The couples kiss and the game continues. What are the kissing games? Romantic kissing games

On holidays we feel more free and liberated, we want to smile at everyone, sing, dance and even play pranks. On holidays, we meet friends, hug colleagues, do not spare kind words for relatives, flirt with the opposite sex and, in general, have fun from the bottom of our hearts. Therefore, games with kisses at youth parties and in close friendly companies are very useful and are held sincerely and with a twinkle.

Without kissing competitions, it is difficult to imagine a festive program for Valentine's Day or World Kissing Day, to say nothing of weddings, where the theme of kisses is central (the bride and groom congratulate each other with kisses, new relatives meet, etc.). And how good, there are kissing games or ditties in honor of the hero of the day!

Here are collected kissing contests for close company, which will perfectly "fit" into the program of the holiday, if you arrange them at the right time, and most importantly, serve gently and with humor - choose!

1. Kissing game with a handkerchief.

This entertaining moment is good for playing in pairs - a boy and a girl. They are given a beautiful large scarf, which the girl neatly folds around the corners towards the center. A man approaches a folded scarf and chooses the angle he likes. The girl does the same. Both of them pull the handkerchief at the chosen corners.

Fortune-telling is that if the scarf opens in their hands in a triangle, then the man is “in love” with this lady and is simply obliged to kiss her. If the scarf opens differently, then the girl, without wasting time, chooses her next partner for fortune-telling - maybe she will be lucky with him!

2. Competition with kisses "Banquet bottle"

For playing "bottle" at celebrations: weddings, corporate parties, etc. toastmaster, you can use the option with an inflatable bottle and large beautiful cardboard cards (on which different pictures will be drawn on one side, and on the other, their symbolic meanings with tasks that are very pleasant for the participants). Tasks for pictures may sound and look something like this:

Fur. Soft, delicate fox fur - kiss the neighbors of all.
Pipes. Trumpets cry loudly to you - kiss your neighbor on the lips.
Dot. You think that this is the point: whoever you want, kiss on the cheek.
Arrow. In front of you, guests, is an arrow - let the girls kiss you.
Palm. In the picture of this fingers - let the boys kiss you.
Groom. The groom flaunts in the picture - kiss your loved ones on the lips.
Bride. And on this tender bride - kiss the one whose place is next.

The bottle is placed in the center of the game room, and the cards with tasks are placed around it. The facilitator spins the bottle and generously distributes tasks to the participants, who also stand in a circle. The neck of the bottle, thus, will simultaneously indicate the player and the task that will fall to him.

3. "Kiss of Cleopatra".

kissing games

At a friendly party, you often want to have fun so that it is not only fun, but also remembered for a long time. The sexual context of fun is completely optional, however, as a rule, no one refuses it. I won't bore you with long intros, but I'll go straight to the kissing games that I managed to remember or find on the Internet.

small bottle
The players sit around an empty bottle. The host spins it. Whoever the neck of the bottle points to, the presenter should kiss. The one who was kissed becomes the leader and turns the bottle. At first they play as usual. When a couple gets to kiss a second time, they kiss 2 times (on the lips). Next time - 4 times, then 8, then 1 second (on the lips), then 4 seconds, then 8 seconds, then a kiss on any part of the body for 1 second, 2 seconds, 4 seconds, 8 seconds, etc. (you can kiss on any part of the body at any time).

The host calls two men and two women into the game. Then, blindfolding two participants, the host asks them questions, pointing to the one he wants to. "Tell me, where will we kiss? Here?" And he shows, for example, on the cheek (you can ears, lips, eyes, hands, etc.). The facilitator asks questions until the blindfolded participant says "Yes". Then the leader asks: "And how many times?". And he shows on his fingers - how many times, each time changing the combination, until the player says: "Yes." Well, and then, having unleashed the participant's eyes, he is forced to do what he agreed to - for example, kiss the man's knee eight times.

Kisses again
One player is blindfolded, one of the others comes up and kisses him; he tries to guess who kissed him. If successful, the kisser sits in his place, and he stands up.

strip kisses
The players stand in front of each other - the guys are opposite the girls. The beginner kisses the girl and takes off one thing, the girl kisses the guy and also takes off one thing. And so on the rise - kissed, take off the thing. Anyone who refuses to undress further is out of the game. They continue to the bitter end, i.e. when there is nothing left to shoot.

A person sits on a chair with his back to the rest of the players, the leader behind him points to the players in turn and says: "Kis..Kiss.." etc. The player sitting with his back must at some point say: "Meow." And before the victim turns and sees who she has chosen, she must name the color: Burgundy - a real kiss, Red - kiss on the lips, Pink - kiss on the cheek, Light blue - kiss on the neck, Blue - kiss on the navel, Purple - kiss the hand, Purple - lick the cheek, Lilac - bite on the ear, Black - close together in a bath without light for 2-3 minutes, White - dance, Yellow - shake hands. It all depends on your imagination and indiscretion.

kiss attack
The guys are given numbers from 1 to N, and the girls are given letters from A. A volunteer is selected, who lies on the floor. He (a) calls an arbitrary combination of letters / numbers. For example: D6 or B3. If the guy is lying, then the girl under the letter D should run up to him and kiss him, and the guy with the number 6 should prevent her from kissing the lying person and kiss the girl himself, if the girl is lying, then everything is repeated exactly the opposite.

card kiss
Participants stand in a circle and begin to pass the card clockwise, using only their lips (not pinching it, but “sucking”, drawing air into themselves). Whoever drops the card kisses the one standing next to him and is eliminated from the game.

Pigeons and doves
The guy and the girl should stand with their backs to each other. The rest of the participants begin to count loudly to three. On the count of "three", the playing couple should sharply turn their heads to the right or left. If the guy and the girl turned in one direction, then they are supposed to kiss. If they are different, then they simply diverge, and the next pair takes their place.

kissing approach
Two teams - men's and women's - line up one at a time. The task of the men: going in turn to the line of women, kiss each one as quickly as possible, and after the "kissing trip" is completed, the man, symbolizing the end of the task, must say: "I'm done." The time for completing the task by each participant is recorded by the leader. Who is faster - he won.

A match is taken. The first participant, holding it in his teeth, passes it clockwise to the next, who receives it in the same way, and then passes it to another. After passing the circle, the match is shortened by half (it breaks) and everything repeats.

Pieces of chocolate are glued on the undressed girls. Blindfolded male players are required to find chocolate with their lips. Then the partners change places, and so on until complete satisfaction.

kiss for money
For the game you need: an intimate setting - 1 pc., M - 1 pc., F - 1 pc., Money (in banknotes of 10, 50, 100, 500 rubles, respectively). Purpose of the game: you need to check with your eyes closed (you can sniff, touch, lick, bite, etc.) which banknote was given to him. Guesses - gets off with one kiss. He does not guess - the denomination of the bill is divided by 10 and kisses so many times ... Thus, not guessing 500 rubles is the highest "punishment".

They play at the table. The host takes the puppet. Under some pretext, he offers to kiss her to everyone in turn, while declaring where he is doing it. For example, "I kiss him on the eye so that he can see well." Of course, you can't repeat yourself! After the end of the circle (first or second), the host announces that it is enough to train on the doll. And now everyone must kiss the neighbor in the order in which the doll was handed over, in the place that he announced. Refusal to kiss - a fine - depends on the desire of the host.

magic cube
Each player gets their own number. The first one rolls a dice with numbers from 1 to 6. The rolled number shows what he will do if he rolls: 1 - kiss, 2 - suck, 3 - chew, 4 - squeeze, 5 - bite, 6 - lick. The same player rolls the die a second time. The dropped number shows which part of the body he will do this with: 1 - lips, 2 - nose, 3 - forehead, 4 - cheek, 5 - right ear, 6 - left ear. The player rolls the die for the third time. The dropped number shows which person he will do this with - the number corresponds to the player's number. When the first player has done everything, the second player takes the die, and so on.

Kiss on the lips
The participants become a semicircle in the sequence boy-girl-boy-girl ... The leader turns on the music. The first participant kisses the next one on the lips, that one - the neighbor, etc. Thus, kisses are passed to the last participant, who continues the cycle in reverse order - from the last participant to the first. The meaning of the game is that when the music stops, the participant who did not have time to pass his kiss must take off any item of clothing. Or exit the game.

Kiss for departure
Each pair is assigned a serial number, and at the command of the leader in order, the pairs join their palms and kiss each other. The organizer must mark an imaginary line for each row which must not be crossed. After everyone has kissed, the leader indicates the “line” to which the female (male) row should retreat (usually it is half a step back) and everything is repeated again only from the other end of the row. If in a pair one of the participants stood up for the "line" or could not connect their palms, the pair is eliminated.

Kiss with your ears
Couples dance together and at the same time kiss with their ears. By the way, they have a lot of erogenous zones. The couple with the most erotic kiss or those with the reddest ears wins.

photo taken from

“Girls, come to us, we will play for kisses,” they shouted and laughed.
We, of course, turned up our noses and without even looking at them, proudly passed by.
- Che, scared? Or you don't know how to kiss? laughs were heard.

My friend and I looked at each other. If we refuse now, they will laugh at us, they will remember this for a very long time. Understanding each other without words, we agreed to go to them with a glance. We were not considered the first beauties in the class, but we were not listed in kikimors either. In addition, they were excellent students, they weren’t particularly friends with the boys, they talked a little down with them. Therefore, when we silently turned around and walked towards them, they were a little taken aback, but still delighted.

- So, - said Igor, when we approached, - whoever loses, he kisses the one who comes out first or the one who wins calls.

The rules were known to everyone, the conditions were accepted and the game began. The first time my friend came out first and I lost. This, of course, did not please the boys, but it encouraged them. The second time it turned out a couple of boys. Feeling that we would not be lucky for a long time, we already wanted to slip away, but the boys persuaded us to play the third, last game. Igor came out first, and I lost. Well, I think I'll kiss him quickly on the cheek and run away. But then Igor said that he was giving his kiss to Zhenya. It was a low blow. I liked Zhenya, everyone in the class guessed about it, whispered about it. But it was never said openly, never discussed. And here on you. I was embarrassed and blushed. And Igor also teases:
- Come on, kiss! And not just on the cheek, but on the lips, as expected.

I realized that I would not do this now, even under pain of death. I stood still, realizing that I needed to leave, but the boys were talking about card debt, about a matter of honor and all that. What a storm of emotions overwhelmed me! The boys said:
- Zhenya, well, help her already, or something ...

I raised my eyes to Zhenya and ... And I saw in his eyes something that I had not hoped for. I saw understanding, sympathy and timidity. I realized that he also liked me, and that he could not kiss me now. And I understood what to do.

- Yes, I don’t know how to kiss, I haven’t kissed anyone yet and I’m not going to give my first kiss for losing cards. I want this kiss to be real, not gambling debt.
- That's right, well done! My friend supported me. And, taking our bags, we proudly left.

The next day I was afraid to go to school, I thought that the boys would laugh, tease, but you couldn’t hide all your life. I wanted to sneak into the classroom with the mouse, but I decided to enter with my head held high. On the way I met my girlfriends, chatted with them and forgot about this story. And only by the end of the lessons I remembered everything and was surprised to find that no one laughed, did not even hint about yesterday. Even more than that, the boys looked at me with respect.

And then Zhenya and I kissed after all. But that's a completely different story))

Victoria Pavlenko, 34 years old. History - the city of Grozny, I don’t remember the exact year, probably 90-91

Number of players: any
Optional: bun, text
A game for those who like to laugh.
A large piece of a bun is stuffed into a person's mouth so that he can hardly speak. Then he is given a text to read. He begins to read with expression (let it be some unfamiliar verse).
Another person writes down for him what he understood, and then reads aloud to everyone. Its text is compared with the original.
The bun can be replaced with any other edible element, the point is that it would be difficult to pronounce words with it.

Three phrases - joke game

Lemon game - game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: Lemon, divided into 10 wedges
By answering the question correctly, the player receives one slice
from lemon.
1. Who has feelings for cats:
2. The protagonist of the film "White Bim, black ear":
synthesizer operator
3. Who is man's best friend:
4. Who leaves unpleasant heaps in your yard:
5. Who did the wolf turn into when it was tamed:
In person
To the dog*
In the ghost that rattles in your bedroom with chains
To the Monkey
6. Whose devotion to the owner is the strongest:
At the sparrow
At the dog*
At the crocodile
7. Who will always bring a stick:
traffic cop

Shrew Cork - game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: bottle, cork
Take an ordinary bottle and a small cork from some vial of medicine and put the cork in the neck of the bottle. The neck and stopper must
be dry and clean. Now try blowing the cork into the bottle. It seems that it is very easy to do this, you just have to blow harder on the cork. But it turns out that the cork, instead of flying into the bottle, will fly out of the bottle the faster you blow on it.
Blow quietly, and the cork will fly back again, only with less force.
The point is this. The air entering the bottle is compressed and, trying to get out, pushes the cork out. Try to do just the opposite: holding the neck of the bottle in front of you, draw in the air and yourself with force;

Get up from your chair - adult game

Number of players: any
Optional: chair
Sit someone who wants to sit on a chair so that he keeps his torso straight, touching the back of the chair, and does not move his legs under the seat of the chair.
Now ask him to stand up without changing the position of the legs and without bending the body forward. No amount of muscle effort will be able to get up from the chair until he moves his legs under; the seat or the body will not move forward.

In vain attempt - a game (competition) for adults

Number of players: two
Optional: 2 mugs of water or 2 candles
Ask your comrades if two of them, kneeling in front of each other, can pour water into one another in a mug or light a candle. Those who wish, of course, will be found. Kneel one against the other at such a distance that their outstretched arms touch each other. Give one of them a burning candle in his left hand, and an unlit candle to the other. With your right hands, invite them to raise their right legs from the floor, now, standing on their left knee, let them try to light one candle against another.

Revelations - a joke game

Number of players: any
Optional: signs with inscriptions and questions
The players will have to answer the host's questions without seeing what is written on the paper located behind the players.
And the inscriptions are as follows: for men - "Maternity hospital", "Bath", "Sobering-up"; for women - "Bruise under the eye", "Torn stocking", etc.
Questions for men: "Do you often visit this establishment?", "What do you take with you when you go there?", "What
do you do there?", "What do you do there?", "What attracts you to it?".

Cats - joke game

Number of players: any
Extras: no
The game is one-time for those who have not heard about it. In addition to entertainment purposes, it has one more - fact-finding. Or rather, representative. In general, it allows you to remember the names of all those present.
The host invites everyone to kneel in a circle. Connect your thumbs, put your hands on the floor and connect your index fingers with your neighbor's fingers. Provided a picture?

The word "kiss" most likely comes from the ancient German word "kussjan". Although, it has not been historically proven that it was the Germans who invented kissing. All countries have their own special “kissing” techniques that are characteristic of a particular nationality.

In general, no one remembers when they started talking about a kiss as an object of scientific research. But until now, this "object" is the most interesting and in demand among scientists in the world. Why did I draw such conclusions? Yes, simply because every year, more and more new facts and discoveries related to the kiss appear in the press. About some of them, which I personally really liked (and even amused), I will tell you now!


A quick romantic kiss burns 2-3 calories, while a French kiss "destroys" 5 or more calories.

According to statistics, an American woman kissed an average of 80 men before getting married (!!!).

It is believed that men who kiss their wives before leaving for work live, on average, 5 years longer than those who just slam the door. By the way, psychologists believe that it is the latter who most often become participants in an accident.

A passionate kiss that lasts more than 90 seconds increases blood pressure and provokes an increase in heart rate. In addition, a huge release of hormones occurs in the blood. The latter fact, according to scientists, reduces a person's life by 1 minute.

In the 1500s, kissing in public was punishable by death.

Typically, 66% of people close their eyes while kissing. The rest - enjoy watching the emotions that are reflected on the face of their partner during a kiss.

Kissing in public is frowned upon in Japan, Taiwan, China, and Korea. The typical Japanese kiss seems to be designed to rebuke the loose morals of the West. At best, it looks like the cooing of Soviet teenagers in the early 70s on a first date. A Japanese boy and girl must maintain a certain distance before they dare to bow their heads and kiss each other on the lips, for a second.

On average, a person spends 20,160 minutes (two weeks) of their life kissing. Almost a complete vacation by the sea!

The term "French kiss" appeared in the English language around 1923, as a condemnation of the too liberated French nation. In France itself, this kiss is called the “kiss with the tongue”, or the “kiss of the souls”. There is a deep philosophical meaning in this. The French say that if you do everything right, you can feel how the souls merge together.

The secretion glands of those who kiss produce a substance 200 times more potent than morphine in terms of narcotic effect. That is why kissing partners can experience a feeling of euphoria and bliss.

Many women achieve orgasm during a kiss.

According to one study, men are more likely to remember those women with whom they kissed than those with whom they slept. This study was further proof of the theory that men tend to separate love and sex.

In 1929, anthropologist B. Malinovsky visited the island of Trinidad - and - Tobago, and there he recorded an interesting custom of one people. Once he saw how two lovers kissed for a long time, and then they began to bite off each other's eyelashes. Indeed, among many peoples of the Pacific Islands, short eyelashes are a symbol of high sexual status.

That's it! Is it true that a kiss is of great importance in our life? Always, kissing, we experience a feeling of happiness and security. And this feeling, visiting us for the first time in infancy (remember your mother's first kiss?), only grows stronger over the years!

Do you remember your first adult kiss? Nobody forgets this. Until death! Do you remember how, with bated breath, you waited, when, finally, SHE would allow herself to be kissed? And if this happened - they flew away to the seventh heaven from emotions overwhelming the soul! True, often, in order to kiss the girl you liked, you had to resort to tricks! For example, we - arranged kissing parties. And for such evenings, they came up with a lot of amazing fun, the culmination of which was the cherished touch of the lips! Yes, one "Bottle", with all its rules, what was it worth!

Today, young people, dreaming of the first kiss, come up with even more unique, passionate games! However, kissing games are not only for shy lovers! Such fun, for example, will be an excellent "hot" solution for a party of close friends in honor of Valentine's Day. Ten of the best of all existing - to your attention!


Game 1. Guess the kisser!

Props: handkerchief or scarf to blindfold.

Members: everyone (required 1 pair of lovers).

Rules: one of the participants sits in a chair. He is blindfolded. Everyone else present begins to kiss him in turn (on the cheek, or on the lips). The leader, at each next kiss, announces the number of the kisser. When everyone who wants to kiss, the person in the chair will have to name the number under which his beloved kissed.

Game 2. Ice kiss

Props: ice cubes.

Members: an equal number of boys and girls.

Rules: all participants sit in a circle, alternating, boy-girl. The task of the participants is to pass an ice cube to each other without using their hands, only with the help of their lips. The last participant passes the ice to the first. The ring is thus closed.

Game 3. Seven minutes in heaven

Props: paper and pens, 2 hats.

Number of participants: a pair of boys and girls.

Rules: for "seven minutes in heaven" you need to write the names of all the guys and girls and put them in different hats. Then, by drawing lots, you draw a note from each hat, read the names. The named couple should retire for exactly 7 minutes (although for some this period of time may seem too long, if desired, it can be reduced to 3-4 minutes).

Another variation of this game is blind lot. That is, all participants are blindfolded before the start of the game, the leader, pulling out notes, silently forms pairs. Blindly matched boys and girls must kiss for 7 minutes. In this version of the game, it is not necessary to leave the room.

Game 4. Cherry relay

Props: for each pair - a bowl with 4 cherries, a toothpick.

Number of participants: minimum 2 couples (2 girls and 2 guys).

Rules: in front of each pair is a bowl of 4 cherries. At the command "Start!" girls, without the help of hands, lips, take one cherry from a bowl. The guy, meanwhile, is already holding a toothpick in his mouth. Using only her lips and teeth, the girl pricks a cherry on a toothpick. Then - takes the toothpick from his partner so that he can repeat the maneuver with the next cherry. The winner is the pair that quickly pricks all 4 cherries on a toothpick.

Game 5. Words of love

Number of participants: all comers.

Rules: game on the principle of "spoiled phone". All players line up one after the other. The first in the chain comes up with a word associated with love, feelings, kisses. Having thought of it, he whispers it into the ear of the person who stands behind him. The word is passed along the chain to the last participant, then they check whether it matches the one that was invented by the first in the chain. If yes, the first and last participants kiss. If not, those from whom the word began to change its form kiss.

Game 6

Props: paper, pens, 2 hats.

Number of participants: equal boys and girls.

Rules: Line up all the boys on one end of the room and all the girls on the other. Each girl should come up and kiss all the guys in turn. Then - all the guys kiss all the girls in turn. After that, all participants must write on paper the names of those who, in their opinion, are the best kissers. The person with the fewest votes loses and leaves the circle of participants. The game must continue until 2 girls and 2 guys remain. All the losers must vote on which of them suits each other best. Matched couples can retire and spend "7 minutes in heaven."

Game 7

Number of participants: at least one couple (boy and girl).

Rules: the guy and the girl sit down opposite each other and begin to look intently into the eyes. The one who is the first to not stand the look - kisses the other.

Game 8

Props: apples.

Members: all who wish.

Rules: participants sit in a circle, alternating, boy-girl. The task of the players is to pass the apple in a circle, holding it between the chin and the neck. If you suddenly drop an apple, you will be obliged to kiss the person to whom you passed it.