Choosing the right style of clothing is a completely solvable task. How to find your style in clothes: tips from professionals

In recent years, the profession of an image maker is rapidly gaining popularity, more and more new projects dedicated to the intricacies of creating an image appear on the screen. But does the creation of a style, an image, include the “right” suit, fashionable styling and current perfumes? What does the image really affect and how to create the desired image? "Passion" decided to find out by sending their correspondent to an image agency for a consultation. This is her story today.

Let's start with the fact that the task of the editors came in handy - for a long time something vaguely did not suit me in myself. In general, I liked myself, but as a perfectionist in the field of appearance, I could not find clothes that were comfortable and “mine” 100%. In addition, I wanted to look as feminine as possible.

For changes, I went to the image agency "Stylish Person".

Irina Pchelina, stylist-image maker and head of the agency:

“Each of us is our own image maker. Consciously or not, we create a certain image for ourselves, built on a combination of elements of a visual form (hairstyle, clothes, makeup, accessories, manicure), behaviors (hike, facial expressions, speech, gestures) and habitat (environment, life, home) .

Our appearance says a lot about us, regardless of what we think about ourselves. The goal of an image stylist is to help you become an expert in shaping your look. Our goal is to help you realize, perhaps re-remember and update through style your own "I"

Stage 1. Color

A person, perceiving the environment, reacts first to the color, and then to the form. Therefore, when starting to work on your image, you need to start by determining the color type. Based on a common theory, from birth a person belongs to one of them. Color types, conventionally named after the seasons, are divided into warm and cold. Shades of clothing, make-up and accessories are selected accordingly. Spring and Autumn are warm, Summer and Winter are cold.

Spring is a warm type bright sign - thin pinkish-peach skin, always light hair tone, shades - golden, straw, honey. Eyes - light blue, amber, gray, but always - light and transparent.

Autumn- this is also a warm, but more "saturated" color type. Autumn people naturally have red, copper, or bronze hair, possibly with brown tones. The skin tone is not as transparent as in spring, more dense. Eyes can be brown, gray, green.

Summer- cold type. Accordingly, the tone of summer skin is cold, light, pinkish-bluish. Hair - from light blonde to dark brown, but always with light brown or ashy undertones. summer may be contrasting (this is a more saturated type, with dark hair and eyebrows) and not contrasting (with blond hair).

Winter- This is the coldest and brightest color type. Winter people have dark hair, light skin and bright eyes. Like summer, winter is divided into contrast (light skin and dark hair) and non-contrasting (dark olive skin tone and dark hair).

In order to determine whether you are warm or cold color type,

bring to your face first warm, and then cold tones of the same color. You will surely notice that against the background of one of the tones, the color of your face will turn out to be healthier, its colors will “play out”. “Not your own” tone, on the contrary, will give the skin an unhealthy, unusual shade.

(While I was learning to match tones according to my color type, I finally understood why some of my clothes seemed to fit my figure perfectly, but I looked “pale” in them).

After you determine your color type, it will become much easier to select the most winning clothes. By the way, the difference in tones in no way limits your color choice - any color can be "warm" or "cold". The saturation of the color also does not affect its warmth or coldness, even a bright red hue can be cold.

So, for example, my color type is non-contrasting winter- correspond to cold, pure, bright colors. If the shade is red, then - raspberry, blue - indigo and snow-blue, green - emerald and malachite, gray - graphite and anthracite shades. (Yes, a yellow blouse, an orange turtleneck and a brown dress will have to say goodbye ...)

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Shades of summer: blue - gray-blue, gray-blue, denim, brown - a shade of cocoa, pinkish brown, yellow - shades of lemon peel and lemon pulp, red - burgundy, cherry, gray-pink shades.

And do not forget that the shades should be cold, without an admixture of yellow in the color (if red, then not orange, but for example, raspberry, pink).

Spring corresponds to a warm light transparent gamma. Shades of Spring: peach, coral, turquoise, light green, pea, honey, violet, coffee, cream. Black spring is best not to use.

Autumn- these are warm saturated dense colors - scarlet, red-brown, orange, blue-green, khaki, plum, coffee, baked milk color - in general, all the colors that nature is saturated with during leaf fall and harvest. Now is the time to take a closer look at her colors in order to clearly see what warm and cold shades are.

Stage 2. Form

Body type and its correction

Each of us is unique, but there are only a few types of female figures (and this is good, otherwise it would be completely impossible to pick up clothes in stores). But there are many ways to correct the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages!

At this stage, I mentally weeded out the next part of the wardrobe and even more clearly understood why in some pretty things I was not 100% satisfied with myself, and in others, not at all edgy and seemingly not attracting attention, I felt surprisingly beautiful. It was all in the details.

For example, in the width of the straps (narrow straps make wide shoulders visually even wider); or in the cut of pockets on jeans: the fact is that the direction of the diagonal line (and the edge of the pocket is such) makes any shape (in this case, the shape of the hips) wider and lower or narrower and higher.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Girls with broad shoulders vertical fasteners are recommended, no gathers along the shoulder line, narrow long lapels of jackets. For narrow shoulders, a boat neckline, American armhole, large pattern, raglan are suitable.

For wide hips recommended: mid-knee length of dresses and skirts and slightly tapered or slightly flared silhouette, slits or wraps, side seams, muted tones. For narrow hips - yoke skirts, with pleats, wide trousers, multiple vertical stripes on trousers, accents on the waist and hips, voluminous texture of the fabric.

High growth can be adjusted as follows: lengthen the top (jacket, blouse), and shift bright accents down (border, belts, bracelets). Low growth is corrected, of course, by a heel and a shift in emphasis, on the contrary, upwards - brooches, scarves, large earrings, etc.

big breasts, if necessary, visually corrected with dark tones, narrow cutouts and a high smell. Small breasts can be visually enlarged with blouses on yokes with gathers above the chest, light colors, large patterns and voluminous textures.

In the process of studying the topic, I realized another important thing: our consciousness is filled with many incorrect stereotypes related to clothing. For example, obese people often wear dark tones, believing that dark is slimming. To think so is to confuse form and color.

So beloved by many black color visually compacts the shape, creates a feeling of monumentality - which is clearly contraindicated for people with magnificent forms. Their tones, on the contrary, should be light, and you need to adjust the figure with the help of clothing proportions.

Another of our mass delusions is that a vertical strip is slimming. In fact one vertical line (for example, a zipper on a jumper) makes any form narrower and higher, but in the plural - wider and lower! A multiple horizontal line makes the shape taller and narrower! (Remember this when choosing clothes).

Stage 3. Accessories

Accessories are additions to the image, which, like clothes, can correct the figure and the perception of people around you. The area that will be highlighted by the accessory will, firstly, draw attention to itself, and, secondly, distract attention from other areas.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

For example, large beautiful earrings will immediately highlight your eyes, and a flying scarf will highlight your gait. Beautiful wrists are emphasized by bracelets. The opposite effect: if you don't want to accentuate a part of your body, don't highlight it with an accessory.

When choosing accessories, body proportions are taken into account: for slender figures, narrow bags, thin heels and shoe capes are selected, for “voluminous” figures and bags should be voluminous, heels should be stable (this harmonizes the overall appearance of the figure).

Secrets from stylists: the toe of the shoe, the shape of the jewelry and the neckline of the garment should be similar to the shape of the face.

Stage 4. Style

However, the colors, shapes, lines that you use to create an image should obey your individual style direction (sporty, romantic, classic, etc.)

Any of us is a bearer of one or a combination of several (no more than 3) styles. And this means that things, colors, textures, accessories of exactly the style to which your appearance can be attributed to will most emphasize individuality and most fully reveal the “I”.

Your personal style direction is the core, the basis of appearance, knowing which, you will unmistakably choose clothes that will match the occasion, reflect your personality and emphasize unique features. These features - your "zest", giving each of the women a unique charm, are bestowed on us from birth.

Alas, the complexes, modern views on female beauty, generally accepted "ideals", the authoritarian views of modern society, the pressure of large fashion companies, etc. often force us to join in the pursuit of standardized beauty, forgetting about ourselves, our unique history.

The task of real image makers is not just to pick up a pair of outfits for you for different occasions, but to “pull out” your own “I” from you, emphasize your essence with visual means and, ultimately, help you find yourself.

And a specific image (business lady, shepherdesses, resort girls, vamp women) should fit into your style. Then the clothes will emphasize, and not obscure you.

The most striking confirmation of this was the resolution of my dilemma - the desire to look feminine and romantic and an uncomfortable feeling in clothes that, it seemed to me, creates the desired image - delicate blouses (similar to the one in my BEFORE photo), skirts with frills and dresses on thin straps. Strange, but in these outfits and stilettos, I felt not at all as fragile and delicate as, say, wide trousers with many details and ballet flats.

It turned out that “feminine”, in my opinion, frills, floral patterns, etc. belong to the direction of naive romance and are suitable for those young ladies whose image initially contains this style. My style - a combination of serious romance and sport - suggested a more mature image, carrying the ideas of mystery, sophistication, hidden sensuality.

Stage 5 Hair and makeup

Everyone knows that the hairstyle should match the situation. Indeed, careful styling and even a velvet, but sports suit look rather ridiculous. Ideally, your hairstyle and hair color, as well as makeup, should match your color type and style.

My hairstyle (you can see it in the photos) did not require any major changes. She remained almost the same, but the details made changes that subtly changed the whole image.

Irina Pchelina: “We decided to shade individual short strands - this will “break” the total mass of hair, bring lightness and freshness, create a game - quite in the spirit of serious romanticism. We also changed the shape of the bangs - it was straight, along the eyebrow. This line is more characteristic of the dramatic style. Also, as you already know, one horizontal line makes the shape wider and lower. With asymmetrical bangs laid to one side, Tanya's face

Results and conclusions

    Once you learn about the rules for creating an image, choosing clothes and accessories becomes even more difficult. But on the other hand, the selected one turns out to be “100% our own”. And over time, less money is spent on clothes and cosmetics - after all, you don’t buy inappropriate things, wardrobe “ballast”

    The best style is your own. Often it is "buried" deep, but the more joyful are the changes that occur as you return to your "I".

    Following standards can make us attractive. But we become beyond competition, emphasizing our natural beauty and unique features.

Thank you for your help in creating the material
image agency "Stylish Person".

Warm and family winter day to you, dear readers!

In the last article, I told you about the dominant in the modern world. You read it, of course, very carefully and asked yourself the question “How to choose a style of clothing for your beloved?”, And many added - “and for all your close and dear people.”

Recently reviewed "Ural dumplings". In one of the stories, a man asks his wife why all the members of their family went to visit in what they did not want to go. The wife who decided for everyone replied: "Because we are a family." So let's stick to this "golden" rule - only a woman knows the real secret of successful clothes!

Do you understand that choosing a style for yourself is not so easy? After all, with the help of it, not only individuality is emphasized, but also the world around is told about moods and desires.

What temptation lies in wait for young ladies?

It is difficult for a young girl to resist the desire to look like an adult lady, and it is easy for an adult woman to acquire the unflattering status of a young old woman. Quite often it turns out that due to the wrong choice of style, a wrong opinion is formed about a person. To prevent this from happening, I suggest taking a short test by answering Yes / No questions. The key to it will be under the main text of the article.

  1. You like to look sexy and therefore like to wear lace, dresses with a low neckline, shoes with high heels.
  2. You want to produce the image of a mysterious stranger to be admired and admired.
  3. You have a penchant for exploring other countries and continents.
  4. You like things that look like they just got out of your grandmother's chest.
  5. You consider yourself a strong, confident woman who has many masculine traits.
  6. You have always liked men marching in the parade, periodically wear clothes that resemble military uniforms.
  7. You like to look like a teenager or like a teen idol.
  8. You spend a lot of time at work, often go on business trips.
  9. You like to draw attention to yourself in all ways, sometimes your actions are called defiant.
  10. Most of all, you value comfort and fabrics that are pleasant to the touch, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Answered? Then let's think about our figures.

Women with an average figure need to know

Decryption: an average figure is one in which the shoulders, chest and hips are not pronounced. Here it is important to learn how to artificially create accents on certain parts of the body in order to divert attention from the lack of smooth lines of the body.

First, you need to decide whether you are ready for experiments in the near future or are you going to choose the style "once and for all", because there is nothing worse than spontaneously purchasing unnecessary things for your wardrobe.

Secondly, to deal with definitions, that is, with terminology.

fit should be one of the key points that you should pay attention to. It may depend on the time of year and the prevailing fashion trends.

cutout it can be V-shaped, rounded, square, in the form of a heart and a boat, royal, falling, Greek, bateau and halter. It is important to determine the most successful for your figure and not be afraid to repeat it in clothes.

Skirt length, dress - there is a popular belief that the ideal length is to the middle of the calf or to the knee, this is not true! The length must be chosen by yourself. Below the middle of the ankle is far from suitable for everyone, usually dresses or skirts are longer in the evening. If you want to wear knee-length clothes, then you should know: the legs visually become shorter and thicker. The universal length is considered just above or below the knee.

Color - most often when describing clothes you can come across such words: basic colors, pastel colors, warm or cold shades. A good color when choosing a style will be the one that suits your psychotype.

Drawing - can help hide imperfections, for example, a voluminous print will hide small breasts, or it can distort the image - if it is too bright or gaudy. It must be remembered that the popular colors of leopard and zebra are far from suitable for everyone.

Shoe style and heel - is selected depending on the time of year and physical activity. Most often in stores you can find shoes with Viennese, typesetting, cowboy and wedge-shaped heels, stilettos or wedges. However, recently the brick heel, cone and glass have become fashionable.

Accents are vertical - will help visually increase growth, lengthen the necessary part of the body: earrings, beads, necklaces, scarves, arrows on trousers.

Accents horizontal - are able to reduce and lengthen the space: a belt, stoles, the direction of knitting on a sweater, brooches.

If you have an average figure, then you should not be afraid to combine different shapes and types. Just go to the mirror and honestly answer for yourself: what parts of your body would you like people to look at? Focus on these.

Styles for full ...

sorry, gorgeous women! This is an interesting and time-consuming task, because, unlike a typical figure, on which everything can look good, it is important for us to take into account its features, which we will talk about first of all.

How would you describe your body type?

  • Sloping shoulders, small chest and large hips (A-figure or pear)
  • Large bust and hips, no waist (I-shape or rectangle)
  • Large bust and hips, no waist (X-figure or hourglass)
  • Large chest and narrow hips (V-shape or inverted triangle)
  • Thin ankle/full legs
  • Fat/thin arms
  • Short/long neck

Now that we have figured out the type of figure, we can move on to recommendations for choosing clothes.

An A-figure should not focus on the buttocks and the “breeches” area. To make the figure visually harmonious, you should choose things for the upper part with horizontal lines, for the bottom - with vertical ones. The emphasis should be on the shoulders, which can be increased by shoulder pads, collars, puffed sleeves. Don't forget the V-neckline.

Your choice: glam rock, aviator, grunge, disco, casual, dudes, ballet, vamp, casual, oversized

Try to choose a color solution in this way: hide large parts of the body under dark colors, and light colors - where you think it is worth increasing the volume. If you choose a dark top, having a small chest, then the hands can be a light place.

The I-figure type is quite common. I'll tell you a secret, the vast majority of dresses are now sewn on it. You definitely need to learn how to work with accents - beads, brooches and bows, scarves, belts descending from the hips - to create the appearance of expansion, "bulkyness", if you want the upper and lower points of the silhouette.

Your choice: conservative, military, Asian, art deco, avant-garde, garcon, retro, unisex.

If you are the owner of the X-figure, then you are incomparably lucky! You are already sexual by nature and you need to try very hard to visually make the figure unattractive. For example, choose a tight dress with vertical stripes that turn into curved straight lines. But there is also a minus - you are destined to always sew things to order, since it is important for you to emphasize the waist.

Your choice: glamour, lingerie, new look, slinky, marine, sailor, elegant

The V-figure needs to expand towards the bottom, so the option of flared trousers and voluminous skirts is appropriate here. See that the cutouts in the clothes are large oval, and the handbag is worn below the waist line - for example, in the hand.

Your choice: avant-garde, animalism, country, casual, hippie, safari

When choosing the length of the skirt or the width of the trousers, the circumference of the leg plays a role. If your ankle is thin, then it makes sense to choose a knee-length skirt to open it up, and choose tight-fitting or tapering trousers to the bottom. With a full leg, flares, pipes, long skirts are suitable.

If you have full hands, then it is better to hide them under flat drawings and thin materials. Perhaps your option is a white or light-colored turtleneck. Skinny arms? It will be right to hide them in draperies or voluminous forms.

The length of the neck means a lot when choosing a style. A short one will require a descending neckline or a scarf, and everything will do for a long one - from a stand-up collar to full exposure.

Choose a new style or change the image?

If up to this day you thought that the style of clothing and image are one and the same, then I will upset you. Clothing style is just one component of your image. Changing your hairstyle, buying new shoes, the whole process of dressing up will not be able to transform the inner world that defines your personality.

In order to understand all the subtleties, I suggest watching the video of the image maker Irina Delfey. By the way, she is for it. So that in the women's wardrobe there are things of various styles - this will help to reveal hidden potentials.

So, now you are practically professionals in choosing a style, with which I congratulate you! I would be glad to read the comments on the article - did it help you understand your preferences or discover something new. See you soon!

Key to the test

Listed below are the styles that may suit you if you choose Yes.

  1. Linen, vamp, transparent, slinky.
  2. Bohemian, romantic, tuxedo, new look, art deco.
  3. Ethno, country, rustic, folklore, western, safari.
  4. Vintage, cancan, retro, gypsy.
  5. Garcon, marine, sailor, Edwardian, unisex.
  6. Guards, Cossack, camouflage, military.
  7. Girly, casual, currezh, op-art, leaked, preppy.
  8. Business, classic, purist, elegant.
  9. Daring, trash, color blocking, extravagant, eclectic, grunge.
  10. Sports, denim, oversized, casual, eco.

Would you like to know which clothing brands match these styles? Write to me about it!

Many women often ask themselves the question: How to find your style in clothes? Unfortunately, far from all the fair sex can boast of the ability to harmoniously combine clothes and always look irresistible.

Some people are born with a sense of style. They, on a subconscious level, understand which image suits them and which does not. "Without looking" can choose an outfit, and it will fit them perfectly. Easily emphasize your look with cool accessories, hair, makeup .... And now, the style icon is walking along the roads of your city.

But what if nature has not rewarded you with an impeccable sense of style? What if your wardrobe leaves a lot to be desired? And continue to wear inconspicuous, inconsistent things with each other?

And you, after all, for sure, want to be elegant, beautiful and arouse the admiration of others. Is it true?

From this article you will learn a simple step-by-step instruction on choosing your irresistible style in clothes. And at any time of the year, in absolutely any place and in any environment - you will look charming.

Well, let's get started, shall we?

How to find your style in clothes, following a simple guide

There are quite a lot of styles in clothes. And just like that, to take and choose one thing, it can be very difficult. For example, wearing classics every day is not always appropriate and annoying.

We girls are fickle natures, today we want to be sweet and romantic. And tomorrow - extravagant and daring. Our image is a reflection of our emotions.

Therefore, in order to choose your style trend (or several) - you need to carefully study your appearance and soul.

So, let's move on to the important steps in finding your dizzying new look!

Step #1 Down with the inconvenience

You should be comfortable and comfortable in what you are wearing. If you are constantly, something presses, interferes and you are haunted by the thought of quickly removing this thing, then most likely this is not your style.

Your outfits should be practical. Try to choose styles that harmoniously fit into your daily life. They will not wrinkle much and quickly get dirty.

And, of course, beauty. Where without her? Any of your image should be beautiful and please, first of all, you. As the saying goes: "There are no comrades for taste and color!". You cannot please everyone. So, the last word on the attractiveness of your bow is always yours!

Step #2 What colors transform you

There are four main appearance color types: cold shades - Winter and Summer; warm - Spring and Autumn.

To determine exactly what kind of figure you have, ask a loved one to take a picture of you in your underwear. The photo should be full-length and from such a distance that all the characteristic features of your body are clearly visible. The pose for such a shot should be in the manner of a “staunch tin soldier”, only in a relaxed state.

Step #4 Clothes are a reflection of your lifestyle

What do you do? What lifestyle do you lead?

Perhaps you are a mother on maternity leave or a housewife. Maybe you are a business woman or you are employed.

Determine what social status you occupy.

You need this in order to make a list of the most necessary clothes for you. If you're a businesswoman, you'll probably need classic-style suits more than frayed jeans. And vice versa.

Write a list of what clothes you wear most often when you are active.

Step #5 To be young or not?

When choosing a style, age is also of no small importance.

Do not forget that some wardrobe items may look awkward on people of different age groups. Decide which styles are suitable for your age.

step #6 What should be in your closet?

But just do not blindly follow the call of high fashion. Not all trends will suit your type of appearance and structural features of the figure.

Have you ever wondered how women find and perfect their style in clothes? Or maybe you wondered what it even means to find your own style? The development of one's handwriting in anything - from cooking to the ability to dress - has become an integral feature of a successful life. This not only allows you to efficiently spend time and money, but also disciplines. Getting rid of everything superfluous and inappropriate will allow you to feel much freer.

What you need to consider to find your style in clothes?

How to cultivate your taste? Fashion expert Lauren Santo Domingo, a woman who will adorn any photo, offers valuable advice: “Find a reference among celebrities - someone whose figure and size is similar to yours. Feel free to copy proportions, silhouettes and colors - to look good, the stars hire expensive stylists.

First of all, you should be honest with yourself and look at things realistically when it comes to the body. We often like clothes that don't fit at all. The best way to find out which style is definitely yours is to use the services of a professional shopper, if possible. Ask him to pick up a few different things (sweatshirts, trousers, skirts, dresses) and with the help of a specialist, find out what fits you best.

A few important points:

  • When you have a petite physique, you should control the volumes and follow the proportions.
  • Can't call yourself a figure skater? Look for clothes with a pronounced high waist to better define the figure. Take advantage of the clever trick of Kate Middleton, who prefers to designate this level slightly above her real belt line.
  • If your body type is an hourglass, then by no means hide under sweeping and layered things: prominent chest and hips mean that you need to focus on the waist. Loose-fitting clothes will make you look bigger, and the cocoon style is your worst enemy.

Corporate identity does not mean that you have to constantly make an outfit according to the same pattern. Important is the silhouette, which should always look harmonious. Experiment with colors, patterns, and lengths, but try to stick to the lines that best suit your body type.

Uniform can be quite conservative (like Grace Coddington) or more relaxed (like Stella McCartney), but it doesn't have to be boring. Erin Beatty, designer of the eccentric yet amazing brand Suno, is a big fan of tunics and trousers. "This is my favorite outfit, it looks a little closed, but at the same time stylish." For example, she picks up a thing with long sleeves of an unusual shape or a wild multi-colored print - it's all about execution.

It can also happen that your hallmark will be some kind of characteristic - hair, makeup (for example, adherence to a certain lipstick color) or accessories (like Theresa May's leopard print shoes). When you complement the look with something that you especially like, it gives you confidence. Not only will the outfit always look collected, but you will also feel like a duck to water in those moments when it is especially important.

From whom to take an example for a girl or a woman?

Fashionista: Caroline Issa

If you're looking for an example of how to follow fashion without falling victim to it, check out publisher and top fashionista Caroline Issa. The list of her invariable features of the image over the years has included a hairstyle (a long braid braided at the back) and bright scarlet lips. She pays attention to new trends, colors and directions, but does not go crazy about them every season. Her signature detail in clothes are styles that hide flaws and emphasize dignity. Caroline can wear an oversized print, a long skirt or slacks, but her waist will always be clearly defined. She also adheres to a certain palette of colors, collecting each image. See how the embroidered shoes are in harmony with the trim of her blue shirt, and the girl dilutes the monochrome outfit with splashes of yellow and blue.

Glamor in touch: Diane von Furstenberg

This woman calls her fashion collections "friends in the closet." Given Diana's more than forty years of experience producing "friends", it's worth trusting her methods. The fashion designer came up with a reasonable formula for how to always look sexy and playful, but without the frills inherent in the Kardashian family. Lush hair, big glasses, massive earrings - the classic identification marks of Diane von Furstenberg. Her favorite win-win silhouette is the T-neck, with a round neckline and a skirt just below the knee. The designer also found the right shoes long ago - mid-heeled strappy shoes that visually lengthen her legs and accentuate her ankles.

Trousers and the perfect fit: Ines de la Fressange

The model and designer can almost always be seen wearing trousers, but she is not afraid to experiment with length and style, which allows Ines de la Fressange to look fashionable and stylish - no matter what she wears (flared jeans, pipes or matador-style embroidered trousers), it looks modern. Top Ines leaves a little free - for example, puts on a tweed jacket (one of her many vintage models from Chanel) or a biker jacket (slightly cropped to emphasize femininity). But she can dress in a fluffy sweater, and in a luxurious caftan, and in a shirt made of compressed fabric. According to Fressange, every woman should have a blue shirt that looks more advantageous than a white one. Mischievous and glamorous at the same time, she combines high-profile labels with various little-known finds. Her wrists, neck, fingers and lapels are always lavishly adorned with vintage and ethnic accessories. All this, as well as a dazzling collection of bags and shoes from Roger Vivier (Ines is the brand's ambassador), does not leave the fashion icon unattended.

Modern Retro: Charlotte Dellal

Shoe and accessories designer Charlotte Dellal is true to the aesthetics of the forties and fifties, but presents it in a very modern way. She is not indifferent to bright patterns (for example, leopard print is often found both in her collections and in her wardrobe), but Charlotte's image always looks complete, despite the grotesqueness. What is the basis of her style? Minimalistic makeup with red lipstick, perfectly styled fiery red hair, daring but simple dresses (colored or printed) and high heels. Also, the designer is exceptionally successful in selecting accessories. As a result, we see a modern housewife in the style of the fifties and a seductive siren in one person.

Minimalism: Grace Coddington

In the early years of her career, Grace Coddington was known for her flamboyant looks. But after the seventies, she succumbed to the influence of Calvin Klein's minimalism. Then Grace moved from London to New York and began working for this brand, and after - in Vogue under the wing of Anna Wintour. Having a fertile imagination and an equally unlimited budget at the time, she focused her wardrobe on black and brought more dark tones and drama to the photo shoots. Most often, Coddington is seen wearing consistently long trousers, shirts (usually loose fit) and blazers, but she brings variety to the outfits with matching jewelry, shoes and bags. Undoubtedly, without a shock of red hair, her image would not have looked so bright, but this is the real style - the ability to take into account physical data when compiling a wardrobe.

Masculine Femininity: Stella McCartney

The hallmarks of McCartney's style are less obvious than others - more of a conviction than a set of specific details. Early in her career, Stella paired Savile Row silhouettes with feminine vintage pieces. The dialogue between male and female in her wardrobe continued after, but with the introduction of elements of sportswear. Whether the designer wears a short silk dress or leggings, a model with a bold seventies-style neckline or one of those comfortable oversized turtlenecks, she always looks relaxed. “The main thing is to find the clothes that work perfectly for you,” she says. I am a big fan of variety. I love the idea of ​​an off-the-shoulder evening suit as an alternative to the traditional tuxedo."

Simple Classic: Alex Stedman

Blogger, stylist and art director Alex Steadman prefers a relaxed style. Her looks are full of denim, loose blouses tucked into trousers, pinstripes and trendy shoes (luxury leather sandals, gray platform sneakers and suede heels). Stedman's clothes are discreet, they look very budgetary, but at the same time very fashionable - her style lies precisely in simplicity. In addition, Alex is rarely seen with covered ankles and without branded glasses.

Every year the style in clothes is updated. There are new items from well-known fashion houses that attract the attention of women and make them doubt the choice of their own individual style of clothing.

Creating your own unique style is a painstaking and rather difficult task that requires taste and your own opinion. It is impossible to use templates and traditional solutions here. Each woman is unique in her own way and requires her own original wardrobe and high quality items.

You should not save on clothes and buy cheap things that, after a short period of time, lose their original appearance and require replacement. High-quality clothing emphasizes the refined taste of a woman and speaks of her own style.

It is important not to go to extremes and not use exalted ways to attract attention. Such an approach is not suitable for an accomplished and successful woman. When creating your own style in clothes, it is necessary to take into account age, physiological characteristics and anthropological parameters. You need to stick to your own style, allowing you to look 100% anytime, anywhere.

It seems to many that it is easy and simple to develop a style in clothes. In fact, the process is quite painstaking and requires care when choosing things. No need to chase fashion, aimlessly purchasing clothes in large quantities. Quantity does not always translate into quality.

The wardrobe of a girl and a woman should allow her to look different every day, but stick to a certain style. No need to mindlessly copy other people's images, they are not always better than your individual decisions. In this case, stereotype destroys individuality and does not allow your image to open up.

What to look for when choosing clothes?

Each person has an idea of ​​his own individual image. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Otherwise, it is impossible to decide on your own style.

It is important to consider the following parameters:

  1. visual combination. You should pay attention to the hairstyle, hair color, brightness of makeup, manicure, accessories.
  2. Behavior and communication. Gait, speech, facial expressions, gestures.
  3. Circle of friends. Surrounding people, work, life, place of residence.

Every woman has her own unique look. Clothing is able, with proper use, to hide flaws and emphasize dignity. Help to gain confidence in any situation.

The way a person dresses shows the degree of his love and respect for himself. It is not for nothing that they meet by clothes, but see off by mind. People first of all evaluate the appearance and clothing of a person, and only then make a final conclusion, after communicating with him.

Do not blindly follow fashion trends. Many fashion trends are universal and designed for a huge number of women. It is necessary to choose among the abundance of proposed models your own original solutions that allow you to create a complete image. How to find your style in clothes? It is important to rely on your opinion and listen to inner feelings. Clothing should be comfortable, without feeling tight or uncomfortable. You can listen to the advice of experts or make small borrowings, but you need to rely only on your own feelings and feelings.

Do not passively copy other people's trends imposed by aggressive advertising. Such an approach produces the same images that do not allow a really interesting personality to be clearly expressed. You can simply "dissolve" in a huge "sea" of facelessness and uniformity. This approach is a dead end and does not allow you to develop your own style solutions.

When creating your own style in clothes, you can follow the following algorithm of actions:

Contents of the closet to be inspected

A thorough audit of the contents of the cabinets should be carried out. See many things. You need to put aside things that have not been worn for a year. These clothes should be put away or simply distributed. It does not match your attitude and does not fit the style. It lies as an unnecessary ballast inside the cabinet and collects dust. If it is a pity to give or throw away clothes, then you can try to change them. You can give the master or make changes yourself. This approach will give things a "second life".

What items dominate in your wardrobe? The remaining things need to be carefully examined and try to answer the question: why do you wear them?

Creating your own style

You need to rely primarily on your own rhythm of life, environment, work and lifestyle. When choosing clothes, you need to listen to your own feelings, and not fashion trends. Things should be convenient and comfortable. The quality of the fabric plays an important role. The color scheme depends purely on personal individual preferences. No need to drive yourself into artificial color frames that limit your imagination.

It is important not to be afraid of experiments and bold decisions. It all depends purely on imagination and personal ideas about beauty. A wide selection of items on sale will give you the opportunity to create any image and your own style without titanic efforts. You just need to listen to your own feelings and "inner voice".