Fluffy paper balls. How to make paper pom poms. How to make the most fluffy paper pom-pom with your own hands

Technique for making pompoms from fabric, paper, rain, plastic bags. Photo and video instructions.

Decorating a space is a creative activity that inspires people of all ages. More often among decorators there are women. They are closer to the theme of transforming the world around them, bringing beauty and harmony into it.

Pompoms have taken their rightful place in the decor theme of space for various events. Although they were originally used to decorate garderoba items.

It turns out that making them yourself is quite simple. Yarn, fabric, New Year's tinsel, and paper are used. It is important to correctly follow the sequence of actions, and arrange the pompoms harmoniously.

What can pom poms be made from?

various pompoms assembled into products

Classic pompoms are made from knitting yarn. Other materials for their creation are:

  • fur cuts
  • paper of different textures and colors
  • bags from small to junk
  • napkins
  • foil
  • New Year's rain and tinsel
  • fabrics, e.g. tulle, felt

In addition to the basic materials, you will need:

  • scissors
  • blanks for winding thread or fastening other types of materials
  • thread, thin wire or decorative tape to fix the middle

How to make a pom pom out of yarn, thread on a fork: step by step instructions, design ideas, photos, videos

a brief instruction in pictures for creating a pompom on a fork

Needlewomen often decorate their work with pompoms. They know how to make them in different ways. Consider the classic with cardboard round blanks and a regular fork.

A feature of the first method is that you wind the thread on 2 cardboard with a hole in the middle to the desired density. Then carefully cut the threads between them, and thread the thread to fasten the middle of the pompom. Tighten it, remove the blanks. The larger their outer diameter, the larger the pompom will turn out.

Below is an instruction in pictures.

step-by-step photo of making a pom-pom from threads using a cardboard template

In the second method, the finished product will be small in size. The reason is the small distance between 2 teeth. Proceed like this:

  • place a short thread in the middle between pairs of teeth so that its ends hang down to the handle
  • wind the thread around the outer teeth of the fork to the desired density
  • pull one free end of the cut thread up so as to connect it to the other
  • tie them tightly and remove the thread from the fork
  • cut all windings on the opposite side of the knotted place

Below is a visual clue in the photo.

step by step photos of creating a pompom from yarn on a fork

Video: how to make a pompom on a fork?

How to make a fluffy pompom on a hat?

girl in a hat with a pompom

The splendor of a pompom for a hat directly depends on the diameter of the object around which you are winding the yarn. The second important factor is the volume of the ball of yarn. It will correspond to the diameter of the future pompom.

In addition to the classic cardboard round blanks, you will like:

  • own palm
  • cardboard rectangle
  • mobile phone
  • plastic bottle
  • glass jar

The main thing is that you can stretch the thread around the winding on both sides and tie all the threads tightly.

  • Cut the circle to the right and left of the fixed center.
  • Align the threads, cut those that stand out in length.

How to make a pompom from napkins: step by step instructions, design ideas, photos, videos

several ready-made pom-poms from blue napkins

The more magnificent you want to get a pompom, the more napkins you take to make it. For example, for the middle option, 3 napkins are suitable.

  • Finish the edges of each with curly scissors.
  • Stack them up and assemble them like an accordion.
  • Fix the middle with a thin wire.
  • Carefully go through each layer, leveling it.
  • To make the napkins as fluffy as possible, level the layers only in one direction, leaving the other flat.
  • Then you can glue it with another similar napkin.

In addition to processing with curly scissors, you can trim the edges with a semicircle or a house.
Stack the flattened napkins on top of each other by 10-15 pieces if your goal is large and delicate pompoms. Such products are a good solution for decorating children's holidays, as well as events involving kids.

Napkin pom-poms are hung from the ceiling or other objects, glued to thin twigs or clothes.

Video: how to make pompoms from napkins for decoration?

How to make a crepe paper pom pom: step by step instructions, design ideas, photos, videos

colorful crepe paper pompoms hanging from the ceiling
  • The technique for making a crepe paper pom-pom is similar to that discussed in the previous section.
  • The difference is in the preparatory stage. Cut corrugated sheets into identical rectangles, for example, 20x30 cm in size.
  • Be careful when fixing the center of the sheet with thread or wire. The paper is thin and may tear from excessive pressure.
  • To make the pom poms more interesting, fold an accordion out of 2 or more colors of paper. Alternate them as you wish.

Step-by-step picture instructions for making a crepe paper pom-pom

Video: how to make crepe paper pom-poms?

How to make a crepe paper pom pom: step by step instructions, design ideas, photos

colorful crepe paper pompoms hanging in the room

Take a lot of crepe paper to create a pom-pom. Due to the thinness of its sheets, the required volume is achieved by their number.

  • Lay out the sheets and cut them into standard A4 size.
  • Fold accordion 1.5-2 cm wide.
  • Fasten in the middle with a strong thread or thin wire. Leave a long tail if you plan to hang the pom-pom from the ceiling.
  • Cut the ends of the accordion on both sides with scissors, rounding them or shaping them into a triangle.
  • Connect the ends of the accordion and start leveling the sheets layer by layer.
  • Do this slowly, carefully so as not to tear the paper.

picture instructions for making a crepe paper pom-pom

How to make a pom-pom out of trash bags and T-shirts: step by step instructions, design ideas, photos, videos

ready-made pom-pom from plastic T-shirts on the table

These rustling pompoms are more often used for dances, sports team cheerleading, decoration of festive costumes. Therefore, one side is always a handle for which it is convenient to hold the pom-pom.

  • Fold the bags with the same sides facing each other. Cut off the handles and cut the sides.
  • The remaining glued bottom will be the handle of the future pompom.
  • Cut the fabrics of the packages with a fringe up to a centimeter wide. Leave 2-5 cm to the edge intact.
  • Roll up the result with a tube, fix the handle with tape or thread.
  • Straighten the fringe. Optionally, add a layer of glittery tinsel around the outer edge.
  • If the pom-pom is made for cheerleading, attach a plastic handle inside the pom-pom to keep your hand from slipping off while dancing.

step by step photos of collecting pompoms from garbage bags

Video: How to make pompoms from plastic bags?

How to make a tulle pom-pom: step by step instructions, design ideas, photos

hanging tulle pom-poms

There are several ways - winding and assembly on a thread.

The procedure in the first case is similar to the use of yarn, which we discussed in the sections above.

In the second case, you need a needle and a long thread. With their help, you either string the fabric in the middle of the tulle cut, or along its edge.

Having reached the edge, pull it together so that you get a pompom.

Fasten the thread tightly and cut off the excess.

Often, tulle pompoms adorn weddings or girls' children's outfits.

step by step photos of creating a pompom from tulle

How to make a rain pom-pom on a stick: step by step instructions, design ideas, photos, videos

a few ready-made rain pom-poms on sticks
  • You need, in addition to rain, sushi sticks or pencils, adhesive tape, a glue gun.
  • Measure the desired length of rain and cut off the excess.
  • Intercept the middle with a thin strip of tape.
  • Repeat the steps as many times as needed to achieve the desired volume.
  • Distribute the resulting bundles evenly around the stick and fix with either tape or a glue gun. To be safe, use both methods at the same time.
  • To add beauty to the product, glue the stick with the same rain that was used for the pompom. Wind it in a spiral in 2-3 layers and fix it with glue.

Video: How to make pompoms from shiny tinsel?

How to make a tinsel pom-pom: step by step instructions, design ideas, photos

girl holding tinsel pom-poms

The tinsel is quite voluminous, it is rather difficult to collect it as a yarn to create a pom-pom. Improvised tools will come to the rescue, for example, a straw, foam balls, the figure-eight folding technique.

  • In the first two cases, you should fasten the tinsel so that there is no free space left.
  • If you took a foam ball, stick it in rows, starting from the middle.
  • To give the pompom extra volume, wrap another row of tinsel on top. It will look especially beautiful in a different color.
  • If you plan to hang the pom-pom, attach the thread with a glue gun between the tinsel fibers.

How to make a faux fur pom pom: step by step instructions, design ideas, photos

rows of finished faux fur pompoms
  • Take a cardboard blank with a slightly larger diameter than the future pompom.
  • Attach it to the inside of the fur piece and circle it.
  • Cut out the result and overcast the edges of the future pompom from the inside so that the fur does not crumble.
  • Pull off the thread that was sewn. Get a fur ball.
  • Lock the thread so that it holds the edges firmly. If you plan to hang the pom-pom from something, leave it long, otherwise cut it off.

Do not know how to decorate the interior for the holiday? Original paper balls will be an effective and inexpensive solution, especially since they are made very easily and quickly. The following master classes will tell you how to make bright and airy paper pompoms with your own hands, which are suitable for decorating a birthday, wedding, and any party.

Method 1

  • corrugated paper;
  • 2 sheets of thin cardboard;
  • 2 markers of different colors;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.

Fold a sheet of cardboard in half and draw a semicircle on one side. The diameter of the finished craft will depend on the size of the cardboard circle that will serve as the base. Cut out a circle from cardboard.

Cut the cardboard base circle in half.

From a stack of corrugated paper in width, you need to cut off the excess part.

On the second sheet of cardboard, draw vertical stripes with different felt-tip pens. The density of cells on the ball will depend on the number of these bands and their frequency. We will have 5 stripes, the blue ones should be smeared with glue and the first sheet of corrugated paper should be glued to them.

Then glue the green stripes with glue.

Glue the next sheet of paper.

Similarly, repeat the procedure with the rest of the sheets, alternating gluing the sheets to the blue and green stripes.

On the finished stack of sheets of corrugated paper, attach a cardboard semicircle and cut the paper along its contour.

Stick the cardboard on the last sheet of paper.

Make a hole with a needle from one edge of the craft and pass the thread through it. It is not worth stitching tightly, otherwise the ball will not open. Tighten the thread in the form of a loop so that you can hang the craft.

Expand the ball. Take the craft by both cardboard parts and gently spread them apart. Be careful not to tear the thin paper.

Glue the cardboard joints together and the ball will take shape.

Such balls can be made in different sizes, plain and multi-colored.

Method 2

Pompom with rounded edges

Required materials and tools:

  • 8-9 sheets of plain or multi-colored corrugated paper;
  • sharp scissors;
  • thin wire;
  • lace or skein of thick thread.

Cut the paper into equal rectangles or squares. The diameter of the finished product depends on the width of the sheet.

Gather the sheets together and fold them like an accordion. Fold width - 1.5-2 centimeters.

Finish the edges of the accordion. Depending on what shape you want to make the ball, its edges can be jagged, torn, sharp, it all depends on your imagination. Our ball will have rounded edges. To do this, you need to cut the corners of the accordion with scissors, giving them a rounded shape.

Take the wire and bend it in half.

Wrap the accordion in the center with wire and tighten. The edges of the wire should be twisted into a loop, for which you can later hang the craft.

Straighten the paper accordion. Carefully separate each sheet and straighten it first on one side, then on the other, forming a fluffy pom-pom.

Pompom with sharp edges

Please note that this is the same master class, but the pompom has pointed edges.

Method 3

Let's consider the option of creating a pompom from paper napkins, which can be used to decorate a gift box.

Required materials and tools:

  • paper napkins 2 different colors;
  • scissors;
  • pen;
  • needle with thread.

Take 4 napkins of the same color.

Put them together and bend three times as if you were planning to cut a snowflake.

Draw a semicircle along the edge of the folded napkin.

Cut off the excess.

Expand the craft, you get neat flowers. Cut similar ones from napkins of a different color.

To put all the blanks together, take a hole punch, fold the flowers in half and make a through hole.

Pull the thread through the hole and tie tightly.

Method 4

Required materials and tools:

  • corrugated paper;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • foam ball;
  • ribbon.

The paper needs to be cut into sheets measuring 12 by 24 centimeters. For one flower, you need to fold 4 sheets of paper together and bend them like an accordion. Pull the accordion in the middle with wire, and cut the edges in a semicircle.

Spread the petals. Stick the finished flower into a foam ball and fix with glue.

Depending on the size of the ball, make the number of colors that will cover it completely.

Method 5

Required materials and tools:

  • corrugated paper of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • glue gun;
  • foam ball;
  • ribbon.

Wrap the ribbon around the ball and secure with hot glue. Do not cut the ends of the tape, with their help the finished product will be attached.

Cut the paper into strips measuring 10 by 25 centimeters. Fold each strip in half to make blanks 5 by 25 centimeters.

Wrap the workpiece around your finger and secure one of its edges with a stapler. Got a rose.

Make the required number of roses and glue them to the Styrofoam ball.

A ball with a diameter of 60 centimeters will require at least 300 buds.

Method 6

Required materials and tools:

  • corrugated paper 3 colors;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors;
  • pen;
  • ruler.

Fold all sheets of paper together and cut out 20-30 circles of the same diameter.

Sew them together in the center, after aligning all the workpieces.

Draw the top circle into sectors.

Carefully cut the workpiece along the lines strictly from the edges to the center.

Fluff up the pom-pom. If necessary, pull a long thread through the center of the product to hang the ball.

Paper pom-poms will perfectly decorate the venue of the event, like a wedding, birthday, or a theme party. This element of decor does not require special financial costs and incredible skills.

How to make paper pom poms - method 1

To make a floating paper pom-pom you will need:

  • thin colored paper;
  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbon.

To create a paper pom-pom, you can use colored papyrus paper, napkins, corrugated paper, etc. The photo below shows step-by-step instructions for creating a pom-pom from papyrus paper. Let's start creating a paper pom-pom:

  • On the table, stack the paper in ten layers. The size and splendor of the future pompom will depend on the chosen size, as well as the number of layers of paper.
  • We begin to fold the paper on one side in the form of an accordion.
  • To make the second fold, carefully turn the sheets of paper over and fold it over.
  • Repeat the same folding steps to the end of the sheet. In the process of folding, we try to make bends of the same size.
  • When the accordion is ready, fold it in half. This is necessary so that the pom-pom has the shape of a circle.
  • We fasten the accordion in the middle with wire. Use pliers to screw it on. Do not pull the wire too tight, otherwise you can tear the paper.
  • After tightening, the wire can be cut in several ways. The first - leaving one end of the wire 30 cm, for which it will be possible to hang the pompom. The second - after winding the wire, cut it short and glue a satin ribbon to it and make a loop out of it.
  • Using scissors, we shape the future pompom. To do this, you need to cut the ends of the accordion, giving them a sharp or rounded shape.
  • After the accordions are cut off on one side, you need to do the same with the second. The only thing left to do is fold the accordion in half and mark where the rounding begins.
  • We straighten both tails of the pompom and proceed to give a rounded shape to the pompom. To do this, separate one layer of paper at a time and raise them to the center to hide the middle of the pompom.
  • After straightening the first half of the pompom, turn it over and begin to straighten the second side.

The paper pom-pom is ready!

How to make paper pom-poms - method 2

To create an openwork pom-pom you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • markers.

Let's start creating a honeycomb paper pom-pom:

  • We fold the cardboard in half and draw a semicircle on it, then cut it out.
  • Cut the cardboard circle in the middle into two equal parts.
  • We prepare colored, thin paper by first folding it into one stack of 10 leaves and cutting it to the desired size.
  • On a sheet of paper, we mark vertical stripes with blue and green felt-tip pens. The distance between the strips should be the same size.
  • We put the first piece of colored paper on the marked sheet and glue the strips of the same color with glue.
  • Then we glue the second layer of colored paper and grease with glue on the second color.
  • Repeat these steps until you run out of sheets of paper.
  • Attach the semicircle to the glued sheets and cut along its contour.

  • Glue cardboard semicircles on one side and the other.
  • We pierce the top of the workpiece with a needle and thread it so that the pompom can be hung.
  • We straighten the pompom, and glue the opposite cardboard semicircles together.

Unusual, cellular pompom is ready!

Making a paper pom-pom is not difficult if you follow the above recommendations. Experiment with color combinations, pom pom size, petal shape, etc. Pompoms can decorate any celebration and create a special festive mood!

Needlework helps to develop thinking and fine motor skills of hands, and creative thinking. After all, the New Year is coming soon. Make decorations for the Christmas tree or the house in general. For example, do-it-yourself pompoms made of corrugated paper. So bright, fluffy and colorful. Just diversify any gray day. They are often used for decoration in different rooms.

Required Materials

Getting crepe paper is easy. Buy rolls in flower shops or look in the stationery department, they sell different types of paper. It costs a little, but how many different crafts can be made from it! In addition to paper, you will need scissors, a regular small ruler and a marking pencil for making. You also need to take a ball of thread or several multi-colored ribbons.

Don't worry if you don't know how to make pom poms yet. There are always a lot of photos of finished products on the network, step-by-step shots and a master class available to everyone. Previously, in order to learn something from needlework, you had to sign up for special courses.

Now, with the advent of the Internet, everything has become much easier. Watching videos people learn languages, play instruments, dance and even fight. Of course, a lot depends on the quality of the videos and the degree of interest of the student, but everything is much simpler here. Christmas balls from available materials.

Cooking process

The paper has the usual size - 50 cm wide, the length is 2.5 m. Take a roll and first measure it all with a ruler to determine the place of the middle. Mark it with a pencil line.

Then we cut the unwound roll in half, following the line. It turned out two identical rolls shorter.

Unfold each roll carefully and cut 25x50cm rectangles from both. Get up to 5 pieces each. Then fold them in a neat pile, matching all sides with corners. It is more convenient to apply a small weight, because the squares themselves cannot lie flat.

With the short side of the stack open, carefully fold all the sheets into an accordion.

Make sure that the accordion has the same edges, so the corrugated paper balls will turn out more beautiful.

While holding the harmonica, measure it to highlight the middle and draw a pencil line there. Then take a thread (or a ribbon from prepared materials) and tie the accordion tightly in place of the line, leaving one of the ends of the ribbon long.

Now it's time to determine the tips of the future pompom. As you can see from the finished photo, you need two semicircular lines on the edge.

It is difficult to determine the desired angle or length of the line with a ruler, so estimate with an eye, just make sure that the lines are the same on both sides. So do-it-yourself paper pompoms step by step will come out beautiful. Cut in order. First one corner.

Then the second. I got a petal.

With the second end of the accordion, you need to do the same, performing the process in stages.

Corrugated paper is quite thin, so unfold carefully, first one layer, then the next, lift everything up like that, imagining your pom-pom as it will turn out. At the end, you should get a magnificent half of the ball.

Turn your “fan” over to the other side and fluff it, just trying not to wrinkle what has already been done. Paper will turn out big, fluffy.

Such splendor is provided to him by the many faces of squares cut in a semicircle. Correct its edges so that the junction of the two sides is completely smoothed out. Such large pompoms can be hung as a separate element of decor, somewhere by the window or placed under the Christmas tree, on a shelf. To make the product smaller, measure the squares in smaller sizes.

There is also an option with multi-colored balls. The Christmas tree pom-pom should turn out two times smaller than this, so that it looks harmoniously on a branch, next to the rest of the toys. However, such a ball will decorate any Christmas tree. Bulky, fluffy and soft. And to make it come out multi-colored, cut out squares from two or three colors of the corrugations initially.

Add them one by one, then admire the result. You can experiment by figuring out how it should be done in general. Step-by-step photos and explanations make any activity accessible and understandable, especially needlework.

True, small balls are more difficult to make large ones. Keep track of the number of squares, measure their size so as not to reduce the splendor of the finished product.

Where to post

Such balls, despite their size, are quite light and do not pose a danger, even if they accidentally fall on the head of one of the guests or household members. Therefore, they are easy to hang somewhere from the ceiling or on the Christmas tree. It is more difficult to make such pompoms from plain or thick paper, the balls will not turn out so lush, because corrugated paper has volume, it is initially terry, has bends, holds its shape and is easy to bend and fix the edges of the ball. Yes, flowers are wrapped in such sheets, so corrugation can be found in any flower shop.

Make balloon garlands to hang at home, at work or in the classroom. This is such a ball of brightness and positive emotions, it's nice to look at it, you can even play with it, tossing it to each other or just holding it in your hand.

By the way, when choosing colors, look at the preferences of the Rooster - he loves red and orange, yellow and gold, green. It is curious that at Christmas it is these colors that are considered the main ones. Bring the spirit of the holiday to yourself, let the bright colors once again remind you of the approach of the New Year! In addition to the ball, various crafts can be made from such paper. Cut roses or several small balls to collect them into one wreath! It will turn out lush, light for a door or wall.

A volumetric ball can also be made from threads, especially woolen ones. They are so bulky and soft.

The principle of operation will be similar, very simple. Here, from the selected skein, it is necessary to literally chop many short cuts, collect them and tie them tightly, measuring the center. Then straighten both ends and that's it, the pompom is ready.

Posted by: Anaid
Date of: 27.12.2016 / 20:04

Hello everyone! Another master class on the ShkolaLa blog! Today we will make such large paper balls, well, the very ones that are used as a festive design at various parties.

Come with us! Join our creative fraternity! Yes, and making pompoms from corrugated paper with your own hands is not difficult and very interesting. For your convenience - step by step photos.

Application from corrugated paper - Dubrovskaya Natalia Vadimovna | Buy a book with delivery | My-shop.ru

So, look what we got.

It all starts with preparation.

To make a pom pom we need:

  • a roll of corrugated paper, it is also called crepe paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

Standard size paper. Its width is 50 cm, and its length is 2.5 meters.

We take a roll and with the help of a ruler we determine where its middle is. We draw a line in this place with a pencil.

Without unwinding the roll, cut it into two equal parts with scissors. There was one long roll, and now it's two short ones.

Then the rolls still need to be unrolled and cut into identical rectangles. You can make rectangles measuring 25cm X 50cm, then 5 rectangles will come out of each roll. We made 25 X 40, and we got 6 pieces each.

The larger the rectangles, the more voluminous the pompom will be.

Then the rectangles need to be folded in a neat pile, on top of each other.

Since our paper was always trying to curl back into tubes, we pressed it with scissors on one side and a ruler on the other to take a picture. And, if you noticed, a ball of thread appeared in the photo! It should have been said about him at the very beginning, during the preparation process. But we remembered that it is needed only now and we declare it right away. Instead of threads, you can take a beautiful ribbon. But we didn’t have it and we managed with threads.

Then we turn the stack of sheets of one of the short sides towards us and begin to fold the sheets into an accordion.

It should turn out something like this.

Using a ruler, we determine where our corrugated accordion has the middle and make a mark with a pencil.

We take a thread and tightly tie our accordion in the middle. One end of the thread should remain long.

Now let's start decorating the tips of our pom-pom. We will cut them a little, round them so that the pompom looks like a flower. The photo shows the trajectory along which we will cut.

Cut off one corner first.

Then another. Well, with one tip sorted out. We do the same with the other.

First, unfold one side in the form of a fan.

Very carefully, so as not to tear, grab the first layer of paper and lift it up.

Then the second.

Well, then the third, fourth, fifth and sixth, too. Already beautiful!

We turn over our "fan" to the other side and fluff the remaining six layers of paper. Only at the same time we try not to rumple those that have already been issued.

It turns out like this. Very similar to a bridal bouquet. If you make half a pom-pom out of white paper, and decorate the handle in green, then it will be one to one. But now we have a different task, we are not making a white bouquet, but a pink pompom. Therefore, according to the same principle, we fluff the other end of our accordion.

Corrugated paper flowers - Yuliya V. Sherstyuk | Buy a book with delivery | My-shop.ru

And we get this beauty! We tweaked it a bit with our hands so that the pom-pom took the shape of a ball. Then we decided to experiment and make another smaller pom-pom from the remains of yellow corrugated paper, which Tema found in a closet with all sorts of creative things. That's what we call it - a creative locker. We have paints there, plasticine, glue and colored paper too. Basically, it worked.

And now we know that it is possible to make a small pom-pom, but it is much more difficult than a big one. And in this yellow small ball, we didn’t get 12 layers of paper, as in a large one, but only 8, and that’s where the paper ended.

We hung these two pompoms on a chandelier in the children's room. And immediately somehow it became more fun there! Well, holidays are coming soon in our family. First it's my birthday, then our beloved grandmother's. And now we know exactly how to decorate the premises so that it is elegant and beautiful.

But if we had a lot more of this paper, then we would try to make the same beautiful floweras in the video below. Very beautiful! And the manufacturing principle is similar to pompoms.

Friends, you can leave your opinions about our master class in the comments. And we will be very grateful if you share the link to the article on social networks.

Thank you for your attention!

Happy creativity!

Always yours, Alexandra, Artem and Evgenia Klimkovich.

The atmosphere of any holiday largely depends on the decoration of the room in which it is held. Both the main interior details and decorative details play a role. Very often, holiday decorators began to use paper pompoms of different sizes, for example, for. Given their lightness and volume, you can create a very festive and unusual interior. In addition, it does not take much time to make pompoms and they will cost very little financially.

What paper are pompoms made of?

To make pom-poms, you need light and thin paper. Pompoms made from tissue, wrapping and crepe paper are spectacular, and pompoms made from corrugated paper are more affordable in terms of purchasing material. The latter is very convenient for the holidays because of the variable colors.

How to make paper pom-poms (option 1)?

To make large pompoms, you can take a whole sheet of corrugated paper. The more fluffy you need a pompom, the longer the sheet of paper should be in length.

To make a pom pom we need:

  • sheets of thin packaging or corrugated paper;
  • threads;
  • scissors.

Paper pompoms can simply be placed on furniture, or can be attached to the ceiling so that it floats in the air. To do this, you will need a fishing line, or tape if you want the mount to be visible. Having fixed the ribbon or fishing line to the pompom on one side, we attach the other to special Velcro hooks that leave no marks. The latter can be purchased at any household or building supplies store.

DIY paper pompoms (option 2)

You can use paper coffee filters to make pom poms. Pompoms will be small. They can be used not only in the decor of the room, but also decorate with such a pompom.

To make a paper pom-pom, you will need:

  • coffee filters;
  • metal pin;
  • an awl or any device for making holes in paper;
  • hot glue;
  • thread, fishing line or ribbon.

Our article details the sequence of making corrugated paper balls in the heading "".

There are days when we need to decorate our home. It can be holidays, some evenings or just the arrival of dear guests.

Before the New Year holidays, I published a post "". And how to decorate the house in summer? Corrugated paper balls will look very beautiful and original. And today we will make them.

It is not difficult to make them, and the result will not disappoint you.

How to make corrugated paper balls - materials needed

To make shirred balls you will need

  • corrugated paper,
  • office scissors,
  • ruler,
  • pencil
  • strong threads

Corrugated paper balls are a simple and bright decoration for any holiday.

Corrugated paper is sold in rolls 50 cm wide and 250 cm long.

From one such roll, 2 balls with a diameter of 25 cm are obtained.

How to make corrugated paper balls - step by step instructions

To create a ball, we unwind a roll of paper and draw squares measuring 25 by 25 cm. Then we carefully cut out the squares. One ball will require 9 such squares.

Now we put the sheets on top of each other. We try to impose evenly so that the edges match. It depends on how beautiful our future ball will be.

We fix the resulting accordion from the sheets with a thread in the middle and leave a long “tail” at the thread, for which the ball will then be attached.

Aren't these paper pom-poms beautiful?! Delicate and weightless wedding paper pompoms can be large or small, monochrome or colored, bright or pastel shades.

These paper balls are perhaps the most budgetary and most.

In addition, you don’t have to buy them, because making paper balls with your own hands is quite simple ... You just need to know how to do it!

In this article you will find detailed and step-by-step instructions on how to make paper pom-poms with your own hands.

How to make paper pom poms

So, for one paper pom-pom you will need:

  • eight sheets of thin paper of the same color or multi-colored. Thin wrapping paper is perfect.
  • a skein of strong thick thread or lace
  • scissors (preferably large)
  • fishing line or invisible thread

The sheet of paper should be rectangular, approximately 50x80, but you can choose a sheet size larger or smaller.
In any case, keep in mind that the width of the sheet will be the diameter of your wedding paper ball.

DIY paper pom-poms: step 1

Stack exactly 8 sheets of paper on top of each other. If you decide to make a paper pom-pom from sheets of paper of different colors, then fold them in the order you wish.

For example, paper balls made in the ombre style will look original. So you can take2 cream sheetsthen put 3 pale orange, and then 3 bright orange.

Step one: fold the sheets of paper

DIY paper pom-poms: step 2

Step two: fold the sheets of paper with an accordion

Continue folding until you have one long paper strip.

DIY paper pom-poms: step 3

Then bend the workpiece in the middle.
Now take the threads and lightly tie the strip of paper that you have obtained in the middle. Do not tie the thread too tight, just fix it in the middle.

DIY paper pom-poms: step 4

Cut the edges of the future paper ball blank in a semicircle, as shown in the picture. When you cut the edges, hold all the sheets of the folded paper strip tightly together so that the sheets do not move apart. You can cut the edges not in a semicircle, but in a sharp triangle, then you will get a paper pompom with sharp edges.

DIY paper pom-poms: step 5

Now unfold (as far as possible) each edge of the workpiece from the center in a fan, keeping the sheets in the middle of the fold. Lightly straighten the folds of the paper along the folds.

DIY paper pom-poms: step 6

Next, very carefully (so as not to tear) each sheet of paper apart.
First do this on one side of the fold, then on the other.
It's okay if you tear the paper a little, because in the end it won't be very noticeable on paper balls.
Fluff up your paper ball.

With the onset of cold weather, the whole country remembers the wonderful New Year holiday. Such a day is considered desirable and unusual. Each person takes part in decorating his home, as well as his workplace. Therefore, how to make do-it-yourself pompoms from corrugated paper step by step with a photo will be a good helper in organizing a holiday.

If you look at the photo of a corrugated Christmas ball, you can see that such an amazing decoration can decorate any interior. Moreover, it is not difficult to do, unless, of course, there are all the necessary items for manufacturing. Even at school, the guys can easily cope with this simple task, decorating the classrooms in colorful New Year's balls.

If you figure it out step by step and watch the master class, you can understand that very little material is needed for work. But the decoration will turn out to be surprisingly incomparably beautiful. From the photo you can see that the size of this outfit can be made in any size. After all, if the room is small, then it is better to decorate it with small decorative elements.

Moreover, a voluminous paper ball is a budget option for home decoration. Such an uncomplicated element brings a lot of pleasure when children are involved in the process. Because when they get their own personal ball, there is simply no limit to their delight. Not infrequently, many mothers hang this decoration over the baby's bed, which tirelessly admires an unusual toy.

Do-it-yourself corrugated paper pompoms are not uncommon today, so many people know how they are made. Well, who in this case will act as a beginner, at first it is better to see in the photo and pay attention to the work process as a whole. First you need to prepare the necessary items for this scenery.

Necessary items for crafts:

- corrugated paper (you can take several colors at once);

- scissors;

- a few sheets of not too thick cardboard;

- thread and needle;

- a few markers.

Getting Started

A sheet of cardboard paper is taken, folded in half, a semicircle is drawn on it and cut out. It should be immediately taken into account that which semicircle will be drawn will depend on which ball will turn out in diameter. In the photo you can see that do-it-yourself paper pompoms step by step have different sizes.

Then you need to take a second sheet of cardboard and draw parallel vertical stripes on it. This should be done in order to understand the frequency of the density of the cells that will make up the New Year's ball. For example, five stripes of different colors are drawn, three of which will be red and two blue.

After that, we coat the painted blue stripes with glue and press a sheet of paper to it. The next step is to smear the red stripes, and put the next corrugated sheet. Then everything is repeated again from the beginning and this is done until the entire stack of paper is used up. That is, the leaves are superimposed on each other.

Corrugated paper balls should look openwork and have a round shape, so the stack of leaves is superimposed as neatly as possible. After all, the pompom should turn out beautiful, and for this you need to show perseverance and patience.

When the entire stack of leaves is used up, it is necessary to put a pre-prepared semicircle of cardboard on top of them and cut out a shape on it. In this case, all lines must be clear.

A semicircle of cardboard is glued to the very last sheet. Then we make a hole in the corner of the product with a needle and thread and begin to carefully sew. Moreover, it should be noted that you do not need to tighten the craft strongly, otherwise the pompom will then be difficult to open. At the end of this process, we make a loop from the thread and open the ball.

To do this, the product must be taken by the cardboard parts and diluted. This is done carefully so as not to tear the paper. To form a spherical shape, the joints of the cardboard are glued together.

Small pom poms

Many are interested in how to make pompoms if you need to decorate small items. The process of such work also does not take much time, and you can decorate them, for example, with a gift box or chocolate. After all, the sizes will be much smaller, so such a Christmas tree decor will fit perfectly as a decoration, especially for the New Year.


- needle and thread;

- scissors;

- napkins made of dense material;

- marker.

Making crafts

First you need to take 4 pieces of plain napkins. Then each of the items is folded into three. Next, using a felt-tip pen, draw a semicircle. So that the shape resembles a cone. After that, you need to cut out the shape with scissors along the drawn semicircle, you will get four charming flowers.