Crochet a flat washcloth with elongated loops. Knitting a washcloth with elongated loops. Washcloth with regular loops

I really like to make "family" purchases or gifts, that is, from the same series, but with different accessories, for example, towels (for a husband, for a wife, for a teenager), shampoos (for him, for her, for a child), etc. P. Easter is coming soon and, for spring cleanliness, I decided to update the set of washcloths in the house (for myself, for my husband, for my son). I decided to crochet washcloths with elongated loops myself. And, although I have never done this (everything my eyes were afraid of something ...), it turned out to be a nice set:

Hook I have number 4. I started knitting with a pen. 8 air loops (VP) (of which 5 loops are the width of the handle, 3 loops are the rise).

In the fifth loop from the hook, we knit a column with a crochet (CCH) and in the next three loops, 1 CCH each. This is the first row.

We knit 3 VP lifts, turn the product on the wrong side.

In the second row we knit 4 dc. And again 3VP lift:

So I knitted 15 rows of dc. The handle is 18 cm.

Now we knit the washcloth itself with a pipe. We collect 15VP. Then we knit the handle, i.e. we knit the Columns Without the Crochet (RLS) along the short cut of the handle (6 pieces). In this case, you must carefully ensure that the handle is not twisted!

Now another 15VP.

And again 6СБН on the second short cut of the handle. It turned out a vicious circle of 42 loops.

Let's go through it with Columns without a crochet for 2 more rows.

So with Columns Without Nakida we will knit the extreme border of the washcloth from 5 rows in a circle. We expand it by making an addition in every third loop.

So in the first - third row I had 42 loops, in the fourth there were 56 loops. So I gained a washcloth width of 10cm. If this width is not enough for you, add on the next row again in every third loop.

Then we knit a fringe from elongated loops. You can alternate the colors of the yarn - make a washcloth in a stripe. I have single color washcloths.
Stretched loops. The thumb flies up under the working thread from the bottom up and, picking it up, pulls it down.

The hook is inserted into the next loop (as with a regular single crochet), over the working thread. The finger remains in the extended loop. Crochet a new loop.

There are two loops on the hook. The finger is still in an extended loop. We knit two loops from the hook together. As when knitting with a regular single crochet.

We repeat the maneuver: The finger flies up from the bottom (at the same time, it is automatically released from the already knitted loop), clings to the working thread and pulls the loop down. The hook is put into work over the elongated loop and performs a single crochet.

From row to row, our fringe grows and expands ... Waving your finger, at the same time, we press it down so that it does not interfere and does not climb under the hook! Do not spare the yarn - do not reduce the amplitude of the strokes, because. short loops are not good.

So I knitted 55 rows and got a washcloth length of 35 cm.Now we knit a row of RLS and begin to subtract as well as added. 2 loops sc, skip one loop,2 sts sc, skip 1 st...and so the whole row (it turned out 42 loops). Let's go through them with another row of 42 loops of RLS. We begin to knit the second handle of the washcloth.

Make sure it starts at the same level as the opposite handle. Raise 3 VPs up from the washcloth pipe.

Then we will knit 5 CCHs in the following loops of the pipe in order (in the same loop from which 3 air loops rose, two double crochets in one loop, two double crochets in the second).

3 VP lifting. We turn the product over. (We repeat the pattern of knitting the handle).
So again we knit 15 rows, and tie the handle to the washcloth pipe with connecting posts.

At the same time, be sure to make sure that the handle does not twist or turn over! All! The big washcloth is ready!

But the yarn from the skein still remained and I decided to use it by all means: we will knit a round washcloth on the hand.

Knitted in two threads. So the washcloth will come out more magnificent and more beautiful! Here is a classic knitting pattern for a single crochet pancake:

I knitted like this: I twisted the thread into a ring and tied the intersection of the threads with 6 single crochets.

She pulled off the ring by pulling on the end of the thread.

And she closed 6 single crochets into a ring with a connecting loop.

One lifting loop and the second row: knit two from each loop (you will get a row of 12 loops with single crochets).

We pull out all the loops as well as in a large washcloth. Further interesting: 3rd row we knit two loops in order, knit two loops from one, two - in order, two from one .... 4th row we knit three loops in order, knit two loops from one, three - in order, two - from one .... 5th row: four loops in order, two - from one .... Etc.

Usually, when knitting rows, it is recommended to make a lifting loop, but you can knit in a spiral, gaining height with a snail. In this case, you need to mark with a beacon the place to change the row.

So knit 14 rows. I got a diameter of 17 cm - this is the size of my palm.

Let's move the handle from one side of the pancake to the other. 3 VP. 4 CCH. 3 VP, turn the product over, 4 CCH .....

The pen came out 14 rows according to the scheme above.

An essential attribute of going to the bath are washcloths that help to effectively cleanse the skin so that the pores open better in the steam room. A much-needed bath accessory appeared relatively recently: the foam rubber that we are used to began to be actively used only at the beginning of the last century, although even before that people used various materials to cleanse their skin. So, in public, a lime bast was in use - the progenitor of modern washcloths. People took a soft layer of fibers that are located between the tree and its bark, and kneaded it well.

Such basts were divided according to their hardness: the so-called “blank” ones, made of high-quality fibers, were more valued. It is curious that special ropes were made from them, on which bagels hung in trading shops - hence the unusual name of washcloths. And the tougher ones were called "cool" - old bags (coolies) were used to create such basts, in which salt was previously stored. It is noteworthy that even today many people prefer foam products that are made with their own hands from natural ingredients. Those who like to take a steam bath are well aware that such a washcloth for a bath brings maximum benefits to the body. Inveterate lovers of the bath are held in high esteem by the same bast, jute, linen threads, birch bark and much more. Anyone can make a washcloth with their own hands, even if they are not familiar with needlework.

From pumpkin and tights

Today there are quite a lot of materials for creating do-it-yourself washcloths. Depending on whether you want to have this bath attribute made of natural or artificial threads, not only the price of the finished product depends, but also its appearance. As a rule, yarn from natural or artificial materials is used to weave washcloths. Less often - natural materials that need only be cut into cubes before use. So, a striking example of this is the loofah (loofah, luffa).

This is a herbaceous plant from the gourd family, which, when mature and dried, is a natural washcloth - you just need to remove a layer of hard peel. Initially, luffa was distributed in the countries of the African continent and in some regions of Asia, but now it can be grown even in the southern regions of our country. The advantages of a natural luffa washcloth are that it not only perfectly cleanses the skin from dead cells, but also has a massage effect on the body.

But the more common materials for creating homemade bath washcloths are:

  • capron;
  • polypropylene;
  • sheep yarn;
  • flax fibers;
  • ramie.

Kapron can be used to create washcloths in two versions, both do not require large cash costs. Firstly, you can cut nylon tights into narrow ribbons. These strips will make excellent yarn, from which it will be possible to knit soft washcloths using a crochet hook or knitting needles. The second option is to find a nylon net, in which, for example, onions are sold. In this case, it will need to be washed well beforehand and additionally treated with boiling water.

Instructions for making a washcloth from a mesh are as simple as possible. Thread one knitting needle into separate loops of the network, skipping two or three between them. When you have knitted the entire length of the mesh on the needle, pass a strong rope through these loops and pull both ends of the mesh material and tie tightly. As a result, you will get something that looks like a voluminous bow of a first-grader.

An interesting washcloth knitted from yarn made from the fibers of the Chinese nettle ramie. But you need to choose a thread with a content of the main component of at least 70%, so that it is of medium hardness, which provides good cleansing of the skin. Rami is also famous for its anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effects on the body.

An excellent material for a high-quality washcloth is sheep yarn - but not merino sheep, but breeds with not so delicate and soft wool. You can buy this in yarn stores. Their plus is that even threads with a 100% wool content are quite inexpensive (unlike merino, which is highly valued). To the touch, such yarn is somewhat harsh, so it is not so often used for knitting garments, but it is best suited for a bath washcloth. Such material will cleanse the skin even from serious pollution. Similarly, a product made of linen threads performs well.

Toys and mittens made of polypropylene yarn

These artificial materials, from which various shower washcloths are most often knitted, are convenient in that they are quite easy to work with. The thread does not fluff for obvious reasons and does not get tangled, therefore it is easy to handle with both crochet and knitting needles. Another positive factor of polypropylene yarn is a rich assortment of colors. Using this material, it is very convenient to knit multi-colored washcloths or bath accessories in the form of toys. The latter are especially popular with children.

You need to knit from polypropylene with knitting needles and crochet no thinner than the fourth, or even the fifth number. This thread is quite stiff, and therefore it is advisable not to tighten it very tightly, since a washcloth that is too coarse is not suitable for use. Moreover, you need to be especially scrupulous about this issue if you plan to knit a washcloth for a child. Therefore, do not rush to get to work right away, but first, knit a few test rows with knitting needles or crochet of different sizes to find the most suitable knitting density.

If you decide to knit with polypropylene threads using a hook, then select a tool model with a rounded head. A sharp end can break the structure of the thread, breaking through it.

Polypropylene makes beautiful washcloths in the form of a hedgehog toy. To do this, you will need threads of two different colors: darker - to create its needles and lighter - for the muzzle. You need to crochet a hedgehog with elongated loops as follows.

  1. Cast on 20 cm loops with a dark thread, connect into a ring and knit two rows with single crochets.
  2. Perform several rows with elongated loops: pull the loops two to three centimeters long and remove from the hook, knitting the loops through one column.
  3. Knit with elongated loops 10 centimeters in height.
  4. Next, use light threads to knit the cone-shaped muzzle of the animal.
  5. Knit according to this scheme - two columns without a crochet, then skip the next loop and again two columns - so that the knitting begins to narrow.
  6. Knit in this way until all the loops converge into one.
  7. Make the nose and eyes of the animal out of black thread - and the washcloth is ready.

In addition, a knitted washcloth in the form of a mitten can be made from a polypropylene thread, which will be not only beautiful, but also a convenient bath accessory. Two identical parts of the product are knitted. First of all, you need to crochet 20 loops and knit five rows with single crochets. Then, to knit a finger at the end of the row, dial eight air loops and tie them with double crochets. Return to the main fabric and knit five more rows with single crochets, then begin to reduce the loops, rounding the top of the mitten. To do this, do not knit one column from each edge of knitting until the mitten is completely rounded. Do the same for the second part of the product and sew the finished halves together.

Variants of knitting washcloths for beginners

Even a person who does not have much knowledge and experience in this type of needlework can knit a product with a hook. Beginners can try their hand at knitting a single-sided washcloth. On this option, they will hone their skills in order to move on to more complex ones in the future. The product is knitted with elongated loops, while the shaggy part will be on only one of its sides. This element is performed simply: you need to pull the loops a couple of centimeters long, as indicated in the diagram presented.

Knitting pattern

As a rule, such washcloths for beginners are made in a square shape in order to simplify the task as much as possible. The easiest option: cast on as many air loops as wide as you want the product, and knit a couple of rows with single crochets. Then work a row with elongated loops and a row with single crochets. Repeat this alternation until the length of the washcloth you desire. The last two rows also knit with single crochets.

If you wish, you can tie a handle to the washcloth.

From one end of the square, knit so many air loops so that this chain reaches the second end of the square and sags slightly. Fasten the chain at the second end and go through it with single crochets. If you wish, you can knit two identical canvases and sew them together by putting a piece of foam rubber inside. This will give softness and increased ability to lather. More experienced knitters can also create a round loofah. It is knitted in a similar way - with elongated loops, only following a special pattern.

Scheme of knitting a round washcloth

The advantage of single-sided washcloths is that they dry out faster after bath procedures. They also use a simple pattern, such as elongated loops, double crochets and single crochets, puffed stitches. All this is clearly visible in the finished product. And, besides, more complex patterns will simply not lather well and then dry for a long time.

For the manufacture of knitted washcloths, it is better to resort to the simplest elements. If we talk about the material for crocheted accessories, then it is best to take natural threads. For example, the following threads have proven themselves well in work and further use in the product:

  • sisal;
  • hemp;
  • nettle;
  • wool.

They are quite tough, which is good for a thorough cleansing of the body, and have a lot of positive properties for health. You can also create a variant of a washcloth for a bath in the form of a pipe. To do this, you also need to master the technique of making elongated loops.

The scheme of work is as follows.

  1. Dial 23–25 centimeters with air loops and connect them into a ring.
  2. Knit in a circle for 4 rows with single crochets.
  3. Alternate rows of single crochets with rows with elongated loops.
  4. Knit like this until the desired length of the washcloth.
  5. Finish with four rows of single crochets.
  6. Place a piece of foam inside.
  7. Close the loops at both ends of the pipe and tie the handles.

If desired, you can knit this method without elongated loops. Then the thread consumption is much lower. And if there is foam rubber inside, the accessory will still be good to lather.

Massage pads and soap bag

There is a wide variety of products associated with knitting needles. They are performed with relief patterns, which, when lathering the body, have a massage effect on the skin. For example, the simplest option is within the power of any person. To do this, you will need to master only two elements: a set of loops and knitting facial loops. This pattern is called “garter stitch”, and it is as easy as shelling pears: dial the required number of loops (the width of the future washcloth) and simply knit each row with facial ones. As a result, you will get a ribbed fabric that will show massage qualities very well. Small nodules will be obtained, which, when lathered, will have an anti-cellulite effect on the body.

If you have a little more experience in knitting and you already know how to knit purl loops, then you can use the “tangle” pattern, aka “pearl pattern”, to create a washcloth. The emphasis in this variant is on the alternation of front and back loops in the rows. For example, you knit the first row like a simple elastic band (one knit, one purl), and in the second row you change the loops in places: where you have the front in the first row, knit the purl, and vice versa. Knit like this in each row and as a result you will get a canvas densely dotted with embossed peas.

Having mastered simple techniques, you will create such an interesting product for a bath as a washcloth, which is a bag for a bar of soap.

For work, you can use any threads made from natural fibers or even their remnants. First of all, measure a bar of soap to understand what size bag you need to knit. Then cast on the number of stitches required for the width of the bag. Knit the fabric completely with facial loops to get a ribbed pattern. Or like this: from the front side, the front, and from the wrong side - the wrong side. Then you get a smooth canvas. Knit to desired height and cast off. Tie the second part of the bag in the same way.

Fold them together and sew around the perimeter, leaving one side unsewn. Put a piece of soap inside and sew the last part. But sew this side with light stitches, so that in the future they can be dissolved and put a new bar of soap into the bag. If desired, it is also possible to make a handle for the bag, so that it is convenient to hang it on a hook in the bath or bathroom. In addition, a washcloth with a rope will be much more convenient for the child, as he will be able to better fix it in his hands. The handle is knitted, as in previous models.

What makes it convenient to use such an unusual washcloth is that you do not have to take soap in a soap dish and a separate washcloth with you to the bath. You can also save a lot if you sew inside not a whole bar of soap, but several remnants, which are usually thrown away, since they are inconvenient to use. And this washcloth can also be turned into a unique scrubbing item if natural soap with the addition of coffee grounds is sewn inside it.

Twine accessories - simplicity and convenience

One of the most convenient materials for making do-it-yourself washcloths is twine. These threads, thin and strong, are usually sold in hardware stores, as they are mainly used to wrap boxes, packs of newspapers or cardboard. They are made of artificial materials, such as polypropylene and nylon, or natural.

Of the natural threads sold in skeins, linen and jute should be distinguished. The twine made from these fibers is quite strong and at the same time flexible, which makes it possible to knit various patterns with it. However, to create your own washcloths, it is best to crochet them. Just pick it up larger so that the knitting density is more airy: this will make the bath product a little softer. It is recommended to knit the simplest elements from twine, for example, double crochets.

Such a washcloth is flat, but with a massage effect, because it will be slightly ribbed in texture. If you want to make it voluminous: knit a wider canvas, then fold it in half and sew along the edge. With the help of such a washcloth, a person will be able to massage and wash his back well, which is not so easy to do with your own hands without such a device.

The most acceptable form is a long canvas with two handles at the ends.

Natural materials for bath accessories

Fans of a good steam bath in a bathhouse prefer to use washcloths made with their own hands from traditional materials, the most popular of which are jute and bast. Jute is a thread created from the fibers of the plant of the same name. It is noteworthy that its texture is so strong that jute is used to make bags and even marine ropes, in the textile industry to create fabrics for furniture and carpets.

As a material for a homemade washcloth, it is also invaluable, as it perfectly exfoliates dead skin cells and cleanses the body. By itself, this bath accessory can be considered an excellent peeling tool that does not require any additions. From jute threads, as a rule, flat washcloths are knitted with their own hands. In this case, you can use both knitting needles and a hook, and pick up any pattern you like, for example, knit a voluminous round washcloth. If you want, you can attach a loop handle to the finished product. Moreover, you can not only tie it with a hook, but simply sew a piece of wide elastic band to it. Such a handle will fit snugly to the hand during bath procedures.

Algorithm for knitting a round product

An equally useful material is bast. In essence, these are linden fibers that are extracted from the layers of the tree under the bark. Bast threads are not easy to find, therefore, most often, washcloths are not knitted from bast, but sewn with their own hands. To do this, you will need a piece of natural durable fabric, such as cotton.

Lay the bast fibers on the fabric and make a few lines across them with a sewing machine. This is how you attach the fibers to the fabric. Then cut out the shape of the washcloth that is convenient for you: for example, a long rectangle with rounded ends. Hem the edges around the perimeter with a cloth to firmly fix the fibers and prevent them from fraying during washing. Sew loops to the two ends so that it is convenient to hold the washcloth and wash your back with it.

You can also try to create a full-fledged yarn from bast fibers with your own hands, but for this you will have to knit many separate segments into a single thread. This painstaking work will require a lot of time and perseverance. But if you still took this step and wove the required amount of bast yarn, then use thicker knitting needles or a crochet hook while knitting, and simpler patterns. Otherwise, the finished product can be quite hard on the skin.

Today, there are a lot of opportunities for creating unique bath accessories with your own hands. Gardening lovers can grow outlandish loofah in their own garden in order to make a miracle washcloth out of it in the future. And before the needlewomen, a huge scope is open in the choice of yarn and knitting techniques. The difficulty will lie only in a wide range of natural materials, each of which is useful in its own way.

If you really like to do needlework, then you can knit several washcloths from different threads in order to use them alternately in the bath.

How to crochet a washcloth

If you crochet, then you can find a wide variety of gift ideas for yourself, both for yourself and for friends. For example, you can make a washcloth using thread and a hook, it can be of any color and shape. Since knitting for a washcloth is very simple, you can easily make it yourself.

The only negative is the stiff threads, but it will be possible to adapt to this. Therefore, even beginners can easily make this little thing. Twine, synthetic polypropylene threads, sisal or linen threads can be taken as the basis of a washcloth. The thread hook should usually be thick so that the washcloth is not too hard. Here are some examples of how this product can be knitted.

We knit a washcloth for peeling crochet

The shape of the exfoliating washcloth should usually be round or mitten shaped. For such products, the threads must be stiff. For example, nylon or polypropylene, and sisal is suitable for sensitive skin. The simplest washcloth shape you can make yourself is a circle, so that's where you can start.

Round washcloth

How to crochet a round washcloth

  • it is necessary to fold the thread in two additions and;
  • then you need to make a sliding loop, then knit three columns b / n in this loop. And then double the number of loops in the next row;
  • then a uniform addition is made in a circle for six loops.
  • knit the product to the desired size;
  • on the wrong side of the canvas, you can sew an elastic band for convenience, or knit a loop from air loops. For them, you can easily hang a washcloth to dry.

Round washcloths can also be used for washing dishes.

Washcloth - mitten

How to crochet a washcloth-mitten pattern

Such a washcloth-mitten is knitted according to the principle of a product from an ordinary thread with your own hands. But the process can be simplified and not tied out the thumb. For a washcloth, you must follow the scheme:

  • an air chain is made from 30 loops. Make more loops if you have a wide hand. Next, we connect the chain into a ring.
  • then knitted b \ n in a circle. At the beginning of the row, you need to make 1 air to lift. At the end, the last loop and the first loop of the next row must be connected with a half-column.
  • The fabric must be knitted to the end of the little finger. Then divide into 4 parts of the loop. In each part in the following rows, you need to reduce one loop.
  • at the end, the 4 loops that remain must be knitted as one, and then make a chain of 15-20 loops. Next, you need to connect the loops at the point where you knitted the first loop.

Crocheted back washcloth

How to crochet a washcloth for the back

If you knit a washcloth for the back yourself, then it is better to make it oval, rectangular or long. In this example, we will look at how to make a long rectangular washcloth:

  • we collect 30-40 loops and make an air chain. Next, you need to connect the chain with a half-column.
  • knit 8 rows with a ring in a circle with b \ n columns.
  • knit elongated loops, starting from the 8th row and up to the desired size. Then fill them inside the product.
  • turn the product inside out and continue to knit 8 rows with b\n columns.
  • you can sew in a sponge so that the canvas foams well. You also need to sew on the handles. They can be made from a simple chain of air loops, or knit single crochets or half-columns.

In this video you can see how to knit another long washcloth:

Crochet washcloths for children

For baby washcloths, you need to take softer threads. Threads such as sisal or linen cannot hurt the delicate skin of a child. For young children, products are knitted from colored threads or several shades are taken. The shape can be in the form of a rectangle, a ball, and so on. But the best option would be toy washcloths. Here are some examples of such toys:

Flower washcloth

For this product, a colored melange thread, which consists of 100% cotton, is well suited. Hook needed No. 5-5.5. knitting steps are as follows:

  • tie a ring from a chain, which consists of 50 air loops.
  • Knit 6-7 rows with b \ n columns.
  • at the end, you need to assemble the product along one edge, like an accordion, and sew it. The product should look like a ball-bud.

Washcloth "Ladybug"

How to crochet a baby washcloth

This do-it-yourself washcloth is very beautiful and bright, so little kids will especially like it.

For such a product, you must first make a couple of parts: dots, upper and lower parts. For knitting, the following are used:

  • you need to knit the upper part with red threads like this: you need to make a ring out of 5 loops and knit 10 b / n columns into this ring. Knit b \ n columns in each loop, starting from the first row. You also need to add 3 loops in each row. You should get 20 rows in total.
  • then comes the next circle for the belly, and we knit it in the same way. The only difference is that you need to add 6 loops evenly in each row, and the thread should be pink.
  • when you finish knitting a circle, you do not need to break the thread. Knit a chain of five air loops and fasten in the last row of the circle for the fifth loop. You have made the beginning of the head. Knit 5 sts in an arc and make a connecting st at the end of the row. At the same time, insert the hook into the loop in a large circle. Next, unfold the canvas and in the same way, fixing the circle, knit six more rows of b \ n columns.
  • start making paws after you finish with the head. Knit a large circle to the place where the first foot will be, and from this point you need to make 10 air loops. They should also be tied with b \ n columns. the rest of the legs are done in the same way.
  • the dots will be made from circles in white. It is necessary to tie a ring consisting of four air loops in one row of columns. You can make as many points as you like. When the circles are ready, you need to sew them to the red circle. Then sew the top and bottom parts, while leaving the bottom of the canvas unsewn. The hand should pass freely into this hole. Now the ladybug is considered finished.

As you can see, knitting these washcloths is very simple and easy, while the work does not take you much time.

A washcloth is an absolutely necessary thing in everyday life. Smooth, fluffy, for a bath, for washing dishes - not a single housewife can do without them. And it is absolutely not necessary to spend money on them. We will show you how to knit a washcloth with knitting needles with your own hands. To do this, you will need threads (preferably synthetic, such as polypropylene) and a set of toe knitting needles.

Master class for beginners: how to knit a fluffy washcloth

For work you will need:

  • synthetic threads, bright colors are better;
  • direct sp. No. 3 (select according to the thickness of the yarn).


Cast on 30 sts. and knit 5p. persons. satin stitch.

From the 6th p. we start knitting elongated loops. We remove the first loop, and we knit the second one like this: we hook the loop of the joint, as when knitting faces. satin stitch, and place the thread on top of the sp., lying on the finger.

We wrap sp. and a finger twice with yarn and knit faces. n. We knit the next st with the usual front. Until the end of the row, we alternate knitting elongated loops and ordinary ones.

A master class in the photo will help you better understand the technique of knitting elongated loops.

7th p.: 1p. remove, the rest - faces.;

8 p.: as the 6th p.;

According to this scheme, we knit a washcloth of the desired length.

At the end, we go back to the faces. ch. Knit 5 rows with this pattern.

For ropes around the edges, you need to tie two strips. Cast on 40 sts. and knit 3p. persons. satin stitch. We close the loops. Sew stripes along the edges of the product.

Washcloth - pipe

This option can be knitted with circular knitting. Cast on 32p. and move on to knitting in the round with 5 knitting needles. We distribute the loops of 8 pieces per sp. Further - see the previous master - class: several rows of faces. stitch, then elongated loops, then again faces. ch. And be sure to tie the ropes. If desired, they can be replaced with ready-made ribbons in the color of the yarn.

Inside, you can put a piece of foam rubber (then sew the edges of the pipe). Such a washcloth will foam perfectly.

How to knit a round washcloth

This beautiful massage sponge consists of two parts: a handle and a round base.

Pattern used:

  • shawl stitch.


Dial 20 (30) p. And tie the canvas in length. It should be several times larger than the width. If at the beginning of each second row add 1p., And at the end knit from 2p. one, then we will get a slightly beveled product - this solution also looks very nice. For a round pen, dial 5p. and knit in length 15-17cm. Pull the loose end of the lace on one side and sew tightly. On the other side, we do the same. We connect both ends, sew. We get a washcloth in the form of a circle.

Massage washcloth made of strips of fabric

For this washcloth, you can use strips of fabric cut from old tights or any old synthetics. It is better if it is at least two different colors. Such knitting is best done with large knitting needles, approximately No. 7.

Master Class

Cut ribbons from fabric, wind it into a ball. Cast on 11 sts. and knit 8r. garter stitch.

We change the color of the threads and knit 10p. kerchief pattern. Then we knit 28r with light yarn. We change color twice more: 10r. light, 8r. - dark. We close the loops, knitting 2p. in 1p.

At the end of the washcloth, tie three strips of fabric and weave a 35 cm long pigtail out of them. Make the same pigtail at the second end.

Washcloth with elongated loops: video master class

We knit a washcloth for washing dishes

The size of the product in finished form is about 10 cm in diameter.

For work you will need:

  • yarn (can be of different colors) -20g;
  • yarn for auxiliary thread;
  • cn. No. 4;
  • scissors;
  • needle with a large eye.

Master Class

We start knitting a washcloth with a set of knitting needles 27p. auxiliary thread.

We pass to the main yarn.

Knitting the 2nd p. and subsequent ones, we perform the shift of the loops - see the master class in the photo:

2p.: 2p. at the beginning of the row, knit in 1p.

The whole row, except for the extreme p., knit faces. p. Before the last p., make a crossed yarn over (so that there are no holes in the fabric) and knit the last p.

4p.: as 2nd p.

We knit to the desired height - this is 42r., Alternating the 1st and 2nd rows. If you use yarn of different colors, then alternate them in the work as you wish. For example, for 2 colors of threads, the first 11r. we perform the 1st color (the very first row is not considered - it is for sewing washcloths). We change the color of the yarn without cutting the thread of the first color.

We knit 10r with the second color. Again we change the color of the threads - another 10r. So we alternate our two colors. On the last section, make 11r. (add 1p. for stitching). Only 42r.

We remove the auxiliary thread, transplanting the loops onto the knitting needle.

We fold the product, combining the first and extreme rows of work.

We get such a design - a pipe:

We tighten both holes at the ends and flatten the washcloth. To do this, we perform a running seam on the edge of the holes along the circumference. See the master class for tightening the top edge in the photo. After tightening the thread, leave its edge long.

We flatten the product into a circle, aligning both holes. We pull out both threads used to sew the top and bottom to one side, and tightly tie together to fix the center. If you leave long ends, you can crochet a loop out of them.

Good afternoon dear friends!

I will tell you about my story of crocheting a washcloth with elongated loops, or rather two washcloths - a double rectangular and a round one. And I will describe step by step the process of knitting them, perhaps it will be interesting and useful to someone.

Once upon a time, in search of a new washcloth in the store, I came across knitted polypropylene options, I didn’t dare to buy such ones, because you can also tie a similar one yourself. Although they did not inspire me very much, such ordinary, unattractive and, moreover, some kind of sloppy washcloths. At that time, I bought a washcloth made of natural material.

Later, on my favorite site Pinterest, I saw a photo of interesting knitted soap cases. Well, what our needlewomen will not come up with!

These photos gave me the idea to crochet a small summer shower washcloth with soap inside. Soap tends to slip out of hands and fall through the grate on the floor, and then it is problematic to get it out. A new washcloth should solve this problem.

It seemed to me boring to knit a washcloth with ordinary columns, the option with elongated loops is much more interesting.

Knitting a rectangular washcloth with elongated loops

Before crocheting a washcloth with elongated loops, we need to purchase threads for knitting. From the recommendations on the Internet, I realized that washcloths can be knitted from cotton, linen, sisal, and most often washcloths are knitted from polypropylene twine, which is sold in hardware stores.

There are many such threads of different colors on sale, I chose a bright pink skein of thick threads, the seller confirmed that they were bought for washcloths.

But, after knitting a few rows, I realized that such threads are not suitable. The washcloth from them turns out to be too hard, it is rather better to clean the pans with it. I don’t know why people knit washcloths for a bath from such people.

This did not suit me, and I took thinner threads.

Here is such a skein

I usually use them for tying tomatoes and flowers.

It is advisable to take a thicker hook, although the knitting will be more loose, but the washcloth will turn out not too hard and pleasant to the touch. I have hook number 3.7.

How to knit a washcloth: a step by step description

We collect a chain of air loops with a length twice the width of the future washcloth, and close it into a ring.

We knit one - two rows with single crochets in a circle.

I must say that knitting from polypropylene threads is not very convenient, since the thread is coarse, and even delaminates. But what to do, it is necessary!

We knit the next row with elongated loops.

I took only a photo of the beginning of knitting and a photo of the finished washcloth. How to knit elongated loops, it was very inconvenient to photograph while holding the loop on the hand.

My longtime regular readers probably remember what was at our competition. I am amazed at how much patience and how much work was invested by the author of the work Natalia!

For the first time I knitted with such a pattern, out of habit it was not very convenient to press the elongated loops, at first they turned out to be of unequal length. But then I got the hang of it and, in principle, already easily and quickly knitted a washcloth.

We knit the next row after the elongated loops with single crochets, the next row again with elongated loops. So we alternate rows. We finish knitting with one or two rows of single crochets.

I crocheted the open edge of the washcloth with half-columns, leaving a hole the size of a bar of soap. Soap through it is easy to place inside the washcloth. It won’t go anywhere, it won’t fall out, and you don’t need to lather the washcloth, just wet it with water.

In the corner, I also knitted a small loop of air loops.

In practice, the washcloth turned out to be quite comfortable and moderately hard.

Such a nice little hedgehog. The view from both sides is exactly the same.

Since my washcloth is unusual and used with soap, it is small in size.

But in principle, of course, you can also knit a long washcloth, make beautiful inserts from colored stripes, tie handles (from the same air loops tied with single crochets).

If you don't want a double washcloth, crochet a single washcloth with the loops drawn out. The principle of knitting is the same, only not in a circle, but in reverse rows. Front row - elongated loops, purl - single crochet.

You can also crochet a washcloth without elongated loops with single crochets. For this option, probably more and thicker yarn is suitable.

But that is not all!

Round washcloth with elongated crochet loops

In addition to rectangular ones, there are also round washcloths, and I decided to knit this one as well.

The principle of knitting a circle is probably already known to everyone. I can provide a diagram. Here is a good knitting pattern for a circle.

When knitting a round washcloth with elongated loops, you need to follow the rule: when knitting each column above the column of the previous row, we make elongated loops, and we knit an additional column to increase the number of loops in a row without an elongated loop.

In more detail, it will look like this:

  • We collect 6 VP, close in a ring
  • 1st row: 12 single crochet
  • Row 2: Ch 2, *1 st st extended, 1 single crochet to extend row into same st*, total 24 sts
  • 3rd row: 2 VP, * 1 column with an extended loop, 1 column without a crochet in the same loop, 1 column with an extended loop *, you get 36 columns in total
  • Row 4: Ch 2, *1 st inc, 1 st in same st, 2 sts inst* (48 sts)
  • Row 5: Ch 2, *1 st inc, 1 st in same st, 3 sts inst* (60 sts)
  • Row 6: Ch 2, *1 st inc, 1 st in same st, 4 sts inst* (72 sts)

I knitted 6 rows of a circle, you can make a smaller circle, and a larger one.