Romantic words for a guy. SMS to a beloved man about love, to tears

Attention, expressed in a gentle word, is necessary for any person, regardless of gender, age, social status. There is an opinion that men are indifferent to such manifestations of the second half. The article below will debunk this myth and tell you how to express your feelings to your beloved man in beautiful words in your own words.

Why is it important not to forget to say beautiful words to a man

  1. With the inherent brutality and independence of men, most of them need a simple feeling of tenderness, the feeling that they are dear, loved by a woman.
  2. Psychologists consider men who regularly hear the beautiful words of the second half, often more successful in business. This fact is explained by self-confidence. The feeling of “positive” superiority over competitors is given to a young man by his beloved with words, affection, and attention.
  3. Many boys were brought up by men from early childhood, which means they rarely heard gentle words. Growing up, in order to gain confidence in making men's decisions, the "boy" needs beautiful words, praise of the closest person - his beloved.
  4. A well-chosen gentle word can resolve many conflicts, set a man on the right, necessary for a woman, direction to make an important decision.

Affectionate words: how to use

Beautiful words to your beloved man in your own words are the perfect way to illustrate a warm, reverent attentive attitude. Gentle words addressed to the "strong half" can take various forms.

Psychologists say that for the best perception of compliments by a man, phrases and words should be short, extremely “transparent”.

Diminutive forms of words have this characteristic:

  • bunny;
  • cat;
  • favorite;
  • Sun;
  • rodnulka;
  • smiley.

100 short compliment words for your beloved man

1. beautiful
2. smart
3. caring
4. attractive
5. sexy
6. kind
7. gentle
8. cute
9. charming
10. charming
11. unique
12. indescribable
13. unforgettable
14. irresistible
15. chic
16. dazzling
17. passionate
18. unavailable
19. divine
20. bewitching
21. angelic
22. radiant
23. sexy
24. bright
25. fluffy
26. awesome
27. stunning
28. slim
29. seductive
30. flirtatious
31. refined
32. graceful
33. cheerful
34. energetic
35. creative
36. stylish
37. outgoing
38. tactful
39. loveful
40. romantic
41. Versatile
42. fabulous
43. cute
44. ardent
45. single
46. ​​affectionate
47. sweet
48. mind-blowing
49. wishful
50. unpredictable
51. mysterious
52. blooming
53. Flawless
54. harmonious
55. Responsive
56. perfect
57. best
58. humble
59. exquisite
60. playful
61. cool
62. sincere
63. friendly
64. understanding
65. extravagant
66. dreamy
67. fragrant
68. sparkling
69. ambitious
70. alluring
71. enthusiastic
72. disinterested
73. direct
74. seductive
75. intoxicating
76. cheerful
77. lovely
78. smiling
79. shy
80. incendiary
81. honest
82. excitable
83. candid
84. playful
85. charming
86. drop dead
87. purposeful
88. marvelous
89. feminine
90. happy
91. incomparable
92. radiant
93. inconspicuous
94. necessary
95. marvelous
96. fabulous
97. touching
98. miniature
99. love
100. most-most

Beautiful phrases in your own words

The phrases implying comparisons will definitely affect the soul.

Especially the man will be impressed by the words that are understandable only to him and the second half:

A woman can speak beautiful words to her beloved man in her own words with the aim of praising, encouraging the second half. Do not praise any household trifle made by the "getter". This action looks sarcastic, can offend a person. It is appropriate to note the promotion received by the man, the quickly completed task.

Prudently booked a table in a restaurant for Valentine's Day:

  • Already figured out the order of the boss? Dear, I had absolutely no doubt that you could handle it!
  • Darling, thanks for booking a table. I feel like a small, fragile girl with you, because you take care of even the smallest “details”!
  • I absolutely support Ivan Ivanovich in his decision to promote you. You are the most worthy candidate for the position. He was obliged to allocate such a responsible, executive employee!
  • I was sure that you would cope with Igor Sergeevich's order! With your perseverance and scrupulous approach, this cooperation is doomed to success!

In praising a man, it is important to keep the line between sincerity and flattery. In such a case, beautiful words will cause negativity, repel the young man.

Beautiful words for a beloved man are not difficult to get from the depths of the soul, the main thing is to insert them during

Having a desire to please a man, it is worth using words of support in time. In the modern world, too many responsibilities are thrown by society on the “strong half of humanity”.

Certain expectations are physically difficult to justify. At such moments, it is appropriate to remind the man that the “half” is nearby, ready to share happiness along with negative emotions.

Beautiful phrases can give strength to further action:

  • These circumstances are absolutely unimportant, because we are together no matter what.
  • You can always count on me.
  • This situation is temporary. Things will get better soon, don't worry.
  • Never mind what happened. I am confident in your competence in this matter. It is worth making a little more effort, and things will go uphill.

Beautiful words to a beloved man in your own words, it is worth saying depending on the context of the situation, without detracting from the scale of the emotions experienced by the man.

nice words in the morning

Beautiful words can formulate support, express love to a man, set the tone for the upcoming day. Morning declarations of love will give an incentive to work out the shift as productively as possible., quickly return to the "gentle" embrace of your beloved. Having felt a portion of tenderness in the morning, a man will not be able to get angry when he gets stuck in a traffic jam on his way to work or listening to the grumbling of an office cleaning lady.

Beautiful words to a beloved man in the morning from a woman can charge with positive for the whole day, and a girl, expressing feelings in her own words, will not be able to remove her smile at work, thinking about her “half” and being in anticipation of an evening meeting with her beloved.

Everything highlighted in green above is explicit water, because these are your personal thoughts about this and that. Instead, you need to write specific gentle and beautiful words and phrases. And you “fly in the clouds” and describe it all.

Need specifics:

  • Hello darling! I sleep so sweetly next to you that I began to dislike waking up in the morning even more. Although, without waking up in the morning, I won’t see you, such a sweet, sleepy, most beautiful bear cub in the world.
  • It is such an amazing feeling when I dream about you in a beautiful dream, then I wake up and see you, so close ... I want to stop the moment to endlessly admire you and feel the all-consuming feeling of love!
  • Good morning honey! I know that the coming day will be productive, successful and full of exceptionally positive emotions. Let the working time fly by unnoticed, and you will soon find yourself at home, next to me! I love you!

Sweet words before bed

Beautiful words can not only provide a good mood for your beloved man for the whole day, but also help you relax in your own words after hard working days, support, give hope that "tomorrow" will radically differ from "today" for the better.

Hearing warm words before going to bed, a man will fall asleep with a smile. In this case, the morning awakening in a good mood will be much easier for both sides of the couple in love.

Beautiful words to your beloved man in your own words will be the key to his calm deep sleep.

This fact can significantly increase the productivity of subsequent time spent at work:

  • I know that you are very tired today and dream of rest. May you dream of a sunset at the ocean shore, where the two of us spend the day, holding hands tightly. Let all the difficulties and troubles be resolved tomorrow by themselves. Good night! I love you!
  • You know, today I was counting the minutes until I met you. I so wanted to quickly hug you, kiss you and fall asleep sweetly in your arms. With you, I feel calm and comfortable, because I know that you are my fortress. Thank you for having me. Good night!
  • Good night, dear! Today we will definitely meet with you in a dream. And tomorrow you will feel my love and tenderness in reality. Sleep tight.

Love words for every day

The daily routine usually contains few reasons for a smile, joy. There is a universal remedy that cannot leave you indifferent - tender phrases about feelings for a person.

In the case of sending this message at the “right” moment, when, the boss reprimanded, there is no strength to work, the effectiveness of such recognition increases several times. Feelings can be expressed in person, by phone call, SMS, as an option, by ordering a courier with pizza and a gentle note to work for the second half.

The feeling of need, love gives a man the strength to conquer any heights.

  • Kitty, I want you to know that you are always on my mind. I can’t concentrate on work, because in my head there is only the only, most beautiful, courageous, cheerful, kind and reliable man on this planet - you.
  • When I'm sad, I think about meeting you soon. When it seems to me that everything is going wrong, I think about meeting you soon. When it seems to me that this long working day will never end, I think about meeting you soon. Only thoughts of you give me the strength to finish the work productively, since my only desire today and always is to be in your arms.
  • When you are next to me, a flame of love flares up in my soul, which warms me in any weather. You are my world, apart from which I do not want to see or know anything. I love you
  • I miss your eyes that look at me with tenderness. I miss your arms in which I feel protected. I miss your lips, which kiss so sweetly that it seems that you can die of happiness at such moments. I miss you so much. I miss and love you madly, my sunshine!
  • Today I did not go to work, to the gym, to shopping, because I wanted to spend the whole day next to you. I know you didn't ask me for this. But a day without you stretches unbearably long, like an eternity. And I want that in the concept of "eternity" we were always with you. I love you!

Gentle words in prose

Beautiful words to a beloved man can be expressed in poetry, prose, quotations from literary works and films, can be formulated in a humorous genre.

And they can sound extremely simple and short, but come from the heart, touch the soul.

  • I want to tell you what I recently realized. This will probably be a revelation for you, and, to be honest, I myself could not admit it for a long time. I love you. Love like crazy. I love the way you look, the way you act, I love the way you talk, I love the way you laugh. I love everything you do for me. In every act of yours, I see a real man with whom I want to be until the end of my days. Thank you for having me.
  • Dear, I am grateful to you for the fact that you appeared in my life and overshadowed everyone and everything. Sometimes I forget about myself, my friends, work, problems, but I never let you out of my thoughts for a second. Perhaps this is love. Thank you for this feeling in my heart.
  • It seemed to me that all the words about love had already been said by me to you. But today I realized how great the potential of my feelings for you. He does not run out. I am extremely grateful to fate for the fact that you appeared in my life. I do not need gifts, big words and promises from you. I see your love and care in your every action and word addressed to me. I see your serious intentions in your every action. I appreciate everything that you do for the relationship and I am ready to help in everything. You are my happiness. Thank you for having me.

Short SMS to husband, boyfriend

SMS has become an integral part of modern life. Using mobile messages, it becomes possible to remind a spouse to buy groceries, congratulate relatives on holidays, or express love and tenderness to a husband or boyfriend. It is convenient to write such messages if a loved one is on the road, at work or any other place where it is inconvenient to talk using the phone.

Seeing a cute SMS, he will definitely smile, remember his soulmate.

  • Hello, motherfucker. I'm sorry to distract you - I just miss you madly. I want to tell you once again that you are the best husband in the world. You are my most important gift of fate in this life. I love you very much. I'm waiting at home.
  • I don't need gold jewelry and diamonds. These are just ordinary trinkets. You are my main decoration. After meeting you, I blossom more and more every day. It's your merit. Looking forward to the evening to kiss you, my love!

Touching words about love at a distance

Life can make lovers test their feelings. There are situations when a man and a woman are forced to live at a distance for some time. True love will surely survive this test.

To brighten up the circumstances, it is necessary to constantly give each other tender words, albeit by phone or SMS.

  • Dear, let after reading this message, you will feel my feelings for you, despite the distance. Your love warms me even when you are far away. These kilometers between us do not mean anything, because every second I think about us and about the happiness that will cover when we finally get together.
  • It doesn't matter to me whether you're far or near. I feel your love. I know how strong my feelings for you are. And that our love is enough. I live for you. Waiting for our meeting!

Beautiful words "I miss you"

At a distance, it is worth emphasizing more often how dear a beloved man is, sincerely admitting that separation makes you miss a person dear to your heart. This is important, since it is pleasant for any person to realize that they miss him, they think about him, being hundreds of kilometers away.

Such behavior will become an extra proof of love, not left "without evaluation" of a man.

  • Before I met you, I considered myself a strong and independent woman. I was sure that I could control everything, even my feelings and emotions. But now I realize that I can't bring myself to "not miss" you. I miss and will miss you every second of our separation, because you are the most important thing in my life.
  • I can't concentrate on work, everything seems to fall out of my hands when you're away. All circumstances are stacked against me, because I miss you madly. All thoughts are occupied only by you. I'm sure everything will be all right as soon as we see each other. Darling, please come soon.

Gentle words in compliments

You can express warm feelings to a man not only with beautiful confessions, but also with unobtrusive compliments. It is appropriate to note the character traits inherent in a man, to emphasize masculinity, intelligence.

For a man, confirmation of strength, recognition of superiority is important.

  • With you, I can relax and allow myself to be weak. Thank you for your reliability.
  • Only your witty jokes can make me smile even when I'm in a bad mood.
  • It’s amazing how you didn’t lose your head in such a situation and continued to act. I'm sure that if I were you, I would have given up.

How not to overdo it with tenderness

A woman who creates a favorable climate in the family needs to support the "half", help with deed, "warm" with a word. It is important for a beloved man to hear beautiful words that confirm the strong feelings of a girl, expressed in her own words.

We must not forget: in every component of family relations there must be a measure.

Spoiled by gentle words, men, as a rule, cease to appreciate the actions of a woman for them, become selfish in feelings, demanding, not ready to work on relationships. It must be remembered: in a pair, both parties should take an equal part in creating comfortable conditions for the second half.

Video: beautiful words to your beloved man

A touching declaration of love:

Beautiful declarations of love to a man:

Without you, I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness, I live by you, I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. I want to sit with my legs tucked under me and watch you go about your business, I want to watch movies with you, walk, I feel good next to you, because I love you madly! 99

All day long I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! You are my favorite person in the world! 142

You lit a great feeling in my heart, I love you and want to always be there. Only with you I am happy, only next to you I feel completely free, happy and most loved! 210

I constantly think about you and love you very much, I want to give you all my tenderness and affection, spend unforgettable days and nights with you, whisper words of love in your ear and just purr with pleasure! 167

I forget about everything, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are very dear to me, I love you madly and just adore you! 182

Without you, I'm just a little man in this world - one of many, and with you I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. When you are near, I feel that I need you. When you are far away, I miss you very much. I think about you all the time and love you very much. 61

I can't imagine myself without you, without your smile, your eyes, your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I adore you! I need you more than life! I love you! 80

I want to enjoy you and your smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and always look forward to meeting you. 84

What is my life? This is happiness - when we are together, this is your smile, the expectation of meeting you, the joy of meeting ... I fell in love with you. You are the person for whom there has always been a place in my heart. 56

You know, I wanted to tell you for a long time ... I wanted to tell you ... This has been tormenting me for a long time ... For a very long time ... Ever since we started dating ... A lot of things have happened recently ... for these days... I thank you for every pleasant minute you gave... In general, it's probably enough to pull... It's time to dot all the i... I want to say that I'm madly, just madly in love with you! 139

I love you for your insanely beautiful eyes that look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your body, which warms me at night. I love you for your hot kisses, from which your head is just spinning! I love you madly! You are like a gentle sun that makes me happy every day! 82

I don't need gifts, I only need you, your attention... Sometimes, waking up in the morning, I realize that I live for you... I want to be always with you. I love you more than life. 27

I always want to do something good for you, I want to please you with something. I confess to you my feelings, I love you, my only, desired and unique. May our love make us the happiest people. 53

I remember our meeting, when all circumstances came together so that we could find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably, everything should have been exactly this way and nothing else. And I'm just happy that it all happened. I want to confess that I love you very much from the very minute we met. 77

When you are around, I feel that you need me just as much as I need you. For me, all life is you, you are my joy and all my dreams! 57

My best, kindest, most beloved guy on earth, best wishes on your glorious birthday. I wish you good health, success and prosperity in everything. May every day give you only pleasant moments, may luck open doors for you. All the best to you, my desired, well-being, prosperity and all the best. Be always so affectionate, gentle. May your cherished dreams come true, and the Lord protects from troubles and evil. May only good news please you, my beloved.

My beloved, only, faithful protector and affectionate friend! You have become my life, and on your birthday I really want to give you half of my own happiness! I wish you to be strong not only in body, but also in soul! Believe that everything will be fine, that only luck, fulfillment of desires and, of course, our love await you!

A few years ago, a wonderful person appeared in my life, whom I fell in love with from the very first sight. I myself never believed in this, but it was me who managed to fall in love in the first minute of our acquaintance. Beloved, we have been together for so long that it seems that we have known each other all our lives. Today is your birthday, for which I have been preparing for so long, because I decided. That this holiday should be the most unforgettable in your life. My beloved, my dearest man, I want to wish you good health. And everything else we will make together with you. You can even be sure that we will have everything the way we want, because we both make every effort to ensure that everything works out for us. Know that you are the strongest man, the most responsible and serious, who is not afraid of anything. I am always comfortable with you. I love you!

Beloved, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I sincerely wish you good health, a lot of joy, always a good mood. May every day give you wonderful moments, may luck always accompany you. I wish you reliable, true friends. May everything that you have planned come true, may bad weather sweep past you at great speed. Smile more often, enjoy life, and never hang your nose. Let my love always be a talisman for you, my only one.

I am so glad that I have you, my most beloved and most desired boyfriend on earth. You are the most beautiful and the best for me. Today is your personal holiday. May it bring you good luck and good mood. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you great happiness. May hope, faith and love always accompany you, may fate always smile on you. Let every ordinary day turn into a holiday for you. Good health to you, great bright, beautiful love, luck and success in everything.

My most beloved person on earth, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May today's holiday bring you a lot of joy and good luck, may your cherished dream come true. May life give you inspiration, may all problems be on your shoulder. Good health to you, dear, sunny days, luck in everything. Be always so beautiful, brave, strong. May the good angel protect you from all troubles. Be always the master of your destiny, may success accompany you in all your endeavors.

Darling, I'm lucky in my life that I met you. You are a real man. Only with you I feel the happiest, only you give me love and affection. It's your birthday today. Let me heartily congratulate you on the holiday. May today be better than yesterday. I wish you great success at work, high career growth. Be loved and desired, may my love always protect you. Always go forward, and do not be afraid of any obstacles on the way. May spring always live in your heart.

For you, my love, today all congratulations and compliments. You are my most beautiful, smartest, strongest and best guy on earth. On your birthday, I wish you everything - everything and much - much. May your life flow like a full river, may a good angel protect you from all troubles. Honey, be happy always, I wish you great fun. I wish you success in your work, life and business. Greet your friends with a kind word and a cheerful laugh. Be always desired and loved.

Beloved, on your birthday, I wish you much happiness and joy. May every day bring you only good news. May your life be fabulous, and happiness be cloudless. Let all your dreams come true, never be discouraged, and never meet with trouble. Let hope, faith and love be your faithful companions. I wish you good health, good mood, true beautiful love. Let reliable friends surround you, let everything go well with you. Happiness and good luck to you in everything.

The most important and strongest feeling is love. I was convinced of this when I met you, my most beloved person on earth. When you are around, everything around seems to be blooming and joyful. Dear, I wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. May all your dreams come true without fail, may luck open the door for you. I wish you good health, many happy days a year. Be, always keep fate. May the road of life be bright and long - long. May the good angel always protect you.

My sweet, beloved and the best guy in the whole world. Only with you I am happy and inspired by love. Today is your birthday, accept the warmest, best congratulations on this wonderful holiday. I sincerely wish you new ups and downs, success in all your endeavors. May you always be lucky in everything, may luck be your companion in life, may everything go well with you, and things go like clockwork. Be always energetic, cheerful, kind. Let the lucky star illuminate your life path.

I am so lucky in my life that I met you - my best boyfriend on the whole planet. You are so reliable, so kind, so considerate. Next to you, I just melt with happiness. Today you have a wonderful holiday - your birthday. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on this solemn day. I wish you good luck in all your endeavors. May every day bring only good news, may fate smile on you, and happiness be cloudless. Let my love be a talisman for you, my unique.

Happy birthday to you, my beloved and only boyfriend. You are the best on earth, the kindest, the most reliable. Only with you I feel like the happiest girl in the world. I wish you good health and good luck in all your endeavors. May every day be filled with bright events, may everything go well with you, may life seem like raspberries. May hope, faith and love always walk side by side. Be energetic and self-confident, may optimism never leave you.

I was very lucky in my life, because next to me is such a nice and reliable guy. Today is your birthday. I sincerely congratulate you on your personal holiday. May there always be a white streak in your life, may every day give only pleasant moments. Good health to you, my joy, success and luck. May luck always smile on you, may every new day give you a lot of joy. Be always so cheerful, cheerful, never lose heart. May the Lord always keep you.

Beloved, you are the most dear to me, the most important guy on earth. I always look forward to meeting you. Sometimes I envy myself that I have such a boyfriend. Today you celebrate your birthday. Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations. May your every day be filled with joy and good mood. I wish you good health and success in all your endeavors. All the best to you, good luck in all matters, a peaceful sky, prosperity and prosperity. May the good angel always protect you.

Today marks the birthday of my dearest, most beloved guy on earth. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on such a wonderful event. May luck always be by your side, may good news delight you every day. Be the master of your destiny, never give up. Let all the obstacles be nothing to you, let all things go like clockwork. All the best to you, my beloved, luck and success in all your endeavors. May all your dreams certainly turn into reality, may all bad weather pass by.

Beloved, I congratulate you on your birthday, with all my heart I wish you the fulfillment of all desires, good health and all the best. Let every day be the happiest, let life flow like a full river. Be always energetic, self-confident, May fate be favorable, and good luck be real. May reliable and faithful friends surround you, may all problems be solved easily and simply. I wish you long life, peaceful victories, optimism. Love and be always loved and desired.

I am so glad that I have you, my most important person on earth, my beloved. Today is your birthday, let me sincerely congratulate you on such a wonderful event - your birthday. May every day bring you only good news, may you be appreciated and respected. I wish you, my dear, a quick promotion through the ranks, new victories in life. May all dreams come true, and may our love be the purest and most beautiful. Good luck, my dear.

Beloved, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you great happiness, great love, success in everything. May everything go well with you, may every day bring only good news. Be always confident in yourself, never lose heart. May the Lord bless you for good deeds, may luck open doors before you. May everything that you have planned come true. You are the best on the planet, and always remain so. All the best to you, excellent mood, and all the best.

You always give me love and happiness, affection, hope, warmth. I am very lucky to have you, my unique one. Today is your holiday, let me heartily congratulate you on your personal holiday. Good health to you, peace, mutual love. May all your dreams surely come true. May success always accompany you at work and in various endeavors. All the best to you, prosperity and family warmth. Live easy and enjoy every day. May you be lucky in everything, always. Reliable friends to you and everything, everything. Be always the favorite of fate.

Today you, my love, have a wonderful holiday. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May all your desires become reality, may each new day be better than yesterday. Good health to you, all earthly blessings and always a good mood. Be always so sweet, kind, attentive. May good luck accompany you in all your endeavors. Let all life be filled with happiness, and let all bad weather fly by at the speed of sound. All the best to you, my only one, prosperity and well-being.

Darling, happy birthday to you. Be always cheerful and happy. May every weekday turn into a holiday, may luck knock on your door every day. I wish you good health, a peaceful sky over your head, and all the best. Let your life be like spring water, let all dreams come true without fail. Be always loved and desired. May your house be a full bowl, may the dearest guests always gather in it. Let my love be a reliable amulet for you.

My dear, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. Let a personal holiday give you good luck and good mood, let life flow like a full river. I wish you great happiness, a clear conscience, great beautiful love. Good health to you, peaceful sky above your head, long - long years of life. May spring always bloom in your soul, may bad weather pass by, and may success and luck knock on your house. We wish you well-being, fun, joy, energy and enthusiasm. God bless you.

It's midnight, your birthday. The reminder worked for me. But I don't need it: I always remember this date. Because it's hard to forget good people. I wish you that everything that you have that is good is multiplied a hundredfold, and that all that is bad is shattered into dust with the onset of this new midnight. May happiness and luck accompany you, money creep to your feet, and beloved women never upset you. Happy birthday, now you can sleep.

Happy holiday to you! May there never be a wall of misunderstanding between us and always only good relations warm us. Open your eyes and look around: the world is full of wonderful people and great ideas. And if you ever need my help to realize them, I am always there. You have become a year older, so be 200% happier, be loved by fate and those around you.

My dearest, gentle and beloved! I don’t know what to wish you - you have everything that a person can only dream of: sensitivity, masculine charm, love, respect, recognition from others ... On your birthday, I wish everything that you have, not only save , but also multiply! Walk through life with your head held high and know that if you do not have enough faith in yourself, I will believe for the two of us. I know you will conquer more than one peak!

Happy birthday to you! And I wish you a bag of luck! Never be sad in your life! Never be sad my friend. May the sun always shine brightly! And I wish true friends and girlfriends! And let it be just a fairy tale every day. May all wishes come true. The bad things will pass and be forgotten. And every moment is just a dream and affection! May love never leave your heart! She lives, blooms forever! Happy birthday to you dear! Happy Birthday sweetheart!

I see in you a reflection of my best qualities. I am pleased to be with you and borrow new ideas, inspiration, new strength. Whoever we are to each other, I always feel courage and wisdom in you, and I strive to learn them. Therefore, I wish you to spend today and all your life with just such people, learning from them even more and constantly improving. Congratulations and a kiss on the cheek, your friend.

My dear and dear! From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your holiday. I wish you long and wonderful dreams! I wish you many happy nights. And my beautiful fiery eyes! I want to open the door to happiness for you. You believe my dear, believe me ... I wish to bring good to your house and my efforts will not be in vain. From the bottom of my heart I wish you to save everything, joy, happiness and good luck! May you never meet troubles, separations in the sea of ​​boundless life. Live and enjoy all the novelty! I wish you many happy meetings!

Perhaps this wonderful holiday could mean more to us. Perhaps we could spend it in Monte Carlo or the Bahamas. But what's the difference where to give you my love, if we are everywhere light and warm nearby? You are the same prince that is written about in fairy tales. And I am the lucky one who managed to meet this fairy tale. Let's write our fairy tale together, let it have a little laughing continuation. Happy birthday my prince.

Open your eyes and smile! Be simpler and you will see how everything around you will appear in a completely different light! You have become a year older and must comply! I wish you a happy birthday and wish you not to grow old in soul, not to lose friends, not to get sick and not to despair! I'm with you!

I wish that your soft ears always hear only pleasant words, your fluffy paws hold the most precious gifts, and your perky tail is always a gun. Happy birthday, bunny!

May only pleasant accidents await you in life, and all that is planned will come true, presenting you with only positive moments! Happy birthday!

I wish you a stellar life! Let the stars grow on your shoulder straps, and over the years their number increases on the cognac that you drink, and on the hotels where you have to stay. And let the starry sky above us be a witness to the same tender and reverent love we have with you!

Darling, today is your holiday, it's your birthday! I want to congratulate you and wish you the fulfillment of your desires, a wonderful mood and the brightest victories in life! Let all emotions be only positive, and the celebration of this day will be remembered for a long time!

My love! On your birthday, I would like, first of all, to remind you of your virtues, of which you, of course, have a lot, and I will name only a small part ... You are kind and attentive ... you forgive me women's weaknesses and do not laugh that I am afraid of mice. You are caring and patient, we do not quarrel over trifles, and you are always ready to take on your strong male shoulders the lion's share of all the trouble. You love me, and for me the greatest happiness is to reciprocate! I congratulate you on the holiday, I wish you to always be the first and best in everything, sincerely laugh and not be sad - and life will be wonderful!

My beloved, you and I are like two halves, and what a blessing that we were able to meet each other on the path of life. And may our happiness be precious and eternal. And our love and happiness shines on us for many years and does not go out. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Darling, happy birthday! I wish to be always loved by me and unloved by other girls. Why do you need someone else if you have me! It is myself that I want to give you ... Congratulations!

I want to tell the whole Universe about my unearthly love, I live for you, I breathe you, you occupy my whole life, because without you the world becomes faceless and dull for me. Be happy, because your happiness is my happiness, because we are one.

My love! If only I were a sorceress, I would fulfill all your wishes in an instant, but I don’t have a magic wand, so I’ll just always be there. And on your birthday, having said how much I love you, I wish you health and festive mood, inspiration and luck, and may every moment of your life be unique and amazing!

My most beloved and dearest, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you health, success, good luck and luck, easy roads! So that friends never give you! You are my most beautiful and most desired!

Dear, only, beloved! On this day, I have one wish - that nothing cloud your eyes. May joy always shine in them, and such a dear, tender, desired smile on your lips! I can't resist kissing you!

On your birthday, I wish you love and harmony, understanding and stability, health and vivacity. Also, addictions! Let everything in your life depend only on you! Wise decisions for you!

Darling, today is your holiday. As they say, there are two most important days in a person's life - the first, this is when he was born, and the second, when he realized why. The day you were born has already arrived! Therefore, I want to wish you to find the meaning of life as soon as possible, do what you love and appreciate what you have!

I want to congratulate my beloved young man, my soul mate, without whom I simply cannot imagine my life. I'm incredibly lucky to have you, my love. Because you are so caring, gentle and romantic. You always figure out how to surprise and please me. My beloved, I want to wish you exceptional health. Everything else will not be so important if you do not have health. I want all your plans and ideas to come true. You are so hardworking and purposeful that you simply cannot fail to achieve your goal. I'm proud of you and your endurance, my love. It is unlikely that anyone else could withstand what you face every day. I congratulate you on the holiday, my favorite! Be sure that all the most interesting is yet to come. We'll be fine with you. I love you!

There is one extraordinary person in my life with whom I am going to live my whole life. I want to share all the joyful and sad moments with him, I want to wake up and see him next to me. I am ready to support him in everything, help and just be there when he feels bad or sad. I am incredibly lucky with this incredible man, because he is exactly what I imagined my future husband, when I was still small. I always feel so comfortable with you, my love. I know that wherever you are, you are always mentally with me, you support me when I am scared. Remember when I took my exams at the university? You sat and studied all this with me until the morning, and then did not go to bed until you called and said how much you received. You are so sincere and real, so I want you to always remain that way.

My beloved, I know that you were not going to celebrate your birthday, but I thought about it and decided that I could not leave you without a holiday. You've been working almost seven days a year, so you deserve to celebrate your holiday properly. All your friends and relatives have gathered here, but before the holiday begins, I want to say a few words. My beloved, over the years of our relationship, I realized that there is true love. You and I have built such relationships that can be considered exemplary, and this can be confirmed by many. I was there when you had problems at work, you were there for me when I was sick. We never fight because we think it takes time for both of us. I want to wish you health, my beloved, and good luck in all your endeavors. I am sure that you will achieve everything, because you make every effort for this.

My dearest and beloved man, I want to congratulate you on your day! Every year on this day I start with the same thing, today will be no exception. I want to congratulate your parents, and I also want to say a huge thank you to them for having you in my life. I wish you health, strength and energy - you need all this so that you can achieve all your goals, realize all your plans and dreams. I am sure that everything will work out for you, you just need to wait a bit and make an effort. For my part, I promise to provide all support and assistance. Be sure that you are not alone, because you have me, you have your family, your relatives and friends. We all love you very much, we are proud of you and your perseverance. Everything will be just fine, my love. The most important thing is that we are together, that we support each other, and everything else will be.

Beloved, your birthday is my favorite day of the year, because today you can not run anywhere, not think of anything, but you can only enjoy your vacation. You deserve it, because all year long you do everything only for others, but today is that exceptional day. I want to wish you all the best and brightest that can be. I have you so incredible that I sometimes envy myself, because any girl would be glad to meet just such a person. I appreciate your every advice, every minute spent with you, every our event. We still have so many interesting things ahead, so you can not even doubt. I will do everything to ensure that our life is bright and eventful. We will have everything the way we want, it remains only to wait a bit. Everything will be top notch, my love.

I want to congratulate my beloved, unique and only young man with whom I am going to connect my whole life. You and I have gone through a lot, my dear, but the most important thing is that we have gone through it all together. I know how hard a lot is given to you, but be sure that fate will be favorable to you, because it sees how hardworking and purposeful you are. I want to always see you happy, so I will do everything to make it so. Do not even doubt that we will succeed, because you and I definitely deserve it. My beloved, I also want to congratulate your parents, whom I love very much. They raised you to be such a serious and responsible man who is not afraid of any difficulties. I know that you will not let any of us down, and we, in turn, will be there and help you.

I love you simply for having you in my life. I do not need expensive gifts, restaurants, dresses and phones, I need you with all your problems, unresolved issues. I like your explosive nature because it complements my calm nature. I like to go with you just through life, to reach certain heights together. This is much more interesting than being content with a finished life. Thank you for everything you do for me. I am very pleased with your gesture of attention, because you know how to be so romantic. I congratulate you on your personal holiday. Just stay as cheerful, joyful and cheerful as you are. Let everything in your life be the way you want, because you deserve it, my love. I wish you good health, good luck in everything. I'm sure we'll hear more about you as one of the most successful people in the world.

I want to congratulate my dearest person, who a few years ago broke into my life and just turned it over. But I want to say that this is how I like my life more. I want to live all of it only with you, because you and I complement each other. I want to spend my whole life next to a person who knows how to please me even when I feel very bad. My beloved, I will never tire of thanking fate for having you in my life. In addition, first of all, of course, I want to congratulate your parents, who raised such a strong and serious man. Despite the fact that you are still so young, you are already so serious and responsible that many adult men can envy you. I want all your dreams and desires to come true, and ideas and plans come true. Just be happy and healthy.

Our birthday today holds a special place in my life and plays the most important role. It was he who taught me to accept this life with all its advantages and disadvantages, it was he who taught me to appreciate and enjoy every moment. I love you my best man! I can no longer imagine my life without you, without your constant ideas and plans. I am very interested with you, and every time you come up with something new for me. My beloved, I congratulate you on the holiday, may you remember this day as one of the best days in your life. I hope that I will be able to create an extraordinary atmosphere here. Just enjoy this day, because during normal working hours you don’t even have the opportunity to rest, and today is just your day, which means that you have every right to rest. I love you, the best guy in the world!

I want to congratulate my dear and beloved boyfriend on his birthday. This person completely changed me and my life, because he brought a lot of bright colors into it, filled it with events. I have never felt so good, calm and comfortable, but for several years now my man has been pleasing me. My love, I want to wish you good health. Believe that nothing is more important than this simply can not be. The most important thing is to be healthy, and we will achieve the rest ourselves. I congratulate your incredible parents, who have already become like family to me. They raised you as a real man who is not afraid of anything, who knows how to overcome difficulties. I congratulate you, my most extraordinary man. Today you have every right to rest, so you can rest easy and enjoy every moment. Darling, I will do everything to make you happy.

Today is one of my favorite days of the year, because today is the birthday of my soulmate, my one and only. To begin with, I want to congratulate your parents, who are proud of you, like all of us. They did their best to make you such a courageous and strong person, and now you are already doing your best to take care of your parents. My dear, I want to wish you health and inspiration, because this is what you lack for a fulfilling life. You either complain about your health or lack of imagination, which is why I want to wish you exactly this. I hope you enjoy the holiday that we have decided to arrange for you, because you should have a good rest at least once a year. I congratulate you, my best! I promise you that our life will be full of interesting and bright events.

I want to make you the happiest man on this earth!
I want to enjoy you every minute
and I want to give all my tenderness, warmth, care, affection ...
I love you!

R one of mine, I want to be with you always, and the reason for this is not your beauty, although it is undeniable, not your strength, although with you I feel protected and not your mind, which everyone admires. And the reason is in my heart, which does not beat when you are not, and in my soul, that without you it freezes and does not want to fly.

R one, from the moment you were around, I completely stopped paying attention to troubles, and all the problems that arise seem to be just vanity. You brought peace, confidence and a sense of security to my world and became a reliable guarantor of my peace of mind. You are my true hero and I admire you.

  • Your smile is like sunlight warming my day. Your words create a sweet melody in my head. I can’t do anything with myself, as soon as I fall in love with you more and more.
  • I think constantly only about you - that's all I can do. Everything else gets out of hand. You are the first and last thought in my heart, with this I fall asleep and wake up every day. No matter where I go or what I do, I always think of you.
  • You beat the rhythm in my heart, give birth to music in my laughter and tears in my eyes at our separation.
  • I decided to send this SMS to my beloved man as a reminder to him that he is always in my thoughts and my heart. It is a happiness for me to wait for you after a hard day's work, to feed you a delicious dinner, take care of you when you are sick, and support you in moments of triumph.
  • My soul blossoms when I remember the moment when I kissed an ordinary man, and then he turned into a handsome prince. You are the king of my heart, I love you.
  • Do you know why I shine every day with happiness? My day starts great - with a cup of coffee and your kisses. And it ends no less amazing - I fall asleep in your arms. I am overwhelmed with pride and desire to say that I am the wife of the best husband in the world!

T You seem to have stepped out of my dream, but does it really happen? After all, everyone around them says that ideal people do not exist, but you are ideal in everything. You are beautiful, you are tall, you are strong and brave, you are kind, caring and gentle. You are very smart, patient, romantic, purposeful and passionate. You are full of ideas and inspiration, light and energy. You can make my day and my life happy. Isn't this ideal?

WITH now, more than anything, I want to feel your hot palms. I want to feel their warmth, their tenderness. This is a phenomenon for me, how can such large, such courageous and strong hands be so affectionate, so gentle, like a feather, so caring. How can such a harsh person like you turn into the softest and most romantic, the most light and funny? I love you.

L I love you to the point of pain. To tears. Up to heavenly heights. To trembling in the voice and body .... I love! I want to thank you. For falling in love. I didn't think this would ever happen to me. Thank you! Thanks for the summer.... It was the most beautiful of all the previous ones. Every moment of summer with you is a ray of indescribable happiness. Why did you turn them into pieces?

IN it was so beautiful... You came to me…. With cake... To meet my mother. An idyll reigned, which I will never be able to forget. Do not even ask! How I loved the way you looked at me…. There was so much tenderness in him that I pinched myself. I felt like I was sleeping. It seemed…. Your affectionate touches of sight are divine and unique.

TO When I saw you, huge white wings suddenly grew behind me, and when I got to know you better, I was struck by the lightning of love. I was swirled in a hurricane of frantic feelings and emotions, everything was mixed up, and my life was no longer the same. Everything in it became brighter, more interesting, deeper. And it's all thanks to you. Thank you, my dear, for love, for attention, for tenderness. I love you.

I I am ready to give my life for your every look, for your every smile, for every turn of your head. I am grateful to fate for your laughter, for your words, for our feelings, for everything that is happening to us now. It's inexplicable, it's like magic, some kind of fairy tale. I love you so much that I can't believe myself.


D dear, my beloved, the only, gentle, dear! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! To be happy or not to be? - Everything depends on you! Just open the doors of your heart and let your happiness in! And I will help you with this, if you want! Love you! Kiss!

L my beloved, my brave knight. hero of my dreams! Happy Birthday to you! I am sure that the heavens did not send you to earth in vain, and fate did not just push us together. You are special, so let everything in your life be special: work, friends, house, car, holidays, family, which I hope will consist of me and our children!

W Why do I believe in miracles? Because the miracle is you! Beloved, plunge into my eyes, fill, with a glance, a niche of emptiness .... I won't get tired of saying "I love you". I will not get tired of repeating "I'm sorry." I will cover your life with love, so that in this life you rarely feel sad ....

IN about your look - my reflection. I know we'll be together forever. I love you. I adore you! And only about you, day and night, I dream .... I wish you were always by my side. I will carry all the feelings for you through the years .... (beautiful words about life and love in prose).

P rose. - When I say "I love you", you lower your eyes. Are you embarrassed to reciprocate? Do not be shy! I'm waiting for your reciprocity, living in words and in the heart. I really look forward to your "love". This word, for me, is a big and long-awaited holiday.

TO When you asked me about love, I couldn't answer, but it's not because I don't have feelings. Everything is the opposite. I love you too much, therefore, then I kept silent, I was overwhelmed with feelings, and I was embarrassed. But now I want to tell you these words: I love you, I love you. And I am very grateful to fate for giving me you, my dear man.

M oh good and dear, my only and wonderful man. You are the most gentle and dear, the most reliable and courageous, the strongest and most skillful, the most desired and unique, the kindest and most beloved. Be always for me the same perfect and irresistible.

I I love you very much. You are my protector, my support, my main man. My love for you is strong, like a hurricane at will and boundless, like the World Ocean. You are strong and courageous, kind and sensitive, smart and beautiful, responsible and caring, honest and fair - in a word - the best in the world!

TO When you are near, I am in seventh heaven with happiness. But as soon as you move away, I feel like I miss you. I really hope that we will not part for a long time, because without you I can no longer imagine my life.

M my feelings for you have become for me a reward for all the difficulties that have fallen to my lot. Everything that happened before our meeting happened only so that we could meet with you. Without you, I never lived, but simply existed, you gave me the opportunity to live and enjoy the world around me.

Sometimes women and girls believe that it is impossible to be the first to confess sincere love, because this is the prerogative of a man. But some guys are simply afraid to take the first step and therefore hide their feelings from their beloved. Therefore, in order not to wait forever for the cherished words, it is worth discarding prejudices and confessing your love to your most beloved man yourself.

Preparing for recognition

Before you open your feelings, consider whether you can do it. It is not easy to be the first to confess to a man, this requires determination and confidence in your feelings. If in doubt, do not rush, it is better to postpone this moment. Make sure that the man is ripe to hear the words of love.

When moral preparation is over, you should carefully consider what to say and when it is best to do it. The right time and place is the key to a positive result. You should not talk about tender feelings when he is not in the mood, busy with work or watching a football match. Indeed, in such a situation, the words will simply pass by the ears.

When choosing a place, you need to proceed from his preferences and attitude to romance. You can say that you love while walking in the park or on the banks of the river, at a romantic dinner in a beautiful restaurant or during an intermission at the cinema, nothing prevents you from doing it during parting, when he escorts you home or before leaving on a business trip.

You can say “I love you” to your husband every morning by making him coffee in bed or during breakfast, preparing your favorite treat.

Preparing for failure

The more you expect a positive answer, the more painful it is to realize that there is no reciprocity, so experiencing rejection is always painful. But do not give up, you should accept the current situation and turn the page. Rejection makes it clear that this person is not your destiny, you need to leave him and live on.


Eyes to eyes

This method is sincere and effective, because guys appreciate straightforwardness and honesty in girls. The speech should be prepared in advance, so as not to say too much, improvisation is not an assistant here. A man will be pleased to hear compliments and even a little flattery.

Be direct, avoiding vague phrases so that he understands that this is a declaration of love. At this moment, the main thing is not to be nervous, but to radiate confidence.

A tete-a-tete love confession is the most reliable method for those women whose beloved man is married, because only in this way you are most likely to be able to keep him a secret.

in the ear

This is an original and cute way. It has been proven that intuitively a person tends to trust a whisper. The advantage of the method is that you can unexpectedly whisper words of love to your chosen one: spending time with friends, sitting in a cafe, theater, cinema, when there are a lot of strangers around. A declaration of love to a beloved man, uttered in a whisper, has a passionate, and sometimes erotic character.

By phone

This option of a declaration of love can be chosen if the beloved man is at a distance or you are afraid to look into his eyes at such a crucial moment. The advantage of this method is that you can peep into a pre-written speech. The disadvantage of revelation by phone is that you will not be able to visually assess the reaction of a loved one, and by the intonation of the voice, this is not always possible.

Through social networks

If you often communicate with your beloved man on the Internet, then you can send a declaration of love by personal message, choosing beautiful and tender words that describe the fullness of your feelings. Another option is to paint graffiti on his "wall" if you don't mind making the confession public. If you are afraid to write directly, you can send a song that tells about your feelings.

love letter

This is a suitable way for those girls who are not ready to say their feelings out loud. A letter to a beloved man with a declaration of love does not have to be long, a few touching lines in prose or in poetic form will suffice. You can send a love letter by mail or discreetly put it in your chosen one's pocket.


If the beloved man is not around now or there is no way to say a declaration of love out loud, SMS will be a good way. In addition, you can at the same time admit that you do not dare to tell him about your feelings directly. If the message is received, but there is no answer, check if he received the message. But if the answer is yes, you should not ask clarifying questions or take other steps, the next move is for the man.

Confessions options

  • Thanks to you, I feel happy every day! I like it when you give me your attention and tenderness. I feel so good with you that I'm ready to sing with happiness. You are so attentive, caring and sensitive! I'm happy to be next to you. And I'm ready to make you the happiest man in the world, because I love you very much!
  • Everyone is looking for their soul mate, and there is no limit to happiness when they find it. I pulled out my lucky ticket when I met you. Now you are my destiny and happiness, because only when you are near the world becomes iridescent and bright. My heart and soul belong to you, you are the only man for me. I don't want to hide my true feelings because I love you. I love and am ready to shout about it to the whole world!
  • I can't stop thinking about you because I love you so much! I want to be near you to give you my affection and tenderness. I want to spend unforgettable days and nights with you, whispering in your ear: I love you!
  • I can't imagine myself without you, without your eyes and smiles, kisses and courageous hands. Now I know that you are happiness, my happiness. I love you!
  • I do not need expensive gifts, I only need your attention, only you. After all, when I wake up in the morning, I realize that I live by you ... for you. I wanna be with you. I love you!
  • At first sight I fell in love with you. I like everything about you: a gentle voice, a pleasant smile and hot kisses. My heart flutters like a caged bird when I'm alone with you. I dreamed of such a man all my life. With you I feel like a real woman, with you I am happy. Dear, I love you and wish that from a small spark our feelings ignite into a huge flame of love!
  • My most beloved and dear, I can say with confidence that our meeting is not accidental. Heaven was destined for us to find each other. And so, it happened, our paths converged. My heart immediately told me that we were born to be together. I love you and hope it's mutual!
  • I miss your hands, eyes and lips! I miss you! I miss you so much! And all because I love you!
  • No one can feel and understand the fullness of my feelings for you. No one will understand how much I love you, because no one on the whole planet is gifted with such happiness to love to the point of absurdity, to the point of madness, giving himself completely to one person. I love you and want to make you just as happy!
  • You are the meaning of my life! I think about you when I fall asleep. I think about you when I wake up. I smile in my sleep thinking of you! I want to scream that I love you. After all, without your smile, I can not imagine myself. You are my other half! I love you!
  • A light lights up in me when you are near and I like this warmth, it warms me so much. With you I feel comfortable, in your arms I feel hot. Your kisses are gentle and sweet, and your lips are passionate and soft. You are my world, my universe! I have nothing more to say, only that I love you.
  • What is love? Words can not describe, it is both simple and complex. What is love? You can't explain it, you have to feel it to understand it. And I realized, because I love you!
  • There are no distances and obstacles, there are no hundreds of kilometers between our cities, because I love you and look forward to our meeting!
  • There are people with whom even for a moment you do not want to part. They are a real drug: the more you get to know them, the harder it is to forget them. They want to comprehend again and again, completely dissolve in them. They delight the mind and captivate the heart. They are few, but they are. For me, that person is you! I love you!
  • You know, I'm calling you to tell you that I love you! I understood this and decided that you have the right to know!