Scars on the skin: treatment and prevention of education. When cosmetics help. Gels and creams for external use without silicone

Various cosmetic and healing creams for scars and scars affect the skin and its layers in different ways, especially when it comes to the face.

How do scar creams work?

The action of these funds determines the presence in the composition of certain substances and how they affect the wound:

  • One group of creams is prescribed for the prevention of scarring, disinfection and regeneration. Such creams prevent the suppuration of the wound, its growth and minimize inflammation and pain of the victim.
  • Other group used at the initial stage of scar formation in the lesion. They have a regenerating effect and prevent inflammation, promote the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Others apply for chronic formations after injuries on the skin - their mechanism of action is the most complex.

It is important to know! At the heart of each anti-scar cream are active substances that increase blood circulation and collagen formation, there are silicone substances that are suitable for any type of scars and a set of essential oils, vitamins, and trace elements.

What properties should a good cream have?

Properties that every cream against scars and scars should have:

  • Elimination and prevention of inflammation;
  • Preservation of moisture, preventing its evaporation;
  • Rapid regeneration of skin cells;
  • Lightening and cleansing of damaged skin;
  • Return of firmness and elasticity of the skin.

When choosing a cream, you should carefully study the composition of the cosmetic product, test it for an allergic reaction, so as not to get a negative effect from its use.

Carefully! The return of collagen to the epithelium can be dangerous if colloidal scars have already formed. In such a situation, the production of additional protein is contraindicated.

A good cream against scars and scars should include the following components:

  • Heparin- helps to restore the skin, moisturizes and softens scars;
  • panthenol, allantoin help to heal various injuries, relieve pain;
  • collagen and elastin contribute to giving elasticity and elasticity to protracted scars;
  • Hyaluronic acid contributes to the maintenance of normal water balance;
  • onion extract protects against the appearance of new scars;
  • Urea allows to dissolve even the most chronic scars;
  • Silicone high molar and protects damage, and at the same time passes the necessary moisture and air.

Important to remember that for a speedy recovery it is necessary to hide scars and scars from the sun's rays under clothing

Rating Top 10 best creams (ointments) that heal scars and scars on the skin

Contratubex gel

Contratubex is produced in Germany and is prescribed for minor damage to the skin. Also this ointment helps in the fight against traces of chicken pox or acne, as it quickly regenerates new cells, softens the scar by stopping the growth of connective tissue cells.

Contractubex is one of the most effective creams for scars and scars on the face.

The medicine has a positive effect on blood circulation, has a disinfecting effect, acts against inflammation and allergic reactions. Contratubex includes in its composition the active substance - an extract of onion serae, heparin and allantoin.

For fresh lesions, apply the cream every day for a month 2-3 times. To get rid of old scars, it will take up to six months. To enhance the effect of the cream, experts recommend simultaneously undergoing ultrasound procedures or applying the cream after steaming the skin with hot water or steam.

Contratubex is allowed to be used to get rid of scars in children and pregnant women. The only contraindication is the high sensitivity to the composition of the cream. The volume of the tube is usually 20 g, and the average price is 450 rubles.


ScarEsthetic is made in the USA. This cream for scars and scars on the face includes a variety of ingredients: silicone, onion extract, coenzyme Q10, bisabolol, shea butter, beta-carotene and many others.

The cream has a softening effect on scars, improves their appearance and increases the growth of new cells.

Apply to dry skin 3-4 times daily, gently rubbing the preparation. Duration of application - 3-4 months. May occasionally cause redness, in which case discontinue use. The cost of 60 ml of the product is 1600 rubles.


Kelo-kote - cream for scars and scars on the face, produced by American manufacturers, comes in the form of a gel and spray. Heals and has a preventive effect on almost any type of scars and scars. It is based on active substances such as polysiloxanes and silicone dioxide.

The drug acts in such a way that a film is formed on the damaged area that retains moisture, softens the scar, relieves discomfort and increases the rate of cell recovery.

Note! Cream for scars and scars can be used on the face and on any other parts of the body, it does not cause allergies and cause unpleasant effects.

Experts recommend resorting to the use of Kelo-Cote scar and scar cream to eliminate postoperative scars, preferably in combination with laser resurfacing procedures. The price of the drug is high, a 15 g gel tube will cost an average of 2,000 rubles, 60 g - 8,000 rubles, and a 100 ml spray - more than 3,500 rubles.


Zeraderm (or Zeraderm Ultra) is another cream for scars and scars on the face from Dutch manufacturers. The principle of operation is the formation of a protective film on the scar. The composition includes silicone compounds, coenzyme Q10, vitamins K and E and oxygen.

Read the site's popular article:

Zeraderm is one of the best remedies for scars and scars on the face, as it protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and cosmetics can be applied over it.

The rest of the principles of action are not very different from other anti-scar creams, which are based on silicone. Adults and children can use it as soon as the wound has healed. You need to apply 2 times a day for 2 weeks or more, depending on the person's age, skin condition, scar structure and individual characteristics. The price of a tube varies from 500 to 700 rubles, the volume is 20 g.


Kelofibraza is a cream for scars and scars on the face, produced by the German company Sandoz Farmasyut. Its composition includes heparin, camphor and urea.

These components have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the scar, gently dissolving it. The tool allows you to make the skin smooth and even in the scar area, increase the rate of cell recovery and improve blood circulation.

The cream also helps to combat skin stretch marks that appear due to pregnancy or rapid weight loss. Do not use during gestation and in childhood.

To eliminate newly formed scars, doctors recommend applying the cream 2 times a day. To combat old scars, the number of applications during the day should be increased and supplemented with compresses at night. The drug is expensive: for 50 g you need to pay 2500 rubles.


Fermenkol - a cream from Russian manufacturers, comes in the form of a gel and in the form of a dry powder for the electrophoresis procedure.

It is used in the elimination of acne marks, old and fresh scars. The product is based on collagenases isolated from marine and freshwater organisms.

This composition of the drug allows you to successfully break down the amino acids that are part of the protein base of scars, eliminate discomfort, itching. It also anesthetizes and disinfects the lesion.

Interesting to know, that this cream from scars and scars on the face helps not only to eliminate defects, but also to lighten the skin, increase its elasticity.

Fermenkol has no contraindications for use in either children or adults. It is better to refuse to use the remedy for atrophic scars and individual intolerance. 10 g of the drug will cost 700 rubles.


Mederma is a remedy from a German company, similar in composition to Contractubex, excluding heparin. The drug is recommended for use with scars formed no more than a year ago e.g. stretch marks, burn scars, peeling. With hypertrophic scars, the effectiveness will not be too high.

The drug fights inflammation, promotes the growth of new cells, improves blood circulation, disinfects.

The duration of the drug is prescribed individually, most often the treatment process is 3-6 months. During the day, apply the cream 3 times. There are no contraindications for the use of the product for children and pregnant women, but there is a possibility of allergies. The cream is available in tubes of 20 g, the price is from 500 rubles.

Scarguard liquid cream

Cream Scarguard includes vitamin E, hydrocortisone and silicone. The cream is applied with a brush, dries instantly and a film with the effect of a compressive bandage is formed on the surface of the scar.

Under this film, the components of the product increase the production of collagen, which contributes to the speedy resorption of the hardened scar.

Important! When the scar and scar cream on the face dries, sunscreen or makeup can be applied to the skin - this is a big advantage over many other creams for scars and scars on the face.

The tool can be used for children from 2 years old, but it is worth refusing to use during pregnancy and lactation. The cream should be applied to the scar twice a day for 1 to 6 months. The cost of a 15 ml tube is high - about 6000 rubles.

Cream Dermatix

Cream Dermatix produced in the USA is a unique drug that has a positive effect on damaged skin tissues. Produced in the form of a gel in tubes. The action is to create a protective film and creating optimal conditions for scar resorption.

The tool has many positive properties:

  • Quickly eliminates irregularities on the skin, successfully heals scars and scars of various degrees of prescription;
  • Maintains moisture, prevents drying of the skin surface;
  • Relieves discomfort (itching, tightness, burning);
  • Cream for scars and scars on the face also brightens pigmentation;
  • It is well tolerated on sensitive skin.

Can be used for children and adults, on any parts of the body and face. It must be applied 2 times a day for 2 months on previously cleansed skin. The volume of the tube is 15 g, the cost is approximately 1500 thousand rubles.


Piyasil is a cream of domestic production, which has no analogues in the whole world. Promotes resorption and smoothing of scars. The composition includes a powder of sublimated medical leeches.

Piyasil can be used both to eliminate scars on the face, after acne, cosmetic procedures, and on the whole body.

Interesting to know! Piyasil cream can be used for face masks, avoiding the area around the eyes. Already after 3-4 procedures, the skin of the face will become more even and smooth.

Only individual intolerance can act as a contraindication to use. The product is available in jars, a volume of 60 ml costs about 700 rubles, 200 ml - 1300 rubles.

Comparative table of funds for the possibility of using children and pregnant women

Creams for scars and scars price pregnant children
Contratubex450 YesYes
Dermatix1500 YesYes
Kelo Cote2000-3500 NoNo
Zeraderm500-700 YesYes
Kelofibrosis2500 NoNo
Fermenkol700 NoNo
Mederma500 NoNo
scarguard6000 NoYes
ScarEstet1600 NoNo
Piyasil700-1300 NoNo

Top 5 inexpensive remedies for scars and scars from a pharmacy


Clearvin is a cream from an Indian manufacturer that successfully eliminates acne spots and postpartum stretch marks. The main advantage of the product is the natural ingredients in the composition.

Cream Clearvin includes an extract of such medicinal plants as aloe, basil, calamus, margosa, lodhra. Their effect is enhanced by turmeric, vitamins, trace elements and beeswax.

The cream perfectly brightens the skin, evens out its surface, has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects, softens scars, moisturizes the epidermis and makes it more elastic. The cream is not expensive at all, a little more than 100 rubles.

Ointment Sledocid

Cream for scars and scars on the face

The drug should be applied 2 times a day, the course of treatment is selected individually. A tube of 15 g costs only about 100 rubles.

Balm Rescuer

Balm Rescuer is recommended for use when removing scars resulting from burns or injuries. The product consists of natural ingredients: olive, turpentine and sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, calendula extract, vitamins A and E.

The complex of such substances helps to relieve the inflammatory process and soften hardened areas of scars, thereby eliminating them.

The balm is thickly applied to the problem area, a bandage is applied on top. The cost of the medicine is low, from 120 rubles per 30 g.


Badyaga is an effective and inexpensive remedy for scars and scars on the skin. Badyaga is a plant sponge that grows in freshwater reservoirs. It is dried, ground into a fine powder and packaged.

To eliminate scars on the face, the product must be applied in a thin layer on the surface of the skin. Creams should not be used after the procedure. During the entire course, it is better to completely abandon decorative cosmetics.

On the 3rd day of use, peeling may appear - this is a natural renewal process. The result will appear after about 5 applications, acne marks will disappear and scars will become less noticeable.

Badyaga in the form of a gel costs from 65 rubles, and a cream - from 38 rubles. Be sure to read the instructions for use, as this is an aggressive tool.

Ointment Vishnevsky (Liniment Balsamic)

Vishnevsky's ointment is often used for antiseptic purposes, but it also works well on small scars.

The ointment includes only natural ingredients: xeroform, castor oil and tar.

Tar has the strongest effect on scar removal, oil also contributes to this, and xeroform protects the skin cover. The ointment is also suitable for the prevention of scars with boils and abrasions that do not heal for a long time.

On complex scars, you need to apply an ointment with a bandage on top. For a few hours. The drug practically does not cause allergies, so it is allowed to use it during pregnancy. For a tube of Vishnevsky ointment (40g), you will need to pay only about 30-50 rubles.

Homemade creams for scars and scars

cabbage cream

Cabbage has anti-inflammatory properties.

To prepare a cabbage cream against scars and scars, you need to take:

  • Ointment Vishnevsky on the tip of a spoon
  • Natural honey - half a teaspoon;
  • 1 tablespoon of medical alcohol or good vodka;
  • Cabbage leaf - 1-2 pcs.

Grind all components with a blender. Apply the resulting cream on the scar or scar, lightly massaging the skin. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the remnants of the product with running warm water.

Cream with propolis

Great for helping with acne and scars from boils and acne cream based on beeswax, propolis and oil. To prepare the product, you need to warm half a glass of sunflower oil in a water bath, add 50 g of beeswax and 5 g of crushed propolis.

When all the components turn into a homogeneous mixture, you need to pour it into a clean jar.

The cream is used to get rid of both fresh scars and old scars. It is recommended to apply every day until the complete disappearance of skin imperfections.

A complex recipe for a cream for chronic scars and scars

To prepare a remedy for old scars, the following components are needed:

Fat and butter need to be melted, mixed into the resulting mixture of wax, and then resin. Keep the product on fire until boiling, then remove and allow to cool slightly. Strain through cheesecloth or fine sieve. Keep the resulting cream in a cool place.

Apply 3 times daily, slightly warming up the cream before applying to the scars. Use until the scars are gone.

It should be remembered that sometimes, in order to get rid of scars and scars, not only external treatment is necessary, but also taking medications inside, visiting cosmetic procedures. With such an integrated approach to the treatment of scars and scars, you can save not only money, but also time.

Useful video about the cream for scars and scars on the face:

Magic ointment for scars and scars on the face:

It is the property of every person who takes care of himself and worries about his appearance. But what if there are scars on the body that remain after acne, operations, burns, contact with aggressive chemicals or injuries? In such cases, it is worth paying attention to the means designed to eliminate pronounced epidermal defects. Let's see what methods are most effective in the treatment of scars and scars.


One of the most effective traditional medicine methods that is used to treat scars is the use of beeswax-based ointment. The substance perfectly softens the epidermis, promotes the resorption of scar tissue.

To prepare such an ointment for the treatment of scars, you must do the following. Prepare about 400 grams of sunflower oil. Add about 100 grams of beeswax here. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and put on a small fire. The composition must be heated for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. The beeswax scar treatment ointment will be ready to use after it has cooled completely.

Apply the product to the places of scarring should be several times a day. The positive effect of using the product can be seen already for a month. However, if you use this method to treat a scar on your face, you should not expect instant results. After all, the connective tissue in the presented area is absorbed extremely slowly.

marshmallow root

The healing plant is known not only for its anti-inflammatory and disinfecting qualities, but also for its rather effective resolving effect. Not surprisingly, traditional healers have used marshmallow root for centuries to heal scars.

How to prepare the remedy? It is not difficult to make an infusion from marshmallow root. To begin with, a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials is carefully crushed. The resulting mass is soaked in a glass of cold water. The remedy is insisted throughout the day. The resulting composition is used to lubricate scars. It is recommended to resort to the procedure 5-6 times a day. This medicine perfectly softens the skin and gradually dissolves the scar tissue.

wood louse grass

A plant such as wood lice will help in the fight against scars. To prepare the product, freshly picked grass is placed in a deep container, poured with vegetable oil and tightly sealed. The medicine is sent to infuse in the refrigerator for several weeks. After the specified time has passed, the composition is carefully filtered. The resulting remedy is used in the form of compresses, which are applied to the places where scars form. Each procedure should last about half an hour. For the speedy elimination of cosmetic defects, it is necessary to resort to this method daily.

cabbage compresses

Cabbage leaves contain in their structure substances that are distinguished by healing and anti-inflammatory qualities. In particular, the regeneration of skin cells contributes to the abundance of vitamins of group E.

To prepare a remedy for the treatment of scars and scars, the cabbage is crushed to form a gruel. A small amount of liquid honey is added to the composition. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed. The product is applied to problem areas and covered with napkins. Such a compress is kept on the skin for several hours. The procedure is resorted to daily until a positive effect is achieved.

Gel "Kontraktubeks"

The presented remedy for the treatment of scars is considered one of the most effective among the medications for this purpose. "Kontraktubeks" has the form of a gel-like substance that has a neutral aroma. The active ingredients here are: heparin sodium, allantoin and onion extract Serae. These components have qualities that contribute to the resorption of keratinized scar tissue. Regular use of the product helps to accelerate the formation of new, healthy cells of the epidermis. During therapy with the use of the gel "Kontraktubeks", the elimination of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions in the area of ​​the defect is observed.

The use of the product looks like an excellent solution if you need to treat postoperative scars. The gel is also suitable for prophylaxis aimed at preventing the formation of new scar tissue on a completely healed wound surface.

How to use Contractubex correctly? The agent is applied to the scar area, performing light rubbing movements. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. As a rule, the scar tissue begins to actively dissolve after about a month after the start of treatment using the gel.

The obvious advantage of the tool is the possibility of its use by people of any gender and age. The substance does absolutely no harm to the body of women during the period of bearing or feeding a child. As for contraindications, such is only individual intolerance to certain components in the composition of the gel.

Gel "Zeraderm"

The drug includes the active substance polysiloxane. The component is a high molecular weight silicone compound. The composition also includes vitamins E and K. An additional element is coenzyme Q10, which takes part in the formation of new epidermal cells.

The use of Zeraderm gel in the treatment of scars contributes to:

  • Saturation of scar tissue with moisture, softening of deformed collagen fibers, rapid resorption of neoplasms on the skin and flattening of scars.
  • Elimination of burning sensation in the area of ​​scar formation.
  • Prevention of the development of inflammatory reactions.
  • Active cell renewal in places of skin damage.

You can start treatment using the gel immediately after the wound has healed. The agent is applied in a thin layer on pre-cleaned, disinfected skin. The procedure is performed several times a day, rubbing the gel with light movements.

The time it takes to achieve a positive effect here depends on the size of the scar, the age of the defect, and the individual skin type. Usually positive changes are observed after 2-3 weeks. In the most difficult clinical cases, treatment takes several months.

Like the previous remedy, Zeraderm gel is absolutely safe, not only for adults, but also for children. The drug can be used by women during the period of gestation and lactation.

Cream "Skargard"

The tool is a viscous substance, which includes silicone, vitamins of group E, and hydrocortisone. The medicine is applied to the scar tissue using a special applicator. After drying, the cream forms a film that compresses and tightens the skin. The active substances in the composition of the product stimulate the production of collagen and provide softening of the tissues of the epidermis. All this contributes to the gradual resorption of scars.

Before using the Scargard cream, the skin is cleaned, disinfected and dried. The agent is applied to the defective area several times a day. The course of treatment is about a month. In the presence of large, extremely deformed scars, therapy can be delayed up to six months.

Side effects when using the cream are extremely rare. The tool is allowed to be used to eliminate scars for adults, as well as for babies over the age of 2 years. This treatment is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Laser scar treatment

The use of a laser method for removing scars makes it possible to smooth out the deformed collagen fibers of the epidermis in a fairly short time and make the shade of formations on the skin less red. As a rule, only a few procedures are required to achieve a noticeable effect.

Despite its effectiveness, the method has several drawbacks. It is possible to resort to laser treatment of scars only after six months have passed after the formation of a defect. In this case, there is a possibility that over time, damaged epidermal tissues will resume their growth again.

cryogenic therapy

The application of the method looks like an effective solution in cases where there are hypertrophied, chronic scars and scars. Exposure of such defects to extremely low temperatures makes it possible to change the internal structure of collagen fibers. During the procedure, unnecessary cells are destroyed, which are the cause of the formation of textured surfaces on the skin.

It is worth noting that such treatment of scars is absolutely painless and allows you to eliminate the problem over a short period of time. However, after completing all the necessary procedures, small dark areas on the skin may form.


Surgical removal of scars and scars is used in extreme cases, for example, if a person has tried all available methods and has not received any positive changes. In addition, surgical intervention makes it possible to reduce the size of a large, extremely textured defect on the skin, which is located on an open, visible area of ​​the body.

This method is quite efficient. However, there is a risk of damage to healthy tissues, which can provoke the growth of another neoplasm. In order to prevent negative consequences, doctors often prescribe a course of postoperative radiation to patients.


As you can see, there are many effective remedies available today to eliminate scars and scars. It is reasonable to resort to complex treatment, adopting not only folk recipes, but also cosmetic procedures and pharmacological preparations. This approach to the organization of therapy makes it possible to get rid of cosmetic defects as soon as possible and avoids unnecessary, prolonged suffering.

Healing of the skin after open injuries, infections, burns leads to the appearance of scars. They create various problems, including cosmetic defects. Modern treatment of scars and scars includes several popular areas. Each type of therapy has the right to exist, because skin lesions are "many-sided". Having found out their typology, we will try not to get lost among the various treatment options offered by modern medicine.

What are the scars (scars)

According to one of the classifications, pathological or physiological scars are distinguished. The former need surgical intervention, and conservative treatment is also possible. The features of the scar allow specialists to attribute it to one of the four known types and choose the treatment tactics.

Physiological scars do not affect the mobility of the joints, do not cause discomfort, except for aesthetic experiences.

Normotrophic scars do not exceed the level of healthy skin; atrophic - are below its surface, resemble pits of various shapes and sizes. The elasticity of such lesions is partially preserved, they acquire a flesh color or become paler than the epidermis.

If the tissue that filled the scar rises above the surface of the skin in the area of ​​​​the original wound, then they speak of hypertrophic scars. The main characteristic of another type is the ability to grow a scar, its excess of the area of ​​the damage itself.

Many factors lead to the formation of hypertrophic and keloid scars:

  • infection, damage to a healing wound;
  • excessive reaction of skin tissues to injury;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • genetic diseases;
  • hormonal changes;
  • immune disorders;
  • scleroderma.

Clinic patients have high hopes for plastic surgery, laser; physiotherapy, the pharmaceutical industry, which supplies ointments for resorption of scars, make their contribution. Treatment regimens that have been debugged over the years worry patients because of a number of points. The first is the denial by some representatives of laser surgery of the positive aspects of other methods. The second negative factor is the high cost of treatment, and the third is side effects and contraindications.

If a decision is made to remove the scar, then first you need to make sure that the chosen therapy will not harm the body. This issue must be discussed with the doctor at the first visit to him. The specialist will take an interest in what exactly the patient wants to change, what worries more, and what can be put up with. The doctor will name a technique that, in his opinion, will achieve the desired effect.

Treatment and prevention of scars

How Scars Are Treated With Physical Therapy

Among the traditional methods of official medicine, physiotherapy is well known. The procedures of electrophoresis with lidase on scars, phonophoresis of hydrocortisone or contratubex, infrared radiation, paraffin therapy, mud therapy are actively used.

During the formation of hypertrophic scars, hyaluronic acid is actively produced in the body. The enzyme hyaluronidase (lydase) inhibits this process of excess synthesis. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, and each procedure lasts 20 minutes. 10 sessions of electrophoresis with lidase are carried out, if necessary, in a month - the same number of procedures.

Electric current and medicinal substances soften scars, relieve swelling, pain, improve metabolism.

Pharmaceutical preparations for external use

Silicone-based medicines have been used for over 60 years. This is the general name for a group of synthetic polymers - polysiloxanes containing oxygen, silicon, carbon, hydrogen. In the proposed tables, creams, gels for the treatment of scars, which are most often asked in pharmacies, are listed in alphabetical order.

Gels and creams for external use without silicone

Active IngredientsAction on scars (scars)
Cream "Kelofibraza"Heparin sodium, urea, mentholImproves microcirculation. Saturates the epidermis with moisture and maintains water balance. Cream from scars "Kelofibraza" has an anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces itching in the scar area
Gel "Kontraktubeks"Allantoin, sodium heparin, onion extractSlows down the formation and dissolves scar tissue that has filled shallow skin defects. Has an anti-inflammatory effect
Gel "Mederma"Allantoin, onion extract.Correction of atrophic scars.
Gel "Fermencol"Enzymes - collagenasesBreakdown of excess collagen. It is desirable to conduct electrophoresis with the drug.

“Inexpensive, but effective”, “Helps in the fight against scars”, - such reviews can be read and heard about the Klirvin cream (tube 25 g, price - 75–95 rubles). The opinion of buyers will be of interest to those who want to find a way without resorting to hardware cosmetology or chemical peeling procedures. From other comments it becomes clear that the drug is not suitable for everyone. Out of every 20 reviews, 14–15 are positive, the rest are neutral or negative.

Cream "Klirvin" is an Ayurvedic preparation, contains herbal extracts and other natural ingredients.

Plates and gels with synthetic polysiloxanes

Name of the medicinal productActive IngredientsAction on scars (scars)
Gel "Dermatix"Silicone, silicon dioxideForms a film that protects the scar from infection and mechanical damage. Contributes to the prevention of the formation of hypertrophic scars.
Gel "Zeraderm"SiliconeTreatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids of various origins. Scars and other skin lesions are better absorbed.
Gel "Zeraderm Ultra"Silicone, vitamins E and K, coenzyme Q10, UV filter
Gel and spray "Kelo-cat"SiliconeHelps to maintain the elasticity of the skin in the scar area, makes the scars flat and soft. Relieves itching, irritation. Prevents the growth of scar tissue.
Gel and plates "Medgel"Polysiloxanes, siloxane-oligomersSoftens scar tissue, prevents hypertrophic growth, redness.
Quick-drying liquid "Skarguard",Silicone, hydrocortisone, vitamin EHermetically covers the area of ​​the skin, protects against infection. Combines the properties of a pressure bandage and a compress. Violates the nutrition of fibroblasts.
Plates "Spenko"SiliconeRemoval of different types of scars

Video about laser scar treatment

How serious defects are corrected

The arsenal of treatment methods has been enriched by such a method as scar subcision, proposed by the American doctor D. S. Orentreich. This procedure is used to treat traces of post-acne, atrophic scars, wrinkles, deep skin folds. Destruction is carried out with a needle of connective tissue fibers that tighten the bottom of the scar.

The appearance of atrophic and hypertrophic scars, keloids is due to the incorrect course of regenerative processes in wounds, therefore complex therapy is required. Surgical removal of scars is used, hardware cosmetology, therapeutic ointments are used. Skin lesions are treated with ultrasonic and laser resurfacing, injections of steroid hormones. Mechanical and chemical peels serve the same purpose.

When removing a hypertrophic or keloid scar, a scar of the same type may appear in the same place. This is due to the inflammatory response caused at the genetic level. Doctors suggest laser scar removal or conventional surgery combined with the elimination of excess inflammation. This may be a course of injections of glucocorticoids or sessions of cryotherapy, laser resurfacing and / or compression treatment.

How to make a scar on the skin less noticeable

If the scars begin to “fall through” more strongly, then specialists use injections of fillers that smooth the skin. Scars are light or painted in very noticeable crimson, purple, pink-red shades. To correct the color in the affected area, doctors recommend laser scar treatment. Eliminating the problem of a pale scar is carried out using its surface with ink that matches the color of normal skin. Experienced tattoo artists create a pattern in the form of freshly shaved skin on the scars that "adorn" the faces of men.

Means for home use - special cosmetics, resistant to water. This scar masking kit includes creams and powders that are close in color to the skin tone.

Scars on the body after injuries and operations undergo significant changes; already during the first year they become flat, acquire a flesh color. Experts call this process the "maturation" of scar tissue. But this is not always the case, there are scars that become larger over time, look worse. In such cases, you should immediately contact the clinic.

In contact with

A scar is a connective tissue formation that is formed as a result of restoring the integrity of injured tissues.

There are four types of scars: physiological, atrophic, hypertrophic, keloid. All of them differ in the nature of education and appearance. There is an individual predisposition to the formation of scars of a certain type. Some individual scars are difficult to treat, however, most of them can be removed using folk remedies for scars, or modern cosmetic surgery techniques.

Causes of a scar.

With any tissue damage, the body seeks to restore its integral structure, however, some elements cannot be recreated in their original form. Some defects can be so extensive that their rapid elimination becomes a matter of life and death. In this case, connective tissue comes to the rescue, which can quickly restore the integrity of tissues. She has only one drawback: when she patches everything quickly, she does not preserve the structure of the damaged tissue, forming just a seam or patch. This part of the repaired tissue becomes a scar. On the skin, such phenomena occur when its lower layers are damaged, which allow the epidermis to recover. Using various means of scarring, grinding methods, it is possible to smooth out or reduce the severity of the scar, but it is no longer possible to change its structure.

Scars as a memory of youth

Acne vulgaris is one of the most common causes of facial scarring. At the same time, a scar occurs if the process was long and a large number of skin cells died. In this case, scars on the face can be either in the form of pits - atrophic, or in the form of protruding tubercles - hypertrophic. Long-term and complex treatment of acne scars always gives a good result, but the doctor must choose this treatment adequately for each individual case.

Scar after surgery

After the surgical problem has been solved, an aesthetic imperfection remains in the form of a scar at the site of the surgical suture. Even if you have received the most accurate internal seam, which, as you know, is a technique of plastic surgeons, you can still become the owner of an ugly scar. The fact is that some people are prone to the formation of keloid scars, which can form even at the site of a small skin injury. These scars are caused by the body's tendency to overproduce collagen. It is impossible to predict the occurrence of such a scar until the first such representative appears. But it happens that rough postoperative scars also occur as a result of incorrect management of the postoperative period, or when the patient himself is indisciplined. The scar becomes the result of infection of the seam, excessive tension of the composed tissues, re-opening of the surgical wound. Usually, the postoperative scar heals within two to three months, changing from a pronounced, protruding above the surface, to an almost imperceptible trace of the operation.

Methods of treatment: modern medicine and folk recipes

Modern methods of scar treatment do not always give the desired result, some of them are traumatic. With such a problem as a tendency to form keloid scars, treatment may not be effective at all, or provoke the appearance of new scar formations. Therefore, many people today still continue to use the secrets of scar treatment that our grandmothers left us as a legacy. Using the treatment of scars with folk remedies, you save yourself from any risk of complications, because this method is as gentle as possible, and at the same time effective. The widespread use of oils helps to restore the skin.

The treatment of fresh scars is most effective, while the scarring process has not yet ended.

Cosmetic surgery in the fight against scars uses scar grinding (mechanical and laser), excision, cosmetic tattooing. At the same time, in parallel, or as a separate method, the physiotherapeutic and pharmacological method of scar removal can be used.

In the treatment of a rough postoperative scar, it is excised (cut out of the skin), the edges are neatly drawn up and sewn together with a very thin thread. At the same time, it is important that such treatment of scars after surgery is carried out only in patients without a known tendency to keloid scars.

Cosmetic tattooing is used in case of a small defect, which still causes discomfort to the patient.

Scar resurfacing is widely used. The most common and gentle method is laser resurfacing. At the same time, the thin upper layer of the skin is removed with a laser beam. In order to achieve the desired result, several such sessions may be necessary. After each procedure, the skin is given time to recover. Often this is used to treat imperfections in the skin of the face.

For skin resurfacing, pharmacological agents can also be used, which are gentler than mechanical and laser resurfacing. The principle of their action is to soften the upper layers of the skin and remove them. Often such products consist of two or three components: the first is a preparatory, destroying keratin, the second is a scrub, the third is a composition that helps restore the skin.

Treat scars using the laws of the body's natural healing

Recipe 1. Oil extract of woodlice for the treatment of keloid scars.

Fill a half-liter jar tightly with fresh woodlice grass, pour refined sunflower oil on top so that it soaks the grass well, put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for two weeks. After the extract is ready, pour the oil into another glass container and store for no more than six months. Make compresses on the scar area with this oil for 20 minutes every day.

Recipe 2. St. John's wort oil extract for a painful scar.

If a keloid scar causes pain, prepare an extract from the fresh herb of St. John's wort according to the previous recipe. Compresses should be done twice a day.

Recipe 3. Scar removal with essential oils.

Make any of the following oil blends and apply it to the scar several times a day.

Mint, rosemary, neroli - in equal proportions.

Frankincense, rosewood, tea tree - in equal proportions.

Geranium, fennel, hyssop - in equal proportions.

Recipe 4. Treatment of scars with melon seeds and egg shells.

Take melon seeds, egg shells in equal proportions, chop everything thoroughly and mix. Add enough vegetable oil to form a thick slurry. Apply the resulting mixture to the scar area for two months.

Recipe 5. Treatment of scars with pea dough.

Dilute the pea flour in a ratio of 1/1 with warm milk. Make a compress from this mixture and leave for at least 1 hour. Continue daily until the scar disappears.

Recipe 6. Cabbage leaf against scars.

Cabbage has long been known for its anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. It is very rich in vitamin E, which allows it to have a great effect on skin regeneration.

Grind 2-3 cabbage leaves to form a gruel and mix with a tablespoon of honey. Make a compress from this mass and leave for 2 hours. Do these compresses twice a day until the scar disappears.

Recipe 7. Collection of herbs for compresses from scars.

Mix equal parts of dry chamomile, nettle, yarrow, calendula, mountaineer, cudweed, St. John's wort. Pour two tablespoons of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour in a water bath, strain. Soak a linen napkin in a decoction of herbs and make a compress for two hours.

Recipe 8. Wax and olive oil.

Pour 200 ml of olive oil into a small saucepan and add 50 grams of good beeswax. Boil this mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the oil and soak a cloth, make a compress on the scar. Repeat the procedure twice a day for at least two months.

Recipe 9. Japanese saffora ointment for the treatment of scars.

Mix 500 ml of crushed Japanese saphora and 500 ml of goose fat to make an ointment. In order for the ointment to ripen, you need to heat it for an hour in a water bath for four days in a row, each time removing the ointment in the refrigerator until the next time. On the fifth day, apply the resulting preparation to a linen cloth or bandage, and apply to the scar. Continue to apply the ointment daily to the scar until it disappears.

Recipe 10. Treatment of scars with camphor oil.

Camphor oil compresses help to get rid of scars very well. Oil should be soaked in gauze and applied all night to the scar. Usually within a month there will be a good effect. This method is good to use for the treatment of acne scars that were in youth.

Scar prevention

In order to save yourself from this unpleasant phenomenon, treat inflammation and skin wounds in time and adequately. If necessary, consult a doctor. When youthful acne appears, be sure to treat them, if it doesn’t work out on your own, contact a beautician. Follow the postoperative regimen. Start scar treatment as soon as it forms. This will allow you to avoid rough changes on the skin.

The article "Scars, treatment of scars with folk remedies" is published on the website

- coarse fibrous connective tissue cord, formed at the site of previous damage to the skin. A fresh scar is pink or red; old - hypo- or hyperpigmented coloration. Scars can rise above the level of the skin (hypertrophic), be on the same level with it (normotrophic), be drawn into the skin (hypotrophic). Scars, especially if they are located on the face and open areas of the body, are an aesthetic defect that a person seeks to get rid of. To eliminate scars on the skin in medicine, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, cryotherapy, chemical peels, injections of steroid hormones, and surgical excision are used.

General information

Rough scars and scars on the face or body today no longer serve as an adornment for real men and, even more so, women. Unfortunately, the possibilities of modern medical cosmetology do not allow to completely get rid of cicatricial defects, offering only to make them less noticeable. The process of scar correction requires perseverance and patience.

"Scar" and "scar" are synonymous words. A scar is a household, everyday name for a scar. Scars on the body are formed due to the healing of various skin lesions. The impact of mechanical (trauma), thermal (burns) agents, skin diseases (post-acne) lead to a violation of the physiological structure of the skin and its replacement with connective tissue.

Sometimes scars behave very insidiously. With normal physiological scarring, the skin defect tightens and turns pale over time. But in some cases, scarring is pathological: the scar acquires a bright purple color and increases in size. In this case, the immediate help of a specialist is necessary. The problem of scar correction is dealt with in collaboration with dermatocosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

Scar formation

In its formation, the scar goes through 4 consecutive stages:

I - stage of inflammation and epithelialization.

It takes from 7 to 10 days from the moment of the injury. It is characterized by a gradual decrease in swelling and inflammation of the skin. Granulation tissue is formed, bringing together the edges of the wound, the scar is still absent. If there is no infection or divergence of the wound surface, then the wound heals by primary intention with the formation of a barely noticeable thin scar. In order to prevent complications at this stage, atraumatic sutures are applied, sparing tissues, daily dressings are performed with local antiseptics. Physical activity is limited to avoid divergence of the wound edges.

II - stage of formation of a "young" scar.

Covers the period from the 10th to the 30th day from the moment of injury. It is characterized by the formation of collagen-elastin fibers in the granulation tissue. The scar is immature, loose, easily extensible, bright pink in color (due to increased blood supply to the wound). At this stage, secondary injury to the wound and increased physical exertion should be avoided.

III - stage of formation of a "mature" scar.

It lasts from the 30th to the 90th day from the date of injury. Elastin and collagen fibers grow into bundles and line up in a certain direction. The blood supply to the scar is reduced, causing it to thicken and turn pale. At this stage, there are no restrictions on physical activity, but repeated trauma to the wound can cause the formation of a hypertrophic or keloid scar.

IV - stage of the final transformation of the scar.

Starting from 4 months after the injury and up to a year, the final maturation of the scar occurs: the death of blood vessels, the tension of collagen fibers. The scar thickens and turns pale. It is during this period that the doctor becomes clear about the condition of the scar and further tactics for its correction.

Getting rid of scars once and for all is not possible. With the help of modern techniques, you can only make a rough, wide scar cosmetically more acceptable. The choice of technique and the effectiveness of treatment will depend on the stage of formation of the scar defect and on the type of scar. At the same time, the rule applies: the earlier you seek medical help, the better the result will be.

The scar is formed as a result of a violation of the integrity of the skin (surgery, trauma, burns, piercing) as a result of the processes of closing the defect with new connective tissue. Superficial damage to the epidermis heals without scarring, since the cells of the basal layer have a good regenerative capacity. The deeper the damage to the layers of the skin, the longer the healing process and the more pronounced the scar. Normal, uncomplicated scarring results in a normotrophic scar that is flat and has the color of the surrounding skin. Violation of the course of scarring at any stage can lead to the formation of a rough pathological scar.

Scar types

Before choosing a treatment method and the optimal duration of a particular procedure, it is necessary to determine the type of scars.

Normotrophic scars usually do not cause great distress to patients. They are not so noticeable, because. their elasticity is close to normal, they are pale or flesh-colored and are at the level of the surrounding skin. Without resorting to radical methods of treatment, such scars can be safely removed with the help of microdermabrasion or chemical superficial peeling.

Atrophic scars may occur due to acne or poor-quality removal of moles or papillomas. Stretch marks (striae) are also this type of scarring. Atrophic scars are below the level of the surrounding skin, characterized by tissue laxity due to a decrease in collagen production. The lack of skin growth leads to the formation of pits and scars, creating a visible cosmetic defect. Modern medicine has in its arsenal many effective ways to eliminate even fairly extensive and deep atrophic scars.

Hypertrophic scars have a pink color, are limited to the damaged area and protrude above the surrounding skin. Hypertrophic scars may partially disappear from the surface of the skin within two years. They respond well to treatment, so do not wait for their spontaneous disappearance. Small scars can be affected by laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, chemical peeling. The introduction of hormonal preparations, injections of diprospan and kenalog into the scar zone leads to positive results. Electro- and ultraphonophoresis with contractubex, lidase, hydrocortisone give a stable positive effect in the treatment of hypertrophic scars. Surgical treatment is possible, in which scar tissue is excised. This method gives the best cosmetic effect.

Peeling with fruit acids. Peeling with fruit acids (ANA-peeling) is based on the removal of the top layer of dead cells and stimulation of regenerative processes in the skin. Fruit acids stimulate the formation of elastin and collagen, improve skin texture, brighten pigmented areas, narrow pores. Peeling with high concentrations of fruit acids smoothes scars and has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Chemical peels. The most effective methods of scar correction are resurfacing, which allows to level their boundaries and even out the skin relief - these are laser resurfacing, dermabrasion and chemical peeling. Atrophic scars can be resurfaced already at the earliest stages, and hypertrophic and keloid scars - only after their final formation. The process of grinding hypertrophic scars should be gradual: from superficial to deeper, in order to avoid aggravation of the defect.

For moderately pronounced hypertrophic scars, chemical peeling is carried out in stages. First, within 10 days, with the help of superficial peeling (2-4 procedures), the skin is prepared for a deeper effect. This is followed by 4-7 peeling procedures aimed at stimulating regenerative processes in the dermis. Additionally, a dermatological cream with silicone is prescribed for three weeks, which protects the skin from drying and inflammation. Peeling sessions are often combined with mesotherapy aimed at improving local trophism and microcirculation of the skin. After a course of peels, external preparations are prescribed to maintain the clinical effect.

Pronounced hypertrophic scars are first subjected to surgical excision, followed by a course of physiotherapeutic procedures (phonophoresis or galvanophoresis) with fibrinolytic drugs (heparin or hyaluronidase). Then, chemical peels are also carried out in two stages: first, Glicopee S multi-fruit peels with glycolic, citric, lactic and salicylic acids (several procedures once a week), then Mediderma chemical yellow peeling based on retinolic acid.

Retinol peeling effectively acts at the cellular level, enhances the production of proteins, collagen and elastin, and rejuvenates the skin. The procedure is well tolerated, does not cause discomfort and severe skin reactions. Sometimes, injections of corticosteroid hormones (kenalog, diprospan) are additionally injected into the scars. Today, peels are the main method of correction of hypertrophic scars and give particularly good results at an early stage of their treatment.

Recent atrophic scars (two to three weeks of epithelialization) are treated with ointment compresses with Dermatix gel or Silkses protector (Mediderma).

Moderately pronounced atrophic scars are treated with superficial median peels. They allow you to smooth the contour of the scar and even out the skin texture. After the procedure, there is a slight swelling and redness, then a scab (crust) is formed. With the falling off of the crust, the depth of the scar is smoothed out.

Microdermabrasion. The method of fine skin resurfacing with oxy-aluminum microcrystals due to the abrasive properties of the powder. Microresurfacing practically does not cause pain, eliminates the development of skin infections due to the use of disposable kits. Microdermabrasion in combination with the method of needleless mesotherapy gives excellent results in the correction of scars. Serums for mesotherapy include hyaluronic and glutamic acids, vitamins A, E, C, silk proteins, lysine, oligoelements with high regenerating and wound healing activity.

For milder microdermabrasion, an oxygen-alumina mixture is used. Saturation of cells with oxygen and the effect of micropolishing give good results in the fight against scars and stretch marks.

Radiation therapy. The effectiveness of radiation therapy in relation to the recurrence of keloid scars has been scientifically proven. However, radiation has an adverse effect on the body as a whole and has too many side effects.

. Excision of scar tissue with a scalpel is aimed at reducing the area of ​​the defect. The edges of the newly formed wound are carefully compared and fixed with an intradermal cosmetic suture. Subsequently, a neat postoperative scar is formed.

A fresh keloid scar cannot be excised - this can lead to its increase and recurrence. Treatment of keloid scars begins with conservative methods, only then resorting to surgical excision. The remaining types of scars are excised after their full maturation, after six months or a year.

It is almost impossible to predict what the future scar will look like. It depends on the individual reaction of the body, and on the course of the healing process, and on the quality of the operation performed. Factors influencing scar formation are divided into general and local.

Are common:

  • age-related features of skin regeneration: more active in early age and slower in adulthood and old age
  • the state of the immune system: the collagen content in the rumen depends on the activity of macrophages (immune cells) and their effect on fibroblasts (cells responsible for collagen production)
  • hereditary predisposition: individual activity of fibroblasts and the body's ability to concentrate biologically active substances in the blood and tissues.


  • the place of occurrence of damage: in different anatomical zones, the skin has its own special characteristics of blood supply, thickness and structure of the fat layer; qualified actions of the doctor will allow you to perform a cosmetically flawless seam
  • the condition of the blood supply to the wound: the outcome of the correction is more favorable where there is sufficient blood supply (the area of ​​the face, head), the scar will heal more slowly in the area of ​​reduced blood circulation
  • the nature of the injury: after burns and lacerations, deformed scars remain, for incised wounds with well-matched edges, the prognosis is more favorable; timely surgical intervention will avoid the occurrence of rough keloid scars
  • the size of the wound surface: with extensive damage and a significant size of the scar, a favorable outcome of treatment is possible only with the intervention of an experienced plastic surgeon.

A little about scarification

Information about scars will be incomplete if we pass over in silence such a procedure as scarification or scarification - artificial application of decorative scars on the skin. For some, this newfangled direction of body art is a way to disguise existing scars, for others it is an attempt to give their appearance masculinity and brutality. Unfortunately, the thoughtless passion of young people for such procedures, as well as other artificial skin injuries (tattoos, piercings) leads to irreversible consequences. Fashion passes, but scars remain forever.