The correct position in the ergo backpack. An ergonomic backpack is a fashion item or a real benefit. How to wear ergo in winter

Not all ergo backpacks are suitable for carrying babies from birth to 3-4 months. The fact is that the back of a "regular" backpack has a fixed width. A month old baby is too small and can't spread her legs that wide. This is where the erroneous opinion came from that ergo backpacks do not exist from birth. There are more like! And provide ergonomics. It's just that not everyone knows how to talk about it correctly.

Ergonomics - what is it?

Ergonomic fit is not empty marketing words, but very specific requirements formulated by the global sling community based on the recommendations of doctors and taking into account the anatomy of a small child. There are three landing requirements.

  • The legs are spread in the M-position. The knees are higher than the priests, but not pulled up to the ears. The carrier fabric runs under the knees. The tibia moves freely.
  • Support is provided for those parts of the spine that are not yet sufficiently formed to stand on their own. In a newborn, this is actually the entire spine. It is very important to remember here that the baby was bent in the mother's stomach for a long time, and it is wrong to straighten it immediately after birth. The rounded back of the baby when worn allows the intervertebral discs to fully absorb the steps of an adult and reduces the compression load on the child's spine.
  • The head is supported in an upright position by a headrest, hood, or something else - a baby with a lowered head will have difficulty breathing.

The conclusion is very simple: it does not matter what the name of the carrier is called. It is important that it allows you to place the child correctly. Such backpacks exist. Now, now we’ll tell you, a little bit of theory remains.

And still…

And yet, up to 3-4 months, we recommend slings. Especially when it comes to frequent wear. In our experience, it is easier to properly seat a newborn in a sling - it adapts to the baby literally millimeters each time (and the child really grows every day!). The backpack, one way or another, is limited in terms of the possibilities of “fitting” and in some week it may turn out that it is not possible to place it ergonomically.

We also note that immediately after childbirth, it is not recommended for a mother to wear a voluminous belt. And yet - we do not insist, but we suggest - let's, if possible, actively master different means of transportation for the baby when he is at least a month old. Manduca, for example, clearly limits the use of a backpack - from 3.5 kg and 2 weeks. It is reasonable. The first time is the most difficult for both the baby and the mother. Let it pass calmly and with maximum comfort for both.

And still. A completely legitimate desire of a parent is to want to carry a baby in an ergo-backpack from the first months. Then we urge you to carefully consider the choice and learn how to use a suitable model.

Ergo backpacks that are suitable from birth


In the Manduka sling backpack, the baby is located in the M-position and is fixed in it with the help of an insert resembling panties. In such "underpants" he does not have to spread his legs wide. And this fixation helps to put the child as evenly as possible.

Tips for an ergonomic fit

  • The Manduk backpack has an adjustable back height - adjust it so that the spine and head receive full support.
  • Be sure to tighten the upper edge of the back with the help of special slings on the straps.
  • It is better to wear the straps crosswise - the attraction of the baby to the mother is more uniform.
  • For better support of the back of the baby, you can use a special elliptical insert in the zipper, which is called the ZipIn Ellipse.

If you did everything right, the child will be in the correct position and supported by the back, and not sit on the pope.

It is important to ensure that the child does not rest his legs on the belt of the backpack - the stepping reflex is triggered, and the child actually stands on his feet. This creates unnecessary pressure on the infant spine at such a tender age. Usually the baby's legs begin to rest against the belt at 2 months, sometimes earlier. From now on, it is better to use the Size-It back width adjustment strap.

Emeibaby (EmeiBabi)

AmeyBaby is a hybrid of a sling and a backpack. From the backpack, he adopted wide straps and a padded fastex belt. From the sling, he got a “scarf” fabric and rings that allow you to adjust the attraction of the backrest literally by a centimeter.

Due to its cunning design, a small child can be placed in the Ameybebi backpack with minimal adjustments and settings and without additional accessories. But, unlike a sling, there is a “minimum volume”. If the back is tightened to the limit, and the child is still hanging out, alas, you must either choose a different backpack or grow up a little.

The width of the back is easy to adjust by tucking the right amount of fabric into the waistband. The upper part of the back is attracted with the help of special slings on the straps. Uniform support of the spine is carried out due to a special "scarf" fabric. This fabric hugs the baby better. As the child grows, you need to adjust the width of the back by wrapping it around the belt and uniformity of attraction with the help of rings.

ERGO Baby Carrier with newborn insert

The idea is that the child is first placed in an insert - a thick envelope, and the insert is already fixed in the backpack. When placing the child in the insert, it is important to follow the M-position of the legs. If necessary, fold the bottom edge of the insert. There are disadvantages: the design is quite cumbersome. In winter, it is difficult to properly place a child in thick clothes, and under a sling jacket, he, along with an insert, may simply not fit. It's hot in summer, the child is like in a thick blanket.

UPD: since 2018, it has been difficult to find original Ergo Baby in Russia, fakes are more common.

Or maybe slings?

If the backpack “didn’t fit”, it didn’t work out to seat the baby correctly, or just the price for an ergo backpack of an average and high price category does not fit into the budget - try slings.

There is a budget and relatively simple solution - May-sling. May-sling instead of backpack straps has long strips of fabric that wrap around the baby several times. Of the slings-scarves, knitted ones are the easiest to master.

And what's better?

It is best when there is an opportunity to come to us or call our consultant at home. We will show, take, teach to use. Remember that it's not the naming that matters - sling, backpack or whatever. It is important to follow very specific rules of ergonomic fit. If you have any doubts about whether you are using the carrier correctly, send photos, we will help you understand what is wrong. Or, on the contrary, we will add self-confidence.

Ulyana Romanovskaya , certified sling consultant of Trageshule school, basic course.
When reprinting an active link is required.

Child in front (7-13 kg)

Fasten the fastex fastener at the back of the belt, pull up the loose ends of the belt, if necessary. Let the backpack hang freely in front of you.

Hold the child close to you and spread his legs (they should be located on top of the belt).

Throw the free part of the backpack on the back of the child, do not forget to hold the baby firmly.

Supporting the child with your right hand, put the left shoulder strap on your shoulder.

Change hands, now support the child with your left hand, putting the right strap on your shoulder.

With both hands, snap the fastex of the connecting sling onto the back of the neck. Tighten the free ends of the sling for security, if necessary.

Adjust the shoulder straps by pulling down on the free ends of the straps if necessary.

Everything is ready to enjoy walking with Bob!

Child on the back (9-20 kg)

Put the straps on your shoulders so that the backpack is behind you. Fasten the fastex at the waist in front. Remove the right shoulder strap from your shoulder.

Sit your baby on your right thigh and, holding the baby firmly, place your left hand between the backpack and your back. Now grab the baby's left leg with this hand and pull it into the carrier.

At the same time, lean forward slightly to transfer the baby's weight onto your back.

Remaining in the "leaning forward" position, hold the child with your left hand, while putting the right strap of the backpack on your shoulder.

Once both straps are on your shoulders, you can straighten up.

Now adjust the straps if necessary. Just pull down on the free ends of the lines.

Clip the fastex of the connecting strap and tighten it if necessary. The sling should be at the level of your armpits.

Now enjoy the Boba Ergo Backpack!

Style "Lucia"

If you don't like a backpack that hangs down the front when your baby isn't in it, just wrap both shoulder straps around your waist and clip the fastex connector strap behind your back. Now tighten the free ends of the sling. Everything is ready, you can go!

(This idea was given to us by the elegant mother Lucia)

Carrying a newborn (3.5-7 kg)

In a Boba backpack, a newborn baby can be carried in a special position, provided that its weight is from 3.5 to 7 kg. If your little one weighs less than 3.5kg, we recommend using the Boba Wrap ( If your baby weighs 7 kg or more, please refer to the "Baby Front" section of this manual.

First, find the two buttons that are on the sides of the warning patch. Attach them to the corresponding buttons on the body of the carrier.

Detach both fastexes from the belt. Turn them the other way and attach them back (this is necessary in order to avoid twisting the straps while wearing a newborn). Check each fastex by passing it along the entire length of the braid (This only needs to be done twice: before the very first wearing of the newborn and after the last).

Place the belt in front of you at hip level (pocket facing you). Snap the buckle behind your back, tighten if necessary so that the belt sits comfortably just above your pelvic bones.

Slip both straps over your shoulders.

Use both hands to fasten the fastex of the connecting strap at the back of the neck.

Tighten both straps so that you have a comfortable "handbag" in the front that is the right size for your child. The Boba backpack should practically blend into your body on both sides.

Take the baby with both hands and carefully place it in the backpack. The child should be facing you. NEVER place your baby forward facing.

The baby's legs should be in the "frog" position or in the "embryo" position. But they should always touch your body (do not put your child's feet in the part of the backpack that is fastened with buttons).

Adjust the straps so that the baby's body is properly supported by the carrier. Please make sure you tighten the adjustment straps tightly on all sides, this will prevent the child from falling and provide good support for the child's back.

If necessary, adjust the strap that is responsible for supporting the head of the newborn (it is located inside the pocket). The head should rest on your chest, and the child should look to the left or right. The baby's nose should always be at least parallel to the floor. When the child falls asleep, the nose should be raised even higher. Please read the Safety Instructions included with the backpack to ensure your child's safety.

Belt holders

Special strap holders can be used, for example, to keep your bag from slipping off your shoulder, as well as to carry keys or your baby's favorite toy.

Bob pockets

The Boba carrier is equipped with three pockets. In the pocket you can put your phone, keys, teethers or a small snack.

How to use the hood

If the baby is asleep, remove the hood from the pocket of the carrier, take one of the two straps on the hood and pull it over the baby's head. Then fasten the strap to the appropriate strap on your shoulder using the button.

Repeat the same with the second strap. Now everything is ready! If you feel that the hood is too small or, conversely, too large, adjust its size using the free ends of the straps. You will find them at the base of the hood.

WARNING: Check that the hood is not too tight and that the baby's head is not pressed too tightly against your body. Also make sure that the hood does not cover the baby's nose and mouth. The baby's nose should always be at least parallel to the floor. When the baby fell asleep, his nose should be located even higher. If the hood is not needed, put it back in the carrying pocket.

The lego hood is detachable. Just unfasten the three buttons at its base and the two buttons that attach the straps to the shoulder straps.

Roll up the hood and leave the straps hanging on the outside. Then you can easily take out the hood again if you carry the child on your back.

The hood can be used as a cape when you need to discreetly feed your baby.

It is very easy to look in and check how the baby is feeling. Just unhook one of the hood straps from the shoulder strap.

The hood will help you protect your baby from direct sunlight or wind when you carry your baby in front or on your back.

*The Boba hood was created with the help of Nicole Constantin, mum and specialist in carrying babies in backpacks and carriers.

Boba stirrups

The Boba backpack is equipped with special stirrups (the technology is in the process of patenting). These stirrups allow children's legs to be at a 90 degree angle, which ensures the correct posture of the child and excellent blood circulation. The child may begin to use the stirrups after his legs begin to hang below the waistband of the backpack. Some kids like the extra leg support, while others prefer to have their legs dangle freely. Observe your child and choose the option that suits him.

Here are a few simple steps to help ensure your little one has a comfortable ride in the Boba backpack.

Insert the stirrup into the moving plastic piece and attach it so that the child's thighs are at least parallel to the ground. Keep in mind that to use the stirrups, you need to fasten at least two buttons.

Leg stirrups can be located not only in front, but also in the back. To do this, move the plastic part along the sling to the required distance.

Please note: at first it will be somewhat difficult to move the sliding part on the stirrup. If such difficulties arise, move this part with both hands until the design is developed a little.

When you don't need the stirrups, they can be easily removed.


Attention: When using stirrups, the baby must be wearing shoes. Using stirrups in accordance with these instructions will ensure the safety and comfort of your child.

Security measures

Read all the tips carefully before using the backpack.

Use common sense when carrying a child in a backpack. Look out for the "Fall Alert" patch on the inside of the waistband.

Always make sure that the buckle on the belt is securely fastened, a loud click should be heard during the snapping. To unfasten the fastex, press it on both sides at the same time.

The Boba backpack is not a safe device for transporting children in a car. Please use specially designed child carriers when traveling by car.

Do not use electrical appliances when carrying your child in a backpack, do not cook food, do not drink HOT drinks.


This Boba backpack is designed for parent-facing, front- or rear-facing use only.

This backpack should not be used by people who have any problems with the muscular or skeletal system, back, legs, or people with any other disabilities if these problems or disabilities could interfere with the safe use of the backpack.

Do not use this backpack if you are under the influence of alcohol or medication.

The Boba backpack is not intended for use during sports or other active activities where there is a high likelihood of bumps or falls.

Please read the Safety Instructions supplied with the backpack. It will give you more information on how to safely carry your baby in a backpack.

Tips for safe and comfortable use of Boba

Have someone help you the first few times you use the backpack.

Practice in front of a mirror.

Try gently shaking your baby to make it easier for him to get into the backpack.

Sometimes it may be necessary to pull the top of the backpack up to completely cover the child's back with the fabric of the backpack, or to allow the baby's bottom to slide completely into the bottom of the backpack.

Before using the Boba backpack for the first time, make sure that the baby is not hungry and is awake enough. Then everything will be fine. However, remember that this is still a new experience!

Make sure the shoulder straps fit snugly around your shoulders so that both you and your baby are comfortable. The baby should be tightly pressed to your body, but so that you can still stand normally.

Every day, the market for goods for babies is becoming richer and more extensive. Manufacturers are trying to create as many new products as possible that can make life easier for young mothers and fathers, as well as their crumbs. One of the most useful and necessary among them is an ergo backpack.

On sale you can find many models that are intended for children of different ages and genders, as well as for different seasons. Today, even special products are made in which twins can be worn. It is convenient that the hands remain completely free. And the kids are located on the sides of mom or dad, clasping his legs.

It is very important to choose the right backpack for your child, as well as to use it wisely.

Is an ergonomic backpack suitable for newborns?

Recently, many parents prefer a sling backpack, not a kangaroo. And this is easy to explain, because it is more convenient and takes into account all the physiological characteristics of the baby.

Often in the description of goods, especially imported ones, you can see that they are suitable even for newborn babies. But experienced doctors do not agree with this point of view. Indeed, in this case, manufacturers are more likely to use the lack of state standards for backpacks and carriers for children. Therefore, do not trust these dubious records too much.

An ergonomic backpack can even be dangerous for a newborn for the following reasons:

  • There is no necessary support for the spine. The shape of the product is always fixed by the manufacturer. It is impossible to change it. For a newborn baby, it is always too large. Due to the size of the straps sewn into the middle of the back of the model, which is too large for him, the upper and lower sections of the spine are not fixed enough, which can lead to serious problems in the future.
  • Too much work for mom. For a woman in the postpartum period, doctors recommend avoiding excessive pressure on (follow the link, exercises that will help strengthen the pelvic floor are very useful for women). When carrying a newborn in the backpack under discussion, many mothers complain of increased discharge, the appearance of discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, as well as hemorrhoids.
  • The appearance of lumbar deflection in the crumbs ahead of time. The formation of the lumbar deflection should begin during the period when the child learns to sit. Because of the sling backpack, this process can begin earlier, as mothers for a newborn baby have to tighten the slings harder.
  • Excessive breeding of the legs, which is affected by the width of the back of the product set by the manufacturer.

In baby goods stores today you can find special versions of the discussed backpacks, which are equipped with special inserts for wearing newborns. But they only create additional inconvenience for both the girl and the baby.

If you prefer an ergo backpack instead, then you should carefully study the basic techniques for carrying a baby.

From what month can a child be carried in an ergo-backpack?

You can start using any sling backpack no earlier than 4 months. This is the minimum age for those cases when the mother is critically unable to cope with the baby, and she does not have the opportunity to carry him in any other way. If there is no such need, then it is better to wait until the time when the child begins to sit on his own. This is an average of 6-8 months. Just at this time, its weight reaches about 7 kilograms, and its height exceeds 65 centimeters.

Use cases - 3 positions

The ergo backpack is an indispensable thing for the parents of the baby, it allows you to travel or do household chores, while not burdening your back much. An ergo-backpack, unlike other similar devices, allows the baby to be in the correct physiological position. There are three main options for using the discussed backpack, which you will learn about below.

The first one is face to face

In this case, the child sits in a backpack in such a way that he is face to face with mom or dad. It is very important in this case to use an insert for the neck. Otherwise, the baby will quickly get tired and feel uncomfortable. After all, he will not be able to lean his head on his mother, he will have free space behind him. Such inserts, as a rule, come with the product.

It is especially good because the smallest children in this case will not be scared and look for their mother. The baby will be able to look at the parents all the time. And it will be easier for mom or dad to follow his mood.

The second is facing forward

In this position, the baby is located back and head towards the mother, and facing forward. Its main advantage lies in the fact that the child can look ahead and explore the world around him. In this case, he will not be bored sitting in a sling backpack. In addition, if his back or head gets tired, he can always lean on his mother or just snuggle up to her if he gets bored.

The third is on the back

The child is placed behind the back of the mother. The sling backpack is put on just like a normal backpack. The baby is located with his back to his mother. He can turn his head in one direction or the other and hug his mother.

This is the least convenient way, but it is relevant for those cases when a woman’s hands are busy shopping or other things. Tips from an orthopedist on choosing the right position for a child in a backpack by month.

So that being in a sling backpack does not harm the baby, you should heed the advice of an experienced orthopedist in this regard. As mentioned above, an ergonomic backpack should be used from 4 months. If the parents decide to start this process earlier, then the child must be in it in a horizontal lying position. If we talk about weight, then up to about 6 kilograms. This will prevent the baby from possible problems with the spine in the future.

As soon as the baby is 4 months old, and he gains the indicated weight, you can begin to accustom him to a new position - vertical. It is best to have it facing mom or dad. This will ensure better visual and physical contact. This position is recommended up to 6 months (approximately up to 15 kilograms).

In addition, from three months it is allowed to transport a child in a special backpack slightly to the side, but also facing mom or dad.

After six months, you should start transplanting the baby in a backpack facing forward. This will allow him to begin to actively get acquainted with the world around him and study it. The last third position behind the back of the mother is recommended only from 6 months.

What is the difference between a kangaroo backpack and an ergo backpack?

Some parents believe that there is no difference between them. Actually it is not so. They just have similar designs.

The main difference can be called the safety of the child. Unlike a kangaroo in a sling backpack, the legs of the crumbs are divorced and slightly raised. The knees are raised higher, and the butt is lowered. This is just the orthopedically correct position recommended by experts for a small child.

In addition, in the backpack under discussion, the child is firmly pressed against mom or dad, so his weight is distributed correctly and evenly. A dense soft belt and wide straps allow you not to shift the center of gravity and carry the baby with ease. Mom will probably be able to take a long walk.

But in the kangaroo, the baby's legs hang down strongly, the knees are located on the same line with the booty or below it. The entire weight of the child falls on the perineum and buttocks. This is unacceptable for crumbs who are not yet able to sit confidently on their own. This can be painful and uncomfortable for both children and adults.

How to choose a good "sling-backpack"?

A good sling backpack must be equipped with a thick, wide belt made of high-quality fabric. He will take on the bulk of the load, correctly distributing the weight of the crumbs on the waist and hips of mom or dad.

On our site there are many different notes, videos, photos on how to properly put on and adjust an ergonomic backpack.

But not every mother can understand what exactly needs to be paid attention to. I say in the video: “And we tighten the belt at the waist, placing it parallel to the floor,” but in reality, then photos come where the belt is worn differently. And these situations happen often. It’s just that many points are not given due attention, and this turns out to be important, because for some reason the back suddenly starts to hurt or the child is naughty. In fact, a novice slingo mother may not understand at all what she did wrong. She intuitively sees that her photo is somehow different from the photo from the site, but for an inexperienced eye, this is not easy to do. To be honest, I also have deadlock situations when I don’t immediately understand what my mother’s mistake is.

In this article, I will use photographs of our clients. I really hope that this will not cause a storm of emotions and resentment, because in the end you have learned to do everything right. So let's help others learn from other people's mistakes and not step on the same "ergo-rake" over and over again.

So, let's start again with the belt. This is the first mistake , since the belt is put on first. We have a whole article about the belt, where it is written how to do everything right "", and now we will show how not to do it and what it affects.

The belt is not located at the waist.

When the upper part of the belt is below the waist, then in general the distribution of the load is disturbed. The main load in this case falls on the shoulders and back. A belt worn low loses its functionality - the weight of the child does not fall on it, because in this case the child "hangs" above the belt. Our belt is quite wide, so it should fit the stomach and at the same time rest on the hips. In this case, the load from the lower back is very well removed.

Here is a photo with errors, where the belt is worn low:

This also includes the following error:

The belt is fastened at the waist very loosely, so it slides forward and down under the baby's weight. Read again how to tighten the belt sling well. There are videos and photos.

How bad is that. Again, the load on the hips is unevenly distributed. Since the child is located in front, the gravity vector presses forward and downward, and the upper fulcrum, namely, the lower back and the back as a whole, experiences the maximum load. Hence again the pain, discomfort, rapid fatigue.

And here is the error when The belt is initially put on kind of tight, but skewed forward. The problem is the same with the center of gravity shifted down and the load being transferred to the lower back. So,

Stand sideways to the mirror and see if you have these errors? If not, let's move on =)

Second mistake mom - this is the wrong level of the child relative to the belt and relative to the mother's chest.

Even with the correct donning and fastening of the belt, the child can sit low. In addition to the same problem with a displaced center of gravity, another problem appears - discomfort in the child.

In this photo, the backpack is worn at the correct height, the belt is well pulled, parallel to the floor. But something is still not right.

What we see in the photo above. The belt is put on correctly, but the child is somehow flattened, there is no letter M, there is a feeling that the back is somehow flat, and the strangest thing is that for some reason the side fastex touches the child’s legs. In addition, the side shock absorbers are in a sluggish loose position. This is a clear signal that there is an error.

And here is the error. The back of the backpack is too far down relative to the level of the belt. The belt is not visible from behind the back during frontal (in front of the mirror) examination. And what happens to the baby?

Instead of the pelvis and hips of the baby being located in the lower part of the back, which has a very convex, expanded, embossed shape especially for this, they fall into the part that is located above, and no longer has any darts or embossed seams. There should already be a child's back. The child's butt becomes flat, it has nowhere to fall through, a U-shaped position of the hips is formed (knees at the level of the priests - P).

And besides this, fastex fasteners touch the child's knees, which causes discomfort for both the baby and the mother. They are inconvenient to fasten and there is a risk of hurting the child's leg.

How to fix it?

In this case, you need to raise the level of the child so that you can clearly see the belt in the mirror. Ideally, the crotch of the child, when the belt is correctly worn at the waist, is located opposite the mother's navel. This must be done with the help of the upper straps. Just grab them and pull them up, along with the child.

In the photo above, the belt is correctly worn and the level of the child relative to the belt is the most optimal. As you can see in the photo on the right, the butt is rounded, the M-position is perfectly tracked (the knees are higher than the priests - M), since there is a lot of space for the hips and pelvis in this part of the back. Side fasteners are located above the knees.

Third mistake - when we start adjusting the lines. Intuitively, we want to squeeze the child as close to us as possible so that he does not hang out in the backpack, lift him higher, fix him tighter. The child really should be tightly pressed to the mother so that the mother and child are as one. But this must be done correctly, without harming the child's spine. And we begin to pull the sling from the side - stronger and stronger ..

And we get this picture:

Under no circumstances should this be allowed. The back of the child should have a natural rounded-convex shape. The fabric should hug the back, support it, but not squeeze it. Like if you make a hammock out of cloth and lie down in it. The fabric will be the support. But if along the edges of this canvas, right under your shoulder blades, cross-cross another strip of fabric (a tourniquet of fabric) and start lifting this fabric from both sides, it will be unpleasant for you, and maybe even hurt. At the very least, this position cannot be called comfortable. And the back of the child still has a very weak muscular corset.

How to make sure that the back is not worried, how to raise the child higher, pull it closer to you. There is our detailed video about this, and we post it on almost every page .. Because it is IMPORTANT.

In addition to the fact that the backrest is pinched and this in itself is already bad, this incorrect adjustment also carries other errors.

Due to the fact that the back is tightly tightened in the middle, there may be voids and bubbles from the fabric under the baby's booty. The weight of the child is small, so this clamping simply keeps the child in a semi-suspended state. The child cannot completely sink into the lower part of the back, as the fabric holds him. And a frequent companion of this mistake is the U-shaped position of the priests and hips of the child.

If you do everything right, as in the video, then the back on the side will look like this:

If you purchased the Universal design, then the zippered flap may not give a complete picture of how your baby's back feels. You can overtighten it, and since the valve itself doesn't create tension, you might not notice it.

A similar situation happens with another design of our backpack - In addition to the manipulations above in the video for hugging a child, you need to pay special attention to the straps on the child's back. Since this design can begin to be mastered from 2-3 months of age due to other support for the child's back, it is extremely important to direct this backpack to serve here for good, and not for harm. After all, as you know, no matter what age the carrying is recommended (for example, a sling with rings and a sling-scarf come from birth), if it is worn and adjusted incorrectly, it will do more harm than good. And then you can forget about the physiology of babywearing.

So, a similar mistake with the Comfort backpack.

To avoid such an error, the straps on the back of the child must be straightened as much as possible. They should not have folds. From below, the edges of the straps should slightly extend beyond the edge of the back. The higher the point of intersection of these straps on the back of the child, the less pressure on the spine, the better.

The photo above shows how wide the straps on the back of the child are. Their edges protrude beyond the back, and their upper intersection is raised quite high.

As you can see in these photos above, there is no back clamping. So,

Fourth mistake.

The child is not tightly pulled in a backpack, the fabric does not hug him along the entire height of the spine.

The photo above shows that the entire thoracic spine and shoulders of the child do not have proper support. there are many voids inside. Why is it not safe?

Since the child's back is only supported at the bottom by the fabric, and the upper back and shoulders are not supported by the fabric, the child is essentially sitting. It would not be so serious if the child already had independent sitting skills, his back muscles are ready for such loads, though, again, not for as long as it happens while walking in an ergo backpack.

If the child is not yet sitting, then this position is very dangerous. The entire load in this position falls on the lower part of the spine. Such a mistake can either be due to the fact that the carrier is still large for the child in terms of volume and height (as in the case shown in the photo) and you just need to wait a little while using it, or you need to understand the reason why the child is not pulled tightly. This is usually due to the fact that the baby has not sunk deep into the back of the backpack (for one reason or another), and the upper straps of the backpack are not tight enough.

It is very important to understand that the attraction should be maximum so that there are no voids between the back and back of the child. Only tightly stretched fabric. As a test, you will not be able to put your hand between the back of the child and the fabric of the backpack.

In the photo above, you can see that the fabric fits the child very tightly. No voids. This is right.

In the smallest children, up to 4 months, the issue of maximum attraction of the shoulder girdle is especially relevant. That is why, in our vertical carriers for the smallest (may-sling, hybrid backpack, comfort backpack), an additional function of attracting the child's shoulder girdle is provided.

How does this happen? The shoulder straps of the carrier are twisted 1 time on the "wrong" side, thereby creating additional tension exclusively in the child's shoulder girdle. It is very important.

We deliberately put the word "purl" in quotation marks, because on all these carriers the inside of the straps has the same appearance and the same functional properties as on the outside.

Namely, on the inside of the strap there is exactly the same loop for fixing the head restraint as on the outside. Therefore, you can also use the head restraint when the strap is twisted.

Look at the photo above. They show how to turn the strap to the inside to better tighten the child's shoulder girdle.

* - Naturally, we must understand that such a function is in our carriers. You need to check if this function is available from other manufacturers.

Fifth mistake.

The child will feel uncomfortable if the back is too high in the backpack. This closes his view, can rub his neck and the delicate skin of his cheeks and head, and this generally violates the correct fixation of the back, since the child in this position will intuitively push off from his mother, lift his head back, straighten his back and in every possible way prevent the preservation of the M-position.

How to fix the error? Very simple. Our backpacks are provided. To lower the back of the ergonomic backpack to the desired level, it is necessary.

For a child who still does not hold his head well (up to 3-4 months)

It is optimal if the height of the backrest is at the level of the child's neck or slightly lower. Since the edge at the back is not softened by anything, it is not worth it to come into contact with the child's head. To support the fragile neck and head of the baby, it is better to use specially designed head restraints. Under the head of a child who still does not hold his head well, there should be a SOFT ROLLER. This is the most optimal device for gentle fixation of the head, since it is voluminous and round, without seams and has no edges. And this soft round and fastened with shoulder straps.

For a child who already holds his head well (from 4-5 months)

It is enough to keep the back at the level of the child's shoulders. It is important that the child's shoulder girdle is pulled in, and head and neck support is needed when the child is sleeping, or if he throws his head back strongly. In this case, you can also roll the roller out of the headrest for safety.

For a child older than 6-7 months the back can be lowered to the level of the shoulder blades. Since at this age the child usually already knows how to sit independently,

he does not need support for the shoulder girdle, so you can lower the backrest and pull the handles out. Make sure that the fabric of the edge of the back does not cut into the armpits of the child.

Sixth mistake.

Void at the bottom of the back of the backpack. The child's butt is badly sunk deep into the back. Sometimes there is a feeling of P-position, the fabric of the back is not stretched.

This error occurs already when we carry a child with handles out .

There were cases when mothers successfully coped with the M-position for 2-3 months, with no pinching of the back, but when switching to wearing with handles outward, difficulties began again. What is the essence of this error?

And here's what. When putting on an ergo backpack, it is very important procedure . To maintain the correct M-position, provide maximum support for the child's back and not overtighten the back of the child when adjusting the straps, put on the backpack in the following order:

1 . pre-adjust the height of the backrest to the level of the shoulder blades of the child. We fix the straps and keep this height if we plan to continue to carry the child like this. If we do not lower the back first, the child will be uncomfortable and he will be capricious.

2. when putting on the ergonomic backpack, we immediately give the child’s position the correct M-position, raise the back of the backpack and hold the child’s arms inside or just on the sides.

3. Carefully slide the baby's bottom into the back of the ergo backpack, ensure maximum attraction of the upper straps. There should be no voids in the fabric under the booty and back.

4. Fasten the fastexes and tighten the straps as described in the video on this page. No back pressure.


If you break this order and pull out the child's arms to points 3 and 4, the child, in fact, will not be able to fall deep into the back. Visually, this may not be noticeable, but in fact, the child can be held on his arms (armpits), while his hips, pelvis and lower back will not have proper support. This is easy to check - if the fabric is not stretched in the lower part of the back, if there is a feeling of a P-position, then the child has not sunk deep enough into the back. If at the same time his handles are outside, they must be removed inside and the above points should be done in the correct order.

Perhaps these are not all the errors that we remembered. Many of them we reveal only thanks to your photos. We did not even know about many mistakes, and it is very good that the photos of our clients help us to understand them and help other mothers not to repeat these mistakes.

Happy and long slinging to you.

Best regards, Kovaleva Olga

With the onset of cold weather, parents face the question of how to walk in winter using an ergo backpack. Let's start with the fact that winter is not a reason to sit at home waiting for warmer weather. Daily walks are necessary for the health and hardening of the baby, and no one is safe from trips and trips on business. Ergo backpacks are a necessary attribute of winter walks. In winter, slings are worn under outerwear - with children under one year old (or rather, with non-walking or little walking children) and over outerwear (with children after a year, more active "walkers")

Children under one year old, as a rule, are worn under clothes - babies sleep most of the time on a walk, so there is no need to get the baby out of the sling, and you can feed on the go with the right clothes.

In this case, you need to choose the right wardrobe. When worn under clothing, there is no need to thoroughly insulate yourself and the child. Fleece overalls with elongated legs, which makes it possible to spread the legs correctly and widely - what you need for such walks. Nothing else can be worn over the fleece overalls - the warmth coming from the mother will always warm the baby.

Now slingo jackets have actively entered the wardrobe of mothers. Gone are the days when moms had to wear husband's jackets or women's jackets several sizes larger. Modern sling jackets, as a rule, are universal - these are 3:1 jackets. A special insert allows them to be worn by both pregnant women and women with a child under the jacket, and then in ordinary life - with the insert unfastened. Thus, the jacket can be worn for several seasons, not just one year.

Now there are many convenient additions to the winter wardrobe of mom and baby - slings, shoe covers, double slings, as well as sling coats, sling ponchos, sling inserts - there is plenty to choose from even the most picky fashionistas.

Children after a year are usually worn over clothes - it is already uncomfortable to wear under a jacket, the baby's legs are torn from under mother's clothes! In addition, after a year, children begin to walk actively, it is already difficult for them to sit on their mother's arms, but to bring the child to the playground, clinic, developing studio, especially when time is running out and there is no way to go slowly, adjusting to the steps of the baby - this is still relevant, because children quickly get tired and ask to be “handled”.

In this case, we dress the child warmly, like an adult, in winter overalls, preferably with elongated pants (slingo overalls), so that the baby’s legs are not open to cold and frost.