Biggest hips: Mikel Ruffin

Many women around the world have disproportionately shaped hips and buttocks, either too big or flat. It is known that a body with symmetrical hips, chest and a thin waist is considered ideal. This type of figure is called an hourglass.

What to do if you don't? With breasts, everything is more difficult, but you can try to shape the hips and buttocks of a beautiful shape. If you try, of course.

Lush hips: degree of sexuality

A vivid criterion of a woman's sexuality is the hips. The standards of female beauty change periodically, but beautiful buttocks and thighs always attract attention and arouse interest or envy. World fashion dictates to us that tall and thin girls with long legs are the standard of beauty.

However, the male half of humanity has their own opinions on this issue. Small, toned buttocks are of interest to some, but not to others, although they look attractive. Girls with a small booty should have a very thin waist and small breasts. to be considered beautiful. But, as statistics show, the owners of narrow hips do not have a designated thin waist. And judging by the results of studies of male opinion, ladies with a pronounced waist and moderately wide hips are considered more sexy.

Psychology and facts

Psychology explains the interest of men in women with wide hips by the fact that such a woman is perceived as mature in a sexual sense. Girls with a flat body are more like a child and therefore not very attractive to men. At least, they do not cause a sharp attraction or excitement.

Of course, you shouldn't generalize. Opinions, like situations, are different and it is impossible to judge unambiguously. However, despite the fact that a man does not think about children when he is excited, subconsciously when choosing a lady, instinct is triggered: a woman with wide hips is more capable of bearing and giving birth to children than a girl with narrow hips. In addition, rounded hips and buttocks are associated in men with femininity and sexuality.

Assessing a woman, a man takes a look at the whole silhouette: how harmoniously wide hips look with a waist and chest. The expressiveness and harmony of forms attract the eye. However, in the office, it is easier for men to work with thin women, since they do not cause a sharp attraction and, accordingly, do not distract from the work process.

The instinctive choice of men is also confirmed by statistical facts. Numerous studies among the male population of different countries, professions and ages show that 75% of all respondents prefer ladies with big hips and booty, but without cellulite or excess fat. 11% of men like long-legged skinny women. Exactly the same percentage of men believe that the splendor of the hips and buttocks is not the main thing, they just have to be in harmony with the whole figure as a whole, and it is desirable to be without "ears". 3% of the male population does not consider the hips as sexual stimuli at all and declare that female sexuality depends on looseness and character.

As mentioned above, life situations are different, like men, so your big hips or narrow ones, in general, are not so important. The main thing is that they are taut and elastic. And this alone makes them attractive and sexy.

We make the hips and buttocks beautiful

To begin with, let's define this. If you have a flat butt and narrow hips, and want to round them out, you only need exercise and nutrition. A if you are the owner of big hips and priests and want to tighten them, get rid of excess weight and cellulite, then a little different. Although, as practice shows, this is a rather problematic area and you should not expect quick results.

But again, situations are different. The main thing is to act correctly and not give up training. For some, the results appear after a month of classes, for others after three, and for someone only after six months. And one moment. It is impossible to completely change the figure with the help of exercises.. Only adjust to certain limits. Therefore, you should not harbor illusions, it is better to accept yourself as you are and take a sober approach to what can be corrected.


As you know, excess weight in women is primarily deposited on the abdomen, buttocks and hips. Therefore, if you decide to improve this area, start with nutrition. This is a hackneyed topic, but the fact remains. If you eat fast food, fatty, fried foods, convenience foods, canned food, sooner or later it will all “come out” on your buttocks. So just give it up. Or don't abuse it.

Exercises for the thighs and buttocks

On the contrary, eat nuts, cheese, fish, eggs, fruits and fresh vegetables, salads from them without mayonnaise. Plenty of recipes on the web. You feed your body with minerals, vitamins and speed up your metabolism. From sweets, you can dark chocolate in small quantities, honey, pollen.

Remember about the diet: at the same time, little by little, chewing food well. Don't eat before bed and don't skip breakfast.

Cosmetic care

If we want to have beautiful buttocks and thighs, they must definitely be without cellulite. Therefore, if this problem exists, urgent action must be taken. Do an anti-cellulite massage yourself or visit a specialist. Let's not forget that this type of massage has limitations and must be carried out according to the rules. Otherwise, you can harm or get the opposite result. If you decide to do it yourself, choose an effective tool for this.

In addition to massage, they effectively affect cellulite and wraps with special products: mud, creams, masks, clay. This also allows you to have a beneficial effect on the skin, restoring its tone.

And, of course, special anti-cellulite lotions, scrubs, creams, zone massage during water procedures.

Physical exercise

This is the main item in the list of products that form a beautiful butt and hips. It is impossible to achieve results without physical exercises. It would be best sign up for a gym and train with an experienced trainer. Which would suggest you a diet, and exercises would be selected for your problem, and would control the process. But it's up to you to decide. It is worth knowing that exercises for this zone are also useful in that you strengthen the pelvic floor, affect your pelvic organs, maintaining their tone and health.

As already mentioned, some exercises will help to round off, pump up the ass. But if you need to reduce volumes, then slightly different loads should be chosen. Below are general strengthening exercises that are suitable in both cases for practicing at home.

  • Start with a warm up

Before the main exercises, it is always worth doing a warm-up. Running in place, swinging legs, jumping rope are best suited for this.

  • Doing squats

This is the foundation of the basics. To begin with, you should squat with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head, back straight. The knees do not protrude beyond the toes. Squat down slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Start with 10 times. A more complex version includes legs wide apart and socks turned in different directions. We do the rest as in the first version 10 times. We do both squat options one after the other. This trains the inner and outer thighs and pelvic floor.

  • Do lunges and swing legs to the side

Lunges alternately train the back of the thighs. We do it slowly, we change legs. Do 20 reps in total. To, while swinging your legs do not lose your balance stand against the wall. Raise your left leg to the side so that it is parallel to the floor, lower it, but do not touch the floor. Repeat 10 times. The same for the other leg.

  • Lying exercises

To quickly strengthen the inner thigh, lie down on the floor on your back. Bend your knees, feet on the floor, hold a tight ball between your knees. Squeeze the ball as hard as possible, hold, then release. Repeat 20 times.

Following quite a difficult exercise, but effective. Lie on your stomach, chin rests on the floor. Place your arms along your body, palms down, legs straight. Raise your legs a little and spread them in different directions as much as possible, without touching the floor, keeping them on weight. Also, without touching the floor, bring them back together. Repeat 10 times.

And remember, if you put in the effort, you will get results.

Created on 05/18/2016

For us, women, the question of masking figure flaws is often acute. Most of us have some problem areas - massive hips, fat on the sides, a large belly, small or too large breasts, and so on.

First of all, you need to learn to love your body and dress properly.

Let's talk about how clothes can make big hips look smaller and balance them with the rest of the body.

What will be discussed applies not only to women with massive hips that look like a clear lack of figure, but also to everyone else. Indeed, in some outfits, the hips become much wider and more voluminous than they really are, and sometimes they simply lose their shape. So, even appetizing feminine curves, hips are big, but slender, you can spoil and look strange.

Typical mistakes that girls and women with large hips make

1. Bright or light bottom.

Light expands, bright attracts attention. Stick to darker colors like black, dark grey, deep maroon, navy blue, chocolate, dark green.

But that doesn't mean you can't wear light-colored skirts or trousers at all. It can be pastel and beige colors combined with a lighter top. If you want a light bottom, then it should be solid and not blurry. And be sure to follow the tips below.

A simple rule for wide hips: the bottom should always be darker than the top.

If you have big hips, don't wear bulky, shapeless skirts. The skirt should sit quite tight. You will have to give up mini-skirts / dresses, especially those that fit you like a sausage. The hem should end below the ankle (maxi) or just above/below the knee.

Tulip skirts, skirts with inverted pleats will not look very good. A-line skirts and dresses that hug the waist and veil the buttocks and hips at their widest point are the best choice. A pencil skirt might work for you.

The best replacement for a skirt with large hips is trousers. Many women with large hips are embarrassed to wear trousers, believing that they look even larger in them. But this is not true. Pants with wide hips should be worn, but they must be with arrows. Pants that are tapered to the bottom will not fit. Your option is loose trousers with a straight cut, or flared from the hip.

However, if the hips are only slightly larger, if the legs are slender, then you can afford jeggings or skinny in dark colors. Stay away from heavily worn and torn jeans, as these details draw attention to wide hips.

Full length trousers and jeans are preferred. But if you want to wear cropped models (meaning a length just above the ankle), you need to take into account your height, leg length and what you combine them with. But breeches (knee-length or slightly below the knee) and capris (length to mid-calf) will not suit you.

Don't wear low-rise pants/jeans that will make your sides pop out, especially if you're short and have short legs.

Striped pants (non-contrasting vertical stripe) will make your wide hips look smaller.

If you choose a wide bottom and if the top is the same in width, it will visually make you look even bigger. So in no case do not choose wide blouses if you have too wide hips - they will make the figure rectangular.

The length of the top also matters a lot. For most, a length a few inches below the waist is best. The top can be longer (for example, a cardigan below the middle of the thigh in combination with dark trousers), here you need to evaluate how you look. Most importantly, the top should cover the widest part of the hips and in no case end on this line.

If you still chose a light bottom, then the top should focus on the cut or details. It can also be done with a necklace or earrings.

If the bottom is dark, then the top can be chosen in bright colors. And if they are the same color, then this will lengthen your silhouette.

The open shoulders and V-neck always balance the hips. The same effect will be given by frills, ruffles, voluminous and interestingly shaped sleeves, fur collars.

2. Bright and / or large floral print.

If you want to use any floral prints, wear them on top to draw attention away from your hips and onto your top.

3. The texture of the fabric - lurex, lycra, glitter.

The shiny texture visually expands the hips, focusing attention on them, deprives the silhouette of a clear structure - it becomes shapeless.

If you want to use shiny bright textures, use them only in the upper part, but not in the whole image. Accentuate the bodice, shoulders or belt. If the belt shines and a highlight lies in the center, then this visually narrows the waist.

4. Too much decor on the bottom.

The presence of pockets, contrasting elements, bows, ruffles - all this only makes the hips heavier. Especially in combination with a laconic top.

Doll dresses with a rich decorated bottom will not work. But if you don't have very large hips, but just a slight disproportion to this zone, you can sometimes use this technique to make your legs slimmer.

5. Too bulky clothes.

Many women who are trying to hide their hips choose completely shapeless huge things. At the same time, the volume of the hips, due to this, only increases. Yes, light, flowing fabrics make the silhouette more elegant, but this rule works if the top is tightly fitted, preferably with a slanting drapery, in order to shape the waist. In this case, the light bottom really looks lighter. But if this is an Athena silhouette dress, that is, gathered under the bust, an overly voluminous bottom will turn you into a woman on a teapot.

But you need to understand the measure. Clothing should be fitted, slightly tight, but not too tight.

Emphasize your strengths: no matter how shortcomings you may have, in any case, there will be one or two advantages. That is, if you have large hips, then in contrast with them, the waist probably looks more advantageous. Choose dresses in the style of the 60s - emphasizing the waist and having a looser bottom. Moreover, such a silhouette is always in fashion.

Many girls with a large bottom choose completely loose jeans / trousers-skirt. In such jeans and trousers, the hips will appear even larger. To make the hips look neater, as mentioned above, wear jeans/trousers that are flared from the hip and fit snugly at the top. If at the same time there is an arrow, a slightly exaggerated flare below the knee - this balances the thigh and makes the leg neater and slimmer, especially when combined with a heel. Do not confuse! Trousers and jeans that are tightly fitting the buttocks and hips, and strongly flared from the knee, will not work. Moreover, this style shortens the leg.

The true weapon of women with lush hips is shoes with heels. The heel elongates the silhouette, adds height and makes the foot more prominent. But you need to be careful. If you have very large hips, a very thin heel will look unreliable. Choose more stable forms of heels, wedges.

If you have full calves, short legs, don't wear contrasting shoes that end above the ankle bone or mid-calf, or shoes with wide ankle straps - they will shorten your legs and add width. Shoes with thick small heels with a square toe should be abandoned altogether, as well as massive soles.

A bright contrast scarf will balance the bottom and make the figure more proportional.

The bag that you use in your image is also a bright contrast. In order to balance the figure, carry the bag on an outstretched arm.

Choose thin straps and wear them at the waist (the belt should fit freely around the figure, and not pull it). Wide hip straps will make them bulkier. But a wide belt above the waist, under the bust, will form a silhouette and divert attention from wide hips.

In the end, let's turn to the most popular owner of wide hips - Kim Kardashian, and give an example of her outfits, which we did NOT recommend for a massive lower body.

Below are examples in which Kim's figure looks more harmonious.

With a height of 166 centimeters, American Mikel Ruffin, who has a degree in psychology, at 39 years old has the widest hips in the world. According to the latest measurements, their circumference reaches 2.4 meters and continues to increase. The weight of the record holder is 190 kilograms, but this fact does not bother her at all, moreover, according to Mikel, every man is ready to take any steps in order to achieve her location.

A resident of Los Angeles does not consider it necessary to fight overweight, she simply does not consider it superfluous: “ I love my figure, I have no health problems, so I don't see any reason to go on a diet. Men do not like thin girls, their hearts gravitate towards hourglass shapes.

With all this, Mikel's figure cannot be called disproportionate, since her waist has a diameter of "only" one meter and is located where it should be, slightly above the level of the diaphragm. In general, the appearance of a woman is really something like an hourglass with a feminine upper part and an impressive lower part. This circumstance inspires the current husband of the record holder, Reggie Brooks, who just turned 40 years old. Every day, during all 10 years of marriage, a loving husband reminds Mikel of his ardent love and, according to him, the main reason for this love is his wife's voluminous hips.

It is clear that Ruffin's appearance was not always the same, in her youth her weight was 56 kilograms. She was a harmoniously developed girl, but the birds were still somewhat too big, heredity apparently had an effect. Mikel's first marriage took place when she was 21 years old, and a year later she gave birth to her first child, Andrew, who is already 19. It was then that a stable weight gain began, which increased from 70 kilograms to 100. After a meeting with her current husband, and in the next 10 years, Mikel gave birth to three more children. The youngest of them, Justy, is now 7, Autumn is two years older (9), Destiny is 13. During this period, her weight has increased to the current value, respectively, the hips have also become wider.

The record holder of the Guinness Book of Records believes that the main reason for the growth of the sirloin was her pregnancy: “I think it's because of the pregnancy. I don't know how much more I'll get better because I eat a lot. Yes, there is such a sin". Mikel does not suffer from lack of appetite, her daily minimum requirement is 3000 calories. At first, she tried to fight weight gain and even used a milk diet for this, but soon realized the futility of these attempts. But soon a solution was found: When I got older, I learned to love my body and now I'm not afraid to show it". And the current 3,000 calories are not a big problem for her: “ 3000 calories sounds like something fatal, like a lot. In fact, everything is individual. I can eat for breakfast two eggs with sausage and bacon and a handful of potatoes. I eat fried fish and French fries for lunch, but dinner is my biggest meal! Mikel says. - I like chicken with rice or mashed potatoes. I also love peanuts and chips.».

The impressive hips of the record holder contributed to an increase not only in her self-esteem, but also in the size of her bank account. After all, reputable magazines and Internet sites, in particular Big Beautiful, they only pay her $1,000 for one shoot. By the way, domestic owners of magnificent forms can also get on the covers of fashion magazines, for this it is enough to buy these clothes in large sizes in Moscow and walk along the street.

But every medal has a downside, and Mikel's wide hips are also sometimes inconvenient. This applies to driving in passenger cars, and she has to overcome some doorways sideways. At home, it is somewhat simpler, but here too Mikel has her own metal chair, and the bed is reinforced with special brackets. There are also problems with clothing: I have two seamstresses who design my clothes. Although I can easily find clothes for my upper half, below the waist is a problem. In truth, I do not want to get better anymore, but I also do not want to lose weight. I look great. I hope to inspire other women with my looks so that they think: “If she is happy with her body, then I can be doubly happy with mine!". Mikel can serve as an example for all women of how a possible physical handicap can become a source of positivity.

As you know, the types of female figures are different. The owner of the most feminine type of "pear" is often worried about the problem, whose name is wide hips. We will tell you how to dress properly so as not to complex about this. Wide hips can be your highlight.

Wide hips - is it a problem?

Did you know that in many countries such a physique is highly valued? In addition, when a man looks at a girl with wide hips, the same pleasure zones in his brain turn on as when drinking alcohol. If this does not calm you down, then you need to correct the wide hips with the help of clothes.

Clothing and wardrobe for a girl with wide hips

Pants for wide hips

Wide trousers are truly a salvation for a woman with wide hips. They, if they do not displace skirts, then gradually become on a par with them. Pants are not only comfortable to wear, but like no other thing, hide the excessive fullness of the hips. And the figure is given harmony and smartness. How to choose them correctly?

Preference should be given to trousers with wide legs. The waist line is understated, there should be no pockets on the sides. High-waisted tights should be avoided. Numerous details on the back and small pockets are undesirable.

Skirts for wide hips

The choice of this part of the women's wardrobe for girls who have wide hips should be taken most carefully. The wrong length, color and texture of the skirt can easily spoil the look. The style of the skirt for wide hips should be discreet. The best silhouette is in the form of the letter "A". Any length, preferably up to the knee.

It should be a simple fabric, dark or soft color, soft drapery. Keep in mind that vertical stitching or a pleat on the skirt will lengthen the silhouette and make the figure visually slimmer. You need to wear such a skirt with classic shoes, without backs, with low heels. It is worth avoiding models cut along an oblique, narrowed down, with patch pockets, horizontal lines, pleating.

Dresses for wide hips

The right dress can completely transform a woman. It is worth choosing a model with an emphasis on the chest, a narrowed waist and extended downwards. Details at the top of the dress will draw attention away from wide hips. For formal occasions, long dresses are suitable. It is better to refuse models with folds, assemblies, details at the waist, buttocks and hips.

Coat for wide hips

The coat is a very functional thing. Some women even have several for one season. A coat bought wisely will not only last a long time, but also hide figure flaws.

If you have wide hips, the best model would be a three-quarter length coat, extended downwards. Like the skirt, it should be in the shape of the letter "A". Large shawl collars and lapels balance the figure. They visually increase the chest and shoulders. The fullness of the hips becomes less noticeable.

  1. The jacket should be slightly below the waist line or elongated.
  2. Choose a dress for the summer with a dark bottom and a light top. Thus, attention will switch to the top of the figure.
  3. Styles with decoration on the hips are taboo! They visually expand this area even more.
  4. The material of the trousers should not wrinkle and form creases.
  5. Blouses and tunics should be taken with vertical decorative elements. They slim the wide hips.

Remember! A dark shade always visually narrows the hip line. An elegant blouse is always only with a U-shaped neckline. Preferably light models with flounces, voluminous details and a large ruffle. When buying a dress with a sleeve, it should be 3/4 long. The top can be decorated with a large brooch.

You can divert attention from the wide line of the hips using scarves, capes, shawls.

Stars such as Scarlett Johansson and Sofia Vergara have brought the hourglass back into fashion. Yes, a thin waist is important, but in order to achieve this look, you need to increase the size of the hips. If you want to be the owner of wide hips, here are a few steps to help you get the desired shape.


Change your physique

    Do hip exercises. Side leg raises, hip raises, and leg kicks should be part of your training regimen. The most important exercise for increasing the hips is the lunge to the side with dumbbells. This is a more difficult version of the traditional lunge that creates more resistance, thereby promoting more muscle growth and hip size.

    Take up yoga. There are many poses that open up the hips. Yoga will help you strengthen your muscles and improve flexibility, which is essential for other exercises. The frog, dove, lizard, cow face poses are the poses you should familiarize yourself with.

    Sit on your ass. You can expand your hips (and your butt) just by sitting. According to a study published in the journal Cell physiology, researchers have determined that pressure on the buttocks and thighs from excessive sitting can lead to an increase in fat in these areas. Cells react to the environment. As one scientist explained, fat cells that are under the influence of prolonged sitting "produce more triglycerides (the most common form of fat that the body stores), and do it faster."

    Give birth. Women's hips expand to help the baby come into the world. In some cases, over time, they return to their pre-pregnancy size, while in other cases, wider hips become a permanent part of the woman's appearance.

    Consider surgery. If you want to go under the knife to look like Kim Kardashian, there are procedures that you should familiarize yourself with. With liposuction, fat can be removed from various parts of the body and placed in the thighs. Or you can get hip implants, which are cuts of silicone that are placed under the skin and tissue to give you a fuller curve.

  1. Wait. It turns out that with age, the hips become wider. Studies have shown that the cause of the increase in the volume of the hips is not always excess weight in the aging process, but an increase in the size of the pelvis. In a study with participants aged 20 to 79 years, researchers found that pelvic width, hip spacing, and femur diameter increase with age, and that older people's pelvises are on average 2.5 cm wider than younger people.

    Use the art of illusion

    1. Wear thigh pads. You don't actually need to widen your hips to make them look fuller and more feminine.

      • Buy panties that increase your hips. You can buy lingerie that comes with removable foam pads that add inches to a woman's hips.
      • Use silicone pads to create the effect of full thighs. Try fixing the pads with the adhesive side, or tuck them into heavy microfiber underwear, stockings, or pantyhose.
        • Remember - probably, with a new, more "dense" figure, it will not be possible to fit into your favorite jeans, so it's worth doing some shopping.
    2. Revisit your wardrobe. You can use dresses to accentuate your hips and give the illusion of more fullness.

      • Focus on the waist in all outfits. Use belts and girdles to define your waist. This will give your figure an hourglass look.
      • Pay attention to cut and color. Bleached denim and light-colored trousers accentuate the hips. Choose jeans with a defined waistline to accentuate your waist, or opt for a straight cut. Choose items with front pockets and small back pockets.
      • Buy skirts with ruffles or layers of fabric to make your hips look wider.
    3. Change your posture. Straighten your back, lower your shoulders down and back, transfer your body weight to one leg, hips apart. You just gave your body an S-curve. Place your hands on your hips, pointing your thumbs forward and moving the rest of your fingers back.

      • To create an S-bend when you are sitting, simply cross your legs or put your weight on one hip.
    4. Rock your hips. Rocking your hips while walking draws attention to this area and gives a feminine charm that always attracts masculine attention. Keep your back straight and roll your shoulders down and back. Relax your body. Put one foot in front of the second while walking, do not swing your arms - everything should be natural. You can deliberately wiggle your hips as you walk, but don't overdo it. If you overdo it, it will look comical.

      • To enhance the effect, wear shoes. Thanks to heels, your hips will sway without your participation.
    • Eat plenty of protein and phytoestrogens found in soy, flax seeds, and tofu. Estrogen helps to shrink the waist and increase breast size.
    • There are several other exercises for the thighs. Change exercises so that the same workout does not have time to bore you.
    • Be persistent.
    • Use heavier dumbbells to build muscle (5 or 7 kilos for most women).
    • Squat as much as possible and don't wear pants that are tight around your hips.
    • Wear cropped tops and blouses (not necessarily crop tops, just shorter blouses) paired with leggings to flatter your hips.
    • Do not worry and be upset if the result is not immediately visible. It takes time and effort to see results.