Secrets of the subconscious. How to control the subconscious. The law of subconscious activity

Many are interested secrets of the subconscious what does it keep in itself, and how to find out these secrets?

I will try today in this article to tell in more detail about some secrets of the subconscious, about the installations and programs that are laid down and operate, regardless of our consciousness and will.

Let's start from the very beginning, a person is born without installations and programs, he picks them up during his life, they are especially actively laid down in early childhood.

How do they fit there, because they fit or are recorded according to a certain model? So what are these models? Or images?

Is our subconscious or the unconscious is arranged in a different way than consciousness or the mind, the mind is logical, it analyzes, compares, draws conclusions, takes into account our life experience, etc. The unconscious works according to a different scenario, the subconscious mind thinks in images, and according to various psychological studies, it draws these images from different sources. Probably everyone has heard about the "collective unconscious", this concept was introduced by C. G. Jung, he also introduced the concept of archetypes.

If we take, for example, Jung, then according to his theory, from which, already individual, it takes information, and on the basis of this information, certain mechanisms of behavior of each person are formed.

Let us dwell on this in more detail, because this moment is present in all living people on Earth, regardless of nationality or place of residence.

C. G. Jung believed that all people have an innate ability to subconsciously form some common symbols - archetypes that appear in dreams, myths, fairy tales, legends.

In archetypes, according to K. Jung, the “collective unconscious” is expressed, i.e. that part of the unconscious that is not the result of personal experience, but inherited by a person from his ancestors. An archetype is a “mental organ” that grows in the soul of a person “like a flower”. Modern science has confirmed that the archetype is a deep level of the unconscious. Within the framework of the genetic theory, K. Jung establishes a close relationship between the archetype and mythology: mythology is a repository of archetypes.

Thus, the primitive image, once called an archetype, is always collective, i.e. it is common to individual peoples and eras.

In all likelihood, the most important mythological motifs are common to all times and peoples. A person is in the power of archetypes to such an extent that he himself cannot imagine, i.e. modern man does not even realize how much he is in the power of the irrational.

For example, at the heart of phraseological units with the bread component - to eat someone else's bread, to live on someone else's bread, to earn bread, do not feed bread - is the archetype of bread as a symbol of life, prosperity, material prosperity.

Bread must be "one's own", i.e. earned by one's own labor (remember the words from the Bible addressed to the first people Adam and Eve: "Bread will be earned by the sweat of your face").

If there is someone else's bread, then such behavior is condemned by society. The basis for condemnation is the biblical attitude that bread must be obtained by labor, as well as the idea of ​​​​bread (archetype) as a ritual object that can influence various aspects of human life - spring rituals, divination, divination, conspiracies are associated with bread.

Bread is a symbol of the solar God, it is not just a gift of God, but is itself a divine being. Thus, the concept of archetype is the most important in the phenomenology of culture.

In ancient times, it was believed that if a person eats "your" bread, he can harm you. There is also a directly opposite point of view: "a wanderer who has tasted our bread and salt can no longer harbor hostile feelings towards us, becomes, as it were, a kindred person to us." The Slavs have many testimonies about the sanctity of bread. So, according to the Slovak custom, a piece of bread is placed in the diaper of a newborn so that no one jinxes him. Czechs and Ukrainians believe that bread can protect against evil spirits. And one of the functions of the bread and salt left for 40 days after the death of a person is to be a talisman.

These archetypal ideas about bread still live among the Slavs. For example, in Ukraine, at the place where they want to build a house, grain is poured into all four corners. If the place is good, then the grain will lie in place for three days. In Russia, bread is laid under a hut under construction.

This is, so to speak, about the general moments of the subconscious, but of course, one should not forget about the individual. After all, it is on the general that the personal unconscious is built.

As I said, it all starts in childhood. Each child is brought up in a certain family, which has its own way of life, habits, worldviews and, of course, its own view of the world. It is all this that is transmitted to the child in the process of growing up, in the process of education.

How are certain installations or programs installed?

Let's take for example, the attitude towards money, I think this issue is of great concern.

Attitude towards money program

The bulk of the population grew up in the Soviet Union, and endured a certain attitude towards money and towards rich people, and this attitude is definitely not cloudless.

A child is growing, and he does not have any worries, and even more so thoughts about money, he does not need them yet.

But in his family, there is a certain point of view about money, let's say it is negative. In this family, it is believed that: money is evil, money is earned only by hard work, there is no easy money, and if they suddenly appear, then you will have to pay for it with something.

Rich people here are not just not loved, but practically hated, and they believe that they are all scammers, profiting from poor and unfortunate people like them.

In this family, there is talk about money, in this negative way, there is a constant discussion and condemnation of rich people.

In the meantime, the child grows and listens to these adult conversations, and in his head, the same attitude towards money is deposited as that of his parents. After all, he is still small and does not know that there can be a different attitude towards money, and he does not have his own life experience to draw his conclusions.

Thus, for a long time, the child was exposed to a certain influence from the parents and their life experience. So, it was laid down, a certain attitude towards money. The child may not have understood what his parents were talking about, but his subconscious mind collected information and made his own conclusions.

Our subconscious, or rather, its efforts are aimed at protecting us from some problems. And here, the subconscious mind believes that money will not bring anything good, it is only evil, etc. As a result, when a person grows up and already has his own point of view, completely different from the parental one, his subconscious mind continues to use that program , which was laid down in early childhood.

And a person, most often, even suspects the true reason for the lack of money, because the subconscious mind continues to defend itself against money as a source of danger. How? Most often, a person does not even notice the possibilities with the help of which money can come to him, and as a result, even if suddenly, he still has a large amount of money, they quickly disappear somewhere.

The subconscious has achieved what it needs, there should not be money, danger comes from them.

Of course, if there was a positive attitude towards money in the family, then the child will grow up without negative attitudes, and most likely, money will be present in his life, and for his subconscious, it will be good, and it will look for all the opportunities to have as much money as possible. more.

More money, more joy, and the subconscious mind always takes care of us, and in everything.

This is where I end, I hope I answered some of the questions that were asked in the comments.

This topic is very difficult, and extensive, and in one article, of course, you will not fit all the information. If you have any questions, ask, I'll try to answer.

Best regards, Natalia.

Many contemporaries are interested in the secrets of the subconscious and are trying to find ways to "contact" with the unconscious mind. What explains such enthusiasm and interest? The intrigue is that, according to scientists, more than 95% of human activity and behavior is controlled by the world of the unconscious, that is, the model of reality in which we stay and create is formed precisely by the subconscious.
The subconscious mind is a great skilled illusionist, building a chimeric, deceptive ghost world according to its existing laws. This unconscious sphere creates a system of "castles in the air" for us, designed to protect our consciousness from the manifestations of the chaos of the Universe. The subconscious mind filters information in its own way and selects for perception and understanding by us only those facts that it considers necessary, useful, and safe.

Deftly playing the role of the Creator and Protector, the unconscious mind has become a harsh Jailer for many. This strict and adamant Overseer does not allow a person to leave the boundaries of the created world, forcing him to vegetate according to an erroneous and uncomfortable model of reality. This Taskmaster is constantly devising more sophisticated tricks, often using intense fear to leave the individual wandering within the confines of the phantom world and operating on a rigid schedule according to his approved program.

On the pages of the rubric, we learn what logic and meaning are processes that are not controlled by consciousness, how a person’s life program is formed, how intentions are developed, and decisions are made. We will understand how automatic psychological reactions and reflexes arise, why in some situations we frown, and in others we smile. We will unravel the nature and purpose of dreams. We will find out what intuition is and in practice we will consolidate the steps for developing insight.

We will learn to control and manage the unconscious mind, which sometimes strives to interfere in something other than its own sphere of activity and brings us a number of unpleasant sensations: difficulty breathing, fluttering of the heart, digestive problems. We will comprehend how it is possible to negotiate, manipulate, "deceive" the unconscious mind, in situations where only the correction of erroneous attitudes can save us from difficulties, fears, depressions, harmful addictions.

We will unravel the secrets of hypnotic trance and the power of suggestion. We will understand and work out the technique of how to avoid the influence of manipulators, for example: with gypsy hypnosis. We will master the methods of self-hypnosis and meditation, learn how to compose and apply affirmations to overcome existing problems.

Let's figure out how to correctly formulate your intentions in order to fulfill your cherished desires. Let's learn how to program our subconscious in such a way that favorable circumstances meet in life and desired events occur. After following the practical steps, we will have complete control over the incredible power of the subconscious and unhindered access to the possibilities and resources of the universe.
After all, the “friendship” of consciousness and subconsciousness is an extremely necessary state in order to become a real Lord of life and the Creator of fate.

Publication 2018-11-21 Liked 2 Views 1461

7 facts about the subconscious, 7 of its secrets

There are only two ways of life - "Miracles do not happen and Everything is a miracle." What do you choose? The universe is always abundant for us, and there is magic within everyone. You just need to open your eyes to the magical world that surrounds us. And tune in to miracles. They will definitely start happening. Those for whom the secrets of the subconscious have ceased to be secrets have become convinced of this.

Decided to start a new life? This article is about the facts of the subconscious - that very sign

All secrets are beyond thinking

Life in illusion is no worse. It is easy to accept the impossibility of change for the better and go with the flow. But think: if the inventor of the telephone decided that there was no way to connect two people separated by tens of kilometers and it was impossible to create it? He would not have invented the telephone, without which life is now unthinkable. Don't dismiss the idea that we have the power to go beyond our thinking. This is the subconscious. All the secrets of which are yet to be revealed to posterity.

Our subconscious knows about everything in the world

The main secret of the subconscious - everything is possible

Why is one person successful and another fail after failure? Why is one considered outstanding, the other mediocre? Why is that one over there always sad, and this one is beaming with happiness? Can you answer these questions? The answer is: they just think differently. Happy and successful never stop. They have faith and knowledge.

Sad fact: you can also live in an illusion

Imagine that you are the captain of a ship. You can't stop the wind, but you can fine-tune your sail and get straight to your destination. Every thought is a cause, every condition is an effect. Change your thoughts and you will change your destiny. Never say, "I can't do this." "I can't afford it." "I won't be able to." Constantly repeat: “I can do everything. With the power of my subconscious."

This is how our mind looks like compared to the subconscious

You have a choice. The choice to be happy. Healthy. Successful. All successful. You can be friendly, outgoing, joyful, attractive. And the whole world will answer. This is the best way to develop a wonderful personality. There are many ways to reach the subconscious. Two of them - and you are already familiar.

7 facts about the subconscious, 7 of its main secrets

Whatever our conscious mind accepts, the subconscious will accept it. It will digest everything you say and think.

Your subconscious mind is like a child

Subconscious Mind Fact #1: Scientists claim it has the cognitive level and mental capacity of a small child between the ages of 2 and 8. You are protected by a child. Make him happy and full of life!

Take care of the subconscious - only the best for children!

There are no secrets for him.

Subconscious Mind Fact #2: It knows the answer to everything. Believe me, it really is. Once you believe, change will not be long in coming. The subconscious mind controls all the processes of the body.

Scientists believe that the subconscious and consciousness is in the brain

It helps you reach your goals

Fact about the subconscious mind number 3. Another important secret - the "big mind" is responsible for the fulfillment of desires. Get up, think, work and go ahead - create a new reality. Fill your subconscious mind with expectations of better experiences and emotions. And watch how life gradually improves after the change of thoughts.

The subconscious is responsible for intuition. For some it's a fact

The subconscious never sleeps

Subconscious Mind Fact #4: It is always awake and active. When you fall asleep in front of the TV, your subconscious hears everything that is said. It listens and remembers. So should you fall asleep to the news or a horror movie?

Intention and the subconscious will help bring order to life

Subconscious mind and health

Subconscious Mind Fact #5: Negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and fear can disrupt any part of the body. Fill your subconscious mind with thoughts of health, peace and harmony, and all the health of the body will return to normal. Worth a try.

There are many secrets in the world. But the most interesting keeps the subconscious. And that's a fact

It controls 95% of your daily life.

Subconscious Mind Fact #6: On average, you only use 5% of your consciousness. The rest is the field of activity of the subconscious. And do you expect to achieve your goals using 1/20 of the opportunity?

The subconscious mind has many possibilities. So take advantage of them

Your subconscious mind is almost perfect

Subconscious Fact #7: The subconscious mind stores all the information it has received. You can recognize her as soon as you pay attention to it. Take this incredible opportunity, realize and use it to your health.

Those who have found their way are not interested in looking back

Present an optimistic outcome to the resolution of your problems. All your fantasies and feelings are clearly accepted by your subconscious, and then come to life. Think positive and it will happen. And if you think about the bad, do not be surprised at the troubles that are happening. “We are what we think” - and this is no longer a secret.

The subconscious, this word has been haunting the minds of scientists, psychologists and even sorcerers for decades. Since it has been proven that in addition to conscious reactions and mental activity, unconscious variations also take place in every person, this has generated a whole bunch of questions on this topic. And the most important question sounds something like this: "If the subconscious mind stores the knowledge of past generations, then why can't we use them in real life?" Many techniques were developed, experiments were carried out and attempts were made to “open” the subconscious and learn to control it, but, in the end, everyone came to the conclusion that the subconscious cannot be directly controlled and, moreover, is not a repository of knowledge in itself, but rather acts as a buffer exchange or antivirus, which accumulates and protects our knowledge from outsiders and, from ourselves. This is done so that we, having gained access to such a volume of knowledge, simply do not go crazy. After all, imagine - in a moment we will get access to thousands of lived lives, the entire array of accumulated knowledge, experience, and events that took place in the past lives of past generations. Our analytical ability is simply not designed to process such arrays of information, and that is why we cannot know everything. secrets of the subconscious at once. On the other hand, nothing prevents you from opening the door to this wonderland gradually.

Think about it and remember if you had moments of insight or maybe a creative muse? So, know that these sensations are a kind of signal for receiving information from the subconscious. After all, everything is new, it is a well-forgotten old, and if you correctly formulate and send a question to the subconscious, you will immediately receive an answer. It is quite another thing that with the influx of knowledge, some unusual abilities may open up in you. This feature began to be noticed for the first time by scientists who were working on the creation of a mirror room, a kind of amplifier of mental signals, which allowed them to identify a person's propensity for such unusual skills as pyrokinesis, telekinesis and telepathy. Controlling the forces of nature, electricity, electromagnetic and microwave waves - this is a short list of what a person is capable of, having received only a small part of the potential inherent in him.

Unfortunately, everything secrets of the subconscious associated with these abilities are still poorly understood, but even at this stage it becomes both scary and wildly interesting! After all, think for a moment, what is an ordinary person capable of, if he gets all the power that he is endowed with by nature? We would instantly turn from weak, infirm beings into something great, instilling fear in the entire universe. But esotericists and magicians, whose teachings are very close in meaning to modern discoveries, have long been practicing ways of how you can draw all the knowledge and strength we need from the bins of your memory, but due to the technical path of human development, no one has been on them until recently. didn't pay much attention to time. On the other hand, perhaps precisely because of human pride and a thirst for power, we still do not have access to that room of our brain where everything is hidden. secrets of the subconscious!

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! Did you know that all of our actions, even those that were committed impulsively and thoughtlessly, actually have reasonable reasons? We just don't always know about them. And the fact that dreams always carry a certain semantic load that is important to decipher? They tell us what to do, warn of danger and help anticipate any events. And today I invite you to explore, what other secrets of the subconscious exist?

How it works?

Every second, our brain receives a huge amount of information. And most of it we do not realize, and sometimes do not notice. But this does not mean that it does not exist, or that it is not processed, not deposited in the bowels of the subconscious.

To make it clearer how the whole process takes place, imagine that you have entered a dark room. And to at least see something, you have to turn on the flashlight. So, those objects that fell under the ray of light are clear to you, but what remains in the shadow is inaccessible. But this does not mean that there is nothing else in the room. You just can't see because of the bad lighting. So it is with consciousness. It reveals material that is significant to it, just as we shine a flashlight. So our body saves resources. After all, paying for electricity will be more expensive than changing a battery, right?

By the way, the subconscious takes care of us. It hides something that, in its opinion, can damage your health. And only when he understands that you are ready to comprehend and accept something, allows you to get closer to this topic. That is why we are sometimes surprised that we did not notice the deceit of a loved one before. He seemed to be good and sincere all the time. And then at one moment it illuminates that during the time of communication there were so many joint dubious moments. And how could they be overlooked? But you understand this later, when the psyche is ready to withstand the blow.

Focus of attention

Have you heard of selective attention? That is, when, for example, you decided to fly to another country on vacation, you suddenly began to notice something connected with it everywhere. On the news, in newspaper clippings, even hear the occasional talk in public places about visiting the city you were planning to go to.

And this does not mean that fate began to send you some signs, no, this is how our organs of perception work under the guidance of the mind. Imagine the situation again. You are in the cinema for the long-awaited premiere. But behind someone enthusiastically chatting and discussing the course of events. Quiet, so that you need to listen to understand what exactly they are talking about. You are not interested, so you do not “turn on”, but enjoy watching. But this does not mean that the information does not come to you. You simply do not track it and do not realize it.

Nature has created us in such a way that we do not waste the resources of the body and energy in vain, otherwise the duration of human life would be significantly reduced. So, it’s worth mentioning to those sitting behind in a conversation, for example, your name, as you will instantly be distracted from viewing. Right? The flashlight beam from the screen will go to them. Now just think about how much we do not notice, and then how much knowledge is hidden in us?



Do you know people who are able to get up at the time that they planned for themselves the night before? Without the participation of the alarm clock, of course. And this is quite possible. It turns out that during sleep mental activity does not stop at all. We are not aware of a lot of processes occurring in our body. Yes, the same breath, for example. Until you pay focused attention to it, are you really mindful of your every inhalation and exhalation?

So, an experiment was made in Germany. 15 people were selected and divided into 3 subgroups. For three nights they had to go to bed very late. The first group was warned that they would have to get up at 9.00 in the morning. And that's how much they woke up. The second was also said, but they were raised at 6.00 in the morning. Participants from the third group were honestly immediately told about the need to wake up at 6.00 in the morning.

And it was they who found an increased content of the hormone adrenocorticotropin. Between 4:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. For you to understand, this is a stress hormone, and the body of these guys was tuned in advance to an early rise. That is, it turns out that our unconscious is able to organize such an internal alarm clock, thanks to which the body will be ready not only for awakening, but also for a fruitful active day.

By the way, each of you can learn to do this consciously. , you will find the most effective ways to help tune your body to the right time.

A treasure trove of information

A study was conducted in the Netherlands, the results of which can stagger. It turns out that when we give the decision-making power to the subconscious, we get the most successful outcome of all possible options.

The participants in the experiment were asked to solve a difficult task, such as choosing the most optimal apartment from a huge list. Among other things, it had to be selected, focusing on a number of criteria for its selection. Surprisingly, it was those who were prevented from concentrating by the experimenters who successfully coped with the task. They distracted in every possible way with chatter, which is why they did not give even the slightest chance to concentrate and think carefully about the decision.

Those who carefully studied the proposed options, as it turned out, made the wrong bets. And all because they were guided by their own experience, knowledge and preferences.

First impression

In the article, we have already discussed the topic that the first impression is actually the most correct one. Since information about the interlocutor is read unconsciously. And one that is difficult to hide and impossible to fake.

Our unconscious is able to recognize another person in just 0.1 seconds. Can you imagine it?

By the way, have you ever experienced a lack of confidence in someone for some unknown reason? Or vice versa, fell in love, trusted a random stranger with innermost secrets?

An experiment was conducted in California in the early 1990s. Students at Stanford University (the same one where it was held) were provided with short video clips with previously unfamiliar teachers. The task of the participants was to evaluate how competent, self-confident and sincere they are. And what do you think? Their grades turned out to be the same as the grades of students who had studied with these people for a long time. Accordingly, they knew their professional and personal characteristics well.


This is the ability of a person, without hesitation, to always know exactly where his legs and arms are. What is happening to them at the moment and whether they are busy with something. This happens due to the constant exchange of information in the body. And if it suddenly seems that there is no mystery in this, but just a normal function of the human body, then just think about what work the brain has to do. Moreover, the decoding of muscle and nerve signals occurs unconsciously. Few people think about it, but everyone feels their body perfectly.


Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have discovered a region in the brain responsible for habit formation. They called it the striatum. And our prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for critical thinking, decision making, self-control and organization, sends him a signal. Do you know what for? For the striatum to give the command to act.

And the more often the signals are repeated, the more unconsciously we will do something. As they say, on the machine. It is for this reason that we sometimes find that we have done almost all the work, and when we do not notice. Thinking, brewed coffee, and forgot about it. We drove half the city, but it turned out that today it was necessary to go the other way.

By the way, this information can be used to your advantage. If you want to get rid of some annoying or bad habit, add awareness. For example, smoke a cigarette while concentrating on the process. How you inhale smoke, how it enters your lungs, then exhale, and an unpleasant nicotine taste remains in your mouth.

And so every puff. If you talk on the phone, you really can not notice how the cigarette is over. Then another one is set on fire, because there is no saturation. But after conscious smoking, desire can disappear for a long time. And if you practice it constantly - then forever.


It is a state between reality and what seems to be. It's like the boundaries are blurred. And a person at any moment can be "dumped" on any of the sides. It can occur in moments of excessive fatigue, when a person has spent a long time without rest and sleep. Then the “internal censor” turns off, which criticizes and tries to give shape to thoughts and ideas, gives an assessment.

For example, some creative people deliberately brought themselves to such a state and created masterpieces. Their works were rich and unique. Whether it was a painting or a piece of music. Unfortunately, there are also facts that most of them took alcohol and drugs in order to return the flow of inspiration. But that is another story. There are more gentle methods of knowing the secrets of your personality.

Therefore, in order not to spoil your health and peace of mind, read the article. It shows simple methods by which you can connect with the subconscious mind and even get answers to important questions from it.

Take a look, there you will find 4 of the best training for the development of the subconscious.


Our brain is unique, and so far all its capabilities have not been fully explored. Therefore, believe in yourself, and also do not forget to devote time to development. And then in your life the number of restrictions will be reduced. A here is the course will make your task easier.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina