Craft - do-it-yourself valentine from paper, fabric: templates, patterns. How to make a beautiful DIY Valentine's card for your mom, boyfriend, or school? We make our own valentines from paper and other materials. Volumetric valentines for children.

How nice it is to receive on Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14 and dedicated to Valentine's Day, a small gift in the shape of a heart - the so-called “Valentine”! During my youth, such a holiday was unknown in Russia, and we gave gifts exclusively on February 23rd for boys, and on March 8th for girls :)

But the wonderful holiday of St. Valentine, not tied to any political dates or official celebrations, quickly fell in love with many and became very popular in our country. Give and receive valentines, notice symbols of hearts everywhere and plunge into the atmosphere of general mild insanity - why not?

Appeal to mothers and grandmothers!

If you are young in soul and body, if you are in love, give and accept signs of attention! If you are only young at heart, but your body no longer wants to fit into the atmosphere of a youthful holiday, spit on his grumbling and pick up glue and paper - your body is still capable of this?! Make a beautiful and unexpected valentine with your own hands, show your children and grandchildren a master class, prove that there is still “gunpowder on our street”!

And even though there was no such holiday in our youth, we knew how to make crafts better than the current “generation of computer geniuses.” Hands remember!

Of course, you can buy a ready-made postcard. But is it so pleasant for both the giver and the one receiving the gift? After all, by spending effort, thinking about who you are preparing a gift for, creating a surprise with your own hands, you experience unique feelings of joy and anticipation - and this is the very, unique atmosphere of a REAL HOLIDAY!

Moreover, such a thing, amazing in its capabilities, as the World Wide Web, offers us many options and ready-made solutions, even in photos, even in videos, in step-by-step lessons and master classes, with a detailed description and demonstration of the result.

This is the selection I have prepared for you today - choose the most interesting valentine option for you and - forward to creative success!

DIY Valentine's envelope made of paper - make with children!

Such funny animals that give valentine hearts can be easily and simply made from plain paper, together with children - I think they will at least not be bored! After all, you can invent and create absolutely any animal - a bear cub, a kitten, a bunny, and even one that no one has ever come up with before :) Show imagination in your image and accuracy in your work - and you will get a wonderful original valentine in the form of an envelope with a secret message for the holiday February 14, and more!

What to prepare:

  • a sheet of cardboard or thick white paper
  • red paper for the heart
  • glue
  • colored pencils or markers or paints
  • scissors, ruler, pencil
  1. Take a regular-sized sheet of thick paper or white cardboard.

  2. Fold in half, make a fold.
  3. Make a cut along the fold with scissors - we will get 2 blanks for our valentines.
  4. Place the rectangle as in the photo. Using a ruler, use a simple pencil to mark two points 2.5 cm from the vertical edge and connect them with a line.

  5. Do the same on the other side. The result is a kind of margin 2.5 cm wide.
  6. Now place a line on top in a similar way 5 cm from the top edge, putting two points and connecting them with a line.
  7. Everything above the line will be our character’s muzzle. On the side you need to outline two semicircles - the paws with which he will hold the envelope. Draw the paws below the horizontal line, stepping back from it about 1 cm down.
  8. This is the face and paws of the future dog that appeared on the sheet.
  9. Take scissors and carefully cut out all the contours along the pencil lines. If you are making a Valentine card with children, help them cut out difficult places - like in our example, the ears of the dog.
  10. We bend the lower part upward - corner to corner. We color the pencil face with colored felt-tip pens or pencils. You can also make an applique from colored paper - here only your imagination will tell you how best.
  11. We bend the paws over the top and draw claws on them.
  12. From a piece of red paper, cut out a heart of any size you like and glue it in the center. Be sure to use red - this is traditionally the case on Valentine's Day - for some reason the hearts are always red or pink.
  13. Now let's make an imitation of an envelope - draw diagonal lines from the corners to the heart.
  14. Open our Valentine's envelope and use a colored pencil or marker to draw writing lines inside our gift.
  15. You can draw several hearts - it will be even more interesting. Well, don’t forget to write the message itself - after all, any Valentine’s card is a declaration of Love and Friendship!
  16. These are the kind of funny little animals you can create. Colored parts can be painted or pasted with an additional layer of paper of the desired color.

DIY voluminous paper valentine - 3D hearts for Valentine's Day.

Very beautiful, three-dimensional Valentine's card with 3D hearts. The postcard is beautiful, but quite difficult for possible beginners due to the numerous folds and slits - everything needs to be done carefully, so immediately make sure your hands are clean, press the paper not with your fingers, but with the plastic handle of scissors or another object. You will have to tinker, but we will definitely cope with you, because we have step-by-step photographs of the entire process!

To make it we will need to take:

  • 2 sheets of pretty red paper for the hearts
  • 2 sheets of standard size white cardstock (thick paper)
  • black marker or felt-tip pen for outlining hearts
  • strips with rhinestones on adhesive tape for decoration
  • a simple pencil, a ruler, scissors, double-sided tape (but glue can also be used)

  1. Fold each sheet of cardboard in half, aligning the corners exactly so that there is no distortion.
  2. Let's put one cardboard aside and work with the second one - the base. Place the folded sheet with the fold facing you and measure a line 4 cm high, which is 3.5 cm from the edge. Symmetrically make the same line on the other side. We make the cut exactly along these lines.
  3. Now we remove the concept of two-dimensional space from our heads and move on to volumetric 3D modeling - we bend the bend between the two slots in the other direction. The design should look like the one in the photo below.
    This is the outer side, and on the inside (open our postcard like you open a book) you get this step. Did you manage? Wait, rejoice, these are just flowers!
  4. Now let's wrap our step inside the postcard and close it, moving to the outside. The outside of our card should look like this. Now we must do a similar procedure with the inner fold of the card - we will put 2 cm inward and 3 cm upward from the edges of the fold.
  5. We make cuts again along the marking lines.
  6. To make it easier to bend the sheet in this place, attach a ruler to the ends of the cuts and fold the sheet onto the ruler, iron the fold line.

    Now open the card again and redirect our fold in the opposite direction - so that you again get a protrusion-step on the inside of the card.
    Do this on the other side - now we should have 3 steps.
  7. At this stage we could have stopped, but we are not looking for easy ways. Let's take it one more step! Along the inner fold we again set aside the markings for the last cut - 2 cm from the edge and up.
  8. But we will only cut through one upper fold (and not the entire thickness!).
  9. Thus, we have another upper small step. Phew, you can breathe out, everything will go much easier from here on!
  10. We take our first cardboard - it will be the outer, front side - we need to attach our “stepped” model to it. It’s convenient to do this with double-sided tape, but you can also get by with regular glue - the main thing is not to pour a lot of it so that our valentine doesn’t wrinkle or warp. We glue both parts together and get a smooth cover on the outside and a stepped design on the inside of the valentine. Now you need to decorate it with hearts.
  11. Let's make a heart template - preferably 3 different sizes. Two or three large hearts, many medium ones and two or three small ones.
  12. Let's trace our pencil sketches of the hearts with a black marker and cut them out with scissors.
  13. Now is the time to show your artistic abilities - beautifully and highly artistically, with the taste of a true designer, we need to scatter our hearts at different levels so that it looks beautiful. If you can’t trust your taste, do it exactly according to the photo, maybe it will be good.
    It is very convenient to attach hearts to pieces of double-sided tape, but you can also use glue.

  14. Well, this is approximately how it all looks. Everything already looks elegant, but there is no limit to perfection - let’s do the last part of the design - decorate it with strips of rhinestones.

This is the kind of “heart-rhinestone” splendor we achieved! True, there was no room left for text congratulations, but with such an abundance of red hearts, words would probably have been superfluous! What do you think?

“Heart in the palms” is a very simple and quick paper valentine. Can be done with children.

What materials are needed:

  • red and white paper
  • glue, pencil, ruler, scissors
  • pink or red pencil (felt-tip pen)
  • needle and thread

  1. We take our (or someone else’s!) hand with the thumb pressed, put it on a sheet of paper and trace it. Cut out the palm stencil.
  2. We bend thick white paper (or cardboard) in half and place our stencil on the fold line so that the “little finger” is along this line. We cut everything out to the fold so that the card can open like a book.
  3. From red, double-sided colored paper, cut out identical squares, approximately 6 cm per side. On one of them we make a diagonal fold and draw half a heart. This will be our template.
  4. We bend the remaining squares in the same way, fold them one by one and, attaching the template, cut out the hearts.
  5. We sew the resulting stack of hearts with a fold in the middle onto the inside of the fold of our “palms”, leaving a knot of thread on the side of the hearts. Then we'll close it.
  6. We glue the halves of the hearts that are outermost to the palms with glue.
  7. We also glue together the two halves of the topmost heart, at the same time hiding the stitching marks.
  8. We outline the “palms” with a pink felt-tip pen, not forgetting to draw on the details inside - folds and lines on the fingers. All! Our voluminous paper valentine is completely ready - you can give your loved one your heart in the palms of your hands!

Making this valentine is very simple, but there are some supplies that you will need to prepare. In particular, it is difficult to do without a hole punch - to create identical, even holes, and special curly scissors, since cutting out all these waves by hand on many parts is not at all interesting and will not be possible to do evenly - and here the sameness of parts and accuracy are important.

We will need:

  • pink and white paper
  • acrylic paints (yellow and white)
  • glue
  • green pencil or felt-tip pen
  • round head pin
  • a piece of beautiful ribbon
  • hole puncher
  • curly scissors

So let's get started!

  1. We “clone” the heart template of the size we need to the number of 7 pieces from a sheet of pink paper.

  2. Glue the pink heart onto a larger white sheet.
  3. Using curly scissors, we make a beautiful edge treatment, so that a white wavy outline appears around the pink heart, reminiscent of processing with braid when sewing.
  4. We will need 7 pieces of such blanks.
  5. Each heart needs to be decorated with daisies. To do this, take a pin with a round head and, dipping it in yellow paint, draw the centers of the flowers - 3 daisies, as in the photo below. Around each center we draw white petals in the same way.
  6. Using a green pencil, draw leaves - two for each flower.
  7. Use a hole puncher to make neat holes in each heart. We thread a piece of holiday ribbon through them.
  8. We tie a bow and trim the edges evenly with sharp scissors.
  9. Our gentle valentine with a chamomile mood is ready. It remains to write on the back of the first heart the name of the object of our donation, and on the remaining ones - your wishes, and everything that you would like to convey in words.

Exquisite valentine using scrapbooking technique - Master class with step-by-step photos.

This is what a closed valentine card looks like.

By turning the paper lever, we open our postcard and there we see a surprise message.

To make this stunningly beautiful and elegant valentine, we will need materials sold in craft stores or scrapbooking departments (bookstores). There you can always find all the necessary parts, components and tools. It’s good that now all this can be ordered directly through online stores.

What to prepare:

  • pink and white paper for scrapbooking (can be used for watercolors, or other thick paper)
  • sticky half beads
  • artificial flowers for scrapbooking
  • piece of braid, piece of lace
  • rivet with forked tips - brads (these are stud buttons with a flat flexible forked leg made of soft metal)
  • glue and glue gun (can be replaced with colorless superglue)
  • curly and regular scissors

When everything necessary is prepared, the process of creating a Valentine heart itself will not give us any problems - everything is quite simple.

  1. From plain white paper we cut out a heart template of the shape and size we need.
  2. Using the template, cut out a heart from pink construction paper.
  3. Tint the edges of the heart with a slightly pink pencil, a darker shade, to visually darken the border.
  4. We cut out a blank from red thick paper with a template applied to it, using curly scissors. We cut it so that the wavy edge protrudes beyond the edge of our template size.
  5. Glue the pink heart onto the red blank with a curly edge.

  6. Cut out a rectangle from red paper and paste it on top of the pink layer.
  7. Now cut out a slightly smaller rectangle from white paper and glue it onto the red one.
  8. And on the corner we will glue another small red heart. Our blank No. 1 is ready.
  9. Now let’s transfer the heart template onto red paper with a pencil, but we won’t cut it out yet. Our task is to make another red heart, slightly smaller in size than our template. To do this, inside the pencil outline we will manually draw another one - a little smaller. We will do the cutting according to it. This will be the second blank.
    This is what it should look like when you put the second piece on top of the first.
  10. For the second heart you need to make a bouquet decoration. Let's start with the ribbon - make two loops and glue them together at the base.
  11. We will make one larger loop from the lace braid and place it at the base, on the bottom layer. Glue this beauty onto the heart - place it not in the center, but slightly asymmetrically, as done in the photo below.
  12. Now we need 3 flowers. If there is a stem, cut it off to the very root. Using a glue gun, attach three flowers to the base of our decoration, covering the places where the braid is cut and attached.
  13. We transfer one half bead to our heart, gluing them along the edge of the heart.
  14. Now let’s cut out a “lever” from pink paper - cut a strip of paper in the shape of an arrow, cutting off the corners. Let's glue it to the back side of our second piece.
  15. Let's combine both blanks and use a sharp knife to make a small hole in the base of the heart.
  16. Take our rivet in your hands and insert the legs into the hole from the front side.
  17. On the reverse side, spread the legs of the bradsa ​​to the sides and press tightly to the paper.
  18. So that these legs do not stand out, we will cover them with an appliqué in the shape of a small red heart.
  19. Check how our “mechanism” works - the upper heart should easily move over the lower one, revealing to us a secret message... Which we still need to manage to write on a small piece of white paper. But that’s a completely different story... :)

Valentine's card with moving rainbow hearts - Master class on video.

The fastest and easiest Valentine card in 2 minutes!

If you “slept” all February and only came to your senses on the 14th, when it’s too late to prepare surprises, but you definitely need to give something as a gift.. catch a simple method - How to quickly and easily make a valentine out of paper with your own hands in just 2 minutes. This video clip lasts exactly that long, and by repeating all the simple steps after it, you will definitely succeed!

You can draw these hearts yourself or download them as ready-made templates.

Download stencils of hearts of different sizes (for cutting out of paper) from the link below - they can be printed on any printer, they are selected in the size needed for printing.

Tricky question!

PS. Please share in the comments examples of your valentines - what did you give or make yourself, and what did they give to you? And, by the way, I have had an unresolved question for a long time - what is more pleasant - giving gifts yourself or receiving them from other people? How do you think?

Good afternoon, today we will make crafts for Valentine's Day - cute things made of paper with hearts - symbols of love. On Valentine's Day, it is customary to confess your love to those closest to you and make souvenirs with your own hands - from paper and other available materials. In this article I will show you that paper valentines do not have to be in the form of greeting cards. You will learn that a variety of children's crafts and applications can be decorated in a heartfelt style - just in time for Valentine's Day. This article will also help all heads of children's creativity clubs in kindergartens, schools, and child development centers find ideas for paper Valentine crafts.

So, let's see what kids crafts you can do with your kids for Valentine's Day.

Crafts Valentines

From toilet paper rolls.

This cute pink butterfly would make a great homemade Valentine's Day gift.

We paint the roll pink. Cut out heart-shaped wings from thick pink cardboard. And the same mustache in the shape of a heart. We make the legs of the butterfly from a wire spring.

But here’s an idea with the Angel of Lovers, a hunter of hearts ready to fall in love. White cotton wool (or padding polyester) will become the material for the white curls of an angel.

Crafts Wreaths

on Valentine's Day.

from paper with your own hands.

You can also make elegant wreaths with cardboard or paper hearts - to decorate your head or door.

We cut out a long wide strip from white cardboard, twist it into a ring, and fasten it with a stapler. We decorate the ring with hearts made of cardboard or formiam. We attach springs from fluffy wire on top (we wrap the wire around a pencil - we get a spring), and we also glue paper hearts to the ends of the springs.

A wreath craft for decorating a door is also easy to do. Available for children in the middle group of kindergarten. First, cut out a flat cardboard ring from a large piece of cardboard (a large pizza box will do). This will be the basis for the future wreath with hearts.

We prepare from thick paper - Stencils TEMPLATES of hearts, different in size.

We take red paper - different shades (from light to dark), you can use red wrapping paper for gifts, with a pattern. On this paper we trace the stencils of hearts and cut out many red heart blanks of different sizes.

We coat the ring with glue and place the hearts on it in a chaotic manner.


For Valentine's Day

For children.

Now let's see what paper applications you can make with your own hands for Valentine's Day. Children love to make cute little characters (butterflies, ladybugs, caterpillars, dogs, owls) - all these heroes of the children's world can be made using “HEART” paper shapes.

Take a piece of paper and try to draw a snail. And then try to draw her so that she has the symbolism of a heart (that is, make her a spiral house in the shape of a heart). Done? Congratulations - you have a sketch of a future children's craft for Valentine's Day on your hands.

In the same way - in the shape of a heart - you can depict any picture. For example, a fish, or an owl, a bird, even a flamingo. Let's try to sketch an idea with a pencil... and then cut out all the necessary details from paper and put it into your own handicraft. You'll make a great DIY gift for Valentine's Day - quickly and quite interesting.

The hearts can become fins or fish scales. Hearts can become spots on a ladybug's back. Hearts can be feathers or bird wings.

In the form of owls.

Everyone loves owls; these birds have become a popular symbol, decorating T-shirts, bags, and jewelry. Owls are beautiful with their large eyes and symmetry of shape. Beautiful birds also look beautiful on crafts with heart-shaped symbols.

If we add large eyes and a nose to the heart, we get an owl. This is exactly how openwork red napkins made of paper in the shape of hearts can quickly and easily be turned into an owl craft.

Also, plastic disposable plates can become the round body of an owl. The wings and eyes of the owl can be cut out in a heart shape.

Crafts for Valentine's Day

from plates with your own hands.

Disposable plastic plates can also be used to make Valentine crafts for Valentine's Day. Children will love making birds with heart-shaped wings.

But most of all, children like to make colored cobwebs like in the photo below. We cut a hole in the shape of a heart in the plate, dot the edge of the hole with holes using a hole punch. Next, we cut multi-colored woolen threads and give the task of building a love network. A beautiful and fun craft for school-age children.

And here is another pendant craft on which you can stick a message inside a heart.

Heart bouquets

Children's crafts

on Valentine's Day.

The simplest craft for children - for Valentine's Day - is a bouquet with hearts. If a child is doing the craft, then the adult himself will cut the hearts with scissors, and the child’s task is to stick them on in the form of a lush bouquet of love. Older children will cut out hearts themselves from multi-colored paper and decorate with colored markers. The stems of the bouquet can be drawn with felt-tip pens, or cut out from thin strips of green paper.

You can make a bouquet of hearts WITH PAINTS - there are also several options (photo below),

Option one, let's arrange a bouquet in the form of PALM(prints of the child’s bright colorful palms) - each print can be applied only when the previous one has dried (so that the paints do not run off or smudge). Then, when all your palms are dry, you can draw a bright heart in the center of each - a contrasting yellow color. And make a vase for a heart bouquet from a sheet of paper, which we first paint into stripes with a brush, then dry and cut out the silhouette of a vase from this striped sheet.

The second option looks beautiful on a dark background– not necessarily black, dark purple or thick blue will do. Here we pre-paint 2 sheets of paper using various blot techniques. We spray the first sheet with paint using a toothbrush (small droplets and large drops are obtained). We cover the second sheet with a thick red mixture (2 teaspoons of PVA and half a teaspoon of red gouache), and then scratch this liquid mixture with a sharp toothpick onto the white stripes to create striped spaces in the color layer. We dry our blank sheets. And then we cut out hearts and frames for hearts. We fold these blotted hearts into a bouquet and glue it onto the background cardboard.

You can also make not a bouquet of hearts, but a whole tree of love. You can make a branched tree in the form of a paper applique and hang hearts of varying degrees of maturity and redness on the branches. Or you can densely fill the entire crown of the tree with paper hearts.

Crafts – PALM

For Valentine's Day.

You can also make soulful crafts in the form of paper palms. Loving hand – hugging, caring, gentle. The language of hands is like the language of love. Our crafts can also speak the language of care and tenderness. Place the hearts into open paper palms. And we will write warm words on them.

In the senior group of kindergarten or during school classes, you can make a paper craft like this from palms (photo below).

  1. We bend a sheet of paper in half and place our palm so that the thumb and index finger (spread) touch the edge of the fold of the paper.
  2. We trace the contours of the palm, and without opening the folded sheet, we cut out this double layer along the drawn outline. When we open the folds, we get 2 mirror-imaged palms, and between them there is a heart-shaped hole.
  3. We glue this white silhouette of palms onto a large heart made of red cardboard. Decorate with inscriptions, hearts, flowers.
  4. If desired, this craft can be placed on an ice cream stick decorated with a bow made of ribbon or paper.

You can cut the clamshell palm differently. Fold a sheet of paper in half. Place your hand on it so that the WRIST OF THE HAND lies on the fold line of our bent sheet. Trace along the contour, cut out two layers of folded sheet together along the drawn line - and we will get a palm that opens as in the photo below. Place a heart on a paper spring inside your lower palm. We all know how to make springs from two long strips of paper - throwing them over each other cross to cross.

Can I have your palm with a heart in the center? hide behind the folds of a green folded envelope, decorated with a large red heart (as done in the photo below in the left craft).

You can bend two middle fingers on a cut-out palm, forming a symbol of peace and friendship and place this palm in the center of a cardboard heart, and in turn attach it to a postcard with an inscription. Also a simple craft for the junior and middle groups of kindergarten.

Agree, very beautiful Valentine crafts and completely simple, doable for children of any age. And an adult will always help in difficult moments of cutting or bending.

Valentine's Day Crafts

HEARTS in a fold.

If the heart is folded in half, we get an oval pointed PETALE.

From such heart petals you can make a FLOWER.

And even such petal flowers can be folded into a HEART.

Place beads in the center of the flowers. Or the central centers of the flowers can be replaced with crumpled paper balls, buttons, rhinestones, or just cardboard circles.

You can make a lush flower out of hearts - decorate a postcard or gift bag with it. Just cut regular hearts, fold them in half and place them lushly next to each other - with sharp tips towards the center. Glue it so that one half overlaps the other, and the upper sides of each heart puff up upwards.

You can make a heart using the paddle technique .

Cut out hearts of the same size (7 pieces or more). We bend everything in half.

And then we take 2 hearts and glue them together with the SIDE WINGS. That is, we smear the side of two hearts with glue and connect them.

Then we smear the side of the third heart and connect it to the side of our glued pair. Then we do the same with the fourth heart, fifth, sixth, seventh. We get a lush volumetric heart made of paper - foldable - into blades, as in the photo below.

You can make such gluing from a smaller number of hearts - for example, from three - as shown in the craft below. The triple-blade heart is shaped like a balloon. A beautiful and simple paper craft for kids for Valentine's Day.

And here is a three-dimensional heart glued together from four paper hearts. Also in this paddle side gluing technique. That is, the number of blades does not matter. It will still be beautiful.

And such lobed hearts can be made in the form of flowers on a stick - like tulips. Using thin wooden skewers. They can be collected into a bouquet or stuck in a flower pot. A beautiful gift for mom on Valentine's Day. And quite simple.

Such heart flowers look especially elegant if they are cut out of GIFT WRAPPING paper with a pattern (and by the way, not expensive - a roll of gift paper costs $1, and you can cut out a large bunch of hearts from a whole roll).

Heart crafts

For Valentine's Day


And here is another craft in the form of voluminous paper hearts. These hearts are very easy to make. All you need to do is cut out an OVAL from the paper, and then fold it into an accordion (like we usually fold a sheet of paper to get a fan). When the accordion is ready, bend it in half and you will get a heart like this. The master class in the photo below shows all these simple steps for making a voluminous paper heart with your own hands.

Paper packaging

Heart shaped

For Valentine's Day.

On Valentine's Day, we give each other warm words (in valentine notes), small souvenirs or small gifts. Let's see what kind of packaging crafts you can make to put a valentine inside and close it.

The simplest thing is an envelope from the heart. Cut out a large symmetrical heart from thick paper.

Then we bend the sides of the heart in half - so that one third of the heart remains in the middle and is not covered by these sides. That is, we make sure that the width of the central unclosed part is equal to the width of one folded half.

Next, we lift and bend the rounded edge of the heart upward - and essentially the envelope is ready. The pointed tip of the heart will be the top cover of the heart-shaped envelope. Simple packaging for Valentine's Day cards.

You can make a heart-shaped basket package and put candy in it for mom. Or a diamond ring for your beloved wife. It depends on who has what task.

This craft is very easy. Cut out two circles from paper. Fold these circles in half. Now we place the semicircles on top of each other with their lower ends - cross on cross. We insert them into each other, gluing the solder onto the glue.

Here's another flat pack craft for Valentine's Day. When you open this flat package, it turns into a voluminous box with sides.

The sides of this box are decorated with a heart. That is, 2 side sides have an extension - a heart-shaped process. And on this process we glue the halves of hearts from paper of a different color.

I liked this craft so much... That I decided to tinker for 2 extra hours to draw it step by step THE LOGIC OF CREATING such a box.

I won’t just give you a ready-made template drawing, but I’ll show you the logic... so that later in the future you CAN ALWAYS CREATE ANY BOX WITH ANY SILHOUETTE ON TOP (not only with a heart, but with anything - a Christmas tree, a snowman, a flower, etc.). Want to get smarter? Then let's understand the simplicity of this idea.

Now I will explain how to properly plan a postcard box so that it covers its sides without a gap in the middle (so that the halves of the heart fit together).

This is what the classic box layout looks like (pictured below).

We draw a square sheet of paper on the sides - that is, we draw stripes along the edges of the square - stepping back from the edge to the width we need. The width of the side should be equal to HALF the WIDTH of the BOTTOM of the future box. This is important, because when folding (when we fold the box, flattening it) our sides meet exactly in the middle, and close the gap between the halves of the heart.

That is, if we have a square sheet of 12 by 12 cm, then the width of the side should be a quarter of this size - that is, 3 cm.

Looking ahead, I’ll explain about the red and white sections of the lines in the drawing.

When we draw the lines of the sides with a pencil, we will need to cut them - here in the diagram, red lines indicate the places of cuts with scissors. And the white lines are the places of the folds. First we cut it, then we bend it and all that remains is to assemble the box.

In the figure below you can see how the notched part of the board GOES ONTO THE NEIGHBORING BOARD and is glued to it. And we get raised and fixed sides.

This is how it is done elementary box.

But we need more than just a box- and a box with HEART LEAFS. This means that we need the LEFT and RIGHT sides to have continuation-extension in the form of a HEART. And so we are changing the classic box diagram - adding zones for gluing hearts to our drawing.

Please note that the added zones must match the width of the side.

And now on these additional zones we draw the outlines of our HEART HALVES.

And in the end, our paper craft layout - with cut lines (red) and fold lines (white) will look like this. And you already know how to calculate and make a drawing yourself. Any sizes - to suit your needs. The main thing is that the width of the side should be twice as narrow as the central part.

I’ll tell you a secret - that using the same principle you can make not only BOXES WITH A HEART... if you draw halves of a CHRISTMAS TREE on the SIDE BOARD - you will get a New Year’s box, in the center of which there will be a CHRISTMAS TREE. In the same way, any silhouette can be depicted on these additional BOARD LEAVES and each time you will receive a new and different craft (with a flower, with an apple, a snowflake, etc.)

Crafts hearts

AT THE WINDOW on Valentine's Day.

If you cut a flat frame in the shape of a heart from cardboard, empty in the middle. And give the children a lot of squares of transparent paper, or just cut up a colored napkin. Then the joyful work will begin.

We place the frame on a regular office file (to prevent the craft from sticking to the table, the file is required). Now we fill the spaces inside the frame with glue (spread it directly onto the file) and place many, many pieces of napkins directly on it. We lay the adhesive carpet.

You can start working gradually, first coat the sides of the cardboard frame and stick pieces of paper on the sides so that they peek out, and then glue new pieces of paper along the edges of the pieces of paper and new pieces of paper along the edges of these again - gradually moving from the edges to the center, increasing the rows of pieces of paper. Do whatever is more convenient for you.

When the entire frame is filled with a colored carpet of pieces of paper, leave the craft to dry (directly on the file). After drying, carefully separate the file from the adhesive carpet and hang the finished work on the window.

And here is another option for heart pendants on a FRAME BASE. Here, too, a hollow frame in the shape of a heart is cut out of cardboard. Pink paper of all shades (from light to dark) is cut into strips. Each strip is twisted around a toothpick, then the twists are allowed to unwind slightly, unwind, and the tip of the paper strip is glued to the side of the twist - to fix the relaxed twist and prevent it from unwinding further.

We fill the heart with such twists, gluing the twisted modules together with barrels and backs.

You can also hang garlands of hearts on the window. They can be made using the paddle technique discussed above. Or from strips of paper and a stapler (as in the right photo).

The master class below shows how the strips are fastened with a stapler, then folded downwards, and fastened again. A very quick and simple garland is made from hearts.

Crafts for Valentine's Day

From paper strips.

But below we see that from paper strips bent in the shape of a heart you can make not only garlands for windows. Here's an example of a candlestick craft. It's done very quickly and beautifully. You can put a circle of cardboard underneath, glue a candle-tablet onto it and insert a frame of paper hearts.

Hearts can be glued together to form an elegant wreath to decorate your interior. Also fast and beautiful.

And if you cut the paper NOT into STRAIGHT strips, but into a long SPIRAL STRIP, you can make even new interesting works for Valentine’s Day.

The master class below shows how spiral-cut paper is rolled into a paper rose. And then from such roses you can fold a voluminous, lush paper heart. Use it to decorate a window or wall.

We have a large article on our website that talks about other ways to make paper roses with your own hands. If you don't like this rose option, try other methods.

These roses can be used to decorate postcards, gift wrapping, or make a picture-panel as in the photo below. The work is very beautiful and surprisingly delicate.

And here is another find for a clamshell craft, the reading of which is done using a similar spiral technique.

Here we also draw a SPIRAL on a sheet of paper - but we give each turn of this spiral the outline of a HEART. And we get a heart spring spiral. If one end of the spiral is glued onto one leaf of a card, and the second end of the spiral onto the other leaf of the card, then we will get a three-dimensional Valentine’s card with a surprise inside,

Crafts Hearts


For Valentine's Day.

Quilling (paper rolling technique) is perhaps the most beautiful type of paper art. The tenderness, airiness, transparency of paper lace, graceful lines and gentle shadows make such crafts small masterpieces of love.

In the master class below we see how a piece of work is created step by step with a heart-shaped frame bordered by delicate curls and arches made from strips of paper.

The most difficult thing is to fix the CENTRAL FRAME-HEART. The central frame is made from more than one strip. It is made of strips glued together (that is, it was deliberately thickened by gluing the strips together to make the frame thicker).

To ensure that the frame lay in the required gluing areas, it was fixed and picked up with pins while the glue dried.

Each quilling craft for Valentine's Day is painstaking work of more than one hour.

YOU can make such a craft together with your child - the two of you, taking on the difficult and painstaking moments of creating the FRAME. And providing the child with interesting and feasible tasks of twisting modules and laying them within a given frame.

In a lesson at school or at a class in child development centers, you can make simple quilling crafts, for example in the form of a bouquet of hearts with green twisted leaves.

Heart crafts


For Valentine's Day.

Well, now let's have some fun, imagine and see how many things around can become a source for a heart-shaped craft.

You've been meaning to throw away the puzzles from the old game for a long time, don't rush, paint them with red gouache and assemble a heart craft. Children will be delighted with such an interesting task.

The same heart mosaic can be made from various red buttons, sparkles, rhinestones and sequins. Buy the necessary things at the store and treat yourself to playing with a glue gun and scattering your treasures.

You can embroider a Valentine craft with threads on cardboard. Draw a heart with a pencil on cardboard. Make punctures along the drawn line with an awl or a needle, and make one puncture, the largest one, in the center. And then start embroidering with a thick thread - the needle either enters one of the holes on the outline of the heart, then again dives into the central hole. We get embroidery in the form of rays emanating from the center of the heart.

You don’t have to make a central hole - and then the embroidery will resemble a chaotic cobweb - also a fun and exciting Valentine’s Day craft for children.

You can also stuff nails into a small board and weave a thread web by throwing the thread over the legs of the nails. Painstaking and beautiful work.

These are the creative ideas for fun crafts for Valentine’s Day that I have collected for you today in this article. Let you not be bored, let your hands create love. And your hearts breathe warmth and tenderness.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

All children love holidays. Therefore, they take quite an active part in preparing for these holidays. Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14, is no exception. The children are actively preparing for this holiday. In this article we will talk about what a valentine should look like, which will be made with your own hands from paper. These products will be very easy to make with children. Consider the ideas in this post.

Paper Valentines with children

Paper heart.

Despite the fact that children are small, they love to watch adults. Surely, every child knows that the main symbol of Valentine's Day is the heart. Therefore, the simplest version of a Valentine craft is a heart.

Of course, such a heart should be cut out of red cardboard or paper. You can decorate it using a variety of methods. In this case, you can use: beads, beads, flowers, buttons and ribbons.

The child can decorate his heart to his liking. Give him the opportunity to dream up a little. Use brushes and glue.

Cloud heart.

Making valentines with children is quite pleasant and simple. Offer the following craft to a child who attends an older group. To make a heart like this, you need to make a template out of cardboard. And in the work itself you may need:

  • cardboard,
  • glue and scissors,
  • sushi stick and cotton pads.


  1. So, first of all, you should cut out a heart from cardboard.
  2. Attach sushi sticks to the heart using tape.
  3. Glue is applied to the template and cotton pads are attached to it.
  4. Turn the heart over and cover it with cotton pads on the reverse side.
  5. When the glue dries, attach a mini felt heart to it.
  6. Use a bow to decorate the stick.

Corrugated hearts.

To create your next Valentine's card, use:

  • red sheet of paper,
  • scissors,
  • pencil and tape.


  1. Fold a sheet of red paper in half. Draw half a heart on it and cut it out.
  2. After which the sheet is unfolded and an accordion is made from it.
  3. Next, bend the accordion in one direction and use tape to connect the edges.
  4. Now the accordion should be bent in the other direction. Connect it with tape.

Volumetric valentine.

It is worth noting that valentines made by children look very cute and beautiful. Valentine's card, which we suggest you further make more difficult. This craft can be made by a child attending 4th grade. To make such a Valentine you need to prepare:

  • a couple of sheets of cardboard and colored paper,
  • tape and glue,
  • scissors.


The card is ready, now it needs to be decorated. For this occasion, cut out many multi-colored hearts from colored paper of different colors. Form them into flowers. And stick them on your Valentine's card.

Funny valentine.

If your child makes valentines, then offer him the option of creating a funny card. You will need:

  • white sheet of paper,
  • sheet of velvet paper.


  1. You should cut out hearts from a white sheet and a sheet of velvet paper.
  2. A heart made of velvet paper is glued onto the white heart.
  3. Now cut out 2 more hearts from paper. But they should be smaller in size.
  4. For the nose, you can also cut out a mini heart from yellow paper. The Valentine's paws will also be made of yellow paper. They should be in the shape of a heart.

Touching Valentine's card.

Every child can make a touching Valentine's card as a gift for their loved one. Prepare for this craft:

  • sheet of pink paper,
  • gouache red and white,
  • curly scissors,
  • red satin ribbon.


  1. Apply paint to the child's palm using a brush.
  2. Make prints with your child's hand on a pink piece of paper. (Pay attention to the photo, the prints should be in the shape of a heart).
  3. When the paint is dry, cut out a heart with scissors. Make a hole in it to insert the ribbon there.
  4. Choose a beautiful ribbon and insert it into the hole. The result will be a beautiful Valentine pendant.

Valentine mice.

Now we will show you that valentines that you can make with your own hands from paper for children can be unusual.

The following Valentine mice are very easy to make. Cut out several blanks from red cardboard. From one big heart it is worth making the body of a mouse. Glue mini hearts to this body, which will be the ears of the mice. Draw the eyes and outline the nose. Glue the finished craft onto a heart-shaped stand. Don't forget to also make a tail for your craft.


Making paper Valentines is incredibly easy and also very nice. Such an activity can only give you positive emotions and pleasant impressions.

However, in the modern world there is a clear tendency to give valentines to mothers, fathers, grandparents, girlfriends and friends. And that's not bad! You need to talk about your feelings to everyone you love!) That is why “Cross” has collected in its new article ideas and master classes on creating beautiful, original, funny, and most importantly - simple valentines that even children can make!

Valentines cards made by children

Tools, postcard templates

Valentine card templates for kids should be as simple as possible. In addition, children should be interested in making paper valentines with their own hands, which means parents need to prepare materials that will “catch” the child’s attention:

  • colored paper (or scrapbooking paper)
  • paints (acrylic or finger paint) or gouache
  • glue stick
  • bright buttons (eyes with moving pupils)
  • felt-tip pens
  • cardboard or ready-made postcard blanks

A few words about what postcards can be like. Looking at the templates below, you see that a sheet of cardboard or can be folded in different ways and depending on this, the card will turn out to be 4, 6, 8 or even 12 pages!

Valentines from children 0-1 years old

Even the little ones can literally leave their mark, and mom will add and draw the rest! Dad, as well as grandparents, will be touched by such beauty)

But you can make such an original Valentine card by tracing the baby’s palms! Write on the front side of your palms "I love you!" And between the two cut out palms, glue a long accordion made of paper with the inscription “Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooexcited!!!

Valentines for children 2-4 years old

Older kids can make Valentine's cards using any of these simple templates, but parents will still need to be there to help a little, such as cutting out small rectangles of paper and folding them in half, thus preparing the basis for future cards.

Take one such blank postcard and place a paper heart template on the front side. Now just give your child a pencil that has an eraser on the back. Have him dip his eraser in paint or gouache and stamp circles around the heart template! Thus, the outline of a heart will be drawn on the card, inside which you can write the cherished words "I love you!"

And here is an example of a postcard, completely painted over with bright colors - this is space for a child’s creativity! After the paint has dried, glue a white heart cut out of paper together with the baby and sign the valentines.

Idea from the site

Or maybe your child prefers to glue colorful strips of paper? Then take note of this idea: fold the rectangular sheet of paper in half again, and cut out a large heart on the front side. Trace the outline of the heart with a pencil, open the card and show your child where to glue the strips of paper. The last step is to glue the 2 pieces of the card together to hide the messy ends of the strips.

Original valentines made by girls

Girls can spend more time creating a valentine, because it is done! Therefore, there will be more complicated options here (although no one forbids it before))

So, the task is as follows: a valentine (be it a painting, a postcard or something else) should not be cute, but stylish, so that the guy wants to keep it.

And it’s even better if the valentine becomes a decoration of his interior. Do you think your loved one will appreciate such a picture?)

In a physical map (a page from an atlas), cut out a heart, and glue a shelf of paper with the treasured inscription on top. Frame it.

It is very symbolic to cut out those places on the map where you have already been or would like to visit together! Another idea using a card as the basis for a valentine card:

Idea from the site

Continuing the theme of interior paintings, we offer you the following options:

Don’t want to give a painting, but like the idea of ​​using photos of you and him? I think a set of 4 dice with the letters L O V E, as well as your photos, is an interesting idea!

By the way, wooden cubes are sold in craft stores. If you are not sure that you can decorate the cubes yourself, then order the work from a professional.

And you can make an “accordion” yourself with your funny, passionate, touching, romantic, stylish, incredibly beautiful and so different photographs!

Buy or first to know for sure the size of the printed photos!

And, of course, you can “stroking your boyfriend’s vanity” by giving him a card with the inscription “You are the king of my heart!”

If you are planning to spend time together, then here is a great idea for you to have fun. Buy the well-known game “Jenga”, write something romantic on each wooden block or... come up with some tasks. Take turns getting the blocks from the tower and complete the tasks. The outcome of the entire game depends on how creatively you come up with tasks and inscriptions!)

Valentines cards for husband or wife

Couples who have been together for a long time often give more serious gifts than just paper valentines. But nevertheless, in addition to the main gift, it is always nice to receive a postcard with a declaration of love!

What about puzzles? After all, if you are together, then your puzzle has been formed long ago and correctly! He won’t recommend bad things to Krestik! :)

Crafts for Valentine's Day in elementary school

DIY paper valentine card.
Master class with step-by-step photos

Natalya Viktorovna Suslova, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This master class is intended for children from 8 years old, primary school teachers, and parents.
Purpose: crafts for Valentine's Day, gift, work for an exhibition, decoration.
Target: creating a postcard using the kirigami technique.
develop practical skills in working with paper;
consolidate skills in handling tools - scissors, paper:
develop artistic taste, creativity, fantasy, imagination;
develop fine motor skills of the hands, eye, spatial imagination;
to form a work culture: teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order;
cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, a sense of satisfaction from the habit of finishing things;
instill an interest in art, arts and crafts.

Valentine's Day ( Valentine's Day) has long turned into a full-fledged holiday for most Russians. According to statistics, almost 80% of boys and girls under the age of 25 celebrate this fashionable holiday. (Only those unfortunate people who don’t currently have a partner defiantly ignore it).
All over the world February 14th is celebrated as Day of Love: boys and girls, men and women, friends and acquaintances exchange valentines - greeting cards in the shape of hearts. Why not? After all, this is a great reason to wish your friends love and happiness!

Dear colleagues, today I would like to present you a master class on making valentine greeting cards using the kirigami technique.

Material: colored cardboard, carbon paper, scissors, shaped scissors, ruler, pencil, stationery knife, shaped hole punches.

Step-by-step description of the work:
Option 1. To make a Valentine's card, we need stencils.

Stencils can be printed on colored cardboard. The size can be changed as desired.

You can transfer stencils through carbon paper.

Carefully cut out the workpieces using scissors or a stationery knife, observing
Rules for handling cutting tools:
1. Check the tool before work. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened tools.
2. Do not hold scissors with the ends up, do not carry them in your pocket.
3. Do not use scissors with loose hinges.
4. Do not cut with scissors on the go, do not approach your friends while working, do not leave the scissors with the blades open.
5. Pass tools only in closed form, scissors - in rings towards a friend.
6. Place tools on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.
7. Monitor the movement and position of the tool blades during operation.
8. Use cutting tools only for their intended purpose.

Two blanks.

On each workpiece, cut out the selected internal parts with a stationery knife.

The central lines of the blanks must be pressed using scissors and a ruler (punched).

Fold the parts in half.

Make cuts along the center line at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge (for the blue workpiece at the top, and for the red one at the bottom) for the slot joint.

Open the blanks. Close the gap connection on one side first.

Then on the other. The heart is collected! Valentine's card is ready!

You can trim the edges of the card with curly scissors.

Option 2. I offer a simpler version of a Valentine's card.
For production we will use a stencil.

The stencil can be printed on colored cardboard or transferred through carbon paper 2 times. (The size can be changed as desired). Carefully cut out two pieces using scissors.

The central lines of the blanks must be pressed using scissors and a ruler (punched). Fold the parts in half. Make cuts to the middle of the small heart (top of one piece, bottom of the other) for a gap connection.

Close the gap connection on one side first.

Then on the other. Valentine's card has been collected!

Decorate the cards with small snowflakes, hearts, and flowers made using shaped hole punches.

Decoration of 1 version of postcards.

Decoration 2 options for Valentine's card.