Program for preparing orphans for independent living. Program for preparing pupils of institutions for orphans for independent living. We and Society

Holidays concerts

Thematic weeks

Competitions in the orphanage

City actions, projects

Competitions, festivals

Pupil meetings


Bye, summer!

Comfort and order in a family group.

"Blooming City" Competition of flower arrangements and bouquets.

"Rubtsovskaya autumn". "The Holy Lands of Vologda".

1. Results of summer holidays, 2. Rules of living in an orphanage, 3. Planning for the year.

Teacher's Day. Concerts for the Day of the Elderly.

Week of the Small Motherland.

Flower garden in a group.

Cross of the nation. Citywide cleanup.

"Vologda courtyards" Ferapontov's readings.

1. Results of educational activities, 2. Results of competitions.

Book Week.

Design of reading corners.

“Vologda is a healthy city.”

"Cheerful children" Mini-football.

New Year's show program.

New Year's decoration of groups.

"New Year's toy for the central tree"

"Bouquet of harsh winter." "A gift to Santa Claus."

1. Results of educational activities 3. Plan for the winter holidays.

Week of health and sports.

For the healthiest group.

Ski track of Russia. "School of survival"

“The Nativity of Christ is the light of eternal life”

Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Thrifty competition.

"Gift to a Soldier"

"Road without danger." "My family"

Career guidance week.

Group portfolio.

"Azimuth of Hope"

Small Dimitrievsky readings. "Azimuth of Hope"

1. Results of educational activities 2. Results of competitions.

Law Week

Projects "Blooming Miracle" near the orphanage.

Two-month work on landscaping.

"Pokrovsky meetings". "Nature and creativity."

Congratulations to veterans. Outdoor concerts.

The most beautiful area on the territory of the orphanage

“Gift to a Veteran” “Blossoming City”

Glorious sons and daughters of the Russian state

1. Results of educational activities for the year. 2. Results of competitions. 3. Summer vacation plan

Graduate Day.

"Our green house."


In the context of the modern social situation in Russia, the most difficult phenomenon in recent years has been a significant increase in the number of citizens deprived of parental rights who voluntarily abandoned newborns in maternity hospitals, which results in an increase in the number of orphans and children left without parental care.

Children from orphanages have a lot of problems. One of the main ones is to successfully integrate into modern society and independently build a version of the life of a worthy Person. And the main mission of the orphanage is to help in the social adaptation of pupils.

Unfortunately, at present, the level of social adaptation of children in orphanages is insufficient, as evidenced by statistics. Insufficient adaptation of pupils is a consequence of a whole complex of reasons.

Analysis of the problem of orphanhood led to the understanding that the conditions in which children left without family care often lead to a distortion of the process of socialization and social adaptation of the individual. It is difficult to ensure the full development of children in the public education system. Despite the efforts of people who devote themselves to serving orphans, the result does not always meet expectations. There are reasons that are difficult to overcome in the public education system. Maternal and social deprivation, lack of communication with adults, collective methods of education and other features of education in an orphanage institution lead to distortion and disruption of the child’s interactions with the social environment.

According to data from the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation on graduates of orphanages, 10% of them commit suicide, 40% become alcoholics and drug addicts, 40% become criminals, and only 10% adapt normally to society.

Successful social adaptation presupposes that orphans have a set of certain knowledge and skills necessary for functioning in society. The full development of such knowledge and skills is difficult in conditions of state care. Children raised outside the family idealize life outside the walls of the orphanage and their ideas about themselves and their capabilities. In their opinion, independent life is full of entertainment, fun, and lack of control.

Violations of the mechanisms of social adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care lead to disharmony of the individual’s relationship with the social environment. This is manifested in the low level of socialization of children in orphanages, as well as in maladaptation (often deviant behavior), a lag in the level of physical, mental and intellectual development. Despite the fact that society is interested in the successful social adaptation of all its members, orphans and children left without parental care have weakly expressed signs of adaptation even at the microgroup level.

Chapter 1.

I. Scientific and theoretical foundations aimed at social adaptation of orphanage pupils.

A historical and pedagogical analysis of the development of the system of social and pedagogical assistance and support for orphans in Russia made it possible to generalize and classify the categories of orphans and children left without parental care, to indicate the sources of social assistance and the types of institutions intended to provide such assistance in different historical periods . During the research work, the concept was clarified"social adaptation" in the context of socialization regarding adolescent and young adult orphanage residents; negative factors that impede the successful social adaptation of orphanages to independent life are highlighted; the essence, content and specificity of the concept were clarified "social and pedagogical activity" , which made it possible to systematize the functions, tasks, forms and methods of social and pedagogical activities with children from orphanages.

To understand the essence and content of social and pedagogical activities with orphans and children without parental care, at the present stage it is advisable to turn to the practice of charity for orphaned children in Russia at different historical stages of the development of society. Scientific works of such scientists as E.D. Maksimov, M.V. Firsov, E.I. Kholostova and others are devoted to the practice of caring for orphans in Russia at different historical stages of the development of society.

The foundations of the socio-pedagogical theory and practice of raising and teaching orphans are laid in the works of such scientists and political figures as V.F. Odoevsky, N.K. Krupskaya, A.V. Lunacharsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. .Sukhomlinsky et al.

Research on the problem of social and pedagogical support for orphans and children left without parental care at the present stage of social development is revealed in the works of I.F. Dementieva, L.Ya. Oliferenko, L.K. Sidorova, E.O. Smirnova, T I. Shulgi, A. Sh. Shakhmanova and others.

At the beginning of XX century, a state monopoly was established in the matter of social welfare for children. Despite organizational troubles, the child welfare system throughout the country gradually acquired quite clear outlines. In the 1920s, the country developed an extensive system of social security for orphans, which included orphanages of various categories (preschool, for students, with vocational training, medical), children's towns, commune schools, labor colonies and communes for the difficult to educate children, most of whom were orphans. Ways to solve problems are being developedlabor training for children from orphanages , the content of educational work with orphans, aimedto prepare graduates for independent life .

By the beginning of XXI century, orphanhood, social orphanhood and homelessness of children in Russia have acquired alarming proportions. Russian state policy towards orphans and children left without parental care began to intensify in the early 90s XX century. A large group of regulations adopted in the 90s concern social support for orphans and children left without parental care. The care of orphans at the present stage of social development is carried out in two ways - adoption or transfer to state care.

State care is the creation of normal conditions for an unadopted child for his upbringing and development by placing him in institutions specially created for this purpose (orphanage, orphanage, orphanage, boarding school).

An orphanage is an educational state institution for orphans and children without parental care aged 3 to 18 years. The main objectives of orphanages are: creating favorable, comfortable conditions, close to home, conducive to the normal development of the child; ensuring children's health; ensuring the social protection of the child, his medical, psychological and social adaptation; protection of the interests and rights of pupils; children's mastery of educational programs, obtaining education in the interests of the individual, society and the state; the formation of a general culture of pupils, their adaptation to life; formation of students’ needs for self-development and self-determination; creating conditions for informed choice and subsequent mastery of professional educational programs.

There is an urgent issue about post-boarding adaptation of graduates, which touches on a number of pressing issuessocialization, social adaptation of children from orphanages .

Theoretical analysis of the concepts of “socialization” and “social adaptation” revealed the lack of a single point of view on their relationship. From our point of view, the approaches do not contain fundamental contradictions, and their difference lies in the degree of inclusion of one concept into another, since they reflect a single process of interaction between the individual and society.

We agree with the point of view of A.V. Mudrik, emphasizing that successful socialization presupposes, on the one hand, the effective adaptation of a person in society, and on the other hand, the ability, to a certain extent, to resist society, or rather, to resist some of those life collisions that interfere with the development, self-realization, and affirmation of a person . Effective socialization presupposes a certain balance between his identification with society and isolation from it.

The immediate social environment of an individual can be various social groups - family, educational and work teams, friends, etc. For many children, an orphanage becomes such an environment.

The problems of children in orphanages were studied by such scientists as I.F. Dementyeva, I.A. Zalysina, M.I. Lisina, A.A. Likhanov, E.A. Minkovoa, V.S. Mukhina, L. Y.Oliferenko, A.M.Prikhozhan, E.M.Rybninsky, L.K.Sidorovoa, G.V.Semya, E.O.Smirnovoa, N.N.Tolstykh, A.Sh.Shakhmanovoa, T.I. .Shulga et al.

Scientists have discovered the specifics of the development of the intellectual, need and behavioral spheres of the personality of orphanage pupils. Features of the development of these areas in early childhood among preschoolers and children of primary school age are of fundamental importance, and adolescence, in the opinion of L.K. Sidorova, “seems to accumulate and aggravate all the shortcomings of extra-family formation, acting as the quintessence and reflection of the genesis of personality outside systems of parent-child connections.”

Analysis of theoretical and practical works (L.Ya. Oliferenko, T.I. Shulgi, I.F. Dementieva, G.V. Semi, etc.) allows us to highlight the following specific features characteristic ofmost graduates orphanages: the phenomenon of “we”, the position of “psychological encapsulation”, inability to communicate with people outside the institution; difficulties establishing contacts with adults and peers; alienation and distrust of people, detachment from them; a violation in the development of feelings that does not allow one to understand others and accept them; relying only on your desires and feelings; low level of social intelligence, which makes it difficult to understand social norms, rules, and the need to follow them; a poorly developed sense of responsibility for one’s actions, indifference to the fate of those who connected their lives with them, a feeling of jealousy towards them; consumer psychology in relations to loved ones, the state, society; self-doubt, low self-esteem; lack of permanent friends and support from them; unformed volitional sphere, lack of purposefulness aimed at future life; unformed life plans and life values; the need to satisfy only the most basic needs (food, clothing, housing, entertainment); low social activity, desire to be invisible, not to attract attention; tendency to additive (self-destructive) behavior - abuse of one or more psychoactive substances (smoking, drinking alcohol, recreational drugs, toxic and medicinal substances, etc.), which can serve as a kind of regressive form of psychological defense; poor health.

Social adaptation implies ways of adaptation, regulation, harmonization of human interaction with the environment. In progresssocial adaptation the individual acts as an active subject who adapts to the environment in accordance with his needs and interests, using various combinations of techniques and methods, strategies of social adaptation.

Having analyzed the theoretical approaches of scientists to the concept of “social and pedagogical activity” (L.A. Belyaeva, Yu.V. Vasilkova, M.A. Galaguzova, F.A. Mustaeva, V.A. Nikitin, A.Ya. Oliferenko, L .K.Sidorova, etc.), we came to the conclusion that most researchers agree that the common thing connecting the concepts of pedagogical and socio-pedagogical activities is the identity of the main function performed by the teacher in society (social inheritance, sociocultural reproduction and human development). In general, the opinions of scientists regarding the specific features of social and pedagogical activity coincide. The main distinctive feature of socio-pedagogical activity is that the need for it arises when a child or group of children has a problematic situation in their relationship with the social environment (the object of this activity is children with disorders of natural socialization).Social and pedagogical activities is targeted, local, social in nature.

The goal of social and pedagogical activities in an orphanage is social adaptation, socialization of the child. The subjects of this activity are the teaching staff (social teacher, educator, psychologist, administration) of the orphanage. Pupils of the orphanage, each individually, small groups (families) and the entire team as a whole act as objects and at the same time subjects of social and pedagogical activity.

II. Implementation of a structural-functional model of social-pedagogical activities to improve level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils.

The results of testing and implementation (into the activities of the orphanage) of a structural-functional model of socio-pedagogical activities to increase the level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils, the program and algorithm for its implementation to prepare pupils for independent life are presented.

The mechanism of social adaptation of the individual is a single process of activity, communication, and self-awareness. INfield of activity The teenager experiences an expansion of types of activity, orientation in each of its types, its comprehension, mastery, and mastery of the appropriate forms and means of activity; expansion of the sphere of independence and competence. INsphere of communication - establishing new relationships with peers of the opposite sex; expanding the circle of communication, filling and deepening its content, mastering the norms and rules of behavior accepted in society, mastering its various forms acceptable in the child’s social environment and society as a whole. INsphere of self-awareness – formation of the “image-I” as an active subject of activity, comprehension of one’s social affiliation and social role, formation of self-esteem; personal and professional self-determination; formation of an image of one’s gender role and the image of a partner; formation of socially responsible behavior; building a system of values ​​as guidelines for one’s own behavior.

When developing criteria for the social adaptation of children in orphanages, we relied on its characteristics identified by A.V. Mudrik, as well as on the personal characteristics of orphans, the conditions of upbringing and living in the orphanage. Below are the criteria and indicators of the level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils to independent life, as well as diagnostic methods:

1 criterion. Formation of professional intentions. Levels:high (full readiness for educational and professional activities: a clear understanding of the profession, the labor market, the choice of educational institution, forms and terms of study);sufficient (partial readiness for educational and professional activities: unclear, vague ideas about the profession, the labor market, the choice of educational institution, forms and terms of study);inadequate (unwillingness or unwillingness to continue educational and professional activities: uncertainty in choosing a profession, lack of ideas about the labor market, choice of educational institution). Methods of quantitative and qualitative diagnostics: conversation, questioning, testing using the method of studying the professional intentions of high school students by L.M. Fridman, T.A. Pushkin, I.Ya. Kaplunovich.

2 criterion. Formation of social and everyday skills. Levels:high (full readiness of pupils to independently navigate new life situations and plan their lives: social, everyday skills, the presence of real life plans for the future, the ability to independently make decisions, achieve their goals, organize socially significant leisure, plan a budget, prepare food, perform purchases);sufficient (partial readiness of pupils to independently navigate new life situations and plan their lives: the presence of situational life plans, partial independence in decision-making, organizing socially significant leisure, budget planning, cooking; inadequate ( unpreparedness or unwillingness of students to independently navigate new life situations and plan their lives: unrealistic plans for the future, lack of plans, asocial plans, inability to make decisions independently, achieve a goal, plan a budget, lack of well-formed social and everyday skills). Methods of quantitative and qualitative diagnostics: conversation, questioning using the method of social adaptation by B.A. Kugan.

3 criterion. Formationculture of interpersonal and social relations. Levels:high(P full readiness for adequate, full interaction with society: respect, acceptance of the basic values ​​of society, development of business communication skills, building relationships with people, communication in different sex and age groups, variability of behavior patterns, absence of problems in the field of communication, law-abidingness, teachers praise, no comments ); sufficient ( partial readiness to interact with society: situational, partial acceptance of the basic values ​​of society, the formation of situational skills, business communication skills, building relationships with people in different gender and age groups, low variability in behavior and communication patterns, there are comments from teachers, but they are minor); inadequate ( unpreparedness or unwillingness to interact with society: low level of communication culture, low variability of behavior and communication patterns, presence of conflicts with teachers, manifestation of deviant and delinquent behavior). Methods of quantitative and qualitative diagnostics: conversation, testing using the method of studying the need for communication and the need for achievement A.M. Parishioners.

4 criterion . Development of healthy lifestyle skills and self-acceptance. Levels: high (formation healthy lifestyle skills: physical activity, psycho-emotional resistance to bad habits, addictions and stressful situations, adequacy of the level of self-esteem, aspirations, anxiety, physical health); sufficient ( partially formed healthy lifestyle skills: weak, situational motor activity, psycho-emotional resistance to bad habits, drugs and stressful situations, situational adequacy of the level of self-esteem, aspirations, anxiety, the presence of chronic diseases of various origins); inadequate (weak formation healthy lifestyle skills: low psycho-emotional resistance to bad habits, drugs, the presence of bad habits, systematic use of alcoholic beverages, instability to stressful situations, inadequate level of self-esteem and level of aspirations, very high or very low level of anxiety).Methods of quantitative and qualitative diagnostics: conversation, “Personality Self-Assessment Scale” according to the Dembo-Rubinstein method, modified by A.M. Prikhozhan.

Successful social adaptation presupposes that orphans have a set of certain knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for integration into society. The formation of such knowledge and skills is difficult in the conditions of public care institutions. Children raised outside the family idealize life outside the walls of the orphanage and their ideas about themselves and their capabilities. In their opinion, independent life is full of entertainment, fun, and lacks external control. Infantility and socio-psychological immaturity of graduates entail a lot of problems in independent life.

Summing up results of the ascertaining stage experimental work, we came to the conclusion that the real level of social adaptation at the stage of preparation for independent life in most pupils is insufficient for independent life: inadequacy of self-esteem and aspirations, low indicators of the formation of the need for communication and achievement, increased level of general anxiety, problematic level of social adaptation (insufficient level social adaptation in46,23% pupils). These children's homes, as a rule, show an unwillingness or unwillingness to continue educational and professional activities, independently navigate new life situations and plan their lives, interact with society,lead a healthy lifestyle.Enough level social adaptation at the stage of preparation for independent life in44,34% orphanage pupils andhigh level at 9,43% pupils, that is, it can be assumed that only 10% of orphanage pupils will be able to successfully adapt to independent life.

Thus, based on the results of social and psychological-pedagogical diagnostics (the level of social adaptation of orphanage graduates to independent living a month before graduation, 106 orphanage inmates and 20 specialists participated in the study)highlight row the most acute social, socio-pedagogical and psychologicalproblems that complicate the process of social adaptation children from orphanages to independent living: problems in the sphere of interpersonal relationships, unpreparedness to interact with society; lack of a clear idea of ​​independent life, infantilism, inability to foresee the consequences of one’s actions; lack of well-developed social and everyday skills; inability to fill your free time with socially acceptable leisure; insufficient formation of self-control and self-discipline.

Social adaptation orphanage pupils at the stage of preparation for independent life represents:

- the process and result of a graduate’s successful adaptation to the conditions of the post-boarding period, that is, to changed social conditions (new educational institution, new status as a student, new place of residence, new social environment);

- the level of social adaptation (high, sufficient, insufficient) is the result of the formation of professional intentions, social and everyday skills, culture of interpersonal and social relations,.

One of the acute problems of the content of education for orphans is the process of transition from a mass, collective paradigm of education to an individual one. In the pedagogical process of public care institutions, it is necessary to balance the ratio of collective and individual activities with children. As the results of a conversation with specialists working in orphanages show, the technological and methodological base has been insufficiently developed to ensure an increase in the level of socialization and social adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care.

To solve the identified problems, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for preparing orphanage pupils for independent living, that is, the introduction of new forms, methods and means of social and pedagogical activities that increase the level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils.

The content of the program for preparing adolescent and young adult pupils for independent life should be developed on the basis of the following principles: humanistic orientation (understanding of a person as a unique, open system capable of change and development in the process of pedagogical interaction; the strategy of interaction with a teenage pupil is based on subject-subject relationships, the child is an independent and responsible subject of his own development); conformity with nature (raising children according to their gender and age, developing a responsible attitude towards oneself and one’s life); cultural conformity (education based on universal human values); the effectiveness of social interaction (expanding the spheres of communication, developing social and everyday skills).

Step 1. Goal setting is a conscious process of identifying and setting goals and objectives for the activities of a social teacher.Step 2. Entry-level diagnostics - collection, analysis and interpretation of data to identify the level of social adaptation of adolescent and young adult pupils of an orphanage at the stage of preparation for independent life.Step 3. Identification of individual and group problems of orphans in an orphanage.Step 4. Setting the goals and objectives of the activities of the social teacher and students, taking into account the diagnostics performed.Step 5. Implementation of a program to prepare students for independent living “Everything is in my hands.”Step 6. Final diagnostics, which involves assessing the level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils upon completion of classes and analyzing the dynamics of the level of social adaptation.Step 7 Drawing up a plan for further independent actions of the graduate student. It is necessary to clearly discuss and write down, together with the graduate, a plan for his independent life for the next 1-3 years (that is, how long the graduate must study to obtain a profession, if he is enrolled in an educational institution; if not, then where and for whom he will work, as well as where and with whom he intends to live in the near future, etc.) to facilitate the process of social adaptation in the post-boarding period.

The main means of social and pedagogical activity, the use of which helps to increase the level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils, are: goal-setting in the activities of a social teacher; problematization of professional intentions, social and everyday skills, culture of interpersonal and social relationships, healthy lifestyle skills and self-acceptance of students; programming the activities of a social teacher and pupil; planning further independent actions of the orphanage graduate.

The implementation of the program allows us to minimize the range of problems of socialization of orphanage residents and contributes to the assimilation of social experience for their further adaptation in society. The acquired knowledge, skills and abilities facilitate the social adaptation of orphanage residents in the post-boarding period.The final stage experimental work reflects a comparative analysis of diagnostic data on the level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils before and after experimental work, which allows us to trace the positive dynamics of this process.

Positive dynamics of social adaptation indicators for all selected criteria have been revealed, which indicates that we have solved the tasks of our experimental work and confirms the hypothesis put forward. During the final stage, changes in the level of social adaptation among pupils were monitored. The results of this stage showed positive dynamics in the level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils at the stage of preparation for independent life according to all criteria.

Chapter 2.

A program for preparing children from orphanages for independent life in society.

Purpose program - to provide a normative list of main topics, to determine the most important requirements for the knowledge and skills of students necessary for their independent life.

The program is designed for school-age pupils (but can also serve as a guide for a preschool orphanage in order to ensure continuity), both with normal intelligence and pupils with developmental delays or students in the VIII type school program.

1. Culture of behavior and the ABC of communication

2. Housing, clothing, shoes, food

3. Transport, trade, communications

4. Personal hygiene, health, life safety

5. Preparing for family life

6. Institutions and organizations

7. Life and professional self-determination

8. Useful economy. You and the law.

Each direction includes the minimum required number of topics; for each direction, regulatory requirements for the knowledge and skills of students are determined.

Basically, work on this Program takes place during educational hours (specially allocated in the daily routine and pre-planned targeted classes). The form of conducting an educational hour is not strictly fixed - it can be a conversation, a story, instruction, games in the form of a game (quiz, competitions, etc.), practical exercises, excursions, etc. The general logic of working with program material is standard: motivating children, learning new material, consolidating it, testing students’ knowledge and skills. Some of the program material is organically woven into the lives of children in an orphanage - cleaning the premises, caring for clothes, shoes, communication skills, etc.

The approximate time for mastering each part of the Program is an academic year. However, taking into account the individual differences of the pupils, the degree of their intellectual development, as well as the fact that 15-16 year old children who graduate in a year also end up in the orphanage (hence, during this year they must receive the full amount of material) - various options for passing are possible Programs.

First option – sequential passage of the material year after year, for three years. If necessary, previously studied material is repeated. This option is convenient for a homogeneous (by age and level of development) group.

Second option – the teacher, taking into account the characteristics of the group, prepares an individual educational and thematic plan for completing the Program for three years at once. In this case, already in the first year he can cover the topics of the second and third years of study. The peculiarity of this option is that the teacher differentiates the material (set of topics, their complexity, etc.) for different subgroups (for example, older-younger children, children “N” - children with mental retardation, etc.). This option makes it more convenient to work with heterogeneous groups.

Some topics, by prior agreement, are taken on by a psychologist, doctor, social worker, etc.)

The order of topics covered during the academic year is not strictly fixed, however (in the first option of working with the Program), all topics must be worked out by the end of the year; in the second option, the educational and thematic plan of the first year of study must be completed.

To successfully implement these points, the following technology for working with the Program is possible.

In August, group teachers prepare an educational and thematic plan based on this Program. The plan is prepared one per group, but the notes for each topic indicate which teacher is responsible for it. The structure of the plan (adapted to the conditions of the orphanage) is simple. First, the month is indicated, then it is written which topics of the main directions will be studied this month, indicating opposite the topic the responsible educator for the number of teaching hours. Knowing the group, the teacher independently determines the number of hours on each topic (i.e., the number of classes). Ideally, these hours should be scheduled - everything, theory, practice.

Educators working on the second version of the Program jointly draw up a thematic plan for three years.

Next comes work on implementing the curriculum. Teachers conduct classes, the administration controls the quality of training, the level of knowledge and skills, and the degree of implementation of the Program; organizes methodological training and advanced training.

At the end of the year, educators write a report on the results of their work under the Program. An interesting form of intermediate control of students’ knowledge and skills is game activities such as well-known television games (KVN, “Who? Where? When?”, etc.). In addition, the quality of work under the Program is also visible in the process of life in the orphanage: how well the group’s pupils know how to communicate, maintain cleanliness, and take care of clothes and shoes.

Since the Program cannot cover all aspects of independent life in modern society, it is possible to highlight a number of classes on additional (optional) topics that are especially important for a particular orphanage, group, or individual pupil. And for prompt adjustments to the main topics of the program, it is necessary to conduct a survey of graduates within a year after graduation (and further, if possible) - in the first month, after six months, after a year: what problems they have encountered in independent life, ask them to rank these problems according to degree of complexity, ask what knowledge and skills they lacked to solve these problems. Organizationally, it is convenient to conduct such a survey on the annual Alumni Reunion Day.

The expected result of working with the Program is a higher level of social orientation of students.

When compiling this Program, the following materials were used:

Social and everyday orientation programs (for students of grades V-IX of auxiliary schools),

Program “Formation” of orphanages in the Kurgan region,

A set of programs for social adaptation of children with profound intellectual disabilities “Person and Society”,

Comprehensive program of sexual education and enlightenment of pupils of boarding schools and orphanages of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation,


Culture of behavior:


1. Posture when walking, sitting, standing

2. Forms of communication with elders and peers when meeting and parting

3. Forms for making requests and questions to elders; forms of expression

4. Culture of conversation with elders and peers

5. Forms of congratulations

6. Speech culture when using the phone

7. Etiquette and manners

8. General rules of behavior in public places

Pupils must know:

· requirements for posture when walking, sitting, standing

· rules of behavior when meeting and parting

· Forms of request, question, and congratulations, empathy

· how to talk politely on the phone

· how to behave in public places

· have an understanding of etiquette and manners

Pupils must be able to:

· monitor your posture, take the correct posture while sitting andstanding;

· take care of yourself, your gait and gestures

· behave correctly when meeting and parting

· politely address questions, requests, congratulate and empathize,

· behave tactfully and politely when talking with elders and

· behave culturally in public places

ABC of communication


1. Honesty with each other

2. A bad good deed in communication

3. About friendship and camaraderie

Practical lessons:

1. Following the rules of communication with younger people during your stay,
peers, elders (say hello, say goodbye, thank,
provide assistance and care, etc.).

2. Organization of special activities aimed at helping
comrades, caring for children, the sick and the elderly (Operation “Kind
act", "Care", etc.)

3. Strengthening the ability to fairly evaluate one’s actions in communication
comrades (game “Evaluate yourself”, “Workshop of actions”, “What is
true friendship”, “Who can be considered a true friend”, etc.)

4. Organization of joint educational, gaming, artistic,
sports and other activities in the “pores” (permanent, mixed
and heterogeneous composition).

5. Conducting evening self-reports and conversations in a group with individual
pupils about their activities, communication (what they did, why
learned new things, who they helped, where they acted, what they
liked it, etc.).

Individual - group instructive classes:

1. Rules for self-regulation of relationships in communication withyounger, peers, older and adults.

2. How to prevent a quarrel, rules of behavior in a dispute, how we make peace.



1. Types of residential premises in the city and countryside. House; premises and
orphanage services. Options for apartments and utility rooms;
types of heating.

2. Postal address and telephone numbers of the orphanage

Excursion - at the orphanage

Practical work - filling out postal addresses on envelopes

Pupils must know;

· types of residential premises in the city, village, their differences

· postal address and telephone numbers of the orphanage

Pupils must be able to :

· sign the address on the envelopes

Clothes and shoes :

1. Types of clothing and hats. Their purpose, sizes

2. Daily clothing care; pollution prevention; cleaning

3. Types of shoes, sizes; shoe care - drying, cleaning, creams;
preparing seasonal shoes for storage.

Practical work:

· cleaning and drying outerwear and shoes,

· taking measurements (sizing)

Pupils must know :

· Types of clothing and shoes; taking measurements (dimensions)

· Rules for caring for clothes and shoes

Pupils must be able to ;

· select clothes, hats, shoes according to the season (and size), differentiate
their purposes (everyday, holiday, sports)

Dry wet clothes and shoes; clean prepare for storage

· select cream and clean leather shoes


1. Food products (bread, meat, vegetables, etc.). Variety of products

2. Cooking food. Breakfast (preparing simple and
combined sandwiches, boiling eggs; fried eggs;
preparing salad, vinaigrette, brewing tea).

3. Kitchenware, appliances, dishes. Terms of use and
caring for them. Chemical care products

4. Table setting for breakfast.

Practical work:

· preparing a sandwich, salad, vinaigrette,fried eggs,

· boiling eggs,

· brewing tea.

Pupils must know :

· Types of sandwiches,

· various breakfast menus,

· sanitary and hygienic requirements for the food preparation process,

· table setting rulesbreakfast;

· rules for brewing tea,

· purpose of kitchen utensils anddishes;

· sanitary and hygienic requirements for the use of chemicalsdish care products.

Pupils must be able to:

· Cut food for sandwiches with a knife;

· boil eggs,

· fry eggs;

· cut boiled vegetables into cubes, strips,

· set the table according tospecific menu.



    Travel to the orphanage from St. Petersburg (routes, types of transport)

    Rules of behavior in transport and on the street.

    Road rulesmovements.

Excursion - collective trips in transport.

Pupils must know :

· the most rational route to get to the orphanage.

· optionstravel by different types of transport.

· amount of time spent onroad, transfers.

· rules for riding a bicycle.

Pupils must be able to :

· follow the rules of behavior in public transport (rulesboarding, purchasing a ticket, behavior in the cabin and when going out).

· follow traffic rules


1. Grocery and department stores, supermarkets, their

2. The procedure for purchasing goods in grocery stores

Excursion to grocery storesPupils must know :

· The main types of stores and their purpose,

· types of departments in industrial and grocerystores, rules for purchasing in them;

· cost of basic products,used for preparing breakfast.

Pupils must be able to :

· Select products for preparing breakfast taking into account a specific menu;

· pay for food;

· follow the rules of conduct in the store.


1. Basic means of communication (mail, telegraph, telephone)

2. Types of postal items (letters, parcels, parcels, cash
translations, telegrams).

3. Types of letters (registered, with notification, valuable, etc.). Order
sending letters of various types, postage costs, writing
addresses on envelopes.

4. Telegraph, types of telegraph services, tariffs, filling out telegraph

Practical work; excursions:

· excursion to the post office, communication center,

· preparation of telephone messages

· filling out forms

Pupils must know :

· basic means of communication,

· types of postal items, types of telegraph services;

· rates.

· procedure for sending parcels, transfers, etc.

Pupils must be able to;

· Write index on envelopes,

· compose various textstelegram,

· fill out telephone forms,

· calculate approximatecost of telegrams.


Personal hygiene:

1. Personal hygiene rules

2. Hair care (washing, hairstyle)

3. Sleep hygiene; performance hygienehomework

4. Visual hygiene (reading, watching television,homework)

5. Your appearance

Practical work:

· Performing morning and evening toilets;

· combing hair

Pupils must know ;

1 . The sequence of performing morning and evening toilets

2. frequency and rules of brushing teeth, ears, washing hair; facilities
fight dandruff

3. Rules for room lighting, vision protection when reading,
doing homework, watching TV shows

4. Requirement of sleep hygiene and homework preparation

Pupils must be able to :

1 . Perform morning and evening toilets

2. Comb your hair and choose a hairstyle, choose shampoo

3. Observe the rules of hygiene for home preparation, vision, and sleep.

4. Brush your teeth

5. Take care of clothes and shoes (have a neat appearance).

Health and medical care

1. honey. institutions: clinics, hospitals, dispensaries, pharmacies
appointment. Medical workers institutions (doctors, nurses, junior
honey. staff, receptionists; pharmacy workers).

2. Types of honey assistance: home ambulance, outpatient care,
hospitalization. Call an ambulance and a doctor at home.

Excursions to a pharmacy, clinic

Pupils must have an idea :

· on the appointment of a clinic, hospital, dispensary, pharmacy

· about the procedure for making an appointment with a doctor, the procedure for purchasing medications

· about the procedure for calling an ambulance and a doctor at home

Pupils must know :

· Types of medical care;

· functions of primary doctors - specialists

Pupils must be able to ;

· Make an appointment with a doctor;

call a doctor to your home,

· acquiremedicines in the pharmacy.

Basics of life safety


    formation of skills and abilities to navigate the road

a.crossing the street

b.Rules for avoiding traffic at a stop

    home hazards - electrical appliances

    Fire safety rules. Rules of conduct when sunbathing and
    fire. Procedure for calling firefighters. Using protozoa
    fire extinguishing means.

    The benefits and harms of medications and household chemicals. Poisoning is the first
    help. Procedure for calling honey. help.

    Safety measures when dealing with piercing and cutting objects;
    first aid for injuries.

    Home safety - procedure for calling the police

    Rules for safe behavior in the yard (where you can, where you can’t
    play, sources of danger in the yard - power lines, etc.).

    How to protect yourself from bruises, cuts, and fractures during games.

    Precautions when interacting with animals.

    Measures to ensure the safety of personal belongings.

    Interactions with informal groups; rules of behavior with


    Rules for safe cycling. Behavior on the street in a thunderstorm,fog, ice, evening time.

    Edible wild plants (mushrooms, berries).

    Poisonous plantsand mushrooms, dangerous insects and animals

    How to protect yourself frominsects?

    Rules for safe behavior on the water; on the ice of frozen reservoirs

    Precautions during a thunderstorm

Pupils must know :

· sources of danger and rules of safe behavior in the premises, onstreet, in nature

· rules of conduct in case of natural disasters

· rules for handling electrical appliances

· main types of poisonous plants and mushrooms

rules of behavior in transport

· rules of conduct with strangers; pets

· procedure for calling an ambulance, police, gas service, firefighters

Pupils must be able to ;

· handle everyday electrical appliances

· use metalworking tools and tools for working withcloth, paper (scissors, needles, etc.)

· recognize the main types of edible and poisonous plants and mushrooms.

· act on a danger signal

· navigate the area

· provide basic assistance in case of injuries, poisoning, etc.


Social direction:

1. What is a family,

2. family composition,

3. family relationships (mother, father, brother,sister, grandfather, grandmother, aunts, uncles, etc.).

4. Distant or closerelatives.

5. The need for care and respect for each other.

6. Rulesbehavior in the family.

7. The woman is a Lady, the man is a Knight.

Origins of sexual culture

1. Such an unfamiliar “I” (acquaintance with the human body - skeleton,
internal organs, life support systems).

2. External differences between men and women (differences in body structure,
secondary sexual characteristics).

3. Conversations about the origin of new life in plants, animals, and humans

4. Conversations about the essence of pregnancy and caring for
pregnant women, first ideas about childbirth.

5. About friendship between boys and girls

School for future parents

"Care for a newborn baby"

1. Baby care items.

2. Daily child care: washing,treating the eyes with a cotton ball; treatment of nasal passages with cottonwicks, treating the ears with cotton wool, hand care,washing, swaddling.

3. Preparation of sterile vegetable oil,its use for the prevention of diaper rash.

4. Bathing.

Basic skills :

1. Know how to prepare for welcoming a newborn home (items
care, clothing).

2. Be able to perform a child’s morning toilet routine - treating the eyes, nasal
passages, ears.

3. Treatment of the umbilical wound.

4. Preparing a bath for a newborn, bathing

5. Correctly prepare sterilized vegetable oil, order
treatment of skin folds

6. Properly swaddling a baby

7. Rules for washing a child

8. Rules for natural feeding of a newborn

Formation of moral ideas:

1. Tales of the peoples of the world about love (reading)

2. The human body is a model of proportion and beauty (reproduction
famous paintings, Greek, Roman sculpture)

3. Reading and subsequent discussion of fairy tales, myths, legends of peoples
peace about love and family:

· in order to develop children's ability to love

· in order to consolidate the standards of family relationships in the minds of children.

Role-playing games and trainings:

1. Family games, where each child must take turns

depending on gender, perform different roles (the child will becomebrother, sister, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, etc.) under the guidanceadult.

2. Games with several neighboring families to reinforce skills
mutual assistance, mutual assistance and the ability to communicate at the “Family” level
(to visit, give gifts, receive guests, etc.)

3. Games for girls (every girl should have a doll for which she
must be looked after) must be monitored and corrected
behavior of the girl "mother".

4. Boys' games (military, construction with cars, etc.)
the participation of men or boys is required.

5. Games that form and consolidate standards in the minds of children
masculinity and femininity.

6. Games that develop etiquette skills.

7. Family games that reinforce the standards of behavior for men and women
in the family, skills necessary in family life.

8. Games that promote mutual assistance and understanding in the family

9. Games that develop the ability to understand another with all his
personal characteristics (fairy tales “The Crane and the Heron”, “The Princess -
frog", "Scarlet flower", etc.)

Games that develop the emotional sphere of children:

1. Training on managing emotions and mastering relaxation skills.

2. Training in expressing feelings (words, gestures, facial expressions, etc.).

3. Games that develop and strengthen the skills of understanding and taking into account the state of another person.



Children's nursery, children. garden, school. House of Culture; the library is their purpose.

Excursion - House of Culture, library

Pupils must know:

· types of child care institutions, their purpose,

· address of local recreation center, library;

· what circles and sections they have;

· rules of behavior in recreation centers and the library.

Pupils must be able to ;

· Contact an employee of the cultural center or library

· behave correctly duringgames, watching movies, reading books, magazines.

Life and professional definition


1. Your daily routine

2. Time is wealth; friend and foe

3. Is it possible to plan your life

4. Your life plan (initial ideas about your future
study, profession, work, family life, housing, etc.)

5. World of work (main groups and types of professions)

6. Interests, inclinations, inclinations and abilities

7. Types of vocational educational institutions.

Sample forms of work:

· Meetings with teachers of different professions

· evenings of "defense"professions",

· quizzes on the world of professions, excursions,

· complexrole-playing games, etc.,

· debate “what to focus on when choosingprofessions”, etc.


You and the law

Topics (questions for discussion):

1. symbols of our state

2. what is the name of the post? Heads of our state

3. structure of government bodies in Russia (legislative, executive,
judicial branch).

4. What is a legal, democratic state?

5. What is Russia proud of?

6. Our small Motherland

7. Why do you need to know the laws?

8. What is an offense?

9. Why do we need the police, the court, the army?
.Why people are punished for offenses.

Useful economy


1. The concept of a budget in the family

2. The main items of family expenses (food, housing maintenance,
purchasing clothes and shoes, cultural needs, assistance

3. planning expenses for the day; two weeks taking into account the budget and
family composition.

4. Expenses for food and housing maintenance. Payment for living space and

5. Planning large purchases.

Practical work:

1. Exercise in planning expenses for a day, two weeks (for specificexamples).

2. Taking meter readings, calculating the cost of consumed electricity, filling out a receipt.

3. Planning large purchases andproviding financial assistance to relatives (using specific examples).

Pupils must know :

1. Main items of family expenses

2. Expense accounting rules

3. Procedure for calculating rent

4. Frequency and procedure for payment of utilities and services

5. Procedure for planning large purchases

6. Approximate cost of clothes, shoes, furniture, etc.

Pupils must be able to:

1. Count expenses

2. Plan expenses for a day, two weeks

3. Cost of meter reading, count the cost
consumed electricity, fill out receipts

4. Pay utility bills and other bills

5. Plan large purchases.


Conclusions and results:

1. It has been established that the presence of certain social, psychological, pedagogical, medical characteristics of orphans (the “we” phenomenon, low level of social intelligence, dependent position, difficulties in communication, lack of experience of social contacts with people, position of “psychological encapsulation”, low social activity, a tendency to additive, self-destructive behavior, immaturity of the volitional sphere, poor health), has a negative impact on the process of formation and development of social adaptation mechanisms, which impedes the successful adaptation and integration of children from orphanages in the post-boarding period.

2. The essence of the concept of “social adaptation” is clarified in relation to the category of orphanage pupils at the stage of preparation for independent life. Social adaptation of orphanage pupils at the stage of preparation for independent life is the process and result of the graduate’s successful adaptation to the conditions of the post-boarding period, that is, to changed social conditions (new educational institution, new status as a student, new place of residence, new social environment); the level of social adaptation (high, sufficient, insufficient) is the result of the formation of professional intentions, social and everyday skills, culture of interpersonal and social relations,healthy lifestyle skills and self-acceptance.

3. Criterion assessments of the level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils at the stage of preparation for independent life were identified (formation of professional intentions, social and everyday skills, culture of interpersonal and social relations,healthy lifestyle skills and self-acceptance) anddiagnostic package, the use of which made it possible to state low indicators of this level and determine the range of existing problems of an orphanage pupil at the stage of preparation for independent life (in the sphere of interpersonal relationships, unpreparedness to interact with society; lack of a clear idea of ​​independent life, infantilism, inability to foresee the consequences of their actions; lack of well-formed social and everyday skills; inability to fill one’s free time with socially acceptable leisure; insufficient development of self-control and self-discipline).

4. It was revealed that social and pedagogical activities for the social adaptation of pupils at the stage of preparation for independent life in an orphanage are not effective enough in current practice, since they do not ensure the formation of the necessary level of social adaptation in pupils for independent life.

5. Effective means of social and pedagogical activity have been identified, the use of which helps to increase the level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils: goal-setting in the activities of a social teacher; problematization of professional intentions, social and everyday skills, culture of interpersonal and social relationships, healthy lifestyle skills and self-acceptance of students; programming the activities of a social teacher and pupil; planning further independent actions of the orphanage graduate.

6. Based on the personal-activity and environmental approaches, a structural-functional model of social-pedagogical activity to increase the level of social adaptation of orphanage pupils has been developed and introduced into the pedagogical practice of the orphanage and, on its basis, a two-year social-pedagogical program for preparing pupils for independent life “ Everything is in my hands".

7. It has been established that the use of the developed means of social and pedagogical activity ensures an increase in the level of social adaptation among orphanage pupils, promotes the assimilation and acquisition of social experience, knowledge, skills and abilities, which greatly facilitates the process of social adaptation of orphanage pupils.

One of the important steps towards ensuring the interests of children in boarding schools was Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 409 of June 20, 1992. "ABOUT urgent measures for the social protection of orphans and children without parental care.” The instructions contained in this Resolution pursue two main goals: firstly, better material support for pupils, and secondly, those of them who begin their independent lives. However, in reality, like many other legislative acts in our country, this Resolution is not fully implemented.

The problems that arise after graduation from a boarding school become most acute.

If the legal status of the pupil was not formalized at one time due to the absence of a decision on deprivation of parental rights, the presence of a court decision on the removal, regardless of the deprivation of parental rights, the pupil who has reached the age of majority has no choice but to return to the previous disadvantaged situation. Wednesday. And he is either not accepted there, or he begins to live in an obviously dangerous environment. In the first case, the former pupil finds himself in a hopeless situation due to the lack of living space and means of subsistence.

In the second, it is doomed to death, and all the efforts made at one time to construct it turn out to be in vain. All this means that even during the period of the pupil’s stay in a children’s boarding institution, the administration of the institution is obliged to take measures to streamline the legal status of its pupil (make attempts to find parents, examine their life for the possibility of returning to the pupil’s family, if necessary, present claim for deprivation of parents of parental rights, etc.).

In any case of the absence of parents or the impossibility of returning the minor to them, he should appoint a guardian before reaching eighteen years of age. As for adult pupils, then, apparently, care for them on the part of the children's institution should extend further. In any case, such concern should exist at least in the first three years after graduation. This kind of responsibility of the administration of a children's institution, firstly, is not new; in the history of the protection of orphans in Russia, attempts have been made more than once to establish it.

Secondly, it cannot be reduced to a rather vague idea of ​​the moral duty of former educators, depending on subjective factors. And finally, thirdly, the fulfillment of this kind of duties is just the final stage of the entire matter of protecting the rights of the pupil, the beginning of which was laid during its establishment.

After all, this is the main, ultimate goal of the device. That is why, in our time, attempts are being made to provide support to those who, after graduation, find themselves in dire straits for some reason. During this period, two problems most often arise. One is connected with providing the former pupil with living space, the other with his employment, without which there can be no talk of prerequisites for the normal existence of a graduate of a children's boarding school.

Support for graduates of orphanages can be provided both by the social service of the orphanage itself and by specialists from post-boarding adaptation centers that have appeared in Russia in the last decade.

The need to create centers and boarding school adaptation is associated with a number of reasons, the most important of which are:

A significant increase in the number of orphans and children left without parental care due to the material and housing difficulties of parents, an increase in out-of-wedlock births, and a decrease in marital stability;

Lack of modern scientifically based methods of education, career guidance and social preparation of graduates for the difficulties of real life;

- changes in the social composition of orphanhood, deterioration in the physical condition of children, the emergence of children with complex, complex types of deviations, various forms of mental retardation, difficulties in learning, behavior (tendency to vagrancy, smoking, drug addiction and substance abuse). A significant proportion of pupils (95%) have mental retardation and intellectual disabilities, 65% have health groups III and IV;

The unfavorable socio-economic situation in the country acutely raises the issue of social protection for orphan graduates.

For a long time, orphans, and especially graduates, were not the object of close scientific research, while their problems in recent years have become unusually complex and acquired acute socio-economic and social significance.

The most important of them are the following:

1. Health problem.

Studies of children in orphanages have shown that among the orphans there are no completely healthy children. Their physical and mental disorders are often associated with factors of unfavorable heredity. Psychological trauma caused by the absence of parents is also inevitable.

Deprivation of children's maternal affection with subsequent mental deprivation in orphanages affects their social, mental, and physical health.

Medical problems are caused by pathological abnormalities in the health of orphans; in orphans, the most common cause of pathology is brain damage.

In orphanages it is not possible to ensure the full mental development of orphans, because:

1) children come to orphanages with developmental disorders:

2) there are no effective technologies for raising orphans;

3) there is not a sufficient number of trained specialists to work with orphans (educators, psychologists, social workers, etc.).

2. The problem of integration and social adaptation.

Of great importance in the adaptation and integration of orphans is the correct and rational organization of their labor training, which helps to increase their level of competitiveness in the labor market.

Based on our understanding of the situation of orphans in our society and taking into account the difficulty for them in learning using traditional educational technologies, the main task is organization of a system of upbringing and education, with the goal of comprehensively preparing orphans for a full independent life after leaving the orphanage.

The solution to this problem involves:

Satisfying the needs of orphans for intellectual, cultural and moral development, obtaining professional education and qualifications in their chosen field of activity;

Development and implementation of new teaching methods;

Organization of continuous education (including in the rehabilitation system for orphans with developmental disabilities) in prestigious and competitive professions in the labor market.

The most important thing is to overcome psychological difficulties, which consist in the habit of living in a closed, closed society, the inability to integrate into an open one, and to create new contacts with people with whom they will communicate.

In life and professional self-determination, children in orphanages experience significant difficulties associated with the lack of experience in solving everyday problems that other children receive in the family, observing how their parents or others act in similar situations.

Teachers can help their students develop a set of qualities that enable them to make informed choices and adapt to a new situation.

These qualities include:


Awareness and correlation of information with one’s own characteristics;

Ability to make decisions;

Ability to plan;

A positive emotional attitude towards the need to make choices and decisions.

Most graduates of boarding schools have characteristics that significantly complicate their independent life, such as:

Lack of experience in social contacts with people at work, in the service sector, healthcare, etc.;

Difficulties in communication - where this communication is free, where it is necessary to build relationships;

Undeveloped needs and ability to work;

Dependency, lack of understanding of the material side of life, property relations;

Lack of personal experience of normal life in the family, close emotional relationships;

Insufficient development of individuality, which is characterized by a low level of consciousness, reduced personal activity;

Lack of moral immunity to the conditions of the environment from which most of them come. Specific low-level group subculture;

Poor health.

As the experience of psychologists, teachers and social educators of orphanages shows, the listed problems are significantly aggravated in cases where graduates have intellectual disabilities.

The results of the survey and observations showed that the majority of orphanage pupils of high school age who have problems in intellectual development are characterized by:

Limited knowledge, intellectual passivity, limited and original vocabulary;

Indifference to what is happening, decreased interest in various types of activities, motivation to master them;

Lack of desire to prove oneself;

Lack of criticality, high or low self-esteem, inadequate level of aspirations;

Increased suggestibility and willingness to accept antisocial forms of behavior (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, wandering)
nichestvo) ;

Underdevelopment of complex emotional manifestations, aggressive behavior;

Dependency, lack of desire for responsibility for one’s actions;

Lack of desire to improve your life on your own, lack of initiative in improving your life;

Inability to independently organize your leisure time.

The system of requirements that society places on the mental and personal development of each of its members, but corresponds to the potential of which mentally retarded adolescent graduates of an orphanage are capable, which provokes them to not always adequate reactions and actions. Specially conducted studies have proven that the level of their adaptive potential in the social sphere is extremely heterogeneous in individual components, and in general it is not high enough. Of those surveyed, 60% have a total potential lower than that required for successful socialization.

Quite often, this category of pupils is characterized by a reluctance to adapt to the social environment, a lack of desire to take into account the opinions of other people, a lack of sincere emotional relationships, and isolation. It is obvious that adolescents experience significant difficulties in communicating not only with adults, but also with peers, while the existing contacts are “poor” in content and not emotionally rich. Moreover, the motivation to change behavior in adolescents is low, since the environment has formed an optimal behavior style for them, and a unilateral change in this style can have uncontrollable consequences for them. All this contributes to the orientation of young people towards an asocial and criminal lifestyle, or, conversely, makes them the first victims of various types of crimes.

The social service of the orphanage can play a significant role in solving the problems of graduates. When the social teacher contacts the ward, problems are identified, methods, sequence and ways of jointly solving them are determined. An analysis of these problems shows that long before leaving the orphanage, graduates should know about responsible and careful handling of documents, the availability of copies, and the preparation of business papers. various kinds of statements. Each of them must have a “package of necessary documents.” They must be guided in which institutions they need to contact in each individual case.

The main problem of social adaptation is the ability to make individual choices from the range of opportunities provided by society. Behind this ability is a developed self - a subject of understanding the world and one’s needs, building relationships and life activity.

Upbringing in an isolated environment of an orphanage leads to the formation of a low-level specific group subculture. Its representative is characterized by a weak understanding of his life experience, passivity, intuitiveness of his actions, and a lack of individual life guidelines and values. Therefore, he is not independent and needs a group as a support for making decisions.

The teenage group itself is formed in conditions of confrontation with the adult world in the person of the teacher and, as a result, denies positive social values ​​and cultural norms. Overcoming the current situation can be achieved by special measures related to psychological and pedagogical support in the process of training and education.

Obviously, the correction should be aimed at developing attitudes of social cooperation, trends that involve joining forces, emotional contact, developing trust in a partner and a desire to help, the ability to realize and feel this trust and help, and feel the exchange of positive emotions. The specificity of correctional work with this category of adolescents, according to psychologists, is that they gain personal experience of “living” new ways of interacting with others and a different sense of the outside world with the help of trainings conducted in small groups. This work helps to consistently change the entire group as a whole, raising it to a new level of interaction.

Preparing orphans for independent living

Today it is especially important to prepare a student for an independent life, not only to advise and help in choosing a profession, but also to develop independent thinking, initiative and responsibility, search activity and enterprise, and the ability to creatively solve emerging problems. Based on the realities of today's life, nurturing creative independence is the goal and criterion of educational work.

It is known that the majority of graduates of boarding schools cannot successfully adapt to life. After leaving a boarding school or orphanage, a graduate is unable to solve many of the problems that he has to face every day without the support of adults (parents, relatives).

Graduates of boarding schools and orphanages experience great difficulties in finding a job, obtaining housing, and do not know how to communicate with adults, arrange their lives, draw up and maintain a budget, and defend their legal rights.

The question of the system of preparing children from these institutions for life worries many. But the most accurate guidelines are given by the graduates themselves after two or three years of independent life. To the question: “What would you change in the practice of an orphanage (boarding school) to prepare pupils for independent life?” - respondents answer that in an orphanage or boarding school there should be more “parental warmth*, trust, respect, mercy, care - 13%; it is necessary to teach students practical skills (cooking, making preparations for the winter, sewing, spending money, saving, knitting, etc.) - 21%; a course on family and family relationships should be introduced in boarding schools - 6%; the same number of graduates are convinced that in an orphanage it is imperative to introduce pupils to different specialties and, upon graduation, give them one of them, so that they have the opportunity to earn a living immediately after graduation.

11% of graduates believe that it is necessary to change the daily routine, introduce an additional evening dinner, reduce the occupancy in groups - all this should help create home comfort in the orphanage. 36% believe that it is necessary to make changes to the educational process, first of all, it is better to select educators; “give all pupils compulsory secondary education, “teach by labor” (create subsidiary farms; work in enterprises in workshops); “pay for labor*; “teach goodness and goodness”, “do not punish with labor”; “teach independence and not be afraid of difficulties”; “don’t embellish real life”; “there should be no luxury in an orphanage”; “create more sports sections and clubs.”

The choice of life path for pupils of orphanages is largely influenced by correctly carried out career guidance work. Insufficient professional training in boarding schools and orphanages does not orient students towards achieving higher professional prospects. Over 80% of orphans from orphanages and 95% of orphans from special boarding schools, focusing on the real situation, expect to be sent to a vocational school or to work. And only a few dream of continuing their education in grades 10-11, and more receiving non-specialized and higher education.

Moreover, older pupils of boarding schools, even if they would like to study further, do not see the need for this, citing the lack of serious material support for further education and immediate prospects for obtaining housing. Hence the orientation of orphans towards professions that provide good earnings and the opportunity to feed themselves (cook, pastry chef, seamstress, carpenter, builder, commercial kiosk worker, store worker, security guard, etc.).

The relevance of the search for new theoretical approaches and practical solutions to the problem of forming life plans for children in orphanages as a factor in preparing them for independent life in society is due to a number of circumstances:

Firstly, the peculiarities of the period the country is going through, when the previous value-moral and professional orientations largely do not correspond to modern realities, and new ones are still being determined, which leads to confusion among graduates of orphanages when forming personal life plans;

Secondly, the insufficient development of the theory and practice of pedagogical leadership in the formation of life plans of orphanage residents, often aimed at specific aspects of self-determination and not taking into account its complex nature;

Thirdly, the expansion of the network of orphanages often leads to the fact that educators, psychologists, and professional consultants, without having undergone special training to work with children deprived of a family environment, try without proper organizational, theoretical
technical and methodological support to guide the formation of pupils’ life plans.

Many authors note that in the context of the loss of a family environment and upbringing in closed (boarding) children's institutions, a personality is formed with an undeveloped ability to relate one's own present, past, future with one's goals, value orientations, opportunities,

In the works of modern psychologists I.V. Dubrovina, V.S. Mu-khina, A. M. Prikhozhan, N. N. Tolstykh, who studied the personality of children raised outside the family, proved that time perspective as a feature of self-awareness is directly related to the individual’s responsibility for his future, in unfavorable conditions In a residential family or a boarding-type children's institution, a deprived personality is most often formed without a responsible attitude towards one's own life time.

The traditional system of pedagogical guidance in the formation of pupils’ life plans needs to be rethought from the perspective of a personality-oriented approach, which should create conditions in the orphanage for the full mental development of the child, his intellect, will, emotions, motives, inclinations, abilities and, therefore, ensure his normal functioning and well-being in the orphanage itself, preparation for starting a family, continuing education, profession,

In the development of the psychological and pedagogical theory of life planning, two conceptual approaches are most clearly manifested:

The first, defining life plans as a process and the result of step-by-step decision-making, through which an individual forms a balance between his own preferences and the needs of society;

The second, considering life plans as a process of forming an individual lifestyle, reflecting understanding, experiences, intentions, objective actions in specific social conditions.

The formation of life plans for pupils is one of the most important mechanisms of self-determination, the action of which is associated with the identification of the most significant and psychologically characteristic life guidelines for the individual, designed for the future and implemented simultaneously with the practical development of social experience by children who have lost parental care. The participation of adults in this process should not be limited to the correction of life plans; it is important to engage in purposeful joint activities with the teenager to model his future, based on the relevance, rationality, realism, controllability and adjustability of life planning.

An experimental study by M. A. Khatsisva proved that the personality traits of adolescents are directly expressed in the formation of their life plans.

Four groups were identified according to the nature and degree of formation of a personal life plan:

The first group is teenagers whose life plans have not yet been formed (24.4%);

The second group is teenagers whose life plans are just beginning to take shape (54.8%);

The third group is teenagers whose life plans are largely formed (15.5%);

The fourth group is teenagers whose life plans are highly developed (13.1%).

Consequently, in adolescence, not self-determination itself is formed in orphanage pupils, but readiness for it - Readiness for self-determination presupposes the formation in adolescents - orphanage pupils of the ability to analyze their own life experience, observe the phenomena of reality and evaluate them , stable, consciously developed ideas about one’s duties and rights in relation to society, other people, moral principles and beliefs, understanding of duty, responsibility. Thus, we are talking about the formation of psychological formations and mechanisms among the pupils of orphanages that will provide them with a conscious, active and creative life outside the orphanage in the future.

An approach to studying the personality of a teenager in an orphanage should be aimed primarily at studying the life plan as an indicator of personality characteristics, readiness for self-determination and further development.

Pedagogical guidance in the formation of adolescents’ life plans is effective when educational interaction with a teenager is built as a self-conscious, self-determining, self-actualizing and self-affirming subject.

Social and labor training of orphans

The main focus of interaction between a person and the social environment is related to the satisfaction of the needs that ensure his existence, that is, with labor, therefore social and labor activity is the core of the adaptation process.

The concept of “social and labor adaptation” is defined as a process of personal development that brings a person’s behavior and work activity into conformity with the norms, rules and traditions existing in our society and work collectives.

The following principles of social and labor adaptation can be identified:

1) accurate accounting of the conditions in which it occurs;

2) a comprehensive study of the child’s characteristics, as well as preserved personal and activity formations to develop ways of correction and development;

3) the predictive nature of correctional and pedagogical work with the student in order to achieve a specific level of social and labor adaptation and full integration of graduates in work teams;

4) inclusion of students in accessible forms and types of human activity and communication in the process of school education;

5) providing social assistance and support to those in need after graduation in order to achieve a higher level of social and labor adaptation and full integration of graduates into society.

In the strategic plan, it is important to determine the main directions of labor training for orphans and children left without parental care in orphanages and boarding schools.

Self-care work

Maintaining personal hygiene and appearance; when solving this problem, students develop complex body care skills, shaping your appearance, healthy lifestyle;

Organization of personal life and activities, including formation the child’s self-organization skill in the process of his own life and activity as a means of more successful adaptation to independent life, as well as the ability to choose the optimal mode of life and activity, including work;

Formation of skills and abilities to ensure personal life and activities, i.e. the ability to prepare food, care for shoes and clothes, organize, equip, design place of their activities and residence, the formation of a culture of interaction
relations with the living environment, etc.;

Formation of the ability to plan your life and activities to achieve optimal results in your life development as an individual, family man, citizen, professional.

Work on developing skills and labor habits in home farm

Before To explain the content of the work in this area, it should be noted that the preparation of orphans and children left without parental care for work in the household is carried out against the backdrop of an extremely negative idea of ​​the family as the reason for their current social status. In accordance with this, it is necessary, in the process of working in the designated area, to form a positive image of the family, to constantly form ideas of one’s own future family, home, and relationships.

- formation of skills and abilities to care for housing, estate and use of various tools, household appliances;

- formation of a complex skill assumes primary knowledge about the types of residential premises in the city and countryside, housing hygiene, and housing care.

Preparing boarding school students for professional activities

Cardinal socio-economic transformations in the country, the purpose of which is, first of all, the transition to market relations and the introduction of various types of ownership of the means of production in the economy, the integration of the country into the world community, the formation of personality on the basis of universal values, through humanistic pedagogy led to a re-evaluation, a rethinking of the content of the concept of “labor training” of an individual in society.

If earlier the main tasks of teachers in this direction were to prepare students for work at state enterprises in mass blue-collar professions, now other acceptances are in place.

Firstly, create conditions for the development of the personality of each child through involvement in various types of work according to with abilities, interests and opportunities, as well as the needs of society.

Secondly, preparing orphans and children left without parental care for work in conditions of different forms of ownership and competition in the labor market.

Thirdly, the development of their entrepreneurship, independence, efficiency, responsibility, initiative, desire for reasonable risks, honesty and decency.

Fourthly, formation graduates of orphanages and boarding schools in professional competence in their chosen field of work in combination with professional mobility.

Fifthly, the creation of conditions for mastering modern economic knowledge, the formation of economic thinking, including inclusion in real production, economic and financial relations.

Sixth, nurturing the culture of the individual in all its areas related to work (work culture, economic, environmental, legal culture, etc.).

In accordance with this statement of tasks, the direction of labor and professional training changes.

To implement this in residential institutions, it is necessary to solve two interrelated problems, namely:

Determine for which professions it is better to train students of a particular institution;

Determine the interests, inclinations and, ultimately, the capabilities of the student.

As an example, we can cite career guidance work in orphanages in the Kurgan region, where, using the classification of Professor A.E. Klimov (“man-nature”, “man-technology”, “man-man”, “man-of-the-century-sign”, “man-artistic image”), create conditions for a preliminary test of students’ strengths in each of these areas .

In this case, the following is carried out:

1) analysis of available opportunities in the process of educational, labor, educational and labor, extracurricular activities, organization of socially useful productive labor;

2) determining the form of preliminary testing in all areas;

3) observation, analysis of the results of schoolchildren’s participation in various types of activities;

4) distribution of students by type of preferred work activity in accordance with their interests, inclinations, and capabilities;

5) labor, specialized, vocational training and adaptation to the chosen type of work activity at school, vocational school, etc.

The first stage is implemented by conducting surveys, specially compiled diagnostic questionnaires with career guidance content of selected tests, as well as the results of medical, psychological and pedagogical studies.

The second stage involves an analysis of the educational, labor, and leisure activities of students, their participation in socially useful work, in order to determine the preferred type of activity. The assessment of success in various types of activities of pupils is entered in card of the student’s professional self-determination.

It is necessary to highlight the methodology for organizing and conducting professional tests with students. Tryouts are carried out in each class at the end or throughout the year. At least five such samples are required annually in all areas of activity. A professional sample represents a finished product or the result of labor with its precise recording. Professional tests can be performed not only during school hours, but also during extracurricular work or as homework. Organizing professional tests is not only a method for determining the preferred type of work, but also an opportunity to improve labor skills in various types of activities during their implementation.

There is an active search for opportunities to expand the career guidance work of the institution. To the traditional professions (seamstress, builder, machine operator) were added the professions of florist-landscaper, typist, plasterer, furrier, shoemaker, specialist in artistic woodworking, culinary specialist, master of embroidery and knitting. Having learned these crafts while still in the orphanage, teenagers work under contracts and receive a salary. Tenth grades are opened in special (correctional) boarding schools, where they receive a profession.

An equally important problem in preparing students for independent life and work is the legal protection of orphans. Many pupils and graduates of boarding schools do not know their rights, including the benefits that the state provides them when choosing a path in life.

For the purpose of social protection of pupils of orphanages, in the Standard Regulations (1995) on an educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, the administration of the institutions is given the right to permit residence for a period of up to one year for one or another pupil .

Social educators must professionally help graduates, monitor the structure of their lives, help with advice and deeds in their further employment, provision of housing, and protection of their personal and property rights. The director of the boarding school, the state guardian of orphans, is not able to help graduates until they come of age.

The social security of graduates is one of the problems, the solution of which, for objective reasons, does not depend on the teaching staff of boarding schools. All the efforts of teachers to diversify the personal development of orphans will be nullified if graduates of orphanages join socially disadvantaged groups of the population. Fundamental decisions are needed on a statewide scale to prevent future criminal elements in the form of former children from orphanages.

Modern models of preparing orphanage pupils for independent living

The problem of orphans in Russia is one of the most complex and least solvable in our society. The creation of conditions for the normal development of the child, the social adaptation of the child in normal modern living conditions and the preparation of pupils for independent life deserve special attention.

Trying to solve these problems, the staff of the St. Petersburg orphanage developed a model of a comprehensive system of social adaptation of orphans to independent life and work.

An analysis of the results of observations of the fate of graduates of the orphanage also showed that each pupil needs to be prepared for independent life from preschool age. To solve this problem, it is most important to create favorable conditions, close to home, conducive to personal development.

In orphanage No. 9, living conditions for children were created according to the type of relationships in an ordinary large family, using different forms of their organization:

Family mixed groups in which the role of the parent is played by the teacher;

Family contract groups, where the roles and staff positions of educators are occupied by members of the same family;

Groups with free residence outside the orphanage, when orphans live in an ordinary family without adoption, i.e., remaining under the care of the orphanage.

Teachers and specialists at the orphanage conduct a set of classes on various topics that promote adaptation and integration in later life and preparation for family life.

Specialists, together with educators and teachers, conduct courses:

- “Use of infrastructures”, including familiarity with government institutions, this knowledge makes it possible to determine where to go at the right time, how to fill out a particular receipt, form, where and how to pay bills
and etc.;

- “Family life skills”, including home economics, mastering sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, issues of family, sexual relations, etc.;

- “Jurisprudence”, including various legal, economic, financial issues, familiarity with the codes of the Russian Federation, with the rights and responsibilities of a citizen of Russia;

- “Ability to use money.” Almost all pupils over fourteen years of age work in small enterprises of the orphanage, receive wages for their work and can manage the money at their own discretion.

It is not so much the learning process itself that is difficult for graduates of the orphanage, but the process of personality formation. They are practically uncompromising, which is why difficulties arise in communicating with peers, teachers, police, and other social structures. Meetings are held with people of different professions, visits to vocational schools, lyceums, and universities are organized. In collaboration with the psychologist of the regional employment center, testing of future graduates and career guidance work is carried out.

The experience of orphanage-school No. 46 in St. Petersburg is interesting, in which a holistic system of career guidance pedagogical work has developed that contributes to the formation of a socially mature personality possessing socio-legal knowledge, skills and abilities. This system includes the main areas of activity of specialists (teachers, educators, psychologists, social educators) throughout the entire period of a child’s stay in an orphanage (from admission to graduation).

In the first years of living in an orphanage, the main attention is paid to the child’s successful adaptation to living conditions, difficulties that the child has in learning, communicating, etc. are identified, a rehabilitation program is developed taking into account the recommendations of the support service, highlighting There is a risk group among children, with whom special preventive work is organized to prevent and correct neuropsychic disorders and deviant behavior.

During this period, special attention is paid to creating a favorable microclimate in groups, classes, and in the orphanage-school as a whole, conditions of communication and life activities that are aimed at the positive development of the child’s personality.

In the next four to five years, conditions are being created for the development of the individual’s abilities, the satisfaction of his needs for intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical development. Conventionally, this period is called “Children of an orphanage*. Much attention is paid to organizing comprehensive assistance in overcoming difficulties in learning, behavior, communication, and preventing bad habits. Various forms and methods of complex work on the socialization of pupils through the educational process are used.

At the same time, it is taken into account that education can and should be understood not as a unidirectional transfer of experience and value judgments from the older generation to the younger, but as the interaction and cooperation of adults and children in various spheres of modern life.

Focuses on:

Developing in orphanage pupils the ability to independently solve life problems;

Implementation of educational activities that contribute to the formation in a teenager of a stable tendency to focus on universal human values;

Education of a holistic personality capable of self-development and self-regulation;

Preparing today's child and tomorrow's citizen for life and work in changing socio-economic conditions.

The implementation of the intended tasks is facilitated by the close community of children and adults created in the orphanage, connected by common tasks, activities and humane relationships. One of the main places in the work of teachers is occupied by conversations and teaching hours, which are regularly held in each of the groups. Their topics depend on the age of the students, their interests and long-term tasks of this stage.

Educational work includes a variety of events, evenings, holidays, excursions, festivals that help the child gain an understanding of the history of Russia and St. Petersburg, the basics of ecology, health care, rational nutrition, organization of recreation and leisure, orientation in society and etc.

It is known that children with problems in behavior, learning, communication and health require special care and support. Based on the drawn up individual program of work with each child, the medical-psychological-teacher and human support service, together with the social pedagogue and group educator, comes up with a rehabilitation plan. This includes remedial classes with a speech pathologist and speech therapist, additional lessons according to the general education school curriculum, conducting psychotherapeutic classes using elements of music therapy, art therapy and other modern technologies. For each child, the teacher keeps a diary of personality development, which makes it possible to trace the dynamics of development and adjust the educational process, which requires special techniques and methods of work.

Of great importance for the formation of an independent personality of the student is the opportunity given to him at this stage to participate in self-government. It develops in adolescents independence, responsibility, initiative, discipline, collectivism, citizenship, respect for human rights, etc. Children monitor the cleanliness and comfort in the orphanage, the behavior of the younger ones, check the quality of homework, control the duty of groups. In an orphanage, days of self-government become traditional, when pupils independently plan their day and work in the role of a teacher, social teacher, and representatives of the administration. Children carefully prepare for such events and value the opportunity to feel like adults, responsible people.

Children at the orphanage also gain real life experience through participation in a variety of activities. By attending numerous clubs and sections, every child has the opportunity to find an exciting activity and demonstrate their potential. As a result, he acquires not only useful practical skills, but also masters the elements of communicative activity, learns to behave adequately in public places, and communicate with adults and peers.

When working with students of senior school age, it becomes relevant to find ways to prepare for graduation as a socially mature individual, ready for independent life in society and choice of profession. Therefore, during this period, psychologists, teachers, social workers, taking into account the problems that may arise during the transition to independent life, carry out educational activities in several directions.

First of all, this is career guidance and preparation for mastering the chosen profession. It includes a set of measures to career guidance taking into account individual characteristics, inclinations, interests, opportunities each pupil; establishing interaction with vocational education institutions to prepare orphanage graduates for admission and further adaptation.

Specifics of career guidance and career consulting work With. teenagers in an orphanage is determined by several circumstances. On the one hand, they need to form a perspective on professional activity, where studying at a technical school or college is only the first step, and on the other hand, they need to develop a wide range of interests that go beyond the scope of their own professional activity, which would make the life of a teenager (now and in further) spiritually rich.

In the orphanage, three main directions of professional education for students have been established: in the process of teaching at school, in educational and extracurricular work in the orphanage, and in various types of labor activity and socially productive labor.

Firstly, children in an orphanage get acquainted with the world of professions in a certain system. In this case, not only stories, books, illustrations are used, but also excursions (to the post office, savings bank, train station, clinic, store, etc.), followed by a discussion of the impressions made. During conversations, special attention is paid to the content of people’s professional activities, the characteristics of each profession, and forms of education that allow them to master the necessary professional skills.

Secondly, attention is focused on the significance of the field of activity, which corresponds to the professional intentions of the graduate, for professional and universal culture, since only under this condition can a person be personally realized in professional activity. Today, the emphasis in career guidance work in an orphanage, as a rule, is on the possibility of quickly achieving economic independence through the chosen profession.

To achieve this goal, each group of the orphanage has developed an action plan, where conversations, games, lectures, meetings, and excursions are held according to the age of the children. For example, the topics of conversations are: “We are for society, society is for us,” “You and the team,” “Let’s talk about choosing a profession.” “Professional suitability (conversation with a doctor)”, “Entering “adult” life”, “Who to be, what to be”, “New look of the young” and other conversations; A survey is being conducted: “Choice of a profession. Purpose in life"; a series of interesting meetings with representatives of different professions: “Medicine and professions related to it”, “Russian army (branches of troops, duties of military personnel)”, “Modern warrior - who is he”, etc.

Expanding the ideas of adolescents about their future profession is facilitated by visiting “Open Doors Days” in secondary specialized educational institutions. Demonstration of the range of professional choices and focus on the formation of an individual style of work allows the future graduate to make a more conscious choice of their future profession.

In parallel, educational activities are carried out to socialize graduates, aimed at their mastering new social roles (family man, worker, citizen), preparing them for future family life. The orphanage widely carries out comprehensive rehabilitation work with adolescents and graduates who have not reached social and personal maturity (based on the results of a diagnostic examination). Social educators pay special attention to ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of graduates of orphanages in society.

A test survey and questionnaire survey of graduates is carried out with the aim of clarifying the content and direction of further individual correctional work, as well as studying the level of socialization of the graduate.

Based on the results of the survey, graduates who show mediocre and poor results are included in the risk group and are subsequently under constant supervision by specialists from the orphanage. For them, recommendations are developed individually for educators in order to adjust further educational work; the most productive ways and forms of assistance to the pupil when leaving the orphanage are established.

After graduation, graduates are provided with patronage, helping them successfully adapt to independent life.

Educators, social educators, and orphanage administration maintain close interaction with professional institutions on issues of monitoring the educational activities of former pupils. If necessary, they participate in the work of psychological, medical and social services to provide advisory assistance to graduates in solving their problems.

Particular attention is paid to monitoring compliance with protective legislative and regulatory documents in relation to graduates of the orphanage and providing emergency assistance to graduates who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Every year, a social teacher or representatives of the orphanage administration visit graduates of the previous year of graduation and those living independently in order to study the degree of social adaptation of the graduate in society. When visiting graduates at their registration address, the conversation method is used.

When assessing the effectiveness of the conversation, conclusions are drawn about the extent to which the graduate has succeeded as a citizen of society (availability of work, attitude towards work, desire to improve his level, etc.) and as a family man (presence of a family, living conditions, financial support, relationships with family, etc.).

Based on the results of such visits, a small pedagogical council is held with the teachers of these graduates and the support service, where elements of adaptation and maladjustment of this graduate are noted, a plan of specific assistance is developed (if necessary), sometimes with the involvement of district government structures, and recommendations are developed for the socialization of others pupils, taking into account the identified negative aspects.

In general, the results of a survey of orphanage graduates proved the effectiveness of this kind of targeted, systematic work. One-time events cannot ensure the complete preparation of a graduate for independent life, only comprehensive work on socialization and career guidance gives a positive result, nevertheless, for some time the graduate still needs socio-psychological assistance and support, especially in situations of searching for a solution vital problems.

A means of developing the ability of children in orphanages to overcome the difficulties of socialization is the activities of children, varied in content and forms of organization, both in groups within the institution itself and outside it. The basis of such activities are situations when a child has the opportunity to choose, learn to justify his choice, test himself and determine his capabilities, make independent decisions, learn to easily and quickly navigate new conditions, respond flexibly to environmental influences, and master different social roles. It is important to take into account that in real life, situations of choice often arise spontaneously.

Main areas of readiness:

  • 1) development of individuality and formation of identity, development of an individual life strategy, provision of opportunities and conditions for self-knowledge;
  • 2) mastery of the structure of activity and career guidance training, which is the formation of skills in setting goals, choosing means to achieve them, planning, and evaluating results;
  • 3) forming ideas about the future profession, carrying out professional tests, providing assistance in professional self-determination;
  • 4) the formation of stable interests in work, ideas about the need for work in a person’s life, the cultivation of hard work and the development of working capacity.
  • 5) comprehensive diagnostics and rehabilitation of children, which includes the individual formation of children’s adaptive readiness for life and professional self-determination; gradual formation of personally adapted attitudes towards oneself as a subject of future life and professional activity.
  • 6) creating living conditions and relationships between adults and children in the institution allows everyone to feel emotional comfort, relieve tension and anxiety.
  • 7) creation of ample opportunities for creative and other activities that contribute to the maximum realization of personal and socially significant abilities.
  • 8) development of social and personal mobility, the ability to assess the life situation and make adequate decisions in accordance with this. Interaction between the orphanage and additional education institutions.

Innovative processes in boarding educational institutions indicate the activation of both the internal, structural and organizational foundations of their activities, and external ones - the involvement of the whole society in the problems of orphans and children left without parental care.

Interesting and innovative in this regard are:

  • 1) experience in creating rehabilitation centers for the purpose of post-boarding adaptation of graduates of orphanages;
  • 2) expanding cooperation between teaching staff of orphanages and teams of scientists to solve the problems of children with deviations in health and mental development;
  • 3) implementation of training and retraining of personnel, taking into account the requirements of new practice and the needs of children and their teachers.

Current and ongoing projects to improve work with orphans and children without parental care may include other areas of activity:

  • - development of new models of institutions for orphans;
  • - creating an environment in the institution that is close to a family environment, providing not only external changes (apartments, mixed-age groups), but also changes in the relationships between children and adults, a qualitative diversity of contacts in the social environment;
  • - introduction of methods and forms that ensure individualization of the educational process;
  • - introduction of health-saving technologies into the life of institutions;
  • - expanding the social experience of students through the development and implementation of innovative technologies for personal self-determination in a changing world;
  • - providing an orphan with a personally meaningful education;
  • - strengthening the economic independence of institutions;
  • - creation of an environment for labor training as the basis for self-determination in life;
  • - development by the institution, together with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, of programs for entering an independent life and restoring ties with the family;
  • - introduction of new forms of management in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care;
  • - formation of new approaches to the content and assessment of teaching work in institutions for orphans;
  • - establishing and maintaining connections with scientific institutions and teams in order to change the forms and methods of scientific and methodological work.

In the process of socialization, three groups of problems are solved: adaptation, authorization and activation of the individual. The solution to these problems, which are essentially contradictory and at the same time dialectically united, significantly depends on many external and internal factors.

Social adaptation presupposes the active adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment, and social authorization presupposes the implementation of a set of attitudes towards oneself; stability in behavior and relationships, which corresponds to the individual’s self-image and self-esteem. Solving the problems of social adaptation and social authorization is regulated by the seemingly contradictory motives of “Being with everyone” and “Being yourself.” At the same time, a person with a high level of sociality must be active, i.e. he must have a realizable readiness for social action.

The process of socialization (inclusion of a child in the system of social relations), even under favorable circumstances, unfolds unevenly and can be fraught with a number of difficulties and dead ends that require the joint efforts of an adult and a child. If we compare the process of socialization with the road that a child must follow from the world of childhood to the world of adults, then it is not smooth everywhere.

The reasons for difficulties in a child’s entry into the system of social relations can be very different, but, first of all, they are associated with orphans’ inadequate perception of the demands made by the surrounding society.

Criteria for overcoming these difficulties may be the following:

  • 1. Willingness to adequately perceive emerging social problems and solve these problems in accordance with the norms of relations that have developed in society (social adaptability), i.e. the ability to adapt to the existing system of relations, master appropriate social-role behavior and mobilize not only one’s potential to solve a social problem, but also use the conditions in which the child’s relationships develop;
  • 2. Resistance to adverse social influences (autonomy), preservation of one’s individual qualities, formed attitudes and values;
  • 3. An active position in solving social problems, a realized readiness for social action, self-development and self-realization in difficult situations that arise (social activity), the ability to self-determinate and expand the boundaries of spatial life activity.

The most significant abilities that allow a child to overcome the difficulties of socialization are:

  • 1. the ability to expand the boundaries of the space of life;
  • 2. ability to self-determination;
  • 3. the ability to master social role behavior through a system of differentiated relationships.

The conditions for preparing children from orphanages for independent living include:

  • - creation of a developing environment and an adaptive education system;
  • - correctional and developmental work (intellectual and cognitive-emotional processes, the formation of communication skills), which includes, among other things, social adaptation;
  • - development of the child’s personality with maximum use of his rehabilitation potential and compensatory capabilities;
  • - providing experience of independent living before leaving the orphanage;
  • - prolonged nature of support after graduation.

From a pedagogical point of view, it is important to have indicators of the success of the implementation of the above conditions. In our opinion, such indicators could be:

  • - the ability of orphanage pupils to make independent decisions is developed;
  • - their mastery of the structure of activity for the implementation of the decision made;
  • - development of a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

These indicators can be achieved only if a number of conditions are met.

When leaving the orphanage, the pupil receives the necessary set of documents: (birth certificate, passport, certificate of stay in the orphanage, health status, certificates of parents, other relatives, documents confirming the right to property, living space, etc.), and also telephone numbers and addresses of government agencies that should help the young man get settled in later life.

The administration of orphanages approaches the procedure for releasing pupils very carefully. For each of them, a social teacher or a juvenile affairs inspector is appointed, who supervises the future life of the young person. Of course, the most pressing issue, besides housing, is getting a job. It is very important that a former student, who is often not used to life in society, correctly orient himself, choose a profession based on his interests, and be able to successfully get a job. At this stage, it is very important that the boy or girl clearly knows their rights and can use them competently. To do this, orphanages prepare children for graduation; in almost all institutions, along with the necessary documents and reference addresses, they issue special graduate certificates - collections, original reference books of legislative and regulatory documents. These directories must include explanations or official documents listing all the rights and benefits of orphanage graduates.

The solution to one of the main issues for a minor graduate of an orphanage is employment. The state employment service authorities at the place of registration (residence) are required to solve this problem.

Employment authorities are obliged to:

  • 1) accept and provide free consultation on issues of possible employment and the availability of vacant jobs, taking into account professional suitability;
  • 2) conduct career guidance work with the young person and professional diagnostics, taking into account the education received and health status;
  • 3) if necessary, send for free training in order to obtain a certain profession;
  • 4) register as unemployed if the child is already 16 years old and has submitted all the necessary documents; after registering as unemployed (if a person cannot be employed for some reason), the state is obliged to pay unemployment benefits for 6 months in the amount of the average salary in the region;
  • 5) send to public and temporary works;
  • 6) offer an independent job search.

When applying for a job, a child from an orphanage needs to know how to prepare for the first interview, what documents need to be prepared, what rights and responsibilities a minor worker has, and what points in the employment contract need to pay special attention to.

All of the above allows us to conclude that the efforts of teachers and educators at the orphanage should be aimed at:

  • - expansion of social models of behavior through the inclusion of children in groups and activities that have and provide other social experiences and other methods of interaction, which become social models for the children of the orphanage;
  • - taking into account and providing pupils in the content of activities and relationships with clear and clear ways of translating intentions and desires into a plan of specific actions;
  • - increasing self-esteem both through situations of success and with the help of “positive social labels”;
  • - inclusion of children in new peer groups in order to practice the stages of adaptation, individualization and integration in order to create the experience of such interaction;
  • - a combination of individual and group lessons;
  • - modeling of real social situations, the implementation of which can be carried out not only in the classroom;
  • - taking into account the age characteristics of the children for whom the program is designed;
  • - modeling situations of choice, personal responsibility and personal autonomy.

Goal: developing a legal culture for students to resolve difficult life situations.

Materials and equipment:

  • "Description of situations" cards.
  • "Causes of the situation" cards.
  • cards "Actions of game participants".
  • equipment for the exercise "Bead".
  • forms of visual reflection "Amanita".
  • sheets of paper, pens.

I. Organizational part

Teacher's word:

Hello! My name is Natalia Vadimovna. I came from Cherepovets, where I work as a teacher for a group of boys in orphanage No. 1. Today I would like to bring to your attention the interactive game “Order Starts with Me,” during which the following tasks will be solved:

  1. Continue to develop the following competencies in students: “Analysis of activities”, “Planning of activities”, “Conflict resolution”, “Team work”.
  2. Cultivate a tolerant, non-judgmental attitude towards the other interlocutor, a positive attitude towards yourself and others.
  3. Strengthen the ability to conduct a dialogue correctly and enrich your vocabulary.

Dear game participants! I invite you to take on the role of boys and girls aged 15-17 years.

Since we don’t know each other, before moving on to the main part of the game, I suggest the “Bead” exercise. Please come to me and stand at your convenience.

In my hands I have a braid with beads. Each of you, in order, picks up one of the beads and says your name, then, using one letter of your name, names the quality that characterizes you, and then a wish to all participants in the game. Let me start.

My name is Natalia Vadimovna, patient.

And I wish all participants in the game good luck and reliable, true friends. (Answers from young people).

Conclusion: well, now we have met and we can begin further work together.

II. Main part

Teacher's word:

Please divide into two groups and take your seats at the tables.

We bring to your attention situations in which it is quite possible for a graduate of an orphanage to find himself.

Assignment: Each team needs to carefully read the situation. Comprehend it and try, firstly, to determine the reasons or events-facts that led to the current situation, and then work out ways out so as not to get into this situation, not to be deceived, not to get into trouble, or to get out of it with the least losses , that is, outline your actions to resolve the problem.

Situation No. 3.

Situation No. 2.

Situation No. 1.

Let's go, let's wander around!?

Teams receive cards and forms to work with.

Reasons for the current situation Solutions, your actions

(work 5 - 7 minutes, discussions in groups, filling out tables). After 3 - 4 minutes of discussion, the groups are given hint cards with the reasons for the situations and cards with actions.

Teacher's word

The discussion is over. Now each group reads out their situation, reasons and actions to resolve the problem.

(possible questions for game participants:

Does the other team agree with all the reasons and actions?

What can another team add?)

Conclusion on situation 1 about Sasha: thus, we worked very amicably and fruitfully, and we see that the main thing in this situation, in order to prevent such deception, is not to agree to any dubious offers from unfamiliar people.

Conclusion on situation 2 about Olga and Nadezhda: under no circumstances leave personal belongings unattended, do not rely on someone else.

Conclusion on situation 3 about Anton: first of all, of course, be able to communicate with people, negotiate, and not try to resolve problems through a scandal, since in life it may happen that next time you may not be the victim, but, on the contrary, guilty.


We have finished the main part of our interactive game, and I offer you the “Fly Agaric” exercise.

Before you is a circle, which is divided into 3 sectors:

  • How comfortable I was
  • How important is the content to me?
  • How useful (instructive) the content is for me.

You stick circles in each sector, but the main condition is: the closer to the center, the higher the affirmativeness of your answer.

And now, if anyone has a desire, he can express his opinion out loud. (answers from game participants)

Dear participants of the game, I was very pleased to work with you, I felt your interest, support, positive attitude, and the fact that you were not afraid of the difficulties that arose. I felt easy and comfortable in our group.

Thanks for the work!


Situation No. 3.

Anton was lying in his room on the sofa and watching TV. Suddenly he noticed that a stain appeared on the ceiling, which became larger and larger, and finally water even dripped from the ceiling. Anton jumped up indignantly and ran to his neighbors on the top floor. He started banging on the door and screaming. The door was opened for him, and Anton, not understanding anything, began shouting offensive and obscene words and waving his arms. A scandal broke out.

Situation No. 2.

Finally, Olga and Nadezhda can attend night discos. They now live not in an orphanage, but in their own room, at home. The girls quickly got ready and went to Carousel in a good mood, purchasing a cocktail - an alcoholic drink - from the store on the way.

It was just great; music, dancing, lots of dating. Olga forgot about the bag in which her passport was. Returning home, the girls immediately went to rest, and in the morning Olga discovered that her passport was not in her bag.

Situation No. 1.

On an autumn evening, Sasha decided to take a walk. Coming out of the entrance, he saw Andrei, also a former pupil of the orphanage. We said hello. The young people were practically strangers, so Sasha did not expect any conversation or conversation to take place. But suddenly Andrei suggested:

Let's go, let's wander around!?

Sasha still had nothing to do, and there was no one to go out with, and he agreed.

Let's go, let's run into one apartment, I need to give a package, maybe we can also earn some money. Are you in a hurry?

Sasha nodded indifferently that he didn’t care, and indifferently took the package handed to him.

When the young people went up to the supposed apartment, two men suddenly jumped up to them, quickly introducing themselves as drug control officers. They seized the package from Sasha, saying that it contained drugs. Sasha was terrified. He was put in a car and offered to pay a certain amount of money in exchange for “hushing up” the case. Sasha didn’t have that kind of money, so he had no choice but to sell one of his rooms.

Causes of situations

  1. There is no significant person, no positive authority.
  2. Inability to occupy your free time.
  3. No hobby, interesting activity, hobby.
  4. There are no real and reliable friends.
  5. I know him a little, there’s nothing wrong with that.
  6. It's so easy to make money.
  7. There’s nothing to do anyway, and I don’t feel like walking alone.
  8. I’ll get to know you better, it might come in handy, he’ll tell you how you can make money just as easily.
  9. The evening is good, warm, more interesting together.
  10. The desire to spend time usefully.
  11. Curiosity.
  12. The habit of step-by-step control while living in an orphanage.
  13. I have no opinion, follower.
  14. Irresponsible attitude towards documents.
  15. Lots of distractions (music, dancing, smoking, alcohol, company).
  16. Alcoholization.
  17. Relaxation after drinking alcohol (weakening of attention).
  18. Gullibility.
  19. I’ve never found myself in situations where they could just take a document out of their purse like that.
  20. Relying on others, for example, on a sister, who is also obliged to look after (placing responsibility on another).
  21. Little practical experience.
  22. Recently made a renovation.
  23. The upstairs neighbors always find fault with me for listening to music loudly.
  24. Inability to resolve problems in a constructive way and find a compromise solution.
  25. Revenge for constant nagging.
  26. Impulsivity of behavior.
  27. Earn extra money (I'll charge my neighbors more for repairs than necessary).
  28. I have never found myself in such life situations (newness).
  29. Ignorance of the basics of the housing code.
  30. Carefree.

REMINDER "If your passport is lost." What to do?

  1. Go to the police station where you live. In Cherepovets such a service is located at st. Babushkina. Such urgency is necessary, first of all, for your interests.
  2. Fill out and collect the following documents:
  • A written statement indicating where, when and under what circumstances the passport was lost (stolen);
  • Application in the prescribed form for the issuance of a new passport;
  • Four personal photos 35x45 mm in black and white or color without headdress.
  • State payment receipt. duties in the amount of::: rubles;
  • Receipt for payment of a fine for loss of passport in the amount of::: rubles.

After submitting all the documents, you just have to wait: you will be given a brand new passport within a month, during which you will have to be content with a temporary identity card.

Situation No. 1.

Reasons for the current situation Solutions, your actions
there’s nothing to do anyway, and I don’t feel like walking alone;

desire to make easy money;

I know him a little, there’s nothing wrong with that;

inability to occupy your free time;

irresponsibility, does not think about the consequences;

no hobby or interesting activity;

no real friends;

little life practical experience.

Before you take the package, you need to find out its contents;

when the “inspectors” approach, you need to ask for documents;

once in the car, you can refuse to testify (according to Article No. 51) and ask to be taken to the police station and only testify there;

do not store documents at home, but, as an option, in an orphanage with a social teacher or teacher-curator;

call “02” and find out if such employees are working;

Contact the police department at your place of residence to write a statement.

Situation No. 2.

Reasons for the current situation Solutions, your actions
irresponsible attitude towards documents;

left the bag unattended;

many distractions (music, dancing, alcohol, smoking);


weakening of attention;


I have never found myself in such situations;

placing responsibility on another person (sister);

habit of step-by-step control when living in an orphanage.

do not leave personal belongings unattended;

do not shift responsibility to another person;

If your passport is lost or stolen, then:

we go to the police and write a statement about the loss or theft (where, when and under what circumstances the passport was lost;

we write an application in the prescribed form for the issuance of a new passport;

let's go take photos (personal photos 35x45 mm in black and white or color without headdress);

we pay a state fee and a fine for losing a passport in one of the city’s Sberbank branches;

After submitting all documents, a temporary identity card is issued, replacing a passport, and only after 1 month you receive a new passport.

Situation No. 3.

Actions to situations

  1. Before you take the package, you need to find out its contents.
  2. When the “inspectors” approach, you need to ask for documents.
  3. Once in the car, you can refuse to testify, ask to be taken to the police station, and only start a conversation there.
  4. Do not store documents at home, but, as an option, in an orphanage with a social teacher or teacher-curator.
  5. Call "02" and find out if such employees work.
  6. Contact the police at your place of residence to file a statement of claim.
  7. Calm down.
  8. Invite neighbors and show them the damage caused, try to negotiate compensation for the damage.
  9. As a last resort, file a claim in court.
  10. Do not leave personal items unattended.
  11. Do not shift responsibility to another person.
  12. Don't drink alcohol.
  13. Check your personal belongings periodically.
  14. Respond quickly to the loss of a passport and restore it to avoid trouble.
  15. Visual aid for the exercise "Fly agaric"