The controversial question: a private garden or a public one? Kindergarten - private or public? What is better private kindergarten or state

A kindergarten is an institution of preschool education for children from 3 to 6 years old, which was created for development, education and socialization. Toddlers are divided into groups depending on age, thanks to which they learn, play and attend cultural and entertainment events with their peers.

Sooner or later, all parents are faced with the problem of how to choose a kindergarten.

Unlike the times of the USSR, now there are not only state institutions - more and more private companies are opening.

The best kindergarten should be chosen not only by reviews on the Internet, but also by very specific recommendations, which will be discussed later.

Where to begin

Choosing a kindergarten should begin with a study of the institutions located in the area. You should not choose a kindergarten located far away: you will have to go there by car or public transport, which is often very inconvenient. It is desirable that the road to the place does not take more than 20 minutes.

Of course, you should not choose a kindergarten, guided solely by its location. It is also important that professional educators work in it, and comfortable conditions are created for the child, a sufficient number of educational and recreational activities are provided.

To learn more about the kindergarten, you should get to know the people who work there. Be sure to look at the condition of the premises, find out how classes and circles are held, get acquainted with the menu and the cost of training. If the institution holds an open day, it is advisable to visit it.

Age to visit

Children can be sent to kindergarten from 3 years old: at this age, the baby becomes more independent, he needs more communication for socialization, he can feel comfortable outside the home.

Some psychologists advise sending a child to a kindergarten at the age of four, because by this age the kids acquire the skills of independent dressing, they know how to use the toilet and eat without the help of adults. They can also cope with minor problems - combing their hair, blowing their nose, wiping their mouths. At the age of four, the baby will be interested in creative activities, educational games and sports and recreational activities.

Many parents cannot afford to stay at home with their child until the age of four, but the reasons why it is worth sending the baby to kindergarten early are not only this.

A kid of three and younger is much easier to persuade to change the situation, and the older he gets, the more difficult it is for him to be outside the house, and not in his own room with familiar toys.

In addition, children after three years are good at manipulating their parents, screaming and crying, trying to convince them that it is better at home. Therefore, you need to start introducing the child to the team early: this will help him become more independent, and you will free up time for work and your own affairs.

Garden Benefits

In the garden, they study part of the school curriculum, which is necessary for the first grade. Of course, all this knowledge can be obtained at home, but it is better to combine home education with developmental activities in an institution where the child is studying in a team. This will help not only the assimilation of knowledge, but also the best socialization of the baby.

Some parents are afraid that the child is not independent enough to visit the garden. This is one of the worst things that can be done for children in general: they tend to get used to constant supervision and later expect such treatment from all the people around them. This negatively affects adult life, so you should teach the baby all the basic skills and send him to kindergarten, where he will learn everything else on his own and with the help of educators.

One of the most common fears of young families is the endless illnesses of the child from the moment they start attending kindergarten. Unfortunately, these fears are fully justified: the baby's immunity takes a long time to adapt to new conditions, and infectious diseases are a common problem.

You need to understand that without this visit to the kindergarten is impossible. Sooner or later, the child will get sick with the flu or a cold anyway - trying to hide him from all the risks is useless and illogical, because resistance is formed only during the fight against pathogens. Another plus of early visits to the kindergarten in terms of illnesses are various diseases that are best tolerated in childhood, for example, chickenpox.

Obviously, attending a kindergarten has many positive aspects, it will help the child:

  • acquire the necessary communication skills,
  • become more independent
  • strengthen immunity.

Early socialization of the child is very important for further comfortable stay in society.

Types of kindergartens

Another question that arises when it is necessary to send a child to a preschool institution: private or public?

As a rule, there are practically no places in budget kindergartens, so parents increasingly prefer small companies.

It would seem that for such a price, the child should be provided with all the conditions: an individual approach, quality food, games and entertainment, but non-state companies also have certain disadvantages. So, what is the difference between a private kindergarten and a public one, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of both options?

In such an institution, the size of the groups is larger than in a private one. Since there can be more than ten children in a group, the maximum attention is not paid to the child - the teacher simply does not have time to do it.

Education, entertainment and menus are quite standard, and the condition of the premises is not always ideal: from time to time you have to donate money for repairs. The same can be said about the condition of the toys - they are not bought into public gardens so often, so the child is unlikely to play with new dolls or cars.


In private kindergartens, the group size does not exceed 6-8 people. Due to the huge competition in this area, each institution is trying to provide the best conditions for the child: much attention is paid to the selection of educators, scheduling classes and developing menus. There are even thematic private kindergartens, for example, with an English bias. Each child in a private institution is treated individually, so that all babies receive a lot of attention and care.

Which kindergarten to choose

When he grows up in conditions of excessive guardianship from adults, educators and staff, as is done in some private kindergartens, it is more difficult for him to adapt to society in the future. Of course, not in all institutions the situation develops in this way, but it is quite common, so it is worth knowing about it.

When recommending to young parents how to choose a private kindergarten, they are definitely advised to communicate with the staff and find out what approach to raising children they practice.

In a public kindergarten, a child is often forced to independently seek entertainment and learn to communicate with peers. So he becomes more independent, learns to interact with other people and learn about the world around him through his own experience, but at the same time he is not protected enough.

Ultimately, the choice of a preschool institution remains only with the parents, and it must be approached very responsibly: a lot depends on how this period will pass in the child's life.

How to understand the diversity of preschool educational institutions? What educational programs are used and the conditions of stay. How to choose the right kindergarten?

Part I

● What you need to know before you start choosing a kindergarten

In recent years, the system of preschool education has undergone great changes.

If earlier absolutely all institutions were considered kindergartens and worked with children according to one general “Kindergarten Education and Training Program”, now the stories of two neighbors in the playground about a kindergarten can differ like heaven and earth.

And in order for your child to be among those who go to kindergarten, as for a holiday, you must take care to choose the best and most suitable for him.

It rarely happens that an urban family can afford a luxury home raising a child before school.

As a rule, if not one and a half, then three years after the birth, the mother goes to work. It remains to make a decision - who will be with the baby during her absence, will give him love, teach him and develop him comprehensively.

There are usually three options: a grandmother, a nanny and a kindergarten, while most parents resort to the last social service.

Classification of kindergartens by direction - what are they

Kindergarten- the most common type of state preschool educational institution. In him supervision, care and rehabilitation, education and upbringing of children are provided.

  • general developmental type;
  • child development centers;
  • compensation garden;
  • combined type kindergarten;
  • health-improving kindergarten
  • kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation;

There are four types of kindergartens according to their affiliation and forms of management.

  • municipal,
  • departmental,
  • private (commercial)
  • home (family).

Depending on the type kindergarten the training program will vary, and the number of children in the group, and the quality of food and toys, and even in many respects the psychological atmosphere.

Municipal kindergartens

The most popular type of kindergarten.

It has a small monthly payment and works strictly according to the developed educational methods.

A lot of them depend on the manager or director - under equal conditions, some kindergartens are known throughout the district, and parents try to get in line there for several years.

In the state kindergarten, there is a “general education program”, walks, physical education, modeling, drawing and music, etc.

Some of them provide paid additional services that you have the right to refuse, even if all the other parents in the group want to use them.

Advantages of the municipal kindergarten:

  • little cost. It is established by law and amounts to 150 rubles per month. There are categories of beneficiaries, for example, single mothers, mothers of many children, widows, etc.
  • proximity to home. In addition to the fact that doctors do not recommend taking the baby to the kindergarten if the journey takes more than 20 minutes, in the nearby kindergarten child there will be an opportunity to make friends with whom he can spend his free time and on weekends.

Cons of a municipal kindergarten:

  • Too many groups. 25-30 people for a state kindergarten is not uncommon. As a result, for example, reading or writing still has to be taught at home, the teacher does not have time to explain incomprehensible moments to such a number of wards.
  • low quality of care and supervision, uniformity in classes. There is no question of an individual approach to each child. This is also partly due to the problem of "overcrowding".
  • lack of any delicacies in the diet. If the child refuses to eat any meals, he will have to remain hungry until the next meal.

Departmental kindergartens

They are not directly controlled by the Department of Education, their programs and procedures are determined by the enterprises and organizations in whose department the kindergarten. Such kindergartens are more expensive, but children of employees of the enterprise are given discounts. There are few departmental gardens now, and their number is declining.

Advantages of a departmental kindergarten:

  • a relatively small (compared to the municipal) number of children in the group,
  • better conditions for children (again compared to municipal kindergartens),
  • thoughtful menu.

Cons of a departmental garden:

  • rather high payment (up to several thousand),
  • sometimes there are difficulties with the enrollment of children "from outside".

Private kindergartens

An ideal option in the absence of financial difficulties.

They work, as a rule, until 20-00 or 21-00, or around the clock.

Private kindergartens have a very intensive and rich development program. As a rule, they are well provided with games and toys, visual aids; children can be taken for a walk to the nearest forest park zone.

Control over the work of non-state preschool educational institutions is carried out with the help of licensing, accreditation, program certification And certification of teachers.

License(from Latin licentia "right") - permission for the right, or the right to perform certain actions, which can be certified (confirmed) by a document of the same name.

Certification(lat. certum - true + lat. facere - do) - a form of confirmation of compliance of objects with the requirements of technical regulations, the provisions of standards, carried out by the certification body.

Certification- confirmation of qualifications, the level of knowledge and skills of a person - a review, a characteristic. Result attestations The document is called a certificate.

Advantages of a private kindergarten:

  • a small number of children in the group - about 10-12 people, the child receives enough attention
  • children adapt more easily to kindergarten
  • varied and delicious food, the ability to please every kid, an individual approach to children, which makes it possible to maximize their abilities. Several educators work in each group, speech therapists, psychologists, pediatricians, subject teachers monitor the development of children.
  • parents have the right to influence the educational process - for example, through boards of trustees. In particular, they can inspect the kitchen, demand a financial report, even attend classes.
  • many private kindergartens work on the system "kindergarten - school".

The only disadvantage of a private kindergarten is its cost.

Home kindergarten (family kindergarten)

One of the types of private kindergarten.

It is usually kept by a married couple in your apartment, or founders rent a room, in which they equip the bedroom and the game room.

They invite a teacher, a nanny and a cook, for older children - teachers of a foreign language, music, drawing.

Benefits of home daycare

  • maximum care and attention, no injuries, conditions close to home, to the life of a large family,
  • a small number of children - 3-5 people,
  • individual approach to nutrition.

Cons of home daycare

  • very high pay
  • possible problems associated with lack of equipment or premises.

The rules for choosing a kindergarten are the same as in the previous case.

According to the level of education, preschool educational institutions (DOE) are divided into categories:

The category of preschool educational institutions is assigned in accordance with the level of implementation of the educational program of preschool education, that is, how well this preschool educational institution works (versatilely, qualitatively, efficiently, etc.).

I category- this is the Child Development Center, that is, a preschool educational institution that implements an educational program in accordance with the requirements that exceed the state educational standard (mandatory minimum) in all areas of its activity.

The largest group of kindergartens is a preschool educational institution of the II category:

General developmental type;
- compensatory type (special, i.e. for children with speech, vision, hearing impairments, intellectual development, with cerebral palsy);
- supervision and rehabilitation (for children with poor health);
- combined type (there are general developmental, compensatory and recreational groups)

Everything good has to be paid for. It's okay when everything is really good.

Continued on page 2.

The question of choosing the best preschool for a child worries many parents. It is important that the child is treated well, and he would like to go there. Fortunately, in today's realities, parents whose financial situation allows it have a choice - a private or public garden.

What are the main advantages of private kindergartens in Moscow compared to ordinary ones?

Groups of 10-15 people

This is the optimal number of children for one teacher in order to give due attention to everyone. There are 2 or even 3 times more kids in state gardens, and this affects the quality of their upbringing.

High-quality material base

Toys, methodical material, furniture, repairs, multimedia equipment, playground equipment of the private kindergarten "Scarlet Sails" - all this is modern and in excellent condition. Ordinary gardens are often very limited in scope and conditions are much worse.

The ability to see everything with your own eyes

In most paid kindergartens in the North-East Administrative District, parents are given access to video surveillance and the opportunity to be present during the day. In state institutions, all information can be obtained only from the lips of the educator.

Author's courses and programs

The innovative program of classes in the best private kindergartens in Moscow includes additional developing special courses: English, choreography, sports sections, music classes. In ordinary kindergartens - a standard set of disciplines approved by the Ministry of Education.

Availability of extended day groups

Private gardens operate longer than public gardens. The teachers of the kindergarten "Scarlet Sails" work from 8-00 to 19-00. There is a group of a shortened day, where the child can stay until 13-00 hours. Also, parents can leave the baby for the night or for a day.

The menu of private gardens is more balanced and of high quality

Parents can express their wishes, which will be taken into account. State institutions are limited in funding, so the food in them is often lame: the presence of semi-finished products, sausages, pickles and other unhealthy products is typical.

Nutrition in the "Scarlet Sails" kindergarten is distinguished by the maximum variety of diet using a wide range of fresh products and the absence of semi-finished products and preservatives.

No queues

It is easy to get into an inexpensive private kindergarten, and there is no need to wait in line for your child for years.

More trained teaching staff

In a private kindergarten, a young and energetic team, with fresh knowledge, enthusiasm and material interest in each child. In addition, educators are regularly trained in additional courses, which contributes to their development. In state kindergartens, teachers of the old Soviet school are often observed, working on a pension and difficult to move from their place.

Of course, visiting the private kindergarten "Scarlet Sails" is a paid pleasure, but the listed advantages justify the prices. Here you need to proceed from the material possibilities of a particular family. In addition, in fairness, it is worth noting that a lot in a preschool institution is determined by the personality of the teacher. Therefore, all parents are strongly recommended to personally communicate with the teacher, make sure that he loves this work and children, and that he can be trusted with the baby.

But if the child likes the teacher and the team, and he wants to go to the garden, then this is the key to the success of his development!

Childhood is when everything is amazing and nothing is surprising.
A. Rivarol

Your baby is growing rapidly, and now he is already a year and a half old - it's time for kindergarten, and for you to work. Where to determine your baby - to a nanny or to a kindergarten? If kindergarten, which one: private or public?

Let's talk about this with me, an experienced teacher of a private kindergarten. Back in 1991, when our state departmental kindergarten was closed, I went to work in a private kindergarten-elementary school "Thumbelina" and I worked in the system of private kindergartens until the end of 2010, so I am familiar firsthand with each of these gardens - private and public.

Consider the pros and cons of each of them.

Choosing a state kindergarten

If you got registered with the district executive committee for the queue for kindergarten almost on the day the child was born, then there will be no problems. You will receive a ticket to the place of residence at the moment ... when the child turns 3 years old. If you didn’t have time, then don’t blame me: you will receive the coveted ticket somewhere by the age of 5 years of the child.

I will not scare you with the number of children in line for kindergarten in each city. Everything is very individual, there are few kindergartens - they closed in the 90s, but they have not yet had time to open and repair the kindergartens. Your “one-year-old” will be taken to kindergarten only for special reasons, and for the rest of the parents, go for a ticket later.

The child will go to kindergarten and will often get sick. And why? Yes, the number of children in the group is under 30, there is only one teacher, and the nanny often sits on sick leave with her child. How to walk with the kids, how to conduct classes when one teacher is working - it is completely incomprehensible. There should be a second teacher, then classes will be held according to the program of this kindergarten. The educator works on sheer enthusiasm, and not for such a meager salary, which you can’t call a salary ... so handouts from the state.

There is a plus: the senior teacher checks the long-term plan and classes in each group. And the nurse controls the sanitary condition of each group, takes food samples in the kitchen in the morning, this is a great advantage. But they will feed the children 3 times a day, and you must pick up the child from the kindergarten before 18.00, you will no longer find evening and round-the-clock kindergartens.

There are various teachers, there are music workers, a physical education teacher, a drawing teacher in every kindergarten, and psychologists and speech therapists have long been reduced. It has become much better with security: there is a security guard, the doors of each group are closed - these are all pluses of the kindergarten. If you want preparation for school, English, drawing or a swimming pool, then put money out of your pocket and also into the kindergarten fund, for repairs, for a security guard. On the other hand, all parents can afford a monthly fee for the maintenance of a child, and there are benefits if a mother brings 2-3 babies to the kindergarten. The state kindergarten is always located not far from home, sometimes the gardens are closed for repairs in the summer, but most of the children are distributed to other kindergartens.

If you choose a private kindergarten

Now you can find private kindergartens in every area of ​​the city. In a private kindergarten, you can give from the very toddler age. You can leave the child until 19.30. Each group has 2 educators and a nanny, classes are conducted by specialist teachers: a speech therapist, a choreographer, a psychologist, an English (German) teacher, an art teacher, a school preparation teacher, children are taken to the pool, matinees are organized. A foreign language is taught at the choice of parents. Foreign language is required. I myself saw how children at the age of 5-6 put on skits in English.

Each such kindergarten has various modern educational programs: copyright, the program of M. A. Vasilyeva, Maria Montesorri, "Happy Childhood", "Kindergarten-2100", etc. Some of the programs develop the personality in many different ways, some pay more attention to the development of aesthetic qualities, some mental abilities for the best preparation for school. There are also those who aim to teach the child to feel like a part of the world around him, which means to be able to find a common language with other children, communicate, and achieve their goals.

4-(5) times a day, fruits, juices, herbal cocktails are required. Your child will sleep in a crib, not on a cot as in the public garden. When you choose a kindergarten, you look not only at the price, but whether there are playgrounds, various aids and toys, and whether there is security. True, all this well-being at the expense of parents. Of course, the big minus is the price, it is high, many can not afford it. But you can find a private kindergarten cheaper. Daily walks and usually not 1 time, but 2 or 3 times - in the morning, before daytime sleep and in the evening. Contact with parents is much closer: joint holidays are held with children and parents, parent meetings, there is a parent committee, as in the state.

There are few children in the group (up to 15) and the safety of protecting the health of the child is at the highest level. These are all the advantages of a private kindergarten. What struck me when working in a private kindergarten was the style of communication with children. This style is not authoritarian, they see a personality in a child and communicate with him as with a small, but already a person. In a private kindergarten, there is also control over education, a permanent nurse, and a pediatrician comes once a week. But: when choosing a kindergarten, be guided not by brochures and prospectuses, but by the opinions of parents whose children have already attended this kindergarten and the location of such a kindergarten to your home. Make the right choice, and the kindergarten is waiting for your kids!

If earlier parents had no doubts about where to send a preschooler, now they have some choice. You can send your child to a state kindergarten, and to a private preschool institution. How do they differ from each other? In favor of what to make your choice?

Often, moms and dads have to be content with commercial establishments only for the reason that there are simply no free places in state gardens. But many parents consciously make a choice in favor of private traders. Why? One of the main advantages is that very small groups are formed. And this means that each pupil has enough attention, communication, affection, care of the employees of the institution. Each child will always be under the supervision of a teacher. Yes, and during developmental activities, children will be given more time. In addition, in private institutions, as a rule, children are better fed and kept in more comfortable conditions. This is what parents value the most. But for all this pleasure you have to pay. And you have to spend a lot of money. Therefore, not every willing parent can afford to send a child to a paid kindergarten.

Public kindergartens also have a number of advantages. Usually these establishments are located in close proximity to the house. A child will never be distributed to a garden located on the other side of the city. And for many working parents, this fact is very important, since it is not always convenient to follow the baby in the opposite direction from home. Do not be skeptical about public preschools. A good gardener is sure to recruit excellent staff. The same sincere and competent people work with children, as in private institutions. But they do it not for the sake of money, but out of vocation and their kindness. Of course, kindergarten will not be free anyway. You will have to pay for the maintenance of the child, and field events, and voluntary contributions. But the amount of payments will still be an order of magnitude lower than the one that will be taken from parents in private kindergartens. This is one of the main advantages of the state kindergarten.

Which is better: a commercial institution or a state one?

There can be no single answer. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to monitor children's institutions, talk with parents and teaching staff, and look at everything with your own eyes. Only then will your baby be in good hands.