. The mineral can even neutralize the negative effects that come from electronic devices if placed next to equipment (TV, computer monitor, etc.).

Tourmaline stone helps to identify hidden talents and develop them. In addition, it gives inspiration to creative people.

The mineral improves mood and helps to overcome even the most difficult life situations more easily. In addition, with its help you can find a way out of even the most difficult life situations.

Tourmaline stone is used by magicians and sorcerers for meditation. It frees the mind from all thoughts, but at the same time concentrates attention.

Tourmaline helps you achieve your goal and overcome all obstacles that stand in your way. In addition, it makes it possible to understand your true purpose and find the meaning of life.

Healing properties of the stone

The properties and significance of the mineral were studied by stone healing specialists. They found that tourmaline has healing properties. It has a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems. The healing properties of tourmaline even help to cope with malignant oncological pathologies. The stone is also recommended for insomnia and mental disorders.

Its medicinal properties depend on the color of tourmaline. Thus, the green mineral is recommended to be worn for pathologies of the kidneys and liver. Such tourmaline will help heal them. In addition, this stone can increase the protective properties of the body. Green tourmaline improves blood circulation. It slows down aging and rejuvenates.

Blue tourmalines increase immunity, improve the condition of lymph nodes and normalize hormone levels.

In India, tourmalines are used in black, green, pink and blue shades. It is believed that such minerals improve the functioning of the body as a whole and help get rid of any ailment.

Who is Tourmaline suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Tourmaline is a mineral that cannot be used as a talisman for all zodiac signs. For whom this stone is suitable and for whom it is not, look in the table.

Compatibility of tourmaline with zodiac signs. Table 1.

Tourmaline is ideal for Scorpios. The magic of the mineral clarifies the consciousness of representatives of this zodiac sign, relieving them of false illusions. Astrologers recommend choosing black stones for Scorpios. He gives them protection, helps them reach their goal and overcome all obstacles that arise along the way. In addition, black tourmaline relieves Scorpios of negative character traits and enhances positive traits.

Pink and green minerals are recommended for Leo, Libra and Aries. Such stones have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system of representatives of these zodiac signs. They calm and help them find harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Blue tourmalines are suitable for Sagittarius and Aquarius. They will help develop intuition among representatives of these zodiac signs and discover hidden talents.

Gemini, Pisces and Cancer can use tourmalines of all colors as a talisman. However, they cannot be worn all the time.

Tourmaline of all shades is contraindicated for Taurus and Virgo.

Tourmaline is a beautiful stone and a powerful talisman. However, it has powerful energy, so it is not recommended for anyone to wear it constantly.

Humanity has always treated with trepidation not only gold and silver, but also numerous types of precious and semi-precious stones. The mysterious sparkle, the mysterious play of colors, the unexpected change of shades depending on the lighting made such stones desirable for every person. One of these gems is tourmaline stone.

The history of the appearance of tourmaline in Europe

European nobility learned of the existence of tourmaline in the early 18th century. It is believed that it was the Dutch sailors who were the first to bring nuggets from distant Sri Lanka (Ceylon). The local rich immediately took a liking to the multi-colored crystals, some of which looked like expensive ones. The increased demand for tourmaline stone led to many merchant ships flocking to Sri Lanka. Due to predatory mining, the deposits of this mineral in Ceylon have now been depleted.

Origin of the crystal

Tourmaline stone is of endogenous, high-temperature, pegmatite, hydrothermal origin. The crystal accumulates in placers, as it perfectly resists physical weathering. Tourmaline is a borosilicate of aluminum and magnesium and other metals. The stone contains at least 25 elements from the periodic table. The crystal standard is a long, prismatic formation with pronounced edges and a triangular shape in cross section. There are also crystals that have a needle-like and radial-radiant structure. The stone does not have a predominant color or shade. Even a single crystal can have several different colors.

Physical properties of tourmaline stone

In addition to its jewelry value, tourmaline stone has useful properties, thanks to which the crystal has long been used in industry. Let's consider the main physical properties of transparent crystals:

  • Pyroelectric. When heated, a crystal with regular edges begins to polarize, that is, a positive charge appears at one end and a negative charge at the other. The mineral begins to attract dust and other small particles. By the way, this feature of the stone was first used to clean pipes from tobacco residues and soot. Long untreated crystals were used for this purpose. The ability of the mineral to attract small particles is used today in the production of electronics.
  • Piezoelectric. This property is most often used in medicine to produce negative ions, for example, in the production of health mattresses and other medical devices that can ionize the air. Transparent crystals are also used to measure pressure under water.

Tourmaline deposits

Modern methods of searching for minerals have made it possible to discover many deposits of tourmaline. In addition to the already mentioned Sri Lanka, crystals were also discovered in the Brazilian states of Bahia and Minas Gerais, on the island of Madagascar, in Mozambique, South Africa, the USA, Canada, China and Afghanistan. On the territory of Russia, the well-known Ural deposits (Sarapulka, Shaitanka, Murzinka, Lipovka) have also already been sufficiently depleted, so they are of no interest for industrial production. Decent reserves of minerals were discovered at the Malkhan deposit in Transbaikalia and on the Kola Peninsula.

Health benefits of tourmaline stone

The above-mentioned physical properties of tourmaline stone definitely affect the physical condition of a person, providing a healing effect:

  1. Infrared radiation. Being a natural source of infrared rays, crystals are able to influence the deep tissues of the body, promoting regeneration and restoration of normal cell function in the corresponding area of ​​the body;
  2. Warming effect. Typically, for this purpose, the crystals are crushed and evenly fixed on natural fibers. The result is natural heaters that can be used to treat sore joints, back, and limbs. In many countries, belts and knee pads with tourmaline filling are very popular;
  3. Air ionization. The ability of the stone to polarize from any heat source, and accordingly ionize the air, has long been used in medicine. Negative ions have a beneficial effect on the healing process of a person after an illness or surgery;
  4. Promoting the production of bone cells - osteoblasts. A belt containing particles of crushed mineral has a beneficial effect on the condition of a person suffering from osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias and other similar diseases.

Esoterics and tourmaline crystals

There are some mystical properties of the tourmaline stone that definitely affect human life:

  • Rings or other jewelry with crystal are recommended for creative people to wear during times of crisis and lack of inspiration. It is believed that the stone is capable of awakening or activating the creative principle in a person;
  • In Holland, gems were often used for small children who had difficulty sleeping at night. To do this, the stone was placed under a pillow or wrapped in silk cloth and applied to the child’s cheek;
  • Crystals and jewelry made from it are credited with the ability to strengthen family love and marriage, and promote the birth of healthy children;
  • Tourmalines can cleanse the human aura. Crystal jewelry gives the wearer confidence in life, organizes thoughts and improves immunity.

Talismans and amulets made of tourmaline

Often, the magical properties of the tourmaline stone are used as a protective barrier against all sorts of troubles. Each color of the mineral carries protection from a specific source of negativity or, conversely, brings positivity in a certain area of ​​life.

For example, amulets with siberite, which has a dark red color, are recommended for people who prioritize love relationships with the opposite sex.

Talismans with lilac stones are intended for overly emotional people. Apirite prevents emotional breakdowns.

Amulets with indigolite are worn by sages and philosophers, since the blue mineral is credited with the ability to develop in a person a craving for knowledge of the unknown.

Active people who adore life in any of its manifestations are credited with multi-colored crystals. Such decorations help you see vibrant colors even in gray everyday life, and life becomes brighter and easier.

Naturally, stones are not capable of completely changing a person; they only strengthen his basic inclinations and allow him to improve in a certain area of ​​life.

Popular colors of tourmaline

Among the many different colors found in tourmalines, the most popular are green, black, pink and blue crystals.

Green tourmaline

Green tourmaline is one of the most popular in terms of jewelry value, as it has an external resemblance to emerald. Another name for this type of crystal is Brazilian emerald. The green mineral is found in many deposits, but at each deposit the saturation of the crystal with green color will be different. Green tourmaline has a beneficial effect on the heart chakra. The crystal eliminates physical problems with the heart and restores joy and harmony in life.

Pink tourmaline used to be so popular that every European monarch wanted to see crystals of this color on his crown. Perhaps this popularity was due to the fact that (another name) was mistaken for rubies. The color and saturation of the stone depends on the amount of manganese present in the crystal. Pink tourmaline is mined in Madagascar, the USA (California), Russia (Transbaikalia) and Brazil, where, by the way, the largest specimens are mined, reaching a length of 40 cm.

One of the most interesting rubellites is the “Caesar's Ruby” - a piece of jewelry in the shape of a bunch of grapes, stored in the Diamond Fund of Russia. In the 18th century, the jewelry, weighing 240 carats, was presented to Catherine II by the Swedish king. Legend has it that the jewelry was originally given as a gift from Cleopatra to Caesar. Over the course of centuries and endless wars, this stone wandered from one state to another until it was presented to the Russian Empress. All this time, it was mistakenly believed that the famous “bunch of grapes” was made of ruby, and only today it was established that this decoration was rubellite.

Black tourmaline (sherl) owes its color to the presence of iron in its chemical composition. Sherl was considered a stone that every sorcerer or witch should have to protect against the possible negative influence of other sorcerers. Jewelry with black tourmaline creates a protective field that protects the wearer from the influence of extraneous negative energy. Esotericists recommend wearing black tourmaline to people who suffer from extreme jealousy, hatred and other negative feelings. To remove bad energy from a person, esotericists recommend twirling a black tourmaline crystal over a sore spot. You need to rotate the sherl counterclockwise.

Blue tourmaline, which is better known among specialists as indigolite, is a rather rare, and therefore expensive, gem. For a certain external similarity, indigolite is also called Siberian, Brazilian or oriental. Standard blue tourmaline is a well-formed, columnar crystal with deep shading parallel to the major axis of the prism. The admixture of divalent and trivalent iron gives the crystal a blue color, which often also has a greenish tint. By the way, jewelers have no problem turning indigolites into green tourmalines using heat treatment of the crystal.

Jewelry with a blue stone should be worn by people who especially value home comfort, strong marriage ties, peace and quiet.

How to distinguish natural tourmaline from a fake

To distinguish a stone from a fake, it is enough to remember the basic physical qualities of the crystal:

  • Hardness;
  • Resistance to physical influence;
  • Ability to become electrified when heated;
  • Color unevenness.

Beating or scratching jewelry for the purpose of inspection is unlikely to be allowed in the store. It remains to check the ability of the mineral to become electrified. It is enough to heat the decoration in your hands or rub it a little, and then test it on small pieces of paper. If the pieces are attracted, then most likely it is a real stone.

Since tourmalines most often have a heterogeneous color, jewelry with a perfect single-color stone should be alarming. The color transition in a real crystal should be gradual, not abrupt. In nature, green and black tourmalines are most often found, so stones of any other colors and shades are often counterfeited.

The creation of artificial tourmaline is not particularly difficult for today's industry, however, the high cost of the final result and low profitability reduce interest in this type of activity.

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