Methods of using neodymium magnets. The principle of action of varnish. How to use magnetic varnish: application diagram

A woman’s manicure should be impeccable, as should her reflection in the mirror, as well as her figure, hair, skin... Not a single detail should remain unkempt and it will be even better if individual details begin to attract additional attention. Nails are another way to make an important accent and emphasize individuality. How about creating a simple design on your nails without a needle, brush or other tools? What we have voiced will help you make a simple but unique accent and attract attention. magnetic nail polish instructions, which we will talk about a little later.

Magnetic nail polish is another fashion trend in the beauty industry. Working with magnetic varnish is very, very simple, you just need to buy a bottle of this miracle product and a special magnet.

The principle of operation of magnetic varnish is extremely simple, you just need to remember your physics lesson in the 7th grade, and everything will immediately become clear to you. The magnetic particles contained in this varnish are attracted in a certain direction under the influence of a magnet. Depending on the magnet chosen, a woman can get an interesting pattern on her claws such as an asterisk, arc, spiral, stripes, etc.

The very attractive thing is that magnetic varnish is quite cheap. In stores, fashionistas can get it for even 100-150 rubles. If you haven't paid attention to it before, now is the time to do so.

Magnetic nail polish comes in a ton of colors, giving you plenty of choice. In the store window you can find varnish in rich iridescent shades: green, blue, crimson, burgundy, brown, gray, etc.

The pattern you will create on your nail plates depends on the magnet you choose. If you get tired of wearing a design, you can not bring the magnet and enjoy the beautiful color of your nails, shimmering in the light. If you use a strip-shaped magnet, you can experiment with your nails, creating a new design each time. It is enough just to bring the magnet with different sides to the nail.

We, women, create fashion, which means that we absolutely don’t care what experts dictate, because we can listen to them and do the opposite. It should be noted that the following colors have already turned out to be the most popular shades of this year:

  • Olive
  • Golden
  • Crystal blue
  • Steel
  • Lilac
  • Berry burgundy.

What types of magnets are there?

A special magnet or magnetic plate will help you create a design when using magnetic nail polish. You can buy magnets complete with varnish or separately. The most common patterns are: stripes, stars, arcs and waves. Take the time to study the range of magnets presented in online stores; perhaps you will find something for yourself, because there you can buy entire sets at very affordable prices. In the set you can find magnets in the shape of various crosses, rays, hearts and various variations with stripes.

To become the owner of a “magnetic” manicure with an extraordinary effect, you need to do the following:

  • Perform a traditional manicure (shape, file, remove rough skin, and work on cuticles)
  • Degrease the surface of the nail plate using a special liquid or a tiny drop of nail polish remover without acetone. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to work on each nail separately!
  • Apply base coat. Wait until it dries. It is necessary to use a base, as it protects the nail from harmful substances that are contained in any nail polish.
  • Cover your nail (only one!) with magnetic polish and immediately, without waiting for the polish to dry, hold the magnetic form to it. You need to keep the magnet as close to your nail as possible. If you lower the magnet too low and ruin the finish, you can re-touch the nail after removing any remaining polish with nail remover. You need to hold the magnet over the nail plate for 10-15 seconds. The same manipulations should be carried out with the remaining marigolds.
  • If you wish, after waiting for the varnish to dry completely, you can use a varnish fixer.

Is magnetic polish suitable for pedicure procedures?

Magnetic nail polish can be used for both manicure and pedicure procedures. If you want to create beautiful designs on your nails, you need to carry out the same steps that you did on your fingernails.

How to properly store magnetic varnish?

Do not forget that the bottle of varnish must be kept tightly closed and preferably stored in a dark place. In addition, please note that the nail polish magnet must be placed separately so that the nail polish does not lose its magnetic properties.

What are the difficulties when applying magnetic varnish?

The main difficulty lies in the inexperience of the person performing the procedure. Many fashionistas are not the first to fantasize about each nail, moving the magnet further and closer from the nail plate. As a result, the pattern turns out uneven, different on each nail. In addition, difficulties arise for those with convex nails. Since the varnish is distributed unevenly, it is much more difficult to obtain the desired pattern on the claws.

Well, here's another fashionable thing to take note of. Experiment with your nails and create beautiful designs, and you will definitely attract attention!

The effect of the magnetic field on the environment and the human body cannot be ignored. Therefore, over the long period of mankind’s acquaintance with the properties of magnets, our ancestors tried on themselves amazing properties for the treatment of an endless number of diseases.

Today, due to the emergence of a significant amount of research on the healing properties of metals with magnetic properties, and due to the widespread use of home magnetotherapy devices, the effects of a magnetic field on the human body have been well studied. And although official medicine refuses to recognize magnetotherapy as a treatment, the use of magnets as a folk remedy is quite justified.

It is believed that magnets can treat various types of injuries:

  • bruises
  • cuts;
  • fractures;
  • ligament ruptures, etc.

Magnetic therapy also helps to avoid too active scarring due to skin injuries, normalize blood pressure, tone the body, help with problems in the genitourinary area, diseases of the ENT organs, joint pathologies, etc.

The beneficial effects of a magnetic field are achieved by placing magnets in certain areas of the human body where active points are located through which the influence of the field quickly spreads.

  • wrists;
  • groin area.

Magnets also work outside these points, but their effect is not so pronounced, since large vessels are located in the three listed zones, which means that the “charged” blood quickly disperses throughout the body.

Magnetic therapy: from history

The history of human acquaintance with the healing properties of magnets goes back more than one thousand years. The ancients took crushed magnetic powders internally in the hope that the miracle stone would “weaken” the stomach; they applied them to sore spots, hoping to get rid of pain and bleeding, swelling and even madness; they sprinkled crushed stone-magnet to enemies as poison.

For the first time, mentions of the influence of “magnetic stones” and their properties on humans are found in Ancient Chinese sources. Asians believed that magnets normalize the flow of vital energy. Wearing a magnet, as a way to strengthen your immunity, get recharged from a magnetic source and tone yourself, was also practiced in Ancient Egypt. Cleopatra herself wore jewelry with magnetic inserts, and the healers of Ancient Greece believed that magnets were a vital necessity in military campaigns, since they helped wounded soldiers recover faster.

Interest in healing magnets continued to grow in the Middle Ages, when the electromagnetic radiation of the planet was discovered. Western kings were treated with magnets for arthritis, and, for example, Indian customs required that a sick person be laid with his head to the north so that his position coincided with the magnetic field of the planet. Paracelsus also mentions magnets, noting in his works that wounds heal more intensively when treated in combination with magnetotherapy.

Magnetic therapy developed primarily where there were no professional doctors, but even where there were doctors, the magnetic field was recommended to patients as an additional, home therapy to the main treatment. Thus, in the USA, traveling salesmen sold insoles, jewelry, bandages, belts and bracelets with magnets.

True, in the space age, Europe and America, unlike the East, where magnetotherapy is officially recognized, almost forgot about magnets due to the active development of pharmaceuticals. But in the Asian part of the world, many people still believe in the power of magnets and in the fact that whether a boy or a girl is born depends on the direction in which the heads of the spouses are directed during conception. To this day, in Tibetan schools, magnetic strips are applied to the neck and head for better learning. And in Korea, needles are charged with magnets before reflexology sessions.

By the 21st century, magnetic therapy has moved from being a random aid to the category of scientifically proven treatments.

The therapeutic effect of a magnet is due to the fact that the magnetic field can impart certain properties to the blood within our circulatory system. The magnetic field is safe for people. It, bypassing all the integuments, as well as body tissues and bones, affects physiological fluids, in particular blood, which supplies all organs and tissues of the body with oxygen and nutrients.

  1. Magnets improve blood circulation and vascular condition. Iron contained in human blood interacts with the magnetic field. The blood is ionized and begins to circulate more efficiently through the vessels, dispersing stagnation. Thanks to a complete blood supply, the condition of the nervous system, joints, and bones improves.
  2. Secondary magnet currents help reduce pain.
  3. Another result of the magnetic effect on iron-containing red blood cells is the normalization of intracellular polarity, disturbed by all kinds of diseases and mutations.
  4. The magnet activates the enzyme systems of the body.
  5. Charged metal helps to quickly rid the body of toxins and activate its regenerative powers.
  6. The sedative and anti-inflammatory effects of the electric field have also been proven.

Unlike other methods of physiotherapy, working with the human body using magnetic therapy excludes external interventions that are different from human nature. That is, a magnet is a natural method of influence that gently stimulates the intensity of blood circulation. The procedures do not involve any complex equipment, are cheap, and free of any risk.

Natural and artificially created magnets are used for treatment. The latter can be sources of constant magnetic radiation of varying strengths or activated using electricity. Electromagnets work when current passes through them. At home, this type of magnetic therapy is used in portable devices. The operating principle of a magnet does not depend on its type (permanent or electric).

Polar magnet poles treat various diseases:

  • “+” helps against swelling and inflammatory processes;
  • “–” from bacterial infection.

Using the influence of a magnetic field on the blood, you can effortlessly solve problems in your body such as: improving the condition of the body as a whole; relieving chronic pain; increasing immunity; increase in vitality; intensification of peripheral blood circulation; treatment of depression, etc.

Rules for magnetic treatment

You cannot treat with a regular household magnet. Only specialized medical products, used strictly according to the instructions and on the advice of a doctor, have a positive effect.

  1. You cannot conduct a session on an empty stomach.
  2. Alcohol and caffeine are prohibited during magnetic therapy.
  3. It is better to perform the procedure at the same time.
  4. Do not use the magnet at elevated temperatures or pressure surges.

Magnetic “charging” for the body is carried out up to 4 times a day, the duration of each session should not exceed 20 minutes.

What to treat with a magnet?

  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • migraine;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hypertension 1-2 degrees;
  • IHD accompanied by angina pectoris;
  • hypotension and post-infarction cardiosclerosis;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system and PNS;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • mechanical injury to the spine;
  • disruptions in spinal circulation;
  • polyneuropathy of various origins;
  • neuroses or neurasthenia;
  • depression, insomnia and seasonal nervous diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of peripheral vessels;
  • 1,2,3 stages of atherosclerotic changes;
  • chronic lymphovenous insufficiency;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • ODA diseases;
  • arthrosis and arthritis of various origins;
  • a variety of mechanical injuries;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases (except those that require hormonal treatment);
  • disturbances in the functioning and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies and diseases of the ENT organs;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the genitourinary system (painful menstruation, decreased potency, early menopause, etc.);
  • dermatological problems;
  • weeping wounds, bedsores, dermatological problems such as eczema, as well as frostbite or burns;
  • postoperative conditions during the rehabilitation period;
  • adhesions of various origins;
  • low immune status.

When is a magnet contraindicated?

There are a number of diseases and conditions of the body in which magnets cannot be used for medicinal purposes, so as not to aggravate the patient’s situation. Contraindications are absolutely specific and all of them are related to the fact that people suffering from these diseases are contraindicated for changes in the circulatory system that magnetic therapy can create. Magnetic therapy and:

  • whether the patient has a pacemaker;
  • increased bleeding, a tendency to hemophilia and this disease itself;
  • tuberculosis in the active phase;
  • pregnancy;
  • terminal conditions;
  • age up to one and a half years;
  • pronounced somatic pathologies;
  • period within 3 weeks after heart attack and stroke;
  • respiratory or heart failure;
  • fever with high temperatures;
  • mental illness;
  • individual intolerance to magnet components.

For children under 18 years of age, only local magnetic exposure is indicated.

Magnet Application Points

  1. Wrist

The wrist is an active point on the human body. This view is shared by both Asian and Western medicine. For example, the Chinese judge a person’s vitality by the condition of the wrist. It’s easy to attach a magnet here, say, by wearing it as a bracelet. The proximity of the vessels and the simplicity of magnetic therapy using a bracelet make this method of home treatment with magnets the most popular.

Sellers of bracelets estimate that about 14,000,0000 bracelets with magnetic properties are sold around the world every year. This method of combating rheumatic or headaches, arthritis and motion sickness is used by pensioners, athletes and even children. The magnetic bracelet corrects the functioning of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and supports the body’s defenses during acclimatization or intoxication.

Neck jewelry made of active metals, therapeutic collars, belts or corsets supporting the spine with magnetic elements are very popular among those who are concerned about osteochondrosis, lordosis, joint diseases, bone problems, etc. The second category of people who choose to wear a magnet on their neck are patients with bronchopulmonary pathologies. Jewelry is also worn on the neck for gynecological diseases, dermatitis of the upper half of the body and high blood pressure. Sometimes the magnet is simply hung on a long string so that it hangs under clothing to the solar plexus area or to the abdomen.

  1. Overlays “for sore spots”

Manufacturers produce underwear with magnetic strips or plates sewn into it, which fit snugly exactly where it is needed. There are ready-made knee pads, elbow pads, corsets, panties, and masks to solve a variety of problems.

The mats are intended for those who want to be treated for insomnia, neuroses and other misfortunes without leaving the sofa or their workplace. There are special mats-discs for placing on their carafe with water that needs to be magnetized. It is believed that rugs can reduce geopathogenicity around them. The magnetic disk is used for taking a bath, the duration of which should be no more than 15 minutes. A bath helps with the primary symptoms of acute respiratory infections, since magnetized water is a natural antiseptic. You can douche with it, gargle, apply to affected skin, or drink.

Devices treat everything. In the devices, magnets are positioned in a certain way: a low-frequency field is created that improves lymph and blood flow. Devices with magnets are effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis, since its cause is impaired nutrition and blood circulation in the spinal disc, and a magnet eliminates these problems.

Comfortable fit for those who travel or lead an active life.

Home remedies for magnet treatment

  1. For lumbago, myositis, osteochondrosis, pain in the lower back and behind the sternum, acute respiratory infections, changes in atmospheric pressure, headaches, apply a magnetic field source to the sore spot. Stroke and move clockwise, up to 20 minutes, 3 times a day.
  2. If there is a sudden change in atmospheric pressure, a magnet is passed through the carotid artery until the discomfort stops.
  3. To prevent caries, teeth are magnetized for 2 hours on each side.
  4. The nasal and frontal sinuses need to be “charged” during a runny nose, sinusitis and ARVI.
  5. For sore throat and throat diseases, move the magnet from top to bottom for 20 minutes a day until the pain stops.
  6. For pain in the eyes, a magnetic mask according to the standard 20-minute scheme will help.
  7. In case of arrhythmia, the magnet should be worn near the heart for 24 hours, with a break of 3 days.
  8. To intensify blood circulation, stroke your feet with a magnet until they turn red.
  9. For bruises, you need to rub the bruises with a magnet.
  10. For prevention, you can completely “charge” yourself with a magnet, passing it over the entire surface of the body from top to bottom.
  11. Magnetized water is used externally and internally, there are no volume restrictions.
  12. Magnetic therapy can be combined with herbal medicine. Healing herbal infusions work more effectively when used simultaneously with magnetotherapy.

Video - The influence and use of magnets on the human body

The trend for magnetic designs in manicure began three years ago, but turned out to be short-lived.

The 3D effects turned out to be shallow, the polishes refused to stay on the nails for more than two days, and there was no desire to tinker with a magnet over each nail.

The trend has gone, but the dream remains. “Cat's eye” as a nail decor opened up excellent prospects: the depth of design, its unusualness, brightness and iridescence.

To the delight of the masters, manufacturers continued to develop the theme of unusual designs and were soon able to offer professionals a special gel polish for cat eye manicure. More precisely, a rich palette of shades of compositions with metallic micropowder.

The decor has new prospects! What's good gel polish for magnetic manicure, and why didn’t a new trend turn take place?

Magnetic gel varnishes delight with a noticeably expanded selection of shades, inviting you to experiment with combinations - contrasts and additions.

The latest trends in nail design suggest not limiting yourself to just the magnetic coating itself, as was the case at the time of its appearance.

Nail design with gel polish Cat's eye does not exclude the use of other nail decors, which expands the range of ideas in manicure - lace patterns and monograms, drawings and even modern designs with clear lines and lunar manicure.

The range of magnets has also undergone changes. You can create complex patterns using special plates, blades, “non-native” magnets, as well as a special pen.

Space design, ombre, monograms, lines, corners - these are not all the solutions available for magnetic design.

Magnetize correctly: how to make a cat's eye with gel polish

The most important thing in magnetic manicure is the process. The correct technique is fraught with many secrets that practitioners are very reluctant to reveal.

Secrets of magnetic manicure with gel polish

After completing the preliminary work and applying the main layers - primer, base, gel polish as a color base - you can begin to create magnetic patterns. What do you need to know?

  1. The magnet only works on liquid varnish. During the polymerization process, metal dust is rigidly fixed, and it is almost impossible to change the pattern. The time under the lamp is standard: under UV – 2-3 minutes, under LED – 30-60 seconds.
  2. One layer is enough. The second is needed to create the depth of a 3D effect or complex patterned design.
  3. The magnet should be kept at a distance of 3-5 mm from the surface of the nail plate.
  4. The pattern formation time is 5-10 seconds. There is no point in waiting 1-2 minutes to get a brighter decor.


This is basic information, and now some practical advice:

  • The best magnetic patterns are created on dark substrates, so as the first layer it is better to use gel polish in rich colors - black, dark blue, cherry.
  • The work should be carried out sequentially on each nail and immediately bake the finished design.
  • The matte top gives a cat eye manicure an exceptional look. The lack of gloss does not spoil the 3D effect, but makes it more interesting and expressive.
  • The speed of the magnet depends on the reaction of the gel polish. If the pattern is formed quickly, then the magnet must be moved in the same way. For “slow” varnishes, a sedate decoration mode is recommended.
  • Any mistake can be easily corrected before polymerization. To do this, you just need to move the magnet from the wrong position to the right one. The gel polish particles will move on their own.

How to hold the cat eye gel polish magnet determines the type of design you want:

  • perpendicular to the surface of the nail - the pattern will spread out to the edges;
  • parallel to the nail plate - a bright, slightly blurred line will appear;
  • at the edge of the nail or base - an ombre effect will be created.

By experimenting with the position and inclination of the blade, you can create original and effective decors. But if you want to achieve exclusivity in nail art, you will need to master a magnetic pen.

Magnetic gel polish pen- This is both a special tool for manicure and a children's assistant for drawing on a magnetic board. Accessories give the same effect, so you can use any of the options.

Main advantages of the pen:

  • thin tip - for complex patterns in any direction, even small magnetic patterns will be manageable;
  • convenience - the magnet can be tilted in any direction, changing the intensity of magnetization and the depth of the decor.
  • When is it time to remove your cat's eye?

    "Cat's eye" - long-lasting manicure. It lasts well for up to 3-4 weeks, but still there comes a time when it needs to be removed.

    There is nothing difficult about this procedure. Despite its complex composition with metal particles, this shellac is removed in the same way as other similar products.

    The wizard has three options:

  1. cut with a hard nail file -100-180 grit;
  2. dissolve with remover in a “bath” made of foil or with clothespins;
  3. use a manicure machine and carbide cutters.

After removal, you need to degrease the nail, shake off the fine dust, and you can again bring fresh manicure ideas to life with gel polish.

New products in the world of manicure have turned nail care into a real art. But this does not mean that only a professional can give your nails an original spring look. Magnetic varnish allows even people inexperienced in artistic skills to easily apply ornate designs to their nails. After all, here you don’t need to have the ability to create complex compositions. All you need is patience and a steady hand.

Magnetic polish: cat's eye

The developers of magnetic varnish took advantage of the ability of iron to be attracted to a magnet. The presence of tiny metal particles in the varnish allows you to create patterns on the nail plate by attracting these particles to a magnet of a certain shape.

The varnish base does not prevent grains of metal from reaching for the treasured magnet. Magnet patterns vary. You can find stars and waves, multidirectional stripes, lines, signs.

There are no harmful compounds in such varnishes. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the harmful effects of hotel elements. Heavy metals are not included in the composition. These varnishes are no more harmful than all the others.

Application Features

To achieve the desired result, you should adhere to the following procedure:

  • cleansing the nail plate with conventional means;
  • applying a base coat;
  • applying a layer of magnetic varnish;
  • working with a magnet.

The magnet is brought very close to the nail, covered with fresh varnish. Do not touch the magnet with your fingernail. Next, you need to hold the magnet near your nail and wait until all the metal particles fall into place.

You cannot move the nail, as this may cause a violation of the order of the metal particles. If you are late with the approach of the magnet, the desired effect will also not work. This method only works if the varnish is completely liquid. As soon as the top layer sets, the metal particles will lose their ability to move. This means that the intended pattern will not exist.

If you do not take into account the use of a magnet, then all the steps of applying varnish will not differ in any way from the usual manicure. After applying the varnish, you will have to wait a while for it to dry and harden. If you have questions about the application technology, it is better to watch the corresponding video.

You can also see how standard magnets can be used to create new, intricate patterns. you can watch it in advance. Most packaging of such varnishes is supplemented with images of the design that can be obtained using this varnish. Recently, 3D varnishes have been in demand. They give nails an original appearance.

Popular brands

Magnetic varnish allows you to get a chic manicure

Magnetic varnish is not difficult to buy. It can be found in any store that sells nail care products. The range of these varnishes is not small. Therefore, it is difficult for a beginner to navigate all the diversity. After all, all leading companies produce products in this area.

You can choose according to several criteria, for example, by cost:

  • Pupa and Gelish are the most budget option;
  • Golden Rose, Nogtika, Ruby Rous are a little more expensive, but the Golden Rose line has a very wide selection of patterns, there is even a “python”;
  • Legend Dance, Limoni, Leila Planet Nails - the price category is above average, however, each of the listed companies introduced a wide selection of patterns to the market, and the last brand offers almost unlimited possibilities;
  • Borjois will bring the highest costs for magnetic varnish, but will give a lot of pleasant sensations, because these are high-quality reliable varnishes.

All of the listed brands can be easily purchased in stores in large cities or ordered in an online store. Today there are many online retail outlets that are ready to deliver goods anywhere in the country.

In large cities there are official specialized stores of these companies. There you can purchase any products from these manufacturers. Moreover, this applies not only to Russia, but also to Belarus and Ukraine.

In order not to get into an awkward situation and not be disappointed in the purchase, it is better to look at reviews of a particular product posted on a forum dedicated to beauty issues before purchasing.

If you are not confident in your abilities, you can first go to a professional for a magnetic manicure. After watching how a specialist uses this tool, you can then try to do it yourself.

To choose the right shade, you can follow these tips: choose bright shades: blue, coral or rich brown. For pale skin on hands, pastel colors are better: apricot, beige, soft blue, mint.

Methods for removing magnetic varnish

Magnetic varnish is applied using a special technology

Magnetic varnish not only has a unique method of application. They also film it in a special way. The technique coincides with removing biogel for nails. For removal you will need the following accessories:

  1. wooden stick;
  2. acetone;
  3. foil;
  4. sponge

The sequence of actions will be as follows. First, cotton wool soaked in acetone is applied to the nail and left for some time. Secondly, the loose particles of varnish are collected with a wooden stick and moved to the edge. When it is removed, the nail plate is treated with an iodine-water solution. It is better to complete the manipulation of removing varnish with treatment.

Experiment with magnetic varnish:

In contact with

To date, probably only the deaf have not heard about neodymium magnets. They are made from an alloy - NdFeB, which has remarkable magnetic properties (it is not only powerfully magnetite, but also very resistant to demagnetization). It is not difficult to buy neodymium magnets in Moscow, but they can bring a lot of benefits in the household. Let's consider several non-trivial ways to use such magnets in the household. So,

The simplest and most fun are toys and puzzles. For this, rather weak small magnets are used, usually in the form of balls. Various complex shapes and sculptures are assembled from them. But do not forget that such magnets should NEVER be given to children under 4 years of age! A swallowed pair of such magnets, pinching the wall of the intestines or stomach, can easily cause its perforation with all the consequences.

Neodymium magnets are excellently used as clamps. In principle, a pair of medium magnets is quite capable of replacing a bench vise. However, it is more convenient to use magnets, since they can be used to fix parts of complex shapes.

Motorists will probably be interested in using neodymium magnets as an oil filter. If you hang it on the engine crankcase drain plug, it will trap all metal inclusions in this place, which will then be easy to remove.

Due to their strength, such magnets can be successfully used in search activities. For example, find a fallen needle in a carpet, or a machine gun from the Great Patriotic War in a river (special search magnets with an eye for a rope are sold for this). Can also be used to search for reinforcement in walls.

Magnets have been used by magicians for a long time to create the illusion of levitation. With the advent of neodymium, such tricks reached a new level.

You can also successfully magnetize various steel objects (screwdrivers, bits, tweezers, needles, etc.) with such a magnet. They can even re-magnetize a demagnetized ordinary magnet.

Fixing inventory and tools. Special holders with magnetic properties will help you in proper planning of your workspace.

Dent repair, from body repair to wind instrument repair.
To delete data from magnetic media (hard drives, audio and video cassettes, credit cards). A powerful magnetic field perfectly removes all information. Quickly and without additional effort.

In general, neodymium magnets are simply an indispensable assistant in the household. Only when working with them, especially powerful ones, strictly follow safety precautions. If a finger or other part of the body gets caught between magnetic objects (I already wrote about children), this could end very badly.

Take care of yourself!
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