Since when did men have short haircuts? Types and names of men's haircuts

Men are interesting people. Many of them are not interested in their appearance and the least they can do is cut their hair once a month. Of course, there are exceptions among men, these are called metrosexuals, who very carefully monitor their appearance and fashion in general. But this category of men is rare and does not occur very often. Let's look at the average men who prefer to cut their hair and forget about it. We will talk about fashionable short men's haircuts that do not need styling.

How to choose the right short men's haircut?

For those who want to look their best, when choosing a hairstyle, it is better to take into account some tips that have been noticed by professional hairdressers for a long time. Usually these rules are associated with a certain face shape.

  1. For guys with a square shape, the presence of wide cheekbones and an angular chin is characteristic. Therefore, in this case, short-cropped sides will look beautiful, and the hair on the crown can be left longer.
  2. Those with an oval-shaped face are more fortunate. They suit different fashionable hairstyles. No matter how you cut your hair, you're always handsome.
  3. For chubby men, it is better not to cut your hair very short. It is better to leave the hair on top longer. So the face is visually stretched, which brings it closer to the ideal.
  4. For a triangular face shape, you can choose a haircut with a long bang that fits on its side.

However, it should be noted that not all men go for short haircuts. This exception includes happy owners of large ears, a disproportionate head shape, large birthmarks on the head, scars and other shortcomings. Therefore, the best option to hide the ugly is authentic.

Ultra short haircut

One of the trendy hairstyles today is an ultra-short haircut, which is done under a typewriter. The length of the hair for such a haircut is the same everywhere. She looks very masculine, no need to care and dry. This is what most men like about her.

In order to somehow diversify the image, many let out a two-day stubble, which looks very good with such a hairstyle.


Young and extravagant guys who want to stand out among the gray crowd can cut their hair like a mohawk. This is a short fashionable hairstyle, which is a small island of rather long hair, left right in the middle of the head. The hair on the sides is cut very short. So, if necessary, you only need to care for and fix with varnish an oblong island in the middle.


One of the popular haircuts that does not go out of fashion is the Canadian. This hairstyle looks good on straight and curly hair. To do it, you need to have hair of at least three centimeters. The temporal region is removed with a machine, and the crown remains a little longer.

Canadian is suitable for those who are tired of short men's haircuts and want something new. She looks quite neat and beautiful, which attracts most men. The main thing in this hairstyle is smooth transitions, nothing should stick out anywhere. She looks especially good on blond hair.

Boxing is a fairly common men's haircut. This is a hairstyle for self-confident and daring men. Despite the fact that it is very simple to perform, it is not suitable for everyone. The head for this haircut should be perfect: without scars, birthmarks and other imperfections. Otherwise, everyone around will be able to see it.

Understanding hairstyles, many begin to be interested in what is the difference between boxing and half-boxing. The answer is simple: the boxing haircut is cut shorter and the edging starts above the occiput. Otherwise, there is not much difference.


Haircut Tennis came to us from sports life. For the first time, it was male tennis players who began to cut their hair like this, who experienced not the most pleasant sensations, pouring sweat under the scorching sun. Then this haircut was adopted by the rest of the athletes.

The main advantage of this haircut is that it suits all men, regardless of age, hair color and face type. Also a good plus is the ease of installation. There are different variations of it, everyone will find their own.

Tennis has varieties: one of them is called "Hedgehog", the other "Beaver". Despite the fact that the names are very funny, the haircuts themselves look very serious.

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To date, the fashion trend presents a variety of fashionable hairstyles for men. It is worth noting that many men do not like to show off at the mirror for hours, as women do. However, any self-respecting man must look stylish, courageous and elegant. Therefore, you need to take a little care of your own appearance. Newfangled technology has advanced significantly. Therefore, creating new fashionable men's haircuts is very easy and simple.

Any modern and brutal men love to wear short hair. They believe that in this way they emphasize their strength and courage. After all, short hair is suitable for almost all men, especially young guys. Therefore, for those who do not like to stand out among others, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some options for men's hairstyles for short hair.

Many hairdressers attend master classes every day and improve new techniques to create a certain hairstyle. To create a beautiful hairstyle, you need to have certain skills. Everyone knows that a limited number of haircuts are provided for men. However, it is worth considering that fashion trends change over the years. Accordingly, stylists offer their clients more creative ideas.

To complement your stylish look, you need to choose the right men's hairstyle. In this case, it is better to listen to the advice of professionals. After all, they can create the right image. When creating a certain hairstyle, the shape of the face plays an important role. Each person should have their own taste and, accordingly, find their own style both in clothes and in hair.

The era of going to the hairdresser

Today, many men devote much more time to their appearance than, for example, a few years ago. Now every man, before going out, does hair styling. Some prefer to wear long, some short hair. Everything depends on your own discretion. The main thing is that the image is stylish and at the same time spectacular.

It is worth noting that many men like to be the center of attention. Therefore, today men's hairstyle has become a work of art. It is also important to know that even the most neat and stylish outfit can be spoiled by an incorrectly chosen male hairstyle. A man with unkempt hair does not look very pretty.

If earlier a trip to the hairdresser took no more than twenty minutes a month, now most men prefer to take good care of their hair. Accordingly, well-known manufacturers produce hair care cosmetics for men. To look perfect, you need to follow the current fashion trend. And now let's move on to the consideration of hairstyles for guys and men. Here are the best hairstyles of this season for you. Now you will find out which hairstyles are suitable for owners of round, triangular, square and rectangular faces.

Variety of men's hairstyles

To date, the variety of men's hairstyles just rolls over. Stylish and youthful haircuts for both short and long hair can be done at any hairdresser. Before choosing a certain hairstyle, it is necessary to take into account the structure of the hair, the shape of the face and, of course, the color of the skin. Of course, the whole image of any man depends on these factors. Before you visit a hairdresser, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some important nuances.

  • If you cut your hair short, you will not need special care in the future.
  • Owners of medium hair can acquire graduated strands, which in the future must be constantly styled.
  • Thinning is typical for thin hair. Some even have to cut the strands too short. However, those with a round face should refrain from cutting their hair too short.
  • Wavy, naughty and hard long hair is almost impossible to style, so it is better to do the Cascade hairstyle.
  • Owners of a triangular face should do careless styling.
  • But layered hairstyles can visually correct the face, especially for owners of a round face.

MEN'S HAIRCUTS | How to Choose the Perfect Men's Face Shape Haircut

Types of haircuts

This season, the best hairdressers offer youthful and stylish hairstyles with and without bangs. After all, any haircut is always in the attention of everyone around. Hair should be perfect for both women and men. Fashion trends change every time, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main trends of this season.

Long or medium hair is often chosen by the most daring and stylish men. After all, some guys really have an ambiguous attitude to hairstyles with long strands. Various stereotypes and prejudices prevent many men from unraveling long or medium strands. But it is worth remembering the knights in the Middle Ages, who wore long hair and fascinated women.

Men's hairstyles for long and medium hair can be done at any hairdresser. They are called: “Cascade”, “Ladder”, “Long bob”, etc. The main thing to consider is that long or medium hair should be well-groomed. In the worst case, the hairdresser will decide to cut your strands.

MEN'S HAIRCUTS ★ TOP 5 Stylish Men's Haircuts 2019

Hairstyle "Bob"

In the new season, it is customary to do a haircut called "Bob". Slightly elongated hair with small bangs will hang beautifully from the forehead. For example, when a “Half box with bangs” haircut is created, then in this case the strand falls from the side. Basically, this style is chosen by more restrained and courageous men. You can fix the bangs with any fixing agent for hair.

Shaved whiskey

Guys with shaved temples were considered fans of punk rock. Previously, it was customary to wear a hairstyle with shaved temples. However, today many stylish men choose this haircut with bangs for themselves. Gone are the days when men chose laconic and old-fashioned hairstyles. Now you can experiment with your appearance. With shaved temples, guys with curly hair, including long bangs, will not go unnoticed.

A man with shaved temples is already a real trend in the modern fashion trend. Accordingly, for each specific type, the hairdresser specifically selects the width of the shaved strip. It should also be noted that, basically, in creating hairstyles with shaved temples, the length of the strands is of great importance. Some hairstyles with shaved temples are done for both medium and long hair. A guy with shaved temples will be the most fashionable this season.

Haircut "Half box"

The hairstyle, which was called "Half-box", is too popular among guys and men of various age categories. At the same time, it is important to know that the “Polubox” spread back in the nineties. Timeless classic never goes out of style. Basically, the half-box haircut is chosen by athletes and guys with athletic bodies. "Half box" can make the owner of a round face.

"Half box" is cut for short hair. On average, the length of the strands is from five to eight centimeters. On the sides, the hair is often shaved shorter than on the back of the head and on the crown. Often "Half-box" is made with an elongated bang. When creating a “Half-box” hairstyle, special care will not be needed in the future. The technology offers to create "Half-box" hairstyles with various original patterns.

Haircut "under the machine"

In fact, many guys and men prefer to cut their hair exclusively with a clipper. Naturally, if you cut your strands short, then the hairstyle does not require any special care. Therefore, many men prefer to do their hair with a machine. Getting a car is not that hard. Thus, you can save extra money and no longer visit the hairdresser.

Any man can remove excess hair with a special machine at home. But before you get a machine to create a new hairstyle, you need to take into account your external data. Machine-shaven hair is not for everyone. For example, the owner of a round face should refrain from a hairstyle made by a typewriter. If you prefer to visit the hairdresser, then the new technology allows you to create original hairstyles using a machine. You can make patterned lines on your hair. That is, an experienced hairdresser can shave a certain pattern.

classic hairstyle

If your dress code does not allow you to experiment with your hair, then hairdressers suggest doing standard classic hairstyles with a parting. The classic haircut never goes out of fashion and allows you to look stylish, courageous and brutal. In this case, the length of the hair should not exceed four centimeters. Basically, hairstyles with a parting or with bangs are combed smoothly back. Owners of a round face should refuse smoothed hair.

Fashionable men's haircuts and styling 2015 (2 haircuts and 5 styling)

Men's short haircuts with bangs

There is also a more radical option that makes the usual short mens hairstyles trendy are haircuts with bangs. They are a good compromise between a man's reluctance to take care of his appearance and the desire to look stylish. Requiring very little effort to style, bangs make a lasting impression and provide plenty of opportunities to quickly change your look.

  • A good boy with bangs slicked to one side, a dude with a cook sticking up.

  • A solid man with slicked back hair.

  • Lovelace, throwing mysterious glances from under the strands falling over his face.

All these are metamorphoses of one bang.

In general, choosing mens hairstyles for short hair(you have already looked at the photo) and their styling options, you should be careful: not all haircuts are equally good for all types of appearance. You should not "bare" your head with a too short haircut for those who have it irregularly shaped or round. It is better to cover protruding ears with sufficiently long strands left at the crown. And large facial features can be visually hidden by bangs.

It turns out that short hair not only serves utilitarian purposes, but can also make a man attractive, stylish and even extravagant. Therefore, a short haircut does not at all throw its owner to the sidelines of fashion. On the contrary, having adopted the advice of stylists, a fashionista with a short haircut may well be at the forefront of it, pushing both long-haired machos and fans of creative haircuts.



The world of men's fashion is developing more and more rapidly and is catching up with women's fashion in terms of the number of trends and clothing collections per year. The same situation with trendy men's haircuts: new trends are quickly replacing the old ones, stylists are experimenting with different variations of men's haircuts and styling. Namely, a haircut is one of the key elements of a stylish and modern image of a successful man. So we bring to your attention the main fashion trends in men's haircuts for 2016 with photo examples.

How to choose the right trendy haircut

When choosing a fashionable men's haircut, you should be guided by several criteria:

1. Lifestyle and occupation: if you are a person of a creative profession, then experimenting with a hairstyle can only be a plus for you, you can afford long hair or extravagant styling. If you are trying to create the impression of a business person, your activities are related to business, finance and management, then short haircuts are best for you.

2. Individual features of appearance: this includes the shape of the face and head, features of the structure of the hair (thin, hard, curly). If you turn to a good stylist, he will help to take into account all your features when choosing a fashionable haircut.

In addition, when choosing a suitable men's haircut, it is important to remember that:

1. Short haircuts are always easier to maintain.

2. Medium hair length, asymmetrical haircuts, graduation require a certain amount of styling time

3. Long hair and beards require careful daily maintenance.

Measure the amount of effort that you have to spend on a haircut, the amount of your free time for hair care and forward to choosing the right fashionable men's haircut 2016!

Fashionable short men's haircuts 2016

The shorter the hair, the easier it is to care for, but also the less the number of styling that can be done on such hair. Nevertheless, short haircuts for men are still a classic of the genre that never goes out of style.

There are many types of short men's haircuts. In hairdressing, there are many subtleties and features that divide haircuts into types and subspecies. But we will not dive into the details so deeply and consider only the main trends.

"Hedgehog", "boxing" and "half-boxing"- these fashionable men's haircuts for short hair do not lose their relevance because of the simplicity and practicality of such a hairstyle. The minimum hair length with such a haircut in 2016 should not be less than 1 cm. The number of possible styling with such a haircut does not differ in variety, but it will not take much time to spend on a hairstyle.

Fashionable short men's haircuts photo


Another fashionable men's haircut 2016 for short hair is the so-called "Canadian". The haircut owes its name to Canadian hockey players who came to compete in the USSR. It was then that many men began to repeat such a haircut, trying to imitate successful athletes. And today the "Canadian" is on the list of the most fashionable short men's haircuts. Its essence is simple: whiskey and occipital part is cut short, on the forehead and crown the hair is left longer.Moreover, the transition from short to long hair should be smooth, without sharp noticeable borders.This is best seen in the photo examples below.

side parting

Side parted short hair is a classic men's hairstyle. The fashion for them came to us from the 60s, but since then the haircut has not lost its relevance at all. Side parting is well suited for respectable men, businessmen and leaders.

Fashionable men's haircuts 2016 for medium hair

It is the average hair length that is the most fashionable in 2016, or rather, the combination of short hair and medium length hair in one haircut. All haircuts for medium length hair are model men's haircuts and, by and large, differ only in minor nuances. Haircuts for medium hair have much more styling options than short haircuts.


In fact, this is a variant of a fashionable male haircut with shaved temples. At the same time, the bangs and hair on the parietal part of the head remain long. Such a haircut has a lot of styling options: bangs can be combed back, laid on its side or give it volume and structure with the help of styling products. One of the styling options for this haircut is the mohawk.


A haircut with such a big name owes its popularity to Elvis Presley. It was he who first appeared on stage with a magnificently styled mop of hair. Since then, the haircut has undergone changes, but its essence remains the same: the bangs and hair on the parietal part of the head should be much longer than on the temples and the back of the head. The hair on the temples can either be cut short or simply combed back smoothly, the temples are not shaved here as with an undercut haircut. The bangs should be laid quite luxuriantly, often combed back.

Fashionable men's haircuts 2016 for long hair

Long hair has long ceased to be a sign of subcultures and has taken its rightful place in the lists of fashionable men's hairstyles. Long hair always requires more maintenance than short hair, but it might be worth it. Today, natural-looking hair that is about shoulder length is in fashion, they should not be very noticeable styling products and, in general, styling should not be conspicuous. Natural disheveledness is good, but it will look decent only on well-groomed hair. In the matter of long hair, the important point is always how to style it. Stylists suggest paying attention to the bun - a fashionable men's hairstyle for long hair. She has a lot of pluses: the hair is removed, and it doesn’t take much time, and she looks good. Often long hair is combined with a beard, but we will talk about this in a separate paragraph.

Fashion haircut + beard

So, you are a happy owner of a well-groomed beard or, in the wake of fashion trends, you decided to become such an owner. Remember that the beard itself requires a lot of time and effort to care for it. But if you are ready for this, then it remains to choose the right fashionable men's haircut for her. The choice of haircuts here is quite diverse and it all depends on your appearance and personal preferences. Often, medium-length hair or long haircuts are combined with a beard. Of the haircuts listed above, "Canadian", "undercut" and "pompadour" are well suited to a beard.

Hello, let's look a little into the future, or rather next year, because 2018 brings a huge number of the latest trends in men's haircuts, combining fashionable style and updated classics. Fashionable men's haircut in 2018 will undergo some changes compared to the outgoing 2017. What was well forgotten old is back in fashion and vice versa. There are men's hairstyles that are essentially modified styles of the past, such as "Crop", hairstyles in the style of "Caesar" but with a longer line. As well as classic styles updated in the Pomp style.

Stylish men's haircuts for 2018 combine shaved heads with long hair, a short bob with buns, neat crops and mohawks. For all types and types of hair, any length and structure. Anything, for thin and thick hair, straight and curly, curly.

This photo collection has collected 45 of the coolest fashionable men's hairstyles (with names) for real men for all seasons.

1. Laying on the side

Many of the classic men's haircuts of 2017 are getting longer and more liberated in 2018. This voluminous part of the hairstyle, combed to the side with a little fringing, demonstrates this trend.

2. Half box

A half-box is a trendy, youthful men's haircut. For many guys, a half-box hairstyle is the best choice. Long hair left at the top can sometimes be styled back, combed to the side, or styled in the form of lush bangs, in the style of a pompadour. This hairstyle fits for short hair.

In 2017, half-box hairstyles with a mohawk were gaining popularity, and in 2018 they will also be in an uptrend. This stylish shaved side cut is suitable for hair types from straight to very curly and looks great in a variety of styles, both slicked back and casually tousled.

This low top hairstyle is versatile and can be played with in a variety of ways, including creating trendy spikes that are on trend lately.

Side styling, another hairstyle gaining popularity. The shaved sides and structured style make this look even better.

6. "Crop" with torn bangs

Strict "crop" is a favorite hairstyle of the male part of the population in 2017 and it will be popular in 2018. Most often, this hairstyle has strict and even edges, in this version the lines are softer, thanks to uneven bangs.

This cool short men's haircut with straight bangs was very popular in 2017 and will remain so in 2018. Straight bangs are cut in places, creating an uneven, jagged edge.

This new style combines dreadlocks short enough to stand straight up, the middle part cut short, and the pattern shaved at the temples on one side.

Shaved temples and the back of the head are a great addition to curly hair hairstyles for men. Short hair does not require special care, and the upper part can be styled as the situation and mood require.

In 2018, back styling will still have its own development, but with small changes, this is the lack of shine and the addition of texture. This is a stylish men's haircut for medium hair. With wavy hair, all you need is a styling product. These 2017 fashion trends are guaranteed to stay in style in 2018.

The photo shows another half-box, but not simple, but with pompadour-style volume. The pompadour is another classic men's haircut that will remain in trend in 2018. One of its varieties is a semi-box with pomp elements, stylized and structured.

Hair lengthening trends have also affected thick black hair. This short afro is reminiscent of a boxer hairstyle with a modern twist.

In 2017, layered hairstyles were in trend. This technique results in a more casual style. This bold look features neat edging with a tousled midsection for a casual and flawless look. In 2018, this hairstyle will also remain popular with men.

Crop brought back into fashion the classic Caesar haircut with shaved temples and an elongated top. This haircut is made under the machine with different nozzles.

Another reinvented classic is the forward bouffant that rips off facial features, the hair is styled diagonally and horizontally. Stylish men's haircuts side-laying has been an uptrend for several seasons in a row.

Some of the hairstyles we saw in 2017 tend towards longer hair, blending a smooth transition from short hair to longer hair that looks like it was barely touched by scissors. In 2018, a model men's haircut with similar transitions will be in an uptrend.

17. Medium length hairstyles with side parting

Another example of a cone hairstyle is in the form of the main part of the hair combed to the side, keeping their average length.

18. Medium Length Casual Hair

The increase in the number of haircuts in 2017 on long chin-length hair will continue into the next 2018. This length allows you to style your hair in different ways, giving the hairstyle a modern and trendy style.

19. Casual hairstyles for short hair

This classic, trendy, short men's haircut opens the sides and has a smooth transition to the bangs, which finally completes the casualness of this style.

Such a raised, even hairline suits almost all men and is easy to style.

21. Wild mohawk

With a wide streak of elongated hair, this mohawk has the option of styling in a pompadour style.

At the end of 2017, the Mohawk is found everywhere, respectively, in 2018, these styles will remain in fashion. This hairstyle with an elongated top part is coolly stylized as a hawk, the hair can be styled in various ways horizontally and diagonally, combining different styles.

Mohawk is really good for highly curly and curly hair that has natural volume. It can be worn with curls, dreadlocks or wavy styling.

Strict hairstyle and style allows you to look in style with the most fashionable trends. This style is elegant and looks flawless in any situation.

25. Rounded back of the head

The rounded neck line looks equally tidy, but this version will require more frequent visits to the hairdresser due to the softer piping.

26. Halfbox and Pomp

A highly shaved nape and partial texture add a fresh take on a classic pump.

27. Purple hair dye

One of the most daring trends of 2018 is bright hair color. The coloring can be as bold as you like, the hair can be dyed whole and in stripes.

28. Negligence

With tousled strands, this messy hairstyle creates the effect of a fresh, cool breeze on a daytime beach.

29. Curly hair + clear lines + shaved head and temples

This stylish hairstyle combines clean lines and a shaved nape that brings out the curls.

30. Curly Afro and an elongated nape line

This haircut is similar to the previous one but has longer and denser curls and an understated nape line.

31. Strongly shaved whiskey, nape and bangs

The spiky texture ends with a vertical top at the forehead.

Short hair doesn't have to be boring. Shaved temples disappear and the V-shaped neckline draws attention to itself.

33. Haircut "Crop" from thick hair

The layered hat and shaved sides make this hairstyle a great choice for those with thick hair. Styling makes hair easier despite the fact that there are a lot of them.

34. Platinum Splendor

This high styling requires special care, but this is not the main thing. You will need a styling product and a hair dryer.

35. Shaggy waves

This stylish medium length hairstyle is a cool combo from indie rapper, schoolboy to British pop star. This hairstyle can be worn for several months until the next visit to the hairdresser.

36. Bun and beard

This fashionable men's bun gives masculinity that's why it looks so good. It goes well with a thick beard, mustache, sideburns and clear borders on the cheeks.

37. High temples and curls in the form of a sponge

An elongated version of high, tight curls adds height and texture.

38. Pomp and side separation

The shaved side section creates an asymmetrical profile to accentuate the curvaceousness.

39. Bun and shaved temples

Shaved temples and the back of the head create a sharp transition between long hair pulled back into a bun and a refined beard.

40. Haircut for wavy hair

Such a stylish haircut is good not only for straight hair. This new style is shaped well to accentuate wavy hair.

41. Short hairstyle for curly hair

A similar haircut for curly hair, not very short length gives shape and volume to the hair.

This trendy short haircut features a tousled top and a zig-zag design at the temples.

43. Curly hair and a high-shaven nape

This stylish high top section leaves the hair loose and bouncy to complete the look.

44. Hairstyle with a strong shaving of the sides

A high fashionable comb goes into a heavily shaved part of the head.

45. Fashionable haircut for thick hair

A winning combination of crisp edges and style, this daring approach combines close-shaven sides and thick hair flowing in a natural curve. All this flows and moves.

Fashionable men's haircuts from this photo collection will help you decide on your style in the outgoing 2017, and will also help you stay in trend in 2018.

It would not be superfluous to watch a video on how professionals cut popular trendy haircuts:

For those who have not been able to find a suitable option for themselves, we recommend visiting ours, which contains only the best haircuts from the world of sports, celebrities and simply beautiful and modern haircuts for every taste.