A test to determine the feminine or masculine principle. Test for masculine and feminine

The technique was proposed by Sandra L. Bem (Sandra L. Bem, 1974) for the diagnosis of psychological sex and determines the degree of androgyny, masculinity and femininity of a person.
The questionnaire can be used for an expert survey. In this case, the assessment of the subject according to the presented qualities is carried out by competent experts - people who know him well. Try to be tested by your good friends - it can be interesting, you will find out how others perceive you.

What is psychological gender

psychological gender

Each person is the owner of many psychological traits. Some traits are, as it were, "asexual", universal, and some traits are traditionally associated with a typically male or typically female psychology. Some typical male or female traits have their own evolutionary-genetic and physiological foundations, prerequisites. For example, the level of aggressiveness and dominance (considered as typically male traits) turned out to correlate with the level of concentration in individuals of male sex hormones - androgens. Other traits are formed in the process of socialization, upbringing and development of the individual. It is no coincidence that there are social stereotypes of masculinity and femininity. Although the situation is still predominantly so that the acquisition of certain typically male or typically female psychological traits occurs as a result of the combined influence of both groups of factors - biological and social order. In this context, psychological sex is radically different from biological sex. Let us dwell briefly on the three main concepts that are usually discussed in connection with the phenomenon of "psychological sex" - masculinity, femininity, androgyny.

Typically masculine traits traditionally include independence, assertiveness, dominance, aggressiveness, risk taking, self-reliance, self-confidence, etc. In special studies, it was found (Christiansen K., Knussmann R., 1987) that generalized spontaneous aggressiveness , as well as sexual aggression correlate with the level of androgens (male sex hormones) in the blood serum. In another study on a sample of 191 people, it was shown (Lau Sing, 1989) that masculine individuals are distinguished by greater self-esteem in general, as well as a higher self-esteem in the field of academic achievements and their own appearance - the physical self.


Typically female traits traditionally include such things as compliance, gentleness, sensitivity, shyness, tenderness, cordiality, the ability to sympathize, empathy, etc. Social stereotypes of femininity are less related to the sexual aspects of the personality and the success of a business career, but at the same time they pay considerable attention to emotional aspects. .


In accordance with existing ideas, the individual is not necessarily the bearer of a clearly defined psychological masculinity or femininity. Significant features of both masculine and feminine types can be presented on an equal footing in a personality. At the same time, it is assumed that in the androgyne these features are presented harmoniously and complementarily. It is believed that such a harmonious integration of masculine and feminine traits increases the adaptive capabilities of the androgynous type. At the same time, greater softness, stability in social contacts and the absence of pronounced dominant-aggressive tendencies in communication are in no way associated with a decrease in self-confidence, but, on the contrary, are manifested against the background of maintaining high self-esteem, self-confidence and self-acceptance. In the study already mentioned above (Lau Sing, 1989), it was shown that androgynes are not inferior to the masculine type either in terms of self-esteem in general, or in terms of self-assessment of academic achievements and their own appearance (physical self).

Source: Ilyin E.P. Differential psychophysiology of man and woman. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2003 - 544 p. (Sir. "Masters of Psychology")

The test* is designed to determine the feminine or masculine in the mind of each person. There are no right or wrong answers - the result will simply show probable levels of male hormones, that your brain received or did not receive six to eight weeks after conception.

A reflection of this fact will be your preferences in the system of values, style of behavior, orientation and choice of the way to solve the problem.

Test to determine the nature of thinking

Circle the statement that you feel is right for you in the vast majority of cases.

1. When you need to understand a simple or road map, you:

A. in difficulty and often ask for help;

b. rotate it so that it coincides with the direction of your gaze on the terrain;

V. you don't experience any difficulty.

2. You are preparing an elaborate gourmet meal for dinner, the radio is on and the phone is ringing. You:

A. continue to prepare the dish, leaving the radio on and talking with a friend / girlfriend;

b. turn off the radio, continue cooking and talk;

V. say on the phone that you will call back as soon as the dish is ready.

3. Friends come to you and ask you to tell them how to get to d6 of your new home. You:

A. draw a map of the route and send it to friends or ask someone to explain how to get to you;

b. ask what notable places are known to your friends, and then try to explain how to get to you;

V. explain in words how to find your house: “On the MH road to Newcastle, then turn around, then turn left and go to the second traffic light ...”

4. When explaining a new idea or concept, you are more likely to:

A. use pencil, paper and gestures;

b. explain in words, resorting to gestures and facial expressions;

V. explain in words clearly and precisely.

5. When you get home after watching a great movie, you tend to:

A. replay scenes from a movie in your mind;

b. talk about these scenes and what was said on the screen;

V. mostly quote the words of on-screen characters.

6. Do you prefer to sit in the cinema:

A. on the right side;

b. you don't care;

V. From the left side.

7. A friend/girlfriend broke something mechanical. You

A. express sympathy and talk about how he/she must feel bad;

V. figure out how this thing works and try to fix it.

8. You are in an unfamiliar place and someone asks you which way is north. You:

A. admit you don't know

b. thinking, guess where he is;

V. immediately point to the north.

9. You found a place where you can park the car, but it is very cramped, and you need to drive back there. You:

A. try to find another place;

b. having carefully prepared, drive the car there;

V. drive the car in reverse easily and naturally.

10. You are watching TV and the phone rang. You:

A. answer without turning it off;

b. turn off the TV and then answer;

V. turn off the TV, ask those present to be silent and only then answer.

11. You just listened to a new song by your favorite artist. Usually you:

A. you can sing a verse from this song, and it will not be difficult for you;

b. be able to sing some of this song if it's simple enough

V. it will be difficult for you to remember the motive of the song, but you will remember some of the tones.

12. You are the best at predicting the outcome:

A. intuitive;

b. having made a decision based on the available information and "internal feeling".

V. making a decision based on facts, statistics and accurate data.

13. You put the keys in the wrong place. You:

A. get busy with some business until you yourself remember where you put them;

b. get down to business, tensely remembering where they could have disappeared;

V. mentally replay your path until you remember where you left them.

14. You are in a hotel and heard a distant siren. You:

A. you can immediately indicate where the sound comes from;

b. you can indicate the direction if you are focused;

V. you will not be able to determine the direction in which the sound source is located.

15. You went to an appointment and were introduced to six or seven new people. The next day you:

A. can easily describe their faces;

b. remember just a few of these faces;

V. more likely to remember their names.

16. You want to go on vacation to the countryside, but your partner/sha wants to go to a resort. To convince him/her that your offer is better, you:

A. say affectionately how you feel: you love the village, and children and family always have so much fun there;

b. say: if the partner goes to the village, then you will be grateful to him / her and next time you will definitely go to the resort;

V. use the facts: the village is closer, cheaper and good for sports and recreation.

17. When planning your day, you:

A. write a list of things to do;

b. think about what needs to be done today;

V. imagine in your mind the people you need to meet, the places you need to visit, and the things you will have to deal with.

18. A friend has a personal problem and he/she comes to you to discuss it. You:

A. sympathy itself, and understanding, and all;

b. say that the problems are never as serious as they seem, and explain why;

V. try to give rational advice on how to solve the problem.

19. Two friends of yours who are in different marriages have an affair and are secretly dating. How likely is it that you will understand what is happening:

A. understand pretty quickly.

b, understand what is happening after a while;

V. you will most likely never guess.

20. And what, in fact, is life, in your opinion?

A. have friends and live in harmony with others;

b. be friendly to others while maintaining personal independence;

V. achieve a worthy goal, earn the respect of others, and achieve a prestigious position.

21. Given a choice, would you rather work:

A. in a team where other people get along easily with others;

b. with others, but keeping some space for yourself;

V. separately.

22. Of these books, do you prefer:

A. novels and fiction;

b. magazines and newspapers;

V. documentary prose, biographies.

23. When you go shopping, do you tend to:

A. buy, obeying a sudden impulse, in particular, extraordinary things;

b. plan purchases in advance, but do not consider this plan mandatory;

V. look at labels and compare prices.

24. Do you prefer to go to bed, get up and eat:

A. when you want;

b. scheduled, but not mandatory:

V. at the same time every day.

25. You got a new job and met a lot of new people. One of them calls you at home. You:

26. What worries you the most when you argue with someone:

A. the silence of the interlocutor or his incomprehensible reaction to you;

b. his misunderstanding of your point of view;

V. his alarming or aggressive questions and comments.

27. At school, what was your attitude to literacy tests and essays:

A. you dealt with it easily;

b. one was given to you and the other was not;

V. neither was given.

28. In dancing you:

A. can feel the music once you have learned to move correctly;

b. some dances you can dance, but others are not given to you;

V. hardly follow the rhythm.

29. How good are you at identifying and imitating animal calls?

A. not very good;

b. in moderation;

V. Very good.

30. At the end of a long day, do you prefer:

A. talk to friends or family members about the day;

b. listen to others talk about their affairs;

How to calculate the result

Add up the number of answers under the headings "a", "b", "c" and "no answer".

No answer

Use the following scheme to calculate your points:

For men:

Multiply the number "a" by 15 points.

Multiply the number of questions left unanswered by 5 points.

Sum the numbers you get. Please note that the points awarded for the answers "c" come with a minus sign, that is, they will be deducted.

For women:

Multiply the number "a" by 10 points.

Multiply the number "b" by 5 points.

Multiply the number of "in" by (-5) points.

Multiply the number of questions left unanswered by 5 points. Sum the numbers you get. Please note that the points awarded for the answers "c" come with a minus sign, that is, they will be deducted.

Your result: ___________________________________________

Analysis of results

Most men have between 0 and 180 points, and most women between 150 and 300.

A predominantly male mindset usually earns less than 150 points.

The closer to 0, the more masculine mind, and the more likely high testosterone levels.

Such people have strong logic, analytical skills and eloquence. The closer they are to 0, the better they predict value, the more accurate conclusions they make based on statistical data, and are almost completely free from the influence of emotions on conclusions.

Points in the minus area indicate a purely masculine mindset. This means that in the early stages of embryonic development, a large amount of testosterone was supplied to the fetus.

The lower the number of points a woman has, the higher the likelihood of manifestation of lesbian inclinations. A purely female mind is gaining more than 180 points.

The more, the more feminine in the program of the brain, the greater the likelihood of extraordinary creative, artistic, musical abilities.

Such people make decisions based on intuition, on internal, unmotivated feelings, and are good at identifying problems when there is a minimum of data. They are good at dealing with problems that require solutions based on creativity and intuition.

"How do women's poems differ from men's?" - asked Lily, not a poetess at all, Volodya, a seasoned versifier, almost in love with her. He, running his hands through his hair, looked at her from under a huge forehead hanging like a snowdrift and smiled slyly: “You understand, Lyulek, nature cannot be deceived. For a woman, the process is important in everything, and for a man, the result. Remember, for example, your best friend's poem: she weaves, weaves lace, beautifully, .. finally ends. And what do we see? - some lace, decoration of everyday life, such as elephants. And my verses ... Thunder and lightning! War and peace, and not four volumes, but only four quatrains ... Tolstoy is resting ... That's Lyulek. Are you not tired? “Maybe we’ll have a rest, I’ll read mine to you, the very last one? ..”.
The woman who reads this is satisfied. And the man wonders for a long time how it ended there. And he invents an end in accordance with his masculine nature.


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