Rules for applying enamel on nails. How to properly apply nail polish: uniform application. Eliminate manicure defects

Most often, such a procedure can be done in beauty salons, or at home with a specialist. We will show you how to apply gel polish at home.

Currently, gel polish is very popular and when performing a manicure, the choice falls on it. This is due to the fact that the coating can stay on the nails for a long time, up to 2 weeks, and it also makes the nail plate noticeably stronger. Most often, such a procedure can be done in beauty salons, or at the home of a specialist, but today on the website we will show you how to apply the coating yourself at home. Our tips will help you understand the technology of using gel polishes for beginners.

Required Tools

The fact that manicures are most often performed by specialists is largely due to the fact that you need to have special tools to cover your nails with gel polish. But if you stock up on them for your own use, you can provide yourself with a beautiful manicure for a long time.

Must have:

  1. LED lamp or UV lamp- it is a mandatory attribute, since it is with the help of it that the gel polish solidifies. It affects the varnish with special ultraviolet radiation and is completely safe for health.
  2. Base- an indispensable tool that provides protection to the surface of the nails and better adhesion of colored varnish.
  3. Top- Applied at the end, it provides a strengthening of the coating and prolongs the duration. The top is glossy and matte.
  4. Themselves gel polishes of various colors, according to your taste and color.
  5. Degreaser- a special tool that allows you to clean and degrease the surface of the plate, thereby ensuring its stronger adhesion to the varnish.
  6. Nail treatment tools: files, buffs, tweezers, tweezers, pusher, lint-free wipes (it is better to avoid using cotton pads, as they leave debris on the coating).
  7. Decor: sequins, nail stickers, rhinestones.
  8. For beginners, especially for self-use, for the first time it is better not to take very expensive products. It is better to buy at an average price and in small quantities, and next time choose based on experience.

Step-by-step application instructions

In order to perform a high-quality manicure and not forget anything, you need to properly prepare your workplace. First of all, free up enough space on the table, provide it with lighting and put all the necessary tools in front of you so that you don’t have to look for them in the process.

Before applying gel polish directly, you need to prepare your nails well:

  1. The remnants of the previous manicure are carefully removed, removing even the smallest points.
  2. Next, you need to do a regular manicure, cut off the burrs, remove the cuticle, correct the shape of the nail and file the edge from bumps.
  3. With a buff, you need to walk over the entire surface of the nail plate.
  4. Nails are degreased with a special tool.

After the preparation stage, you can proceed to cover the nails:

Video: step-by-step instructions from the manicure master

Removing the coating from the nail plate

When the nails have grown enough and the manicure does not look aesthetically pleasing, the coating must be removed from the nails. In order to properly remove it, it is not enough just to rub the nails with a cotton pad dipped in a special liquid. This is done in a slightly different way:

  1. With a nail file, you can walk along the upper glossy layer, sawing off a shiny surface, especially for the butt.
  2. Cotton pads need to be cut into 4 parts, apply a remover to each.
  3. Wetted pieces of discs are superimposed on each nail, and are well fixed on top with foil.
  4. After 10 - 15 minutes, the foil can be removed from the fingers, the varnish should swell on its own and peel off the nail. If a small amount remains, then it can be carefully removed with a wooden stick (pusher). Do not use metal tools for these purposes, otherwise the nail plate itself may be damaged.

If during removal the gel polish had time to harden in the air, then you need to repeat the procedure.

In order for the manicure to last as long as possible on the nails and look beautiful, you need to follow a few tips that will help you avoid mistakes:

  • before work, it is better not to do nail baths, less than two hours before manicure;
  • if there is not enough experience, then you should not work with all the nails at once, it is better to paint 1-2 nails in turn;
  • during the day it is better to avoid strong contact with water, especially when washing floors, visiting the pool;
  • do not apply a thick layer, remove excess product on the brush.

Manicure Ideas

When working, you can also give free rein to your imagination and make various patterns on your nails.

Some of the simplest nail design ideas that you can do yourself at home:

  1. Using Multiple Colors- now it has become fashionable when the nails are painted in different shades, when only one or even a combination of colors on one finger stands out. In addition, you can use a thin brush and use it to draw on the nails.
  2. Decoration with rhinestones or stones- a monochromatic or colored manicure can be decorated with various pebbles, in the same way, highlighting only one nail, or used on each finger. Jewelry must be applied to the last, still sticky layer of gel polish, you can use special glue, and then dry it in a lamp. And after that, fix with a layer of top.
  3. Loose sequins- with such a shiny powder you can decorate the entire surface of the nail, or apply a drawing with a thin brush until the varnish is dry, pour sparkles on it that will stick to it. And then fix the whole drawing with a top.
  4. Various pictures or shiny ribbons- the principle is the same, you need to place the sticker you like on the sticky top layer, and then apply the top and fasten it under the lamp.

Video “Apply gel polish yourself”

Have you tried gel manicure yet? Be sure to share your experiences and ideas in the comments!

It is not always possible to visit a nail salon to change or renew nail polish. Therefore, the ability to paint nails beautifully and correctly has not harmed anyone in life. But, despite the seeming simplicity of applying varnish, anyone who has ever tried to do it rarely achieves a good result the first time. If you still can’t make up your nails evenly and beautifully like in a salon, our article is for you.

Preparation for applying varnish

To keep the varnish longer, remove the previous layer and degrease the nails well. Try not to touch the fat-free surface with your fingers, because they always have particles of sebum on them.

Secondly, check how suitable the varnish is for use, especially if you have not used it for a long time. Many people add nail polish remover to the bottle, but later, when using such a varnish, they risk getting an uneven coating. And even if the varnish lays down evenly, it is unlikely to last on the nails as long as a new one.

If you still do not want to part with your favorite color, then buy a special liquid. But remember that even with this liquid you can dilute the varnish only once or twice.

Once you have verified that the varnish is suitable for use, shake the bottle well before opening. Many lacquer manufacturers put several metal balls into the bottle beforehand, they help to shake the lacquer faster. But you yourself can throw a couple of small beads.

Let's divert your attention for a couple more minutes to talk about the brush. Professionals prefer to use a special brush to apply varnish, and not the one that is attached to the cap. Get one brush to feel the difference and ease of use. The only drawback of such a brush is that after each use it must be thoroughly rinsed in nail polish remover.

Before applying colored polish, coat your nails with a base that will increase the adhesion of the materials and prolong the life of your manicure. The rules for applying the coating are the same as for varnish, and we will talk about this below. Wait until the base is completely dry.

What color varnish to choose

In the salon, the master, as a rule, asks the opinion of the client regarding the varnish, he can also warn against the wrong choice. If you paint your nails yourself, and it is precisely today that the manicure should be at its best - in the evening there will be a date or an opportunity to wear an elegant silver bracelet or a Claddagh ring - there is no one to consult with. Therefore, you need to know how this or that color looks on the nails, and for what events which color is suitable.

Dark or bright neon color looks best on short nails, it even tends to lengthen them a little. Such varnishes are equally good for manicure and pedicure. But on very long nails, dark varnish should be used very carefully, as it can look vulgar.

Red lacquers also require caution. Such nails are good only with bright, extravagant clothes. A long scarlet or coral manicure with a business suit turns any woman into the heroine of an erotic thriller.

Pearlescent varnishes should be applied with extreme care, as they give out any error of the master. But on the other hand, they look very elegant and are suitable for both daytime and evening wear.

But for work - it doesn't matter if you have to draw up documents all day, tie a Celtic knot or just play solitaire - it's best to choose varnishes as close as possible to the natural color of the nail or colorless. Remember that in many companies such a trifle is stipulated in the regulation on the corporate style of clothing and the behavior of employees.

Now you can start applying color.

  • Immerse the brush in the varnish, then shake off the first two drops on the edge of the bottle.
  • Now place the brush for a second vertically in the center of the nail plate, a millimeter from the cuticle.
  • Do not let the varnish spread and touch the cuticle. Tilt the brush towards you and quickly draw a line to the end of the nail.
  • Without allowing the first stroke to harden, perform two side strokes in the same way, covering the entire surface of the nail. Those. full coverage of the entire nail plate is performed in three movements.
  • When brushing over the nail, do not touch the skin. If the nail polish has run a little, take a cotton swab, soak it in nail polish remover and remove excess paint from the skin.
  • Cover the nails of both hands with the first coat of varnish. Usually, when you finish the last finger, the polish on the first one is dry and ready for a new coat.
  • Apply a second coat of varnish and wait for it to dry completely.
  • To speed up drying, you can put your fingers under a stream of cold water.
  • You can dry the polish with a hair dryer, but keep in mind that hot air will dull the polish a little.
  • Finish any coating by applying a fixer - a transparent liquid that increases the strength of the varnish and protects the color layer from mechanical damage.

Well-groomed nails are a mandatory item in the appearance of any girl. Sometimes they are far from the best option. It's hard to choose a place, masters, there is a risk of serious infections. Manicure at home is a very simple process. The main thing is to do everything correctly and skillfully. This article will help you figure out how to do a manicure, and how to properly apply nail polish without mistakes.

Before starting the process, it is worth considering that there are three main types of manicure: classic, European and edged manicure. In most modern ones, it is hardware manicure that is practiced, since the effect of it is long-term.

Hardware manicure

Its huge plus is the uselessness of steaming. The main thing you need is a good device and a set of nozzles. Choosing a machine designed for manicure is not at all difficult. You can consult with manicure masters on the forums or get acquainted with the assortment using the video. Before starting the process, it is very important to take courses or watch a few video tutorials about this type of manicure, since it is quite difficult to perform. At first, the manicure process will be a little difficult, but everything can be learned.

European manicure

For a European manicure, you will need a little more devices, but there will be noticeably fewer problems with finding them. European manicure is not a good choice in case of further coverage (gel polish or regular polish). For a European manicure will come in handy:

  • (remuver).
  • Orange stick.
  • Polishing file.
  • Cuticle oil.
  • Hand cream or lotion.

Best of all, European manicure is suitable for people with sensitive skin. In execution, it is not at all complicated and does not require training. Anyone can learn it with the help of simple video lessons.

Classic manicure

The most popular type of manicure is classic. It will require a large number of tools. True, getting them is quite easy. In this type of manicure, it is very important to properly disinfect everything, because it is very easy to infect. Of the tools you will need:

  • Wire cutters.
  • Scissors.
  • Pusher.
  • The nail files are disposable.
  • Remover (for dry and rough cuticles).
  • Hand bath
  • Dust brush.

You can learn how to do a trimmed manicure in courses, video lessons, as well as the brief instructions below.

Manicure process at home:

  1. Remove the varnish with a cotton pad and a special liquid.
  2. Shape your nails to fit with a nail file. To do this, you should not engage in steaming nails, because attempts to file wet nails are likely to end in delamination of the nail plate.
  3. Fill a suitable vessel with warm water. Add sea salt to the bath, at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of water. It is necessary to soak the nails for no more than 10 minutes (the best option is 5-7 minutes).
  4. After the bath, it is very important to dry your nails with a towel. If there is dirt and dust under the nail, it should be removed with an orange stick. The use of metal tools at this stage should be abandoned, as they can seriously damage the nail plate.
  5. With an orange stick, you need to move the cuticle and skin on the sides of the nail, closer to the side "rollers". Next, you need to cut the skin with pliers. Instruments must be thoroughly disinfected before use. The movements when cutting the cuticle should be smooth and not jerky. It is also very important to clean the skin from the side rollers carefully, removing only a layer of dead skin.
  6. After completing the procedure for removing dead skin, you need to disinfect your hands.
  7. If you do not want to cover your nails with varnish, you should lubricate your fingertips with cuticle oil or any other vegetable oil.

How to apply varnish correctly?

Nail polishing seems to many to be a time-consuming process, but for the best result, you need to know a little more about nail polishing than girls are used to. How to properly apply varnish on nails and what is needed to cover with ordinary varnish? You will need the following:

  • Orange stick.
  • Degreaser.
  • The basis.
  • Colored varnish.

So what is the right way to apply lacquer? This information you need to know:

  1. First you need to perform a manicure procedure (cut the cuticle, shape the nails, etc.).
  2. After its completion, it is worth degreasing the nails with a special tool or ordinary alcohol.
  3. After it is worth pushing the skin with an orange stick.
  4. Next, you need to apply a base suitable for the selected varnish, for a more lasting result.
  5. After the base has dried, you can start varnishing.
  6. The color layer needs to be covered with a top, for the absence of scratches and longer wear.
  7. At the end of the procedure, if desired, oil and moisturizer can be applied to the nails.

gel polish

Gel polish is a very trendy type of nail care. Some girls do not really like to trust the manicure process to outside masters. Despite the fact that the coating procedure looks rather complicated, it will not be difficult to repeat it at home.

How to apply gel polish at home?

You can learn how to apply gel polish correctly with the help of courses, although in any business the main thing is to fill your hand. You can offer your help to your friends, mother or sister (the main thing is not to forget about disinfection). The starter cover kit consists of:

  • UV or LED lamps.
  • Degreaser.
  • Base coverage.
  • Top cover.
  • Means for removing the sticky layer.
  • Coating removers.
  • Colored gel polish.
  • Items for decor (optional).

So, what you need to know about how to properly apply nail polish?

  1. After completing the selected type of manicure, you can begin to prepare the nails for coating.
  2. You should start by washing down the nails with a buff, for a better connection between the coating and the nail.
  3. Next, you need to apply a degreaser.
  4. After that, you can start applying the coating and its polymerization. You should start from the base. You can perform alignment if needed. The base should be dried well in the lamp (the time depends on the lamp, but usually 1-2 minutes).
  5. After applying the base, you can start applying the color. The color needs to be dried in a lamp.
  6. Next, you need to complete the top coat. The top should also be dried in a lamp.
  7. At the end of the coating, the sticky layer should be removed using the liquid intended for this.

Here's how to apply gel polish step by step.

Nude combined with sequins remains in fashion no matter what.

Properly applying gel polish on your nails like a seven-six is ​​easy, simple, but practice doesn't hurt. Manicure is a real art, the main thing is to do it skillfully.

So that after removing red or other bright varnish, the skin around the nails does not look like you have killed someone or have been poking around somewhere, apply a greasy cream to your hands before the procedure.

2. Remove the remnants of varnish from the skin

If you did not use the previous advice and the skin around the nails is stained, adhesive tape will help eliminate stains. Adhesive tape perfectly collects the remnants of varnish, especially silver.

3. We erase the varnish quickly

In the nail department of cosmetic stores, they sell various products for quick nail polish removal. They are bubbles with a sponge soaked in cleansing liquids. You do not need to run a cotton swab over your nails: just dip your fingernail into the bottle and wait a bit.

Such a tool can be made independently. Take a small glass jar, place a cut-to-size sponge in it and soak it with nail polish remover. The principle of operation is the same.

4. Remove glitter polish

Soak cotton pads in nail polish remover, place them on your nails, and wrap each finger in foil. After 10 minutes, the varnish will come off easily, despite the sparkles.

5. Whiten nails

Sometimes colored varnish is absorbed into the nail plate, leaving behind an ugly yellowness. You can get rid of it with a whitening toothpaste. Take an old brush and clean your nails with it.

But to prevent such incidents from happening at all, do not forget to use a base coat before applying the main varnish.

6. Save a broken nail

You will need a tea bag and clear nail polish. Apply the latter to the damaged nail, and then place a patch cut from a tea bag over the crack. Cover the nail again with colorless varnish.

7. We store varnishes conveniently

If you store polishes in an opaque box, label their caps with the appropriate shades. So you do not have to get all the bubbles in search of the right one.

8. We make varnishes ourselves

If you don’t have enough varnishes or you can’t find the right shade in the store, you can do what you want yourself. You will need colorless varnish and mineral shadows. They are perfectly soluble in varnish, while you can adjust the saturation of the color.

You can also add various glitters to homemade varnish.

9. Opening a bottle of varnish without difficulty

If the cap of the varnish is glossy, tightly twisted and does not lend itself in any way, they will help to cope with the problem. By wrapping them around the lid, you will get the right grip and easily open the varnish.

10. We extend the life of a manicure

If you want the varnish to last longer, before applying it and applying the base, the nail plate must be thoroughly degreased. To do this, wipe your nails with a cotton swab dipped in white wine vinegar.

11. Paint your nails the right way

The accuracy of manicure largely depends on the technique of applying varnish. How to paint nails correctly, read this.

12. Create an even finish

One thick layer will never lay down as evenly and neatly as several thin layers. Just be patient: let each layer dry.

13. Make a matte finish

Matte lacquers are very popular lately. But if you don’t have one, then just mix light loose powder with transparent varnish. In this case, mix as shown in tip number 8.

14. Make polish brighter

Many girls know that if you apply shadows on the base, they lie more evenly and the color is richer. It's the same with varnishes.

If colored nail polish looks faded, use white matte polish as a base. You will get a bright manicure and will be able to avoid multilayer application.

15. Apply glitter correctly

This video shows how to apply large glitter polish so that it adheres well to the nail and does not bulge.

16. Protect the skin

Applying a stamping or gradient to your nails can make the skin around it very dirty. We already wrote that in this case a special one will save. But if you don’t have one, use PVA glue: it also forms an easily removable film.

17. Eliminate manicure flaws

It is quite difficult to paint nails and not stain the skin around them, especially on the right hand. But it doesn't matter if it happened.

Take a thin brush, soak it in nail polish remover and wipe off the blemishes. Unlike a cotton swab, the brush does not cling to the varnish and does not leave lint.

18. Draw patterns on nails

If your eyeliner is dry or just doesn't work for you, don't rush to throw it away. Her excellent elastic brush - as a rule, there are just such - can be used in nail design to draw fine lines.

Some girls adapt even ordinary stationery markers for nail art.

19. How to Create an Animal Print on Your Nails

If you cut the eraser on a pencil like this, you get a homemade stamp: dip it in black varnish and make leopard prints on your nails.

20. Making blanks for nail art

Add varnishes of different colors alternately to the water. Use a toothpick to create a pattern. Remove the resulting film and cut blanks from it for.

21. Making sliders for design

The principle is the same as in the previous case. Only here you need to make a film of transparent varnish and already apply drawings on it. For example, with the help of dots.

22. Replace dots

Dots is a stick with a metal ball tip. With it, you can create various patterns on the nails.

If you do not have dots, use improvised tools. For example, safety pins, toothpicks, empty ballpoint pens, and so on.

23. French Manicure

French manicure looks feminine and suitable for almost any occasion and. But not everyone can draw a smile line for a jacket. The video shows several ways to do it neatly.

In addition, you can highlight the tips of the nails using a regular stationery gum.

Just pull it around your finger and apply white polish. This is a budget alternative to custom vinyl stencils.

24. Masking the roughness of the jacket

If, despite all the tricks, you can’t get even stripes, you can go for a trick. Draw a line under the white part with a shiny varnish. Sequins will hide flaws, and you will get an original design.

25. Making stencils from electrical tape

This irreplaceable thing can be used in nail art. For example, for all the same rendering of a jacket.

Also, excellent stencils are obtained from electrical tape, which, unlike adhesive tape, do not stick tightly and do not peel off dried varnish.

26. Dry your nails quickly


To protect freshly painted nails from small villi and dust, drop cuticle oil on top.

28. Save a Manicure

If you smeared a manicure you just made, do not rush to wash everything. Just wet your finger with water and gently rub the affected area. The varnish has not yet hardened and will easily return to the desired position.

29. Shake the polish properly

What do you do before opening a nail polish bottle? Shake it well so that it is less viscous? Great! Just do it right: put the bubble between your palms and roll it.

If you shake and turn the varnish, then when applied, it may bubble up.

30. Save thickened varnish

Favorite varnish began to thicken and already poorly fits on the nails? Place it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes and then shake well.

If you have your own manicure difficulties, be sure to share them in the comments.

So that the varnish does not spread outside the nail plate, lubricate the skin around the nail with petroleum jelly - excess oil-based varnish will not dry out, and you will remove them with a regular napkin! It is important here not to stain your nails with petroleum jelly and gently degrease them with an alcohol solution and a cotton swab.

use a white base

An ingenious life hack for those who cannot evenly apply varnish and paint over the nail along the edges. Just apply a white base as the first layer - against this background it will be easier for you to see all the unpainted areas.


Warm a jar of nail polish between your palms

Do you know why small air bubbles appear during the application of varnish? You shook the jar with all your might instead of warming it and rubbing it between your palms.

Start painting from the middle of the nail

When you start painting your nails, do not immediately try to get close to the cuticle with a brush: the excess polish will drain off immediately, and all you get is spots on the skin. First, put a dot in the middle of the nail, "stretch" this drop towards the cuticle, paint over the base, and then go down to the tips.

Make a "moon" manicure using a stencil

You can do the “lunar” manicure that has been relevant for several seasons yourself - use a stencil in the form of circles. Stick them on your finger so as to close the cuticle areas, and just paint your nails as usual. Ready!

Make a french with a simple elastic band

To make a French manicure for those who are not friends with varnish and a brush, a simple clerical gum will help - fasten it around your finger so that you can paint over the tip of the nail without touching the nail plate. Believe me, this is much more convenient than a stencil or fruitless attempts to draw a jacket with a flick of the wrist.

Buy a special nail polish remover

If you've followed all of our tips and still can't get a smooth finish, don't be discouraged! Especially for people like you and many of us, nail polish remover sticks were invented - they are much more convenient to use than ordinary cotton swabs. The main thing is to paint over the entire nail plate evenly, and you will definitely cope with the excess.