General work experience concept. What is included in the total work experience

Work experience is the total duration of a citizen's activity, legally included in the work experience, which is the main factor for obtaining social guarantees defined by Russian legislation.

Work experience is regulated many regulations, such as:

  1. International treaties concluded by the Russian Federation, which have a higher priority than federal legislative acts. If an international treaty contains other rules relating, for example, to determining the duration of labor or other activity, then in practice the provisions of this treaty, and not the corresponding federal law, are applied.
  2. Legislative acts.
  3. By-laws - regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  4. Normative legal acts of ministries, departments and subjects of the Russian Federation.

Types of work experience

Legislated such types of work experience:

  • general;
  • continuous;
  • special;
  • insurance.


What is included in the total work experience?

It takes into account all labor or social activities of a person starting from the moment of reaching working age. The total length of service also includes the period of study - with the exception of studies in general educational institutions.

Important. Breaks in labor activity do not affect the duration of the total length of service. Only periods of work with official employment are taken into account.


The period of the last continuous work with one employer (or with several employers, if the breaks in work did not exceed the deadlines established by law) is defined by law as continuous work experience. It does not affect the amount of the pension in any way, but the amount of the accrued temporary disability benefit, the receipt of bonuses, remuneration, various subsidies and other payments depends on it.


The period of work in certain sectors of the economy and geographical areas, for some professions and positions is defined by law as a special experience. It counts:

  1. Work in special working conditions.
  2. Work and service in the Far North or areas equivalent to it.
  3. Work in civil aviation.
  4. Work in education and health systems.
  5. Military service.
  6. Service in law enforcement agencies.


The periods during which insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund of Russia are defined by law as insurance experience. Its duration is a determining condition for the appointment of an old-age pension.

To receive an old-age pension, a six-year minimum insurance period has been established since 2015, and by 2025 it is planned to gradually increase it to 15 years.

For reference. If a person does not work, but at the same time pays voluntarily insurance premiums to the Pension Fund, then these payment periods are included in the insurance period.

What else is included in the work experience?

Also in work experience includes the following periods:

One and a half coefficient for the periods:

Double odds for periods:

  1. Work in leper colonies and anti-plague institutions.
  2. Work during the war (work in the temporarily occupied territories does not count).
  3. Urgent military service.
  4. Living in Leningrad during the blockade.
  5. Findings in concentration camps during the war.

Triple odds for periods:

  1. Service in the army and partisan detachments during the fighting.
  2. Treatment in hospitals of the consequences of military injuries.
  3. Military service in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
  4. Work in Leningrad during the blockade.
  5. Staying in custody and imprisonment (including in exile) of persons who were subjected to unreasonable criminal prosecution or were unreasonably repressed, and then rehabilitated.

Documents confirming the experience

A work book is the main document with which a citizen can confirm the length of service.

If the work book is lost or it contains erroneous, inaccurate or incorrectly executed entries, then confirm the experience You can use the following documents:

  • earnings certificates;
  • extracts from orders for employment and dismissal;
  • pay slips;
  • characteristics;
  • contracts with employees;
  • other documents that contain the necessary data.

Only original documents are submitted for confirmation. This does not apply to the work book, for which a copy of it is submitted, certified by the body assigning a pension.

Not so long ago work experience for pension played a decisive role, but today in 2018 the calculation process is somewhat different and has a number of features.

Legal requirements for seniority

Prior to the economic reforms (until 2002), the pension was formed based on the number of years a citizen worked. It was enough for 20 years continuously for women, and for men - 25 years. For each year over the limit, an increase of 1% of salary was due. They are limited to 55-75%.

Insurance and work experience

After 2002, the minimum length of service for calculating a pension is 5 years. It's already called insurance, and not labor, because Every employer pays insurance for their employees. The size of the subsequent pension depends on this indicator. After the amendments were made in 2015, the minimum experience was increased to 10 years, and the following main parameters influence the formation of the amount:

  • the number of years during which the social tax was deducted;
  • amount of deductions for insurance premiums.

Thus, the experience itself is no longer so important, because receiving a high salary, a citizen accordingly pays significant amounts, which is why he can receive a pension even higher than a person who has worked all his life, but for a small amount.

Increase in the minimum work experience

In order to somewhat equalize such injustice, starting from 2015, the minimum length of service for pensions will be consistently raised - year by year. The boundary value is 15 years by 2025. And today, the early topical concept of continuity of work in one area or at one enterprise is no longer valid.

How to calculate seniority

The length of service required for the calculation of a pension is the time of work or social activity.

There are such types:

  • Duration of carrying public service.
  • Insurance part. The time when the employee made insurance contributions.
  • Special. When employed in a certain activity, the accrual procedure and the time of retirement may differ from the established one.


The latter includes hazardous production, work in areas with special climatic conditions or when exposed to radioactive radiation, etc. At the same time, payment “for length of service” is assigned, for which it is necessary to work in a specific area for a specified number of years.

For example, 20-25 years for pilots, 25-30 years for medical personnel and teachers, 20 years for military personnel.

Features of calculations

Having determined what length of service is necessary for calculating a pension, it is worth understanding the features of its calculation. According to the law, one year of work is equal to one year of service. In some cases, citizens have circumstances that force them not to perform labor service.

Is military service included in the length of service for calculating a pension - Yes it is

Many of them are taken into account by law and equated to the labor period:

  • Being on maternity leave, providing care until the children are 1.5 years old. In total, it is not permissible to exceed 6 years.
  • Work in the bodies of the State Border Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, the army is included in the length of service for calculating pensions.
  • Illness resulting in temporary incapacity.
  • Participation in social and public works.
  • Status registered with the employment service.
  • Unjustified stay in prison for citizens unfairly prosecuted, which was confirmed later.
  • Caring for a relative: elderly, over 80 years old or disabled, incl. child.
  • The wife of a military or civil servant who is forced to stay in a foreign country or at the place of service of her husband and who is unable to get a job.

The time spent on one of these reasons is taken as the length of service for calculating a pension only if before and after that the citizen had official employment.

Individual entrepreneurs

Separately, it is worth mentioning citizens who are engaged in individual activities: entrepreneurs, lawyers, writers. They form their experience for such activities only if they are independently deducted in this period in the OPS system.

If a citizen traveled outside the country where he was employed, these years can be counted in the general piggy bank only if the legislation of the Russian Federation is observed. Namely, if he made transfers to the Pension Fund.

What is included in the pension

It is also worth clarifying what is included in the length of service for calculating a pension and how it is formed. Today, it is calculated according to two parameters: minimum work experience (number of years) and insurance coefficient (number of points).

Individual points are determined according to the insurance premiums paid for the employee. The working period after 2002 is no longer necessary for an elderly citizen to confirm. After registration of SNILS, the Pension Fund makes calculations according to the payments made from the company.

Points for leave and service

If a citizen did not perform labor service for one of the socially significant reasons, the number of individual points is awarded according to the following criteria:

  • Being on vacation to provide care for the baby: 1.8 points;
  • For the second: 3.6 points;
  • For the third: 5.4 points (similarly for the subsequent ones);
  • For a disabled person, incl. child, elderly citizen: 1.8 points;
  • Service (army): 1.8 points.

If the total employment time of a person is less than that established by law, all his contributions no longer matter, he is not entitled to a calculation, but an old-age pension without service is assigned.

The number of points awarded increases annually. Today it is equal 7,39 and with each period will increase to a maximum parameter of 10 by 2021. The cost of one point is set at the government level and adjusted annually. Today it is slightly more than 70 rubles.

No experience - no pension? old age pension

It is no secret that today many are employed unofficially or on a “black” salary, which affects the total length of service for calculating a pension and its amount. The employee will not be able to officially confirm the time he worked. But the law protects all categories of citizens and social benefits are provided for such situations.

It relies upon reaching a certain age:

  • 60 years - for women;
  • 65 years - for men.

As you can see, the age is 5 years higher than for pensioners who are entitled to an insurance pension. The length of service for calculating the old-age pension does not matter. If it is not enough, social assistance is immediately prescribed. Its size is small, but according to the law, if it is less than the minimum for living in a particular region, the size will be increased to it. The value is static and it is not affected by other characteristics at all: the total number of years worked, the presence of a work book, the absence of official employment.

Thus, even without a work experience for calculating a pension, a citizen in old age will receive the minimum amount fixed for the region.

Pension provision directly depends on the duration of the periods included in the insurance period. The longer the period during which insurance transfers were made to the Pension Fund (PF) of the Russian Federation, the higher the pension will be. Consider a rather topical moment: whether study is included in work experience.

Types of experience

Starting from January 1, 2007, the concept of "work experience" was replaced by "insurance". Length of service is the total length of service that affects the amount of the pension before January 1, 2002. After this date, the total amount of insurance premiums listed in the Pension Fund affects the amount of the pension. The time included in the insurance period is the periods when the citizen was officially employed and insurance premiums were paid for him (or transferred to him independently) in the PF. In addition, some non-insurance periods when the citizen did not work are included in the insurance period.

Time included in the insurance experience:

  • work with the conclusion of an employment contract;
  • labor activity in the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • work in the public service;
  • parental leave up to 1.5 years;
  • temporary disability (illness, rehabilitation);
  • urgent military service in the ranks of the Russian Army;
  • military service under the contract;
  • caring for a disabled person or a person over 80;
  • period in the status of an official unemployed person (registered with the employment service and receiving unemployment benefits).

It should be noted that all of the above types of employment must be documented.

Education and insurance experience

Full-time study, as a rule, does not involve working on a permanent basis. Therefore, contributions to the Pension Fund are not deducted. Therefore, studying at a school, college, university is not included in the length of service for receiving a pension.

This statement does not apply to those citizens who received pension rights before the change in pension legislation, that is, before 2002 (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 70 of 10/17/2003). Therefore, in this case, studying at a university is included in the length of service.

Situations in which studies are counted in the insurance period

Additional Information

In accordance with the existing legislation on pensions, study time is not taken into account in the length of service for calculating a pension. But it can be taken into account when calculating the amount of pension rights accumulated at the beginning of 2002, according to one of the current options for calculating such rights.

  • If a student of any educational institution (institute, college, school, school) is officially employed, and the employer regularly transfers contributions to the Pension Fund, then in this case the study time is automatically included in the citizen's insurance record. It should be borne in mind that this fact must be recorded. For example, there must be a corresponding mark in the work book, there must be a certificate of education of an individual entrepreneur.
  • Another option, in which the years of study will be counted in the insurance experience, is the self-payment of insurance pension contributions during the entire time of study. To do this, you need to submit an application to the Pension Fund, where the amount of contributions payable during the year will be calculated, and a special agreement will be drawn up.
  • Studying can be counted as insurance experience if the student was officially employed at this enterprise during the internship. Upon dismissal, the calculation of the insurance period is also terminated.

Types of educational institutions in which training is included in the length of service

There are educational institutions, the time of study in which is included in the length of service. These are schools of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense (MO) of the Russian Federation. Tuition fees in specialized educational institutions are covered by these systems, study is equated to work.

Studying at a university is included in the length of service if the study takes place in an educational institution subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Defense, and a contract has been signed with the cadet. When studying in civilian universities in specialized specialties, the study time is also included in the length of service, but on different conditions. Studying in such a university is counted in the proportion of 2 to 1, i.e. 2 months of study are equated to 1 month of service.

Things are different with the Soviet period. Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 70 of 10/17/2003 says that if the training took place during the Soviet era, then you have the right to apply the legislation in force at that time.

In the previous version of the law on pensions, it was said that studies are included in the length of service, even if they took place with a break from work. Training in higher educational institutions was also considered training. Thus, the time of full-time study can be included in the length of service according to the court, if this was provided for by the legislation in force at that time.

Postgraduate studies, internship and work experience

Postgraduate study, according to the Federal Law (FZ) of the Russian Federation No. 125 "On Higher Education" (Article 11), is one of the forms of education. Pension contributions are not deducted during postgraduate studies. Therefore, postgraduate studies are not included in the length of service of a citizen.

An internship is a form of training for doctors, specialization in a chosen field, in which the doctor is officially employed in a medical institution. As a result, wages are calculated and paid, and pension contributions are transferred. Consequently, the internship is included in the length of service of a citizen.

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At the time of the onset of retirement age, the question arises of the correct execution and calculation of the due payments. Of great importance for the registration of an age pension is the total set of periods for the total length of service.

The concept of total work experience (OTS)

An entry about the professional employment of an individual before retirement must be entered in the employee's book. The concept of total work experience (OTS) means the total result of all professional activities of a person, which is regulated by the state at the legislative level.

In other words, the total duration of work and other activities required to receive a pension benefit is counted (FZ "On labor pensions of the Russian Federation").

The work book of the employee confirms the employment of the person and is the main factual collection of information about the OTS. With the help of the index of the sum of the total experience, the amount of the pension benefit associated with old age, disability and seniority is established.

The main requirements here are the need for professional employment only in the territory of the Russian Federation with a previous confirmation of insurance payments to the Pension Fund (PF) for the established amounts of money.

Making insurance payments is allowed to citizens of the Russian Federation who are at work in other states, if this is confirmed by the relevant international treaty documents.

OTS is classified as a type of work experience, which also consists of and. An indicator of the general period is the emergence of grounds for obtaining an age pension, the loss of a breadwinner due to his long-term illness, disability. Due to the longer period of professional activity, a person has the possibility of early retirement.

After the pension reform took place in 2002, the term OTS was replaced by insurance experience (SS). The concept of insurance came from the obligation of an individual to make regular contributions to the Pension Fund, thanks to which the due pension benefit will be accrued in the future.

What is included in the total work experience? How to calculate it?

The terms that are not included in the concept of general experience include: the time of education, personnel retraining, caring for the sick, minors, people with HIV infection, being in occupation during the Second World War.

Regarding the time for studying, it is worth noting that it is not labor, therefore it is not taken into account in pension calculations. In addition, insurance contributions to the PF do not occur here.

OTS periods include:

  • Service in the Armed Forces.
  • Caring for a baby up to a year and a half.
  • Disability due to illness considered temporary.
  • The period spent on the account in the employment service with the receipt of benefits for the unemployed.
  • Being in a pre-trial detention center, MLS due to unfounded accusations.
  • Public paid work.
  • Forced change of residence in the direction of the civil service.
  • Being with the spouse-contractor of the Armed Forces at the place of his appointment and the inability to find a job on the spot (only up to 5 years).
  • Care for a disabled person of the 1st group or a pensioner aged 80 or more.
  • Staying abroad, with monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.
  • Time spent with a spouse-diplomat, consul (no more than 5 years).
It will be necessary to calculate the total length of service after collecting the necessary documents for applying for a pension. The legislation of the Russian Federation designates a full work experience for women as 20 years, and for men - 25. The amount of the cash benefit is determined by the established average earnings and amounts to 55% of it.

According to the pension plan, overworked years add to the payment for each subsequent year from 1 to 20%. Therefore, for citizens who continue to work at retirement age, a constant adjustment of the coefficient is carried out.

The calculation is carried out in a simple and preferential way. In the first case, labor years are counted manually, by placing indicators in a column for each place of work. The preferential method is the most convenient, as it is represented by a special program on a PC.

To receive a basic pension, you must have 5 years of OTC. Then add the result obtained for all deductions made by the employee in the PF to the total years (calculated by months) during which payments will be made.

It is allowed to confirm the experience with a work book or the testimony of several witnesses, contracts, orders, extracts. The need for confirmation arises during natural disasters, when documents are irretrievably lost.

Any person can take care of himself in advance in his old age and make an informed choice in favor of the enterprise that works officially.

What is the difference and what is the relationship between the total work experience and insurance experience?

As soon as a person reaches the prescribed age period, he will be assigned a labor pension if he has at least 5 years of work in terms of insurance experience. There is no difference between the general labor and insurance experience - now these concepts are combined, they are one and the same. One term was replaced by another with the introduction of some nuances. Since 2015, the labor pension has been called insurance.

The insurance period consists of the paid funds paid in the PF. The characteristics of periods of insurance experience include:

  • the opportunity to receive benefits in case of temporary incapacity for work;
  • caring for disabled people of the 1st group, a minor, an elderly person (who is over 80 years old);
  • leave associated with caring for a baby up to one and a half years.
The term OTS itself evaluates all the rights of individuals who worked before January 1, 2002. From the beginning of this year, pension insurance payments to people retiring will affect its size. Therefore, the term will be used for some more time for a specific category of workers who worked before the beginning of 2002.

OTS is confirmed only by labor, and after 2002 - by documented accounting indicators for personification.

The total length of service is calculated with the installation of accumulative capital and valorization indicators. The length of the period according to the total length of service greatly affects the determination of the monetary calculation of the pension payments due.

Is total work experience taken into account when calculating pensions?

Legislation in Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions” and Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” defines the requirements on the basis of which the calculation and calculation of the due payment is made.

The total length of service until 01.01.2002 is considered a combined concept of all labor and employment useful to society. Its duration affects the accrual of the amount that is on the personal account of a civilian.

When issuing benefits, the UTS takes into account the rights of citizens affected by disasters (radiation or man-made); reduces the time for the start of pension payments due to prolonged stay or professional employment in the zone of radioactive contamination, especially after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Law of the Russian Federation No. 1244-1).

The types of employment that are counted in the total length of service include the following periods for insurance:

  • term of military service in the guards, mine rescue units, communications agencies;
  • creative activities (writers, theatergoers, artists, composers, cinematographers);
  • contract service in the Armed Forces, FSB, military units, internal affairs bodies, etc.;
  • work in all spheres and areas (from an employee to a collective farm member);
  • disability within a certain period that occurred at work: disability by group, work injury, occupational disease;
  • being in the MLS for more than the prescribed period;
  • assigned benefits for the unemployed; social work with pay; moving to another region of the Russian Federation due to professional necessity.
The calculation of all days according to the calendar is necessarily carried out for all months, especially if a person worked before 01/01/2002, except for employment for:
  • water transport with navigation in companies with seasonal industrial sectors (the whole year of operation is included, regardless of frequency);
  • the base of medical institutions that are related to leper colonies and anti-plague departments (they count a year as two);
  • service in units in the midst of hostilities, injuries received in battle, long-term rehabilitation, radiation (OTS is charged for three years).
The terms that increase the total length of service several times include:
  • labor during the Leningrad blockade (1:3);
  • employment during the Second World War 1941-1945 (1:2);
  • labor in the regions in the Far North (by 1.5 times);
  • draft military service (1:2);
  • unlawful sentencing, keeping a person under arrest, followed by rehabilitation (1:3);
  • forced work in the exclusion zone (for example, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, by 1.5 times).
Despite the fact that the reform abolished the term OTC since 2002, this concept will be relevant for a long time with the possibility of its use in calculations. Before the transformations, OTS meant all labor and social activities, and after that it meant only insurance experience (how much money you paid, so much money you will receive in old age).

In modern Russian legislation, the term "general" is missing. Previously, it was understood as a set of labor and other useful activities for the allotted period, which guaranteed the citizen the right to social protection and a pension.

There are several types of work experience:

  • general
  • special
  • insurance
  • continuous

In 2002, a pension reform was carried out, as a result of which the term “general seniority” was replaced by “insurance experience”. Such innovations are connected with the introduction of a new system of citizens' insurance. After the introduction of the reform, each entrepreneur took upon himself the obligation to pay for employees. As a result of the summation of all periods, a citizen has a pension.

Work experience includes:

  • the time the parent was on parental leave
  • the period of time when a citizen was declared incompetent (the so-called sick leave)
  • time in the army
  • a period of time when a citizen was deprived of liberty and was in places of its restriction, but then charges were dropped from him and found not guilty
  • if a citizen is registered with the employment service and receives unemployment assistance from there
  • if a citizen for a certain period of time participated in public works that were paid
  • if the employment service sent a citizen to another locality for employment, then the time to move is also taken into account in the length of service
  • if a citizen constantly takes care of a disabled person of the first group or a pensioner who is over eighty years old
  • time spent abroad by the husband or wife of a consular officer or diplomat sent there by the government of the Russian Federation

Until 2012, the total work experience also included full-time work. But in connection with the implementation of the reform, such a need has disappeared. After all, studying at a university does not provide for the payment of insurance premiums, and therefore it is not included in the calculation for determining a pension.

When is a seniority calculation necessary?

It is necessary to calculate the length of service only in two cases: with or for receiving a pension. Both of these cases are somewhat different from each other.

To calculate the sick leave, the length of service includes:

  • the period of work that was formalized by the employment contract
  • the period when a citizen held public service in civil or municipal bodies
  • time of other activities, when a citizen received a salary and insurance payments were made for him

To calculate the length of service, it is necessary to take into account all types of a person’s labor activity, including service in the Armed Forces and caring for a child up to 1.5 years old.

Calculation of work experience

The amount of some depends on the length of the employee's work experience. We are talking about temporary incapacity (sick leave). Its size directly depends on the length of service. The same can be said about maternity benefits.

Russian legislation provides for a minimum length of service for men, which will allow them to retire, for a period of 25 years, for women - 20. If a citizen has worked for this number of years, then his pension will be accrued in full in the amount of 55% of the average salary of an employee.

It is also possible to increase this percentage. For each year above the specified terms, the state adds 1%. But this number cannot be more than 20%.


First you need to take a work book and sequentially write out all the dates of admission and dismissal from work. This must be done strictly in chronological order (then it will be easier to count). For greater convenience, you can write out data for each organization in a column. You also need to remember that you should subtract the first working day from the date of dismissal and add one more day.

Experienced personnel officers know that when calculating, one must take into account the fact that 1 year of experience includes 12 months, and a month is strictly 30 days.

If there are no exact entries in the work book, taking into account the days of the month, then half the month (15th day) should be considered the beginning of work, or the middle of the year - the beginning of July.

Those data that are obtained by summing up data from all places of work must be converted into the necessary units of time (year, month).

With the help of programs

For those for whom such work will be too difficult or boring, and they are looking for how the length of service is considered easier, there is a method for calculating seniority using a computer program. This can be either a 1C program installed on a computer, or simple online services that offer such a service.

Programs for calculating the total or continuous experience allow you to use the following:

  • calculate seniority with a simple mouse click
  • the ability to enter data both from the keyboard and with the help of a computer mouse
  • navigate through cells by simply pressing the function keys and much more

Such programs make it possible to calculate seniority in a couple of minutes. You just need to enter the necessary data in the cells and wait for the result.

If there is no work book

The workbook may be lost. And the reason for this is not only negligence. There may be a fire, flood or other troubles. But work experience still needs to be calculated. In such cases, you can resort to the use of other documents that confirm labor activity:

  • certificates issued by the employer
  • extract from the order of employment or dismissal
  • personal account
  • payroll records

All documents must be original and contain a number and date.

Calculation example

The algorithm for calculating seniority (even manually) is quite simple. For a better understanding, it can be brought to.

Prior to starting work (November 12, 2005) at Siyanie LLC, Sergey Vladimirov Ivanov was an employee of two more enterprises with which he signed an employment contract. This is evidenced by entries in the work book:

  1. He worked at Tyulpan LLC from September 15, 1995 to January 17, 2000 inclusive.
  2. He worked at CJSC Sosna from February 01, 2000 to September 22, 2005 inclusive.
  3. He worked at Siyanie LLC from November 12, 2005 to October 15, 2007 inclusive.

After that, he fell ill, as evidenced by a medical certificate. The illness lasted from 15 to 25 October 2007.

It is necessary to determine the duration of the labor (insurance) period in order to calculate the disability benefit.

To do this, you need to calculate the length of service. At the same time, it is worth considering the fact that it must be included, but not the day of the onset of the disease.

  • the employee spent 4 years, 4 months and 2 days at the Tyulpan LLC enterprise
  • at ZAO Sosna - 5 years, 6 months and 21 days
  • he worked at Siyanie LLC for 1 year, 11 months and 2 days

If we summarize all these data, it turns out that S.V. Ivanov has 11 years 9 months and 25 days of work experience. Based on these data, a temporary disability allowance of 100% can be accrued to him.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation who works in a permanent place must have a special document. One of them is the workbook. It is in it that the length of service is recorded. According to the work book, it is easiest to calculate it. Today, you can find a huge number of approaches for this.

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