Paper crafts origami box with a surprise. Origami paper box with a lid and a surprise. One of the easiest options

A paper box is a very valuable item because it can be used as a place to put a gift. And to give a person a gift not openly, but in a gift box, that is, in a box. It’s even more interesting, since any secret intrigues and arouses interest. Or you can store some of your things in it, for example, shoes. Almost everyone can create a paper box. There is nothing complicated in its creation.

How to make a paper box (1 way)

You will need: paper, jewelry, scissors.

1. First we make a lid from the box. To do this, we take paper measuring 21.5 cm by 21.5 cm and draw it diagonally. Lines connect opposite corners.

2. We bend one of the corners so that it looks to the center (to the place where our diagonal lines intersect). After that, we bend it again so that the edge of this fold is flush with the strip drawn in the center. Then we dissolve the figure and see that folds have formed, which we will need later.

3. The same thing that we did in paragraph two, we do with all other corners.

4. We make cuts on both sides as shown in the picture.

5. And we proceed to fold our craft in stages.

6. After creating the lid from the box, we proceed to create a bottom for it. To do this, we take a piece of paper with dimensions slightly less than 21.2 cm by 21.2 cm. The bottom is made in the same way as the lid. When creating it, one-color paper is taken, unlike the cover, when it is best to use something colorful, containing several colors, perhaps even some kind of picture.

So you made a paper box using our simple instructions. You can take other sizes for the box, but do not forget to make the bottom of the box 3 mm smaller than its lid.

How to make a paper box (2 way)

It will take a little patience and time, as well as thick paper of any color (can be used with patterns, or plain).

1. Since we make the box in a square shape, then the sheet of paper, before starting to create crafts, also needs to be shaped into a square.

2. It is necessary to bend the paper square in half across and carefully smooth the fold line so that it is clearly visible. Expand the square and repeat the same, this time bending the sheet vertically. Unfold the workpiece. You should have a square with two intersecting lines.

3. Bend the square diagonally in half. Then straighten it and repeat the same for the other diagonal.

4. Bend each of the 4 corners of the square towards its center to form a diamond.

5. Bend back the two opposite corners of the rhombus so that the figure looks like something like a “candy”.

6. We bend vertically the side parts of the "candy" (that is, those that do not have sharp peaks) to form a right angle. We bend vertically in the same way as its sharp edges.

7. We bend both tops of the “candy” inside the box (first one, and then the second).

8. So you made a box. True, without a lid. The lid will also have to be done in the same way, but to create it, you need to take a square of paper a couple of millimeters larger so that it can close the box. To decorate the box in the future, you can use paints, ribbons, pieces of fabric or sparkles. Here you can show your imagination to the fullest.

How to make a paper box (3 way)

Such a box looks quite stylish and can become a real decoration for your room. To create it, it is preferable to use either colored or textured paper.

1. Fold a square sheet of paper in half.

2. Fold the resulting triangle in half again.

3. Expand the edge as shown in the figure below.

4. We do the same on the other side. The result is a double square.

5. We bend the corners in the same way as it is done in the figure below. We do the same on the reverse side.

6. At this stage, you should have such a figure (see picture).

7. Unbend the bent corner along the marked lines.

8. We do the same on the other side.

9. Turn the figure over.

10. We bend the edges in the same way as shown in the picture.

11. When you do these actions from all sides, then you should get a figure, as in the picture below.

12. We bend the corners.

13. You should get a similar figure. A little more and the craft will be completely done.

14. We turn the figure and proceed to unbend it, creating volume.

15. Very simply, the box unbends and becomes a stylish model, which is called the origami star box.

By the way, if you round the corners with a pencil or make a double fold at the corners, you can get a wonderful box, for example, like this picture below.

Watch also the video on how to make a paper box!

Now you know how simple and easy it is to create a paper box! Happy crafting!

What is a holiday? - ask you once. And you immediately answer with a smile: - This is when everyone is happy, they say good wishes, they give gifts ... And in response to you: - So, if you give someone a gift today and wish something wonderful, then there will be a holiday? And it's true ... And you can even give a handful of sweets. The main thing is how to do it. Perhaps we should start with unusual packaging. A do-it-yourself paper box is a great idea for an original gift or surprise. Even a purely symbolic gift will be worthy of admiration if you present it in its own packaging.

Materials and tools

So, what may be needed in the manufacture of all kinds of boxes.

  • Paper. It is best to take scrapbooking paper - it is good because it can be double-sided, and with a different pattern on each side. Also suitable is thick design paper, colored pastel paper, cardboard (200-300 g / m2), a simple sheet of whatman paper or watercolor paper that you can color or tint with your own hands. You can also use "yellow" note paper (or an envelope from it), wrapping paper ... and any other that you can use for decoration.
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Napkins (preferably thicker)
  • Ribbons, ribbons, laces
  • Beads, buttons
  • Ready labels
  • Scissors, stationery knife
  • Double sided tape, glue stick
  • Superglue or glue "Moment" universal (transparent gel) for fixing beads and other things
  • Ruler, pencil
  • Compass
  • Hole puncher
  • Nail file (for creasing)

Useful advice. Before taking directly on the paper from which your box will be, try to assemble it from plain paper. You will understand where to cut, how it is more convenient to make folds, how to assemble the box. Plus, you can estimate what size box you need. Often, after all, the first pancake is lumpy - so let this lump be made of simple cheap paper. Decor. As for the elements for decoration, here you can not limit yourself: make flowers from fabric and paper, combine ribbons and raffia, lace, whatever you think of. The main rule is not to overdo it. And now for the boxes themselves. There are a lot of options, models and schemes for their manufacture. We offer you the most popular ones - from classic round and square boxes at the base to unusual bonbonnieres. But first things first.

square box

You can give anything in it. From sweets and cookies to handmade soaps and jewelry. Naturally, for each gift there should be an appropriate decor of the box. In this case, the packaging is stylized as a postal parcel. This gives it a special romance, because the services of traditional mail for sending letters and gifts are used less and less today. If you use colored paper with a pattern, the box will have a completely different mood. Choose yours!

We redraw the scheme of the box on paper. We think over the right size in advance. Cut out.

Carefully bend the workpiece along the dotted lines that are drawn in the diagram. If the paper is thick enough to make it easier to fold, you can creas it first. To do this, attach a ruler to the fold lines and draw along them with a nail file (with the tip of a compass, the tip of scissors). You should get a groove - a recess along the line. Now all the folds will be clear.

Glue the strips of double-sided tape as shown in the figure. Instead of adhesive tape, you can use a glue stick, but adhesive tape is still more reliable and more convenient.

We decorate the walls of the box from the outside, while it itself is still dismantled. And then we glue it. It remains to invest a gift and bandage the package!

Round base

The box of this model is more suitable for gifts for women. Although everything again depends on the gift and decor. In it you can present both beads and a tie (if you twist it with a snail), as well as an aromatic candle, a New Year's ball or even a cupcake! Such a do-it-yourself paper box can later serve as an excellent box for small things (buttons, beads, etc.).

So let's get started.

Select the desired radius of the circle at the base. We draw with the help of a compass 4 such circles on thick paper and 2 on corrugated cardboard. We measure 3 strips on paper. Their length will be equal to the circumference of our circles (yes, you have to remember your favorite formula 2πR). The widest strip will be the height of the box, another one will be 1 cm narrower, and the third strip will be the narrowest - for the height of the future lid. It is difficult - just while you are reading this, you should start doing it - and everything becomes simple and understandable!

We glue the circles of corrugated cardboard with paper. We got the bottom and base of the lid.

We glue the first and second strips, as shown in the figure (vertical shift is approximately the thickness of the bottom of the box, horizontal shift is 1 cm). The front side of the paper should be facing out. We decorate the future wall of the box.

We glue the bottom of the box in a circle with a double strip of paper. Then we glue the base of the lid in a circle with the remaining narrowest strip. The box is ready! We place a gift inside and close the decorated lid. Separately, you can not decorate the lid, but tie the entire box with a ribbon. For example, like this:

Graceful boxes and not a drop of glue!

Is it possible to make a paper box with your own hands quickly and without any glue? Voila! There are more examples of such packages than you can imagine. Everything is made from one sheet of paper. The main thing is to carefully cut the workpiece and bend it correctly. At first glance, the schemes for some boxes are tricky, but in fact everything is much simpler. Each next box will be easier to collect. We advise you to practice on plain paper first! When working with thick paper, creasing will again help you a lot. Let's try!

1. Strict box - male version.

Although if you make it larger, made of paper with a delicate print and decorate with a flower, it will be just right for giving lingerie.

Ideal for sweets and anything lush and airy. In order to thread a ribbon or lace, make holes in the workpiece in advance with a hole punch.

Suitable, for example, for loose aromatic tea. Or for some bottles, candlesticks.

It looks very concise, perfect for a men's gift.

And with a brighter decor - it will be a good option for a gift to a woman.

Lovely bonbonnieres

Bonbonnieres are a special kind of boxes. Bonbon in French - candy, and the name of the boxes comes from the word "candy box". It is bonbonnieres with sweets or sweet dragees that the newlyweds give to the guests at the wedding - in response to congratulations. Ordering a bonbonniere for each guest is not a cheap pleasure. But it will not be difficult for the bride and her bridesmaids to make bonbonnieres in the style and tone of the wedding.

1. One of the easiest options

2. Elegant.

Reminiscent of a box or a small chest. Quite a bit more difficult than the first. We make slots in them with a clerical knife, holes, if we want to pull in a ribbon or lace, with a hole punch.

3. Unusual and delicious.

As a rule, bonbonnieres are located on a special separate table and often on a dish or tray. You can play beautifully with this situation and make bonbonnieres in the form of cake slices. And you need to place them together, as if it were a paper cake.

To begin with, we draw a large circle (the plane of the cake) and divide it into sectors in order to know the parameters of our pieces. Then, according to the dimensions, we draw a diagram of the scan of the piece. We make the required number of scans, cut them out and glue them together. You can decorate before gluing, or after - it all depends on the idea of ​​​​your decor.

There is a lot of potential in creativity. In addition to the beautiful appearance of products, satisfaction and pride in the work done, such crafts can be useful. For example, an origami paper box. It can have a peculiar shape: with or without a lid.

You can make a do-it-yourself origami paper box using both a simple and a more complex pattern, which is suitable for those who have skills in this technique. The main advantage of Japanese art is that in most cases, auxiliary elements in the form of scissors, glue and other attributes are not required for work.

Paper can be thick or not very thick, have a square or rectangular shape. If the product is supposed to be large, then it is better to take A1, A2 or A3 paper. If the sheet is thin, then it can be folded in half.

  1. Fold the paper base three times to make an accordion.
  2. Then fold the sides to the middle and bend in the opposite direction in half.
  3. Bend the corners so that on one side one corner turns out to be double, and on the other - single. The result should be 8 corners - the same number on both sides.
  4. Straighten the resulting structure at an equidistant distance from the center.
  5. It turns out a pocket, which needs to be shaped like a box. The last step is to stiffen the structure by bending the corners of the product.

Practical designs

At their core, all these boxes are functional, but they make more sense if they have a lid. On the Internet, there are a lot of origami paper boxes with lids. In addition, it can be done in several ways.

Simple and step by step

The size of the paper may be different, but the prerequisite is that the shape must be square, and the bottom of the future product will be 3 millimeters smaller than its cover.

  1. First you need to make a cover. The sheet is drawn diagonally, connecting the ends.
  2. Then bend one of the corners towards the center so that its end is in contact with the point of intersection of the diagonal lines. Next, fold the folded end in half again so that its fold line coincides with the diagonal line. Expand corner. You will get fold lines, which will come in handy later.
  3. Do the same for the other three remaining corners.
  4. On both sides of the corner, make two cuts to the middle of the sheet. Then assemble the structure according to the specified scheme.
  5. The base of the future structure is assembled in the same way as the cover. In this case, the size of the sides of the base should be 3 millimeters smaller than the top.

This was one of the easiest ways to make origami paper boxes, and by choosing the right colors, you can use it as a gift.

The perfect gift

Before Valentine's Day, many are wondering how to make origami gift boxes out of paper. The ideal packaging option is the shape in the shape of a heart.

For her you will need:

  • thick multi-colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • a compass for drawing an even circle;
  • pencil.

Having the scheme that is needed in this case, making a paper heart is very simple. As in previous cases, one should not forget that the upper part of the product should be 3 millimeters larger than the base.

surprise design

Origami paper box with a surprise is very popular. This design shows that paper products can serve not only as a great decorative element, but also act as a toy for a child.

The whole highlight of this craft is changing faces. A cube with a funny face drawn is hidden in another box, with a diameter slightly larger than the cube itself, made from one sheet.

Opening the box, a funny face can be changed to a gloomy face. By the way, you can draw the eyes yourself by downloading ready-made templates from the Internet. Not only a child, but also an adult can play such cubes.

In Japanese art, there are not only boxes, flowers and other items. Even a doll can be folded from several multi-colored sheets.

Japanese art

Another type of paper origami box is sanboy. Initially, the Japanese made it as a container for sweets. Nowadays, many craftsmen store various trifles in it.

  1. First you need to create a base - "pancake". A square sheet is taken and folded diagonally. Then you need to fold all the corners to the center and unfold.
  2. Collect the slide and fold the resulting figure again with a “mountain” in the form of a triangle.
  3. Then bend the right side and turn over.
  4. Next, a “valley” fold is made, when the fold is obtained from a person, that is, away. Then the mountain fold. In this case, the fold will act like the top of a mountain.
  5. It is necessary in this position to straighten the craft and bend the right side to the left.
  6. Open the top layer of the future packaging, and the “mountain” fold will help in this.
  7. Repeat the above steps, but on the other side. Only in this case the left side is folded to the right.
  8. Fold all sides along the center line, and repeat on the other side.
  9. The top layer is bent from the second so that the angle between them is 90 degrees. This part is revealed. The same must be done with the second side.

If you follow the instructions, it may seem that this mission is impossible, so a diagram is attached to any description.

Another original way to make a do-it-yourself paper box using the described technique is dzunako. It's still the same box, but it has a slightly different shape. In the Russian version, the name of this "star".

  • The "double square" or in other words "pancake" is taken as the basis.
  • Fold the figure into a triangle, push the sides apart and bend the edges so that the bottom lines are in the same plane with the table surface.
  • Pull apart the folded edges and make two folds.
  • Then, push the layers apart again and make four folds with a “slide” when the fold is at the top.
  • Next, you need to bend and unbend the bottom base of the box so that you get a flat triangle.
  • Push the layers of paper apart again and fold the top of the triangles down.
  • Repeat this action three times.
  • The last action is to push the layers of paper apart again, make two folds and press on the bottom of the figure.


Even a beginner can master this art form.

Such crafts are made quite easily, because these fascinating manipulations can be carried out with children. Crafts will be useful both in kindergarten and at school. It can be stylish boxes, themed jewelry and much more.

To store various pleasant little things and souvenirs, to pack a small present or craft, you can use an element that is created in a few minutes with your own hands - this is a paper box. It can also be made from thick cardboard to place jewelry or store pencils. Applications are limited only by your own imagination.

But the technology allows you to quickly and easily assemble even a large or small square box on a nightstand, even a box or box as a space organizer in a closet, even a mini version - a box for small things.

A paper box is perfect for storing various pleasant little things and souvenirs.

Origami is an original technique that allows you to create a real masterpiece from an ordinary sheet of white or colored paper that can become a full-fledged interior decoration. It is not difficult to fold a box for storage or packaging with your own hands.

To get started, make sure you have:

  • 2 paper sheets or cardboard (1 should be a little larger, as the lid is made from it);
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

For decoration - a satin ribbon or flowers (they can also be made using the origami technique).

The workflow looks like this:

  1. It is required to draw two lines diagonally (a pencil is used for this purpose, you should not press it hard);
  2. If the sheets are rectangular, then before the main work and drawing lines, a square should be formed from them by cutting off (or carefully tearing off the lower horizontal strip;
  3. The right corner, located below, should be bent to the center of the resulting square;
  4. The lower part will need to be folded in half again (a guideline is that the edge is located strictly along the diagonal line);
  5. Iron the lines along which the fold was made a little with your fingers (with light pressure), and then unfold the entire workpiece;
  6. Repeat the procedure with all other corners (points 3-5);
  7. In the center, make cuts on both sides (with scissors) to the middle of the sheet (along diagonal lines;
  8. The side corners need to be bent to the center of the sheet so that they converge evenly;
  9. After that, you will need to raise the side parts of the future box;
  10. The rest of the walls are formed by folding the edges towards each other to completely enclose the square;
  11. The cut edges are inserted inside the box.

To make the bottom, you should do the same steps, at the end connect the two parts and decorate the finished craft with the chosen option.

Do-it-yourself box with a lid without glue (video)

How to make your own heart shaped paper box

On the holiday of love, you can give an original souvenir - a box made in the shape of a heart.

In order for it to be used as decoration in the room, it is recommended to use cardboard or thick colored paper.

You will also need:

  • Scissors;
  • Stencil;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard or thick colored paper (pink or red);
  • Rectangular bases (paper) along the length of the future box (one should be wider than the other).

The process of creating a paper box in the form of a heart:

  1. Make blanks on stencils (circle them on cardboard and cut them out);
  2. On each side (base), make notches with scissors (along the entire length, slightly stepping back from the beginning and not reaching the end);
  3. The edges of the base and the heart should then be glued, so that the base forms the wall of the box (form a circle so that the box has walls everywhere);
  4. Perform the previous step again (to create a cover).

You can decorate the heart with fabric, ribbons, lace or beads. Such a box will be a pleasant surprise or a sign of attention in relation to a loved one. The variety of decorations for boxes is great - the choice is limited only by fantasy and imagination.

DIY simple rectangular paper box

It is not difficult to create a rectangular box from paper (cardboard). There are various schemes, but each person can come up with their own version.

An easy-to-make craft will require the following tools and accessories:

  • colored paper - 1-2 sheets (30x30 cm);
  • small scissors (you can use manicure);
  • glue (pencil or stationery);
  • simple pencil;
  • schemes, templates for work.

It is easy to create a rectangular box from paper (cardboard)

The order of work on the manufacture of a rectangular box:

  1. It is necessary to attach the selected template to each corner of the paper, circle it;
  2. Cut out the blanks and then fold the sides in half;
  3. Fold each one more time in half;
  4. Then repeat this operation again;
  5. Unbend the workpiece;
  6. Bend inward the part that is on the left side;
  7. Glue the side elements (glue to adjacent parts for strength);
  8. Now you need to do the lid, for this you will need to repeat steps 1-7, but you will need to bend the side elements twice;
  9. The protruding elements of the future box should be cut off;
  10. The inner side elements must be well glued.

After that, you can proceed to the decoration, if the box is required for gift wrapping. The choice of options depends on the event or fantasy.

Paper box with a surprise: ideas for creativity

In order to fold a unique box, you can use not only ready-made templates, but come up with ideas that will turn out to be a real surprise for those who receive such a souvenir.

A homemade paper box should be multi-layered:

  • 1 layer - the actual box of paper or cardboard;
  • 2 layer and all subsequent - decor.

It is also a very good idea to combine several types of paper, playing on the contrast of colors. You can also take as an idea for a surprise box:

  • attaching ribbon or lace bows to the inside of the box;
  • placing them directly on the lid;
  • the use of beads or other jewelry that fits into the chosen theme of the decoration of the craft.

Homemade paper box must be multi-layered

You can decorate the box in a variety of styles:

  • vintage;
  • futuristic;
  • retro;
  • children's;
  • space;
  • holidays;
  • trips.

Auxiliary decorative elements will help enhance the overall positive mood and complete a harmonious and vibrant composition.

When to use the surprise box

You can make a similar craft for a variety of events and holidays.


  • new year (you can stick themed cards inside the craft, write congratulations on the walls or decorate it with Christmas tree decorations);
  • men's holidays (February 23, personal dates - themed decorations, placement of a composition on the theme of the holiday from paper or plastic figures, a musical recording);
  • birthday - (paper or natural flowers, ribbons, decorations made of fabric or lace placed inside, certificates or tickets, gift cards);
  • wedding or engagement - (hearts, photo collages of lovers, styling in the form of wedding rings, plush toys in the size of the box).

Children's options, celebrations and theme parties - here the surprise and decoration is limited only by the imagination of the one who makes the box.

Paper box from A4 sheet: how to do it yourself

In order to create such a craft, you will need:

  • simple (black) pencil;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • paper (colored or white of the required format) - 2 sheets;
  • glue.

You can also use various accessories for decoration, gift wrapping for gluing on the outside or appliqué.

This box is very easy to make.

The actual execution of the work requires the following actions:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper, folding the corner towards the center to form a square;
  2. Cut off the excess part from the sheet;
  3. Fold the sheet in the other direction, then unfold (two diagonal fold lines should be obtained);
  4. Then fold all 4 corners to the center of the sheet;
  5. Alternately fold the long parts of the workpiece to the center;
  6. Expand the workpiece, turn it 90 degrees;
  7. Fold the rest of the sides as well;
  8. Make cuts on the top and bottom on the sides;
  9. Expand the top and bottom to form the walls;
  10. Bend the remaining parts, forming walls on each side of the future box;
  11. Bend the remaining two parts - the base is ready for use.
  12. Make a slightly smaller blank from the second sheet - this will be the lid of the box;
  13. Repeat all steps from 1 to 11 points.

DIY origami box (video)

Paper allows you to create unusual crafts that can become both an independent decoration and packaging for the main gift.

The origami technique is famous for its excellent originality in simple things. What is it? Yes, take even the most ordinary boxes, the manufacture of which will take about 10-15 minutes. Fast, uncomplicated, original, interesting, practical - this is not even half of their merits. But first things first. Who and why can do-it-yourself origami paper box come in handy? Yes, almost everyone, because the functionality of such a seemingly simple thing is not limited to folding any unnecessary rubbish into it. Let's look at the various ways to create and use such a product.

The simplest way

To make such a box, you will need paper, the format of which varies from A4 to A1, a little time and perseverance.

The sheet must be visually divided into 3 even parts and bent, leaving visible folds.

The side parts, right and left, need to be bent in half.

The resulting part is straightened symmetrically about the center.

The resulting pocket straightens out, forming the shape of a cube with an empty space inside.

Folds are made in all corners to give rigidity.

Ready! Now it can be decorated with crafts using applications or painted with paints. Using an A4 sheet, you can easily create a convenient product that will fit keys or other things that are in everyday use. With a sheet of paper, you can easily create a place for permanent storage of such things.

Work according to the scheme of Jeremy Shafer

The right thing is enough, especially for those who are tired of unraveling the headphones every time. Moreover, to create such a cool thing, you only need a sheet of 20 × 20 cm and about half an hour of free time. Detailed instructions are described and shown in the video.

Product with lid

Such a modification of the simplest product was invented by the origami master Tadashi Mori. In fact, a chest, the lid of which is decorated with a cute heart, is perfect for presenting a small present to your soulmate.

The peculiarity of the product is the fact that the size of the finished craft is a quarter of the side of the sheet of paper used. This greatly simplifies any calculations.

If the craftsman has deliberately thought out what item will be stored in the created box, then he can easily determine the desired sheet size. In addition, the creation of such a thing will take no more than 20 minutes of your time.


A rather interesting idea was brought to life by the origami master Hans-Werner Guth, who assembled a box out of paper that looks like a tool box. Of course, the functionality of this product can be argued, because the material used is fragile enough to pack there, for example, a hammer, but it will fit perfectly for storing nails or screws.

To create such a box, you will need thick paper measuring, for example, 15 x 15 cm and about 20 minutes of free time. Since the author did not provide an assembly diagram and a master class, in order to fold this model, you will have to think a little about the pattern.

In addition to those presented in the article, there are many more variations and practical applications of paper boxes made using the origami technique. In addition, each product can be originally decorated, taking into account the holiday in honor of which the gift will be presented, the interior of the room where the present will be located, decorating a shelf or other base. Given the ease of creating any of the listed products, these schemes can be considered training and provided to beginners as a practice for creating various forms in the origami style.


Agree, it's always nice to receive unexpected gifts. And when they are beautifully packaged - doubly so. The pyramid will be an excellent solution for wrapping a small present. Such pyramids can be either three or quadrangular.

To create a 3-corner pyramid, you will need the following blanks:

  • 3 square sheets measuring 12.7 x 12.7 cm;
  • 6 square sheets measuring 6.3 x 6.3 cm.

For a 4-corner box you will need:

  • 5 squares measuring 12.7 x 12.7 cm;
  • 8 squares measuring 6.3 x 6.3 cm.

Assembling such a craft does not require a lot of time and effort. To create it, you don’t even need a diagram, because the whole process shown in the video lesson is so simple that even a child can figure it out. Despite this, such a pyramid with a surprise inside will cause a lot of delight and joy.

Video on the topic of the article

Surely many have experience of self-wrapping gifts. Stored surprises can be wrapped in beautiful paper, put in special paper bags, you can even glue a paper box yourself and decorate it to your liking. We offer another unusual option for needlework lovers. These are packages made using the origami technique. Detailed diagrams will help to cope with these with this figure, even for those who are just taking their first steps in mastering paper art. Let's create cute origami paper boxes of different sizes quickly and easily with our own hands.

We make origami paper boxes with our own hands using different techniques.

We will start with the simplest version of a paper box that you can make yourself. Even someone who previously made only boats and airplanes in their deep childhood can easily cope with it without much difficulty, and even then they have already safely lost this skill. Such caskets can be made even on the way to work in a taxi or during a lunch break.

We need only one square sheet of paper. Because the scheme is very simple and does not require a large number of complex folds; you can take ordinary colored double-sided paper. This option will be even better than special origami paper - our box will turn out to be denser and more suitable for putting something into it.

How to make a simple box:

In principle, all actions are clear according to the scheme, however, just in case, we will explain additional steps.

1) Fold the sheet in half and unfold it back. Rotate 90 degrees and repeat the same.

2) Turn the paper over to the other side. We outline the diagonals of the square.

3) Bend the corners to the center.

4) From the center of the resulting rhombus, we bend the corners of the top layer to the sides and return it back. Expand the upper right and lower left sides of the rhombus.

5) We bend the lower right and upper left sides of the rhombus along the marked parallel lines.

6) Raise the side of the box

7) Raise the second side of the box.

8) Our handmade origami paper boxes are ready! Now you can put sweets or some other small gizmos in it.

We are trying to make a paper box with a lid and in the form of a heart

Making a paper box with a lid follows the same pattern. First you need to make an ordinary box, and then make its lid in the same way. Do not forget that the sheet of paper from which the lid will be made should be slightly larger (about a centimeter) than the sheet for the base. This box looks like a real box and is more suitable for packing a small gift.

For Valentine's Day, a heart-shaped box will be a romantic gift wrapping. There are several ways to make such packaging, including using the origami technique. However, unlike a simple square box, this already requires some skills and perseverance. However, the result will undoubtedly please you and surprise your soul mate.

We make a glued version in the form of a heart with our own hands

If this option seems too complicated, but you still want to make a romantic gift with your own hands, we suggest making a similar paper box not using the origami technique, but simply using a special template.

To make a heart shaped box you will need:
  • Thick colored double-sided paper
  • simple pencil
  • Ruler
Diagram of a box in the shape of a heart No. 1:

1) Transfer this diagram to paper in the required scale.

2) Cut out with scissors. Fold over the areas to be glued. If the paper is too thick, you can help yourself with a ruler.

3) Bend the main part of the heart along the lines, helping with a ruler. Fold the figure into one piece. Apply a thin layer of glue to the corresponding protrusions, glue the heart. If you want the box to open, you just need to bend the protrusions inward, and for convenience, glue a small “tongue” on the side of the lid.

Diagram of a box in the shape of a heart No. 2:

1) Transfer this diagram to paper in the required scale and cut it out with scissors.

2) It is better to collect the figure from the bottom. After you connect the top, you can see the image of a heart on the box.

With the help of these simple schemes, you can surprise your family and friends with unusual gift wrapping. Or you can put in these boxes all the paper clips that have been lying around on your desk for a long time ... Or put a note with a love confession and then our box will definitely turn into a box with a surprise! For those who care about the environment, it is important to note the environmental friendliness of origami, because no synthetic substances or paints are required for their manufacture. Therefore, you can safely master new and new models.

Video on the topic of the article

In the following videos you can see in detail how to fold paper boxes using the origami technique.