Presentation on the topic of isothread embroidery. Isolate Concept. Meaning. History of occurrence. Materials and equipment. Execution technique. Photo gallery. Tools needed for the job

Presentation "Technique IZONIT" Compiled Pivovarova M.V. Teacher of additional education MBU DO DDT Pervomaisky district of Rostov-on-Don 2019

Purpose of presentation : познакомиться

with the technology of performing work in the "Isonite" technique.

  • Select and study literature on isothread.
  • To find out the origin of the technique "isothread".
  • Assess your capabilities in the field of project activities.
  • Develop and execute a project.
  • Execute the product according to the project.
  • Evaluate the work done.

The history of the emergence of technology Isothread

isothread(the original name of the technique is “thread graphics” or “thread design”) is a graphic image made in a special way with threads on cardboard or paper.

Thread graphics are also sometimes called isography or cardboard embroidery.

Name "throw" characteristic exclusively for Russia and means

"a method of drawing with stretched threads." The term "thread" in Russia was introduced by academician Gennady Alekseevich Branitsky, who became interested in this technology during his business trips to the United States.

Materials needed for work:

colored cardboard or velvet paper scotch thread

Tools needed for the job

Pencil Eraser Ruler

Compasses Scissors Needles

When working, we must observe safety precautions

When doing work, be careful with the needle, do not leave it on the table, stick it into the needle bed, do not take it in your mouth. Make a tattoo on the foam, if it is not available, put a towel under the cardboard or velvet paper. Do not leave scissors on the edge of the table, be careful with them, put them on the table with closed blades, rings towards you.

In the Isothread technique, the main techniques are the angle and the circle.

The appearance of the completed circle will depend on the markup and stitch pitch. Stitch pitch - the number of punctures from the beginning to the entry and exit of the thread. The larger the pitch, the denser the stitching.

Sewing a circle

Front side Wrong side

Take a thread, its color should be different from the color of the cardboard. Thread the needle, make a big knot.

Insert the needle at point 1 from the wrong side. Skip three punctures and lead to point 2, then enter to point 3 and lead to point 4. (5-6, 7-8) Continue in the same order. You only need to move in one direction.

Circle shapes

Uneven markings Flooring

corner filling

1. Draw any corner on the wrong side of the cardboard.

2. Divide each side of the corner with a ruler into 6 (total 12) equal parts (possible after 5 mm).

3. Number the obtained points, starting from the top. Mark the vertex of the corner with the point "0".

4. Make a needle of greater thickness or an awl, placing the foam under the cardboard, punctures at all points except the top (“0”).

5. Thread the thinner needle.

6. Fill in the corner according to the scheme, starting from the inside.

Marking and stitching the arc

The length of the stitches with which the arc is sewn must be less than half the arc. The shorter the stitch length, the thinner the arc image.

Spiral marking and stitching

Work begins from the starting point of the curl, the stitch length is selected from 3 to 5 punctures. Filling the spiral is done by moving towards the end point all the time in one direction.

Incomplete stitching of the oval

Work begins with the sharp end of the element, and embroidery ends there. The distance between two points is better to choose equal to the line tangent to the bottom of the petal.

Fan sewing

When you need to flash the image with a fan from one point (for example, petals, buds, flowers), apply the technique “triangle stitching”

Isothreading is a needlework technique that has several names: thread graphics, thread design, embroidery on cardboard, etc. In other countries, the isothread technique has other names. For example, in England, where this art was born, there is the term Form-A-Lines - forms from lines.


Tasks performed while working on isothread Prepare children for school: -Develop fine motor skills of the fingers; - Develop an eye; -To form elementary mathematical representations (sustainable counting skills); -Develop logical thinking; - Develop imagination; - Develop sensory perception; - To cultivate strong-willed qualities (patience, perseverance, the ability to bring things to the end); -To form artistic abilities and aesthetic taste.

M ATERIAL: Scissors with rounded ends. Embroidery needles. Needle beds. Colored velvet cardboard for child labor. Tape 1cm wide. Mouline threads. Awl (short) A piece of styrofoam for lining while piercing with an awl, so as not to spoil the surface of the table. Ruler or ready-made stencil (marked cardboard)

RECOMMENDATIONS Before starting work, wash your hands with soap and water to avoid leaving marks on the cardboard. The length of the thread is determined from the wrist of the left hand to the right shoulder. The threads are fixed on the wrong side with adhesive tape. The thread should be fastened in a place free from holes. To prevent the thread from slipping, the needle should be held by the eye along with the thread. If the thread is over, it is necessary to fix it with adhesive tape, and bring the new one to the front side through the adjacent hole, without changing the direction of movement.

Reception "Filling the circle" Draw a circle (first of a small radius mm). Divide the circle into 12 equal parts. After mastering the technique, the guys divide the circle “by eye”, piercing the cardboard at regular intervals. It is important that there are an even number of points. Chord - the line between two points can be from 5 holes, 9 holes, 12 holes (the smaller the distance between the punctures, the more delicate and interesting the work is). Make punctures at the points obtained. Thread the needle. Fill in the circle according to the scheme

Reception "Filling the corner" Draw any corner on the wrong side of the cardboard. Divide each side of the corner with a ruler into 6, 8, etc. (only 12, 16 ...) equal parts (possible in 5, 7, 10 mm). Number the points obtained, starting from the top .. Make a needle of greater thickness or an awl, placing the foam under the cardboard, punctures at all points. Thread the thinner needle. Fill in the corner according to the scheme, starting from the inside.

Presentation "Isothread technique for preschoolers"

Isothreading is a needlework technique that has several names: thread graphics, thread design, embroidery on cardboard, etc.

In other countries, the isothread technique has different names. For example, in England, where this art was born, there is the term Form-A-Lines - forms from lines.

The isothread technique is suitable for needlework lovers of any age, even for older preschoolers. It is quite simple and exciting, but it teaches attention and thoroughness, develops fine motor skills. With proper training, from the very first lessons, beautiful convex patterns are obtained, and the very first works look attractive and artistic. An important advantage for children is that the image is performed quickly enough and has "returnability" - the ability to correct the work at any stage without damaging it.

The history of isonity dates back to England in the 17th century. It was at that time that English weavers invented the technique of decorating wall panels with intertwining threads.

Small nails were driven into wooden planks in a geometric order, and threads were pulled over them in a certain way. The threads formed complex patterns similar to lace. These products were used to decorate rooms; perhaps these drawings were also sketches for future patterns on fabrics.

The surge of interest in isothread technology in the 20th century is associated with the name of Erika Fortgens (Netherlands). In the 90s of the last century, a Dutch needlewoman-artist published a book with instructions for making postcards using the isothread technique and diagrams of drawings.

In America thread design is introduced to students in some schools. A number of original works can be seen in museums. Paintings are sold in stores, both ready-made and as DIY kits. In Switzerland, for example, you can buy elegant postcards. (made on thick paper with silk threads) at charity sales at monasteries.

The further history of isothi again brings us back to Great Britain, where at the very end of the last century (1998) began to produce embroidered postcards. Isothread is now actively involved in the scrapbooking technique (design of family albums), making bookmarks and other design "notions" .

The name of the Ural artist Lyudmila Sashko is known. In 1984, she, a graduate of the art and graphics department of the Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute, invented a technique based on isothread called "chord stitch" and in this technique she created dozens of unusual paintings - real works of art. She became an honored teacher of Russia, a diploma winner and a laureate of All-Russian exhibitions "Embroidered picture" .


  • The concept of different angles, the sides of the angle, their length.
  • The concept of a circle, a chord of different lengths and its direction.
  • An exercise in quantitative and ordinal counting.
  • The concept of the independence of the number of objects from the distance between them.
  • Concept: the result of a quantitative account does not depend on the origin and direction of the account.
  • Fixing directions: top, bottom, left, right.
  • The concept of the middle, center, peak, edge.

presentation for the lesson

Slide 1. Embroidery on cardboard. Isothread.

Technology teacher Lezhneva Tatyana Gennadievna

Slide 2.


Teach acceptance of a new type of artistic activity: stitching a corner, a circle, working with a stencil, matching a color to the background. Needle and scissor skills.

Pin previously acquired knowledge about geometric shapes, counting.

Develop the ability to select contrasting colors that shade each other. Abstract thinking, teach plane modeling. Fine motor skills of fingers. Sensory perception, eye, logical thinking, imagination. Artistic ability, aesthetic taste.

Bring up perseverance, patience, attentiveness, diligence.

Equipment: samples of drawings made by isothreading with filled circles. Sewing needles with a wide eye; scissors; large needle; ruler; pencil; compass. Colored threads (ordinary sewing threads, floss or iris); a set of colored cardboard; piece of foam. Corner sewing patterns. Presentation to the lesson.

During the classes.

Organizing time.

1. Introductory part.

All types of decorative - applied art are good.
This is an occupation for skillful hands and for the soul.
Embroidery requires a lot of patience
Skills and ways to master it:
How to organize a workplace
Drawing how to copy,
How to aesthetically choose the color of the threads,
How to create harmony in a product.
So, let's learn the art of embroidery,
We remember: everything in our life will come in handy.

2. The main part. Introduction to a new topic.

Teacher. Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with such concepts as thread graphics or isothread.

Slide 3. Thread design first appeared in England in the 16th century. English weavers came up with a special way of weaving threads. They drove nails into wooden planks and pulled threads over them in a certain sequence. Openwork products were obtained to decorate the home. Embroidery enthusiasts have simplified this technique. They ditched the nails and wooden base, replacing them with a needle and colored cardboard (or velvet paper). And a new needlework technique appeared - thread graphics - isothread - thread image.

Teacher. How is it obtained?

Children. Holes are laid in cardboard or other base, threads are sewn through them, and an openwork image is obtained.

Slide 4. Teacher. Cardboard is used as the base, you can also use velvet paper or thick paper.

Slide 5. The work uses ordinary floss or iris threads, as well as needles, scissors, compasses, a ruler and a pencil.

slide 6. To begin with, we will repeat with you the safety precautions for manual work.

Teacher. Now let's get to work (training practical part). Let's start by marking the corner.

Slide 7.

Rice. 1(corner)

Firstly - it is necessary to draw on the wrong side of the cardboard any, for example, an acute angle.

Secondly - it is necessary to divide the sides of the corner into an equal number of identical segments of 5 mm or 1 cm, or by eye.

Third on the wrong side, each point must be marked with a pencil, assigning it a number: the top of the corner is point 1, the first point from point 1 on the bottom side of the corner is point 2, then 3, 4, and so on up to 9. On the upper side of the corner, the extreme point is point 1, then 2, 3, and so on up to 8.

The last operation when marking is to pierce holes in the cardboard at the intersection of the line of the side of the corner and the division mark.

Teacher. What precautions should be taken?

Children. It is necessary to enclose the foam and pierce the holes with an awl or a needle, observing safety precautions.

Teacher. What should you pay attention to?

Children. Numbering of points on the upper side - from the edge to the top, on the bottom side - from the top of the corner to the edge.

Teacher. What is in the pictures?

Children. Patterns in a circle. Circle marking and filling.

Teacher shows on the board a layout plan:

1. draw a circle on the wrong side of the cardboard using a compass or stencil:

2. divide it into 16 equal parts (24, 32);

3. Putting the cardboard on the foam, pierce the hole along the marking with an awl;

4.indicate the direction of stitching with an arrow and number the holes; thread the needle and make a knot;

5. sewing a circle.

slide 8.

Children mark the circle.

Rice. 2(circle)

Eye exercise “Draw a triangle with your eyes”.

Teacher. Before starting, thread the needle and tie a knot. Insert a needle and thread from the inside out to point 1 and fill in the circle according to the scheme:

stitch between points 1 and 6 on the right side,

On the wrong side of the stitch between points 6 and 7;

Large stitch between points 7 and 2 on the right side;

Then on the front side a large stitch between points 3 and 8;

On the wrong side of the stitch between points 8 and 9;

On the front side there is a large stitch between points 9 and; and so on.

slide 9. With the correct execution of the task on the front side, the pattern resembles a star, and on the wrong side it repeats the line of the circle.

Stitching a circle with chords of different lengths.

Teacher. The same circle can be sewn with stitches of different lengths. The longer the stitch, the more filled the circle will be.

Now, together with your desk mate, mark out two identical circles. You will fill them with different chords.

Children distinguish one circle according to the first method, the second - according to the second.

Teacher. At the first circle, you will stick a needle and thread from point 1 along the front side to point 4, that is, through two holes (stitch 1-4) and so on.

The second circle will have stitch 1-7, that is, you will pierce through six holes.

How did the filling pattern change depending on the length of the chord or our stitch, with other conditions being the same?

Children. The longer the chord, the smaller the unfilled hole in the middle of the circle.

Teacher. What if the chord is equal to the diameter?

Children. Then there will be no empty, unfilled space inside the circle.

Circles, as well as corners, can be sewn with threads of the same color, or you can change it.

Slide 10-11. To compose a composition, only corners and circles are not enough, so you need to learn how to stitch other shapes that are most often found in work.

Ovals, spirals, curls and arcs are stitched according to the same rules as circles.


Korovina Marina Alexandrovna

slide 2

Goals and objectives:

In the process of classes, children will get acquainted with the basic geometric concepts; learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, practice the development of drawing skills, learn to use a needle, scissors, figured stencils. Isothread classes require consistency in working with children.

slide 3

Isothread classes contribute to the development of the child:

  • Fine motor skills of the fingers, which has a positive effect on the speech zones of the cerebral cortex;
  • Sensory perception;
  • eyeball;
  • Logical thinking;
  • Imagination;
  • Volitional qualities (perseverance, patience, ability to bring the work to the end, etc.)
  • slide 4

    thread drawing

    Every child loves to draw. Children draw with pencils, paints, a stick on the snow and a finger on a frozen window, chalk on the pavement and charcoal on a random board, glass on the sand and many other tools and materials. It turns out that they can be taught to draw and thread. Isolate - this is the name of this type of activity.

    slide 5

    thread design

    • Isothread - thread image, thread design.
    • Isothread or thread graphics is a graphic drawing made with threads stretched in a certain order on a solid base. Using this technology, you can create magnificent memory cards, covers for handwritten books, bookmarks, decorative panels.
  • slide 6


    Thread graphics as an art form first appeared in England. English weavers came up with a special way of weaving threads. They drove nails into planks and pulled threads over them in a certain sequence. As a result, openwork lace products were obtained, which were used to decorate the home. Currently, the art of thread graphics is widely used to decorate products and household items, to decorate the interior, to make gifts and souvenirs.

    Slide 7

    At the first stage, children have difficulties in working with a needle: it is difficult to thread a needle, make a knot. It happens that the thread is tangled. All these technical problems can affect the interest of children in the work being done. Here the educator must come to the rescue. At the initial stage of mastering the isothread technique, it is better to prepare needles and threads for children in advance and mark the future drawing on cardboard.

    Slide 8

    The length of the thread in the classes on thread graphics is of great importance: it should be enough to fill one corner. As an auxiliary material, it is better for children to offer beads or beads, but the holes in it should be large enough.

    Slide 9

    For work you will need:

    • thick cardboard or velvet paper;
    • scissors;
    • needle;
    • silk threads of different colors;
    • PVA glue;
    • ruler, compasses, gum, colored and pencils;
    • carbon paper, tracing paper;
    • fabric, adhesive fabric;
    • frame.
  • Slide 10

    There are only two techniques in the "thinning" technique: filling the corner and filling the circle.

    1. corner filling
    2. An angle is drawn.
    3. Each side is divided into equal segments. The number of segments on each side of the corner should be the same.
    4. The needle and thread are inserted into t. 1 from the wrong side and lowered into t. 26, located on the other side of the corner.
    5. front side
    • from v. 26 to v. 25;
    • from vol. 25 to vol. 2;
    • from v. 2 to v. 3;
    • from vol. 3 to vol. 24 and so on...

    No hole is made at the intersection of the sides of the corner! (in Vol. 27)

    slide 11