Three stories, how the issue of inheritance quarreled families - Solidarnasts. Three stories of how the issue of inheritance quarreled families - Solidarity "I could not think that the old house would quarrel us"

People tend to be attracted to material things. Is this not the reason for the high-profile scandals and the collapse of previously friendly families that so often arise during the division of inheritance? Is this why so many relatives appear at the owner of any valuable property who died alone?

By the will of fate, I often had to visit the surgical department of one of the Moscow hospitals for a long time. In the same ward with the patient I was interested in, there was a woman, a week ago her arm was amputated. Life was in full swing around, relatives of the sick scurried back and forth with delicacies, bandages and comforting conversations. And this woman was alone - no one came to her.

Once I witnessed her conversation with her daughter. "Bring me slippers," she pleaded. "If you write me an apartment, then I'll bring it!" - the mobile speaker barked in a rough voice. The woman turned off the phone and turned to the wall ...

The neighbors in the ward said that she repeatedly tried to get at least minimal help from her daughter - the department was difficult, there was practically no care, poor food. But the daughter did not appear. And in one of my parishes, I saw a sharp-eyed, lively Fania near a woman. The hospital cleaner began to take care of the woman: she fed her, washed her, and for the first time, neat and clean, she smiled at Fania.

I met my daughter a month after the death of that woman: someone told her about Fania and that I was a practicing lawyer. The girl was horrified. But genuine horror was caused not at all by the death of her mother, but by the prospect of losing the apartment that her mother managed to give to Fanya.

You can talk endlessly about the moral aspect of history, but the legal aspect is obvious: being of sound mind and sober memory, the woman disposed of the property at her own discretion, which was recorded by the notary. A good lawyer may be able to help a negligent daughter by examining the medical history and convincing the court (with the help of an examination) that the woman was inadequate, due to taking strong drugs, for example. But money, time, and chances are not obvious.

This story is not representative. And there is no one to blame the daughter. Unfortunately, inheritance conflicts often arise in apparently quite prosperous families.

Anya and Yulia have been inseparable since childhood. Common companies, friends, entered the same institute. Anya started a family in her third year, and at the family council it was decided to give her her grandfather's kopeck piece. Life went on as usual, Anya had two charming children, Yulia lived with her parents. The sisters closely communicated: joint family celebrations, holidays. Friendly family. No one could have thought that after the death of their parents, serious battles would break out.

Julia was sure that Anya had already received hers and would not apply for her parent's kopeck piece, but Anya had her own opinion on this matter. The courts dragged on for years, and as a result, Anya received the mandatory share due to her by law. Julia completely interrupted communication with her sister, accusing her of greed and dishonesty. All this could have been avoided if the sisters' parents had turned to a lawyer in time, who could give practical advice on how to dispose of property ...

Better early than never

How to protect yourself from scammers, and your loved ones - from endless courts? What should be done so that what has been accumulated over the years does not float into the wrong hands, and relatives do not quarrel to death, dividing what they have acquired by overwork?

You can dispose of property in different ways, and it's never too early to do it.

A testament is the case when it is better early than late.

If you are a happy owner of an apartment/castle/a small taxi fleet of rare cars or something else more or less valuable that you would like to leave behind your descendants (well, or your fifth husband, bypassing the descendants), you should contact a notary. It does not matter that you are still quite young and healthy. The paper has no expiration date.

In the will, you can describe in detail what exactly and who will get it in the future, thereby, possibly, saving relatives from having to divide property and spoil relationships. Potential heirs do not need to know about the will, as well as be present at its execution. The will will be kept by a notary, and you, of course. And if you suddenly change your mind - a new will will cancel the previous one. The average cost of a notary's services for making a will is quite acceptable and will average around 2,000 rubles in Moscow.

Baba Raya had no relatives, but she met good people and, in gratitude for their care, bequeathed them an apartment. After the death of Baba Rai, five good, absolutely unaware of each other people met at the notary: Baba Ray "bequeathed" her only apartment to them all in turn. Unfortunate heirs fought to the death, proving in the courts the invalidity of subsequent wills

A will can be partially challenged in court if, for example, one of the heirs has the right to a mandatory share (minor or disabled children, disabled spouse and parents inherit, regardless of the content of the will, at least half of the share that they would have been entitled to in the absence of a will) .

Property can not only bequeathed, but also donated. Depending on the situation, a donation agreement can be drawn up in a simple written form and registered by the parties to the agreement in Rosreestr, and may require notarization.

The fundamental difference with a will is that, according to a will, the right to property passes only after the death of the owner of the property, while the donation agreement assumes that the property passes to the new owner during the life of the donor - immediately after the state registration of the agreement.

There are other forms of transfer of property, such as a lifelong residence agreement with a dependent, when the right to an apartment is transferred to a new owner on the conditions that the previous owner will live in the apartment for life, and the new owner will take care of him or pay him a certain amount monthly - specific conditions are prescribed in the contract. This is the most dangerous path. Such contracts are easy to challenge in court. In addition, the previous owner has the right to demand termination of the contract if he considers that its conditions are not being fulfilled properly.

In general, any transaction can be recognized as invalid. For example, if it is possible to prove that it was committed under the influence of delusion or that at the time of its registration, the party disposing of the property was not fully aware of its actions due to illness or the use of potent drugs.

And yet, by issuing a declaration of will on paper, you may not only save your nerves and property for future generations, but also prevent many family conflicts related to the division of inheritance. A competent lawyer will always tell you how best to act in a given situation.

My family is my husband, daughter, 2 sons and a crowd of relatives of my beloved. And I myself am from an orphanage, I don’t know my parents, and I don’t want to know. When I met my husband, and when our relationship began to approach the wedding, he immediately warned me about a large family. By this word he meant his parents, three brothers and two sisters. I got the share of the youngest kelin and all 16 years we lived with my second mom and dad. We must give them their due: they were very supportive of us, in any difficult situation we were not left alone with the problem, our parents were always there. My children were beloved grandchildren and my wife brought me the best gifts from toys and trips. Mom and dad were old people when I first became a daughter-in-law. They had no claims to food and other things. Perhaps I myself became them as my own daughter.

Other daughters-in-law in our house could only be seen on holidays, and then these conversations behind the backs of their parents, the eternal "oh, bizdi kaitedi, kishi balasy bar goy." You know, maybe I didn’t know parental love since childhood, but I never understood this attitude of daughters-in-law. They lived separately, the husbands worked, lived well, but still my daughters-in-law had a drop of tar. They always didn’t like everything, they complained about their husbands, they said that the ata and the wife hated them, that, they say, they don’t favor their grandchildren, and so on. Actually, it was all nonsense. Mom never showed negativity towards them, and she loved her grandchildren all together.

She was such a delicate woman that even my older daughter-in-law ate salted pilaf with a smile on her face, while her son spat out this disgusting thing right at the table. That's the kind of woman she was!

Sunny days for me and my husband passed after the death of my parents. At first, my mother left stomach cancer, and a year later my father also left. He simply could not stand the separation from her, the psychological state also affected his health, his kidneys failed. For my husband and for our children it was the biggest tragedy in life. It was unbearable in the first months, we walked as if we ourselves had become dead. They didn't notice anything.

We felt the first signs of reality when the elder brother Alan told his husband that there would be a meeting in his father's house and it was necessary to discuss the details of the inheritance. Not even a year had passed since the death of our parents, we were in shock, but my husband could not argue with his brother, and at the appointed time we waited for all the relatives with a covered dastarkhan.

Alan arrived with a pile of papers. He squeezed them in large palms and did not even let us see them. In front of everyone, he cried, it looked very affected, to be honest .... He said that they were bad sons, since the parents during their lifetime rewrote the entire inheritance to their youngest son. Then such a hubbub began, I heard so much dirt from the lips of my daughters-in-law, each of them lamented about children, that the inheritance should be divided equally. My husband and I held each other and felt that in this world we are now only the two of us.

Our house turned out to be a tasty morsel, because our parents left us a cottage in an elite area with an additional 10 acres of land. I never thought about the price of this house, because it is ours, the happiest moments of our family passed here. My children grew up here in front of their grandparents. Dad built this house himself, every brick here speaks of them.

But because of the daily quarrels between my husband and his relatives, I see him shrink before my eyes. He cries at night and talks about his disappointment, he does not want to sell his father's house. After all, for sure, the parents knew that these kites, if given free rein, would resell everything to every millimeter. And they left everything to us on purpose. This is our tragedy too, because our family remained under strong pressure. I'm scared that my children see such an example... I'm scared even to sleep at night, it's not a fact that these people can't do something bad to their brother. They are hungry for money, they forgot about everything valuable in this life!!!

To begin with, my wife has many diseases of the respiratory system. We lived in central Russia in a city that no one knows. Throughout her life, doctors recommended that she move to the sea or closer to the Caucasus. After several vacations, during which my wife felt much better, a decision was made to sell real estate here and buy it on the Black Sea coast.
Chose not long, the benefit of a good friend died grandfather, who lived in kopeck piece in Anapa. We quickly sold our apartment, invested our savings, took out a small loan and finally moved. This was in the fall of 2011 (in early November, to be more precise).
During the winter-spring, more or less good repairs were made, the youngest was conceived and began to enjoy life. They rejoiced until the phone call received in early May 2012.

Case one, introductory.

Uncle Kolya called, my father's cousin. He announced in a joyful voice that he was ready to come to us in mid-June and stay with us for a week or a friend. He was going to visit with his wife and two grandchildren. During the conversation, the impression was that he simply put us before the fact, not particularly interested in our plans or permission.
But what to do, you will not rigidly refuse a loved one.
We arrived on June 15th, tired after the road. In the evening we sat well, made a bed for them all in the room, went to bed.
At 8 o'clock in the morning the door to our room opened and Uncle Kolya demanded in his voice what we had for breakfast. My wife got up, started to cook good yesterday went to the store.
After eating breakfast, without saying thank you, Uncle Kolya and his grandchildren asked how to get through the sea (about 1.5 km), and went to swim. Aunt Marina stayed with us (she seemed to have a headache). My wife was cooking dinner, aunt Marina was watching TV.
Arriving at 15-16, Uncle Kolya demanded to feed him. They fed me, gave me a drink, made me sit down to watch TV, I gave my grandchildren a computer for games.
In the evening, the uncle went for a walk with the whole family on the embankment. We arrived late in the evening and didn't ask for dinner.
And so it went on for all 13 days that they stayed with us.
I didn't stutter about paying for accommodation (God forbid I didn't even think about it), but I hoped that they would at least buy groceries. No. We bought cakes / sweets / cookies for tea a couple of times, ate on our 2 monthly food budgets. And they left with satisfied faces, promising to come again (during these words I shuddered).
The only positive - the grandchildren were good, well-mannered, did not break anything and did not cause any inconvenience (if there was an opportunity, I would gladly accept only grandchildren).

Case two, nice

At the end of August of the same year, my wife's sister came to us with her boyfriend. They are 22 and 21, we are 25.
I honestly thought that again I would have to work for two to feed everyone. But no, Lena and Dima bought groceries on an equal footing, brought a lot of all sorts of goodies with them, during the departure they handed us 15,000 rubles, although we kicked them in every possible way, and left.

Case three, terrible

Nothing foreshadowed trouble, but at the beginning of May 2013, a call came from our friend Uncle Kolya, who, in a voice no less joyful than last year, announced the imminent arrival of his son Sasha and his wife and child.
At that time, I had already stopped being a freelancer, getting a regular job, moonlighting on various exchanges in the evenings and weekends.
To refuse again the tongue did not rise. They arrived at the end of June.
Sasha is a rough guy, two years older than me, a paratrooper (or not a paratrooper, but someone like that), with an impudent mug (you can’t call it otherwise).
Nadia - Sasha's wife, typical b .... (I don’t even know what to call it), a mat through a word, a village dialect (although it seems like a city one).
Sashenka is a son, a propeller in the ass.
It is worth recalling that by that time we already had our own baby, so it was not easy to receive such a number of guests in a two-room apartment.
They lived for two weeks. Results:
1. Didn't pay anything for food. A couple of times we bought meat, fish, milk (in principle, we ate everything ourselves.
2. They constantly complained about the crying of the baby, gave advice on calming, from which my blood ran cold in my veins (like "pour him vodka" to fall asleep).
3. Sashenka dropped my laptop, the matrix cracked (or whatever the display is called). I gave it to a repairman I know, he did it for free, but the new matrix, which was used, cost 3.200
4. Once asked, then without permission they took our car for a ride. For the fourth time, I stopped putting the keys on the bedside table at the entrance, which caused bewilderment in my second cousin.

During the departure, I reminded my relatives that it would be nice to pay for the matrix, which caused them a fit of anger, cries like "ahty-kozelong foal." As a result, they threw me 2 thousand with no more words. And they left. Before leaving, they asked to be taken to the station. Refused.

If it is interesting, I will tell you about three more cases when relatives arrived in 2014-2015. One positive, two negative.

I won’t talk about the arrival of my parents, everything is fine there, otherwise it cannot be otherwise =)

We had many relatives, father and mother always welcomed everyone, even if others were, as they say, "seventh water on jelly." Therefore, on holidays and various celebrations, a whole gang of people unfamiliar to me gathered in the house, who drank and ate to the glory of good hosts. When drunk, they were not averse to pouring out their feelings, talking heart to heart, giving wise advice or guidance. And they were very offended when you did not show proper family feelings for them ... For real, up to a certain point, I was attached only to the closest ones, among whom were my paternal uncle and aunt. They did not live close, they rarely came, we did not go to them, because there was no one to leave the household to. People they were quiet and calm, polite. Their son is five years older than me, Yegor, I also liked him: calm, even quiet, he liked to sit alone and read a book more than with everyone.

I don’t know why this happens, but it is with good people that troubles happen more often. My father and mother thought, talked among themselves, and decided to send me to visit them, almost for the whole vacation. They didn’t consider it necessary to ask me, but what’s there, how could you be offended by your parents, especially since I myself was not against it. They did everything quickly, the next day my parents accompanied me to the train. From my father - strict instructions on how to behave on the train and in someone else's house, from my mother - detailed instructions on what and in what order I should eat from food so that it does not deteriorate on the road. And further:

Look, don’t tire your uncle and aunt, don’t play around. To not blush for you, understand? It’s already hard for them now, Yegorka is gone ... They thought with their father that it would be more fun with you, they need to distract themselves. And about how the son died, do not ask anything if they themselves do not want to tell.

This news, of course, shocked me. Although I already knew in general terms what death is, I had never come across it so close. It's one thing when on a cloudy day you notice a funeral procession and a hearse, realizing that a person is being buried (these two words form a terrible phrase, if you think about it); another, when the realization comes that they are burying a person whom you knew, spoke with him, laughed with him, touched him. And now it’s gone, at one moment it simply didn’t become, as if it had never existed at all. Well, now it's not about that.

At dawn, I got off at a small rural stop where my uncle met me. We greeted him like a man, without any extra sentimentality, we got into his truck and drove along a country road. Uncle Vova, that was his name, did not outwardly show that they were in mourning. He appeared to be in his usual frame of mind; the way I'm used to seeing it. Under the rumble of the engine, he asked questions, more and more about what was new in the family, in the village, and so on. We did not mention the reason for my arrival, pretending that nothing had happened at all. We drove the rest of the way in silence, each in his own thoughts. I think it was necessary to engage him in conversation, to distract him, but I did not succeed, - Uncle Vova answered reluctantly even to counter questions.

Sitting comfortably in my seat, I peered through the foggy glass of the truck into the local scenery. I did not manage to see anything interesting and unusual, and soon I dozed off. When I woke up, we were standing in the middle of the road. Uncle sat behind the wheel and looked through the open window into the distance. In the direction of his gaze, I managed to see only a small lake, overgrown with reeds and tall reeds; the morning mist still swirled over the water, and the dew on the grass shone silver in the rays of the rising sun.

What's there? I asked.

Uncle shuddered in surprise, started the car and answered:

Yes, I thought I saw a roe deer. They don’t happen here, so I stopped to check.

It was impossible not to hear the sound of the truck engine, and my aunt was already standing at the gate, as soon as the engine was turned off. She was dressed in a simple country dress in summer flowers and a white headscarf. Of course, I immediately found myself in her arms. Last time they came to us about a year ago, together with Egor. Not without exclamations and surprises, how I grew up and matured. Maybe it was.

When they entered the house, Aunt Nadia immediately began to fuss, saying that she needed to finish mopping the floors. Indeed, on the floor, here and there, water was spilled, only some kind of muddy-greenish, dirty, somewhere in whole puddles. Also, the mirrors covered with sheets attracted attention. What this means, I found out later. In order not to interfere with washing the floors, my uncle and I went out into the yard.

The sun rose higher and pleasantly warmed the face; a light breeze picked up. Uncle Vova gave me a whole tour of the garden, the role of museum exhibits was played by beds with plants and vegetables, he, with the air of an experienced agronomist guide, told me about the beneficial properties of this or that “exhibit”, about the culture of its cultivation, about what each of them their own character. I, in turn, listened to his stories with the air of a botanist student striving for knowledge. But it was really interesting, in a way.

Two days on the road were not in vain, in order to restore strength, it was necessary to have a good rest. The first thing I saw when I woke up at about twelve o'clock in the afternoon was a framed photograph of Yegor on the nightstand. The carefree expression of his clear blue eyes made him uneasy. With a sudden movement, I got up from the bed and left the room. It turned out I was alone. When I looked around the house for interesting things or something that could help pass the time of loneliness, now and then I came across photographs of Yegor.

Uncle and aunt came in the evening, or rather, they arrived, their appearance was announced by the noise of a truck. They went on business to the district center, brought food, some pills. After busying herself in the kitchen, Aunt Nadya set the table. We sat down in the summer kitchen when the sun began to slowly sink below the horizon. Mosquitoes squealed over us in whole hordes, preferring to feast exclusively on my blood, completely ignoring the owners of the house. This fact made me childishly indignant at such unfair selectivity, which, it seems, amused both uncle and aunt. Having soon finished our light supper, we sat in silence and watched the remnants of sunlight spread across the darkening sky, turning blood red. Or only I was carried away by this process, and they thought about their own, far from melancholic contemplation, matters. Perhaps it was. Suddenly, my aunt spoke, without changing the direction of her gaze, dryly and monotonously:

You finish your tea, don't get up from the table until the cup is empty...

We sat close to the fence, where the path was street. There was a close sound of footsteps, several people were walking. Unexpectedly for me, my aunt squealed:

Egorka is no longer ours ... So, once, and no ... How to live on, I don’t know. Take care of your parents, do not grieve, in ...

She did not have time to finish, a lump instantly came up to her throat, tears splashed from her eyes. Sobbing, more like a howl, was stopped by Uncle Vova - he quickly took the shuddering wife away, simultaneously asking for forgiveness and wishing me good night.

I myself wanted to cry, from what I saw hysteria I was literally shaking. No wonder, since childhood he was impressionable. After wandering around the yard, I managed to calm down. And yet, the thought of what happened, for what reason Yegor died, was disturbing. From a sudden illness, or an accident? It's kind of weird, I thought. It soon got colder outside, and it was time to sleep, so I went into the house. He made his bed, turned off the light. Pretty soon I fell asleep, comfortably ensconced in the soft and cool bed.

I dreamed of water, dark, even black, a lot of water. She was absolutely motionless, calm. There was not the slightest ripple on its surface; the wind seemed to bypass the water. Occasionally, gigantic clouds resembling the shape of ugly giants would clear the night sky, and for some time moonlight would descend on the lake, further enhancing the terrible beauty of this place. I was here as an involuntary observer, from somewhere above, from the outside. Suddenly I managed to distinguish two silhouettes on the water, these are people, they were swimming together. It seems they were a young boy and girl. They were obviously having fun, they were floundering, fooling around. The guy hugged the girl, she jokingly tried to escape. The spray flew several meters away from them, cold drops touched my face. Stronger and stronger, my face became completely wet, the water flowed down my body, the icy water burned my warm skin with cold. The feeling of anxiety grew, it was necessary to wake up, - in vain. Then I felt the touch of icy gloved hands, as if they were wrapping around my neck, tightening the ring. By an effort of will, I managed to escape from this bad dream, on an exhalation I jumped on the bed. He greedily swallowed air, his heart beat furiously, giving a pulsation in his temples. Terrible dream.

Her hair was soaking wet, and so was the bed. As soon as I touched the floor with my bare foot, I felt that I had stepped into a puddle of water. Why is there so much water here? Turning on the room lamp, I went in search of a doormat. Quickly collecting water from the floors, I changed the bed, dried myself with a towel. Trying to find a rational explanation for the phenomenon, I examined every crack on the ceiling, every hole - from somewhere this water leaked! Obviously a pipe burst or something. There was no sign of rain outside. And the water itself was mixed with some kind of dirt, resembling either mud, or the contents of a clogged water pipe. It's strange, you need to tell your uncle if he's awake. How timely someone's shuffling steps were heard! I left my room, went towards the noise, and indeed, it turned out to be Uncle Vova. He stood at the open kitchen cabinet and drank something greedily from a faceted glass.

Why do not you sleep? And why so wet? - my uncle preceded me, frozen with a glass in his hand.

Yes, it was a bad dream. And it seems that somewhere a pipe burst, there was almost a flood in my room, now it seems to have wiped it off, it doesn’t flow anymore, - I answer.

Well, maybe who knows. I'll turn off the water, and we'll figure it out in the morning. Go to bed,” he commanded, furiously pouring out the remaining contents of the glass into himself and striding away.

It was not often that I saw my uncle in such a state: always extremely polite and courteous, now he had the exact opposite effect. Following his example, I went back to bed.

As soon as my head touched the pillow, I fell asleep. From the first moments I realized that I had returned to the same place from which I managed to escape. Still the same night on the lake, clouds moving across the sky at an extraordinary speed, from time to time moonlight reaching the water, the silence broken by the noise from the lake, in which the two are still. Gradually, the rest of the scenery faded into the background, I could see the young couple more and more clearly. I suddenly felt cold all over my body, as if I had entered the water. The squeals of the girl, the noise from their fuss became more and more voluminous, I again felt drops of lake water on my skin. I could already see the faces. I began to shake from the cold and fright, because the guy is none other than Yegor. Here he smiles, rows of white even teeth are visible. But what did they do, no, it was not a game! Yegor drowned the girl, grinning like a madman, grabbed her head, dipped it into the water, held it longer and longer. All this under Yegor's hysterical cackling. The poor thing tried to break free, but he was clearly stronger. In an instant, I was between them, face to face with this girl. The pale features of her beautiful, refined face were disfigured by horror, she greedily caught the air with a small rounded mouth. No matter how hard I tried to leave this dream by an effort of will, nothing worked. Then Egor disappeared, everything disappeared, the sounds died down, replaced by a growing buzz, from which the ears were blocked. This is heard when you plunge into the water with your head, holding your breath. Time seemed to slow down its pace, each movement seemed to be stretched out for minutes. I saw only that girl, nothing more, she was standing in front of me in the water. Right down to the slightest wrinkle, I observed the changes in her face. The pale tone of the face, white with horror, gradually changed to a gray tint, pinkish-violet cadaverous spots began to appear on the face, the skin wrinkled, became like a goose, the eyes bulged out of their sockets, became greenish, with the wild horror of perishing life frozen in them ... I saw a drowned woman in front of her, she slowly extended her wrinkled palms towards me, the skin on which was swollen and looked like gloves ...

By some miracle, I again managed to escape from the chains of this horror, but what I saw when I woke up was no less frightening ...

What are you doing?! I cried.

Several candles were burning in the room, and my aunt was standing by the bed, frantically muttering something under her breath.

Uncle sat on the bed, swinging back and forth like a pendulum. When he saw me, he perked up even more. He rubbed his hands frantically and said:

Ah, woke up. Finally! Already met? As you like? Ha ha ha, she's a beauty, right? We give you to her, and she will return Yegorka to us! She came, every night she comes! After all, there is only one blood in you. Painfully stayed up there with her, it's time to go home!

Completely bewildered, I looked from one to the other, trying to catch a suppressed chuckle, they're joking! But with every second, faith in an unsuccessful and strange joke was weakening. I had never seen or imagined that people could be like that before, especially those whom you seemed to know. My feelings and sensations were somewhat strange, I could not focus on any tangible object, my head was full of abstract images, everything was buzzing. With every word they said, I lost touch with reality more and more, the room began to spin, as if in a kaleidoscope. The last thing I remember is rough unfamiliar voices, noise, fuss. Further - a strip of numbness and lack of a clear perception of oneself and everything that is around.

I woke up in a hospital bed at a local hospital. It turned out that some substance was added to my tea, which affects the nervous system, paralyzes the will and at the same time increases emotional susceptibility. Maybe he did not quite correctly describe his action, but the doctors said something along these lines. Most likely, my uncle and aunt told me something while I was sleeping, which, under the influence of the substance, my brain turned into a nightmare that tormented me.

They saved me by pure chance, one of the locals saw how those two dragged me, devoid of feelings, to the lake. As for what happened to Yegor. As I was told, he was not a very healthy person, from childhood he loved to mock animals, behaved strangely, he could attack a person for no reason, while muttering some nonsense. Although it was not always noticeable, it was manifested from time to time. Recently, especially often. And I didn't even notice it. But I have seen him several times in my life. So, young girls swam at night in the lake, they have such fun, or something. Friends were already sitting on the shore, and one of them lingered. Egor also liked to wander at night, swam up to her imperceptibly, the devil knows, maybe the moon had such an effect on him or something. Girlfriends saw how he drowned her, but either they did not have time to help, or they were afraid. And this girl resisted desperately, and dragged him to the bottom with her.

Life with an unhealthy, but so beloved son clearly could not benefit the mental health of both parents. And this tragedy, the death of a son, the death of a girl through his fault - this was the last straw, after which they lost their minds. And they decided in their madness that it would be possible to return their son by exchanging me for him. It's a pity, of course, for them.

I just can’t understand one thing, when I first entered the house, then when I woke up, where did this muddy lake water mixed with mud come from?

edited news LjoljaBastet - 24-02-2016, 05:54

“I couldn’t think that the old house would quarrel us”

Galina, 48 years old:

There are three of us in the family - me and two younger sisters. Each of us has children, and in the past we often gathered families for the holidays. Now we don’t have such a tradition: relations have deteriorated because of the house inherited from my aunt.

My aunt bequeathed her house to me when I was very young. Mom told me about it, but I forgot to think. I was reminded of the inheritance 10 years ago when my aunt died. They called from the village council and informed. The house is located in the village where my sisters live, 200 km from the city of Baranovichi.

My sisters and I decided that they would take the furniture from my aunt's house for themselves, I don't need it. But with the furniture, the sisters took away all the documents for the house and the will. Apparently, they have been sharpening their teeth on me for a long time: they say, my aunt left the house for me, a city and well-to-do, but nothing for them.

I thought that there was no need for me to restore the documents, and I decided not to draw up the inheritance - there was no sense, but there were a lot of worries with the house. Besides, I have a dacha near Baranovichi.

When I told my sisters that I would not register the house for myself, they exhaled. Yes, only after a couple of days a war began between them: who will get the house? No one was going to live in it, but no one wanted to give in either.

Then rumors spread that I didn’t take this house on purpose in order to quarrel everyone. I would not have paid attention to these conversations, but only my sisters believed in it. They stopped talking to me, and when my daughter came to visit them, they didn’t even let me on the threshold. After that, we stopped talking at all.

Until now, the sisters have not divided this house: they don’t want to sell it, but they can’t decide who needs it anymore. It is no longer possible to live in this house - the slate has crumbled, there is no glass in the windows, the fence has fallen, and the war for it has been going on for the tenth year.

I never thought that the old wooden house would quarrel us all. Our parents died a long time ago, and it's good that they don't see all this. If I had known how this inheritance would turn out, I would have sold the house right away, and divided the money for everyone. Now you can't get anything back.

“Grandfather and grandmother were sure that their sons would share the apartment peacefully”

Natalia, 36 years old:

– Even during their lifetime, my grandparents registered their two-room apartment in Baranavichy for two sons: my father and his brother. Then the grandfather and grandmother were sure that their sons would share the apartment peacefully. What problems can arise between siblings who have a wonderful relationship? My uncle even became my godfather.

Probably, the origin of the future unpleasant story began after the death of grandfather. Everyone was worried, no one wanted to think about paperwork, so they decided to do it easier and draw up documents for an apartment for their grandmother. My father and uncle refused the inheritance.

In 2003 my father died. His death was a real blow to the grandmother. She began to think badly, forgot about some things. Moreover, my grandmother drank, and this also did not affect her in the best way. No one showed it to specialists: no one in the family wanted shame.

My grandmother's weakness for alcohol was taken advantage of by my father's brother. Secretly from everyone, he came to visit her, but not empty-handed - he brought a bottle of wine. I don’t know how and what my uncle told her then, but after that the grandmother inherited the apartment for him.

Grandmother died in 2004. My father, besides me, had another son - my brother. At that time he was 14 years old. Of course, our mother hoped that she could get at least part of her grandmother's apartment. But the court took the side of the uncle. Uncle gathered a lot of witnesses, and he intimidated those who wanted to speak for us, and they did not come to court at all.

More than 10 years have passed, and I still remember how, after the meeting, my uncle came up to me and said that he was happy with this decision, because he would not have to pay me anything. He got his way: he got an apartment, and then he renounced all his relatives, even those who spoke for him in court.

It so happened that now I live with my family in the same entrance with my uncle. When we meet in the elevator, of course, we say hello, but nothing else connects us. Until now, I can’t understand, is the “kopeck piece” really more expensive than the family?

“The aunts took all the equipment, furniture and even clothes out of the apartment”

Alexey, 24 years old:

- Stories with the division of the inheritance always seemed to me distant and far-fetched. A couple of years ago, I could not have imagined that I would face such a situation. But three years ago my dad died, and I learned all the "charms" of sharing.

My parents divorced 10 years ago, and my younger brother and I lived with my mother. We saw dad only on holidays. Relatives on the paternal side - his two sisters - were hostile to both my mother and my brother and me: they say, because of us, my father did not see a good life.

My father died young - he was 42 years old. The death of my father came as a shock to us. But imagine what I experienced when the aunts, right at the commemoration, began to divide dad's property.

We visited my father's apartment a week after the funeral. Mom was almost stunned by the picture she saw - the aunts had already thoroughly "cleaned" the housing: they took out all the equipment, furniture and even clothes.

My mother called my father's older sister. In response to requests to return things, we were simply “sent”, saying that we ruined my father’s life, and now they have taken up them. Mom was not at a loss: she wrote a statement to the police about the theft.

The aunts came to us themselves for the first time: they cried, asked to withdraw the application. We offered to withdraw the application in exchange for some of the father's belongings. But that only added fuel to the fire. They shouted that the apartment should remain with them, because it was we who brought my father to the grave, and now we are also going to take the apartment.

My brother and I would probably give up everything, just to stop this confusion and scandals. But mom didn't give up. The aunts still had to return some things, only for us to take the statement from the police. True, the furniture was damaged, and the cords were torn out of the appliances.

The court divided my father's apartment between me and my brother. The aunts tried to threaten us, but after a couple of months they subsided. Now they just spread rumors that our mother is a witch: they say she conjured so that they would not get an apartment.

Questions that often arise when receiving an inheritance

- When can I apply for an inheritance?– An application for acceptance of the inheritance must be submitted to a notary within six months from the date of the death of the testator.

- Who are the heirs of the first stage?- Children, spouse and parents of the testator.

- Who is entitled to a mandatory share of the property of the deceased?- Minor or disabled children of the testator, as well as his disabled spouse and parents, shall inherit, regardless of the content of the will, at least half of the share that would be due to each of them in case of inheritance by law.

“Inheritance divisions account for about a third of civil disputes”

Elena Baitus, lawyer:– Appeals from citizens regarding the division of inheritance have been quite numerous for several decades. They consistently account for about a third of civil disputes. The stories are different and they end differently. There are cases when the issue of division is decided at the first court session, and sometimes litigation drags on for months. I remember a case when children divided the inheritance of a deceased father. The litigation dragged on, and the monetary contribution in Belarusian rubles, which at the time the dispute began was equal to 30,000 dollars in equivalent, depreciated three times.