Amazing paper houses. Do-it-yourself New Year's house made of cardboard

New Year is not only a fun noisy holiday, it is also a wonderful time for children and their parents. This is the time for joint creativity with your child, this is the time for all kinds of crafts on the New Year theme and, most importantly, this is a wonderful time to decorate the house for the most long-awaited holiday.

Toddlers and grown-up children enjoy their own hands: hand-carved snowflakes and home-made toys. In the company of a child, you can make beautiful Christmas trees, gifts for family and friends, and a variety of elements of festive home decor. And we will give you one interesting idea, how you can stylishly and tastefully decorate your home for the New Year, as well as have fun and usefully spend time.

DIY New Year's house- this is a truly magnificent home interior decoration for the New Year 2019. Inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating such a home miracle, you can create several New Year's houses and give them to relatives or friends. If you arrange a flashlight or a garland inside the house, it will literally shine and give the New Year mood to everyone around!

To make a New Year's house you will need:

  • white cardboard;
  • paper;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue and glue stick;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • latex primer (you can do without it);
  • sequins;
  • dye;
  • decorations, small decor (balls, bells, tinsel, artificial snow, etc.).

Step 1. Print out a diagram of a house or draw a New Year's house of similar sizes on paper.

Step 2 You need to cut out all the details and glue them onto cardboard.

Step 3 Cut out all the details of the house from cardboard, and use a clerical knife to process all windows, doors and other details that require painstaking work.

Step 4 Fold all the details along the fold lines and glue.

Step 5 A latex primer can be applied to the house so that the house does not deform over time.

Step 6 Now paint your New Year's house.

Step 7 When the paint is completely dry, decorate the house to your taste. The house is ready!

We bring to your attention several schemes of beautiful houses for the New Year 2017. All you need is just to download your favorite pattern of a New Year's house and print it. And then you can cut, glue and decorate to your liking.

New Year's house with walls made of paper tubes

To make a paper Christmas house you will need:

  • thin paper;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • paints or markers;
  • all kinds of decorations.

Step 1. Each sheet or, equal in size to the others, a piece of the sheet you need to twist into a tube. For convenience, use a pencil (you need to wind paper on it).

Step 2 From the tubes, make four walls and two parts of the roof. Glue them together.

Step 3 Draw doors and windows on paper or cardboard, cut them out and glue them to the walls of the "pipe" New Year's house.

Step 4 It remains only to decorate the house and you can put it on a shelf or give it for the New Year!

To make a gingerbread house you will need:


  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • natural honey - ¾ st.;
  • butter 72-82% - 100 g;
  • sour cream 26% - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • vodka, rum or cognac - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices for gingerbread dough (optional) - ¾ tablespoons;
  • drinking water - ¼ st.;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Aising (glaze)

  • chicken egg protein - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar - 150-200 g.

You will also need paper, a pen and a ruler (for drawing and designing a house).

Scheme for the house

Step 1. Draw a template for a gingerbread house on a piece of paper (see photo).

Step 2 Cut out the pieces of the house.

Dough preparation

Step 1. Sift the flour through a sieve.

Step 2 Melt honey in water that has just been brought to a boil. Cool the mixture to a temperature of 40 degrees (not lower than 39 degrees) and add half of the sifted flour, mix everything thoroughly with a wooden spatula, avoid lumps.

Step 3 While the dough is cooling to room temperature, break the egg into a clean bowl and lightly mix it with a fork. When the dough has cooled, add the egg to it and mix.

Step 4 Add sour cream, alcohol, butter and gingerbread mixture to the dough.

Step 5 Knead the dough with the remaining flour and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa for mowing the dough.

Step 6 Mix thoroughly. The finished dough does not stick to the hands (only sticks to them slightly) and the work surface.

Step 7 Roll out the dough no more than 1 cm thick, apply a pattern and cut out the details of the New Year's house.

Step 8 In an oven preheated to 220 degrees, you need to bake all parts of the house for 10-12 minutes.

Cooking icing

Only 1 serving is listed in the ingredients. This house will require 3 servings (provided that the chicken egg is large).

Step 1. Proteins need to be mixed with a fork, but do not beat.

Step 2 Gradually add powdered sugar (2 teaspoons each) and mix with a fork.

Step 3 Ready glaze should drain from the fork (if the icing is too thick, add a little cold water, about 1 teaspoon).

Step 4 Decorate the already cooled roof cakes with icing. If desired, you can first make a stencil on a sheet of checkered paper, then make a cornet from food paper and fill it with icing (apply a mesh, wait until it cools down and apply a drawing).

Step 5 Cover all the details of the house with icing, helping yourself with a toothpick or stick, making circular movements for better distribution of icing. Glaze on the roof and walls is best left overnight until completely dry. In the morning, you can apply patterns of snowflakes or bead dots.

Step 6 On Christmas trees and other gingerbread figures, apply icing diluted with food coloring.

Building a Christmas gingerbread house

Step 1. Cut the edges of the walls slightly at an angle of 45 degrees to better connect them to each other.

Step 2 After applying the glaze to the seams of the walls, connect the house. Use cups of water to support the walls until the frosting sets.

Step 3 When the seams of the walls have hardened, attach the roof in the same way, substituting props so that it does not “leave”. After 4 hours, you can complete the decoration of the house at your discretion.

Step 4 It would be nice to make icicles with glaze by squeezing a thick drop onto the edge, and then stretching it along the length of the roof. Snowflakes can be made by first drawing them with icing on the film.

The gingerbread house is ready! It can be put on the festive table as the most delicious decoration of the New Year 2017.

Every child needs toys for their full development. You don't have to buy them from the store. It is enough to know how to make the same house with your own hands in order to please your baby with a new toy, with which he will fiddle and not make noise for a long time.

The most affordable material for manufacturing is cardboard, paper, plasticine. But you can also make a house out of pumpkins, chestnuts, zucchini, eggplant, clothespins and various shoe boxes, household appliances and appliances.

What kind of house can you make

You can see a lot of photos on the theme of crafts "House". The following wonderful toys for your child are made from improvised means:

  • Hut on Chicken Legs - from clothespins;
  • Hut of the Old Man-Lesovichka;
  • Hut in a clearing, decorated with chestnuts;
  • Forester's hut made of natural materials;
  • Build a pumpkin house
  • Using twigs, weave a teremok.

There are a lot of ideas and all kinds of instructions for making houses, fantasy is limitless. A little skill, patience - and the craft will be ready!

Consider the most popular models and try to make them together.

Understanding what these toys can be made of and how to start this simple process, you can make a work of art. Let the house be far from perfect the first time, but every time everything will turn out better and better!

A hut on chicken legs

Children love fairy tale characters. And they will be happy to help in making a house for their beloved Baba Yaga. For such a craft, we need the following components:

  • dried moss;
  • Open spruce or pine cones;
  • Pre-prepared (ironed) leaves;
  • dry berries;
  • Clothespins;
  • Plasticine;
  • Glue.

We make a Hut on Chicken Legs with our own hands

Let's show a simple scheme by which you can assemble this beautiful house for Baba Yaga. You can use other patterns, but this one is the simplest and will not cause difficulties in making either an adult or a child.

So, step by step instructions:

  • We disassemble the chips and glue the house. It is best to use "liquid nails" for this;
  • We install the assembled Hut of Baba Yaga on a cardboard, glue the space around it with moss;
  • Glue the berries on the roof. We also place the remains of moss there;
  • We paint the cones green, glue them also to the cardboard. These will be our Christmas trees;
  • We sculpt a variety of animals - bunnies, squirrels from plasticine.

The scenery and the creation of the atmosphere of a fairy-tale forest are important here, because we are creating the hut of Baba Yaga, which, according to the fairy tale, is located in a place inaccessible to outsiders.

Hut of the Old Man-Lesovichka

Making such a house together with a child can take several days. Such a joint pastime brings the parent and his child together. So what can such a craft be made of?

Let's list the main components that we need, and start the process:

  • You will need confectionery packaging from under the cake or cookies. We decorate it with the remnants of old wallpaper, create an autumn forest background. With the help of matches, acorns, cones, we make forest dwellers - Lesovichka himself and his friend hedgehog.
  • We make a house out of a kefir box, glue the walls themselves to create the effect of logs with large dill sticks. The hedgehog will live under stumps, which can be made from cut branches.
  • We make the path leading from the house to the pond with the help of colored semolina and bean grains. We create the effect of water with the help of colored paper, pebbles - with the help of plum stones.
  • We decorate the forest and the clearing with pieces of moss, dry twigs and leaves.

Hut in the meadow

We will conduct another master class on crafts on the theme "House". This time the design will be more complicated, and the pleasure can be stretched for a long time.

For this we need:

  • Scotch;
  • Cardboard box;
  • A couple of kilograms of chestnuts;
  • dry branches;
  • Glue;
  • Berries;
  • Pen;
  • Multi-colored fallen leaves;
  • Scissors;
  • Needles;
  • Wire.

Hut in the clearing: we make it step by step

We start the next production of crafts together with our child, we instill in him useful skills and curiosity.

We assemble this toy in the following sequence:

We make the foundation on which our house will stand. To do this, use a cardboard box. We prepare a square of 400x400 mm. We cut out the elements of the house from cardboard, connect them with adhesive tape. We attach to the base.

From pieces of snow-white paper we cut out windows and doors. Glue. Draw curtains by hand. We decorate all the walls with chestnuts. We make the design of the roof and the ground around the house, using colorful leaves, needles and berries.

Thus, it is possible to make a house from almost any material, connecting the necessary components into one with adhesive tape and glue. Or - cut from pumpkin, watermelon, zucchini, eggplant.

On the Internet there are many manuals and master classes on this topic. Many lessons are accompanied by excellent explanations of what and how to do in order to assemble a good and high-quality toy.

A new joint pastime will delight the child, and he will enthusiastically help in collecting it for a long time. And then - have fun playing!

Photo crafts houses

Master class "New Year's luminous house"

Perevodova Olga Vasilievna, teacher-defectologist of the Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 92" of the compensating type of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region
Purpose: The luminous house can be used by teachers, parents to decorate the interior of the room for the New Year, and it can also be used in various dramatization games to create a fabulous situation.
Target: development of artistic and creative abilities of teachers and parents, drawing attention to the creative design of the interior of the premises for the holiday.
I bring to your attention a master class on making a New Year's luminous house out of the box.
Necessary materials:
adhesive tape
cotton pads or synthetic winterizer
a piece of transparent cloth or paper
colored and white cardboard
glue ("Moment Crystal" transparent)
stationery knife
electric christmas garland

House building process:

Open the lid of the box, fasten it with adhesive tape.

Paste the box (except for the roof) with self-adhesive film on all sides.

Glue cotton pads on the eaves of the house (under the roof).

Make a ceiling by pasting cardboard of the appropriate size with a self-adhesive film.

Cut out window templates from cardboard. With their help, from 3 sides of the future house, outline the location of the windows. On the 4th side there will be a hole for the garland.

Carefully cut out the windows along the lines with a clerical knife. You can use a ruler so that the knife does not go to the side.

From transparent fabric (tulle) cut blanks (1 cm larger than windows) - these are “curtains”. Stick them on windows.

From cardboard or self-adhesive film, cut strips for the frame of each window (0.5 cm - a strip for the middle of the frame, 1 cm - for the edge). Glue the strips directly onto the tulle.

Cut strips 1 cm wide from white cardboard or self-adhesive film. Paste window frames with them - this is a “platband”.

Finish the roof. Paste it with cotton pads in a checkerboard pattern from the bottom up (if desired, cotton pads can be replaced with synthetic winterizer).

Through the hole in the back, put an electric Christmas tree garland into the house. With adhesive tape, it can be attached to the inside of the ceiling so that the light diverges more evenly.

Here's what the house turned out to be.

To create a winter composition using a luminous house, I needed Christmas trees, cones, a Snow Maiden doll on a sled, and birds.

I look at my luminous New Year's house, how it pleases the eye and cheers up!
I recommend not to turn on the garland for a long time in order to comply with fire safety rules.

Master classes: New Year's village, where there is a house made of paper tubes, Christmas trees made of paper and a snowman. And we also make a Christmas tree toy-house))

Amazing craft for kindergarten

We made this craft with my daughter in kindergarten. Many thanks to Watercolors for the idea and inspiration

The corrugated cardboard box was pasted over with double-sided tape, and logs from paper tubes were already attached to it.

It turned out like this "log"

Shorter tubes were glued in between

All the tubes were cut off, the ends were sealed with toilet paper and the walls were also glued with toilet paper to close all the holes and give texture

Here's what happened

Covered with double sided tape

They made a pipe, a ridge, a door and a visor above it. Everything from corrugated cardboard and toilet paper

This is already a clearing outline. The house was painted with gouache. The tree is a sprig of hawthorn, pasted over with toilet paper and painted with gouache. Berries will appear soon. Snowman made of balls crumpled from foil, pasted over with paper. Wire handles, toothpick nose. A bucket is a paper cylinder, pasted over with the same toilet paper. Colored balls - beads, pasted over with paper, were intended for Christmas trees, but turned out to be too big.

This is a closer skate and pipe

Drawn bricks, identified the door, "poured" snow. Something is already emerging...

And here is the finished field. More about Christmas trees below.

Christmas trees made of paper MK

I made such Christmas trees for the New Year in kindergarten.

We will need:

Thick paper for the frame of the Christmas tree

Toilet paper

PVA glue

Bandage or gauze

To begin with, from thick paper, we roll the bag to the size of the future Christmas tree, fasten it with a stapler in a couple of places and cut it so that it stands evenly. The frame is ready. Now it needs to be pasted over with toilet paper. Just smear with liquid PVA and apply paper, one layer is enough. Let the frame dry. I dried on the radiator.

Now we take a roll of toilet paper and tear off a piece about 30 cm long. Fold it three times lengthwise. We also bend the transverse edges to look neat.

From one edge (where the free edge of the paper remained) we coat with glue and put the tip on the cone.

We crush with a brush, coat with glue so that it does not fall off.

We begin to form folds.

When the first tier is ready, again carefully compress the junction with a brush with glue.

Then we cover the resulting frill with glue. Let's dry.

We repeat the same with the second and subsequent tiers of frills.

For a fortress, the finished Christmas tree can be smeared with glue again and dried.

Let's start painting. I usually paint with gouache. I take a small glass, pour some water into it and mix in gouache: black and several shades of green. There should not be too much black so as not to overlap the greens. Here I cover the Christmas tree with this thin paint. If the color is not saturated enough (liquid paint), you can paint the Christmas tree again after drying.

Now we take a piece of bandage, roll a lump out of it and lower it into a jar of white paint. We stamp our Christmas tree with white paint. There should not be too much paint on the bandage, you need to see its threads, otherwise everything will be smeared. It is better to first stamp on paper for control.

Now ours is covered with snow and it's time to hang balloons on it. I also make balls from toilet paper - they are light and stick well. For the ball, tear off a small piece of toilet paper, dip it in PVA so that it gets completely wet and roll the ball. We paint the dried ball and glue it on the Christmas tree.

Greetings. Dear guests of my blog!
After a long lull, I have a New Year craft for a school exhibition for my youngest daughter. The work gave me great pleasure, it completely coincided with my creative interests, namely, my passion for miniatures, toys and doll houses.

The work took about 10 days in tight mode + the last sleepless night)))

As usual, crafts from first-graders are mainly a competition of parental efforts and skills))) I could not miss this opportunity) Of course, my first-grader was eager to actively help, so I allocated her areas of work that were within her power to the best of her ability , and without prejudice to the overall look of the craft) Well, more on that later...

Ithaca, get ready for viewing, lovers of details) There will be a lot of photos (sorry for some working photos in a mess, I worked enthusiastically)))...

The size of the craft is about 60 X 18 X 27 cm
The topic is New Year's, I wanted to kill two birds with one stone: to make a room-roombox in the New Year's style, and to show winter snowy beauty, a courtyard ...
Therefore, I divided the craft into two parts conditionally by the wall of the house.

The room is bright and chic

And the courtyard sparkles with snow-white snow

One end of a DIY window at home

The other end is open for viewing

The basis of my craft was this old box from Katyusha's toy, which lay in the bins, waiting for its finest hour)
For a long time I could not decide on the size and shape, but when I saw this box, all thoughts immediately fell into place)

I removed the plastic, and everything else - size and shape, graceful cutouts - I decided to leave everything like that.

Beautiful monograms on the box immediately attracted my attention, so just in case, I decided to keep their appearance on tracing paper (sorry for the crumpled tracing paper - what was at hand)

Preparing a box for decoration is a boring task :(
I pasted all the joints, bumps and ends with paper masking tape - a great thing!)

At the end of the box, I cut a window opening and pasted over the ends with adhesive tape (why - I don’t know - they weren’t visible in the future)

In places where it was necessary to make beautiful small bends (on the front, for example), I used white glue laminated paper.

Let's try a cardboard partition - a wall with an entrance door between the street and the room

The door just cut through - did without hinges

The walls of the room are pasted over with beautiful white wrapping paper with a small golden pattern, I already used it last year for the New Year's house in the garden here
The paper is glued with a glue stick, applied it to the box - so thin paper does not get wet and lays down evenly.

I made a New Year's border at the top of the walls.
I cut a napkin with a New Year's theme into strips and pasted it on white paper using decoupage. Then she pasted paper strips with a pattern on the walls.
At first, a curb was planned only on the back wall, but plans changed along the way ...

The door was first painted with brown acrylic paint.

I glued strips of brown veneer on the floor, imitating a plank floor (you can see it in more detail in other photos)

According to the shape of the doorway, I made door trims (internal and external) from cardboard, painted with the same brown acrylic.

Then, on the door on both sides with Moment-gel glue, I glued wooden slats from a Chinese napkin under hot.

This is what the front door looks like.

At this stage, the partition wall has not yet been installed in place to make it more convenient to work with its design.

We tint the door with a dry piece of foam rubber. We lightly dip the foam rubber into the paint and apply a little on the surface of the wooden slats with light strokes. It turns out the effect of an aged tree.

We make brickwork on the wall.
To do this, I cut rectangles of 2.5 X 1.5 cm from thin but dense corrugated cardboard, pasted them in the form of brickwork with small gaps.
Then, with the help of a piece of foam rubber, she painted and toned the bricks, using brown acrylic paint and white gouache in different proportions.

Now you can install the wall.

The door opens.
For the pen I used a plastic ring on a leather strap. This little thing was found in my bins, I don’t even know what it came from, but it fit perfectly.

The back wall in the street part of the craft was pasted over with white voluminous wallpaper. They sometimes come across stars that glow in the dark, but, in my opinion, they do not spoil the overall look.

At the front door there is a small semicircular step, such as a porch)

I outlined the future step in front of the door and made it in size from cardboard. Very conveniently laid out around the rounding of a piece of the cut reel from the used adhesive tape

For snow on the ground in the yard, I used white foam material, which is put in boxes in household appliances or used for some purpose in repairs - I don’t know - there was a piece. It was about 2 cm thick, I cut it lengthwise to make it thinner. It didn't turn out exactly right, but it worked out for me. Very similar to snow.

Cut out in the form of a patio

I glued "snow" on the bottom of the box with hot glue, after cutting out a place under the step in the snow

The masonry step is glued into place.

And now the most interesting! Snow!!!
Gouache of medium humidity is applied to a small piece of dry foam rubber and with light strokes we imitate a snowball on the walls, doors, steps, etc.

The top of the wall seemed unfinished to me.
I cut out a roof from a strip of red corrugated cardboard, making teeth along the edge.
I glued the upper part of the roof to the wall, and so that the lower part lagged behind the wall, I glued a sushi stick between the roof and the wall - a three-dimensional roof turned out.

She put snow on the roof.
So much better.)

Let's leave the courtyard for now and return to the room.

For the window opening, I cut out 2 frames (the width of the rails is 1 cm), the size of which is 0.5 cm larger than the window opening.
Painted with white gouache.

According to the size of the window opening, I cut out transparent plastic from the package (it is 0.5 cm smaller on each side than the frame).
I glued the glass on the back of the outer frame, then glued the frame on the window from the outside.
I glued the second frame (without glass) from the inside.

Here is the view of the room at this stage.
I decided to extend the New Year's border to the right and left, because view is not finished

For the window sill I used a plastic corner

There wasn’t enough Christmas tree border on this wall, so here are gifts)))

Wonderful curtains with a golden pattern used to be a gift bag.
A barbecue stick and two beads are a cornice.
She hemmed the top of the curtain and threaded a cornice into the resulting drawstring.

Decor on the windows - a string of beads and openwork white lace on the bottom of the glass.

I glued such a construction from cardboard, the top is fiberboard. Painted.

Then these wonderful wooden products went into action)))

I cut out more beautiful and symmetrical shapes on clothespins with a clerical knife.
Then I painted it with brown acrylic, sanded the ends with sandpaper and glued it on.. It turned out to be an excellent vintage decor on the fireplace.

Wooden slats from Chinese napkins supported the style.

An old metal buckle from stocks came in handy for the fireplace grate)

I went over the worn ends with a little gold acrylic paint for gloss, opened it with acrylic varnish.
The end of the pedestal was laid out with bricks, later toned.

Christmas garland for mood)

From the inside, I glued all the surfaces of the fireplace with red melalized paper to reflect the light in the fireplace

From 3 strips of cardboard I made a chimney, painted, glued bricks (1 X 2 cm), painted them and toned them with paint.

Here's the design.

I printed out a photo of the fire in the fireplace from the Internet and pasted it on the wall behind the fireplace.

Mantel clock - a printout from the Internet in white, pasted on red. and then on a gold self-adhesive. And all this on a cardboard circle. The middle is painted.
A gold bow with balls-beads gave the fireplace a festive look.

By the way, it's a beautiful shot. To create it, I held the camera with one hand, and with the other I shone a flashlight on the fireplace and Christmas tree)))

The firewood in the fireplace is real, lightly sprinkled with red and golden sparkles.
The fire is also real. My brother put an electric light on the fireplace. But more on that later...

The horse is a wooden button. Herringbone - a wooden figurine from a bead store (I pasted it on a button, like on a stand), decorated it with a mother-of-pearl bead.

On the left is a toy figure, on the right is a real candle in a homemade candlestick.

Decor on a green branch - flowers and stars - Easter powder.

Felt boots - from a decorative felt napkin for creativity.

You can warm yourself by the fireplace in a cozy armchair. The prototype of this chair was a toy chair from my childhood, which is in my house for Mishutka (see my blogs)

I cut out the back from cardboard and painted it.
The seat is upholstered in fabric. having laid a synthetic winterizer.
I assembled the structure by gluing a wooden rail under the seat. Soft pillow under the back

I glued a thread of small beads and a golden twisted cord along the edge of the back. The beads are dyed gold.

The picture on the wall is a clipping from a magazine - an old New Year's card. Taken in a frame made of wooden lath. The frame is painted and toned in gold.

Lamp on the wall made of beads and accessories for jewelry. Everything is strung on wire.
In this form, it seemed unfinished to me, so already on the wall I attached a chain to it, such as a switch.

Entrance door and casing are varnished. On the door there is a wooden New Year's deer)

As I wrote above, the door opens outward

Well, what is the New Year without a beautiful Christmas tree!

The Christmas tree was made from twigs from a small shapeless Chinese Christmas tree.
Decorated with beads, golden sequins in the form of flowers, shiny tinsel and sprinkled with sparkles. Top of different gold beads.

On the window toys

Lights sparkle, and under the Christmas tree Santa Claus with gifts

Look at the flame!

So, I will continue the tour)

In the courtyard, I made a fence of ice cream sticks and slats from a Chinese wooden napkin.
The parts are painted red, sanded at the ends for a slightly aged effect and glued with Moment-Gel glue.

Of course, there should be a bench next to the house.
I made it from wooden ice cream sticks, sugar stirring sticks and pieces of barbecue sticks.

After two repaints, I got such a bench, the color of which I didn’t really like, so in the future it was finalized further

They made a snowman in the yard)
Katyusha also actively participated in its manufacture.

Two styrofoam balls were connected together with a toothpick and hot glue.

From a strip of cardboard with the help of a stapler, I made a rim according to the volume of the snowman's head.

Red thread cut into pieces. Then Katyusha, folding each thread in half, strung the threads with loops on the rim.

The hat is almost ready.
I glued it to the head and gathered the threads into one bundle. She trimmed the resulting bubo with scissors.

The scarf was woven from 4 threads using the Macrame method (I remembered my childhood hobby)

This is how handsome he ended up.

The handles are made from real twigs. Only now I noticed that everything around was covered with snow, and the snowman was like new. Gotta fix it.)

The eyes and buttons are sequins, the nose is the sharpened tip of a barbecue stick, painted to match the color of a carrot.

Using hot glue and a toothpick, I installed the snowman in place.

I scattered foam snowballs around the snowman, fixing them with hot glue.

A tree and a bush made from real branches. She formed a tree, fastened the branches with hot glue, wrapped the trunk with a napkin and glued it with PVA, when it dried up, she painted over the tree and the bush with one brown tone of acrylic paint.

I "planted" the plants in the yard on hot glue, having previously made holes in the "snow" for "planting".

Attached a New Year's wreath to the front door of the house.

Wreath, bow and bell from an old souvenir. put in order, bound with a gold cord, decorated with flower sequins and sweet multi-colored balls - Easter powder.
Everything was "powdered" with snow from white gouache.

Beautiful, but clearly missing a lantern.

To help, as always in matters of electrification of my crafts, my brother came

From champagne wire, a plastic cap, parts from a laser pointer and a golden bead, my brother and I made such a lantern. Inside there is an LED bulb that shines with white light - just what you need to emphasize the whiteness of the snow.

The lantern was installed and some details were tinted with gold in one.

The wires go back. A battery is installed on the back of the craft

The reverse side of the craft is pasted over with white self-adhesive paper. Under it we hid the wires.

Not only the lantern is powered by this battery, but also the light bulb in the fireplace.
The general lighting in the room with LED strip, as I wanted, did not work out - there were no necessary materials.

The design is not very elegant, but that's all they could do on the last night before the delivery of the "object")))

Here is a design made by my brother in haste. Not very aesthetic, but strong)
With one flick of the switch, we turn on both the lantern and the fireplace.

The lantern shines brightly and decorates the craft very much

A friend suggested a great idea about snow, which she got from the Internet.
Fine white salt is mixed with PVA glue into a thick slurry and applied. You can also sprinkle some salt on top.

I lightly applied such a “snowball” with a brush on all surfaces: on a wreath, a door, architraves, a roof, a lantern, trees, a fence, etc. Such snow looked very natural at the junctions of walls and earth, along the edge of a step, along a fence, etc.
At first I was not impressed, but the result after drying exceeded all expectations. While the glue mixture was still wet, I rubbed all the snowiness a little with small silver sparkles. It turned out great!!!
At the slightest light, especially artificial, the snow plays like on a frosty day, you can hear a crunch under your feet...

The bench acquired its final form when it was decently covered with snow)

The entire craft box was pasted over with white glossy glue paper on top.

From the end of the box along the curly cutout, I smeared it with glue, and sprinkled it with sparkles on top.

Then, on the threads along the top of the neckline, she hung foam balls at different levels, also sprinkling them with slightly silvery sparkles.
It turned out unusual. The idea came spontaneously, and I am very happy with it.

The other end of the box is designed like a wall of a house with a window.

There is brickwork on the wall, and at the top there is a roof - everything is the same as on the wall with a door.

On all surfaces I walked with foam rubber with white gouache.

A strip of foam is glued on the bottom, like snow in the yard. From above, at its transition to the wall, I applied snow from PVA and salt.

With the same snow from PVA and salt, she covered the platbands on the windows, the roof and a little wall. And all a little silvery sequins.
It turned out great.

By the time the handicrafts are handed over, i.e. by morning, my work looked like this.

Haven't been able to do anything else. And there are still a lot of ideas, as always.
But then it turned out that the works for the exhibition would be exhibited after school hours, so I had a couple of hours to spare.
So I did some work.