Presentation "History of the holiday New Year in Rus'". Presentation on the theme "history of the holiday New Year" New Year in Rus' presentation for children

The New Year has forever entered our life, becoming a traditional holiday for all people on earth. Meanwhile, everything has its beginning. The history of this holiday has at least 25 centuries. This custom was first born in Mesopotamia. Here, as well as in the lower valley of the Nile, at the end of the 4th millennium BC, civilization was first born. It was here, according to scientists, for the first time (in the third millennium) they began to celebrate the New Year.

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Basically, the celebration of the New Year among the ancient peoples coincided with the beginning of the revival of nature and was usually timed to March. March was considered the first month by the ancient Romans, because at this time field work began. In 46 BC. e. Roman emperor Julius Caesar moved the beginning of the year to January 1st. The Romans on this day made sacrifices to Janus and started major events with him, considering the first day of the year an auspicious day.

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Imagine that local gnomes are considered the ancestors of Santa Claus in some countries. In others, medieval itinerant jugglers who sang Christmas carols, or itinerant sellers of children's toys. There is an opinion that among the relatives of Santa Claus is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, he is Studenets, Frost. The image of Santa Claus has evolved over the centuries, and each nation has contributed something of its own to its history. Read more >>>

Since 1700, Tsar Peter issued a decree - to celebrate the New Year not from the day of the creation of the world, but the Nativity of the God-man, referring to the European peoples. It was forbidden to celebrate September 1, and it was ordered to make some decoration in front of the gate from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper, and to stand for that decoration of Invar until the 7th of the same year. On the 1st day, as a sign of fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, and do this when fiery fun begins on Red Square and there will be shooting.

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If you want the Christmas holiday to return again, let it into your home, into your family. Start by telling the children about the origin of the holiday and how it used to be celebrated in Russia. The rite of Christmas Eve with its lit candle on the window and unusually simple and very tasty food will be interesting for children. The table can be decorated with original compositions of branches and candles. At Christmas, it was customary to give sweets or some useful gizmos. Do not forget about visiting the families of your relatives and friends where there are small children. This is their holiday. Read more >>>

How the New Year appeared In Russia, the beginning of the year on January 1 was introduced by the first Russian emperor Peter I in 1699, becoming one of his reforms. New Year 1700 was celebrated in Moscow on the royal order for seven whole days; homeowners had to put coniferous trees in front of houses and gates, for decoration, and every evening tar barrels were lit, rockets were fired, two hundred cannons were fired in front of the Kremlin and in private courtyards from small guns. All this was done on a foreign model. January 1, 1699, 1700 But the New Year became a truly all-Russian holiday in the 20th century. There are quite a few traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia. Some of them are borrowed from German culture (both in old times and in modern times), some originate from Slavic pagan traditions, some are a kind of imitation of Orthodox traditions at a time when religiosity was not encouraged, and, finally, a special place is occupied by Soviet New Year traditions. From the times of Slavic paganism, folk festivals, mummers, buffoons and jesters, New Year's fortune-telling were inherited. Orthodox traditions brought traditional decorated spruces, New Year's carols. The era of Peter the Great and subsequent rulers-reformers brought fireworks and a New Year's table. New Year Decorated spruces

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Santa Claus is a fairy-tale character, a symbol of the New Year in Russia. Santa Claus first appeared at Christmas in 1910, but did not become widespread. In Soviet times, a new image was spread: he appeared to children on New Year's Eve and left gifts under the tree for children who had behaved well during the year. He does not work alone, his granddaughter Snegurochka helps him Christmas 1910 Christmas tree gifts Snegurochka

Christmas tree As you know, the custom of decorating a home with spruce branches came from Peter the Great. In the 30s of the 19th century, Christmas trees were put up for a holiday only in the houses of St. Petersburg Germans. By the end of the 19th century, Christmas trees became the main decoration of both city and village houses, and in the 20th century they were inseparable from the winter holidays until 1918, when, due to the fact that the decorated Christmas tree belonged to Christmas (that is, the religion of the church), it was banned for as much as 17 years ( until 1935). And only in 1949, January 1 became a non-working day. So putting Christmas trees in houses is not such an ancient invention as it might seem. He is with us in Rus' years

New Year's table When meeting the New Year, close people gather at the New Year's table, usually on the evening of December 31 of the outgoing year. In the full version of the celebration of the New Year, the audience first “see off” the old year, remember what it was remembered for or what was the main thing for each of the participants; wish each other that all the best from the old year passed into the new one. December 31 Traditionally, champagne, salads "Olivier" and "herring under a fur coat", tangerines are the invariable attributes of the New Year's table in Russia. champagnesaladsOliviersfur-coated herringtangerines

New Year's address of the head of state In Russia, a few minutes before the new year (at 23:55 on December 31), the head of state addresses his people with a speech in which he usually sums up some of the results of the past year, wishes good luck to citizens in the new year. The appeal is broadcast by the media.

New Year's signs In Rus', for the New Year, they baked from the dough of domestic animals: horses, cows, bulls. And when they came to the house to carol, the guests were presented with these figurines, various sweets, nuts. They also believed that the New Year should be celebrated in a new dress and shoes - then the whole year to walk in new clothes. Usually, before the New Year, they paid off all debts, forgave all insults, those who were in a quarrel were obliged to make peace.

Whoever sneezes a lot during the New Year's feast will live happily all year. "How many times you sneeze - so many girls will love you." By the New Year, they try to finish all their affairs, especially unpleasant ones, so that they do not pass into the next year. However, haste and the inevitable weakening of attention to the environment is your main enemy on the very eve of the New Year. Take a realistic look at life: what you do not have time to do before 5 pm, let it go to another year.

I. Introduction. New Year is one of the most favorite holidays. “New Year at the gate! Let's become children in a round dance. These words of the chorus of a popular children's song perfectly convey the cheerful mood, the expectation of joy that embraces children and adults on the eve of the New Year holiday. This holiday is one of the most beloved, fun, magical. The beginning of a new year is the best time to start a “new life”, to realize new plans, dreams, hopes. It will not be erroneous to say that everyone loves and celebrates this holiday.

II. From the history of the celebration of the New Year. New Year is a holiday celebrated by many nations in accordance with the accepted calendar, coming at the moment of transition from the last day of the year to the first day of the next year. The custom of celebrating the New Year already existed in Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC.

The beginning of the year on January 1 was established by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e. In ancient Rome, this day was dedicated to Janus, the god of choice, doors and all beginnings. The month of January got its name in honor of the god Janus, who was depicted with two faces: one looked forward and the other back.

III. Celebration of the New Year in Russia. Until the 15th century, the New Year in Rus' was celebrated on March 1 according to the Julian calendar, and later on September 1 (summing up the harvest). And only in 1700, Peter I, following the example of the Europeans, issued a decree on the celebration of the New Year from January 1. The first day of the New Year 1700 began with a parade on Red Square in Moscow. And in the evening, the sky was lit up with bright lights of festive fireworks. It was from January 1, 1700 that the folk New Year's fun and fun gained their recognition, and the celebration of the New Year began to have a secular (not church) character. As a sign of the national holiday, cannons were fired, and in the evening, in the dark sky, multi-colored fireworks, never seen before, flashed. People had fun, sang, danced, congratulated each other and gave New Year gifts.

A similar tradition existed in Russia for a long time, but in 1916, during the First World War, the Christmas tree was banned by the Holy Synod as a “German custom” and again allowed by a special decree of the Komsomol before the new year 1936, but already as a New Year tree. The Christmas tree re-entered the homes of our compatriots and became a holiday of "joyful and happy childhood in our country" - a wonderful New Year's holiday that continues to delight us today. In 1949, January 1 became a non-working day.

This is how the New Year came to us, with Christmas tree decorations, lights, bonfires (which Peter ordered to be arranged at night from January 1 to January 7 by lighting tar barrels), snow creaking in the cold, winter children's fun: sledding, skiing, skating, snowmen, Santa Claus, gifts... On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus comes and gives gifts to children, which he brings in a bag behind his back. Often depicted in a blue, silver or red fur coat embroidered with patterns, a hat, with a long white beard and a staff in his hand, in felt boots. He rides a troika of horses, skis or walks. Santa Claus is a fairy tale character in Russian folklore. In Slavic mythology, the personification of winter frosts, a blacksmith who binds water.

A large number of folk signs are traditionally associated with the New Year in Russia (some of them passed to him from Christmas, which was not celebrated for a long time). On New Year's Eve, it is customary to dress in new and better clothes, because if you enter the new year with a new thing, then you will walk in new clothes for a whole year. It is also believed that you can not give money on New Year's Eve, otherwise you will have to give it all year. Therefore, before the New Year, they paid off all debts in advance, forgave all insults, and those who were in a quarrel were obliged to make peace. Until now, they also believe that it is impossible to borrow on New Year's Eve, otherwise you will have to sit in debt all year. It is also impossible to sleep on New Year's Eve, otherwise the whole year will pass sluggishly and uninterestingly. The New Year's table should be bursting with dishes and wines so that the whole year can be lived richly and cheerfully. Before the New Year, it is also recommended to throw out all broken dishes from the house, wash windows and mirrors.

Modern New Year's tables are replete with different dishes. Champagne has become an indispensable attribute of the festive table. Bake pies and other goodies from dough. Salads are prepared: Olivier, herring under a fur coat, etc. Various pickles are also put on the table. The main dish of the New Year's table was a fried goose or chicken. Also, for every New Year, the house smells like a Christmas tree and decorate it with various beautiful toys, a luminous garland, and a star flaunts on the top of the Christmas tree. We give different gifts to each other in beautiful packages. Meeting the New Year these days is not much different from the celebration in Soviet times. The only difference is that since 2005, New Year holidays have been established in Russia from January 1 to January 5, which, taking into account the days off and Christmas, last until January 8-10.

I want to present the conclusions in the form of a table: IV. Conclusion. n / n Stages of the celebration of the New Year in Russia Time of celebration Features of the celebration I Ancient Rus' - until the end of the 10th century March Presumably, originally in Rus', the New Year was celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox on March 22. Maslenitsa and New Year were celebrated on the same day. Winter is over and it means the new year has arrived. II Ancient Rus' - the end of the X century - the adoption of Christianity September 1 Dressing everyone with an apple, the king calling everyone a brother, congratulated on the New Year, on new happiness. Each congratulatory cup of Tsar Peter the Great was accompanied by a shot from 25 guns. III Since 1700 (decree of Peter I) on January 1 “On the large passing streets, and noble people in front of the gates, make some decoration from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper. And for poor people (i.e., the poor), at least put a tree or branch over the gate. And so that it ripens by the 1st number of 1700 of this year; and to stand for that decoration of Invar (i.e., January) until the 7th day of the same year. On the 1st day, as a sign of joy, congratulate each other on the New Year, and do this when fiery fun begins on Red Square and there will be shooting.

In ancient Rus', the New Year was celebrated in the spring, in March. In ancient Rus', the New Year was celebrated in the spring, in March. Then the New Year was celebrated on September 1st. Then the New Year was celebrated on September 1st. In 1699, the New Year was celebrated for the last time according to the ancient custom. In 1699, the New Year was celebrated for the last time according to the ancient custom.

The Russian Tsar Peter was the first to issue a decree in which he ordered to postpone the beginning of the year to January 1. The Russian Tsar Peter was the first to issue a decree in which he ordered to postpone the beginning of the year to January 1. It was in 1700 It was in 1700 From now on, the New Year in Russia is celebrated on January 1 From now on, the New Year in Russia is celebrated on January 1

The first Christmas decorations were made from straw, splinter, colored ribbons. The first Christmas decorations were made from straw, splinter, colored ribbons. Later, in the 19th century, the first Russian factory of Christmas decorations was built. Later, in the 19th century, the first Russian factory of Christmas decorations was built.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the revolution strictly banned the Christmas tree, as a bourgeois relic. At the beginning of the 20th century, the revolution strictly banned the Christmas tree, as a bourgeois relic. In 1918, a new style of keeping a calendar was introduced with a difference of 13 days. In 1918, a new style of keeping a calendar was introduced with a difference of 13 days. Weekdays passed between Christmas and New Year. Weekdays passed between Christmas and New Year. It was a dark time for the kids and their parents It was a dark time for the kids and their parents

For a long time, the Christmas tree was banned, and only in 1937. A 15-meter beauty was installed in the Column Hall of the House of the Unions. For a long time, the Christmas tree was banned, and only in 1937. A 15-meter beauty was installed in the Column Hall of the House of the Unions. January was finally declared a non-working day. In 1947, January 1 was finally declared a non-working day.

New Year is the most long-awaited and magical holiday of the year, which is equally loved by both adults and children. Giving gifts with the wishes of a successful and happy year has been customary for a very long time. The solemn celebration of the New Year was transferred from March 1 to January 1 only in 153 BC in Rome, from where this custom spread to all remote lands of the empire.

China In China, on New Year's Eve, a "money tree" was arranged in the house: "a tree from which money shakes." This "tree" was supposed to provide wealth in the new year. New Year in China is a family holiday, and everyone wants to spend it with their relatives. In the first days of the year, every Chinese had to watch his speech. It was forbidden to swear and pronounce words with an unpleasant meaning.

Bulgaria The Bulgarians have an interesting sign: a person who sneezes at the New Year's table brings happiness to the house ... The owners give him gifts for this! Sweden All the children in Sweden collect unwanted dishes for a whole year in order to smash them on the threshold of the house on New Year's Eve. The more shards, the better. Breaking a plate is good luck.

Germany We are used to the fact that the New Year comes to us by itself, but the Germans prefer to jump into the New Year. On New Year's midnight, everyone from young to old, according to the old custom, clutching coins in their fists, climb onto tables and chairs and, with the twelfth stroke of the clock, "jump" into the New Year. The Germans have a fried goose on the New Year's table. And only in Germany we will be able to see an amazing gingerbread house on the festive table, like in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm.

England It was in England that the custom arose to exchange greeting cards for the New Year. The first New Year's card was printed in London in 1843. This custom has an ancient history. The Chinese invented it over 1000 years ago. At that time, the names of those who came to congratulate the New Year and did not find the owner on the spot were written on greeting cards.

The custom of installing Christmas trees everywhere in houses appeared only in the 19th century. It exists relatively recently, about 150 years. It was then that the magnificent evergreen beauties of the Christmas tree began to be regularly installed in the royal and royal palaces of Germany, Russia, Norway, France, England and Denmark. And only in the second half of the 19th century, the tree became the property of the common people.

In our country, the Christmas tree has seen everything. In the 1920s, the celebration of Christmas was banned, and at the same time it was forbidden to decorate Christmas trees in houses as an obligatory attribute of this holiday. But in the 30s, the Christmas tree began to be interpreted as a symbol of the New Year, and not the Christmas holiday.