"signs of spiritual awakening. Who are enlightened people and how to recognize them

Last week I taught a lesson about spiritual awakening in the Club and recommended a book for reading, an excerpt from which you will find below.

The most heated discussion was caused by the position of the author that one of the signs of spiritual awakening is the cessation of the search. Anyone.

Those. all questions on the topic “who am I”, “where am I going”, “what should I do”, “what is my purpose”, etc. disappear.

I would be glad to hear your opinion. But first, I suggest that you read the excerpts from the book on this page or download the entire passage from the link at the end of the page.


From Adyashanti's book "The End of Your World. A Straight Talk About the Nature of Enlightenment"

One thing is happening all over the world right now: more and more people are starting to wake up, getting real, authentic glimpses of reality.

I mean such moments when a person loses his usual sense of himself and the world, and a much larger reality opens up before him, surpassing all his previous knowledge.

Different people experience awakening in different ways. For some, the awakened state may persist, while for others it is only fleeting glimpses that last only a fraction of a second.

But at such a moment a person completely loses the feeling of "I"- his whole perception of the world suddenly changes, he ceases to feel separated from the rest of the world. It can be compared to waking up from a dream - you are not even aware that you are dreaming,
until something wakes you up.

Start of awakening

The self-discovery I am talking about is traditionally called a spiritual awakening as one awakens from the sleep of separation created by the egotistical mind.

We realize - often quite suddenly - that our sense of self, formed and composed of our ideas, beliefs and perceptions, does not match who we really are.

With the beginning of awakening, this whole world begins to crumble. When we lose the sense of our "I", the whole world that we knew before disappears.

At such a moment - whether it is just a glimpse or a longer experience - we suddenly realize with extraordinary clarity that what we really are is not at all limited to the small "I" that we thought we were before.

Here is the simplest thing to say about the awakening experience: there is a change in human perception. This is the essence of awakening. A person ceases to perceive himself as a separate individuality and begins to feel himself - if, after such a change in perception, one can generally speak of some kind of sensation of "I" - as something much more universal, like everything and everyone at the same time.

In true awakening there is a clear realization that awakening has nothing to do with the individual. It is the universal Spirit or universal consciousness that awakens and becomes aware of itself.

Rather, it is not the "I" that is awakening, but we are awakening from the sleep of the "I". We, as we really are, awaken from the sleep of the seeker. We are awakening from the sleep of searching.

When we wake up, we find that we are not a thing, not a person, not a separate being at all. We are what
manifests itself in all things, in all experiences, in all personalities. We are what creates with our dreams
the whole world. In spiritual awakening, we discover that what is inexpressible and indescribable is who we are.

Awakening is not what you imagine

In fact, when talking about awakening, it is much more correct to talk about what we are losing, and not about what
we acquire. We not only lose ourselves- the self-image that we had, - but also all our previous perception of the world.

And it's a really amazing experience: it's completely different from what you imagine.

In fact, if the awakening is genuine, it must be different from what we expect. This is due to the fact that all our ideas about awakening are in the realm of the "sleep state". As long as our consciousness remains in this state, we cannot imagine anything else that would go beyond it.

How does life change after waking up?

With awakening there is also a complete transformation of our whole perception of life - at least it begins.

The fact is that awakening, no matter how wonderful and amazing this experience, often brings with it feeling of disorientation. You awaken as the One, but you still have your entire human structure - body, mind, personality. And for this human structure, awakening is often very disorienting.

In fact, the spiritual process before and after awakening is no different. It's just that after waking up, the vision of this process changes - like a bird's eye view compared to the vision of one who is on the ground.

Before awakening, we do not know who we are. We consider ourselves a separate person, with our own separate body, who lives in a world different from him.

After awakening, we continue to live in the same world, but we already know that we are not limited to this body and this personality and, in fact, are not separated from the world around us.

One of the signs of a true awakening is the cessation of the search

When true awakening occurs, we become it is clear who we are and what we are. This question is no longer before us, it has been resolved.

And therefore one of the signs true awakening is stop searching. The inner impulse, urge, desire no longer arises. We have seen that the seeker has only relative reality, and he has disappeared.

In a sense, the seeker has accomplished his task. He provided the necessary impetus, the driving force that helped the consciousness or Spirit to come out of identification with the dream state and return to its natural state of being.

| Enlightenment. Some signs and criteria

Enlightenment. Some signs and criteria

(Described on the basis of the texts of the Vedic tradition and the sayings of the Enlightened Ones)

The spiritual search of many seekers begins with the clarification of fundamental terms. One such most commonly used term is "". The choice of the Path by a spiritual seeker largely depends on the “correct” interpretation of Enlightenment.

Why is this happening? Because they are often identified with the Fruit of practice, that is, with the goal that the spiritual seeker will strive for. If the goal of achievement is chosen incorrectly, then the result of the practice will be appropriate.

Through the concept Enlightenment some assert themselves and thereby reinforce their ignorance, others are sincerely mistaken, still others are strengthened in the idea of ​​ego independence, and others justify their afflictions and indiscipline.

The ego will always find a way to wishful thinking. We do not suspect how cunning, sophisticated it is, how subtly it can disguise itself, build protection, mimic and convince the mind. It can make deceptive moves, set false goals, and do everything for the sake of its self-affirmation. But who can it fool? Only himself.

Often claimed to imply a transition to a state of egolessness. Only he can be called enlightened who has no ego.

Often associated with various altered states of consciousness that sometimes occur in dhyana or contemplation. Altered states grant some expansion, spontaneity, clarity, openness, depth. And then the ego starts looking for them intensely.

Many understand it as deliverance from suffering, but this is a superficial level of understanding. When we embark on the path of spiritual perfection - the first thing that happens to us - we get rid of the suffering of an ordinary human being. Why? Because we stop living by categories, concepts of this world.

In Zen Enlightenment corresponds to the term satori, awakening from the sleep of ignorance, which is a very important event in a person's life. The destruction of ignorance is not the destruction of diversity, it is the destruction of identification with diversity. When diversity is no longer capable of misleading.

In fact, this is the transformation of a person towards divinity, going beyond the limits of humanity.

Our humanity, the world of people almost always consists of a limited view. but it is connected with the liberation from prarabdha karma and any karma in general, and then the consciousness goes beyond the limits of time, the space of manushya loka (the human world), infinite worlds of divine beings open up for it. And the soul begins its journey beyond everything.

Many understand it as an end in itself. And then the ego creates for itself an image of Enlightenment as such a desirable thing and begins to fantasize about these topics. These fantasies add up to a mental picture of the world. Evaluations, discussions begin - this one is enlightened, but this one is not.

But it is all mind, the basis of the ego.

In fact, it (the ego) needs to be convinced that this is not an end in itself, this is just a beautiful flower on the path, and the goal of sadhana is beyond all concepts of Enlightenment, this is the Absolute, God.

The Absolute does not need Enlightenment because he never got dark. Our conditioned mind becomes enlightened, but Brahman has nothing to do with it. The true is given as a grace, happens, and is not achieved by the mind and ego. And it is not a goal, Enlightenment is only a certain fact of recognizing what has always been, recognizing the Absolute. Whether you know about it or not - for the Absolute itself - it does not matter. It is important only for the mind, the body. And the true is when you understand it, that is, when it becomes an insignificant fact in comparison with the Absolute.

Signs of Enlightenment

It is impossible to adequately describe the world of the Enlightened One for people of the ordinary dual world. The people of the ordinary world see only the body of the Enlightened One, but not his knowledge. The eyes of other people who are not Enlightened Ones cannot see the essence of the Enlightened One, for their mind is unable to penetrate the knowledge that the jnani has. They can see the body, hear the voice, evaluate the words, but all this does not matter from the point of view of the Enlightened One, since he is not all these and resides in transcendental consciousness beyond the body, words and speech.

This is not only knowledge - jnana, it is also shakti - spiritual power, and the enlightened one is also the one who has shakti (shaktiman).

The first power that appears in the Enlightened One is the power of wisdom (jnana shakti), thanks to which he can show clarity, give answers to any questions, create philosophical systems and explain them, see the essence of causes and effects.

The second power is the power of self-liberation, the power of inner freedom (svatantriya shakti), thanks to which the Enlightened One can free his consciousness from any energies, connections, relationships, keeping it pure, spotless (nirajana). The power of inner freedom arises from the power of wisdom and draws its inspiration from brahma aham bhava - the pure space of enlightened consciousness.

The third power of the Enlightened One is the power of intention (ichcha shakti), thanks to which he can attract events from the void, materialize things, embody his plans (sankalpa siddhi).

The fourth power is the power to control reality, the power of divine omnipotence, the dominion of the Enlightened One (Aishvarya Shakti), thanks to which he influences the gross and subtle worlds.

Finally, the fifth power is the ability to act, to perform various deeds (kriya shakti) - to create, maintain, destroy, conceal, bring down the divine.

Reached Enlightenment actually uses these forces.

« When I look at studentsI think of Brahman shining,inconceivable that already shines within them,thus disciples naturally awaken,by the power of one connection with me.» The Universe of the Jnani, Swami Vishnudevananda Giri

And yet, how to compare your spiritual level with the spiritual level of one who has reached Enlightenment? To this end, the saints and rishis have given us their vision of the state of Enlightenment in the ancient treatises of the Vedic tradition.

“He who cannot be affected by honors and insults, losses and gains, he is a sage from the best category. The best of sages is able to give full answers without any hesitation to questions regarding realization and the most sublime truths ...

For example, a Jnani who has realized the Supreme Being with the smallest effort can continue to maintain his former way of life, although his mind is no longer accessible and his views cannot be shaken. He resembles a worldly person in all matters. How then can he be judged by others?
But be that as it may, one jnani recognizes another immediately, just as an expert can evaluate precious stones at a glance ... "
Dattatreya, "", ch.XXI

It is important to understand that all statements about Enlightenment are not intended for our comparison of anyone with anyone, but only for comparing our own worldview with the worldview of the Enlightened One.

One of the signs Enlightenment jnani (knowing, enlightened) is his inner purity, his pure vision. The speech of the one who has reached Enlightenment becomes completely pure, his thoughts become pure, his emotions are always pure .

Sometimes he may, as a game, show emotions to help another, but even in this case he himself has achieved Enlightenment always free from them.

"The sages who know themselves acquire fearlessness, dispassion and shine in their own splendor. They are always self-sufficient and internally are in a satisfied state.
The sage sees consciousness as the essence of everything, as the omnipresent God of all things, formless, but filling all forms.

"This is the sage, liberated in this life, who has abandoned all motivated actions, is free from conditioning, and has turned away from all desires and hopes."

"Even when he seems to be busy with some business in this world, his mind is not distracted at all"
"The dual powers of attraction and repulsion do not affect him at all"

"The state of one who is liberated in this life can also be expressed in words like this: turya or "deep sleep in awakening", a state of complete freedom. But the state that follows this is inaccessible to describe in words. It is beyond turya."

Reached Enlightenment never experiences anger, greed, envy, or fear. He looks at everyone as the embodiment of the Divine. The enlightened one is always exalted. His mind is very subtle, clear and sharp, although he does not consider himself a scientist.

The enlightened one is amused by the worldly seriousness of people who attach great importance to the mind and ego, although he treats others with compassion.

« 51. Thus, having dissolved dual concepts, [jnani] transcends the illusory Maya and becomes one with Brahman, like water with water or milk with milk.

69. Eating any food, dressing as you like, and living anywhere, the one who feels himself to be the soul of all beings is liberated. »

Reached Enlightenment sees Divinity everywhere, even where others see only the ordinary. He thinks abstractly, purely, broadly, on a large scale, globally, paradoxically.

"He who has conquered himself remains calm and content, doing what must be done and avoiding what should be avoided.
His mind is at peace, enjoying the observation of himself and is not interested in external events and observations ....."
"The one for whom joy is not joy and suffering is not suffering is the liberated one.
One whose heart is not agitated, even when experiencing pleasure, is the liberated one.
He is liberated who enjoys pure consciousness as well as the objective world."

The Enlightened One is always out of mind, out of thoughts, no assessments of the mind, concepts, judgments, theories do not dominate him.

His intelligence is very high, although he does not attach any importance to this, because. his inner wisdom is even higher, and the intellect is just a servant of that wisdom. There are no stupid enlightened.

Reached Enlightenment able to talk easily for hours, days without any preparation on the topics of philosophy, the topics of divine truths and God. Nothing else interests him in this world, and if he supports other topics, it is only out of politeness or to help another, in his awakening.

The Enlightened One lives in his sacred world, his pure dimension, allowing only those who are open and chosen by the divine power to enter it. He himself does not seek publicity among the people, but he is well known and respected among true sadhus, saints and other jnanis.

Where others see dirt, the Enlightened One sees unstained purity. Where others see poison, he sees nectar. Where others see ugliness, the Enlightened One sees divine beauty. Where others see flaws, he sees the play of the Divine in everything.

"His mind is at rest, enjoying the observation of himself, and is not interested in external events and observations."..
"For the enlightened, there are no fools. Why waste time discussing the non-existent?..."
"He who is ignorant perceives the world as having a beginning and an end. The enlightened one does not see it at all That's why, that it was not created and therefore does not exist.
Yoga Vasistha, Ch. 6-21.

Reached Enlightenment does not experience impure thoughts and does not seek company.He is always alone andlives alone, to always be one on one with God, without being distracted by something else. And if he communicates, then only with those who are ready to listen to the Dharma, to serve the Dharma.

He is not interested in the affairs of people or their plans, becausehe is absorbed in the Divine.
An unshakable pure vision settled within him. The enlightened one blesses those who curse him and prays for them, wishing them happiness and good luck, as he sees the Divine light in everyone.

« For him, even stones become friends and trees in the forest - relatives; even when he lives in the middle of the forest, animalsbecome friends and family. Absence of harmony becomes harmony sadness- great joy, and even immersed in intense activity, he feels an inner silence. He sees perfect inaction in action. awakened,he is in deep sleep . ANDwillow,he is also good, like the dead one.
He does everything and nothing. He enjoys, not tasting pleasure. He- anyone's best friend. He is free from pity for others, but full of sympathy. Free from aspirations he seems to want something. He appears happy or unhappy in appropriate situations.
He doesn't leave it which is natural and plays its respective role in this drama of life.
He sympathizes with the sad and rejoices with those who are happy, but neither pollutes his heart. » Yoga Vasistha, Ch. 6.20.

Reached Enlightenment does not listen to worldly wisdom, neither his own mind, nor the minds of others, as he is absorbed by the Divine light, Divinity, which, as it were, permeates him. He is not attached to this life, or to other people, or to the stereotypes of society, but is always absorbed in the contemplation of the Divine.

The enlightened one is not impressed by either blasphemy or praise, and he equally perceives what people call happiness and sorrow. Everything for the Enlightened One has the same taste. He is full of inner divine majesty, although he himself is modest.

Reached Enlightenment incomprehensible to ordinary people. His actions are transcendent, spontaneous and intuitive, he has no sense of the doer, he plays in non-action. An enlightened person has an inner divine light that guides him in life, bestows an everlasting, never vanishing feeling of joy - brahma-ananda.

An enlightened person does not seek someone else's attention, wealth and fame, but he does not deny anything that comes to him by itself, without effort, because he is in all acceptance.

“I am devoid of form and appearance, I am omnipotent, I am in everything and everywhere, I am unchanged, There is no liberation for me, there is no shackles for me. I am Being-Consciousness-Bliss, I am Shiva, I am Shiva! »

The enlightened one simply naturally lives without having a personality, plays without acting, without choosing. He does not participate in disputes, debates of worldly people, he does not prove anything to anyone, because. sees only his consciousness around. The Enlightened One always has few desires, he is always self-sufficient, flexible and light.
Achieved Enlightenment has no limits, remaining in the perfect openness of Mind, like space.

« When I look at the endless sky, I do not think about the sky,

but about Brahman, which is the essence of the sky,

when I see the ocean rolling its waves

I do not think of the ocean, but of the Brahman that is within.

When I see mountains, trees, rivers, hills and clouds,

I think not about them, but about the Brahman that is inside,

so the mountains for me are not mountains,

and rivers for me are not rivers,

There is no difference between the arising of feelings, passions or thoughts or their non-arising.
Just as a lion sees his reflection in a lake when he drinks water and has no doubt that he is a lion, the Enlightened One finds true understanding in non-duality. Feelings and thoughts are no longer given any importance, they are nothing more than a play of energy on the surface of absolute Consciousness.

Thoughts and passions are absolutely inseparable from the natural state, they are its very expression, and therefore there is no need to control, release them, because they are initially pure.

The very emergence of thoughts is an expression of the creative play of awakened awareness. The dissolution of thoughts and emotions is spontaneous, requiring no effort, or rather, dissolution is not required at all, because. initially everything is dissolved in the space of light of the great Wisdom of awareness.

Achieving Enlightenment does not involve any inadequate behavior, or exalted states, or loud statements to the world (unless there is a special blessing for that), or a change in external status or behavior, or obtaining any additional privileges or statuses, because the true goal of a spiritual seeker is not to seek Enlightenment for yourself, but to serve the Divine will, to carry out the Divine will, to serve the cause of enlightenment, Enlightenment and Liberation of all living beings in samsara.

On the contrary, even having reached some level of Enlightenment, it is prescribed to keep it secret for many years or simply not express it in any way.

The enlightened one does not care who is enlightened and who is not enlightened. He sees in everything only God everywhere and always and does not see other people, beings, in themselves outside of God. For the Enlightened One, everyone is enlightened and everything is one, the One.

How to check if you are enlightened or not?

Ask withsincerely: "Sam I?”


Ask yourself the question: “What am I living for?”

Most likely your answer will be different from the answer of the Enlightened One : "I live only for You, I can not live without You for a second." "You" means God, the higher Self.

Whoever says “I just live ...”, then this will mean the answer of the mind (ahamkara), enclosed in the body.

Ahamkara, enclosed in the body, must submit to the higher Self. The higher "I" is just a conceptual name. In it, in fact, there is no separate personality. Parabrahman is beyond duality. But in order to realize it, the mind again and again must obey it, tune in to it. If he does, he never has any problems.

The body may have problems, it needs to eat or sleep; prana - prana must be balanced. But the mind cannot have problems if it finds its master and surrenders completely, undividedly to him.

Whether the mind surrenders to the higher self in an external way, through worship, or in an internal way, through contemplation and natural awareness, is not so important. Although natural awareness is a higher method. If you feel confusion, difficulties or problems, this means that you simply do not live for the sake of the Supreme Source, your mind does not want this, it has turned away, and it does not remember about it.

In serious spiritual schools, only the Teacher can assess the "degree of Enlightenment" of a student.

Enlightenment Criteria

It would be wrong to present Enlightenment as a one-time act. It was as if something had happened in an instant. And everything stopped and froze. And there is no more movement, deepening, development.
In fact, Enlightenment is an eternal, endless process of moving towards perfection.

We are growing, evolving further and further and there is no end to it. From man to sadhu, from sadhu to jnani, from jnani to siddhu, from siddha to devata, from devata to maha-devata, from maha-devata to the Creator of the Universes. Spiritual growth never stops.

If you are still on Earth and no matter how enlightened you are, you always have areas of the mind, body, prana that require further work.

After all, your body is not yet the body of a deity, it is ordinary, made of flesh and blood, which means there is no point in stopping. After all, your jnana, svatantriya, ichchha, aishvarya, kriya-shakti has not yet gained strength and is not equal to the Shakti of Shiva or Dattatreya.

After all, you have not yet become a great shaktiman, a demiurge, a keeper of the universe, a constructor of worlds, have you?

Enlightenment is a process when God gradually becomes more and more at the center of our lives, pushing out ego, kleshas and deluded states. Therefore, in serious teachings they speak of stages, and each of our experiences is easily classified if this classification is made by an experienced master.

There will always be someone who is higher than you, wiser, who has more power of mind.
If your ego wants to rest on its laurels and declare its full Enlightenment, laugh at it and ask yourself: am I equal in wisdom, in strength of energy, in my qualities to Bhagavan Dattatreya? Shiva? Vishnu? Brahma? Or even a strong sadhu, jnani or siddhu?

As one saint said: "Who is not a fool before the Lord"?

And you will see all the games that the ego tried to play with the theme of "its" enlightenment.
so-called. enlightenment is just the first step of a child, insight into the true View.
This is the first awakening of our jnana shakti.

But many people attach a lot of importance to their spiritual experiences because they consider it the end of the sadhana and the entire spiritual path.

At the same time, in each serious tradition there is a specific way of checking the level of a spiritual seeker, transmitted in the traditions of the masters. Passing this test does not depend on the desire of the student, i.e. it is prescribed by tradition. If his disciple does not pass with his root Guru, then in the tradition of teaching he cannot be recognized as a master, an Enlightened One.

Whatever the student thinks about his achievements, he is assigned only the stage that is given to him by the master during testing, i.e. the student cannot independently declare the achievement of any stage, if it is not confirmed, no matter what experiences he experiences. Nor can he claim to be an Enlightened One beyond the stages or beyond the respective teachings.

If he does so, then he falls out of the line of transmission of this or that teaching. Such an order was deliberately introduced by the masters of antiquity in order to avoid delusion, seduction and self-will of students in the interpretation of this or that teaching. not specifically celebrated in the sangha, but there may be respect for a sadhu if the root guru gives that sadhu some kind of recognition of his realization, assigns a status, a title, etc.

It is not recognized as eternal, a kind of frozen state in the relative (well, in the absolute, as you know, we are already Brahman).

In different schools (systems) there are conditional divisions into levels or stages of the path to Enlightenment.

Complete means the end of the circle of incarnations (births and deaths). It is generally accepted that Enlightenment occurs after reaching the state of samadhi. However, samadhi is different.

Savikalpa Samadhi

In savikalpa samadhi there are modifications in the mind (vikalpa), but the duality of subject and object is not overcome, a subtle effort is maintained to maintain samadhi. Savikalpa Samadhi is experienced in meditative absorption (dhyana). The duration of samadhi depends on the effort made. Up to the eighth level of dhyana, subtle duality remains, and therefore savikalpa samadhi is not liberation. When attention to the source of "I" is disturbed, awareness disappears.

The true moment of entry into savikalpa samadhi is the cessation of breathing, slowing of the heartbeat and pulse, and the loss of the sense of body weight.Thanks to mastery in savikalpa samadhi, the yogi can leave his body at will, going to the worlds of the gods.

Nirvikalpa Samadhi

“In samadhi, the yogi knows no smell, no taste, no form, no touch, no sound, he is not aware of himself or others. In samadhi, the yogi is not aware of the difference between heat and cold, pain and pleasure, honor and dishonor. Swatmarama, "" (4.108-4.110)

“Total immersion in the bliss experienced in self-realization is nirvikalpa samadhi.” Sri Adi Shankaracharya, ""

In nirvikalpa samadhi, the mind no longer perceives differences (vikalpa) and is immersed in the light of the non-dual source of the Self, where there is no division into subject and object. The experience of non-dual Emptiness and Clear Light, with stopped breathing and pulse, is the true moment of nirvikalpa samadhi. Thanks to this samadhi, the yogi becomes immortal in the body of Consciousness (Jnana-deham).

In this samadhi, self-awareness is temporary, the ego is not completely destroyed, although there is no effort. The yogi is in a trance when body consciousness is absent and although there is awareness of the primordial Light of the Self, the yogi cannot act in the world or perceive external reality. When the yogi returns to the body, his illusion of "I" (ego) appears again.

For monist-Saivite yogis, this is the achievement of nirvikalpa samadhi, the ultimate achievement, sometimes called "paramatma-darshan", the vision of "I" (according to Patanjali's yoga sutra).

Sahaja Samadhi

Sahaja Samadhi is the desired state that the yogi seeks and resides in.

“Remaining constantly and effortlessly in the primordial state is Sahaja. One who has accustomed himself to natural meditation and enjoys its bliss will not leave the state of samadhi, no matter what external work he does, no matter what thoughts come to him. This is Sahaja Nirvikalpa.". Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi

"Sahaja" means "natural", "nirvikalpa" means "without distinction". For example, in Laya Yoga, the practice of Sahaja Samadhi is the main practice, while the practice of other types of Samadhi is considered useful, but not sufficient for Liberation. Savikalpa samadhi requires effort, nirvikalpa samadhi stops when the body and mind come out of trance, but actions can be performed in sahaja nirvikalpa, but the yogi does not leave the oneness with the Source. This state Enlightenment- the sage (jnani), when the ego is finally destroyed.

Being in Sahaja Samadhi, the yogi during his lifetime is in another dimension of Reality, now he is in the state of the mirror itself, and not reflection.

"The natural state (Sahaja Avastha) is the highest, contemplation and concentration are in the middle, mantras and prayers are below, sacrificial worship is below all."

"Kularnava Tantra"

If familiar Enlightenment is the test of Sahaja Samadhi: continuous awareness in wakefulness, awareness in dreaming and dreamless sleep, then the signs of final liberation are the experience in meditation of the five subtle spaces (Vyoma-panchaka) described in the Advaya-taraka Upanishad:
- space without qualities (guna-rahita-akasha);
- higher space (paramakasha);
- great space (mahakasha);
- the space of the seed of elements (tattva-akasha);
- the space of the sun (surya-akasha).

"These five spaces are a sign of liberation. The yogi who has realized them is completely freed from the law of karma and becomes similar to this space..."

The experience of these spaces is the inner-outer sign of realization (madhya-lakshya).
Enlightenment comes when experiencing the first types of space,
and the final liberation is when these experiences are fully experienced and have transformed the elements of the body.

"If a yogi does not know in his body six chakras, sixteen adharas, two lakshyas, and five voids, how can he be successful?" Goraksha Yoga Yatindranath.

The voids were listed above, these are these spaces. The sixteen pillars (adhara) are the places in the body where one should keep one's attention during concentration: two big toes, muladhara chakra, anus (anus), sexual organ, lower abdomen (womb), navel, heart, throat, uvula, palate, tongue, between the eyebrows (ajna), nose, base of the nose, forehead (lalata). They are listed in the text attributed to Gorakshanath, Siddha-siddhanta-paddhati.

As for the "Lakshya" (sign, sign), they usually mention not two, but three Lakshyas.
Bahir (bahya)-lakshya - an external sign, is associated with the sadhanas of bhuchari-mudra and aksha-mudra.
The goal of bahir lakshya techniques is to awaken the subtle nadis in the region of the upper chakras.
The manifestation of this sign is the vision of blue light between the eyebrows and gold in the region of the crown.

Madhya-lakshya is an intermediate sign that is associated with the experience of three small types of spaces in the body - chidakasha, hrdakasha, daharakasha and the five great spaces-vyomanas.

Finally, the internal sign of antar-lakshya is associated with the manifestations of various signs of sound and light, as well as the blue space in the anahata-chakra and between the eyebrows, called the "blue pearl" - nila-bindu, says the Advaya-taraka Upanishad.

Why Enlightenment am I free from karmic reactions, from causal relationships?
The fact is that the Enlightened One lives immersed in the Source of all experiences, and his consciousness is established in the Sahasrara Chakra. Whatever the Enlightened One does, his winds-pranas do not deviate, consciousness and prana always remain in the purity of the Unborn. Whatever is done at the level of body, mind and speech does not penetrate into the subconsciousness of the subtle body (taijasa) and the superconsciousness of the causal body (prajna) of the Enlightened One.

In other traditions, for example, in the Laya Yoga tradition, there are oral instructions (“On the sixteen stages of the growth of the moon of inner awareness”), in which they describe in detail the stages of the ascent of consciousness during the practice of contemplation. Enlightenment here corresponds to the eighth stage - Birth.

“When naked awareness, like space, gained strength,
self-giving comes naturally, goals are released,
and hopes are cut off in great non-action -
then the yogi is born as an immortal child in the world of the One…”

Implementation features:

"Small birth" - brahma-aham-bhava, the consciousness of non-duality, like space, is continuously held in dream sleep, but is lost in dreamless sleep.

"Great birth" - the "circle of day and night" is closed, i.e. the awareness of non-duality is held in a dream with dreams and in a dream without dreams. Qualityless enlightening emptiness (guna-rahita-akasha) has been realized, but the deep levels of light have not yet been revealed.
The Yogi becomes one who has attained the state of Avyakta-Prakriti and is called Prakriti-Layan.

it is holiness.And holiness means complete surrender to God,dissolution of the ego in the divine source,full dedication(atma-nivedanana), with becoming a pure channel of God, his medium and the continuous fulfillment of the Divine will by the body, speech and mind.

There are no Enlightened Ones "walking" on their own, outside of God, because Enlightenment itself is the descent of the light of divine blessing (anugraha), for the light has nowhere else to come from but from God.

At the same time, having in mind the root “light” in the word Enlightenment, this divine light is, as it were, reflected by the Enlightened One, pouring out on everything that surrounds him.

The saints sayDon't look for Pbrightening,surrender to the mercy of God,become a conductor of divine will 24 hours a day and Penlightenment will come to you."

Then you are not a Buddhist and not a Christian, not a Hindu and not a Jain, not a Taoist, you are not a man and not a woman, not a mother and not a son, not a man, not a Russian and not a Hindu - you are the illusory body of God, you are a medium of God, his herald , his pure channel, conductor (dev-vahini), and you have no personal goals in life, except to serve God, to fulfill the Divine will flawlessly.

I must tell myself this: let Enlightenment come or not come, let the Guru, if necessary, someday tell me about it, or not tell me, but I will just modestly do my sadhana, my service, not expecting any recognition, any benefits, no privileges. I will give myself every second to the Supreme Source, to my inner deity. I will not have any other goals in life.

« To wish for Enlightenment is to never achieve it.
To achieve Enlightenment means it can be lost.
Therefore, desiring without desiring, strive without striving.
Be free even from the very concept of Enlightenment.
Learn to be, not strive.
Stay, not desire.

Turn on the melody and read with your heart, with an awareness of what is happening in the present.

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Many people recently began to feel strange states in the mind and body. Our friends, acquaintances, subscribers and readers of the site constantly talk about their feelings, and some of them also appear with us.
When contacting as a rule, nothing is clarified to doctors, even after tests and images, the medical picture is unclear, it is difficult to make a diagnosis.

The doctors themselves shrug their shoulders, prescribe more and more new drugs, feeling their helplessness in curing people.

At the same time, an unhealthy state is often accompanied by a breakdown, depression, drowsiness, emotional instability, bursts of irritation and anger.

Today our associate, Dr. Lara sent in material that sheds some light on what's going on. Perhaps it will allow you to see this process from a new angle, remember your symptoms, become aware of useful tips for yourself, and most importantly, learn to respond to everything calmly.


1. Pain in the whole body especially in the neck, shoulders and back. This is the result at the level of changes in our DNA that occur as the Collective, Planetary, Cosmic, Unified Consciousness awakens in us.

Don't worry - it's normal, everything will pass. The purity of vibrations at the cellular level changes, new levels of DNA are activated. In places where there is pain, there is the greatest slagging of the body, as a result, blocked energies are burned, which is accompanied by tension and pain.

2. Feeling deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are freeing yourself from your past (this and previous lives), and this causes a feeling of sadness. It's like a graduation situation, you really want to finally leave school and start an independent life, but at the same time you feel sorry for parting with memories, friends, teachers, energies and everything experienced in the old school. This too will pass, let go of everything old with gratitude, without being attached to anything.

Opening up to something new with a sense of anticipation and inspiration, we express our true intentions from the heart, we direct our attention to the image of a brighter future.

3. Tears for no reason. The same reason as in point 2. It is very good and useful to let yourself cry, as this helps to let go of the old energy that remains in you, having lived and let go of the situation, your tears will last no more than 2 minutes. There may be manifestations of pity and resentment. Attachment to a situation can generate tears for a long time until it is lived and released. Forgive yourself and those around you for everything, thank you and those around you for everything, for every little thing - seeing this as a positive intention of life.

4. Unexpected job change or type of activity. This is a very typical symptom. As you change yourself, everything around you will also change. The character, the environment and the line of Fate are changing.
This, too, will pass: you are now in a transitional state and you can change jobs a few more times before you establish yourself in what will be to your heart's content and will benefit others. In the end, everyone will have to do what they love first and foremost and find their place in the single organism of life. It is thanks to our favorite business and activities with love that we reveal our “Prosperity Code”.

5. Moving away from old family relationships and connections. We are bound to our biological family by the old program of cause and effect. As we complete this cycle, the bonds of your relationship begin to loosen. At first it will seem that you are moving away from your family and friends, then you will begin to realize that nothing binds you anymore, that you have formed different interests. This too will pass, and after a while you will be able to create completely new relationships with them or with new people. However, these relationships will be built on the basis of new energy, without karmic ties, only from heart to heart, without reproaches and expectations.

6. Unusual sleep patterns. It is very likely that you will spend many nights without sleep from 2 am to 4 am. A new work of the Soul is taking place within you, and this will often force you to wake up in order to rest. Don't worry. If you cannot sleep, it is better to get up and do something useful, do not lie in bed thinking about worldly concerns.
This too will pass. Think of the future, that it is already here in the present.

7. Vivid dynamic dreams. You can see dreams about war, battles, about persecution and monsters, about labyrinths and traps… You literally get rid of the old energy, and this energy of the past often symbolically manifests itself in images of war, flight from someone or flight from some situations. . This too must pass.

8. Physical disorientation. At times, you will feel very ungrounded.
You will have a spatial orientation disorder with a feeling that you cannot stand firmly with both feet on the ground, or you may have a feeling that you are between two worlds, in different time periods.
While our consciousness enters into a new energy, our body can sometimes lag behind, since physics has the smallest rate of change, and the greatest inertia of change. Spend more time in nature, which will help ground the new energy within you.

9. More internal dialogue"With myself". You will find yourself talking to yourself more often. You may suddenly suddenly catch yourself on the fact that for half an hour you have been talking to yourself. A new level of communication is now maturing within your being, and talking to yourself is, as it were, the tip of this iceberg. There will be more and more such conversations, they will be more and more free, appropriate to the moment and full of insights.
Remain calm, you are going out of your linear mind and into a multidimensional mind.
You are simply one of the Awakened Ones entering the new energies.

10. Feeling lonely even in the company of other people. You may feel alone and separated from others. You may feel the urge to avoid large groups of people and crowds. Like any Awakened One, your path is sacred and unique. Sometimes it is useful to be alone with yourself, the main thing is not to isolate yourself from others.

The feeling of loneliness causes anxiety and interferes with building relationships with other people. Feelings of loneliness are also connected with the fact that your old spiritual guides are starting to leave you. They have been with you throughout your past life journey. Now it is time for them to leave so that you can fill your space with your own Divinity.
This symptom will also pass, and the inner emptiness will be filled with the love and energy of the Christ Consciousness (collective consciousness).

11. Indifference and indifference. You can feel absolute indifference with a complete lack of desire to do anything. This is normal - it's just part of the process. You lose interest in the old way of life, useless fuss, monotony, you feel that you are not doing what your heart wants. Take this as a time of "non-doing" for a deep soul-searching.
Do not fight with yourself, because this too will pass, it is like rebooting the computer - you need to turn it off for a while to download new, more effective and in tune with your heart programs, or, as in this case, the new energy of the Planetary Consciousness.

12. Deep homesickness. This is probably the most difficult thing to deal with compared to all other conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave our planet, your physical body, and return "Home" to the Wave of One Consciousness. This is not a suicidal drive. It's not out of anger or frustration. You are not going to make some drama out of it for yourself or others. There is simply some quiet part of yourself that constantly beckons you “home” – to the Wave of the Unified Consciousness of the Source of Life.

The main reason for this very simple. We have completed our causal (karmic) cycles. You have completed your development program, your contract with life in this incarnation, and you are ready to start a new life.

Being in the process of transition, you retain an internal memory of what it is like to be on the other side of the "illusion of separation." How ready are you to sign up for a new journey of service here on Earth? Are you ready to accept the challenge and enter into the "New Energy", the New Era of the New Race.

Yes, indeed, you can go Home, but you have already come here from afar, after so many lifetimes. It is a shame to leave without waiting for the end of the fairy tale, where good always wins.

It was well said in one of the films that if it’s still bad now, then this means it’s not the end yet, in the end good always wins.

Besides, Spirit needs us here to help others make the transition into the New Energy. They will need a spiritual guide in human form, just like you. The path that you are now walking with us, practicing all the advice, recommendations, wishes and practices that we give, gives you the experience necessary to become a Mentor, a New Human with a Planetary, Cosmic Consciousness.

Whatever no matter how lonely and dark your journey may be at times, remember that you are never alone. We are both a particle of Light and a wave of Light. As the sea is made up of drops, so the Wave of Light is made up of particles. “I am another You. You are the other I, ”the inhabitants of the Mayan civilization spoke to each other in the morning.

Explore, what signs of Spiritual Awakening are manifesting in you, reassess your values, accept and release old energies through your Heart.

We want to take care of you, and prepared a quality practice for you as a Gift "Relationship Healing" with oneself, at the level of microcosm and macrocosm, very relevant to today's time.

Do it this practice in the morning and before going to bed, at least 3 days, and you will feel inner peace and harmony in relationships with yourself and others.

Also listen to it every time you feel an unbalanced state,
in order to build it into the structure of his consciousness.

Download "Relationship Healing" here and now by clicking on the "like" button

Who wants deeper and more permanent healing,

We are grateful for feedback from you, for us and our like-minded people.
Write in the comments what signs of Spiritual awakening you feel,
and what you learned from this article.

We continue together to support the valuable information Wave of people of Goodwill,
by clicking on the buttons of our social networks, we post information in our communities, blogs, forums, websites. By doing this, we together show concern for our environment, and our environment for their environment, and so the Wave of the Spirit of the New Time spreads throughout society.
Everything ingenious is simple.

Thank you for mutual understanding, mutual respect and co-creation during the Great Transition,
To the New World - harmony, justice, concord and prosperity.

With respect and care, The Source Team.

Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Tobias (via Geoffrey Hoppe)

1. Pain in the body, especially in the neck, shoulders and back.
This is the result of intense changes at the DNA level during the awakening within the "Christ Seed". This too will pass.

2. Feeling deep sadness for no particular reason. You release your past (this life and all the rest) and this causes a feeling of sadness. It is similar to the feeling we get when we leave the house where we have lived for many, many years and move to a new place. No matter how much we want to move into a new home, there is always sadness that we are leaving behind the memory, energy and experiences of the old home. This too will pass.

3. Causeless tears. Similar to point 2. It is good and healthy to let tears flow. This helps release old energy from within. This too will pass.

4. Sudden changes in work or career. A very common symptom. As you change, everything around you also changes. Don't worry about finding the "perfect" job or career. It will pass. You are in a transition period and you may change several jobs before you find one that suits your aspirations.

5. Departure from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family through old karma. When you break the karmic cycle, the bonds of old relationships are broken. It may seem like you are moving away from your family and friends. This too will pass. After a while, you can build a new relationship with them, if that's what it's supposed to be. However, these relationships will be based on new energy, without karmic attachments.

In various spiritual and esoteric circles, these two phenomena - enlightenment and spiritual awakening - are often confused, interpreted differently, identified and not understood at all. Because the only way to understand it is to truly experience it.

Any explanations are only descriptions, concepts, and they do not convey the Truth, but only point to it in one way or another, from one side or another. It's like a road sign with the name of a city and an arrow showing where it is. Or it can be compared to a map, which shows a map of a city in a two-dimensional plane. Many spiritual seekers identify a pointer with what it points to, or a map with a territory. Because of this, disagreements, confusion and senseless disputes arise.

In this article, I will try to describe in simple terms the difference between spiritual awakening and enlightenment, list the main signs and symptoms of both, based on my experience. Just keep in mind that this text is just another description, just one of the pointers, not the Truth. Truth is not transmitted by words, no one has ever been able to do this, and will never be able to. Just look in the direction where the words are pointing, you should discover the Supreme Reality yourself.

Material source - http://pro-svet.at.ua/index/0-146.

What is the difference between enlightenment and spiritual awakening?

I speak solely from my experience. You don't have to believe it, take it as my point of view and explore for yourself. In my book Half-Hour Enlightenment, I insist on exactly this - don't trust anyone or anything, explore for yourself. I can only show the direction to Truth, but you will have to go on your own.

Spiritual Awakening Happens First, this is a much more common phenomenon than enlightenment. Spiritual awakening occurs in various religions, spiritual (and non-spiritual) practices, in various systems of self-improvement and self-knowledge. And sometimes it happens outside of practice, quite unexpectedly and for no apparent reason. There are many descriptions of the signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening, and they are all so different that in the general mass it looks somehow confusing, contradictory and doubtful. I have highlighted the most common, the most important, universal ones, which I will share here.

Spiritual awakening is an awakening from the illusion of being a body-mind-personality. There is a realization that I am not the body, not the mind, not the person. This disidentification can happen instantly, or it can take years, until this understanding becomes absolutely clear and obvious.

In spiritual circles, they say that spiritual awakening is the realization of one's spiritual nature. I would say more simply - it is the awareness of one's non-material nature. The word "spirituality" is associated with a lot of misunderstanding, distortion and frankly misinterpretations. Therefore, I would suggest going beyond religious terminology and calling it awareness of oneself as Consciousness.

The moment (or period) of spiritual awakening can be accompanied by various vivid and unusual experiences, "special effects" and insights, and their range is very large. It can be the experience of light, divine sounds, the vision of angels or Gods, a feeling of overflowing love, ecstasy, a feeling of unity, etc. In my case, it was an exit from the body in the waking state, when I began to see not through the eyes, but in some other, incomprehensible way. This was accompanied by an indescribable “WOW!”, and confirmed what I was already almost sure of - that I was not a body, but a consciousness. Everyone has their own special effects, but there is only one common denominator of spiritual awakening - awareness of oneself as consciousness, not matter.

After spiritual awakening, you already know from your experience that a person is basically consciousness, and the body-mind-personality is just a temporary garment. Identification with these external things disappears. More precisely, this identification is realized as an illusion. But this is not yet enlightenment. At this level, there is still some duality of "I" and "others", even if these others are also spiritual beings, albeit in shells.

When enlightenment occurs, the illusion of duality (multiplicity) ceases to be perceived as a reality. It's even harder to explain in words. Yes, there is the appearance of different people, objects, phenomena and events, but at the same time there is an understanding of advaita, an awareness of non-duality. And this, too, can be accompanied by various special effects.

Speaking of special effects. These are side things. They should not be targeted at all. All these signs and symptoms described on the Internet are a wide range of experiences, and they are not necessarily associated with spiritual awakening or enlightenment. I periodically come across beautiful stories on the Internet like “Oh, I had such an experience, so I am awakening (or awakened, or enlightened).” Most often these are beautiful tales that are so pleasing to the ego. I am giving a simple and reliable criterion for spiritual awakening is awareness of oneself as consciousness, and not as something material. All other criteria can be misleading, and for a long time.

Let's get back to enlightenment.

What are the main signs of enlightenment?

After enlightenment, habitual thoughts can still arise that divide the Indivisible into separate parts, but there is an awareness that this division is conditional, artificial, unreal. The mind no longer deceives.

Enlightenment is the realization of the Truth, after which all questions dissolve and disappear. And all the answers, concepts, understandings accumulated on the spiritual path cease to matter. Enlightenment is the end of the search. End of personality. End of illusions. This is sat-chit-ananda - eternity-consciousness-bliss. But life goes on.

Life after enlightenment is like watching a movie in which you are no longer identified with the main character, although you feel him; rather, you are the very space in which this whole movie of life unfolds. And this film somehow incomprehensibly "consists" of the same material as "you". I call this material the word "consciousness."

Everything is Consciousness. And from the fact that consciousness takes one form or another, it does not cease to be consciousness. It is the same consciousness.

It's incomprehensible. It cannot be understood by the mind. And it cannot be explained in words.

And only when the mind calms down and ceases to create false divisions into “I” and “not I”, a sudden enlightenment can occur - the realization of advaita, non-duality.

I wish you all a quick and joyful spiritual awakening!