Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23). Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23) Congratulations on February 23

We wholeheartedly congratulate
Happy 23 February to you!
And on Defender's Day we wish
Always be the pride of the country.

We wish to be an example for everyone,
We wish you good luck in business,
Stay first at work
And be picky about your friends.

Let no worries touch you
In the family - everything is smooth, in the house - laughter.
We wish you good health
May success accompany you.

You men are our pride
Our strength, power and become.
On Defender's Day we want
I sincerely wish you
strategic decisions
And the most reliable rear,
Only victories without defeats,
At home for love to wait
The spirit was strong, the body was strong,
A friend was faithful for ages.
Peace over the beloved country,
In the heart - a spark of happiness.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you strength, courage and courage! May every day be successful, every deed worthy, every idea excellent, every word firm, and every action confident. I wish you to be healthy, loved and invincible!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
So that health was heroic.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous for all blessings.
Joy, happiness, love to you, kindness.

Health, peace, light, happiness,
Days of bright, bright, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, great,
Always happy to be fate!

So that everything comes true, it was possible,
There was only joy in life.
Fun, laughter without end
On the day of February 23!

Happy February 23
We congratulate you, friends!
We wish you eternal peace
And endless happiness.

Health, strength of mind, will,
Love, prosperity in your home,
In matters of success and kindness.
Today we shout to you: "Hurrah!"

real man
I wish you courage and strength!
Glorious accomplishments and victories,
In all cases, great success.

May health be strong
The mind is alive and the grip is tenacious.
Let everything be with you
Happy February 23rd!

Be strong, irresistible
The most daring and beloved.
Be young at heart.
Let dreams come true!

On a calendar sheet
February 23,
So there are many reasons
Congratulate dear men.
They are strong, they are brave
They are the defenders of the country!
We wish them strength of mind,
In work - no pen, no fluff.
Only positive in life
And most importantly - goodness and peace!

Congrats to the Defender!
Be bold and decisive in everything.
I wish you health, happiness, joy,
So that all misfortunes were nothing.

So that everything that you have in mind comes true,
So that happiness does not leave your home.
To make everything that you dreamed come true
And so that success accompanies everything!

Greetings defenders of the Fatherland!
You are the stronghold of the world. And today mankind
Thank you all for your peace
Yes, respect for you carefully keeps.
Resolutely rebuff the enemy, let's
And when necessary, get up behind the country with a mountain.
You, only you, are our protection.
Today we will openly say about you:
Cool guys and handsome men anywhere.
Equal, everyone calmly! Regardless of the years
Be successful today and always.

Congratulations on February 23

I hasten to congratulate you -
You became the February Man!
After all, you are strong, beautiful and brave
Always be the first - your lot.

You protect every day
Me from a thousand problems
You help in difficult times
With you in intelligence even now.

You are unique, perfect
And sexually complete.
In the shoulders of huge broad,
Why the words - because you are priceless!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Men's Day is a great holiday,
On this day, the earth hums,
Because notes
February twenty-third!

On this day they are on a roll
Both small and large
Precious diamonds -
Our miracle men!

It's sad without men in the world
No mood at all
That's why it's the main
In the happiness of women is a tool!

From February 23

May February be harsh and snowy
And let the character be cool.
We congratulate men tenderly,
So the roses will bloom!
We wish you good health!
Happy Defenders Day!
We look at you with love
We need you men!

Congratulations on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
We want to congratulate you today.
Since the beginning of mankind,
And wars exist with it.
No matter how calm the years are,
The Fatherland always needs warriors,
We wish you to be the most worthy
And protect the peace of his native country!

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

We, women, can't do without you,
And you without us, of course, too!
And if the enemy suddenly attacks,
Only the army will help us.

Today is your men's holiday,
I heartily congratulate you on it!
I'm glad to be always with you
When you're not around, I miss you.

Congratulations on the day of the defender of the fatherland in verse

I congratulate you today
On a February day, I wish
So that you are always strong, courageous,
Worthy, dexterous and skillful!

To show courage
And never get discouraged!
For February 23
Let your dream come true!

Verse from February 23

Men are brothers and friends
Fathers, husbands and sons -
We are glad in this bright hour
Congratulations with all my heart!

You are our happiness and support,
Our protection and peace.
The seas and mountains are subject to you,
We are behind you like behind a wall!

We, your faithful friends,
Thank you for being you.
We love you not for merit:
Male strength, valor, honor -

All this nature gave you,
So that you can protect us
Become a descendant
And be worthy of love!

Poem for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Congratulations dear men
We wish you joy and happiness,
Inspiration, tender participation
And love from the heart, for no reason.
February is cold
Seems like winter will last forever
But remember - loved ones are always
You will be warmed by tenderness of the heart.

Congratulation verse on February 23

Man every woman is beautiful
It probably deserves the attention.
I wish you love, passionate wife,
Sometimes you don't even have the strength...

Vulnerable in the soul, but stronger than granite
Outside you. Able to defend.
Men, this life is open to you!
Forward quickly - conquer the peaks!

Beautiful congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender's Day guys
Always be strong
Like brave soldiers
You go through the years.

May you have more fun
With every moment, every day,
There are no braver guys in the world
May you be lucky in everything.

May good luck accompany
May success come to you
Every day let, not otherwise,
There will be happiness, joy, laughter!

Beautiful congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Let's congratulate you today.
For the happiness of mankind
The world must be kept strong.
May all wishes come true
Love and new victories for you,
Health, happiness, prosperity,
And many long bright years!

Beautiful verse for February 23

Men rule this world
And no matter what anyone says
Men are power and strength
The Lord gave them strength.

Men, women take care -
They will warm your hearth
And just live righteously
Consider every step!

Beautiful congratulations on the day of the defender of the fatherland in verse

Respect and love
I wish you hello!
Be like you
I dream of the future.

To be respected by people
Like you, be a genius.
And today you accept

Congratulations on February 23 to men

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
Allow me to wish
The sun is bright, the sky is clear,
May grace be everywhere!

Be strong and beautiful
Never give up.
And try to make the girls cute
We were always happy with you!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to men

This is how it goes in life -
We expect support from men.
After all, you are the defenders of the Fatherland,
Keep your hearth and home
We love and respect you
Sharing all worries with you,
And congratulations to you today
We are from February 23!

Wish for February 23

You are a man, which means so much
You are strong and beautiful in everything!
Let life be a straight road
Lead you to your happiness.

I want green light
In beginnings, accomplishments, deeds.
So that life is warmed by caress,
To joy sparkled in the eyes!

Wishes for the day of the patronymic defender

I want to wish men
I am only happy in this life
Respect your loved ones
And be funny, real,

I want to sincerely tell you -
Worthy of happiness and success.
And don't put your hands down
Barriers are not a hindrance to happiness.

Original congratulations on February 23

To be the defender of the fatherland -
Doesn't mean to be a soldier
who have been in battle,
Served or captured.

The protector is a man
Capable of courage
Ready to survive
I love a twist.

Defender - patriot,
Adherent of the Fatherland,
Able to survive
Any disaster!

Original congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Twenty third of February,
A holiday for all men.
And congratulate them today
There are many reasons.

Defend your homeland
Take care of our sleep.
And for that dear
You low bow.

Be happy healthy
And laugh more
Relax in resorts
And bask in the sun.

Congratulations to the defender of the fatherland

Today is the red day of the calendar,
All men celebrate their holiday,
Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23,
Accept congratulations from me, dear!

I wish you, my beloved man,
Always be healthy and strong
Achieve success in striving for the heights,
Always be caring, kind and sweet!

Official congratulations on February 23

I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday of courage, nobility and honor! With all my heart I wish you creative success, happiness, prosperity and all the best! May the difficulties encountered on your way be always easily overcome. Good health, warmth and festive mood!

Official congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 23 is an important holiday for every citizen of our country. On this day, we not only honor our military and remember the feats of arms of our compatriots. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of real men who have courage and selflessness, who love the Motherland and respect its history. That is why this day is truly a national holiday. We wish you happiness, well-being, success in business for the benefit of the Fatherland!

Cool congratulations on February 23

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism
Health and wealth
Don't give up on the dream

To be mobile, active,
fit, athletic,
You are the best for me!
Dear, Happy February 23rd!

Cool congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

I hasten to congratulate you
Since the twenty-third of February.
And to remind you - you are a man,
Not a drunken bastard.
Stay them for life
Take care of your Motherland
Cherish your family
And don't be a pig.
Those words are just for you.
Here is my verse.

Cheerful congratulations on February 23

On this glorious winter day
Overcoming laziness
Every man looks like a cheetah,
Even if he himself is a seal.

To our dear men
Wish for ages
Strength, Vigilance, Courage
And a tight wallet!

Merry congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Happy February 23rd!
I congratulate you!
Let there be money in your pockets
Let beauties love you!

Let everything in life succeed
And luck will smile
So that you have enough
What you need to stand!

SMS congratulations on February 23

SMS congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

I am with this holiday for men,
February, congratulations!
To be in life on a horse, dashing,
Well, in my heart I wish to be an angel!

Short congratulations on February 23

Let there be new achievements
Victory, true friends,
And the course lies - on achievement!
Happy February 23rd!

Short congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Protector, be strong and brave
Please accept congratulations
Let everyday life be filled with happiness
And the days will be calm!

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

Brave and courageous defender, on your holiday, February 23, I want to wish you real victories, but not on the front line, but in ordinary life, may no political decisions destroy even fragile, but peace in your country. Let military planes take to the skies only for exercises and parades, let the alarms be training, and the praises real.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose

Dear Defenders, thanks to you, we do not forget that the Fatherland is not an abstract spot of irregular shape on the globe - it is all of us! May this unity support you in difficult moments in the service and warm your soul on days of rest! Be loved and respected, cheerful and lucky, calm and happy!

Congratulations on February 23 in your own words

Congratulations on the most brutal holiday of the year! Since February 23! I want to wish real men more strength, patience, good luck and kindness! May there always be peace and tranquility in your homes. May your family always be under your impenetrable protection! I wish that more worthy defenders of the motherland grow up in your families, and that they can always take an example of courage, courage and justice from you!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in your own words

On the 23rd day of February, the holiday of real men, we congratulate our defenders! It doesn't matter whether they serve or not, they are always, every moment ready to stand guard over our freedom and our lives! Let me on this day, in addition to congratulations, also wish you a peaceful and most prosperous life!

February 23 toast

Let's drink to all those guys who selflessly defended, defended and will someday defend our homeland. For the fact that they would always be strong in body and spirit, for their happy lives!

Toast on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Dear men! On behalf of all women, we congratulate you on the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! We love you, appreciate you and are always ready to inspire you to exploits in the name of the Motherland. Let's drink to the men!

Congratulations on February 23 to your beloved

Today, on the holiday of all men,
I wish my own husband
Be the master of your life
Live without doubt

So that your words, dear,
With affairs suddenly did not differ,
To expect great success in everything,
So that your loved ones are proud of you!

Congratulations on February 23 to a guy

I met a guy, the best in the world.
He is smart and kind, and he has a bright soul.
How I dream to be always with him
At this time, winter and under the leaf fall.

Become his best friend.
He is nearby - and it is sunny, there are no clouds in the sky.
On this February day, I congratulate him,
I wish him to serve with dignity!

Congratulations on February 23 to her husband

I want to congratulate my beloved husband,
And on a man's holiday I will cry out of love,
So that my cry now reaches the heavens,
So that God gives you a lot of miracles:

Health, which does not care,
So that we are always with you together,
Success in work, patience and strength,
And to love his own wife!

Congratulations on February 23 to a friend

There are so few friends in the world
Everyone has their own path.
But I've been lucky in life -
We've been friends for a long time, to spite everyone.

I wish you on a man's day
Live with a smile, do not lose heart.
Always love your family
Be happy and content!

Congratulations on February 23 for dad

Beloved dad! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
I want to say that you are the best!
I want to convey to mankind
That my dad is the father of my dreams.

Will always help, listen competently,
On business scold sometimes.
Health to you, dad - this is the main thing!
And the rest of life is nonsense.

Congratulations on February 23 to my son

Dear son, congratulations
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day.
I wish you the courage to rule.
I teach you to love the motherland.

If the word was given to someone by a man,
You can always keep him.
Have a big heart for people
To love and respect you!

Congratulations on February 23 to brother

It's good that I have a brother!
What would happen without you, I can not imagine
For any girl you are just a treasure,
Happy February 23rd, brother, congratulations!

I wish you success in everything
Let everything be fine in life
More smiles, perky laughter,
Good friends and a decent salary!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

Hey colleagues, congratulations
Happy twenty-third of February!
We've been waiting for this day for a long time
We know for sure that it is not in vain!

May everything succeed today
And let there be gifts
And the girls will not leave, -
Dissolve sadness with your hands!

On this day, let there be a lot;
Wishes, congratulations
And unusual surprises
And wishes of fulfillment!

Congratulations on February 23 to a colleague

Colleague, with the 23rd of February!
What can I wish for on this day?
Let sorrows not touch you
And you should never be discouraged.

May every moment bring good luck
Let success accompany the quarry,
And remember - only those luck awaits
Who works with dignity is the best!

Congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues

Down with working moments
All the best today is for you:
Flowers, gifts, compliments -
To our colleagues and friends.

Let there be frost and wind outside the window,
February blizzard snowfall -
The best men in the world
To congratulate you, there are no barriers!

Smart, confident, beautiful,
You are the ideal for our ladies,
So it will be fair
In verses in love to confess to you,

To wake up early in the morning
And experiencing culture shock
Soulful, gentle and unexpected
You have read our poem!

Congratulations on February 23 to boys

On this Day of Defenders
Boys - cheers!
We wish them good luck
Joy, goodness!

Be very strong -
Both soul and body.
Remember that the main thing is
Not words, but deeds!

Congratulations on February 23 to classmates

To make the day go well
We congratulate our classmates.
No boys in our class
It wouldn't be very cool.
Even though they're annoying
And they grab us by the braids,
We love them so dearly
That we are ready to forgive forever
All grievances and miscalculations.
We won't settle scores
Let's just love them
And feed them candy.

Happy February 23
Congratulations to everyone today!
And we wish everyone
You were always happy!
So that the hand does not tremble
At the time of decision!
To always love you
Half without a doubt!

I have been honored
Congratulations again, love
Happy Russian Warrior Day,
My faithful friend, you!
Didn't bend under tons
You have seen death and pain.
You walked under the epaulettes
In the most righteous battle!
And let the chest is not decorated -
Not a single medal -
Warrior of happiness you are ours,
My good, dear!!!

You are on a peaceful day, as in a war,
But not for rank, awards ...
And on Army Day we are doubly
We are glad to congratulate you!
Here is the service that turned out:
A year in all seasons
You keep peace in the country
Rulers and zones!
Love to you and friendship light,
Yes, do not spend the days:
Become a general at forty
And raise your grandchildren!

Today is a holiday for men
And we want to congratulate our colleagues,
There are many reasons for this
What can a man be praised for:
For daily hard work
For the fact that he loves the work very much,
For what he, forgetting comfort.
Goes on business trips with confidence.
For having women in their arms
Ready to wear every day
With him, a woman is not afraid,
He is devoted to a woman immensely.
I say a toast for men,
Every woman needs him.
According to the house-building - sir ...
To be a good husband!

Today, a holiday is knocking at our door!
We must congratulate you today.
The one who swam in the stormy sea,
The one who guarded our lives on the border!
You served, guarding on guard
Beloved and relatives peaceful sleep.
And they were waiting for you, praying and dying,
It felt like my heart was beating in unison with yours.
We don’t need awards, and we don’t need feats!
We do not honor and love glory in you!
We just love. Isn't that enough?
And we will love you - such is the decree of fate.

Even though you haven't served yet,
You are persistent, strong, not capricious,
Eye - vigilant and firm - hand,
Defender of the future Fatherland!
After all, if there is a war
Bring fire, devastation into our house,
You won't stand aside
Protect your mother, sister, friend!
And to win again
You be healthy, smart, vigorous:
Study diligently - on "five"
And do more sports!

May today in your name
February twenty third
All words of congratulations sound
Closer to the night - salutes thunder.
You are a man, even if not a warrior,
Worthy of congratulations today:
Stand up for the Fatherland
In a dashing hour, you can’t shrink from trouble.
You are a protector in spirit, in blood
Echoes of all your ancestors:
They defended the Motherland,
We won and saved the world.
You can live everyday without war
But always able to protect
Not a country, so at least a family -
Old people, and children, and a wife.
February twenty third
We congratulate men for a reason:
So securely a man's shoulder.
We congratulate you warmly!

Congratulations, airborne fighter,
Happy Defender of our Motherland Day!
The enemy has no hope in war -
You are stronger and smarter, you are fearless!
Do not get sick from boredom, longing,
Loneliness does not threaten without friends:
Life - flights, jumps, forced marches,
Become stronger, more resilient - you want!
You are a landing force, and all enemies are trembling -
You will doubt them in hand-to-hand combat ...
Take care of the elderly and children
Defending your Motherland!

Congratulations dad
Happy men's holiday:
In my youth, I know
Served in the army.
So also a warrior
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!

An officer! Congratulations
You are the great defender of Russia:
Selflessly and tenderly loving,
You give her life, hope and strength!
We know: through a hurricane, squall and rain,
Heart loyal to the oath and the flag,
You will lead soldiers to victory again,
As once your ancestor - to the Reichstag!
Good luck in big and small
Let's become a general!

O dear valiant Man!
Your holiday is knocking at the door.
Rather, open the doors,
After all, they will praise you, Man.
Today you are a hero and a knight,
For women's souls - King.
Irresistible, strong, brave
And maybe in something unearthly.
All praise to you today.
And your valor and courage.
But don't forget, Man:
Without a woman, you wouldn't be the same.

They escort the guys to the army,
As if in the forty-first to the war,
And again, how many years in a row,
The boys break the silence with a song.
And again, like many years ago,
Mothers cannot be kept from tears:
After all, these future soldiers,
So many deadly thunderstorms await!
That's why it's louder than the alarm,
Drowning out the song and steps
Mother's lips say:
"Help them, God, help!"

We praise those who did not cry
From your pain
But did not hide the tears
On the graves of friends
Those who were men
Not in words
Coward did not celebrate
Sitting in the bushes
Those best
Sons of mankind
Those who are on guard of the Fatherland!

We congratulate all men!
And we wish them love.
Let them be warm in heart
And in their souls the fire burns.
Blossom, please our eyes.
And soar over fate like a bird.
But don't burn the feathers.
Give happiness to all women,
Carrying smiles and enthusiasm.
You are our pride and love!
You are our passion and weakness!
The world would be lonely without you
And there would be no fairy tales in it.
Let the sun shine over the earth
And let there be no warrior.
And strength, our glorious hero,
It will only be for the good!

On February 23, even little boys are congratulated.

You can pick up wishes for your spouse, brother, son, father, grandfather, colleague, classmate, teacher, boss... Now that you have got acquainted with our site, it is not necessary to surf the entire Internet in search of good congratulations on February 23! Just come in and choose what you like. You can find congratulations on February 23, funny and serious, short and long, meaningful. Thus, you will select wishes for gatherings with friends, as well as for solemn meetings. And what prevents you from making Defender of the Fatherland Day romantic? Choose a gentle and beautiful congratulation on February 23 for your young man and turn this day into a real holiday!

Me since February 23rd
Happy to congratulate friends!
Let only the earth always bloom,
Like a quiet paradise.

But if we suddenly have to
Still protect the earth
Any of us at her feet
Life can put!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Men of Russia, men of the Fatherland.

Men of Russia, men of the Fatherland,
Under your protection is the native land!
Meet your holiday with carelessness,
You, since February 23!

Let there be happy days
May life be bright for you
May the Lord keep you safe
Consider this an order!

Congratulations on February 23

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Happy Holidays!

Always be strong
And protect the weak!
So that every enemy
The pants didn't dry out!

Congratulations - men!
You are the defenders of the country!
After all, for the beloved homeland,
Your exploits matter!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

My beloved husband, my protector.

My beloved husband, my protector,
Happy twenty-third of February!!!
Behind your granite back
I am blessed every day!

My soldier, my general
I love you, anyone!
You served, you protected
You, the fighting spirit!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

February 23

Be happy forever!

Happy February 23
Congratulations, men!
Drop anchors at home
Cars in garages!
We raise a toast to you
Be you always healthy!
Give us the tenderness of the eyes,
Raised spirit, fighting!
We give you perfumes, flowers,
Beer, vodka, rum rivers!
Let dreams come true
Be happy forever!

Congratulations on February 23

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Congratulations beloved men!

How can we live in the world
Without strong, loving men?
They are responsible for everything and everything,
They cry so that there are a hundred reasons
But as defenders, heroes
They never cry
Rising for the country as a mountain,
What about tears? One water
To you on the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland
We wish happy families
Good health for life
And the most devoted friends!


Congratulations on February 23 - everything to make the holiday for your men memorable and give the most pleasant impressions!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day - Congratulations on February 23: in verse, in prose, postcards, video

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

For courage, for valor and courage
We say thank you today.
Congratulations to the protectors of your loved ones
And here's what we want now:

Big love, success, peace, happiness,
Luck, good luck in all matters,
Prosperity and roads simple and smooth,
Only loyal friends and all the benefits.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
I congratulate you, men!
On this courageous holiday,
I only wish you the best.

Be brave and strong
Always brave at heart.
Achieve your goals
Never give up!

A real man
It's very easy to distinguish:
The kindest, smartest, strongest,
Can please, love.

So that you stay like this
I wish on your holiday -
Succeeded everywhere, laughed,
If necessary, above yourself.

And patience, health
Let it not let you down
So forward, to new victories -
Since February 23!

This holiday is for men.
Wish you need
For no reason
Take up arms.

Peace reigned and kindness
On the big planet
The birds sang in the morning
And the kids laughed!

Twenty third of February
It became a weekend not in vain -
Celebrate for no reason
Real men.

Courage, health, strength,
Enough for a whole century
So that along the road of life
Success would follow with you.

So that army skills
Can't wait for implementation
And in our big country
There was always peace and tranquility.

On this day we wish all men
Smiles, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, warmth.
We wish our defenders strength
And an endless bowl of goodness.

Let all hardships become trifles,
And on this day, everyone is proud of you.
Let your family be by your side
Support from melancholy and all sorts of troubles.

We wish bright blessings to our heroes,
You are the best bright example of courage!
Health to you, success and fearlessness,
Victory in any of all possible areas.

Health, peace, light, happiness,
Days of bright, bright, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, great,
Always happy to be fate!

So that everything comes true, it succeeds,
Only joy in life happened,
Laughter, fun without end
On the twenty-third day of February!

We want to use force
Not in war, but only in sports.
Only in the shooting range to hit the target,
Do not hear the thunder on the horizon.

May February 23
Brings you our respect
May the earth be peaceful
And there are no battles on it!

Congratulations men
We are hot today.
We always need
Your strong shoulder!

Defender of the Fatherland Day
On a calendar sheet
So congratulations
Since February 23!

We wish you health
Faithful, devoted love,
So that from troubles and shocks
You could protect us!

May courage never leave you
Only years bring experience.
The soul knows no grief
Health is always good.

And every day with hot rays
Let the dawn begin.
We congratulate you today
Again on the 23rd of February.

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and on this wonderful holiday of courage, I want to wish you to remain a fair and respected person in any life situation, to show yourself as a brave and courageous man in any battle, to see your perspective and indispensable success in any business, to find your happiness in any day and pleasure.

I heartily congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, on the holiday of strong strength and brave courage. I wish you strong nerves and steely health, true endurance and unchanging justice of life. Let the character show courage in any battle and gentleness towards loved ones, let the soul be filled with the light of courage, and the heart with wisdom and love.

Our dear men, I congratulate you on February 23! I wish you strength, health, good luck, well-being, happiness. May peace, peace and love always reign in your families. May you never have to defend your hearth with weapons in your hands. Good, sun and joy to you!

I heartily congratulate you on the day of February 23 on the holiday of courage and courage - the Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to always be in a fighting spirit, with excellent mood and good health. Let it always be possible to remain a reliable and faithful defender of the Motherland, family, loved ones and dear people!

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you to remain calm and confident in any life situation, to do beautiful and kind deeds, to protect and love your loved ones, to take care of the future and achieve great heights of success.

Congratulations on February 23 - postcards, pictures