Very profuse discharge during pregnancy. Why is there discharge during pregnancy? Pathological manifestations in the later stages

During pregnancy, the need to take care of your health increases to the maximum, since we are talking not only about the expectant mother, but also about the well-being of the baby.

There may be some vaginal discharge due to the hormones the body produces. There are other failures in the functioning of the female body.

This is due to the fact that throughout pregnancy, the body's immunity weakens. The possibility of penetration of pathological bacilli and infections into the genital organs and their reproduction in the mucosa is great.

This is most often evidenced by the smell, color and abundance of secretions. So, the color of the highlights and their meaning:

brown discharge during pregnancy

Brown discharge during pregnancy is produced in its early and late stages. Their meaning is different and is due to the trimester in which such discharges began.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, they can be mistakenly regarded by a woman as a little plentiful menstruation. As the natural normal process occurs attachments fertilized eggs in the uterus .

These secretions are produced under the action of hormones that ensure the viability and further development of the fetus. They pass without discomfort and smell. Their color varies from pink to light brown.

· On last dates pregnancy causes of brown discharge can be:

  • Just before the birth such discharge may mean that labor activity will begin very soon.
  • Pathology of the placenta , i.e. some disturbance in the placenta itself or in its placement. At the same time, severe pains in the lower abdomen are felt.

Other reasons may be infectious or inflammatory the nature of the genitourinary system with an unpleasant odor.

Be sure to visit your doctor immediately if you experience pain in the abdomen, vomiting and nausea, as well as dark brown discharge at any stage of pregnancy.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy requires special attention and the need for medical intervention. The reasons may be:

· The first reason isinflammatory processes genitourinary system with a pronounced pungent odor. The color of the discharge from bright yellow to dark yellow with a feeling of discomfort is a very dangerous sign.

· The second reason - infectious diseases that are passed from a sexual partner. The color of such secretions is dark yellow or greenish, in which there is itching, an unpleasant odor or burning sensation.

White discharge during pregnancy, namely at its beginning, is the norm if there is no smell. Two to three weeks before the birth, a beige or milky discharge without odor is also the norm.

The body, preparing for childbirth, is released from the cork that protected the child. This means labor will begin soon. Other reasons:

· First reasonthrush. Cottage cheese discharge with an unpleasant odor, as well as abundance and discomfort - itching, burning, irritation in the vaginal area.

· The second reason bacterial vaginitis . Their consistency is watery with a foreign smell.

· Third reason– Allergy to underwear or panty liners. It is necessary to change them.

· Fourth reasonurinary tract infection . It is characterized by abundant white discharge and an unpleasant odor.

Bloody discharge during early pregnancy occurs in most women and is absolutely safe in small quantities. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. But in other cases, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

· First reasonrisk of miscarriage. They are accompanied by significant pain in the lower abdomen and the release of blood clots with possible malaise and loss of appetite.

· The second reasonfetal fading. The precursor of discharge is that the body itself is trying to get rid of the frozen fetus.

· Third reasonectopic pregnancy . In the very early stages of conception, there is a dark red discharge with severe growing pains. Removed surgically.

· Fourth reasonplacental abruption . This happens in the third trimester. Their color is bright red. In this situation, urgent ambulance is needed.

· Other reasonsdiseases of the genital organs : myoma, erosion.

Bloody discharge in late pregnancy is dangerous for both. Especially dangerous abundant their character.

For any deviations in the body, especially with pain, unpleasant discomfort or the smell of discharge, as well as their abundance of any color, be sure to urgently visit a gynecologist.

Indeed, in special situations, life and health depend on the very prompt provision of medical assistance. It is better to play it safe once again and visit the antenatal clinic.

Pregnancy triggers a lot of processes in the mother's body, hormonal changes, which leads to the appearance of unusual and unusual leucorrhea from the genital tract. Abundant discharge during pregnancy causes a lot of anxiety, questions and worries in mothers, therefore they require clarity. Doctors say that almost all mothers face a similar phenomenon, because after conception, the uterine walls soften, the vaginal microflora changes, and much more lubricating mucus begins to be released. Therefore, abundant discharge during pregnancy is more often a normal intraorganic reaction, but there are still dangerous situations when it is necessary to contact specialists.

For every couple, planning is an important step.

From the first days after the implantation of the egg, women usually notice whitish discharge on their underwear. At the same time, sometimes ladies do not even know that conception has occurred.

Transparent and whitish discharges are normal during gestation, since their origin is due to hormonal intraorganic transformations in the pregnant body.

The formation of a mucous plug on the uterine cervix, which is formed to protect the baby from the penetration of various infections, makes its contribution. Such a cork also contributes to the appearance of strong discharge during pregnancy. Therefore, if a woman's vaginal discharge resembles egg white and does not contain foreign inclusions like flakes or lumps, and is not accompanied by any unpleasant odors, then mommy has nothing to worry about.

Traditional intimate hygiene will help prevent unpleasant itching and irritation, you just need to regularly wash your genitals, use daily pads that need to be changed in a timely manner, and wear cotton underwear. In general, such discharges cannot cause any discomfort.

Common Factors

So, we have already found out that sometimes discharge can be considered as a sign of pregnancy. But sometimes other factors are the cause of such manifestations. A healthy uterine cervix produces a secret that is necessary for the constant renewal of the mucous membranes and moisturizing the vaginal walls, maintaining the microflora in the genital structures, etc. If the whites change the smell or texture, then it is likely that an infectious factor or hormonal changes have occurred. Infectious lesions also cause discharge in a pregnant woman, while they negatively affect the condition of the patient herself and may not have a very good effect on the health of a developing baby.

It's important to listen to your body

After conception, mommy's immunity weakens, resistance to various pathologies decreases, including sexually transmitted ones. Up to about 12 weeks of gestational age, a huge impact on the mother's body comes from the progesterone hormone, which is extremely important for the full preservation of the pregnant state. From about the 13th week of gestation, discharge during early pregnancy becomes somewhat plentiful. They have a transparent and homogeneous structure, do not smell and do not cause any discomfort such as burning, itching, etc.

Pregnant girls will have to strictly monitor the consistency and smell, shade and amount of discharge, as this will help to detect the presence of pathologies developing in the genital structures in a timely manner. A sharp change in the nature of sexual secretions can be considered as a symptom of a sexual disease, an infectious process, or a hormonal surge.

What you need to know first

  • Most often, discharge in early pregnancy is due to vaginal candidiasis, which is also called thrush. Then the whites are plentiful, differ in a curdled consistency and a sour smell.
  • Also, a pregnant woman often has to deal with erosion on the uterine neck, in which yellowish or brownish mucus begins to stand out. If such manifestations occur, it is necessary to tell a specialist about them.
  • Sometimes, on the days of the supposed critical days, pinkish or whitish mucus is secreted in girls, which does not smell, does not cause uncomfortable pain and does not cause unpleasant infectious symptoms.

If, when a daub occurs, the patient is in severe pain, then emergency medical care is needed, because such conditions often indicate various kinds of pathologies such as spontaneous abortion or ectopic pregnancy, etc.

Varieties of secretions

So, transparent discharge during pregnancy or translucent, without any unpleasant odor, is considered normal. Usually, by the end of gestation, the daub becomes abundant. Experts say that in the last couple of months, moms can see a very noticeable amount of fluid similar to water coming out of the vagina in the morning, which moms sometimes mistaken for the onset of labor. But if there are not very many such secretions, and they are not accompanied by painful sensations, then it is too early to wait for childbirth. If the liquid continues to stand out, then it is likely that the water has broken, so it's time to go to the hospital.

But leucorrhoea is not only transparent or translucent, during gestation they can change the structure and consistency, color and quantity, smell, etc. Brown or green, red miles yellowish discharge may disturb the mother, while there may be very few of them or they are of a profuse nature . Experts consider a change in shade as the main manifestation of a developing infection or gestation pathology. Therefore, there is no need to risk either yourself or the baby, but it is better to go to the gynecologist for an unscheduled examination.


Such discharges in the second trimester and in other periods of gestation are regarded as a completely natural and natural phenomenon. The amount of vaginal secretion in pregnant girls is considered a purely individual feature. The presence of a non-pathogenic daub indicates a healthy microflora of the reproductive and reproductive systems, and the abundance indicates the activity of vaginal and cervical secretory functions.

Fresh berries are very useful for expectant mothers

Clear liquid discharge is initially associated with progesterone activity aimed at maintaining and maintaining an interesting position. While the baby, being an embryo, has not yet properly established itself in the uterine cavity, the progesterone hormone protects the pregnancy from interruption, reducing uterine tone and increasing the amount of vaginal mucus. In the 2nd trimester of gestation, progesterone functions decrease somewhat, because by this time the placenta is already fully formed and takes on all the functions of protecting the baby.

In the last weeks of gestation, transparent abundant discharge during pregnancy may well indicate the onset of labor. But this symptom is far from the only one, it is accompanied by other rather striking manifestations, so it is imperative to take into account the presence of characteristic cramping pain in the lumbar and pelvic region.


The appearance of brown mucus indicates the need for an urgent visit to the doctor, because such a color of the daub, especially abundant, can indicate the presence of obvious problems.

  • One of the safe reasons for this phenomenon is the occurrence of brown daub on the days when menstruation was supposed to begin.
  • A dangerous cause of brown leucorrhoea is associated with ectopic pregnancy. This condition always implies the death of the fetus. It is important to identify this pathology as early as possible in order to avoid rupture of the tube, which can lead to infertility and even death of the patient.
  • In the later stages, brown abundant or slight discharge can accompany the threat of interruption or premature delivery. The fetus began to exfoliate from the uterine walls, which provoked the appearance of fluid mixed with blood. With emergency assistance, it is still possible to save the pregnancy. But action must be taken immediately. A woman is usually placed in storage, she is shown serious therapy, the strictest bed rest, complete rest.
  • If a brown daub with mucus appeared in the last weeks of gestation, then this is a sure sign of an approaching birth, so the cork leaves.

In any case, the detection of brown daub requires mandatory medical intervention.


Bloody discharge for a pregnant woman is considered the most dangerous symptom. If in the initial trimester such a phenomenon can still be explained by implantation, then in the later stages such signs indicate a variety of pathological conditions. It is worth taking such secretions with the utmost seriousness, especially if they are abundant, if they are accompanied by pulling soreness in the uterus, increased pressure or nausea and dizziness. Such a clinical picture indicates the impending threat of spontaneous interruption.

It is imperative to call an ambulance, without waiting for the situation to worsen. If you act quickly, then doctors with the right approach will be able to prolong the pregnancy. Also, bloody spotting can be caused by placental presentation or detachment, erosion of the uterine neck, infectious pathology in the genital organs, or ectopic pregnancy. If the pregnancy is complicated by an infection, then in addition to bloody daub, the discharge will have an extremely unpleasant odor.


Beige or white mucous marks on the underwear of a pregnant woman are pathological, but may be the norm. If there is burning, itching discomfort and soreness, then such a daub indicates the development of an infectious pathology.

Often, pregnant women have curdled white discharge containing lumps. A similar phenomenon indicates the development of vaginal candidiasis. Usually, during gestation, thrush occurs due to hormonal changes and a decrease in immune defense, dysbacteriosis or changes in vaginal acidity, etc. With candidiasis, the secreted mucus has a characteristic sour smell, and itching, irritation and burning are present in the genital mucosa.

By itself, thrush does not pose any danger to pregnant women and gestation in general, although during the process of delivery, the baby will almost inevitably become infected when it moves along the genital tract. Therefore, it is necessary to cure this pathology before the cherished day of childbirth.

Green, yellow or gray

The appearance of a daub with an incomprehensible yellowish, greenish or grayish color is usually observed during the development of an inflammatory or infectious process, especially when they are accompanied by an unpleasant, and sometimes fetid odor.

  1. Yellow spotting may indicate the development of infectious pathologies provoked by staphylococci, E. coli or gonococci, and also accompanies bacterial vaginal infections, ovarian inflammation and gonorrhea. The presence of unpleasant itching, burning, pain and pain confirms the pathological nature of the yellow discharge.
  2. Green discharge is also considered an alarming sign, since they also indicate violations of the vaginal microflora and bacterial infections, STIs or genitourinary diseases such as adnexitis, cervicitis, salpingitis or vaginitis, etc.
  3. A grayish daub also accompanies infectious processes, it often exudes a fishy smell, which indicates the development of gonorrhea and other STDs.

The occurrence of abundant yellow or gray and green daub cannot be the norm, so it is extremely important to consult a doctor in order to take tests and swabs for infections.

Features of discharge by trimester

The overall picture of the likely discharge during gestation is generally clear, but they normally vary depending on the gestational age. At first, whites still have a thick and viscous structure, which is necessary for fetal protection. In the first trimester, whites are still whitish or completely colorless, although they may have slight shades of pink, cream or beige, which experts associate with implantation processes and the days when the girl should have her period.

In the second trimester, the nature of the whites changes, now estrogen becomes the predominant hormonal substance, which pushes back progesterone. Under the influence of estrogen, a noticeable thinning of the whites occurs, they become plentiful and watery. Sometimes mothers even suspect urinary incontinence. But this is quite normal, so there is no need to be scared. The main thing is to observe hygiene in order not to give pathogenic microorganisms a fertile environment for reproduction and habitat.

Already by the third trimester of gestation, leucorrhoea becomes less abundant, but such pathological conditions may occur in which abundant discharge will also be characteristic. These include leakage of amniotic fluid, which occurs if the integrity of the fetal bladder is damaged. For the fetus, this condition is extremely dangerous.

Also in the third trimester, mommy can confuse urinary incontinence with secretions, which is quite common. Leakage occurs involuntarily when mom coughs, sneezes or laughs. But this phenomenon usually disappears after childbirth, but if the problem persists, you need to contact a specialist.

Treatment and prevention

If there is suspicious abundant mucus, mommy needs to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, who will select the right therapy. Normal secretions do not need to be cured, since they are a completely natural reaction of the body to gestation and do no harm. It is much more difficult to treat the daub that accompanies infectious pathologies.

It is imperative to treat them, since such diseases seriously disrupt the course of pregnancy and can provoke its interruption or intrauterine death of the baby, as well as the development of congenital fetal pathologies. There are special treatment regimens specifically for pregnant women, because antibiotics are contraindicated for such patients. Therefore, self-medication in this case is dangerous.

It is easier to prevent the development of such diseases than to treat them while pregnant. It is necessary to observe the strictest intimate hygiene and wear cotton underwear that will not cause irritation or inflammation. If the daub is very plentiful, then it is necessary to use daily pads, which are recommended to be changed every 4-5 hours. Every day you need to wash the genitals to prevent the spread of bacteria. After the cork is released shortly before childbirth, it is recommended to abandon unprotected sex, because there is no protection in the cervix, therefore bad microflora can penetrate into the uterus.

For any woman, pregnancy is an exciting period in which even minor manifestations can cause panic. One of them is selection. Despite the fact that such manifestations are considered the norm, in some cases they can indicate the presence of problems.

What discharge during pregnancy is considered normal

The work of the reproductive system during the first 3 months of pregnancy is regulated by the hormone progesterone - it also affects the occurrence of mucous secretions, which can be considered as one of the signs of conception. After this period, the hormone estrogen begins to enter the active phase, due to which the discharge begins to become more abundant. By consistency, they are homogeneous, without flakes, lumps or clots, resemble egg whites, can be transparent or have a white tint. Such discharge in pregnant women should not cause burning or itching. They shouldn't have an odor.

What secretions should alert

Pregnant women have discharge of a different nature. Their occurrence should be paid attention, as they can signal infections, diseases or other adverse factors.

  • yellowish discharge. Yellow discharge in a pregnant woman is considered bad. It is necessary to pay attention to their smell and texture. If they are odorless and not thick, they can be classified as normal. If the discharge of a yellow or creamy hue smells unpleasant, they are accompanied by itching, burning, pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, frequent or painful urination and fever, then this is a sign of a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. You need to see a doctor and get tested.
  • White discharge. If the discharge becomes pronounced white, acquire a curdled texture and an unpleasant sour smell, this indicates the development of thrush. There may be burning and severe itching in the genital area. Thrush is a frequent companion of pregnant women. This is due to the fact that during the bearing of a child, the hormonal background changes, which leads to a change in the acidic environment of the vagina and suppression of the immune system. This allows fungi that live in the vagina and develop unhindered.
  • Greenish discharge. If the discharge has a green tint, smells bad, this may indicate a sexually transmitted infection, such as chlamydia. This kind of disease is dangerous for the fetus and is best treated before conception. If for some reason this could not be done, treatment is carried out during pregnancy.
  • brownish discharge. Smearing slight brown discharge in pregnant women sometimes appears on
    early dates. They can occur on days when a woman was supposed to have her period. It is worth worrying if the brown discharge is not isolated, abundant, accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, fever or other pathological signs. This may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, cervical pathology, or placenta previa.
  • Bloody issues. Blood discharge in a pregnant woman is the most dangerous, especially if they are accompanied by pain. In early pregnancy, this may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. At later times - to signal abruption or placenta previa. In case of heavy bleeding, lie down and call an ambulance.

Discharge during pregnancy is an absolutely normal phenomenon, due to physiological processes in a woman's body.

As a rule, their number increases significantly in the first trimester, when increased production of progesterone, the hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of pregnancy, begins.

Normal discharge should not be a cause for concern. However, it also happens that vaginal discharge is a rather alarming symptom that speaks of violations and possible pathologies. That is why the expectant mother should know which secretions are considered normal and do not pose a threat to her health and the health of the baby.

Normal discharge

Discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy

Green discharge

Green discharge always indicates the presence of infections: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis and others. In addition to green discharge, such diseases are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • itching on the skin of the genital organs;
  • strong unpleasant odour.

Discharge in late pregnancy

The appearance of discharge in a pregnant woman that accompanies various infections is possible both in the first trimester and in the third.

At any time they require mandatory treatment under the supervision of a competent specialist. Timely measures taken will help save the life and health of the baby.

Any infections in the later stages can provoke the onset of preterm labor!

Bloody and brown discharge

The appearance of brown mucous secretions, as well as with blood streaks in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy, means that the plug has begun to come off, blocking the entrance to the uterus and protecting the baby from the penetration of all kinds of infections. Such a discharge is accompanied by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes it can radiate to the lumbar region.

The discharge of the mucous plug means that the wait is not long, and the birth will occur soon.

The appearance of profuse spotting may mean the onset of uterine. This condition is life-threatening and requires immediate hospitalization of a pregnant woman in a hospital.

Another cause of brown and bloody discharge is placental abruption, as well as its partial or complete presentation. You can diagnose this pathology with the help of.

A pregnant woman in such a situation needs round-the-clock monitoring and bed rest, so the treatment is carried out in a hospital. Sometimes hospitalization is extended until the moment of delivery.

Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of pink watery discharge in the 3rd trimester. They may mean that there has been a violation of the integrity of the amniotic membranes, as a result of which the amniotic fluid is leaking out. This increases the risk of penetration to the fetus of various infections and bacteria.

Diagnosis of infectious diseases and pathologies of pregnancy

To establish an accurate diagnosis, the gynecologist conducts a number of activities, including:

  • smear on flora (bacterial culture).

It allows you to determine the state of the microflora of the vagina, to detect the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and pathogens of infectious diseases.

In addition, this method will show poor-quality cells, if any, on the cervix. A smear for flora is taken during the first visit to the gynecologist, as well as two weeks before the approximate date of delivery. If there is evidence, the doctor may prescribe the procedure again at any time.

  • analysis for STDs. As a rule, this analysis is carried out 3 times: at the first visit, at 30 weeks and at 36 weeks. For diagnosis, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein;
  • examination of the patient with a gynecological mirror. A visual examination allows the doctor to examine the condition of the cervix, vaginal walls, assess the nature of the discharge and determine the presence of abnormalities.

It happens that a woman cannot clearly describe her discharge - in this case, an examination on a chair is simply necessary to obtain reliable information about the state of the external and internal genital organs of a pregnant woman;

  • ultrasound. Examination of a pregnant woman using an ultrasound machine will be recommended if there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy. The same method is used to diagnose the fading of pregnancy.

Starting from the second trimester, this study allows you to assess the condition of the placenta and identify possible pathologies, which is necessary for the proper management of pregnancy until the moment of delivery.


It is possible to treat the underlying disease, a sign of which is various kinds of pathological discharge, at home or in a hospital.

Ambulatory treatment

Therapy of various infections (both viral and bacterial) may well be carried out at home with the close supervision of a gynecologist observing pregnancy. For this, antimicrobial and antifungal drugs are used: ointments, creams, suppositories.

Hospital treatment

More serious treatment is required for diseases that can lead to various complications. One such disease is gonorrhea. If treatment is not started on time, the most serious consequences are possible:

  • damage to the heart and blood vessels, the central nervous system;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • conjunctivitis.

Treatment of gonorrhea in a hospital is aimed at reducing inflammation and preventing possible complications. It includes drug treatment (intramuscular injections and pills) and physiotherapy (according to indications and after consultation with the attending physician).

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is one of the main indicators of the health of the expectant mother. They can be used to determine what changes occur in a woman's body, and assess the danger, if any.

Throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, you should carefully monitor the nature of the discharge, their color, smell, and if any deviations from the norm appear, be sure to inform your doctor. Treatment of infections is not a very pleasant process, but it is essential to preserve the health of the fetus, and sometimes its life.