Rooster pattern of a soft toy for sewing. Soft toy Cockerel with their own hands. Master class with photo

Charming chickens from Lydia Calambet

I've wanted to make chicken for a long time. Once I even kept it on the farm, but that was in the past. Hens exude some kind of warmth and comfort, the beginning of life. They can be filled with the aroma of herbs or vanilla.

I also wanted to work on cold porcelain, sculpt figurines or flowers, but my hands never reach, but cold. porcelain has already been welded... and it turned out to be of such high quality. What a life... no time... no hands...

The idea came to combine these two materials: fabric and porcelain, thereby saving the hall. porcelain from an imminent release and embodying the idea with chickens .. One evening, sitting right at the computer, in one fell swoop, I stuck beaks for chickens and eyes with beads. The next day it was all dry and you could work. Since I basically do not use other people's patterns, I developed my own, not complicated, but quite effective. I dug up the necessary pieces in a huge box with patches and started sewing. On the pattern, two types of wings are given: overhead and sewn-in. Both of them look good. It is not difficult to sew large parts, and the rest is superimposed on top and sewn or glued. These are my test specimens, now I will refine and improve (after all, the stuck beaks and eyes have already been prepared), which I advise you. The bottom can be made by sewing on a covered piece of a circle made of cardboard or plastic. There will definitely be a chicken coop in my kitchen! The seams and the connection of overhead parts can be tinted with coffee, cinnamon with cocoa or ordinary pastel. And ... enjoy life and your fragrant chicken farm.

For Year of the Rooster DIY toys do not necessarily have to perform the obvious function of gifts and souvenirs. Indeed, in the modern design of apartments and houses, it is interior dolls and soft toys that play an important role, being indispensable attributes, for example, of country and Provence styles. Therefore, it is worth choosing such thematic ones not only according to the degree of complexity of their implementation, but also mentally enter the future craft into your existing room design.

Year of the Rooster 2017 - DIY toy

For Year of the Rooster 2017 DIY toy, soft and pleasant to the touch - this is a great gift idea. After all, it is suitable for both adults and children, starting from the smallest. We always remember that we use high-quality materials that have special properties, they do not collect animal hair and dust, are filled with non-natural fillers that can cause allergic reactions. If you don’t find such anti-allergenic and anti-static materials for work, then simply treat the surface of the finished toy with at least anti-static to reduce the amount of dust that sits on it.

Cockerel dolls can be tightly stuffed, and even with a frame inside, which will allow not only to plant a toy, but also to put it, while it will be quite stable on its own. An example of such a beautiful do-it-yourself New Year's toys - a symbol of the year Rooster which you see in the photo above. There are a lot of details in it, and all of them are stitched and stuffed separately, and then connected into a common figure. It will be much easier to make such a bird for if you use button mounts, which are shown in the photo. It will be easy to care for such a toy, it will be interesting for children to play with it, include it in their puppet shows, it can even be used for educational games for the smallest.

Those who already know the basics certainly know about a special variety of soft tilde dolls. Such crafts differ from many others both visually and to the touch, they seem to embody home comfort, softness, and tenderness. They are almost never made for static compositions, because the beauty of tildes is in the soft body, soft arms and legs, thanks to which the dolls become so “touching” in every sense. You can find patterns in this style not only for interior dolls, but even for do-it-yourself Christmas decorations 2017. Year of the Rooster can be an occasion to create a completely new Christmas tree decor in your home - small bright dolls that will be hung on the branches of the New Year tree.

Above you see patterns for the tilde style. They differ from ordinary figures in that you can make the bottom for them with a simple cut, because all the same, clothes are additionally sewn for such toys. So for the tilde cockerel, in this case, it is necessary to sew a jumpsuit with straps, to which the legs will be sewn.

However, you can make an exception, make tildes stationary. This is used in, in which the techniques of sewing tildes and constructing a topiary are combined. We must take the base from the topiary, and decorative ornaments from the tildes. At the same time, instead of the legs, which are cut out separately in classic crafts, wooden skewers or stilts are used here, they are glued to the panties from the inside and the other end is stuck into the filler of the base pot. Such an unusual topiary can be single, as shown in the photo, or two figures can be placed in one base.

Do-it-yourself toys for the New Year: a rooster

DIY toys for the New Year, rooster in particular, they can be not only beautiful, but useless filling the space of rooms. The next section is devoted to crafts that are not only cute, but also very useful, which, if you give them, will certainly cause a storm of delight among your practical friends and relatives.

For example, such a mini chicken coop in your kitchen will be depicted with charming hot pot holders made in the form of a chicken and a cockerel. Patterns and patterns for them will be very simple, you do not even need to look for them additionally, but you can draw them yourself. For each of these potholders you will need a body template with a head and tail, as well as templates for small details: for the wings this will be a heart, as well as a comb, beard and beak. All this is cut out on different cuts of matter, because in addition to the colorful outer part, each tack should also have a second, wrong side. For it, you need to choose a dense material that has good thermal insulation properties. It is cut out in the same shape as the main part, and then they are attached to each other. If you want your chickens to be beautiful on both sides, then you can “wrap” the craft from the inside with elegant material, so that the craft looks like a sandwich with a heater inside.

Small details need to be sewn separately and stuffed a little to make them voluminous, and then sewn to the main figure. Additionally, decorate the surface not only with an oblique trim around the edges, but also with decorative braid, lace, appliqués and bright buttons. An obligatory element is small loops, for which it will be convenient to hang the potholders on special holders.

which becomes less relevant in winter, can be replaced with other decorative elements, for example, sofa cushions, for which special pillowcases can be sewn on the eve of the holiday. Moreover, in the collections of various Christmas and New Year textiles, you can find a place for images of cockerels. They can be drawn on pillowcases, embroidered. This pillow, the image of which you see above, is made using the printing of the image on the fabric. Such crafts are perfect for a Provence-style interior both in terms of shade and style of the drawing itself. To further decorate the pillowcase, the perimeter of the picture must be sewn with curly braid.

And such a pillowcase is more difficult to work with and is perfect for country style, as it is made in a technique reminiscent of traditional patchwork. Pieces of fabric, like an appliqué, are superimposed on the base, connecting to it with the help of overcasting seams with a contrasting thread.

Do-it-yourself rooster toy New Year's symbol

For decorating numerous surfaces in an apartment, for creating festive and everyday beautiful compositions on a coffee table, window sill or mantelpiece in 2017, it will come in handy symbol of the new year. DIY Rooster toy can be performed in various techniques, for example, in the papier-mâché technique.

The resulting figurine itself after coloring can take its rightful place in your home. But let's not rush, because it can be additionally decorated with woolen threads and fabric. Since the papier-mâché itself will not be visible after the completion of all the finishing work, you can choose any paper that is suitable in consistency for it, even newspapers or old napkins. The main thing is to give the layers time to dry well and keep the shape given to it. If it will be easier for you to fashion the contour of a figure from ceramics, clay, plastic, salt dough, then you can use these techniques.

And another interesting figure is made of metal, however, according to the same shape and contour, you can make it plywood, wood, it all depends on what tools it will be easier for you to work with. For coloring, then also select the paint based on the material for the base. If, nevertheless, you make a wooden figure, then it is better to pre-treat the surface of the wood with a special impregnation, even if you do not plan to use crafts to decorate the landscape.

DIY Christmas tree toys: Year of the Rooster

A separate topic for conversation - toys for the Christmas tree with their own hands. Year of the Rooster suggests several ideas for textile crafts, which will be the very place on the New Year's tree. Let's start with simple ideas that depict stylized cockerels.

This is probably the easiest way to make soft Christmas tree decorations, in a matter of hours you can make so many of them that it is enough for the whole Christmas tree of rather big sizes. All you need for each decoration is three white felt pieces, a few colored woolen threads and beads for the eyes. The details are stitched together so that two form the body, and one passes between them, creating the necessary volume. The figurines are complemented by bright feathers on the tail, colored wings and a bright red comb. If you don’t do all this, then you will get other birds, for example, white doves, which will also look great on a Christmas tree complete with.

Also, felt cockerels can be formed based on heart-shaped patterns. Such DIY New Year's toys 2017 Year of the Rooster they will unite perfectly with the holiday of all lovers, so after dismantling the Christmas tree, you can not put them in a box with New Year's decor, but leave them to decorate the room before February 14th.

By the way, do-it-yourself Christmas toy in the year of the Rooster it can be not only a beautiful addition to the decor, but it will also become an excellent air freshener in the room if you make small sachets with a cockerel toy: bags filled with aromatic substances, soaked in oils or special aromatic fillers.

DIY New Year's toy Year of the Rooster

Of course, the brighter do-it-yourself New Year's toy "Year of the Rooster"”, the more it will match this bright, elegant bird. So the fabric craft should additionally be decorated with all sorts of shiny elements, for example, sequins, rhinestones, beads, mirror buttons. They will perfectly reflect the light of Christmas tree garlands, and create a truly festive mood.

In the example, you can see how perfectly rhinestones are combined with such a simple fabric as felt, and how they make a toy in a folk, simple style, an exquisite souvenir that will be nice to give along with the main New Year's gift.

It is easy to sew a beautiful cockerel for the New Year and Easter. It can be presented, used as an interior toy or hung on a Christmas tree, on a wall, on a bag. And for sewing, the craftswoman will need a pattern of a rooster from fabric.

Tilda toys are a charming home decoration

Gizmos in this technique are easy to perform. You just need to remember a few important rules.

  • Toys are sewn from natural fabrics: linen, cotton, fleece.
  • For the body and face (muzzles, heads), it is best to use a monophonic material.
  • Clothing is sewn from fabric of any color, but it is preferable to use fabric with a small pattern.
  • The longitudinal seam of the halves of the product should run along the middle of the face or muzzle, crossing the nose.
  • Tilde dolls are traditionally made tanned, using dry blush, powder, coffee, cocoa, and finely ground pencil lead to color the fabric. Sometimes masters even apply watercolor paint or gouache with a brush to an already finished product. Animals that are made according to the canons of making dolls look original: tanned cockerels, hares, elephants touch their resemblance to bathing tildes.

Open the tilde rooster

The most important thing, without which the tilde rooster will not work, is a pattern. Having chosen the most suitable one, it should be transferred to paper, polyethylene or cardboard. Then you need to carefully cut each part separately with scissors.

If for some reason the master does not like the pattern of a rooster from fabric, for some reason, he can transfer the pattern to graph paper, and then, using the grid, draw patterns on a different scale.

Here we consider an interesting version of an interior toy. It should turn out tanned, as bathers are usually made, a cock-tilde. The pattern in the article is given in full size, but if desired, it can be increased. The drawing shows patterns for cutting the clothes of the leader of the chicken flock.

It should be remembered that all parts must have an allowance of 2-3 millimeters for seams. You can sew both manually and on a typewriter. To stuff the toy, it is necessary to leave a hole in the most inconspicuous place, which is then sewn up by hand with a blind seam.

Attic toy "cockerel"

If the fabric is boiled in coffee, tea or smeared with a mixture of instant coffee with cocoa powder and PVA glue before cutting, it will acquire not only a pleasant tan color, but also retain an amazing aroma. Additionally, you can add cinnamon or vanilla to this gruel. A toy sewn from the fabric obtained will not only decorate the interior, but also exude a pleasant smell of coffee, just as it happens with toys made using the attic technique.

For sewing, the same fabric is suitable, according to which it is made using the technique of tilde toys, that is, from a close to the human figure. You get a kind of cool little man with a bird's head and wings, but with wide hips and standing on long straight legs.

To give the toy stability, before sewing on the paws-feet, wooden kebab skewers are inserted into the legs from below, piercing the filler. The skewers should stick into the body of the rooster and go inside by 4-5 cm. You can use them not just one thing for each leg, but two or even three. The excess is broken off, leaving protruding tips 5-6 millimeters long for fastening with the foot.

In order for the cockerel to stand firmly on its feet, the feet can not be sewn from fabric, but molded from polymer clay, salt dough or gypsum. On the protruding ends of the skewers, not yet completely dried feet are pricked and the toy is left in a warm place. Such a rooster can stand. If the feet are made of fabric, then the cockerel will need support. It will need to be attached to something.

Usually these cockerels are dressed up in clothes. Here is a pattern of a rooster made of fabric using the technique of sewing a tilde toy - it is shaded in blue.

Sitting cockerel - the easiest option

But you can make a bird that looks very reminiscent of a real one. The easiest way to sew a soft toy in the form of a sitting cockerel. Even an inexperienced craftswoman can get a very similar to a living rooster. of this type in the drawing above is shaded in red.

Cheerful cockerel sewn from felt

Stuffed soft toys have always been liked by children and brought tenderness to adults. A patient craftsman who owns a needle and scissors may well get a fun creative rooster made of felt.

The pattern is given in actual size. The first figure shows only a part of the templates for cutting, the next one shows the remaining patterns.

Master Class. Rooster pattern

Everyone can make toys with their own hands. This is a fun and rewarding activity. Fans of decorating the Christmas tree with hand-made crafts will surely like the option - a felt rooster.

A pattern of bright decoration can be not only taken from any sources, but also built independently. To create it, you do not even need to have the talent of an artist. It is enough just to follow the step-by-step recommendations of this master class.

  1. A circle of such a diameter is drawn, which is supposed to be at the head of the future toy rooster.
  2. A little lower with a slope is an oval. It will be the body of the bird.
  3. A little away from the oval-body draw another oval. It will form the tail of a cockerel.
  4. Smooth concave lines connect the head and torso, forming a neck.
  5. The oval of the tail is also connected to the body of the rooster.
  6. The lower part of the extreme oval is decorated with several pointed corners - these are the ends of the tail feathers.
  7. With the help of an oval, a recess is drawn on the back of the bird.
  8. Another oval will help make the area under the tail rounder.
  9. A smooth line draws out the lower abdomen, making it lean. You can again use the oval, drawing it at the right angle and choosing the required size so that the rooster's chest protrudes forward - the keel.
  10. Everyone can easily draw a bird's beak and legs, even without drawing skills.
  11. The wing has an oval shape with pointed feathers. It is drawn in the same way as the tail of a rooster.
  12. It remains only to draw patterns for the scallop and beard.

That's all. The pattern for the felt toy is ready!

According to the Eastern calendar, the symbol of the next 2017 is a red fiery rooster. Close people will be very pleased to receive a hand-made cockerel from you as a gift for the New Year. The rooster pattern below will help you please your family and friends. A simple lesson on sewing a soft toy is offered.

Sewing Instructions for Raymond's Fighting Cock

On various sites dedicated to sewing and needlework, there are many patterns of various toy roosters. Raymond's toy rooster pattern, which was invented by foreign craftsmen, is very popular. This product is characterized by the use of fabrics of different textures, such as felt, fleece, brocade, chintz, etc.

To create this cockerel, any multi-colored patches of fabric available are suitable. Various large buttons can be used to decorate the toy. Thus, to create Raymond's rooster, you must have:

  • toy patterns
  • thread with a needle or sewing machine
  • patches of various fabrics
  • for stuffing - cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or other.

The legs of the rooster can be made soft from fabric or a wire frame can be built into the parts of the legs so that the toy can stand, depending on your wishes.

toy pattern

The main stages of sewing toys

  • Print the proposed patterns, having previously reduced or enlarged them, or you can leave them as they are.
  • The patterns are transferred to cardboard and cut out, the required amount is written on each.
  • Patterns are placed on the fabric, circled with chalk and cut out, leaving 1.5 cm for seam allowances. Paired parts are made from the same fabric.
  • The parts are sewn together, leaving a gap for stuffing.
  • All parts except for the legs are filled with stuffing and gaps are sewn up.
  • All elements are connected to each other.
  • At the last stage, eyes and other decorative elements are sewn on.

Rooster Raymond is ready

Toy for beginner needleworkers "Petya-cockerel"

A very easy to make do-it-yourself rooster soft toy, its pattern with less details than Raymond's rooster. For its production, it is desirable to use any soft fabric: flannel, felt, fleece, etc. The pattern indicates the number of elements.

View pattern

The workflow is the same:

  • print and cut patterns;
  • sew the parts together and stuff with stuffing;
  • sew all the elements of a soft toy together;
  • decorate the cockerel by sewing eyes, etc.

Rooster tilde

Thanks to Norwegian sewing master Tori Finanger, tilde dolls have received worldwide recognition. For the manufacture of which pastel soft fabrics are used, in addition, they are characterized by primitivism of execution and their eyes are always made in the form of dots.

The rooster will be the symbol of the inexorably approaching new year 2017, and in order to meet him and not fall into the dirt on his face, you need to decorate the house accordingly. But not only the decoration of the house can respect the rooster, you can also do do-it-yourself crafts for the new year of the rooster, soft toys For example, they are perfect for this. Such crafts will not only look good, but will also serve you in the future, like ordinary toys or accessories, by the way, this is also a great gift for children, so let's try to make them on our own. Doing this is not at all difficult, the main thing is a little diligence and enthusiasm, and we will help you with the rest.

Do-it-yourself New Year's cockerels, interesting ideas:

Rooster made of felt with your own hands.

Felt soft toys are very popular, because of the ease of execution, let's try and create such a soft toy for the new year.

Pattern rooster from felt

Necessary materials:

  • Felt (choose the color you like);
  • Scissors;
  • Sintepon (or other filler);
  • Glue;
  • Thread and needle;

We carry out work:

  1. On the felt we make a pattern of the details that you see on the template.
  2. All parts should be in pairs, they will need to be sewn together, filling them with padding polyester.
  3. Use felt of different colors to avoid a monotonous toy. For example, for a scallop, take red, for paws it is better to use yellow.
  4. We glue small details with ordinary glue, and all the felt rooster is ready!

We make a rooster with our own hands for the new year, using fabric: